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Instructions: Show your solutions to the following problems. Write your answers in LETTER SIZED (8.5 x 11) BOND PAPERS. Due on 17 January 2012 at 8:30 AM. 1. A mixture weighing 7.290 mg contained only cyclohexane, C 6H12 (FM 84.159), and oxirane, C2H4O (FM 44.053). When the mixture was analyzed by combustion analysis, 21.999 mg of CO2 (FM 44.010) were produced. Find the weight percent of oxirane in the mixture. 2. Consider a mixture of the two solids BaCl22H2O (FM 244.26) and KCl (FM 74.551), in an unknown ratio. When the unknown is heated to 160C for 1 hr, the water of crystallization is driven off. A sample originally weighing 1.783 g weighed 1.562 g after heating. Calculate the weight percent of Ba, K, and Cl in the original sample. 3. A commercial algaecide containing an organocopper compound was treated with concentrated nitric acid and evaporated to dryness. After dissolution of the residue, the copper was precipitated with -benzoin oxime. If the sample weighed 15.443 g and the precipitate of Cu(C 14H12NO2)2 weighed 0.6314 g, calculate the % Cu in the algaecide. 4. A 2.446-g sample thought to contain only one volatile substance, MgCO 3, was heated in a nitrogen atmosphere for 30 min. After cooling, the residue weighed 2.216 g. Calculate the percentage of magnesium carbonate in the sample. 5. What weight of sample containing 8.00 % Fe3O4 must be taken to obtain a precipitate of Fe(OH) 3 that, when ignited to Fe2O3, weighs 150 mg? 6. An organic pesticide (MW 183.7) is 8.43% Cl. A 0.627-g sample containing the pesticide plus inert material containing no chloride was decomposed with metallic sodium in alcohol. The liberated chloride ion was precipitated as AgCl weighing 0.0831 g. Calculate the percentage of pesticide in the sample. 7. An antacid tablet weighing 3.084 g was dissolved and diluted to 100.0 mL in a volumetric flask. A 25.00-mL aliquot was removed and treated with sufficient 8-hydroxyquinoline to precipitate all of the aluminum and magnesium. After proper collection and drying, this precipitate weighed 1.7748 g. Another 25.00-mL aliquot of the sample was treated with enough ammonia to precipitate just Al(OH)3. After ignition at 800C, this precipitate weighed 0.1167 g. Calculate the % Al and % Mg in the antacid. 8. If 0.8000 g of a mineral yields 0.2400 g of NaCl + KCl, and this mixture contains 58.00% of Cl, what is the percentage of Na2O and K2O in the mineral? 9. In the gravimetric determination of barium as BaCrO4, what weight of sample must be taken so that the weight of the precipitate in milligrams multiplied by 100 will equal the % Ba in the sample? 10. Man in the vat problem. Long ago, a workman at a dye factory fell into a vat containing a hot concentrated mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids. He dissolved completely! Because nobody witnessed the accident, it was necessary to prove that he fell in so that the mans wife could collect his insurance money. The man weighed 70 kg, and a human body contains ~6.3 parts per thousand (mg/g) phosphorus. The acid in the vat was analyzed for phosphorus to see whether it contained a dissolved human. (a) The vat contained 8.00 103 L of liquid, and a 100.0-mL sample was analyzed. If the man did fall into the vat, what is the expected quantity of phosphorus in 100.0 mL? (b) The 100.0-mL sample was treated with a molybdate reagent that caused ammonium phosphomolybdate, (NH4)3[P(Mo12O40)]12H2O, to precipitate. This substance was dried at 110C to remove waters of hydration and heated to 400C until it reached a constant composition corresponding to the formula P 2O524MoO3 (FM 3596.46), which weighed 0.3718 g. When a fresh mixture of the same acids (not from the vat) was treated in the same manner, 0.0331 g of P2O524MoO3 was produced. This blank determination gives the amount of phosphorus in the starting reagents. How much phosphorus was present in the 100.0-mL sample? Is this quantity consistent with a dissolved man?

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