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8th January 2012

With reference to the meeting at Sri Ganesh Jis house, the following points are discussed on 8th January 2012: Attendees for the meeting: Ganesh Naik, Nagaratna, Chego, Siddaiah, Haribabu, Kulkarni, Sanjay Agarwala, Shashank, Sheshagiri, Shashi, Kumar Shastri, Madhu, Vikky, Praveen, and Kurnool Student. Siddaiah started the proceedings by explaining the agenda of the meeting, they are: 1. Identifying five responsible volunteers for five main activity groups. 2. Discussion on forming of association of persons. 3. Finalizing the accounts of December 27th event. 1. Identification of five volunteers: The responsibilities taken by five volunteers are as follows: 1. Mr Kumar Shastri will take responsibility of Communication activities. ( Assisted by already existing channels). Viz-a-viz ; sms ; email, & web page partners. 2. Mr Sanjay will take the responsibility of all Finance related activities. 3. Mr Chego will take the responsibility of all activities related to Logistics. 4. Mr Deepak will take the responsibility of external communications. 5. Mr Vikki will take the responsibility of publicity / awareness activities. The above mentioned volunteers are the single point contact for all subsequent/secondary activities under each main activity. Any volunteers to share, contribute, participate or know information should contact only the above five activities. These five volunteers need to arrange a meeting among themselves and meet Mr Bhujania, Mr Raju and Cpt. Rao and can discuss the next course of action. The volunteer responsible for the main activity to form/identify volunteers for subsequent/secondary activity under each category. The volunteers responsible for subsequent/secondary activities should communicate only to their main activity core volunteer. If there is any need arises to communicate a volunteer responsible for subsequent/secondary in one group with other group core or subsequent/secondary group volunteers he/she should communicate only through their core volunteer responsible for their group.

To see Core activities and subsequent activities click on the icon.

IAC Hyd Structure J an 8.jpg

Communication with Delhi and Media management are to be incorporated in any one of the five activities in consultation with the 3 gentlemen in the next meeting.

2) Formation of association of persons: Mr Sanjay Agarwala explained about the importance of forming association of person and its necessity. Mr Sanjay will discuss the same with 5 core volunteers and proceeds with the formation of association of persons. The details of association of persons in comparison with other options are given in the excel sheet to see details click on the icon.

Models4fundCollectio n.xls

3. Accounts: The accounts for the month ending December is announced and to see the details
Dec27-28_Dharna Chowk Event-1.pdf

click on the icon 4. Other Points: It is also decided that all the volunteers need to send email contacts form each of their contact list and a information mail to be sent to them, by which our email contact database can be expanded and we can reach to more people. It is also decided that the mail volunteers (who are active not more than 20 members) to meet once in a month and a separate meeting with all volunteers need to be conducted on regular basis.

The meeting is adjoined to meet again after these five volunteers meet and decide the future course of action.

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