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Gypsum Firewalls and Other Gypsum Board Construction Facts

OBOA AMTS DEERHURST 6 October 2009 Bob Mercer CGC Inc.

History of the 2005 Change Discussions at the SC-FSO Attributes of a Firewall Alternative Solutions Applicability to End Use Open Discussion on Gypsum Construction/Installation Issues.

NBCC 2005 Code Cycle SC-Fire Safety & Occupancy Deliberated the proposal at 4 separate meetings Work group struck to identify the intent of the prescriptive provision 30 year track record in the USA Objective based Code captures intent, function and attributes rather than a laundry list of prescriptive solutions

3.1.10. Firewalls of Firewall Collapse 1) Except as permitted by Sentence (2), the connections and supports for structural framing members that are connected to or supported on a firewall and have a fire-resistance rating less than that required for the firewall, shall be designed so that the failure of the framing systems during a fire will not affect the integrity of the firewall during the fire. 2) Sentence (1) does not apply to a firewall consisting of two separate wall assemblies each tied to its respective building frame but not to each other, provided each wall assembly is a) a fire separation having one half of the fire-resistance rating required for the firewall by Sentences and (2), and b) designed so that the collapse of one wall assembly will not cause collapse of the other. 3) A firewall is permitted to be supported on the structural frame of a building of noncombustible construction provided the supporting frame has a fireresistance rating not less than that required for the firewall. 4)Piping, ducts and totally enclosed noncombustible raceways shall be installed so that their collapse will not cause collapse of the firewall. of Firewalls 1) A firewall that separates a building or buildings with floor areas containing a Group E or a Group F, Division 1 or 2 major occupancy shall be constructed as a fire separation of noncombustible construction having a fire-resistance rating not less than 4 h, except that where the upper portion of a firewall separates floor areas containing other than Group E or Group F, Division 1 or 2 major occupancies, the fire-resistance rating of the upper portion of the firewall is permitted to be not less than 2 h. 2) A firewall that separates a building or buildings with floor areas containing major occupancies other than Group E or Group F, Division 1 or 2 shall be constructed as a fire separation of noncombustible construction having a fireresistance rating not less than 2 h. 3) Except as permitted by Sentence (4), the required fire-resistance rating of a firewall, except for closures, shall be provided by masonry or concrete. 4) A firewall permitted to have a fire-resistance rating not more than 2 h need not be constructed of masonry or concrete, provided a) the assembly providing the fire-resistance rating is protected against damage that would compromise the integrity of the assembly, and b) the design conforms to Article (See Appendix A.)

A- Construction Inherent in the use of a firewall is the intent that this specialized wall construction provide the required fire-resistance rating while also being designed to resist physical damagearising out of normal usethat would compromise the rating of the assembly. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by prescribing the use of noncombustible materials, which was in fact restricted to concrete or masonry. Sentences and (4) are intended to retain both of the characteristics of firewalls, while permitting greater flexibility in the use of materials and designs. The fire-resistance rating and damage protection attributes of a firewall may be provided by a single fire- and damage-resistant material such as concrete or masonry, by a fire- and damage-resistant membrane on a structural frame, or by separate componentsone that provides the fire-resistance rating and another one that protects the firewall against damage. If the firewall is composed of separate components, the fire-resistance rating of the fire-resistive component needs to be determined for this assembly on its own. In addition, if the damage protection component is physically attached to the fireresistive component (for example, as a sacrificial layer), then for the purposes of determining the overall performance of the assembly, it is also necessary to determine through testing whether failure of the damage protection component during a fire affects the performance of the fire-resistive component. (See Appendix A.) 1)Firewalls shall be designed to resist the maximum effect due to a) the appropriate lateral design loads prescribed elsewhere in this Section, or b) a factored lateral load of 0.5 kPa under fire conditions, as described in Sentence (2). 2)Under fire conditions, where the fire-resistance rating of the structure is less than that of the firewall, a) lateral support shall be assumed to be provided by the structure on one side only, or b) another structural support system capable of resisting the loads imposed by a fire on either side of the firewall shall be provided.

A- on Firewalls Information on loads on firewalls can be found in the Commentary entitled Structural Integrity of Firewalls in the User's Guide NBC 2005, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).

ULC W314 2 Hour Assembly Rating 120 min Finish Rating

Design No. W314 June 07, 2006

(For Vertical Separations) Assembly Rating - 2 h Finish Rating - 120 min

Design No. W314 June 07, 2006

(For Vertical Separations) Assembly Rating - 2 h Finish Rating - 120 min


Gypsum board systems are up to 80% lighter than alternative systems. Allows building structures to be made from less massive materials. Can reduce turnaround and lower construction costs, especially in tall buildings.


Certain board systems can be installed year-round. Gypsum board requires no cure time. Allows construction to proceed uninterrupted.

All Weather Construction Simple / Quick Installation Erection Sequences w/ Framing No Scaffolding Required Accommodates Setbacks & Offsets Low Labor & Material Costs Up to 4 Stories High (44)


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