Remodeling - Re-Evaluation of HR Events

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Platform of Ernest Matthew V. Austria.

Candidate for Assistant Vice President, Human Resources Department Remodeling - Re-Evaluation of HR Events The Orsem Department Talk is the first project of the HR department that serves as a way to welcome to the new Communication Majors into the school and at the same time introduces ACOMM to them. I believe that this year the orsem dept talk did a better job than the dept talk during my first year in college. The stalking method and the promotions was an effective way that made the freshmen excited for the dept talk. But not everyone was able to receive the teaser promos. I believe that if the PROs and not just the PMs helped out, then the stalking method will work effectively. Another way could be if we tap in to other social networks like twitter, we can promote the event more and even encourage the freshmen to participate actively in ACOMM. With the participation of the members of the HR department, it serves as a bonding activity for the department as well. The 1st General Assembly is one of the first activities of the HR Department wherein the members of the whole organization gets to interact with each other and get to know the different departments officers. But in the past two years in ACOMM, I noticed that most of the members who attended the GA were freshmen and a few upper batch students. But because of the incentives, the ACOMM membership card and the free pizza after the program the GA was a hit. But I believe that if the PROs of the upper batch promote and encourage their blockmates through facebook, text and by word of mouth then the number of attendees could increase because they are aware of the event. The 2nd General Assembly is the event of the HR department wherein the organization gives recognition to the members who have performed excellently during the first semester. But I noticed that in the second GA the number of attendees was less than the number of attendees in the first GA. I think it is because most of the people who attended the GA were the ones who were active during the first semester. Even the incentive of free pizza didnt work this time. But if we have incentives like a reward such as free pizza for the block, or recognition of the block with the most number of attendees like Block of the Month or Best ACOMM Block. I believe that these incentives will attract the members to attend the GA. HR DEPT The PROs are the bridge of ACOMM to the different Communication blocks. It is a big responsibility that requires determination and dedication. This year the PRO of the Month Strategy was very encouraging to the PROs but sadly it wasnt maintained as the year progressed. I noticed as well that some of the PROs this year were not visible at all. Some of the PROs were only present at the events they headed. I believe that HR should promote a point system wherein we award visibility points to the PROs who attend each event of ACOMM. This will also be used as a basis to determine the PRO of the Month aside from their work performance. A PRO who receives the PRO of the Month recognition will receive a small token to show that we appreciate and congratulate them for their hard work for ACOMM. Lastly, during the Summer and Midyear PLEVSEM I noticed that there is an activity that was only for the VPs and AVPs. So I want to make an activity wherein the PROs and the PMs can develop their leadership skills that will help them once they begin heading their projects. At the same time it will keep them busy while the VPs and AVPs are having their own activity.

In order to keep the HR department more united, I want to hold monthly HR meetings that will keep each member updated with ACOMM matters. At the same time the meeting will be a chance for the PROs to share news about themselves and updates about their block as well. This year I noticed that most of the ACOMM matters were posted in Google Docs. I found it very confusing to use because the information in the google doc can change anytime when someone aside from you is using the doc. Next year I want ACOMM to use the Dropbox application. Dropbox is a file sharing application that can be accessed online or offline, which will make the files more accessible to all the members of ACOMM. This year, I noticed that most if not all of us rely too much on Facebook, and other social networking sites to promote the events and to spread information to the members. But the thing is not everyone goes online on Facebook everyday. I want to make email blasts the main method to promote and to share information from ACOMM to its members. In a way the email blasts gives a more personal touch in the way we promote events. But if we do use facebook as a method I want to utilize the ACOMM account more and to create an ACOMM group for all the batches. The groups can also be a place where the ACOMM batchmates can interact with each other. Compacting- Possible HR Events As part of the Human Resources Department, the goals that I want the members to have through our projects would be to strengthen the bonds and to instill a sense of family among the members of ACOMM, to instill the core values that the HR Department wants each member to have, and to strengthen inter-department relationships.

Nothing beats a good old food fest. The monthly picnics will serve as a way for the members of ACOMM to bond and to just chill in the ACOMM room. Bring your own food (BYOF) or assign food per department (Potluck party). Can serve as a Birthday celebration for all the celebrants of the month. Gives a chance for the members to bond and at the same time utilize the ACOMM room.

Healthy Living is the way to go. The ACOMM Fitness Training aims to promote healthy living to its members through exercise. Once a week, the members (all members not just EB) of the org will workout together. The sports can be Basketball, Volleyball, Frisbee, and Jogging around Campus. This event will serve as preparation for the EB-Core Sportsfest. The event serves to instill the core values that HR plans to have o a sense of teamwork and trust in the field of athletics. o Being open to try new things specifically different sports. o Being able to communicate with one another through sports. o The event shows the care and concern of HR for the members of its members. Making its members aware that HEALTHY LIVING through exercise is the way to go. o At the same time, the event shows perseverance, drive, motivation, and dedication to have a healthier lifestyle. o Lastly the event can teach the members how to properly manage their schedule if they participate. Can be practice for IAC games as well.

Nothing like a good movie to end your hard and stressful week. The EB-Core Movie Night serves as an event to give time for the EB-Core members to relax and to bond through a movie. A movie list will be uploaded on the Facebook group and the EB-Core will vote on a movie that they would like to watch. ACOMM Alumni will be invited to the event to strengthen alumni relations. Whos up for some friendly competition? The ACOMM EB-Core Sportsfest is the culminating activity for the ACOMM Fitness Training wherein we get to see if all our hard work paid off. Through a series of games that will test the physical abilities of the EB-Core members. The culminating activity for the ACOMM Fitness Training The EB-Core members will be divided into teams (teams will depend on the number of people attending the event) and will compete with each other in various sports. Winning teams will earn a prize and bragging rights. The values that will be learned are similar to the ACOMM Fitness Training. o Also to instill the value of sportsmanship among competitors. Encourage alumni to join in the even. o Building and strengthening alumni relations Communication Majors can do ANYTHING! The ACOMM Singing Group is a chance to show the Ateneo community that not only can ACOMM members dance, act, talk, but they can sing too. There will be a point person that will handle the group. Can serve as an income generating activity for ACOMM. Caroling during Christmas. The group will send out solicitation letters to be given out to the families of ACOMM members. Asking if they can sing in their homes and request a donation from the families. The money collected will be divided amongst the org. A percentage goes to ACOMM and a percentage goes to the group for the groups use. The event serves to instill the core values that HR plans to have through the following: o To show and to make the people aware of the other talents of the communication majors. o To show that ACOMM members are able to communicate through the field of music, specifically through singing. o To motivate members of ACOMM to share their talents and at the same time show ACOMM members that ACOMM is always open for them to share their talents and skills. Not necessarily singing. o Just like any other commitment, members of the group must learn to dedicate and manage their time once they join. At the same time, members must learn to persevere so that they can become even more than they expected. o For the group to work efficiently, everyone must learn to trust, care, and show concern for every member of the group. They are one group, one team that will have to work together in order to achieve their goal, which is to communicate through music.

COMMpacted- HR Core Values As members of The Association of Communication Majors and Communication Majors we must always be well rounded and COMMpacted people. And as part of the Human Resources Department it is our mission and duty to always keep its members competent and COMMpacted students.

C-communication: It is always important that each member of an organization is able to convey and to share his or her opinion. Therefore as communication majors, it is expected that we are capable of speaking up and communicating with each other without any fear of conflicts. Here in HR I believe that communication among its members can lead to success with its projects. And at the same time create a healthy and peaceful environment wherein the ACOMM members can interact and work properly and efficiently. O-openness: Nobody likes an unwelcoming organization. Here in HR we are the exact opposite. I will do my best to welcome all of ACOMMs members, creating a welcoming environment for anyone who wishes to be part of something new. ACOMM is always OPEN to its members M-motivation: As a member of the HR Department, I must be able to motivate and inspire each member of the organization, to be competent people who aspire for the best. Through the many projects that HR has to offer to its members it will encourage and motivate the members to participate more in the projects of ACOMM. M-management: I believe that management is the key in any successful project. Here in HR, we do our best to keep everything and everyone in order. Through the projects of HR, we ensure that the members of the organization will teach them how to manage their skills in doing projects for ACOMM. P-perseverance: As a member of the HR department I am ready to take on any challenge that I will face no matter what delay comes my way. I as a member of the HR family will do my best to overcome any challenge for the benefit of ACOMM. A-awareness: In HR, I believe that it is our job to keep everyone updated with all the upcoming events and information about the organization. Through the help of ACOMMs motivated and driven Public Relations Officers (PRO) of the HR department, all the information will keep ACOMM visible to all its members. C-care and concern: Here in HR, were all about family, and just like any other family, it is important that I and my fellow HR members show care and concern for each member of the ACOMM family. The HR Department and I will always be there for the members of ACOMM. T-trust and teamwork: In any department, in order for any of its project to be successful it is always important that all of its members trust each other and work together. Here in HR, I believe that we strive to unite all of the organizations members to ensure that projects will go smoothly without any error and wherein each member can rely on his or her partners. Here in HR, Nobody Gets Left Behind. E-efficient: Efficiency is the key that holds all of these values together. As a member of the HR department, I will do my best to perform and execute each project properly and efficiently. D-driven and dedicated: As members of ACOMM, we are all driven and dedicated individuals who want the best for the organization. Here in HR, I will ensure that the members of ACOMM are driven to reach their greatest potential and dedication in their work, but at the same time enjoying what they are doing. Here in HR I believe that we love and enjoy everything that we do.

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