Platform - Alex Mendoza For Finance AVP

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Forward Finance The platform of Alexandra Mendoza: aspiring

candidate for the position of Associate Vice President for Finance The Finance Department has done good work and has helped keep ACOMM on its feet. With its practical and efficacious manner of carrying out its duties and upholding its policies, it must be said that it is a pillar of integrity and an integral part of the organization. In the spirit of dynamism and in order to continue to give the organization the very best, I would like to forward the expansion, renewed presence, improved policy, and fund generation.

Opening Membership
Right now the Finance Department is a rather small unit and given that its role in the organization is of considerable importance, an expansion might be in order. I propose that six to ten slots be opened up for members of the organization with enough attitude and aptitude for finance. A screening process will be created in order to determine who will be given positions as Finance Representatives. This will not only open up opportunities for ACOMM members, but it will also provide the department with invaluable assistance throughout the year.

Finance Representatives
Finance Representatives will each be assigned to one of ACOMMs projects and they will be put in charge of the pecuniary concerns. Members will be assigned either to one of the larger-scale projects, like the Social Media Summit, or two or the smallerscale projects, like I Have Kwento and Fieldwork. This is to ensure that their skills will be put to good use and that the work load will be evenly distributed among Finance Reps. They will also be in charge of updating their team and the Finance Department on all matters concerning the budget, thereby also serving as a links between the department and each and every project. This is in an endeavor to promote good budgeting and record keeping, and to keep spending in check.

Workshops and Training

Much like how Project Managers and Assistants have the PMAT to train them, the Finance Representatives will also have workshops and training sessions as it is important that they know about the important procedures and will know what to do once they do begin performing their duties. There will be two workshops (one at the beginning of each semester) that will focus on the technical side finance, school protocol, allocating budgets, and the like. These serve to help the Finance Representatives find their footing and do their jobs well throughout the year.

Budget allocations and the budget itself are important issues that ought to be discussed and discussed and discussed. So that they are kept at the forefront of everyones minds, I suggest a series of meetings.

Monthly Meetings
The Finance Department will hold a meeting with its members where reports will be given on their progress, set-backs they might be encountering, and other ideas and concerns they wish to bring up. A separate meeting will be held between the AVP and the VP to discuss matters concerning the department. These will also serve to foster cooperation and aid in the evaluation and development of performance.

Aside from meetings, a Facebook or Yahoo group could also serve as an avenue to disseminate information, track progress, and voice concerns between members.

Present and Accounted For

To make absolute sure that the presence of the Finance Department and more importantly the Code of Financial Procedures is felt, I propose that the VP and/or the AVP for Finance be present at the project consultations at the beginning of the year, at the major team meetings during the planning and execution phases or the project, and at the post-project evaluations. This is also so the VP and AVP can make sure the Code of Financial Procedures is being upheld and to double check whether or not the budget is being observed by the Project Managers and the Finance Representatives.

Improving Policy
I am of the belief that our Code of Financial Procedures and its implementation are of a very high standard has been very well done. In an endeavor to maintain these standards, a review and revision might be called for. Certain procedures might be updated to promote efficiency and to adapt to recent changes in the organization. One change could be shortening the period for submitting the final budget from one month to maybe a week or two weeks before an event to ensure the accuracy of information and to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.

Money Generation
To help augment our funds, I propose the following fund-raising undertakings: - Bake Sale

Film Screenings Charging entrance fees for certain projects

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