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Choose the best answer! 1. Teacher Student a. have : Whats your plan for the next year?

: If my parents enough money, I will continue my study at Tourism college b. has c. had d. had had

2. Rafa : Could you lend me your dictionary? Tommy : I you, if you promise to return it as soon as possible. a. would lend b. will lend c. have lent d. am lending 3. Mary : The service in that restaurant is not so good. Mira : How do you know? Mary : Look! . , there would be many people eating there a. If the service is good c. If the service were good b. Were the service good d. If the service had been good 4. Zana Detha : Whats your plan for next year? : If I pass all the exams, I. directly to the industries. I want to be dress maker in garment industry. a. will go b. would enter c. would have gone d. am going : Its difficult for my brother to get a job. : Does he have skills or certain qualification? : if he .skills he could easily get a job he wants. b. had c. has had d. have had d. helpless d. would be d. is d. are offering

5. Natalia Isti Natalia a. has

6. If people are they are bound to have accident. a. careless b. useless c. careful 7. The chief would resign, if he asked to do so. a. were b. is c. will be 8. Rendy would fly away if he a bird. a. were b. are c. was 9. If you are skillful, many companies . you jobs a. offering b. offered c. will offer 10. If the rescue team came earlier, we . .more people a. could rescue c. can rescue b. could have rescued d. can have rescued

11. I will fix your bicycle if I . .a screwdriver of the proper size. a. have b. has c. had d. had had 12. Linda wasnt at home yesterday. If she had been at home yesterday, I . her a. would visit c. would have visit b. would have visited d. will visit 13. Fred failed the test because he didnt study. However, if he .. .for the test, he .it a. study / will pass c. studied / would pass b. had studied / would have passed d. have studied / would have pass 14. Kiki Yuli a. ring 15. Siti Tya a. said : If the phone . .will you answer it? : All right b. ringing c. rung

d. rings

: Are you going to the marketing seminar in room 4? : If my boss . so, then I will b. say c. says d. saying

16. Mr. Spencer : Will you move to the branch office? Mrs. Ross : I am not sure. This depends on my sons. Mr. Spencer : I understand that. a. I would move if they decided to move b. I will move if they move with me c. I will move if they would move with me d. I had moved alone if they wont moved 17. Desta : If Mr. Herman had asked me to represent this school, Vincent : And the fact that he never asks you. Right? a. I wont refuse it c. I would have been refused it b. I wouldnt have refused it d. I would refuse it 18. Bambang : Will you take private course this month? Banu : If my cousin register, . a. I think I would b. I think I will 19. Gadis : Why didnt you come to the party? Ijonk : . a. If Maria gives me the invitation, I will go b. If Maria gave me the invitation, I would come c. I must come if Maria invited me d. I will go if Maria invites me 20. Erik : You look exhausted. You need a break. Trisno : Unfortunately, the company doesnt have many employees. a. Ill get a new job if I dont do it. b. If I were the manager, I would go for vacation. c. If I were you, I would talk to the manager. d. Id do it if there werent too much work. 21. Mrs. Tessa : Did your father buy Mr. Hamiltons house? Marisca : It should be. . a. My father would buy it if he sold it b. My father wouldnt buy it if he sold it c. If he had sold his house, my father would buy it d. If he sells it, my father buy it 22. Garuda : Did you receive my letter? I gave it to Cecil. Layla : No I didnt. a. If Meta gives me, I will reply it b. I would write to you if Cecil gave it to me c. If Cecil had given it to me, I would have replied it to you d. If Cecil hadnt given it to me, I would have replied it to you 23. Simon : Why didnt you come to the seminar yesterday? Joanna : What seminar was it? Simon : It was about new business strategies. Didnt Carol sent you the invitation? Joanna : No. . a. I would have called her if I had come b. I would have asked her if I had received it c. I would have come if she had told me about it d. I would have sent it to her if she had asked me 24. Liza : Why dont you pay a visit to my house during your trip? Surya : But, I am really in a very tight time. We have to finish all the report. a. I wish I could drop by. c. If I were there, I would call you. b. I wish I could invite you. d. If you have time, I do really want to.

c. I am not sure d. I dont like it

25. Aji : Aji failed on his exam. Anna : Yes. Hes never serious. a. If I passed, I would work hard. b. If he had studied hard, he could have made it. c. If I were him, I wouldnt study hard. d. If he were lazy, he would get success 26. Lingga : Why dont you buy that beautiful vase? Dara : I think I have to save my money first. a. If I lost the vase, I could buy it. b. If I had money, I would do it. c. If I had dollars, I would have done it. d. If I had bought the vase, I would have put it at home. 27. Kinanti : Mum, will you let me go out now? Mother : I think you must finish your work first, then you may go a. if you finished your work. c. if she had finished my work. b. if the weather is good d. if the weather is bad. 28. Find the Word that Should be Corrected! 1. Reinhart : Tomorrow morning, Ill drive to Malang, meet some friends around Tugu, and come back in the afternoon. A B Sandy : If I were you, I will spend the night at Orchid Garden in Batu and enjoy the mountain C D scenery and fresh air there. 2. Mrs. Listy : If I was you, I would choose Mr. Gunawan. He is smart and rich. A B Mrs. Tysny : But I dont like his bad behavior. Dont you know that? C Mrs. Listy : No. I thought that he was a good man. D 3. Putri : If your brother come here, may I go with him? A B C D Niken : It doesnt matter, please. 4. Adi :Why do you so bad recently? Whats the problem? A Rina : My mother always looks angry when I come from school. B Adi : If I am you, Id ask her why she liked doing so to me. C D Andrew : I found my journey to Bali exciting. A Mario : If you had got bad travel agent like I had, you wont say that. B C D Dani : Three million for a beginner? Thats very generous. If I were you, I will accept it. A B C Dita : I know, but to tell the truth I love my present position. D If the hotel service is good, the visitor would not complain A B C D Hasan : Why dont you take the chance? You can go around the world. A B Husein : If I were you, I would have taken it. C D Mita : Have you got all tickets? A B



7. 8.



: Unfortunately, I got only one. If I inquired earlier, there would have been more tickets C D available.

10. Zainudin : What are you imagining? A Okta : If I am a doctor, I would treat my patients free of charges. B C D 11. Salma : Have you been abroad, Hilwa? Hilwa : Never. If I was rich I would visit foreign countries on holidays A B C D 12. Dina Randy : I hope you can fix my car. It wont start A B : Sorry, Dina. I have a lot of work to do. C If you call the mechanic, you got the solution D

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