Feedback Sheet For EXLSubmission

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ASPIRATION 1. What is your overall mission and vision? 2. What is the time frame for strategy making? What objectives would you like to achieve during this time frame. You need to state your objectives in concrete terms. ARENA 1. Preparation of Arena Matrix: Products/Services, Market and Customers, Technology, equipment and Infrastructure for the activities chosen, location for operations and marketing and Positions on the Value Chain (Which activity in the value chain you would start within the value chain taking over pointand which activity will you end with handing over point) 2. Once you have your arena/arenas you need to define the attractiveness (using Porter s five forces, General trends in the environment, change in customer s attitudes and behavior etc) 3. How much emphasis are you placing to each of the arena s mentioned by you? And Why? 4. What about the current areas the company is operating in? Are you going to a. Continue, increase or decrease emphasis and Why? b. Discontinue and why? c. Any break away and totally new initiatives VEHICLES 1. You need to mention how you are going to organize your activities in the market internal development continuum? 2. Organic or Inorganic 3. If inorganic then is it going to be market, non-traditional contracts, equity alliance, Joint venture or Mergers and Acquisitions 4. With whom will you be partnering and Why DIFFERENTIATOR 1. What is that you have or are offering that would enable you to a. Woo the Customers vis a vis other alternatives available to them and retain them to contribute to your aspirations b. Warding off direct and indirect attack by competitors c. Win Suppliers vis a vis other alternatives available to them and retain them to contribute to your aspirations 2. You need to mention how your proposition is sustainable 3. You need to mention how it is valued by the customer 4. You need to mention the scope (ability to use it across other products) STAGING 1. You need to mention the speed/timing of the events 2. You need to mention the sequence/stages of the events 3. How are you deploying your resources/finances 4. What is the skill/capability gap and how are you planning to fill it 5. Have you looked at the competition? How will they react? What are the moves and counter moves ECONOMIC LOGIC You need to demonstrate that your strategy will generate higher returns than the cost of capital. The analysis output could be 1. Redrawn financial statements a. P&L b. Balance sheet c. Cash flow/fund flow statement 2. What is the revenue in numbers, Market share 3. Profit margin, Cost VC and FC, Break even volume 4. Pay pack period, ROI, NPV


Have you provided evidence and reason for each decision. Demonstrate Soundness of your strategy (Table 1 of Hambrick and Fredrickson Are you sure you have a strategy?

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