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Education Services Quick Reference Introduction to Verilog

From the Xilinx Education Services Introduction to Verilog course. For more information on Xilinx courses, please visit

Module with Procedural Block

`timescale 1 ns / 100 ps `define D_WIDTH 8 module MY_CNTR # ( parameter Q_WIDTH = 8 ) ( input CLK, LOAD, CE, RST, UPDN, input [ `D_WIDTH -1 : 0 ] D, output reg [ Q_WIDTH -1 : 0] Q ) ; // `timescale declaration; specifies time units within module // `define; could be used for global constant // module declaration and label; V 01 parameter declaration // V 01 ANSI-C style port declaration, comma separated ports // port declaration with user-specified `define // port declaration with user-specified parameter, variable data type

always @ ( posedge CLK, negedge RST ) begin if ( RST == 1b0 ) Q <= 0 ; else if ( CE == 1'b1) if ( LOAD ) Q <= D ; else if ( UPDN == 1'b1 ) Q <= Q + 1; else Q <= Q - 1; end endmodule

// procedural block declaration with sensitivity list in parentheses // begin procedural block; required if more than one statement enclosed // asynchronous reset; must be tested within block and part of sensitivity // use non-blocking assignment for sequential logic // else if; treated as alternative to if // simplified text; this test, and others, could be written as if ( LOAD) // use non-blocking assignment for sequential logic

// close procedural block; FYI: begin/end not required in this example // close module declaration

Building Hierarchy and Internal Wire Declaration

`timescale 1 ns / 100 ps module AND_OR ( input [3:0] INP, output Y ) ; wire SIG1, SIG2 ; MY_AND2 U0 ( .A(INP[0]), .B(INP[1]), .C(SIG1)) ; MY_AND2 U1 ( .A(INP[2]), .B(INP[3]), .C(SIG2)) ; MY_OR2 U2 ( .A(SIG1), .B(SIG2), .C(Y)) ; endmodule // `timescale declaration, specifies time units within module // V 01 ANSI-C-style port declaration, comma separated ports list // declare 1-bit signals, local to this module // lower-level component declaration and instantiation // using named association, explicit port/signal mapping // each instance must be uniquely labeled // close module declaration

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Education Services Quick Reference Introduction to Verilog

From the Xilinx Education Services Introduction to Verilog course. For more information on Xilinx courses, please visit

wire(s), reg(s), Header Files, and `include

wire A, B, C ; wire [7:0] DATA_BUS ; reg [7:0] Q ; reg [7:0] Q = 8b0000_0000 ; // local signal declaration, within module, scalar (1-bit wide) // local signal declaration, within module, vector (n-bit wide) // local variable declaration, within module or subprogram, vector (n-bit wide) // local variable declaration, initialized, affects simulation only

`define DEPTH 512 `define WIDTH 8 `define ADDR 9

// example of global declarations typical to a header file // example of global declarations typical to a header file // this file saved as MY_HEADER.h (use .h for Xilinx XST)

`include MY_HEADER.h module RAM512 ( . . .

// make contents of header file visible in module; state path if necessary

case and if/else

always @ ( SEL, A,B,C, D ) case ( SEL ) 2b00: Y = A ; 2b01: Y = B ; 2b10: Y = C ; 2b11: Y = D; default: Y = 1bx ; endcase // V 01, combinatorial logic can be modeled using always @ * // selector expression must be in parentheses // each possible value constitutes new branch for case statement // each branch can contain one or more statements based on that condition // each condition should be mutually exclusive // should cover every possible value for selector expression // default is used for conditions not explicitly covered; aids simulation // close case expression, required

always @ ( SEL, A,B,C, D ) if ( SEL == 2b00 ) Z = A ; else if ( SEL == 2b01 ) Z = B ; else if ( SEL == 2b10 ) Z = C ; else if ( SEL == 2b11 ) Z = D ; else Z = 1bx ;

// V 01, combinatorial logic can be modeled using always @ * // Boolean expression must be in parentheses // each possible value constitutes new branch for if/else statement // each branch can contain one or more statements based on that condition // each condition should be mutually exclusive to avoid priority-encoded logic // default is used for conditions not explicitly covered; aids simulation

2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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Education Services Quick Reference Introduction to Verilog

From the Xilinx Education Services Introduction to Verilog course. For more information on Xilinx courses, please visit

FSM and Local Parameters

module STAT_MACH ( input A, B, CLK, RST, output reg [6:0] OUT1 ) ;

localparam [2:0] INIT = 3b001, LOAD = 3b010, JUMP = 3b100 ; reg [2:0] CURR_STATE, NEXT_STATE ;

// local parameter declaration; cannot be changed from elsewhere // each local parameter declared to be 3-bits wide, comma separated // close declaration with semicolon; will be used to model FSM states // local signal declaration; will be used to store state values

always @ ( posedge CLK, negedge RST ) begin : SYNC if ( !RST ) CURR_STATE <= INIT; else CURR_STATE <= NEXT_STATE ; end always @ ( A, B, CURR_STATE) begin : COMB case ( CURR_STATE ) INIT: begin OUT1= 7d47; NEXT_STATE = LOAD; end LOAD: begin OUT1 = 7d11; if ( A == 1b1 && B == 1b1 ) NEXT_STATE =JUMP; else if ( A == 1b1 && B == 1b0 ) NEXT_STATE = INIT; else NEXT_STATE = LOAD; end JUMP: begin NEXT_STATE = INIT; OUT1 = 7d68; end default: begin NEXT_STATE = INIT; OUT1 = 7d47; end endcase end endmodule

// clocked procedural block for current_state --registered output(s) // example of block label // test for RST assertion, could be written as if ( !RST) or ( RST == 1b0) // using non-blocking for sequential assignment // default assignment each clock edge // end procedural block // combinatorial process for next-state and combinatorial output(s) // optional block label // use case statement to model individual FSM states // begin/end required because more than one assignment per branch // assign to output, specifying decimal to enhance readability // assign to NEXT_STATE, using blocking assignment (combinatorial)

// combinatorial; updates on same clock edge as CURR_STATE // use if/else within branch of case to model input conditions

// explicit else should be used to maintain state // end this branch of case

2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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Education Services Quick Reference Introduction to Verilog

From the Xilinx Education Services Introduction to Verilog course. For more information on Xilinx courses, please visit

Testbench and Basic Input Stimulus

`timescale 1 ns / 100 ps module STAT_MACH_TB ( ) ; // general recommendation; label testbench same as Unit Under Test (UUT) // testbench module declared without ports; standalone top-level unit reg A_SIG = 1b0 ; reg B_SIG = 1b0 ; reg CLK_SIG = 1b0 ; reg RST_SIG ; wire [6:0] OUT1_SIG ; STAT_MACH UUT ( .A(A_SIG), .B(B_SIG), .CLK(CLK_SIG), .RST( RST_SIG), .OUT1(OUT1_SIG )); always #10 CLK_SIG = ~ CLK_SIG ; initial begin RST_SIG = 1b1 ; #25 RST_SIG = 1b0 ; #15 RST_SIG = 1b1 ; end always begin #200 A_SIG = 1b1 ; B_SIG = 1b0 ; # 200 A_SIG = 1b1 ; B_SIG = 1b1 ; # 200 A_SIG = 1b0 ; B_SIG = 1b1 ; end endmodule // declare local signals that connect to component; drive UUT stimulus // A_SIG and B_SIG need separate declarations due to initialization // declare local signals that connect to component; initialize value // declare local signals that connect to component; monitor UUT outputs // instantiate component to be tested; recommended label instance as UUT // port map, map lower-level ports to upper-level signals

// simple clock model with fixed period; requires that signal first be initialized // initial block used to create input stimulus for RST signal // sequential stimulus; all times relative within the procedural block // RST set to value of logic 1 at sim time 0 // RST set to value of logic 0 (assertion level) at sim time 25 // RST set to value of logic 1 (de-assertion ) at sim time 40

// sequential stimulus; all times relative within the procedural block // procedural block suspends for 200 ns

// procedural block suspends for 200 ns

// procedural block suspends for 200 ns

// procedural repeats, starting at top // close module declaration

2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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Education Services Quick Reference Introduction to Verilog

From the Xilinx Education Services Introduction to Verilog course. For more information on Xilinx courses, please visit

Subprograms: function and task

module PAR_GEN_FUNC ( input [7:0] D_WORD, output [8:0] DATA_FRAME ) ; function PAR_GEN ( input [7:0] BV ) ; reg PAR ; integer i ; begin PAR = 1b0 ; for ( i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1 ) PAR = PAR ^ BV [i] ; PAR_GEN = PAR ; end endfunction // function declaration, using V 01 ANSI-C-style for arguments // local variable declaration; visible only within function // local integer declaration; used within loop construct // start of function body // initialize PAR // for loop construct, with bounds set to 8 // each loop iteration, xor PAR with corresponding element from bus // return specification; required in this example // close function declaration

assign DATA_FRAME = { D_WORD PAR_GEN ( D_WORD )} ; // call function; pass in argument (D_WORD) returns PAR // D_WORD concatenated w/PAR, assigned to signal DATA_FRAME endmodule module PAR_GEN_TASK ( input [7:0] D_WORD, output [8:0] DATA_FRAME ) ; reg PAR_SIG ; task PAR_GEN ( input [7:0] BV, output PAR_OUT ) ; reg PAR ; integer i ; begin PAR = 1b0 ; for ( i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1 ) PAR = PAR ^ BV [i] ; PAR_OUT = PAR ; end endtask always @ ( D_WORD ) PAR_GEN ( D_WORD, PAR_SIG ) ; assign DATA_FRAME = { D_WORD, PAR_SIG } ; endmodule // declare variable, passed in as actual argument // task declaration, using V 01 ANSI-C-style for arguments // local variable declaration, visible only within task // local integer declaration, used within loop construct // start of task body // initialize PAR // for loop construct, with bounds set to 8 // each loop iteration, xor PAR with corresponding element from bus // assign to output signal // close task body // close task declaration // trigger based on any change to input bus // call task, pass in arguments (D_WORD, PAR_SIG) // returns updated PAR_SIG; used in expression; D_WORD is // concatenated with PAR_SIG, assigned to signal DATA_FRAME

2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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Education Services Quick Reference Introduction to Verilog

From the Xilinx Education Services Introduction to Verilog course. For more information on Xilinx courses, please visit

Using $readmemb
`timescale 1ns / 1ps module SIMPLE_CALC_FILEIO_TB_v; reg CLK_TB = 1'b0; reg RESET_TB = 1'b0; wire RESULT_TB; // declare 1-D array, 17 bits wide, 8 words deep here, label as INPUT_ARRAY reg [`WIDTH-1:0] INPUT_ARRAY [0:2**`ADDR] ; // end of declaration ///////////////////// // solution at bottom of file //////////// reg [`WIDTH-1:0] DATA_FRAME = 0; // declare $readmemb statement here, load data from MY_INUT.txt to INPUT_ARRAY initial $readmemb ( "MY_INPUT.txt", INPUT_ARRAY ); // end of declaration ///////////////////// // solution at bottom of file ////////////


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