Derivatives Daily: Market Summary

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Derivatives Daily

Spot Current Previous Change(%) 5235.7 5199.25 0.70% FebFuture 5262.15 5223.35 0.74% Prem./ Disc 26.45 24.1 FuturesOI 24484100 24796900 1.26%

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012

PCROI 1.42 1.42

VIX 22.89 22.66 1.02%

MarketSummary Overcoming initial weakness, the Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex gained 107 points today as funds bought bluechips and auto stocks on good monthly sales amid firm trend in the European markets. The NSE 50scrip index Nifty rose36.45points,or0.70percentto5,235.70. NiftyVIX NiftyVIXincreasedto22.89from22.66.ATMIVwas~21.1542%. PCR The PutCall Ratio for index options was at 1.42. Nifty 5000 PE for the February series now has highest cumulative OI with around0.38271croresharesoutstanding.

Segment NSECash BSECash NSEF&O Total Turnover(` Cr)

%ofTotal 12.47% 4.14% 83.39% 100.00%

Product IndexFutures StockFutures IndexOptions StockOptions F&OTotal

No.of contracts 465944 602951 N/A N/A 1068895

Turnover 11408 16595 63949 4881 96833

%change 4.09% 1.88% 18.58% 1.77% 11.20%

4,805.57 96833 116,123.72



Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

Derivatives Daily
Symbol SUNTV=1ISEquity BIOS=1ISEquity CHMB=1ISEquity NACL=1ISEquity FB=1ISEquity OI 2676 2445 1447 693 752 OIChange(%) 39.00% 24.49% 23.99% 19.28% 17.68% PriceChange(%) 5.00% 0.51% 3.79% 4.33% 0.81%

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012

Long Buildup was seen in Sun TV Network Ltd with 39% addtion in open interestand5%increaseinprice.

Symbol IOCL=1ISEquity OINL=1ISEquity COAL=1ISEquity TTKPT=1ISEquity JI=1ISEquity OI 1381 321 9158 517 2422 OIChange(%) 33.00% 25.88% 21.57% 17.50% 17.17% PriceChange(%) 6.00% 0.94% 2.04% 2.81% 0.52%

Short Buildup was seen in Indian Oil Corp Ltd with 33% addtion in open interestand6%decreaseinprice.

Symbol GITG=1ISEquity BOS=1ISEquity ARVND=1ISEquity DELTA=1ISEquity HDFC=1ISEquity OI 3798 17 710 4342 26078 OIChange(%) 42.00% 15.00% 12.45% 9.86% 7.12% PriceChange(%) 1.00% 0.59% 1.64% 0.19% 1.22%

Long Unwinding was seen in Gitanjali Gems Ltd with 42% decrease in open interestand1%decreaseinprice.

Symbol SWH=1ISEquity BRFL=1ISEquity KAIR=1ISEquity GOFF=1ISEquity KSO=1ISEquity OI 435 599 1389 480 1029 OIChange(%) 64.00% 30.67% 27.09% 24.17% 21.69% PriceChange(%) 3.00% 0.66% 3.19% 4.25% 9.42%

Short Covering was seen in Jindal South West Holdings Ltd with 64% decrease in open interest and 3% increaseinprice.

Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

Derivatives Daily

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012

9000000 8000000 7000000 6000000 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 OpenInterest('000)



1500000 OpenInterestChange('000) 1000000 C P 0 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700


500000 Strike

ThePutCallRatioforNiftywasat1.42.PCRfortheFebruaryserieswasat1.45 In the Nifty February Series, Puts were added at 5100 and 5000 strikes. Nifty currently has highest cumulative OI on theputsideat5000strikeandhighestcumulativeOIonthecallsideat5300strike. The strike PCR at 5100 is above 2.00 indicating that market might find support at around 5100 levels. Strike PCR at 5300isbelow0.20.Hence5300shouldactasaresistanceforNiftyinthenearterm.

Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

Derivatives Daily
BUY Symbol INDEXFUTURES STOCKFUTURES INDEXOPTIONS STOCKOPTIONS Total No.of contracts 52051 59253 450407 23158 584869 SELL Net

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012

OpenInterest No.of contracts 443924 971277 1243820 38116 2697137 AmtinRs.Crores 11606 27105 32543 1050 72304

Amtin No.of Amtin No.of AmtinRs. Rs. contracts Rs.Crores contracts Crores Crores 1354 68837 1781 16786 427.0 1625 11649 649 15277 69997 431790 23328 593952 1965 11155 648 15549 10744 18617 170 9083 340 494.0 1 272

(Provisionaldata,` Crores) Category FII DII BuyValue
4997.28 1734.93

FIIs were net sellers in the Index Futures segment to the tune of 427 Crores. FIIs were net buyers in the index options segmenttothetuneof494Crores.
1676.49 -32.29

3320.79 1767.22

FIIs were net buyers to the tune of 1676 crores and DIIs were net sellers to the tune of 32 Crores in the cash segment. In the previous 10 days, FIIs have been net buyers to the tune of 7550 Crores while DIIs have been net sellers to the tuneof4380Croresworthofinstrumentsincashsegment.

2000 1500 1000 500 0 500 1000

2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% FIINetFlow(Rs.Cr) DIINetFlow(Rs.Cr.) ChangeinNifty(%)

Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

Derivatives Daily

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012

1. InitiatingCoverage 2. IPONote 3. ResultPreview 4. ResultReview 5. EventUpdate 6. EconomicUpdate 7. CommodityOutlook Indepthanalysiscoupledwithdetailedexplanationofinvestmentrationale IndepthanalysisofanIPOwitharecommendationforthesame Predictionofresultstobeannouncedwithaviewonmarginsforthestock Analysisoftheresultsandviewonthestockaftertheresults Analysisofstock/sectorspecificeventwhichhasoccurredanditsimpact AnalysisofIIP,GDP,Inflationandsixcoreindustries Futureoutlookonbullion,basemetalsandenergyproducts

1. PairTrades 2. NIFTYStrategies 3. ArbitrageTrades 4. NumeroMania Identificationofstockpairsbasedoncointegrationandcorrelation Strategiesbasedonmarketviewe.g.,straddle,skew,condoretc CashFutureandSpecialSituationArbitrage MonthlyrepositoryoftradingstrategiesfromtheDerivativesDesk

1. MorningGlance 2. PostMarketUpdate 3. CurrencyUpdate 4. CommodityUpdate 5. DerivativesDaily 6. DerivativesWeekly 7. RolloverAnalysis DailyupdateofglobalnewsbeforetheIndianmarketsopen Dailymarketactionandkeystatisticsinanutshell Analysisofthedomesticcurrencymarketwithanoutlookfortheday Snapshotofthecommoditymarketwithanoutlookfortheday DailyupdateoftheactivitiesintheDerivativessegment WeeklyupdateoftheactivitiesintheDerivativessegment Dailyanalysisoftherollsduringtheexpiryweekeverymonth

Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

Derivatives Daily

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012

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Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

Derivatives Daily

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012

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RecommendationStructure: ABuyrecommendationimpliesanupsideof10%ormorefromthecurrentlevels. ASellrecommendationimpliesadownsideof10%ormorefromthecurrentlevels. ANeutralrecommendationimpliesanupside/downsideoflessthan10%fromthecurrentlevels.

Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

Derivatives Daily
Jaypee Offices Worldwide: NewYork 150Broadway Suite2200 NewYork,NY10038 +12125376271 Chicago 30SouthWackerDrive Suite1700 Chicago,IL60606 +13122545044 NewDelhi 1114,NaurangHouse 21,K.G.Marg NewDelhi110001,India +911166303030 Mumbai 505,Arcadia 195,NarimanPoint, Mumbai400021,India +912240621020 Singapore 2ShentonWay #1002SGXCentre1 Singapore068804 +6564380095

Jaypee Research Desk

February 2, 2012


Service offerings: Trading, Advisory & Depository Services Equity Research Financial Planning & Mutual Fund Distribution

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