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Script Must Be bug FREE, PHP and Mysql Based and Faster

Provide detail 1. Real-time and historical genealogy reports providing upline and downline information. 2. Tree to users 3. After registration process complete auto generate user id and password and send it to member s email id or mobile worldwide through SMS.


Business Plans (Must Be All Included In Same One Script), When initially I will install to my website online, it ask for the business plan i want to start, give options for all, and i can choose anyone into below mentioned business plans, when after choosing, and when click on next it automatically calculate/set itself to that business plan.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Binary Plan Matrix Plan Australian Binary Plan Forced Matrix Plan Step Plan Board Plan Unilevel Plan Generation Plan Stairstep Plan Breakaways Plan Hybirds Plan Direct Sales

Binary Plan

A Binary Plan is like a 2xInfinity Forced Matrix with a Twist. In a Binary you would have 2 Legs. You would typically earn a commission on the Entire Volume of your weakest Leg. Many binary's have systems in place that may allow you to earn Commissions at a later (via a Carryforward)

on your Strongest leg.

Matrix Plan

This plan allows you to build a limited width organization. For example, a 2 X 12 group means two people on your first level, and paying 12 levels deep. Other examples would be a 4 X 5, 3 X 9, etc. This is generally pretty simple and easy to understand and explain. The low volume requirements usually common to matrix plans helps make it a good plan for part-time distributors.

Australian Binary Plan / Tri-Binary

Tri- Binary Or Australian Binary Plan Looks Very Similar. Only Difference Between During The Payout For Pair Matching Required In Tri-Binary, Where As No Matching Required In Australian Binary.

Forced Matrix Plan

A Forced Matrix Is Similar To A Unilevel Matrix But It Limits The Amount Of People Each Person Can Have In Their First Level. A Very Popular Kind Of Forced Matrix Is A 3x9,5x5,5x7 Forced Matrix Etc.

Step Plan

This is a simple, straightforward compensation plan. It allows for a distributor to have a first level of unlimited width. The levels the company pays commission on generally range from 3 to 9 levels deep. The more volume generated by you and your organization, the more you can earn. A disadvantage to this plan is that building wide means the distributor may give less help to his personal enrollees.

Board Plan

variety of board split logics as per client chosen logic to meet their 100% customization or choice along with most advance features
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Cross Matrix Re-cycle entry Unlimited Income Automatic move to next level

Unilevel Plan

Unilevel Plan Is A Simple And Easy To Understand Plan. In The Beginning,

Distributors Like Them Because They Can Get Paid Commissions Quickly. However, They May Become Discouraged When Their Organization Starts To Grow Bigger Especially At The Deeper Levels Where They Could Not Get Any Overriding Commissions. This May Cause The Heavy-Hitters To Move To Another Company That Pays More Aggressively To The HeavyHitters.

Generation Plan

This is the most common of all the compensation plans. It is where most of the really big money is made in MLM. This big money, however, is made by a very small percentage of people. Breakaway plans are geared for full-time effort. Attrition is the highest with breakaway plans and it generally will cost more to build your business. This is a work program. It takes persistence, salesmanship, and requires the ability for you to train your recruits. Companies which use breakaway plans tend to pay higher commissions. However, the plan may be extremely difficult for most people to duplicate.

Stairstep Plan

The Stairstep Plan Is The Compensation Plan That Pays You For The Total Volume Of Your Group. The Total Volume Of Your Group Can Be Achieved By Your Own Personal Sales Volume Or Your Downlines Sales Volume.

Breakaways Plan

Breakaways Are Used With Matrix Pay Plans. When A Team Member Reaches Certain Qualification They Break Away From Your Team And You No Longer Receive The Matrix Pay Out On That Team Member Or Anyone In That Part Of The Matrix (The Break Away). You Do However Receive A Lump Sum Monthly Commission Of The Entire Volume Of The Break Away Unit. and other mlm business plan or mlm compensation plan we make Growth Plan, Revolving Matrix Plan, Matrix Level Plan, Reward Programs / Donation Programs, Auto Filling Plan, Level Binary Plan, Daily Binary Plan, Level Income Plan, Investment Plan

Commen Things Needed In Every Type of Binary. And steps when i will install the script on my web server
1. I can take backup of data any tiime and can download backup file, and if something happen to my server i can reload that backup data very easily.

2. I can set auto backup options everyday, weekly, monthly 3. I can set options upto how many deep levels i want to give commission/incentive to members. 4. I can set options on what level i want to pay what commission like i get boxes like Levels Commission Rate 1 15 % I can change commission rate any time for any level 2 5% 3 3% 4 2% 5 1% 6 2% 7 3% I can set % for company pool account i want to set this option or not 0 means no % I can set % for starting (first member) member for everyones sales he get money I can set % for starting member for everyones earnings he get money. When I initially start installing the script, it automatically ask which compensation plan/binary i want to install, then after selecting the options, it ask upto how many deeps i want to pay, then it ask @ what % i want to pay, then it ask what % i want to pay on each level. Then it ask what % i want to pay to pioneer member, then it ask what % i want to pay to company pool account, then at the end of every month it equally divide that money (company pool account) to every member from first member to last (divide equally ) , then it ask what % i want to charge for (company promotions, which will help the members to promote the company ) 9. Admin can charge must have options if he want account maintenance charges from everyones account, if he want then set % or if he donot want then set to 0 10. Admin can charge some % on special occassion on particular month, if there is any big event organised by the company on everymembers earnings. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Admin Panel
Member Master 1. New Member Entry 2. Edit Member 3. Generate Members Code

4. Edit Member Profile 5. Search Member 6. Change Password 7. Active/De Active Profile 8. Admin can see any ones profile (complete detail) 9. Admin can see any ones earnings 10. Admin can blok any one s income or blok users any time 11. Admin can see total joinings 12. Admin can change/set percentage of direct refference earnings in downline upto 1 to 20 must show boxes. 13. Admin can change/set percentage of earnings (data entry) of downline upto 1 to 20 must show boxes. 14. Admin can set number of downline usage earning money from 1 to 20 can set any number at any time or can change any time. 15. Admin can see red alarm and can set alarm s days means when users sent his work after completing/a approval he must get work before the expiry of that pre-settiing alarm. 16. Admin can sale/offers for other training material to users on additional charges. And when user/members join other training work then admin can see and award him/her work related to his other training. 17. Admin can set numbers, that each week every member gets minimum ? units of work. 18. Admin can email to all users at single time. (To All Members, or Date Wise Joined Members, Week Wise, Month Wise, Last Money, This Years, last Years Joined Members, Today Joined Members, ) 19. Admin can show specail message to users when they login. (To All Members, or Date Wise Joined Members, Week Wise, Month Wise, Last Money, This Years, last Years Joined Members, Today Joined Members, ) 20. Admin can start deducting money after the expriy of every year membership renewal fee/and when renewal fee charged users will get another product/data entry training and he/she must able to get data for those training material. 21. Joining with online / offline payment - merchant account integration (paypal, 2co, moneybooker, alertpay, plimus, etc..) 22. Admin can download information of group/members in excel file (To All Members, or Date Wise Joined Members, Week Wise, Month Wise, Last Money, This Years, last Years Joined Members, Today Joined Members, ) 23. Can see photograph of any member.

Communications With Members

1. - Real time Income plan calculation

- Online Chat - Internal Message System (To All Members, or Date Wise Joined Members, Week Wise,

Month Wise, Last Money, This Years, last Years Joined Members, Today Joined Members, ) - SMS facility on mobile (To All Members, or Date Wise Joined Members, Week Wise, Month Wise, Last Money, This Years, last Years Joined Members, Today Joined Members, ) -Email to Users (To All Members, or Date Wise Joined Members, Week Wise, Month Wise, Last Money, This Years, last Years Joined Members, Today Joined Members, )

Payout 1. Generate Payout 2. Show Payout 3. Issue Cheque 4. NTFS 5. Payout Statement 6. Print Cheque 7. Issue Western Union/When User opt for western union then admin can charge a processing fee in the form of % of total earnings. Report Total Joining Date wise Today Yesterday Last week Last 30 days This month Month Wise Last Month Quarter Wise

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. Year Wise 11. Last Year 12. City wise

13. State wise 14. Country Wise 15. Member wise

16. Direct TREE 17. Tree View (Matrix) 18. Direct Tree 19. Binary Tree


Member Status Tree View (Matrix) Member Payment Status Payout Detail Promotion wise payout Up line Member List Phone Number List Active/De-active Member Cheque wise Member PAN NO Report


1. Achievers List 2. Promotions 3. Level Information 4. Unlined Promotion 5. Rewards Accounts 1. TDS Report 2. Cess Tax 3. Service Tax 4. % for Advertisments of Websites Charge From Every member per payout 5. Payout Summary Multi Currenty Support 1. Must be multi currenty support and Multi Language Support 2. Support Payment Processing Companies/Payment Gateway 1.

2. 3. Paypal 4. Alertpay 5. Google checkout 6. CCAvenue 7. EBS 8. Austpay 9. Transfirst 10. And other major payment gateways User/Member Panel 1. Show User Profile 2. Down line List 3. Matrix Tree 4. Commission Statement/refferal earnings for today, yesterday, last 30 days, this money, last month, last quarter, this year, last year, date wise 5. User can see money earned from data entry jobs earnings for today, yesterday, last 30 days, this month, last month, last quarter, this year, last year, date wise 6. Users can see money earned from company pool sales, earnings for today, yesterday, last 30 days, this month, last month, last quarter, this year, last year, date wise
7. Users can see direct download chart. 8. Users can see full download chart. 9. Users can see downline name, city, date of joining, email id. 10. Users can see own (data entry) working earnings. For the last one week, current month, last month, total 11. Users can see income from others (data entry) work. 12. Auto generation of affiliate link of users. 13. Auto generation of users code on joining. 14. Users can see work awarded date, work detial, earnings for per entry in cents and dollars, how many entries he have to do, total earnings in a month through direct data entry, 15. After completing work users can send them in a zipped file by browing his/her computers. 16. Users can download work given to them in their computer

17. Users can see his/her work which he did and sent have been approved or not. 18. Users can invite others/friends from his email accounts/facebook accounts and can tweet by logging in their account. 19. Users can see total number of downline members he/she have in their account. 20. Users can buy/get other training materials and can do other works like (article submission/directory submission/press release/graphic designing and much much more) 21. Users can transfer earned money to any other joined members (e-wallet) 22. Users can use their earned money to create a new joining.

23. Change Password 24. Up line List 25. Show Promotion 26. Member must see three columns for their earnings, like (refferel earnings (which include direct refferal, sub-refferal), data entry earnings which they earned by doing data entry for company, then one last column , earnings from company pool account (divided equally to everyone) then last total earnings for the month. 27. Users can download downline information in a excel file. Work Awarded To User
1. Users can see work awarded date, work detial, earnings for per entry in cents and dollars, how many entries he have to do, total earnings in a month through direct data entry, 2. After completing work users can send them in a zipped file by browing his/her computers. 3. Users can download work given to them in their computer 4. Users can see his/her work which he did and sent have been approved or not.

Promotions By Users/Members
1. Users can invite others/friends from his email accounts/facebook accounts and can tweet by logging in their account. More Sales and Training and Work To Members 1. Users/Members can buy/get other training materials and can do other works like (article submission/directory submission/press release/graphic designing and much much more) by paying more money, or money already earned from their promotions/work done.

Multi User Panel 1. Create New Operator

2. Change Password 3. Set Privileges 4. Delete Operator 5. Edit Privileges Cheque Printing 1. Add Bank 2. Set Cheque Setting 3. Print Selected Cheque 4. Fine Cheque 5. Change Cheque No. Epin System 1. Generate ePins 2. Issue ePins 3. Block / De Active epins 4. ePin Reports 5. Joining via ePin/Productvise 6. Integration With Joining 7. Search Epin 8. Cancel Epin Ewallet System 1. Auto Pin Issue 2. Auto Payout Adjustment 3. Ewallet Report 4. Ewallet Summary 5. Fund Transfer To Other IDs 6. Epin Transfer 7. Refund of Generated Epin
Franchise Management

1. Issue Franchise 2. Update Franchise 3. Franchise Detail

SMS Integration 1. Id wise SMS 2. SMS on joining 3. Seminars / Event SMS 4. DOB / occasional SMS 5. DOJ SMS 6. Payout SMS 7. Customized SMS 8. SMS to New Joining Withing Last week 9. SMS to New Joining Last Month or With Month 10. SMS to Members Joined Date Wise like sms to 20-06-2011 Email To Users 1. Id wise Email 2. Email on joining 3. Seminars / Event Email 4. DOB / occasional Email 5. DOJ Email 6. Payout Email 7. Customized Email 8. Email to New Joining Within Last week 9. Email to New Joining Last Month or With Month 10. Email to Members Joined Date Wise like sms to 20-06-2011 Website Content Management 1. News Update 2. Event / Seminar 3. Birth Days To 30-11-2011 To 30-11-2011

4. Photo Gallery 5. Product Listing Others 1. Plan Calculator 2. New Product Suggessions 3. Dodument Suggessions. Promotion
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Supports multiple languages and currencies Multiple business reports Real-time compensation plan changes Real-time commission tracking Total business Summary

My Concept I want

My basic concept is i want a script , when i install it it ask me which plan i want to install or to start my business, I need complete freedom, complete control over my every setting. Like commission payout, how many deep commission i want to pay, i could charge special event charges from members everything Then i can earn money when i they join initially, Then users earn money when i give them work, and each upline earn money when their downline complete work (data entry) I can sell more products (training tutorials) to users any time, and make money, then i can award work to them, and then they earn money when they complete that work. I want to create a sales force which do work for me (data entry) and promote my company for their commission, and also earn money by doing data entry work for me. Each member earns money when he introduce someone to the company and also earns money when he do data entry work (which we will award him) and into his both types of income his upline get commission/income regularly. I want to sell my tutorials and then i award them work

By this time i want to use this script to my online video tutorial sellings and then award data entry work but later stages i want to use this script to sell me weight loss, hair loss, sexual health related products selling. So design it like i can change/use it to my that work also on different website/domain.

Sales Force Management Comprehensive representative search features. Robust representative profile management. Add, Edit, and Cancel representative functions. Detailed financial reports, including compensation breakdown. Historical financial reports and year-to-date earnings summaries. Representative notes and trouble tickets. Real-time and historical genealogy reports providing upline and downline information. Order history details. Search, Add, Edit, Refund, and Void representatives customers and orders. Search, Add, Edit, Refund, and Void representatives personal orders. Representative Autoship/AMO management. Accounts module option to handle 3rd party transactions. Replicated site management. Sponsor and Enroller placement changing functions. Positive and negative adjustments to earnings checks. Administrative and management features. Customer Management Comprehensive customer search features. Robust customer profile management. Multiple customer classifications, (e.g. wholesale, retail, preferred). Add, Edit and Cancel customers. Customer notes and trouble tickets. Order history details. Search, Add, Edit, Refund, and Void customers and orders. Customer Autoship/AMO management. Accounts module option to handle 3rd party transactions. Administrative and management features. Order Management Intuitive order entry with inventory rules control. Supports tangible and virtual,services and subscription-based products. Comprehensive order search features. Order profile displays detailed order information. Order status control: Add, Save, Post, Un-post, Edit, Refund and Void orders. Process payments - real-time, online - through merchant account. Detailed invoices with company logo. Autoship/AMO management. Flexible shipping charge options with manual override. Automatic EU. sales tax calculations with database lookup. Sales Tax Rates

Standard access to current sales tax rates. Data subscription option with all major tax data providers. 3rd Party Accounts Management Module Option Create accounts to process 3rd party transactions. Supports relationships with multiple 3rd party vendors. Comprehensive account search features. Complete representative and customer account information management. Sophisticated commission import and exception functions. Flexible compensation processing. Inventory Management Flexible inventory setup and product profiles. Detailed display of product list and inventory quantities. Add, Edit, and Delete product items. Define categories and subcategories. Establish pricing and compensation by rank. Multi-warehouse capabilities. Create multiple product/quantity kits. Detailed inventory reports. Supports products with multiple specifications such as size and color. Upload product pictures and descriptions for shopping cart display. Shopping cart and order rules. Vendor management module option. Item specific tac and shipping exemption status. Shipping Management Provides detailed view of pending shipments. Backorder management including partial backorders. Comprehensive search features. Supports multiple shipping methods and pricing. Print invoice/packing slips. Batch Shiping. Export data to various shipping vendors. Import shipping vendor tracking numbers. Detailed shipping reports. Advanced shipping management module option. Compensation Plan Processing Management Flexible processing with reversal and reprocessing control. Bonus and commission processing. Supports daily, weekly, and monthly processing. Real-time and cycle-based promotions. Multiple payment method support: pay cards, direct deposit. PDF check writing on blank check stock. Online and PDF representative reports. Comprehensive company financial reports. Export file for importing check data into QuickBooks. International Module Option Multi-currency set up & processing Multi-language management

Global Downline support Global or Regional Compensation plan Inventory control by country. International sales tax management Country specific shipping methods. Country specific payout methods. Administrative control by country Reporting Management Extensive set of standard reports included. Detailed representative and customer reports. Comprehensive order, inventory, shipping, Autoship reports. Detailed processing, operations, expiring credit cards reports. Compensation reports including company audit details and promotions. Detailed financial reports. Comprehensive shipping, inventory, and processing reports. Form Letters and Mailing Labels. Create dynamic reports with multiple filters and criteria. Data exports for mail merges, analysis, data storage, etc. Company Admin Management Set up and maintain company profile. Control security administration and user activity audit reporting. Manage company news and announcements. Manage Sales Force Back Office. Send transaction-based and community e-mails. Add, Edit, and Delete company news and announcements. Add, Edit, and Delete forms and flyers. Add, Edit, and Delete FAQs. Add, Edit, and Delete calendar events. Replicated Websites Sophisticated e-commerce functionality: Intuitive online distributor enrollment. Robust shopping cart functionality. Customer accounts for repeat shoppers. Distributor back-office access Graphic design with user-friendly navigation. Multi-media support: Flash, video and audio files. Integration of existing website design. Content and copywriting services. Maintenance and updates. Hosting in an enterprise-class data center. Sales Force Back Office Broadcasts news, announcements and other communications. Provide resources to sales force: forms, flyers, files. Promote company events and conference calls through calendar. Provide comprehensive business information to your representatives. Real-time downline, customer, current and historical financial, and promotion reports. Representative shopping cart for supplies and products. Support Management System (SMS)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Users can introduce unlimited direct download members. Users can see total refferal earnings. Users can see direct download chart. Users can see full download chart. Users can see downline name, city, date of joining, email id. Users can see own (data entry) working earnings. For the last one week, current month, last month, total Users can see income from others (data entry) work. Auto generation of affiliate link of users. Auto generation of users code on joining. Users can see work awarded date, work detial, earnings for per entry in cents and dollars, how many entries he have to do, total earnings in a month through direct data entry, After completing work users can send them in a zipped file by browing his/her computers. Users can download work given to them in their computer Users can see his/her work which he did and sent have been approved or not. Users can invite others/friends from his email accounts/facebook accounts and can tweet by logging in their account. Users can see total number number of downline members he/she have in their account. Users can buy/get other training materials and can do other works like (article submission/directory submission/press release/graphic designing and much much more) Users can transfer earned money to any other joined members (e-wallet) Users can use their earned money to create a new joining.

Admin Admin can see any ones profile (complete detail) Admin can see any ones earnings Admin can blok any one s income or blok users any time Admin can see total joinings Admin can change/set percentage of direct refference earnings in downline upto 1 to 20 must show boxes. 6. Admin can change/set percentage of earnings (data entry) of downline upto 1 to 20 must show boxes. 7. Admin can set number of downline usage earning money from 1 to 20 can set any number at any time or can change any time. 8. When any users 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

9. Admin can see red alarm and can set alarm s days means when users sent his work after completing/a approval he must get work before the expiry of that pre-settiing alarm. 10. Admin can sale/offers for other training material to users on additional charges. And when user/members join other training work then admin can see and award him/her work related to his other training. 11. Admin can email to all users at single time. 12. Admin can show specail message to users when they login. 13. Admin can offer other products/offers to members by date wise joining, earning wise, activity wise joining, group wise. 14. Admin can start deducting money after the expriy of every year membership renewal fee/and when renewal fee charged users will get another product/data entry training and he/she must able to get data for those training material. 15. Joining with online / offline payment
- merchant account integration (paypal, 2co, moneybooker, alertpay, plimus, etc..)

16. Manage Commission (admin can assign commission %)

- Real time Income plan calculation - Online Chat - Internal Message System - SMS facility on mobile 17. Database backup option in admin panel

18. Members have to pay 10.3 % service tax 19. ad

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