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Case 1:11-cv-11905-JLT Document 10

Filed 11/03/11 Page 1 of 2

~P~ Juelicial ~'rocess ~~rvice, Inc. 29-27 41S~ Avenue, Suite 812 ~,ot~g ~sl~nd City, NY l1101 Telephone: 718-472-Z9b0 facsimile; 718-472-2909


~~ ~c~~.~a~r; c.~.~~r ~o.~~ ~.~~z ~r~r~~ ~A~c~~E~~E ~~~~~a~,

Plaintiff (s}, -againstLEAN E. PANETTA, in his official capacity as Se~r~tary of ~e~ense; E~Z~~ I~. I~{~LDLR, JR.., in hrs offic~ai ~apa~ity as ~~t~r~~y CJ~nezal; ~P.I~ ~.e SI~INSE~~, ~n his ~~ficlal ~a~acit~ as S~cr~tary of Veterans .Affair~~
IJLVL~~S.~1J A~1ly~~~ ~i~ ~~.i.i.[tA'i...L~'

~~S`TR~CT C)F IVIASSAC~-ItJSET~S _..p__________________~~_--------------------------------_~___~_________.._~ M~..l~ SHANNON L. MCLAUGHLIN; CASEY Index No, 1;11 CV 119{}S MCLAUGHLIN; LTC 'VICTORIA A. HUDSON; a~,~~~AVr~r o~ sERV~cE M~I'~I~IKA P~XON; C4L STEVijART B~RNH~FT (RET); STEPHEN M~NABB; LT GARY C. RC?SS; DAN SWE.ZX; CPT STEVE M. HILL; Jt.~S~~1~ 5I~Y1~~R.; Ali ~3ANIEI., ~~IVL~~R.S~N; SE T` 1F~ENL~ERS~N; C~JV2 C~I~ I~ MC~1Z~rAN~

Defendant (s}. DISTRICT CAF COLUIVIBIA }:s.s.:

.A.NDR.ES t1IRGEN, bei~~ duly sworn, deposes and says: Y am nat a party to this action, ern over the age of eighteen years, and r~sxde zn the Stag of District of Columbia. Iany an agent for EPS Judici~~ Process Service, Iric. and received the Summons in a Civil Action and Complaint ~o~ the above er~t~tled-action to be served upon, Lein E. Panetta, in his official capacity as Secretary of Defense, defendant herein named.

Case 1:11-cv-11905-JLT Document 10

Filed 11/03/11 Page 2 of 2

~n the 28~~' day of Oc~ob~~, 2Q11, at approximately 1:23 p.m. at 1400 Defense Pentagon, Washington, District off' Columbia,I served true copies of the SUMMONS IN A ~~VIL ACTION and COMPLAINT in t1~e above entitled-action, upon L~CJN E. P~.:t~'~TrI'A, i~1 his official capacity as Secr~gary of Defense, d~~endant herein nazn~d, by personally delive~in~ to and leaving thereat true copies of the above mentioned documents with Susan Barnard,
A~ t1111~ O~ S~SV1G~, Ms. Bernard identified herself as


Secretary to Lean E. Penetta and as a person authorized to accept service o~~roc~ss for the i,eon E, Panetta, in his official capacity as Secretary of Defense. Ms> Bernard is a Caucasian female, app~oximately ~5 years ofage, 5'4" tall, Ib0 lbs, ~u~th dark hair and dark eyes.

Sworn to before me t11is, 31S{ day of Octo ~, 2011 ARY~ ~.,IC



~fichaei ~f~~as~ No ary Pub1~c, District of Columbia My Commission Expires 7/14/2014

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