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Grimwood 60 Day Power Program

(for football players, wrestlers, and strength athletes)

This eight week training program will allow you the greatest strength gains ever in eight short weeks, simply by
following our exclusive step by step program.
You will develop more strength and confidence as each week passes! Your workouts will be intense and your results
will be incredible! Remember, strength is developed in cycles. You will improve your overall strength by utilizing
assistance exercises to supplement and develop your weaker supporting muscle groups.
However, the genius of our uniquely designed strength cycle is that it will overcome this hard gain nemesis by
preventing over-training and rewarding the sum of your lighter and assistance exercises.
For example, you probably know many lifters who train everyday and never get stronger. The reason is that they are
attacking the same muscle areas with the same weight and the same exercises. You must allow muscle to rebuild and
regenerate itself while continuing to train supporting or complementing muscular areas

A cycle is a single complete unit. Always evaluate it as such.

Light - means a weight that you can do easily. It will always be less than 50% of your single max.
Moderate - always means an average training weight, something that is causing you to work but not fail. This weight
will always be around 75% of your max single.
Heavy - means just that. A weight that you can only perform about 5 or 6 reps with. This weight will always be
around 80-90% of your max single. As you become significantly stronger, you will need to adjust your training
weight for future programs.
The road map to your success is in front of you. Train hard, rest sufficiently and eat properly for maximum results.
Good Luck!

Four Day Alternating Week Strength Program

Week 1 Day 1 (Monday)

1. Stretch (5-10 minutes)

Stretch your arms, shoulders and chest as well as your hamstrings and around your knee to prepare for your leg

2. Leg Curls (to warm up hamstrings)

3 sets light weight x 10 reps
This is a preliminary warm up exercise only! Here we warm up the hamstrings by pushing blood through the muscle
tissue without fatiguing the muscle. This exercise creates a natural negative contraction which assists us through the
squat descent.

3. Squat (Rear)
-45 lbs. x 10 reps (bar)
-1 set lightweight x 10 reps (Apr. 30% of max.)
-1 set moderate weight x 8 reps (Apr. 60% of max.)
-2 sets heavy weight x 5 reps (Apr. 80% of max.)
Begin with the bar and move to a lighter weight with minimum rest. Perform a moderate weight set before moving
to your two heavy work sets. If you must wear knee wraps, only do so on your final work sets. Remember, stay tight
and squat below parallel to develop that deep explosive power from your hips, glutes and thighs.
As each week passes you may increase your training weight as you become stronger, however, you will always
maintain your reps.

4. Power Cleans
-2 sets lightweight x 1 0 reps
-3 sets moderate weight x 8 reps
Work on your explosive speed off the floor rather than trying to muscle the weight up. Concern yourself with
developing speed and control. It is not necessary to pile on the poundage.

5. Leg press
-1 sets moderate weight x 10 reps
-2 sets heavy weight progressive x 8 reps
Keep the stress of the weight on Your quadriceps rather than having it transfer to Your lower back at the bottom of
the movement. Your lower back should remain in contact with the bench throughout the movement to avoid
unnecessary lower back trauma!

6. Deep Knee Bends w/stretching

-3 sets x 8 + (3 minutes stretching)
Break up your leg workout by performing 3 sets of deep knee bends and 3 minutes of leg stretching to maintain your
muscle elasticity.

7- Leg Extensions
-3 sets light-moderate weight x 15-20 reps
Keeping the weight relatively light will allow you to burn off the unwanted lactic acid build up in your muscle

8. Leg Curls
-3 sets light-moderate weight x 15 reps (same principle as leg extensions)

9- Stiff-leg Deadlifts
(for lower back and hamstring stretch only)
-2 sets lightweight x 10 reps

10. Alternating Seated and Standing Calf Raises

-2 sets lightweight xi 0 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 1 0 reps
Always perform your calf raises with a good stretch at the bottom. Stay on the balls of your feet and push through
all the way to the top of each rep.

11 - Vertical Hang (body weight, upright position)

-3 sets x 15-30 seconds each
This unique finishing exercise is performed by simply grasping an overhead bar and hanging without the use of
straps. Hanging stretches out your entire upper body and improves your grip and tenacity at the same time.


Week I Day 2 (Tuesday)

1 - Stretch (5-1 0 minutes)

2. Bench Press (Flat)

-45 x 10 (warm up)
-1 set light-weight x 10 reps
-1 set moderate weight x 10 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 5 reps
-1 set light-moderate weight x failure (as many as possible)

3. Seated Overhead Shoulder Presses

(Dumbbells) or Behind Neck Press
(prefer w/ Smith Machine)
-1 set light weight x 10 reps
-1 set moderate weight x 8 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 5 reps
Always use a vertical or upright bench with a solid back support.

4. Shrugs (Dumbbell or Barbell)

-1 set moderate weight x 1 0 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 8 reps
Always perform an entire range of motion!

5. Dips (Body weight or weighted)

-3 sets to failure
Go deeper each set and avoid swinging through your reps.

6. Close Grip Bench Press

- 1 set moderate weight x 1 0 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 8 reps
Keep hands at shoulder width with your elbows in and towards the floor throughout the entire range of motion. Also,
lower the bar to a point well below your chest to avoid including your shoulders in the movement.

7. Tricep Cable Push-downs

-1 set light weight x 20 reps
-2 sets Moderate weight x I0 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 8 reps
Always perform Your Pushdowns with strict form avoiding bringing the bar above Your middle chest to limit Your
shoulders from assisting the movement.

8. Stretch (3 minutes)

9. Vertical Hang (body Weight, upright Position)

-3 sets x 15-30 seconds each


Week 1 (Wednesday) OFF

Week 1 Day 3 (Thursday)

I - Stretch (5-1 0 minutes)

2. Deadlift (Conventional)
-2 sets x 135 lbs. x 5 reps (warm up)
-2 sets moderate weight x 8 reps
-3 sets heavy weight x 5 reps
Use your legs through the entire deadlift and keep the bar very close to your body. Review the powerlifting section
for additional information concerning the deadlift and it's performance.

3. Lat Pull-downs (wide handle to front)

-1 set lightweight x 10 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 1 0 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 8 reps
-1 set light-moderate weight x 20 reps
Bring the bar to the top of your chest keeping your lower back arched and your chest high. Always look up at the
pulley and pull using your arms as hooks rather than incorporating too much bicep.

4. Lat Pull-downs (wide handle to rear)

-1 set light weight x 15 reps
-1 set moderate weight x 10 reps
-1 set heavy weight x 8 reps
Again think of your arms as hooks and pull the bar down behind your head without jerking.

5. Bent-over Barbell Rowing

-1 set lightweight x 1 0 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 8 reps
Keep your lower back arched and your knees bent throughout the movement! Try using a palms out grip every other
workout to limit the stress on your deltoids.

6. Hammer Curls
-1 set light weight x 15-20 reps each arm
-1 set moderate weight x 10 reps each arm
-1 set heavy weight x 6-8 reps each arm
Keep the dumbbells below Your shoulders and elbows tucked in
throughout the movement.

7. Stretch (3 minutes)

8. Vertical Hang (body weight, upright position)

-3 sets x 15-30 seconds each


Week I Day 4 (Friday)

1 - Stretch (5-1 0 minutes)

2. Power Cleans
-5 sets lightweight x 10-1 5 reps
Pull quick and sharp repeating each set with minimum of rest.

3. Hang Cleans
-3 sets light weight x 10-15 reps
Same as Power cleans.

4. 'Stiff-leg Deadlifts (for stretch only)

-2 sets lightweight x 8-1 0 reps

5. Stretch (3 minutes)


Week 2 Day 1 (Monday)

1 Stretch (5-1 0 minutes)

2. Squat (Rear)
-1 set light weight x Io reps
-I set moderate weight x IO reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 8 reps

3. Power Cleans
-1 set light weight x 10 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 8 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 5 reps

4. Hang Cleans
-1 set lightweight x 1 0 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 8 reps
5. Deep Knee Bends with stretching
-3 sets x 10 reps + (3 minutes stretching)

6. Leg Curls
-1 set light weight x 10 reps
-2 sets light-moderate weight x 1 0 reps

7. Leg Extensions
-1 set light weight x 10 reps
-2 sets light-moderate weight x 1 0 reps

8. Alternating Seated and Standing Calf Raises

-2 sets Light weight x 1 0 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 1 0 reps

9. Stretch (3 minutes)

10. Vertical Hang (body weight, upright position)

-3 sets x 15-30 seconds each


Week 2 Day 2 (Tuesday)

1 - Stretch (5-1 0 minutes)

2. Bench Press (Incline)

-1set light weight x I0 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 8 reps
-2 sets heavy work weight x 5 reps
-1 set light weight x 20 reps

3. Seated Overhead Shoulder Press

(Dumbbells) or Behind Neck Press
(prefer w/ Smith Machine)
-1 set light weight x 10 reps
-1 set moderate weight x 8 reps
-2 sets heavy weight x 5 reps
-1 set light-moderate weight to failure

4. Shrugs (Dumbbell or Barbell)

-1 set light weight x 10 reps
-1 set moderate weight x 1 0 reps
-1 set heavy weight x 8 reps

5. Dips (body weight or weighted)

-3 sets to failure (go deeper each set)

6. Lying Tricep Extensions

-2 sets lightweight x 1 0 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 1 0 reps
Always keep your elbows in and extend the bar to a point behind your eyes to the top of your head. Don't pull the
bar over in front of you. This will relax your triceps and is actually a completely different exercise.

7. Stretch (3 minutes)
8. Vertical Hang (body weight, upright position)
-3 sets x 15-30 seconds each


Week 2 (Wednesday) OFF

Week 2 Day 3 (Thursday)

1. Stretch (5-10 minutes)

2. Deadlift (Conventional)
-1 set lightweight x 10 reps
-3 sets moderate weight x 10 reps

3. Lat Pull-downs (wide handle to front)

-1 set light weight x 15 reps
-4 sets moderate weight x 15 reps

4. Lat Pull-downs (wide handle to rear)

-1 set light weight x 15 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 15 reps

5. Bent-over Rear Deltoid Flyes

-1 set light weight x 10 reps
-2 sets moderate weight x 8 reps

6. Hammer Curls
-1 set lightweight x 1 0 reps each arm
-2 sets moderate weight x 8 reps each arm

7. Stretch (3 minutes)

8. Vertical Hang (body weight, upright position)

-3 sets x 15-30 seconds each


Week 2 Day 4 (Friday)

1. Stretch (5-10 minutes)

2. Power Cleans
-2 sets light weight x 15 reps
-3 sets light-moderate weight x 1 0 reps

3. Hang Cleans
-1 set light weight x 15 reps
-2 sets light-moderate weight x 1 0 reps

4. Stiff-leg Deadlift (for stretch only)

-2 sets lightweight x 1 0 reps

5. Stretch (3 minutes)


Continue to perform this same alternating week cycle for eight consecutive weeks!! Increase your moderate and
heavy poundage every other week. Always keep your reps the same!
Remember, strength is devolped in cycle. You may feel strength variations throughout your program. This is normal!
Continue to train on schedule and do not skip around through the workout!! The lighter days are supposed to feel
easier and are there for a specific reason - to ensure maximum recovery from session to session!
The heavier days will require a significant effort and your complete concentration! Always rest as much as possible
the day prior to working out. Eat a high carbohydrate meal at least two hours prior to training. Drink plenty of water
before and after every session.

Copyright 1995 Rainwater Grimwood Enterprises, Inc.

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