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You are on page 1of 6 'We are the victims of our own creation.

' Is this a valid statement about science and technology? Impact on society 8.Has science and technology caused society to progress o r r e g r e s s ? Is science a salvation or threat to society?We are victims of our own creation. Is this a valid statement about science andtechnology? P r o g r e s s / S a l v a t i o n R e g r e s s / T h r e a t Science should not be blamed for the flawsin human nature. Science, in fact, has ensuredthat wars such as the Cold War were bloodlessevents.Man now has the ability to play God. Suchmeddling is irresponsible and potentiallydangerous. [ Moral/ethical ] [Information and communicationtechnology]Has information and communicationtechnology truly kept us connected? Communication and IT Mobile phones,Radio, the Internet, Email, Skype, MSN,Blackberry, Podcasting, Youtube, Live VideoFeeds. YES, we are kept well-connected In this era of globalization and jet-setting families, communications andIT plays a pivotal role in keepingfamilies together and maintainingfriendships. Indeed it is the glue that binds humans together across longdistances. Rapport improves. Networking sitessuch as Myspace enable friends to share pictures, videos and information freelyand readily. It provides a shared spaceonline for people to meet and interact if they are unable to do so in person. Onecan also track down old friends and [Information and communicationtechnology]NO, we are not kept well-connected People are inundated with information.We receive many smses, emails andspam on a daily basis. Smses andEmails inhibit rather than promotecommunication. Oftentimes our messages are terse, snappish or lack warmth. Misunderstandings may ariseas paralinguistic features ( i.e. bodylanguage) and tone of voice are absent. The ease of use of instant messagingsystems such as MSN. Many people prefer to interact with peers in thecomforts of their homes rather thanarrange for more intimate, face-to-facemeetings Others feel that keepingthemselves updated of their friendshappenings through blogs, photo-sharing websites and virtualcommunities like Friendster andFacebook is sufficient. However, theseare not a substitute for the actual

This is a collapser for 728x90 Heng Kai Le @YJC long-lost acquaintances.

IRC/MSN and other networkingsoftware allows us to make andmaintain more friends than weordinarily would have; it enriches our lives and enhances connectedness. The Internet allows peopleunprecedented access to informationand hence make informed decisions active citizenry. physical presence of a person and createdistance, rather than bridge it. Thequality of the relationship is limited. People spend more time in virtualworlds than interacting with their family and friends around them. E.g.Home Boys in Taiwan, Hong Kong andJapan Emerging trend of people breaking upwith their partners through ShortMessaging Service (SMS) in countriessuch as Singapore and Malaysia [Comunications technology] With the ready availability of information on the Internet, plagiarismhas become a problem, with studentscopying and pasting information fromonline sources without doing their ownresearch. Internet plagiarism hasquadrupled in the past six years,according to a 2006 Newsweek article. Other students buy their research essaysonline at sites such as Gradesaver.cominstead of taking the trouble to generatetheir ideas.[ Communications technology ] child pornographyHow has technology changed the way we do business today? Students must give specific examplesof technology that have affected how businessmen, entrepreneurs, companiesoperate. Examples: the Internet, 3G phones, laptops, satellite dishes,modern telecommunications, wirelessnetwork, fiber optics, fast transport. Examples of business practices: onlinemarketing and advertising,teleconferencing, electronictransactions.[ Environmental science ] Acid rain,overfishing, animal experimentation

Heng Kai Le @YJC [Medical science] Enabled children to bevaccinated against diseases which before hadcaused high rates of infant mortality.Robots are typically used in the manufacturingand banking sectors. Currently, Japanesescientists have developed a robotic seal Paro to be used as a form of therapy for patients inSingapore hospitals.Q: How far do you support medicalinterference inhuman procreation? Cover a wide enough scope: fromobvious ones like fertility treatment,abortion & genetic engineering, to lessobvious ones like contraception &sterilization.Q: To what extent should the State beinvolved in medical science?[ Military science ] Increases the capability of men and women to kill each other. Stockpilednuclear weapons give man the capability of obliterating the world many times over. [Food science] Irrigation, fertilizers and pesticides, GM food help increase yields8. Science promises but rarely delivers. How far do you agree

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