Sample of Draft Resolution

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SAMPLE DRAFT RESOLUTION Committee: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Topic: Humanitarian Impact of Sanctions Author: The Republic

of Guatemala Signatories:
Addressing the General

THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Believing that a potentially fundamental contradiction in implementing two of the United Nations s core principles: promoting peace and promoting human rights has been revealed in imposing economic sanctions in certain countries. Emphasizing that indiscriminate and disproportionate effect on the lives of ordinary people should be avoided. Realizing that sanctions established in the context of armed conflict is governed by international humanitarian law requiring that the survival and essential needs of the civilian population should be ensured. Noting with deep concern that there is no necessary causal relationship between the amount of hardship caused by sanctions and the degree of political change adopted by a target nation. Stressing that suffering inflicted on vulnerable groups in the target country is definitely not a legitimate means of putting pressure on political leaders. Affirming that sanctions are a prelude to war rather than an alternative and sanctions must stand in sharp distinction to the use of military violence. Deeply convinced that measures of monitoring sanctions to enhance their impact on the targeted actor and minimizing their destructive effects should be put forward. Aware of that sanctions are more likely to be effective if there is international cooperation or when the targeted government faces domestic opposition. Recalling that the United Nations resolution 51/242 (1997), it considered that information on the potential or actual humanitarian impact of sanctions should be brought immediately to the attention of the Security Council and further decided that guidelines for the exemption of humanitarian goods should be developed to ensure that exemption requests are expeditiously dealt with.


Ends with comma

Preambulatory Clauses:

the reasons for which the committee is addressing the topic and highlights past international action on the issue

Each clause begins with a present participle (preambulatory phrase*)

Keeping in mind that the suffering of innocent civilian population must command primary attention and legal priority. 1. Draws attention to the ultimate goal of the sanctions minimizing threats to the innocent civilian populations; 2. Adopts a clearer, more transparent, and accountable framework of sanctions practice by conducting regular assessments of the impacts arising from sanctions on the civilian populations; 3. Requests the United Nations to provide financial aid for the reconstruction of countries menaced by economic sanctions and embargoes; 4. Affirms sanctions to be effective diplomatic tools, discussion on the reasons for application and conditions for removal of sanctions with the target country prior to enforcement should be held; 5. Further reminds nations of considering the cost of reconstruction and development after sanctions before their implementation, 6. Further invites some voluntary organizations such as The Medecins Sans Frontiers, to provide medical assistance to the countries which suffer from the severe living conditions originated from sanctions; 7. Deplores the vulnerability of countries under the poverty line, sanctions having significant impacts on a population that is already operating on the margins of survival should be rejected. This is to discourage the accumulated pressure of warfare, droughts , malnutrition and a political and economic system which disallows the right of a large proportion of the population to make a living, become literate, or be treated for diseases; 8. Expresses its sympathy on the adverse effect caused by sanctions. The civilian population should be exempted for the effects of the sanctions with regard to its access to objects indispensable to it survival. Additionally, sanctions authorities should allow and facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief assistance in favour of the civilian population; 9. Requests sanction regimes to replace water, deteriorated power infrastructure and sanitation equipment and rehabilitate schools and hospitals; 10. Condemns the delay of the importation of food , seeds, fertilizers and fuel for the distribution of humanitarian relief causing the suspension of vital programs of

Ends with a semicolon

Operative Clauses:

identify the actions or recommendations made in a resolution. Each operative clause begins with a verb (operative phrase**)

assistance of vulnerable groups; 11. Urges governments targeted by sanctions, as well as those Governments responsible for the implementation of those sanctions to respect their human rights and international peace and security obligations and to facilitate the moderation of humanitarian crises in the countries concerned; 12. Requests reports from humanitarian organizations on the use of exemptions by institutions and for country-specific items to ensure humanitarian exempted goods are delivered to those in need.

*Sample Preambulatory Phrases: Affirming Alarmed by Approving Aware of Bearing in mind Believing Confident Contemplating Convinced Declaring Deeply concerned Deeply conscious Deeply convinced Deeply disturbed Deeply regretting Desiring Emphasizing Expecting **Sample Operative Phrases: Accepts Affirms Approves Authorizes Calls Calls upon Condemns Confirms Congratulates Considers Declares accordingly Deplores Designates Draws the attention Emphasizes Encourages Expressing its appreciation Expressing its satisfaction Fulfilling Fully alarmed Fully aware Fully believing Further deploring Further recalling Guided by Having adopted Having considered Having considered further Having devoted attention Having examined Having heard Having received Having studied Keeping in mind Noting with regret Noting with deep concern Noting with satisfaction Noting further Noting with approval Observing Reaffirming Realizing Recalling Recognizing Referring Seeking Taking into account Taking into consideration Taking note Viewing with appreciation Welcoming

Expresses its appreciation Expresses its hope Further invites Deplores Designates Draws the attention Emphasizes Encourages Endorses Expresses its appreciation Expresses its hope Further invites Further proclaims Further reminds Further recommends

Further resolves Has resolved Notes Proclaims Reaffirms Recommends Regrets Reminds Requests Solemnly affirms Strongly condemns Supports Takes note of Transmits Trusts

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