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Multiple Choice Questions Analysis of Variance - Single factor randomized complete block designs

The next three questions refer to the following situation: An experiment was conducted to determine the eect of three methods of soil preparation on the rst year growth of slash pine seedlings. Four locations (provincial forest areas) were selected, and each location was divided into three plots. Three methods of soil preparation were used: no preparation, light fertilization, and burning. One treatment was randomly assigned to the plots within each location and all three treatments were applied at each locations. On each plot, the same number of seedlings was planted, and the average rst year growth for the seedlings on the plot was recorded. Two outputs appear below - only one of which is a correct way of analyzing this data.

Source prep Error Total prep burn fertilize none

df * * *

SS 38 73 111 Mean 12.0 16.0 12.5

MS **.* **.*

F **.*

Prob 0.1517

Source prep locn Error Total prep

df * * * *

SS 38.0 61.7 11.3 111 Mean

MS **.* **.* **.*

F **.* **.*

Prob 0.0121 0.0077

burn fertilize none

12.0 16.0 12.5

1. The value of the test statistic for testing the appropriate hypothesis is: (a) 2.3 (b) 10.1 (c) 10.9 (d) 2.6 (e) 11.8 2. The LSD for comparing two means is: (a) 2.1 (b) 4.3 (c) 2.7 (d) 4.6 (e) 2.4 3. Based upon the results of this study, we wish to be 80% condent of detecting a dierence between the burn and the none treatments in the mean growth when testing at =0.05. The required sample size for each treatment is: (a) > 17 (b) 4 (c) > 21 (d) 12 (e) 14 The next four questions refer to the following situation: Every winter, tons of salt are dumped on Winnipeg streets. In the spring, the salt washes into the soil where it can be very harmful to trees and grass. To investigate this problem, an experimenter wishes to investigate the eects of dierent salinity levels upon vegetation growth. Since dierent areas of the city dier by soil type and other factors, she blocks by location in the city. In each location, she administers six dierent levels of salinity (15, 20, 30, 35, 45, 50 ppm). The output from SAS follows:

c 2006 Carl James Schwarz

Source Model Error Corr Total Source TRT BLOCK

Sum of Mean DF Squares Square 8 891.05166667 111.38145833 15 121.67791667 8.11186111 23 1012.72958333 DF 5 3 Type III SS 664.43708333 226.61458333 Mean Square 132.88741667 75.53819444

F Value 13.73

Pr > F 0.0001

F Value 16.38 9.31

Pr > 0.0001 0.0010

T tests (LSD) for variable: BIOMASS NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate. Alpha= 0.05 \df= 15 MSE= 8.1118 Critical Value of T= 2.13 Least Significant Difference= 4.2926 T Grouping A A A B B C C C C C B B B Mean 18.100 14.150 7.475 6.000 5.775 3.075 N TRT 20 15 30 4 4 4 35 45 50

4 4 4

4. The test statistic and rejection region (=.05) are: (a) F*= 16.38; Reject H if F > 2.90. (b) F*= 9.31; Reject H if F > 8.71. (c) F*= 13.73; Reject H if F > 2.64. (d) F*= 9.31; Reject H if F > 3.29. (e) F*= 16.38; Reject H if F > 4.62. 5. What statement is not correct ? (a) The comparison-wise error rate is the probability of a Type I error in any comparison. (b) The experiment-wise error rate is the probability of at least one Type I error in all possible comparisons

c 2006 Carl James Schwarz

(c) According to the output, there is evidence of a dierence between 15ppm and 35 ppm. (d) Since the mean biomass at 30 ppm is not found to be dierent from that at 35 ppm, and that at 35 ppm is not found to be dierent from that at 50 ppm, there is no evidence of a dierence in the mean biomass between 30 ppm and 50 ppm. (e) Two sample means must dier by the Least Signicant Dierence (4.29) before the corresponding population means are declared different. 6. The results of this experiment were interesting but not conclusive. She now wishes to detect dierences when testing at =.05. Which of the following is not correct? (a) We would need less than 5 blocks to be 80% sure of detecting a dierence of 9 in the biomass means. (b) We would need more than 27 blocks to be 80% sure of detecting a dierence of 1.5 in the biomass means. (c) We would need 27 blocks to be 80% sure of detecting a dierence of 8 in the biomass means. (d) We would need 13 blocks to be 80% sure of detecting a dierence of 4.5 in the biomass means. (e) We would need 8 blocks to be 80% sure of detecting a dierence of 5.8 in the biomass means. 7. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about a randomized complete block experiment? (a) Every block is randomized separately from every other block. (b) Every treatment must appear at least once in every block. (c) Blocking is used to remove the eects of another factor (not of interest) from the comparison of levels of the primary factor. (d) The ANOVA table will have another line in it for the contribution to the variability from blocks. (e) Blocks should contain experimental units that are as dierent as possible from each other.

c 2006 Carl James Schwarz

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