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VAMEVAL Test (Maximal Aerobic Speed)

Physical Set Up
The Vameval Test can be run on a 200 or 400m oval or round track. The pacing protocol and tape in SMARTSPEED is the same for both configurations, provided there is always a 20m space between cones (10 cones for 200m track, 20 cones for 400m track). Unless your have a pre-marked track, the simplest method is to create a 200m circle using a tape measure from a central point (radius 31.85m). The SMARTSPEED gates are used for pacing only, athletes do not run through the gates. The gates may therefore be placed inside the track evenly spaced to ensure they can be clearly seen and heard by all athletes and staff.

Radius = 31 85 31.85

Key K
= SMARTSPEED unit = Large marker = Smalll marker


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VAMEVAL Test (cont.)


Create New Protocol under 4 gate pacing with the following details Subsessions: 105 Gates per Track: 4 Markers per Split: 0 Note: when running the Vameval pacing tape, tick the ALL GATES option in the options tab prior to hitting GO Download the file Vameval Test Complete from the Fusion Sport website. Create a new Pacing tape under p g p the above new protocol, and import the downloaded tape. Once the message tape has been updated is displayed on the PDA, the Vameval Test is ready to use. One players starts on each cone (up to 10m players for 200m track, 20 players for 400m track). The Vameval protocol b i with a 2 minute warm-up Th V l t l begins ith i t at 8km/hr, after which the test begins at 9 km/hr, and Increases by 0.5 km/hr every minute. Upon hitting GO all gates will flash green and emit a loud sound. According to the Vameval protocol, the gates will then flash and make a loud noise for every 20m interval. Alternate stages will be displayed as green or red lights, with a triple (all color) light signal showing an increase in speed for the next stage. Each player must maintain the correct speed, so that they are in line with the large marker cone (20m) for each pacing signal. If a p y is seen to be 1m or more p g g player behind pace, they should receive a warning. If they are more than 2m behind, they have reached the end of their test, and their result should be recorded. Once a player finishes the test, record the lap and split number from the SMARTSPEED screen. To estimate the players VO2max, use the table provided on the Fusion Sport website.

Pacing Tape

Player setup


Data Analysis

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