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Introduction Queuing theory deals with problems that involve waiting (or queuing). It is quite common that instances of queue occurs everyday in our daily life. Whenever a customer arrives at a service facility, some of them usually have to wait before they receive the desired service. This form a queue or waiting line and customer feel discomfort either mentally or physically because of long waiting queue. We infer that queues from because the service facilities are inadequate. If service facilities are increased, then the question arise how much to increase? For example, how many buses would be needed to avoid queues? How many reservation counters would be needed to reduce the queue? Increase in number of buses and reservation counters requires additional resources. At the same time, cost due to customer dissatisfaction must also be considered.


Customer:> (Arrival) The arrival unit that requires some services to performed. Queue:>The number of Customer waiting to be served.

Arrival Rate ( ):>The rate which customer arrive to the service station. Service rate () :> The rate at which the service unit can provide sevices the customer If Utilization Ratio Or Traffic intensity i.e / > 1 Queue is growing without end. / < 1 Length of Queue is go on diminishing. / = 1 Queue length remain constant. / to

When Arrival Rate ( ) is less than Service rate () the system is working . i.e < (system work)

Formulas =Service Rate = Arrival Rate

1. Traffic Intensity (P)=

2. Probability Of System Is Ideal (P0) =1-P P0 = 1- / 3. Expected Waiting Time In The System (Ws) = 1/ (- ) 4. Expected Waiting Time In Quie (Wq) = / (- ) 5. Expected Number Of Customer In The System (Ls)= / (- )

Ls=Length Of System 6. Expected Number Of Customers In The Quie (Lq)=


/ (- )

7. Expected Length Of Non-Empty Quie (Lneq)= / (- ) 8. What Is The Probability Track That That K Or More Than K Customers In The System. P >=K = ( /)K 9. What Is The Probability That More Than K Customers Are In The System ( P>K)= ( /)K+1 10. What Is The Probability That Atleast One Customer Is Standing In Quie. P=K=( /)2 11. What Is The Probability That Atleast Two Customer In The System P=K=( /)2 (P Is Greater Than Equal To K)

Solved Example. Question 1.People arrive at a cinema ticket booth in a poisson distributed arrival rate of 25per hour. Service rate is exponentially distributed with an average time of 2 per min. Calculate the mean number in the waiting line, the mean waiting time , the mean number in the system , the mean time in the system and the utilization factor?

Solution: Arrival rate =25/hr Service rate = 2/min=30/hr Length of Queue (Lq)=

/ (- )

= 252/(30(30-25)) =4.17 persone Expected Waiting Time In Quie (Wq) = / (- ) =25/(30(30-25)) =1/6 hr= 10 min

Expected Waiting Time In The System (Ws) = 1/ (- ) =1/(30-25) =1/5hr= 12 min

Utilization Ratio =

/ =25/30

=0.8334 = 83.34%

Question 2. Assume that at a bank teller window the customer arrives at a average rate of 20 per hour according to poission distribution .Assume also that the bank teller spends an distributed customers who arrive from an infinite population are served on a first come first services basis and there is no limit to possible queue length. 1.what is the value of utilization factor? 2.What is the expected waiting time in the system per customer?

3.what is the probability of zero customer in the system?

Solution: Arrival rate =20 customer per hour

Service rate = 30 customer per hour 1.Utilization Ratio = /

= 20/30 = 2/3 2. Expected Waiting Time In The System (Ws) = 1/ (- ) =1/(30-20) =1/10 hour = 6 min 3. Probability of zero customers in the system P0 = 1 P =1- 2/3 = 1/3

Question 3 : Abc company has one hob regrinding machine. The hobs needing grinding are sent from companys tool crib to this machine which is operated one shift per day of 8 hours duration. It takes on the average half an hour to regrind a hob. The arrival of hobs is random with an average of 8 hobs per shift. 1. Calculate the present utilization of hob regrinding machine. 2. What is average time for the hob to be in the regrinding section? 3. The management is prepared to recruit another grinding operator when the utilization of the machine increases to 80%. What should the arrival rate of hobs then be? Solution: : Let us calculate arrival rate and service rate per shift of 8 hours. Arrival rate =8 shift Service rate =8x60/30=16 /shift

1. Percentage of the time the machine is busy Pb =arrival rate/service rate=8/16=0.50=50% 2. Average time for the hob to be in the grinding section. i.e., average time in the queue system=ws ws = 1/( - )=1/16-8=1/8 shift=1/8x8=1 hour 3. Let =arrival rate for which utilization of the machine will be 80%, Therefore, Pb = / i.e., = Pb . =0.80x16=12.8 per shift.

Question: 4 (a) calculate expected number of persons in the system if average waiting time pf a customer is 45 or more than 45 minutes . b)if service rate is same. c)if arrival rate is same. Solution:-(a)expected no. of persons in a system(Ls )= / =45/65-45 =9/4 =3/4=1/65=191/3 (b)Ws= 1/ =1/65-45

=1/20 x60/1=3 mins. (c)ws =1/ - =1/6-4 = 3/4=1/ -45 =3 -135=4 =3 =139


Queueing theory is the study of queues as based on probability theory, statistics and other sub-fields of mathematics. The idea behind queueing theory is to propose models to apply to describe queues and the processes behind them. In queueing theory, queues tend to be modeled by stochastic processes, which are random functions based on probability distributions. Queueing theory has many applications, including the design of computer systems, customer service and Internet database management.

Read more: The Pros & Cons of Queueing Theory |


1. Coefficient of Variation

Because queueing theory models are based on the exponential distribution, these models work through applying the traits of the exponential distribution. The main problem lies in that the exponential distribution has a coefficient of variation of one. This fact precludes the modeling of any process that has a coefficient of variation significantly different from one. Because of the low likelihood of a random process having a coefficient of variation of one, queueing theory has the disadvantage of low applicability.


Queuing theory offers us a method to easily and definitely describe queues in mathematical terms. This advantage of queueing theory is an advantage that plain language, economic models and pure observation lack. Through applying basic probabilistic distributions, such as the Poisson and exponential distributions, mathematicians can model the complex phenomenon of waiting in a queue as an elegantly simplistic mathematical equation. Mathematicians can later analyze these equations to understand and predict behavior.


While the assumptions for most applications of queueing models are few, the assumptions that are needed tend to be somewhat irrational. Especially in regard to human queues, queueing theory requires assumptions that cannot possibly hold true in the real world. In general, queueing theory presumes that human behavior is deterministic. These assumptions usually are a set of rules for what a person will do. For example, one assumption may be that a person will not enter a queue if there are too many people already queued up. In reality, this is not true; otherwise, there would be no lines outside stores or for store openings, and holiday shoppers who waited too late to buy gifts would just give up.


Queueing theory has flourished due to the advent of the computer age. The past difficulty of arriving at numerical solutions for queueing models is no longer a disadvantage, as mathematicians can run simulations to arrive at approximate answers. The simulation of queueing theory models also allows researchers to change the value of variables involved and analyze the results of the change, which can help in the optimization of queue design.

Read more: The Pros & Cons of Queueing Theory |


The most unusual recurring period is the "busy hour," that provides a pattern upon which the system should be engineered. For example, if a system receives its highest number of calls between 9 and 10 a.m., the office should be equipped with enough switchboards to handle that level of requests. The issue of how many operators to assign depends on calling patterns from one hour to the next. What is interesting about the Poisson and Erlang formulas is that the relationship between operators and congestion is not parallel. For example, assume that 10 operators are inundated by 30 percent more calls than they usually handle. A supervisor calls in an eleventh operator and, even though the rate of incoming service requests remains constant, the backlog will gradually fall. After the backlog is eliminated, the eleventh operator may actually force others to go idle for extended periods. We might assume that 10 operators handling 130 percent of their normal volume would require 13 operators. In fact, the addition of only one is more than enough to resolve the problem. This is because repeated calls are disposed of, and the aggregate wait of everyone holding (which grows geometrically) is reduced one factor at a time. The backlog simply cannot regenerate itself fast enough. Put differently, 11 operators may be able to dispose of service requests at a faster rate than they are coming in. It may take a few minutes to eliminate the backlog, but the backlog will decline eventually. Consider the situation in a grocery store where there are five lines open and 12 people in each line. The addition of only one extra cashier will quickly reduce the lines to one or two people, even though the same number of people are entering checkout lines. When the backlog is eliminated, the sixth cashier may be taken off and put on some other job. As well as a system may be engineered, unusual nonrandom disturbances can cause the system to collapse in spectacular fashion. This was demonstrated by a problem with the New York water system during the 1950s. Engineers discovered that water pressure dropped significantlyand for firemen, perilouslyduring a period of hours every Sunday evening. A study revealed an unusual culprit: Milton Berle.

The comedian hosted an immensely popular weekly television show every Sunday that was watched by nearly everyone with a set. When the show went to a commercial break, tens of thousands of people, having finished dinner, retreated to their bathrooms at the same time. With thousands of toilets being flushed within minutes of each other, sewers were inundated. More importantly, toilet tanks were refilling, each consuming two or three gallons of fresh water. The coordinated demand for water in a brief period of time virtually eliminated water pressure. In fact, some toilets took a half hour to refill, and water pressure took hours to recover. Serious consideration was given to canceling the show. The solution, however, was relatively simple. The addition of only a few more water towers was sufficient to maintain adequate water pressure. In essence, the system was reengineered to handle more demanding peaks. This situation may be repeated in a telephone system when everyone is motivated to place a call at the same time. During the 1989 San Francisco earthquake, vast numbers of people in the metropolitan area attempted to make a call at the same timeimmediately after the quake subsidedhoping to learn whether friends and relatives were safe. Although the switching systems were automated, they were completely unable to handle the volume of requests for dial tone. Only a small percentage of calls (enough to meet the capacity of the system) were allowed to go through. Indeed, radio and television reporters urged people to stay off the lines so that emergency calls could be handled. There was no need to reengineer the system because the occurrence of earthquakes, while random, are not consistently repeated. It would be uneconomic to engineer the telephone network for peak usages that occur only once every decade or so. As a result, every earthquake yields a temporary breakdown in the telephone network. Other slightly less offensive instances occur every time a radio host offers a prize to "caller number x." Telephone companies and public officials have convinced many radio stations to discontinue the practice.

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