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VII Class General Science Lesson Plans Medium Bridge Course :: English :: From 13.06.2011 To 22.06.

Revision of VI Class Science Lessons & Various General Topics in Science. Day 1. Scientists & their Inventions. Day 2. What is Science? How did the early man lead his life? Day 3. Air & its Components / Elements & Compounds Day 4. Our Universe Day 5. Various Tools used in Agriculture. Day 6. Various Organ systems in our Body. Day 7. First Aid Day 8. Plant & its parts. Day 9. Environment.

From 23.06.2011 To 25.06.2011 From 27.06.2011 To 28.06.2011 From 29.06.2011 To 30.06.2011

Unit - 1 Unit - 2 Revision of 1st & 2nd Units.

Period No 1 of Lesson No. 1 .1 /Unit: No 1 : Date: 23//06/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Scientists and their Contribution Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils



Motivation:Students will get motivated to 1. Who are 1.Scientists. listen the lesson. responsible for our comfortable life? 2. Can you give the 2. Alexander fleming, names of some Louis Pasteur. Scientists you know? Announcement of the topic: Today we will take an interesting lesson Scientists and their Contribution. Scientists and their contribution. Explanation Method. Who are responsible for our comfortable life?

Development of the topic:Contribution of Scientists to the progress of Science:Early man is our first scientist. There is a lot of difference

What is the Students recall the Stone Age difference between the knowledge and says the stone age man and difference. Atomic Age

between the stone age man and todays man of Atomic age. In this age we have many modern machines and we desire to get more modernized implements.

toadys man Atomic age?


500 B.C to 15th Century Dark age:

What is the Dark The period between 500 B.C to th age? How did it get 15 century is known as Dark that name? age. During that period the principles and facts told and put forth by the scientists were not believed because of Superstitions and ignorance of the people.

In that age Science was not developed due to the principles and facts told by the Scientists were not believed because of ignorance and superstitions. Thats why it is called Dark Age.

500 B.C Dark age Superstitions Ignorance

Explanation Method.

What is the Dark Age?

Scientific knowledge:From 16th century scientists When did Scientists 16th Century. 16th Century onwards came forward and faced come forward and Superstitions. face Superstitions? Continuous observation, research, extensive work and Students know that process of formulating facts gave process of Scientific life to the scientific knowledge. knowledge is continuous What is the process of observation, research The Printing Machine Scientific knowledge? extensive work and John Guten Burg:formulating facts and it The Printing machine is the Explanation What is the use of the Printing machine?

reflection of his thoughts. Recording of scientific knowledge has become very easy.

leads to the discovery of many new things. Who invented the John Guten Burg. Printing machine? Students understand that Printing machine is What is the use of useful for recording the the Printing machine? Scientific Knowledge. Question and Answer method & lecture cum Demonstration method.

Behavioural Changes expected and achieved:There is a lot of difference between the man of stone age and the man of Atomic age. Today we are enjoying our lives with the help of Science. In Dark Age the people believed the Superstitions. Continuous observation for recording the Scientific knowledge the printing machine is useful. It is discovered by John Guten Burg.

Assignment:1. What is Dark Age? 2. Who invented the Printing machine?

Home Work:Prepare an Album of Scientists.

Period No 2 of Lesson No. 1 .1 /Unit: No 1 : Date: 24/06/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Scientists and their Contribution

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out Aids/Experiments to comes be done/Demonstrations By Teacher By Pupils etc. The teacher asks Pupils recollect the some questions on the knowledge of yesterdays topic taught in the lesson and answer the previous class . questions.



Invention of Microscopes:Jackarins Jannssen (1590) constructed the first compound microscope. It is useful for Jackarins Seeing very small disease causing Who constructed the Jannssen. compound organisms which are not visible first microscope? to our naked eye. Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1675) Observed the unicellular organism in living condition, with the help of Students understand What are the uses that after, invention of microscope. of micro scope? microscope, it is useful for seeing very small organisms.

Jackarins Jannssen

Explanation What are the Method. uses of Microscope?

Show the photographs of Scientists. Microscope instrument

Electron Microscope:-

Leeuwenhoek Who observed the bacterial cell for the first time in living condition?

Invention of electron microscope by knoll and Ruska (1932) is useful for magnifying 10 thousand times of cell and cell It can magnify living Photograph of organelles, also photograph the What are uses of cell, cell organelles 10 Electron Microscope. microscopic organisms. electron Microscope? thousand times, and also for taking photographs of th microscopic organism. 19 Century Robert

Photograph of Leeuwen hoek

What are the uses of Electron Microscope?

Explanation Method.

Koch:A German Scientist Robert Koch formulated the Symptoms Who formulated the Robert Koch. and preventive measures of symptoms and Tuberculosis (T.B) and cholera. preventive measures of Tuberculosis and cholera? Show the picture of Rober koch. T.B Cholera. Explanation What is meant Method by Pasteurisation?

Louis Pasteur:-

Louis Pasteurs contribution in the development of Bacteriology Write about the was a great revolution in the field discoveries of Louis of Science. He discovered a Pasteur? medicine for Rabies- for dog bite in a Scientific method. He discovered the process of pasteurization. He proved that
Fermentation of grape juice is caused by micro organisms. He also Who proposed Microbe theory.

Students know the Show the photograph discoveries of louis of Louis Pasteur. Pasteur and recognize that pasteurisation is applied even today in dairy industry to preserve milk. Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur.

discovered Microbe Theory?

Microbe theory:The micro organisms are the cause for contagious diseases. William Harvey:Blood circulation is William Harvey proved that What did William necessary for the blood circulation is necessary for Harvey discover? functioning of heart. the functioning of heart. But Harvey could not demonstrate how blood is collected in the heart.

Show the Photograph of William Harvey. What is the draw back of Harveys invention?

Show the Photograph. Marcello Malpighi:of Marcello Malpighi discovered Students understand the Marcello Malpighi. the process by which blood What did Malpighi process by which blood reaches the heart. discover? reaches the heart.

What did Malpighi discover?

Behavioural Changes expected and achieved:After 17th century the Science developed abnormally because of the invention of Microscope. Microbiology also solves the problems. Louis pasteurs inventions are useful for preserving the milk. Some industries like wine, Bevarages depend on pasteurs inventions only.

Assignment:1. Who discovered the vaccination for Rabies? 2. What is meant by pasteurization? 3. What are the uses of electron microscope?

Home Work:Note down the inventions taken place in 19th Century?

Period No 3 of Lesson No. 1 .1 /Unit: No 1 : Date:25 /06/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Scientists and their Contribution

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils The teacher asks some Pupils recollect the questions on the knowledge of previous topics, taught in the topic. previous class.

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Indian Scientists:-

Dhanvantari, Sustruta, Charaka were regarded as Who proposed the Doctors, Scientists. theory of Rasa vada. Acharya Nagarjuna proposed the theory of Rasa vada in Chemistry Who formulated Astronomical facts in India?

Who wrote the book Charaka Samhita?

Charaka Acharya Nagarjuna

Rasa Vada Astronomical Facts. Who declared the Explanation theory of Method. Rasa Vada?

Arya Bhat

What did Dr.J.C. Bose Students realize that Dr. Show the photo graph discover about the J.C Bose conducted of Dr. J.C. Bose. Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose: several experiments on Dr. J.C. Bose conducted several plants? plants, and discovered the experiments on plants and What is the use of plants have life and discovered that plants have life Cresco Graph? feelings. and they exhibit feelings. He To find out the growth discovered Cresco Graph to of plant. find out the growth of plants.

Modern Indian Scientists:-

Who discovered that the plants have life? Explanation Method. What is the use of Cresco Graph? Write the Principle of Explanation Sir C.V. Method Raman? Who formulated the theory of Heat Emission?

Light Emission.

Sir C.V. Raman Light Emission:-

Why was the Noble Sir C.V. Raman conducted prize awarded to experiments on light and Sir.C.V. Raman? published the principle of Raman effect which explained the light emission. For this he was awarded the Noble Prize.

Students know and develop the interest through the C.V.Raman Light emission theory.

Nobel prize photo graph of C.V. Raman.

P.C. Roy & Meghanath Saha:P.C. Roy conducted Who conducted P.C. Roy experiments on Nitrates. experiments on Meghanath Saha Nitrates? formulated the theory of Heat emission (Thermionic Emission). Photographs of P.C. Roy and Meghanath Saha.

Dr. M.s. Swaminathan Green Revolution:-

What is meant by Green Revolution? M.S. Swaminathan. Photograph of M.S. Swaminathan Students know the experiments of Hybrids. M.S.Swaminathan helped for solving shortage of food problem with hybrid Green Revolution varieties. Explanation Method

Who discovered M.S. Swaminathan was Indian Hibridisation Agricultural Scientist. He the theory? developed high yielding varieties of rice, wheat, Potato (Hybrids) and it is useful for overcoming the shortage of food. It is called Green Revolution. He was awarded many national and international prizes. Now he is working as chief advisor for central agricultural committee.

Behavioural Changes expected and achieved:Students get knowledge of Indian Scientists and develop interest in Science Plants have life and they exhibit feelings. Students learn that the experiments of M.S. Swaminathan helped solving the problem of Shortage of food.

Assignment:1. What is meant by Green Revolution? 2. Who discovered the Cresco Graph?

Home Work:1. Collect Photographs of Indian Scientists. Prepared By: B. Venkata Ramana T.G.T. B.S, Koduru 2. Prepare the charts showing the contributions and the name of the Scientist. Coordinated By: T. Padmaja, Principal, Devapatla

Unit 2
Period No 1 of Lesson No. 2 . 1 /Unit: No 2 : Date: 28/06/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: Triangulation Method Subject:: General Science

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Subconcepts Motivation:-

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. How are short 1. Measured with Scale distances measured? 2. How are long 2. With measuring tape. distances measured? 3. What is used to 3. with the help of Survey measure the distance Chains. between two villages.

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Scale Tape Survey Chain



Announcement of the topic: Today we are going to learn how to measure very very long distances, like width of a river, the distance between two planets etc. Triangulation Method:The method of measuring distances by forming a triangle is called the triangulation method.

Explanation Method. Width of a river Distance between two rivers.

Apparatus:Sheet of White paper, Toy, Pencil, Scale,
Define the method triangulation?

Aim:To find out the distance of an Consider object placed at a point in the class Activity:C is a toy placed at a room. point in our class room. Pencil is placed Procedure:Place a sheet of white paper in the position A. It is along the edge of the desk. Say along the line with the C is the toy and A is your toy and our eye. Then draw a line between A position as shown in the figure. Place a pencil at A on the paper and c. Repeat the and adjust its position, so that it is experiment by placing along the line with the toy and your eye. Draw a line with another the pencil at the other pencil in this direction on the white end of the desk B. Draw a line between paper. Repeat the experiment by B. and C. How many points of placing the pencil at the other end observation are of the desk B and draw a line in required to know the that direction also. If you extend these two lines exact position of an they intersect at the point where object? the toy is present. As the distances are long the paper on the table is not sufficient for this. We reduce the figure taking a suitable scale and then find the distance of the toy. Students observed activity carefully. the


They express the curiosity in doing the experiment.

Figure 01

1mtr = 100 cms Students know that two points are required for observation to know the object. A and B.

Explanation Method.

How many observation points required to know The exact position of an object?

Scale:We know that the Students understand 1 cm = 20 cm distances are long. The that this paper is not paper on the table is sufficient for long 100 not sufficient. distances. ----- = 5 cm. We reduce the figure 20 by taking a suitable scale and find the

For example the distance between A and B is 1 metre. We now take a scale of 1 cm = 20 cm, and we can draw AB = 100/20 = 5 cm ( 1 metre = 100 cm). Draw straight lines AC from A and BC from B. These straight lines are shown in figure -2 . Keeping 5 cm distance between the pointers of the divider, points A and B are marked on the lines. Join AB. now the triangle ABC is formed. Measure the length of AC and BC. Change this into the actual distance of AC and BC by multiplying the values by 20. AC X 20 = AC ; BC X 20 = BC. In this way the distance between any two points in the class room can be determined.

Students understand the different scales, and We draw straight line answer AB = 5 cms. A1 C1 from A and BC from B. By using 5 cm scale, distance between the points of the divider, points A1 and B1 are marked and joined . Figure 02 The triangle A1 B1 C1 is formed. Now measure the length of A1C1 and Students understand A1C1 X 20 = AC B1C1 change this into actual distance of AC the method and applies the knowledge to B1C1 X 20 = BC and BC. Uses:calculate the distances. A1C1 X 20 = AC The heights of hills, mountains, B1C1 X 20 = BC temple towers, the width of rivers, What are the uses of distance of stars are calculated by traiangulation method? this triangulation method.

distance. (For example the distance between A and B is 5 mtrs. we now take a scale of 1cm = 100 cm .what is the distance between AB.)

Suitable Scale. 500 AB = --------- = 5cm


Explanation method.
What are the uses of triangulation method?

Behavioural Changes expected and achieved:By using triangulation method. ------ They are able to take the readings without paralox error. ------ They know how to take the Scales.

Assignment:1. What method is used to measure the distance between two planets? 2. What are the uses of triangulation method?

Home Work:Find out the width of a river. Prepared By: B. Venkata Ramana T.G.T. B.S, Koduru Coordinated By: T. Padmaja, Principal, Devapatla

Name of the Teacher :: Name of the School :: Class
General Aims

:: VII
:: 1. To Inculcate Scientific Attitude among the Students. 2. To create Scientific ability and development of inner talents of the students. 3. To develop of habiit of keen observation skills :: The students understand and get complete knowledge about the topic. :: Lecture cum Demonstration Method and Question and Answer Method

Specific Aim Teaching method

Objectives and Specifications

Specifications I. Cognitive domain:Recall: Students will recall the various aspects related to the Air, Water and Weather. A.: Knowledge: Students will acquire the knowledge about Air, Recognise: Students will recognize the various aspects related to the Water and Weather. Air, Water and Weather. 1. Students will define the various terms like atmosphere, torricellian B.Understanding:- Students will understand the knowledge acquired vacuum, Air pollution, Electrolysis, Temporary and permanent about the Air, Water and Weather. hardness of Water, Chlorination, Water pollution, wind, Rainfall, cyclone etc. 2. Students will explain about constituents of air, measurement of atmospheric pressure, Factors causing for air and water pollution etc. 3. Students will describe the Construction of cistern barometer, electrolysis of water, Removal of hardness of water etc. 4. Students will classify the various terms like types of Hardness, into Temporary and permanent, etc. Analysis:- Students will analyse the various aspects related to Air, II.Psycho Motor Domain:C.Application:- Students will understand the knowledge about Air, Water and Weather. Uses:- Students will use the information learned about Air, Water and Water and Weather and apply in unknown conditions. Weather in day to day-life and also in further classes. Student will show his skill in observing & doing the Measurement D.Skills:- The Students will show their skill in applying the knowledge and information gained in various topics in day to day of atmospheric pressure, electrolysis of water. Student will show his drawing skill in drawing diagrams of life. electrolysis of Water, Cistern barometer etc. Objectives

Period No 1 & 2 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 01/07/2011 & 02/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Water & Weather Subject::

3.1, Atmosphere Composition 3.2, Uses of Different Constituents of Air.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:Students will get ready to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. When is your Birth day? 2. How do you celebrate Or How do you decorate your house? 3. What do you fill inside the balloon? 4. What is air? 5. Where is the air present? 6. What is atmosphere? 1. On June 22nd. 2. I will cut the cake. I will decorate with colour paper, balloons etc. 3. Air. 4. It is a group of gases. 5 Air is present in atmosphere. 6.The air that is present surrounding us.

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.









Explanation Method.

Announcement of the topic: 1. What is Today we will discuss about atmosphere? the atmosphere and its composition. 2. How many kilometers does atmosphere extend? 3. What are the main constituents of air? 4. In what ratio Oxygen and Nitrogen exist in atmosphere? 5. What are the other gases that are present in air? 6. Why air is called a mixture?

Presentation:- 01.07.2011 Atmosphere Composition:Earths cover of gasses is called atmosphere. It extends even upto 1000 Kms from the surface. Air is called a mixture. Oxygen and Nitrogen are the main constituents of air. It also contains corbondioxide, helium, agron and Neon in little quaintly. The volume of constituents of air varies from place to place. A large quantity of Co2 is less in dense forests. The proportion of

1. Earths cover of gases is called atmosphere. 2. Atmosphere of earth extends even upto 1000 kms from its surface.. 3. Oxygen and nitrogen are the main constituents of air. 4. Oxygen and Nitrogen exists in l:4 ratio in atmosphere.

7. In which places the corbondioxide is found in large quantities?

Light a candle & fix it in a tube. Pour water until a half of the candle is drowned, place an inverted glass on the burning candle. Observe how much time the candle burns. After the flame of candle goes off the level of water raises .It shows that air contains O2 & N2 in the ratio 1 : 4. Explanation To demonstrate N2 & O2 5. Co2, Helium, Method. Figures Jars Argon, Neon are some of the other gases that are present in air. 6. The constituents of air lie side by side in atmosphere with out losing their properties. That is why air is called a mixture. 7. When fuel is ignited Explanation carbondioxide is evolved. Co2 is found more in industrial To demonstrate CO2 is areas;

Define atmosphere.

What is the ratio of O2 & N2 in atmosphere?

Name the various & constitution of air? Air is a mixture Explain.

Nitrogen is found less where leguminous plants are in abundance. The volume of water vapour present in the air varies from place to place. It is high in sea coastal areas and low in plateau regions. When temperature is high volume of water vapour increases in air. 02/07/2011 Uses of different Constituents of Air:1. Living organisms need Oxygen for respiration. Absence of Oxygen leads to occurance of death of living creatures. 2. In the presence of sun light and water, plants use CO2 for the process of photo synthesis. 3. Bacteria present in the root nodules of legunous plants which take nitrogen from air and changes it into nitrates .

8. Name the places of earths surface where carbondioxide is evolved?

8. CO2 is evolved from the surface of the earth like the Death Valley in Java and Grotodel cave in Naples.

9. Why the amount 9. Plants prepare food of Carbondioxide is by the process of photo using less in dense forests? synthesis carbondixide, water and sunlight. Thats why the amount of Carbondioxide is less is in dense forests. 10. The leguminous plants have nodules in their root system .Bacteria present in these root nodules change the nitrogen into the air into nitrate and supply it to the plants. 11. How does the 11. The volume of water volume of water vapour present in air varies vapour varies from from place to place. It is high in the Sea costal areas. place to place? It is low in the plateau 10. Why the amount of Nitrogen is less where the leguminous plants are in abundance?

present in air:Take lime water in a china dish. Place it in the air. A white layer is formed on the lime water. So the CO2 in air is absorbed by the lime water & calcium carbonate layer is formed. This demonstrates that air contains CO2. To demonstrate that air contains water vapour:We will observe that the outer side the glass containing ice pieces will turn opaque due to the condensation of water vapour showing the presence of water vapour in air. Take anhydrous copper sulphate crystal and place it in a watch glass in the air. The copper sulphate becomes blue because it has

Name the places where carbondioxide is present in large quantities.

Why plants absorb Co2 Answer method & from lecture cum atmosphere? Demonstration method. How Nitrogen is fixed from atmosphere on the surface of the earth.



12. What is the use 12. All living beings in absorbed water vapour in of Oxygen to living cluding acquatic animals the air. need Oxygen for Organisms?
respiration. Absence of Oxygen leads to death of living creatures. Thus oxygen is necessary for sustaining life in living organisms.

the volume of water vapour varies from place to place.

13. What is the use 13. Plants prepare of Carbondioxide? Carbohydrates with the

Which is the use of Oxygen?

Air is essential for animals to live.

help of carbondioxide during photo synthesis. 14. What is the use 14. Leguminous plants of Nitrogen? have nodules in their roots. The bacteria present in them use nitrogen and change it into nitrates. These nitrates are utilized by the plants in synthesis of proteins.

Figures Cocroaches

How CO2 is used in the preparation of Carbohydrates?

15. What is the use 15.The Water vapour of water vapour? changes the temperature
of the atmosphere and helps in rainfall.

Plants need air to live and grow:-

Recaptulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The volume of __________________is more in air in industrial areas. 2. when human and plant waste materials purified ________________is evolved. 3. The volume of _______________is less in plateau regions. 4. The proportion of ______________in air is found to be less where the leguminous plants are in abundance. 5. In winter season mist and fog are formed due to the presence of ________________in air in excess. 6. Earths cover of gasses is called.________________ 7. _____________and ______________are main constituents of air. 8. Living Organisms need ______________for respiration. 9. In the presence of sun-light and water, plants use _________________for making carbohydrates. 10. Plants belonging to the family leguminosae have ________________on their roots. 11. The ______________take nitrogen from air and changes it into nitrates. 12. The nitrates are utilized by the plants in synthesis of_________________.

Assignment: Answer the following Questions:1. What is atmosphere? 2. Why air is called a mixture? 3. Name the various constituents of air? 4. What are the uses of different constituents of air?

Behavioural Changes expected and achieved Student will under stand and acquire knowledge about atmosphere, various constituents of air, uses of air. He will understand that Oxygen is necessary for all living Organisms.

Period No 3 & 4 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 04/07/2011 & 05/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Water & Weather Subject:: 3.3. Measurement of Atmospheric presure Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:Students will get ready to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioral/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What is air ? 1. Mixture of gases present surrounding the eart.



2. Can you give the 2. Air has weight .Air properties of air? exerts pressure in all directions. 3. What is pressure ? 3. Pressure means force. i.e. Air has weight, it exerts some pressure on earths surface which is called atmospheric pressure. is 1.The Pressure exerted by air on earths surface is called atmospheric pressure.







Announcement of the Topic:Today we will learn about Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure.

1. What atmospheric pressure?

Explanation Method.

Presentation:Introduction:Air has weight. It exerts pressure on earths surface. This pressure is called atmospheric pressure. Barometer is used to measure the atmospheric pressure. Concept:-1 Construction of Cistern Barometer:Cistern Barometer is used for atmospheric pressure. Torricelli designed it. A thick walled glass tube of one meter long, 1cm diameter which is closed at one end is taken. Mercury is poured into the tube by leaving 2 to 3 cm of space in the tube. The tube is moved up and down to remove air bubbles. The tube is placed in a trough containing mercury. A portion of mercury in the tube falls down into the trough. Mercury in the tube stands still at a certain height of centimeters. This mercury column is called Torricellian vacume.

2. How do you 2. Atmospheric pressure measure atmospheric is measured by pressure? Barometer. 3. Can you name 3. Cistern barometer, some varieties of Anaeroid barometer. barometer? 4. Who designed 4. Torricelli, a scientist Cistern Barometer? designed the Cistern barometer. 5. Which type of 5. A thick walled glass glass tube is taken for tube of one meter long, 1 construction of a cm diameter closed at Cistern barometer? one end is taken. 6. What is poured 6. Mercury is poured into the tube? into the tube. 7. Why the tube is 7. To remove air moved up and down? bubbles. 8. Where is the tube 8. Tube is placed in a placed? trough containing mercury. 9. What is mercury 9. A portion of Mercury column? in the tube falls into the trough. The mercury in the tube Stands still in a certain height which is called mercury column..

Define atmospheric pressure.

What is a Barometer? Lecture cum Demonstration method. Thick walled glass tube 2. Mercury. Figure Cisten Barometer. Who is Torricelli? .

Define Mercury Column?

The height of the mercury column is nearly 76 cm. This is called normal atmospheric pressure.

10. what is 10. Vacuum formed Toricellian vacuum? above the surface of mercury column is called Toricellian vacuum. 11. What is normal 11.Normal atmosphereic Concept II:atmospheric pressure is 76 cm.of Hg Pressure of Atmosphere at Pressure? different Altitudes:12. How is 12. Atmospheric The height of mercury column atmospheric pressure pressure is measured by will be high below the sea level measured? measuring the height of areas. At higher altitudes the the mercury column with pressure exerted by the air is less, the help of scale from hence the height of the mercury the level of mercury in a column will be low. trough. 13. Why the height of 13. The pressure exerted mercury is used in by the atmosphere on measuring the the surface of mercury in atmospheric the trough is equal to the pressure? pressure exerted at the same level in the tube. Because of this reason the height of mercury is used in measuring the atmospheric pressure. 14. How does the 14. At higher attitudes atmospheric pressure the atmospheric pressure is different at is low. Below the sea different Altitudes? level the atmospheric pressure is high.

Define Torricellian Vaccum

What does 76 cm of Hg indicates? Lecture cum Demonstration method. Mention the uses of Barometer?

15. How is barometer useful to know the height of a place from sea level?

Uses of Barometer:1. It shows atmospheric pressure of a particular place. 2. With the help of barometer we can know the height of a particular place from sea level. 3. Rain ,storm can be forecasted with the help of atmospheric pressure. 16. How does fore cast of storm done with a barometer? 17. why is mercury used in a barometer?

18. Why is water not used in a barometer?

15. For every 272.7 meters of height from the sea level 2.54 centimetrs of pressure decreases. For every 272.7 meteres of depth from the sea level 2.54 cm of pressure increases. 16. By sudden fall in the height of mercury column. 17. A short length of mercury can counter balance the normal atmospheric pressure. It does not vaporise under vacuum conditions. It does not wet glass. 18. 10.34 m of water column can support the atmospheric pressure; It is difficult to have a tube of that length. Water vaporises under vacuum contitions.

How does forecast of rain & storm done with a Barometer?

Which liquid is used in Barometer?

Question & answers Method

Recapitulation:1. ______________ scientist designed cistern barometer. 2. Height of mercury column near the sea level is usually ____________cms. 3. Vacuum in the barometer is called ________________vacuum. 4. ______________is used to find the atmospheric pressure. 5. At higher altitudes pressure exerted by air is ________________. 6. The height of a particular place from the sea level is known with the help of a _____________.

Assignment:1. What is atmospheric pressure? 2. Draw a neat sketch of cistern barometer Name its parts. 3. Describe the construction of cistern Barometer. 4. What are the uses of cistern Barometer?

Expected Learning behaviour achieved

Student is able is define the term atmospheric pressure. He describes the construction of cistern barometer and develops skill in doing experiment and by drawng the diagram. He will come to know that atmospheric pressuer is 76 cm of Hg.

Period No 4 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 06/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Pollution Subject:: Factors causing air pollution. Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:Students will get ready to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. In our school, 1. Fire wood. kitchen, which type of fuel is used for cooking? 2. What is evolved if 2. Light & smoke. fire wood is burnt? 3. Is it comfortable 3. No. for cooking with fire wood? 4. Why? 4. Smoke in throat 5. Where does the . smoke coming from 5. Smoke atmosphere fire wood goes? pollution. goes into causing






will cause burning sensation in eyes, it causes irritation, cough




Announcement of the Topic:Today we will discuss about the Factors causing air pollution.

1. What is pollution?

1. Student will define the pollution as existence of harmful substances in atmosphere.

Define Pollution

Presentation:Introduction:Existence of harmful substances in the atmosphere causes pollution. The existence of substances which are not suitable to the atmosphere in improper ratioo, in improper seasons are called polluting substances Atmosphere is polluted by dust, smoke, carbondixide, Nitrogen oxide, Sulphurdioxide and bad odour gas.

2. What are polluting 2. Students define the substances? polluting substances as harmful substances present in atmosphere. 3. What pollution? is air 3. Presence of solid, liquid & gaseous Charts showing air substances present in pollution higher volumes in air. 4. Combustion of fuels like charcoal, kerosene, Diesel, petrol, firewood. Which releases CO2. Lecture cum Demonstration method. & Question and Answer Method.. Define Pollution Substances.

4. How combustion of fuels is responsible for air pollution?

What is Factors causing air Pollution:- 5. deforestation? 6. How deforestation 1. Conbustion of fuels. causes pollution? 2. Deforestation. 3. Emission of gases by vehicles. 4. Industrialisation. 5. Methods of Cultivation. 6. Atomic explosion and its

5. Cutting down of trees is forest. Dust rising from roads 6. De forestation causes decrease in volume of Oxygen. Vehicles emits 7. Name some gases 7. emitted by vehicles? corbonmonoxide, Nitricoxide, sulphur dioxide and compounds of lead.

Define air Pollution.

malady 7. Sound pollution. .

8. Name the polluting 8. Factories release substances released harmful gases, dust by Factories? smoke, soot etc. . 9. Mention the 9. Strontium 90 is the polluted substance in polluted substance. atomic explosions? 10 How aeroplanes 10. Aeroplanes release cause pollution? carbon compounds and fluoro carbons which destroys Ozone layer. Smoke from factories and vehicles Mention the factors Lecture cum causing air Demonstration Pollution. method.
Question & answers Method

Dust particles rising from a stone crusher

Recapitulation:1. Existence of harmful substances in the atmosphere causes______________________. 2. Decrease in the area of forests causes decrease the volume of ___________________. 3. The Pollutant substance formed in the atomic explosion is ______________________. 4. Sound pollution causes _________________. 5. _______________ destroys Ozone layer.

Assignment:1. What is meant by air Pollution? 2. Mention the Various factors causing air Pollution? 3. What is meant by Polluting Substances?

Expected learning behaviour Achieved:He is able to define the terms Pollution, air Pollution, Polluting substances etc. He is able to recognize and understand the various factors causing Pollution.

Period No 5 & 6 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 07/07/2011 & 08/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Pollution Subject:: Controlling & Effects of Air Pollution

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:Students will get Motivated to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out Aids/Experiments to comes be done/Demonstrations By Teacher By Pupils etc. Continuation of previous lesson:The teacher will ask questions from previous lessons. 1. What pollution? 2. What pollutants? is air 1. Existance of harmful, unwanted substances in air. are 2. Solid, liquid & gaseous substances which are harmful to air are called pollutants. ______








Announcement of the Topic:Now we will learn about the topic controlling methods for air pollution and effects of air pollution.

3. Mention the factors 3. Combustion of fuels, causing air pollution? deforestation, emission of gases by vehicles, industrialization, methods of cultivation etc.

Presentation:Controlling methods of air pollution:1. By checking the emission of smoke from motor vehicles. 2. By controlling emission of smoke from factories. 3. By using devices which filter the agents causing the pollution. 4. Re forestation methods. 5. controlling the usage of pesticides, fertilizers etc. 6. Controlling the usage of pesticides, fertilizes etc.

1. Mention few controlling methods to reduce air pollution?

1. Controlling the emission of gases through factories, encouraging the reforestation, controlling the spread of dust particles are the methods to reduce air pollution.

Smoke less ovens can be used in Kitchens. Because of air pollution trees houses & historical buildings are turning black.

Lecture cum Demonstration method. & Question and Answer Method..

What are the steps taken to control the air pollution?

Effects of air pollution:1. Carbondioxide causes difficulty in breathing, increases temperature of earth. 2. Sulphurdioxide headache, mental disorder.

2. Smokeless ovens also 2. How can we prevent air pollution in prevent air pollution our houses. By burning fossil in our kitchens? fuels like petrol 3. By filtering the sulphur related gases 3. How can we poisonous substances are released which prevent smoke and by using long causes acid rains. coming from chimney for releasing industries causing smoke pollution? Because of 4. What ill effects are 4. Carbondioxide causes Chloropflourocarbons caused due to difficulty in breathing. It Ozone layer is carbondioxide? increases the temperature damaged. of earth. 5. What are the bad 5. Sulpher dioxide effects of causes breathlessness in Because of dust sulphurdioxide? humanbeings and particles, we get less animals. yield from crops. It destroys plants, chlorophyll in plant

Solar Car Figure Mention the harm ful effects of air pollution.

3. Carbon monoxide destroys chlorophyll, in plant leaves. 4. Zinc, Chromium, lead causes. Skin diseases, asthama and other allergies. 5. Strontium 90 causes cancer. 6. Chloro Floro Carbon compounds causes damage to Ozone layer. 7. Sound pollution causes deafness & affects central Nervous system.

leaves. 6. What is the damage 6. It destroys Ozone caused by chlorofloro layer. carbon compounds? 7. What is the effect 7. Causes Cancer. of strontium 90? 8. What are the bad 8. Causes skin diseases, The Taj Mahal & The effects of Zinc, asthama and other Qutub Minar which are Chromium & lead? allergies. very ancient buildings,
have lost their natural colour because of the air pollution.
Tajmahal & The Qutub Minar Figures

lecture cum Demonstration method. Question & answers Method

Moth Figures In eighteenth century, because of the industrial revolution in Britain the Moths (insects) Changed from white to black. The surrounding trees and buildings also turned to black.

How are acid rains formed?

Recapitulation:1. ________________destroys chlorophyll in plant leaves. 2. Carbondioxide as a pollutant causes._____________. 3. Sound pollution causes._________________. 4. ________________Causes cancer. 5. Reforestation method decreases ________________pollution.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions. 1. Mention few controlling methods to reduce air pollution? 2. Mention the harmful effects of air pollution?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved

He will understand the various controlling methods of air pollution. He will develop thinking skill towards the controlling methods of air pollution. He will understand the various harmful effects of air pollution.

Period No 7 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 09/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air and Weather Subject:: Volumetric Composition of Water Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:Students will get Motivated to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What happens if you sprinkle salt water on a frying pan? i.e. water and salt are decomposed i.e. separated. For this heat energy is used. 2. Are you having electric water heater in your house? 3. What is the use of it? 4. What type of energy is used for heating water? 1. Water evaporates and salt remains on pan.



______ 2. Yes. 3. It heats the water. 4. Electrical energy. i.e. in order to heat a substance & decompose it, we require some energy like heat or electrical or light energy. ______





Announcement of the Topic:Now we will learn about the Volumetric composition of Water where heat energy is used to decompose water.

Presentation:Electrolysis:If electricity is used for decomposing a substance is called Electrolysis. When electricity is passed through acidic water, it decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen gases. A little salt water or a little alkali is added to water for easy conduction of electricity. Electrolysis of Water:Acidic water is poured in voltmeter, two test tubes filled with Acidic water are inverted over two iron nails, which are called electrodes. Electrodes are connected to positive and negative terminals of a battery. Gasses are formed in two test tubes. Testing the gases formed in test tube A glowing splinter is introduced into the test tube which has less gas. The splinter

1. What happens to a 1. When a substance is substance when it is heated, it decomposes. heated? 2. What is needed for 2. The student recalls decomposing a that energy is needed substance? for decomposing a substance 3. What Electrolysis? is 3. If electricity is used for .decomposing a substance it is called Electrolysis. Lecture cum Demonstration method.

Define Electrolysis.

& 4. When is water 4. When electricity is Electrolysis of Water decomposed into passed through acidic Question and gases? water, it decomposes Some interesting Answer into Oxygen and things. Method.. Hydrogen gases. 5. How do you make 5. Water is a bad water for easy conductor of electricity. conduction of A little salt or a little electricity? alkali is added to water for easy conduction of electricity. Water exists in three forms. Solid: Ice & Snow. Liquid: Ordinary water. Gas: Water Vapours.

Define Electrolysis of Water.

6. What is the test for 6. A glowing splinter the presence of burns brilliantly in 22nd March is world Oxygen? Oxygen.

How can we identify the gases formed in the test tube during electrolysis of water?

burns brilliantly indicating the gas formed is oxygen. Another glowing splinter is introduced into the test tube which has more amount of gas. The splinter is put out with a pop sound. The gas burns with blue flame. The gas formed is Hydrogen. Water is formed through combination of hydrogen and Oxygen in certain ratio. This is called composition of water composition of elements in certain volumes is known as volumetric composition.

7. What is the test for 7. A burning splinter is the presence of put off in Hydrogen Hydrogen? with a pop sound. The gas burns with a blue flame. 8. what do you mean 8. Sending electricity by electrolysis of through water and water? decomposing into Oxygen and Hydrogen is called electrolysis. 9. What composition water?

Water day. .

What are the properties of Hydrogen?

50 litres of water is the daily requirement cum for an individual, lecture Demonstration according to the recommendations of method. What are the is 9. Water is formed by united nations. properties of of the combination of Oxygen? Question Hydrogen and Oxygen. & This combination answers occurs in a certain fixed Method ratio. This is called the composition of water. Define volumetric composition of water.

10. What is meant by 10. composition of volumetric elements in certain composition? volumes is known as volumetric composition. 11. What is volumetric composition water? the 11. Two volumes of Hydrogen and one of volume of Oxygen compose two volumes of water.

How water is formed?

2 H2 + O2 -- 2H2o. 12. How Hydrogen 12. Hydrogen and and Oxygen unite to Oxygen unite in a fixed form water? ratio and form water.

What is its composition?. .

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Electricity is used for decomposing a substance. It is called _______________________. 2.. To make water a good conductor _____________________is added. 3. ______________helps burning splinter. 4. 2H2 + O2 -- ______________. 5. Hydrogen burns in air with a _________________flame. 6. _________and __________are formed on electrolysis of water.

Assignment :Answer the following Questions:1. Describe the Experiment of electrolysis of water. 2. A neat labelled diagram of the apparatus showing the electrolysis of water.

Behavioural changes expected and achieved :Student develop experiments of water. Develop skill in drawing diagram, under the volumetric composition of water.

Period No 8 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 11/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Water, Weather Subject::3.6 Hardness of Water Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:Students will get Motivated to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What type of water 1. Bore Water. is available for drinking in our Hostel? 2. Is Bore water 2. Salty. sweat or salty? 3. How do you feel 3. We will observe soap when you take bath residue on our skin. with this salt water? 4. If you wash your clothes with salt water whether the dirt is removed easily? 5. What is the taste of municipal water 4. No, dirt is not removed easily. So much soap is wasted. 5. It is sweet in taste.







Announcement of the Topic:Today we will know about the Hardness of water in which we will come to know about its types also.

coming from taps? i.e. the Bore water contains more salt so Presentation:it is salty and is Types of Water:mostly not preferred Water is of two types. to use. This type of a) Hard water b) Soft Water. Type of water is found out with water is hard water. The water that tastes soap. sweet is called soft Soft water gives lather very water. quickly with soap. Hard water does not give 1. How many types lather quickly with soap. of water are there ? Name them. Types of Hardness of water:Hardness of water is of two types. 2. How the type of Temporary and permanent water is found out? hardness of water. Temporary hardness of water is 3 How can we find due to the presence of out soft water? bicarbonates of calcium and Magnesium in water. Presence of 4. How can we find sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium in water out hard water? causes permanent hardness to 5. Why usage of hard water. water is not preferred?

Define Hard water.

1. Water is of two types. a). Hard water b) Soft water 2. Type of water is found Water collected out with soap. form bore well, tap and a well, 3. Soft water gives lather very quickly with soap. Observe reactions of 4. Hard water does not soap with these give lather quickly with waters. soap. 5. If we use hard water. 1) Much soap is washed 2) Scales are formed on the vessels used for

Lecture cum Define Demonstration softwater. method. & Question and Answer Method.. How hard Water is found.?

How soft water is found.?

boiling this water. 6. How many types 6. Hardness of water is of Hardness of water of two types. is known? What are 1) Temporary Hard they? water 2) Permanent Hard water 7. Why does 7. Temporary hardness temporary hardness to water occurs due to occur to water? the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and Magnesium in water. 8. Why does 8. Permanent hardness to permanent hardness water Occurss due to the occur to water? presence of sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium with water. 9. Why is a residue formed when hard water is treated with soap? 9. The salts of hardwater and sodium stearite in soap, reacts with each other and forms a residue.

Name the types of Hardness of water.

lecture cum Demonstration Define method. temporary

Question & answers Method

Define Permanent Hardness.

Reacapitulation:1. When Magnesium bicarbonate is dissolved in water ________________________ hardness occurs. 2. Water having permanent hardness contains ________________________of calcium and Magnesium. 3. Water which does not give lather with soap is called._____________________. 4. Water which readily gives lather with soap is ______________________water. 5. The presence of sulphates in water causes _________________________ hardness to water.

Assignment:1. Name the types of hardness of water and describe the reasons for it. 2. How are soft and hard water identified.

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Students will classify the hardness of water into different types. By doing experiments he will come to know the type of water.

Period No 9 & 10 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 12/07/2011 & 13.07.2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Water, Weather Subject::3.6 Hardness of Water

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:Students will get Motivated to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out Aids/Experiments to comes be done/Demonstrations By Teacher By Pupils etc. Continuation of the previous lesson. 1. How many types of 1. Two types. water is known? 1. Soft water. What are they? 2. Hard Water.



_____ 2. How many types of 2. Two types. Hardness of water is known? What are 1. Temporary hardness. they? 2. :Permanent hardness. 3. How can we find 3. Hard water does not out hard water? give lather quickly with soap. 4. How can we find 4. Soft water gives lather out soft water? very quickly with soap. Announcement of the Topic:To day we will learn how Hardness of water is removed. _____



Presentation:Removal of Hardness:-:Temporary hardness can be removed by 3 Methods. 1). By Boiling 2). Clarks Method 3. By Mixing with washing soda. By Bioling:By boiling water the bicarbonates of calcium and Magnesium are decomposed into Carbonates. Clarks Method:- Hard water is mixed with slaked lime . The bicarbonates present in the water are changed into carbonates.

1. Mention the 1. Temporary hardness methods of removing can be removed by the temporary hardness of water? 1. by boiling 2. Clarks Method. 3. By mixing with washing soda. 2. How can temporary 2. By boiling water the hardness be removed bicarbonates of Calcium by boiling? and magnesium are decomposed into carbonates. Ca (Hco3)2 --- CaCo3 + H2o + Co2 Mg (Hco3)2 -- Mgco3 + H2o + Co2 3. Hard water is mixed with slaked lime, the bicarbonates present in the water are changed into carbonates. Ca(Hco3) + Ca (OH)2 2CaCo3+2H2o. Mg(Hco3)2 + Ca (OH)2-- CaCo3 + Lecture cum Demonstration method. Permutite Process & Question and Answer Method..

Name the methods of removing temporary hardness of water.

By mixing with washing soda:Temporary hardness of water can 3. How can temporary hardness can be be removed by mixing washing removed by clarks soda to water. method? Types of Modern Processes for 4. Write the chemical removal of Permanent equation for removing Hardness:temporary hardness of Hardness of water can be water by mixing removed. washing soda in it.

Ion Exchange Process

Explain clarks method

1. Permutit process 2. Exchange Ions process. 1. Permutit Process:- Sodium permutit is filled in the cylindrical tube and hard water is allowed to flow above cylindrical tube. The chlorides and sulphides of calcium and magnesium are changed into permutits & soft water is obtained at the bottom. 2. By exchange of Ions:- Hard water contains Ions of calcium & Magnesium, Sulphate & chloride. By displacement of positive ion H+ with Negative ions OH- the hardness of water can be removed.

Mgco3 + 2H20. Ca (Hco3)2 + Na2Co3 Caco3 + 2 NaHco3 CaSo4 + Na2Co3- CaCo3 + Na2So4.

. Explain the process of permutite.

5. Mention the types of modern processes 5. Permanent hardness of for removal of water can be removed permanent hardness? by. 1. Permutite process. 2. Exchange of Ions 6. Explain the process. permutite process of 6. Sodium permutit is removal of permanant filled in the cylindrical hardness of water? tube & hard water is allowed to flow above the tube. The chlorides and sulphides of calcium and magnesium are 7. Explain the changed into permutites. exchange of ions 7. Hard water contains method for removing ions of calcium and permanent hardness magnesium, Sulphate of water? and chloride. By displacement of positive ion H+ with negative ions OH- the hardness of water can be removed.

Lecture cum Demonstration method. Question & answers Method

Explain Exchange of ions process.

Recapitulation:1. _______________ is called washing soda. 2. Calcium sulphate is represented with_______________ 3. The formula of calcium bicarbonate is _____________. 4. Permutite process is for removing _________________water. 5. Slaked lime is ________________.

Assignment:1. Write the chemical equations for removing temporary hardness of water by mixing washing soda in it? 2. Describe the exchange of ions method. 3. Draw a Neat labelled diagram of exchange of ions and permutite process.

Behavioural changes expected and achieved.

He will develop experimental skills by doing experiments.
He will develop drawing skill.

Period No 11 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 14/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Water, Weather Subject::3.7 Drinking Water Supply of pure water. Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Subconcepts Motivation:Students will get Motivated to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What are the uses 1. Water is used for of Water? cooking, bathing, cleaning, washing clothes. 2. Already you know that water is of two types? What are they? i.e. salts are present in hard water which is useful to plants. 3. Which type of water you will drink? 4. Why do we drink only cleaned water not un cleaned water? 2. Soft water, Hard water.





3. Cleaned water or filtered water. Etc. 4. Because dirt, disease causing germs are present in unclean water. i.e. the water we use



Announcement of the Topic:To day we will learn about the lesson Drinking water -supply of pure water.

should be cleaned. 5. In your village 5. Gram panchayat will who will supply supply cleaned water. cleaned water? Like in town water is purified by the Government i.e. Municipal agencies and supplied to the people.

Drinking water supply of pure water.

Mention the uses of water. Lecture cum Demonstration method. &

Presentation:Introduction:Water is used for cooking, cleaning and washing .Salts of the earth dissolve in the rain water on the earth. Sewage water contains mud and other dirty things. 1. Water are the uses 1. Water is used for of water? cooking, cleaning and washing. It is a good solvent. 2. What happens 2. When water goes into when water goes into earth several salts earth? dissolve in it. Or 3. What happens to 3. Dust and dirt on earth the rain water when mix with water. it falls on earth? 4. What will grow 4. Microbes of cholera, more in well water? and Typhoid grow more in the well water.

Question and Answer Method..

Process of Purification of water:It is done in three stages. 1. Preservation. 2. Cleaning. 3. Supply. I. Reservoir is used for preservation.

How does rain water becomes dirty on earth?

II. Water is filtered in beds. Chlorination, aeration are done to water. III. Clean water is supplied to houses, schools, hospitals, offices and factories through pipes. Put a tick ( _/ ) mark on the correct way of using drinking water.

5. What is meant by 5. Removal of dissolved cleaning of water? dirt particles and bacteria is called cleaning of water. 6. What are the 6. 1. Preservation. different stages of 2. Cleaning. purifying water? 3. Supply. Are the three stages of purifying water. 7. Where is water 7. Water is preserved in preserved? reservoirs. 8. Which water is 8. Rain water is collected in collected in reservoir. reservoir? 9. What is removed 9. Heavy particles and from water in dirt go down to the reservoir? bottom of the water. 10. What is cleaning? 10. Cleaning is the second stage where water is filtered in the filter beds. Light particles floating on water are removed. 11. What is 11. Sending of chlorine chlorination? gas into the water is

Define purification of water.

Lecture cum Explain Demonstration about method. Question & answers Method


Explain Cleaning.

called chlorination. 12. Why is chlorine 12. For eradication of sent into water? bacteria. 13. What is aeration? 13. Aeration is the Why it is done? method where water is pumped into the air in the shape of snow. It is also used for removal of bacteria.

Lecture Demonstration method.

Who supply the water in cum towns? Who supply the water in villages?

How sea water is purified.

Question & answers Method

14. How is water 14. Water is supplied to supplied? houses, schools, Take some water in hospitals, offices and a vesse.l. Add 3 factories through pipes. spoons of salt .Water is boiled & steam 15. What is 15. Removal of comes out. Plate is purification of dissolved dirt and placed in the path of Water? bacteria is called the steam. Steam Purification of water. changes into drops of water on the plate and salt remains at the bottom of the vessel. A similar method is used to change the sea water into fresh water.

Define chlorination

Define Aeration.

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:1. In Industries water is used because it is a good._______________. 2. When rain water flows on the earth, it becomes______________. 3. Microbes of Cholera and Typhoid grow more in the _________________ water. 4. If we drink un clean water we may fall ______________________. 5. For water preservation ___________________________is used. 6. Water in the reservoir is generally___________________.

Assignment:Answer the following Question:1. Explain the three stages of purifying water. 2. Why should the water we use be clean? 3. What is chlorination? 4. What is purification of water?

Behavioural Changes expected and achieved:Student will gain knowledge and understand about how water is purified. He will come to know how water is purified, advantage of drinking pure water. He recognizes various devices used as water filters.

Period No 12 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 15/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Water, Weather Subject::3.8 Water Pollution Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Subconcepts Motivation:Students will get Motivated to listen the lesson.

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils Already you have learnt about air pollution. 1. Can any body tell what is air pollution? 1. The Presence of harmful substances more than in required quantities in air. 2. By some poisons & harmful substances.





2. How air gets polluted? In the same manner water will also get polluted. 3. Can any body define water pollution?

_____ 3. Presence of harmful substances in water.


Announcement of the Topic:Today we will discuss the lesson Water Pollution.


1. What is the Water Pollution:Excessive and undesirable wastes importance of water? present in water lead to water pollution. 2. What is the Consumption of such polluted function of water in water may lead to life hazards. human beings? Causes for water pollution:Natural contamination. 3. What is meant by Indiscriminate activities of man water pollution? and agro industrial wastes. Atomic Reactors. Measures for preventing water Pollution:1. Purify the wastes before sending them into lakes & rivers. 2. Proper usage of drainage. 3. Proper use of composts. 4. Marine organic plants must be removed from pure water lakes. 5. Careful use of water. 4. What are the sources of water? 5. What are the causes for water pollution?

If one drinks 1. Water is essential water contains a lot of for existence of life. fluorine, he will get Flourosis. 2. Water is an important source to carry out the metabolic and excretory activities. 3. Excessive and undesirable wastes present in water lead to water pollution. 4. Rivers, lakes, tanks, wells and springs are the sources of water. 5. 1. Natural. 2. Indiscriminate activities of man. Atomic reactors. Agricultural wastes. 6. Use of water for washing, bathing of animals are the natural causes.

Define water pollution. Lecture cum Demonstration method. & Question and Answer Method.. Mention the causes for water pollution.

6. What are the natural causes for water pollution?

7. Mention the indiscriminate activities of man causing water pollution?

7. Industrially discharged wastes may contain poisonous chemicals. The chemicals in water may cause water pollution. 8. In agriculture there is excessive use of fungicide & pesticide. They become cause of water pollution in rural areas. 9. Fish live with the Oxygen dissolved in water. Due to acid rains fish die in some ponds. Due to chemicals in polluted water the plants grown in ponds which absorb the dissolved Oxygen and as a result die due to shortage of Oxygen.

. Mention the Measures for preventing water pollution.

8. What are the effects of agricultural waste in water?

Waste materials from houses, factories and agricultural farms

9. Why do fish in some ponds die? Given reasons?

Lecture cum Demonstration method. Question & answers Method

Water is collected from tank, tap, well water we drink and examine under sunlight or with a hand lense & record your results.

Name some natural causes for water pollution.

10. How is water becoming fatal to marine life? 11. Mention the steps taken to prevent water pollution?

10. Water discharged from the atomic reactors into sea water may be fatal to marine life. 11. 1. To purify the wastes before leaving water into lakes, ponds & rivers. 2. Proper usage of drain. River Ganga is very 3. Proper use of badly polluted. composts. 4. Marine Organic plants must be removed from pure water lakes. 12. Diarrhea, Cholera, Typhoid, Jaundice, Polio, Malaria, Dengue fever.

Lecture cum Demonstration method. Question & answers Method

12. Name some diseases caused by drinking polluted water?

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Water is essential for the existence of __________________________. 2. consumption of polluted water leads to ________________________ hazards. 3. Agro industry uses excessive of ______________________________ 4. Proper use of composts prevents______________________________ 5. Wastes discharged from atomic reactors to the water may be fatal to _____________.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions;_

1. Define water pollution? 2. What are the causes for water pollution? 3. What steps are to be taken for prevention of water pollution?

Behavioural Changes expected and achieved:Student will gain knowledge and understands the various aspects of water pollution. He will recognize the harmful effects of water pollution. By knowing all these things, he will educate the people not to pollute water.

Period No 13 of Lesson No.


No III : Date: 16/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: III, Air, Water, Weather Subject::3.9 Wind, Rainfall, Cyclone & Crops Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What are the sources of water? 2. Where do we get water in the Rivers, Lakes, Ponds etc? 3. What is air? 1. Rivers, Lakes, Wells, Ponds etc. 2. From Rain, snow, fog etc.



Motivation:Students gets motivated to listen the lesson.

_____ 3. Air is a mixture of gases present in the atmosphere.


Announcement of the topic:Now we will learn about wind, Rainfall, cyclone & crops.

4. If air blows 4. Wind. speedily, then what is it called? i.e air blowing or flowing from one place to another place is wind.



Presentation:Wind:- Wind is defined as the

air that flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. Wind may also be called breeze. Wind is of 3 types. Types of Wind: 1. Global. 2. Regional 3. Mansoon (Trade winds).

1. What is Wind?

1. Wind is defined as the air that flows from areas of higher pressure to are as of lower pressure. 2. Global Regional Mansoon or Tradewinds.

Define Winds.

2. Name the types of Wind? 3. How is the difference in pressure developed for the movement of air?

Rainfall:- As the air cools,

water vapour liquefies into tiny water droplets. On further cooling these droplets form rain.

Humidity:- Atmosphere
consisting of water vapour is known as humidity. Rainguage:- It is used to measure rainfall. Cyclones:- The flow of gales from denser to rarer regions accompanying the rain is called a 4. Explain why holes are made in hanging banners and hoardings?

Wind wane which is used to find direction of Wind 3. Air pressure occurs Lecture cum according to difference Demonstration in temperature. method. When air gets heated in the atmosphere, it & expands resulting in lowering its density. Question and This air has low Answer pressure. Thus the Method.. differences in The Water Cycle temperature causes difference in pressure for the movement of air. 4. Holes are made to give a safe passage of air. Air has pressure. If no holes are made the pressure of this passing air cause damage to them.

Mention the Various types of Wind.

How water reaches the earth from atmosphere? Rain Guage


5. How are tiny water 5. Air contains water and droplets, rain and hail water vapour. stones formed? As the temperature increases the quantity of water vapour in air increases. 6. What is water cycle? 6. The movement of water between earth, atmosphere and ocean is called water cycle. 7. The rain guage is used to measure rainfall. 8. Gales are formed depending on the acute difference in air pressure in the areas concerned. 9. The difference in air pressures in the concerned areas are very high. Then the gales are formed. 10. Gales flow from denser to rarer regions accompanying the rain. This forms the cyclone.

Define water cycle.

7. How rainfall is measured? 8. How are gales formed?

What is the use of Rain guage.

Lecture cum Demonstration method. Question & answers Method

Define Gales.

9. When are gales formed?

10. Why does cyclone form?

Define Cyclone.

11. What are the other names of Cyclones?

11. Cyclones are called as:a) Hurricanes in united states of America. b) Typhoons in Phillipines & Japan.

Lecture cum What Demonstration the method. effects Question & answers Method

are bad of Cyclone.?

12. What is the havoc 12. Big trees, poles caused by Cyclones? buildings may collapse due to a cyclone. Crops also get damaged. Cyclones cause havoc causing loss of property and life. 13. Name two technologies which help in weather fore cast? 13. Artificial weather satellites and Radars.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Air that flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure is _______________________. 2. _______________is the water vapour present in air. 3. Rain with gales is called _____________________. 4. _______________ Measures rainfall. 5. Breeze is of ___________________types. 6. Mansoons are also called______________.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions;_

1. What is Wind? Howmany types are present? What are they? 2. What is humidity? 3. When does Cyclone form? Prepared By :: B. Suneetha T.G.T (B.S) Chinnachowk Coordinated By :: T. Padmaja, Principal, Devapatla.


Name of the Teacher :: Name of the School :: Class

General Aims

:: VII
:: 1. To Inculcate Scientific Attitude among the Students. 2. To create Scientific ability and development of inner talents of the students. 3. To develop of habit of keen observation skills :: The students understand and get complete knowledge about the topic. :: Lecture cum Demonstration Method and Question and Answer Method

Specific Aim Teaching method

Objectives and Specifications

Objectives I. Cognitive domain:Specifications Recall: Student will recall the various thing related to the construction of a house.

A.: Knowledge: Student will acquire the knowledge about various materials used for the construction of a house. Recognise: Student will recognize the various things related to the construction of a house. B.Understanding:- Student will understand the knowledge acquired 1. Student will define the various terms like kiln,baking, about the various materials used for the construction of a house. pulverization, clinker, concrete etc. 2. Student will explain the process of preparation of bricks, tiles, mortar, cement, concrete. 3. Student will describe the kilns, baking preparation of mortar and cement. 4. Student will classify that different workers perform different works that are necessary for the construction of a house. II.Psycho Motor Domain:C.Application:- Student will understand the knowledge acquired about the various materials used for the construction of a house and apply in unknown conditions. Analysis:- Student will analyse the various things related to the various materials used for the construction of a house. Uses:- Student will use the information learned about the various topics in day to day life and also in further classes.

Student will show his skill in observing the process of preparation D.Skills:- The Student will show his skill in applying the knowledge and information gained in various topics in day to day of bricks, tiles, cement etc. life.

Period No 1 of Lesson No. 1 /Unit: No IV : Date:18/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Preparation of Bricks Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. In a House. 2. Hut / Shed/ Building Etc.



1) Motivation:1.Where do you live Students will get motivated to in? listen the lesson. 2. What type of a house is yours? 3. Why do we live in a House?

3.House protects us from heat, cold, rain and enemies. 4. Can you name the 4. Bricks, Tiles, Cement, materials used for the mortar, stones etc. 2) Announcement of the topic: construction of a Now let us study about the topic house? Preparation of Bricks from the unit Housing and Clothing Presentation:Concept 1, Introduction:House protects us from heat, 1.Why should we live 1.House protects us from cold, rain & enemies. For in a house? heat, cold, rain & constructing a house we need a 2. Name the things enemies proper plot of land, stones, brick, that are required for a 2.We need a proper plot cement, sand and other materials. construction of a of land, stones, brick, Stones are used for foundation & house? cement, sand and other bricks for walls. materials.


What is the need of constructing a house? Can you give the list of the

3. Which material is used for laying foundation? 4. Which material is used for construction of walls? Concept-II Preparation of Bricks:- 5. When does the Brick is the structural unit for the construction of a construction of walls. If we house becomes easy? construct walls with mud, the mud walls get washed away & the houses collapse. House with brick walls are much stronger and 6. What is the lasts for a longer time. structural and Bricks are prepared from functional unit for the clay. Clay is mixed with water construction of walls? and made into a paste. This paste is put into rectangular wooden 7.In villages with moulds & spread on an even what material do they surface. Wet bricks are dried in construct the wills? the sun. The dried bricks are arranged 8. Are the mud walls one above the other in several strong? rows. Space is left between the rows of bricks for the passage of 9. What is the air & these spaces are filled with disadvantage of mud wood, charcoal or husk. The walls? entire layer of bricks is covered with clay. This is called a brick 10. What is the kiln. The fuel between bricks is advantage of Brick For roof we require sheets. To construct properly we must knowledge about the that are used. tiles or a house have a materials

3. Stones are used for laying foundation. 4. Bricks are used for construction of walls. Visiting a Brick Kiln. 5. To construct a house
properly we must have a knowledge about the materials that are used. Then the construction becomes easy.

Observe how the walls are constructed with bricks. Question and Answer Method & Lecture cum Demonstration Method.

materials that are used for laying foundation , construction of walls & roofs? How can we construct a house easily? Why the brick is considered as structural and functional unit? Why the mudwalls are much stronger than brick walls?

6. Brick is the structural unit for the construction of walls. 7. In villages people construct the walls with Testing the strength of brick by soaking it in mud. water. 8. No, the mud walls are not strong. 9. In the rainy season the mud walls get washed away and the house collapses. 10. House with brick

Mud Wall Fig


lighted and allowed to burn for a few days. This is called baking. Due to heat the moisture in the brick evaporates & make them strong & resistant to water. If brick is dropped on to the ground, if it does not break into pieces it is a good brick.


walls can withstand the effects of water. They are much stronger and 11.What is the material last for longer time.
used for the preparation of bricks?

material used prepare brick?

is to

11. Bricks are prepared with clay.

12. How are bricks 12. Clay is mixed with prepared? water and made into a
paste. This paste is put into rectangular wooden moulds and spread on an even surface. The wet bricks are dried under the sun.

Explain how bricks are prepared. Brick Kiln Fig Answer method & lecture cum Demonstration method. How a brick kiln is constructed? Define baking What is the use of baking bricks in kiln? How can

13. What is a brick Kiln?

13. The dried bricks are arranged one above the other in several rows. Space is left between rows of bricks for the passage of air. These spaces are filled with wood, charcoal or husk. The entire block of bricks is covered with a layer of clay. This is called brick kiln.

14. What is baking?

14. Heating the bricks in brick kiln is called baking . 15. Why the bricks 15. Due to the heat, the are baked in kiln? moisture in the bricks

evaporates & makes the bricks strong and resistant 16. How do you test to water. the strength of a 16. The bricks are soaked in water for 2 hours. After brick? taking out the brick from water, it is dropped on to the ground. If it does not break into pieces, it is a good brick.

you decide the strength of a brick?

Fill in the blanks:1). ______________ is the structural unit for the construction of walls. 2) Bricks are prepared from__________________. 3) Heating of bricks in a kiln is called__________________. 4)_______________makes bricks strong and resistant to water. 5) If brick does not break into pieces when it is droped it is a _____________brick.

5. Assignment:
Answer the following questions:1) What is baking? 2) What is a brick kiln? 3) Explain how bricks are prepared.

Behavioral changes expected and achieved.

Student will acquire the knowledge about preparation of Bricks and understands the acquired knowledge. He will Recall & Recognize the various things related to the preparation of Bricks.

Student will define various terms like Baking, Kiln etc. Class:: VII Subject: General Science No IV : Date:19/07/2011 & Time:
Period No 2 of Lesson No. 1 /Unit:

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Preparation of tiles & Motar

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



1) Motivation:Continuation of Students will get motivated to previous lesson listen the lesson. 1. Name the materials 1. Mud, bricks etc. used for constructing the walls?
2. Which walls are 2. Brick walls. stronger weather the mud walls or brick walls




3. What is the reason?

3. Because the mud walls are washed away during rainy season 4. What is the material 4. Clay.. used in the preparation of bricks? 5. Where are bricks 5. In Brick kilns. prepared? 6. What is baking? 6. Heating of bricks to evaporate moisture.




2).Announcement Topic:-

the 1. Which material is used in the preparation of tiles? Now let us study about The preparation of tiles & 2. How the paste tiles motar. are made?


1. Clay soil from dried up ponds or tanks is used for making tiles.

Concept I Preparation of tiles:Clay soil from dried up ponds or tanks is used for making tiles. This soil is made wet with water and is ground in a grinder. It is put into a

2. the soil is made wet with water and is ground in a grinder. 3. How are tiles 3. The soil paste is put into prepared? a machine which mould into required shapes & sizes of tiles. Visiting to tiles kiln. These tiles are pressed and then dried. 4. What is a kiln? 4. Kiln is a place where Observing how tiles are the dried tiles are heated used for laying roof. for baking. Showing some tiles in 5. What is baking of 5. Heating of tiles to class room. tiles? evaporate the moisture.

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question & Answers Method.

The clay soil required in the preparation of the tiles is collected from which place? Explain the preparation of tiles?

Define kiln.

6. What is the use of 6. Baking makes the tile machine which moulds the soil baking? strong & resistant to water. paste into required shapes and sizes of tiles. These tiles are pressed and 7. What is the use of 7. Tiles are used for laying tiles? roof of a house. Define Baking.

8. What is a tiled 8. If a house roof is layed then dried. The dried tiles are house? with tiles it is called tiled house.

Visiting near by lime

baked in a kiln. 9. What is a lime kiln? 10. What is dry lime?


Concept II Preparation of motar:Lime stone occurs in nature.

It is heated in kilns. 11. Can you tell the chemical name of the The water and carbondioxide in lime stone? lime stone come out of it. It is 12. How is mortar prepared? called drylime. The dry lime sand and water are mixed in proper proportions and are ground in a mortar. Then it 13. What are the uses of mortar? becomes a paste and is called motar. Mortar is used to join the bricks in the construction of

14. What happens when mortar is exposed to walls and for plastering them. air? 15. In what colour is 15. It is pale white in Motar hardens when exposed to the mortar? colour. air. 16. Have you ever seen 16. Yes, so many times. mortar?

9. Natural lime stone is heated in lime kilns to get dry lime. 10. When natural lime If possible we can see stone is heated in kilns, the the place of Grinding of water and carbondioxide mortar. in lime stone come out. This is called dry lime. 11. Calcium carbonate is the chemical name of the lime stone. 12. The dry lime sand and water are mixed in proper proportions and are ground in a mortar. Then it becomes a paste and is called mortar. 13. Mortar is used to join Grinding of Mortar the bricks in the constructions of walls and for plastering them. 14. Mortar hardens when exposed to air.

How is dry lime prepared. What is the common name of calcium carbonate? Explain how mortar is prepared. For what purpose the mortar is used in the construction of houses?

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question & Answers Method.

4. Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:1.____________Soil from dried up ponds or tanks is used for making tiles. 2. The dried tiles are ________________in a kiln. 3. When lime stone is heated ___________and __________come out of it. 4. ___________sand and water are mixed in proper proportions in a mortar. 5. Tiles are used for laying _______________ of a house. 6. ___________is used to join the bricks in the construction of wallsl & plastering them. 7. Mortar hardens when exposed to _____________.

5. Assignment:Answer the following Questions:1. Why are tiles burnt in kilns. 2. What is mortar? 3. What are the uses of mortar.

Expected learning out come:-

Student will gain knowledge and understand about the preparation of tiles and mortar. Class:: VII Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject: General Science Subject:: Preparation of Cement & No IV : Date:20/07/2011 & Time: Concrete.
Period No 3 of Lesson No. 1 /Unit:

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstratio ns etc.



1) Motivation:Asking some questions Students will get motivated from previous lesson. to listen the lesson. 1. Can you tell a few types 1. Hut, House with a of houses? tiled roof, house with a sheet roof, house with concrete roof. Etc. 2. What type of material is 2. Tiles are used. used for laying tiled roof? 3. For a sheet roof? 3. Asbestos or Zinc sheets are used. 4. What materials are used 4. Cement, Sand, for laying concrete roof? gravel, water, Iron etc. 5. Can you give the uses of 5. Yes cement is used cement? in the construction of a the house.




2).Announcement of Topic:Children today we will know about preparation of

cement and concrete.


1. What is Cement?

Preparation of Cement:Cement is a fine powder, heavy and dirty greenish in colour. It becomes a very hard mass when it comes in contact with water/ This hard mass looks like Portland rock, so cement is called Portland cement. Lime Stone and clay are the raw materials for the preparation of cement. Lime stone and clay are made into powder separately. Five measures of lime powder is mixed with one measure of clay powder & 4. What is pulverization? ground into a fine powder. This process is known as pulverization. Pulverized mixture is put in a kiln and heated to a temperature of 1800c. Due to chemical reaction between the lime and clay hard green balls of calcium silicates 5. Up to what temperature and calcium aluminates are the pulverized mixture is heated?

1. Cement is a fine powder, heavy and dirty greenish in colour. 2. Why Cement is called 2. Cement becomes Portland cement? very hard when it comes in contract with water. This hard mass looks like port land rock, so cement is called port land cement. 3. What are the raw 3. Lime stone, and clay materials for the are the raw materials preparation of cement? for the preparation of cement.

What is a port land cement? Visiting to near by cement factory. What is colour of cement? the the

Observe how cement is used in the Answers Method. construction of 4. Five measures of buildings, Lime powder is mixed with one measure of clay powder and ground into a fine powder. This process is known as pulverization. 5. Up to 1800c in a kiln.



Mention the materials used for the preparation of cement?

Define the pulverization.

Define clinker

formed. This is called clinker. The clincker is cooled and 6. What is Clinker? mixed with 2 to 3% of gypsum and then finely powdered. The powdered clinker is called cement. Cement must be packed in polythene bags and stored in dry conditions away from moisture. 7. What is cement? Use of Cement:- Cement is (or) used in the construction of How cement is formed? buildings, bridges, dams. It is especially used for joining layers of bricks or stones and to blaster the walls 8. Why the cement must be and other structures. packed in polythene bags Preparation of Concrete:- and stored in dry Concrete is a mixture of conditions? cement, Sand, small stones and water. These are thoroughly mixed by hand or in mixing 9. What are the uses of machines & used for cement? construction. It is much more stronger than mortar. It hardens very quickly. Uses:- Used in construction of

6. Due to chemical reaction between the lime and clay hard grey balls of calcium silicates and calcium aluminates are formed. This is called clinker.

Observe how cement is used for joining layers of bricks or stones and to plaster the walls.

Define cement


7. The clinker is cooled and mixed with 2 to 3% of gypsum and then finely powdered. The powdered clinker is called cement. 8. If cement is allowed to come into contact Lecture cum with air or water, it Observe how cement Demonstration hardens, so it is stored concrete is used for Method. carefully. laying roads. 9. Cement is used in the
construction of building, bridges and dams. It is used for joining layers of bricks or stones and to plaster the walls and other structures.

Why cement must not be exposed to air & moisture? How cement is used in construction industry? How is concrete prepared and what are its uses.?

dams, bridges, building, laying roads. 10. What is Concrete? 10. Concrete is a Rein forced concrete mixture of cement, (RCC):sand, small stones and To give more strength, water. concrete is spread over iron frame and this is called reinforced concrete. RCC is much stronger than 11. What are the Uses of 11. Concrete is used in Sand, Gravel,(metal), concrete. Concrete? the construction of Cement, Water, Concrete buildings, bridges and dams. 12. Why concrete is 12. Concrete hardens stronger than cement? very quickly. So much Observe how R.C.C more stronger than roof is laid. cement. It is a mixture of sand, gravel, cement & water. 13. What is Reinforced 13. Concrete is spread concrete? over iron frame & this is called reinforced concrete. 14. Why reinforced 14. To give more concrete is stronger than strength, concrete is cement? spread over iron frame which is much stronger than concrete.

How concrete is stronger than cement?

What is R.C.C roof?

A House with RCC Roof

4. Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:1. The raw materials for preparing cement are ________________________and limestone. 2. The hard mass of cement looks like ______________________ rock. 3. The grinding of lime and clay is called__________________. 4. The powdered clinker is called _____________________. 5. Iron frame work is used in ___________________concrete.

5. Assignment:1. How is cement prepared? 2. How is concrete prepared? 3. What are the uses of Cement? 4. What are the uses of Concrete?

Expected learning outcome:Student will know about the preparation of Cement & Concrete.

Objectives and Specifications

Objectives I. Cognitive domain:Specifications Recall: Student will recall the various experiences about care of clothes and removal of stains.

A.: Knowledge: The student will acquire the knowledge about clothes, how clothes are washed, cared and stains are removed. Recognise: Student will recognize the various aspects about the care of clothes and removal of stains. B.Understanding:- Student will understand the knowledge acquired 1. Student will explain about the various methods of washing clothes, about the care of clothes and removal of stains. removal of stains from clothes. 2. Student will define the term like Dry-Cleaning etc. 3. Student will describe about the precautions. 4. Student will classify different methods used for removing different stains on clothes. Analysis:- Student will analyse the various things related to the care II.Psycho Motor Domain:C.Application:- Student will understand the knowledge acquired of clothes and removal of stains. about the care of clothes and removal of stains and apply in Uses:- Student will use the information learned about the various topics in day to day life and also in further classes. unknown conditions. Student will show his skill in observing the various methods of D.Skills:- The Student will show his skill in applying the knowledge and information gained in various topics in day to day removing different stains on clothes, dry cleaning etc. life.

Period No 4 of Lesson No. 1 /Unit: No IV : Date:21/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Care of Cloths Removal of


Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Subconcepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



1) Motivation:1. What are the basic 1. Food, Clothing and Students will get motivated to needs of Human shelter. listen the lesson. beings? 2. What is the need of 2. Food gives us energy. taking food? 3. Why should we take 3. Shelter protects us from shelter? rain, heat, cold and enemies. 4. Why should we wear 4. Clothes protect the body clothes? from sun, cold, wind and disease producing germs. 5. If we want to keep 5. We should keep our our body healthy what body hygiene and also we should we do? should wear clean clothes. 6. What type of clothes 6. We should wear neat we should wear? and cleaned clothes. ______ _____ ______




2).Announcement of the Topic:1. What is the use of Today we will learn about the wearing clothes? topic Care of Clothes. . 2. Why should we have to keep our clothes clean? 3).Preparation: Care of Clothes:Not only we have to keep our 3. What are the house and body clean, we have to common enemies of clothes? keep our clothes also clean. Clothes protect the body from Sun, Cold, wind and disease 4. What does the dust producing germs. The common carries on to the enemies of clothes are dust and clothes? insects. Dust regularly settles on 5. What happens if the clothes and carries bacteria and dust is not removed other disease producing germs. We form clothes? should change our clothes daily. To protect the clothes from dust keep them in a cupboard. To remove the 6. Where should we dust, clothes can be brushed with a keep our clothes to protect them from dust? soft brush. A variety of insects spoil the clothes by taking shelter in them. 7. How the dust is The common ones are the moths removed from clothes? and silver fishes. Moths settle in clothes and lay eggs. The eggs 8.Name some common insects that spoil the

1. Clothes protect the body from sun, cold, wind and disease producing germs. 2. If clothes are not clean, the body will be affected. 3. The common enemies of clothes are dust and insects. 4. The dust carries bacteria and other disease producing germs. 5. The colour of the clothes also fades out. Clothes do not lost long if dust is not removed from them. 6. To protect the clothes from dust clothes are kept in a cup board. 7. To remove dust, clothes can be brushed with a soft brush. 8. Moths and silverfishes are the common insects

Why should we wear clothes?

We can show the pictures of moths and silverfish.

Question & Answers method Lecture cum Demonstratio n Method

Name some common enemies of clothes.

We can show how dust is removed from clothes.

How are bacteria and germs enter into clothes?

develop into grubs and spoil the clothes. Silver fishes eat away the clothes. Cockroaches also spoil the clothes with their excreta. To protect the clothes from insects, keep moth or insect repellents like napthalene balls where the clothes are kept. Moths do not enter the clothes if the clothes are wrapped in several layers of news papers.

clothes? that spoil the clothes. 9. How do the moths 9. Moths settle in clothes spoil the clothes? and lay eggs, especially in woolen-clothes. The eggs of the moths develop into grubs and these spoil the clothes. 10. What harm does 10. Silver fishes eat away silver fish do to the the clothes. clothes? 11. How do the cockroaches spoil the clothes? 12. How can we protect the clothes from dust? 11. Cockroaches also spoil the clothes with their excreta. 12. To protect the clothes from insects, keep moth or insect repellant like naphthalene balls where the clothes are kept. Moths do not enter the clothes if the clothes are wrapped in several layers of news papers.

We can tell the students to keep the naphthalene balls in cupboard and observe whether the cupboard remains insect free or not.

What Precautions do you take to protect your clothes from dust?

What are the common insects that spoil the clothes?

Question & Answers method Lecture cum Demonstratio n Method

Name the insect which spoils the clothes with their excreta. How do you protect your clothes from insects?

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:1. The dust carries ___________________and other disease producing germs. 2. The common insects that spoil the clothes are ___________and _________. 3. Cockroaches spoil the clothes with their ________________. 4. To protect the clothes from dust clothes are kept in a __________________. 5. __________do not enter the clothes if they are wrapped in several layers of news papers.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions:1. What precautions do you take to protect your clothes from dust and insects?
2. What are the common insects that spoil the clothes.

Period No 5 of Lesson No. 1 /Unit: No IV : Date:22/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Care of Cloths Removal of


Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Subconcepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



1) Motivation:Continuation of the Students will get motivated to previous lesson. listen the lesson. 1. What type of clothes 1. We should wear neat we should wear? and washed clothes ______ 2. Why should we wash 2. Clothes are washed to the clothes? remove dust and dirt. 3. How are clothes 3. Clothes are washed with washed? soaps, surf etc. _____ ______

______ 2).Announcement of the Topic:Today we will know about



Washing of Clothes. .

Washing of Clothes:Clothes are washed to remove dust and grease from them. Daily wear like banians and socks must be kept in hot water for some time and then washed with soap. Washing soda can also be used for washing the clothes. For washing silk clothes washing soda and cheap quality soaps should not be used. These damage the silk fibres. Silk clothes should be washed with fine quality soaps. The fine quality soaps contain less caustic soda, Hence they do not harm the silk fibres. They should not be dried directly under the sun. In the market, a variety of soap powders are available now a, days. There are also soap less detergents.The soap less detergents are petroleum products. They are very effective in removing dirt and grease. 1. Why should we wash 1. clothes are washed to the clothes? remove dust and grease from them. We can show different soaps. What is the purpose of washing clothes? What care is taken in washing silk clothes?

2. How banians and 2. Banians and socks must We can tell which socks are washed? be kept in hot water for soaps is fine quality & sometime and then washed which is cheap. with soap. 3. Which type of soap 3. For washing silk clothes is used for washing silk fine quality soap is used. clothes? 4. What happens if silk 4. cheap quality soaps clothes are washed with damage the silk fibres. cheap quality soaps?

We can show washing: soda, different types of surf.

Question & Answers method Lecture cum Demonstratio n Method

5. Why should we use 5. The fine quality soaps Show how silk clothes fine quality soaps for contain less caustic soda, are damaged with washing silk clothes? hence they do not harm the cheap quality soap. silk fibres. & How silk clothes 6. How silk clothes are 6. Silk clothes are washed loose their colour washed? with fine quality soap and when they are dried in they are dried in shade. sun.

Mention the qualities of a fine quality soap? What care is taken in

Woollen clothes should not be wash with water. They should be dry 7.


How are cotton 7. Cotton clothes are kept in hot water for some time and clothes washed? then washed with soap. 8. How are woollen 8. Woollen clothes should not be washed with water, clothes washed? woollen clothes are to be dry cleaned. 9. Why woollen clothes 9. Woollen clothes shrink are not washed in if washed with water. water? 10. What are soap less 10. Soapless detergents are petroleum products. detergents? 11. Why soapless 11. Soap less detergents are very effective in detergents are used? removing dirt and grease. 12. What cleaning? is dry 12. Washing the clothes with petroleum. products is called dry cleaning.

washing cotton clothes? What care is to be taken while washing woollen clothes Define dry cleaning. We can show various petroleum products that are used for dry cleaning.
Question & Answers method Lecture cum Demonstratio n Method

Observe how the woollen clothes are shrinked. When washed with water.

13. Name the petroleum 13. For dry cleaning products used for liquids like petrol, carbon tetrachloride and benzene drycleaning? are used.

Define soap less detergents.

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:1. Woollen clothes should not be washed with __________________.
2. _____________clothes should not be dried directly in the sun. 3. Soap less detergents are the products of _______________________________. 4. Woollen clothes should be _______________________ cleaned. 5. For dry cleaning liquids like ______________, carbon tetrachloride and ______________are used.

Answer the following Questions:1. How cotton, and woollen clothes are washed? 2. How are silk clothes washed?

Period No 6 of Lesson No. 1 /Unit: No IV : Date:23/07/2011 & 25/07/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: IV, Housing & Clothing Subject:: Care of Clothes Removal of


Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



1) Motivation:Suppose if you are Students will get motivated painting black board to listen the lesson. with black paint, a little paint falls on your dress. 1. In that condition what will you do? 2. Do you wash the stain with water? 3. Why? What is the 2).Announcement of the reason? Topic:4. Then, how will you Look children in todays remove the stain? class we will learn about how 5. While writing notes in can we remove various stains your class room, if your like Ink, Coffee, Tea, Oil and school dress got ink stains, then what will you Grease stain etc.

1. Immediately I will wash my dress. 2. No. 3. Water is not able to remove the paint stain. 4. I will use kerosene or petrol . 5. Till now I dont know how to remove Ink stains. Various stains like grease etc.




3).Presentation:Removal of Stains:-

do? Can we remove and Grease stain




Precautions should be observed for removing the stains from clothes:1) Stains are removed immediately after they have occurred. 2) It is easy to remove a fresh stain. 3) Removal of dried oil stains is difficult. 4) Each type of stain requires a particular method of removal. 5) Do not use the same method of stain removal for all the types of garments.

1. What precautions are 1. Stains should be to be taken to remove immediately removed after stains from clothes? they have occurred. Each type of stain should be removed in a particular method of removal. Some method of stain removal should not be applied for all the clothes. 2. How are blood stains 2. When blood stains removed from clothes? occur on clothes, liquid starch is applied to it. Then they are dried in the sun. After wards they are washed with soap. If the blood stains do not disappear they are washed with warm water in which a little borax is dissolved. Liquid ammonia is also used. 3. How do you remove 3. If the ink stains are wet, Ink stains from clothes? they can be rubbed with milk and washed. Hypo solution is also used. Then they are Remove Ink stains, Coffee, Tea and Iron rust by using the different substances mentioned in the lesson

Mention some precautions to be taken to remove stains from clothes?

Lecture cum Demonstration Method

Removal of blood stains:1) Liquid starch is applied to the

blood stain and dried under the sun. Then wash the cloth with soap. 2) The blood stain is rubbed with warm water in which borax powder is dissolved. Then washed with soap and dried in the sun. 3) Liquid ammonia is also used.

Removal Stains:-



How blood stains occur and how they are removed

1) If the ink stain is wet, it is

rubbed with milk and then washed. 2) Hypo solution is applied and rubbed. After that the stain is washed with soap & dried in the sun. 3) Rubbing with chlorine water, or tartaric acid or a solution of sodium meta bisulphate also used to remove ink stains. 4. How are Coffee and Removal of Coffee & Tea Tea stains removed from clothes? Stains:1) A pinch of borax is mixed with water and stain is washed with water.

washed with soap and dried in the sun. Chlorine water, tartaric acid or sodium meta bisulphate can also be used for removing ink stains. 4. For removing the stain, a pinch of borax is mixed in boiling water. Then the stains are washed with water.


Name the chemicals used to remove ink stains from clothes?

2) The stain is removed by rubbing with salt and lemon. 3) Chlorine water or sulphurdioxide also removes the stains.
Removal of Iron rustStains:-

Iron stains are removed by acids. Lemon juice or oxalic acid removes the iron rust stains effectively. Boiling water is poured on the

5. How are rust stains 5. Lemon juice & Oxalic removed from clothes? acid are used. First boiling water is poured on stain. Lemon juice and oxalic acid mixture is applied to the stain with a match stick. Again pour boiling water. Clothes are rinsed thoroughly in water, washed and dried.

Lecture cum Demonstration Method


Explain the procedure to remove coffee and teas stains from clothes.

stain. Powder of the salts is applied with a match stick. Boiling water is poured again on stain. 6. How do you remove 6. They are removed using Clothes are rinsed Oil and Grease stains benzene or petrol. thoroughly in water and wash them from clothes? Carbon tetrachloride with soap.
Removal of Oil and Grease stains:-

They can be removed with benzene or petrol. Carbon tetrachloride is also used. Tar stains can be removed with kerosene.

can also be used to remove oil and grease stains.

Name the acids which are used to remove rust stains from clothes? ______

Which types of stains are removed by Benzene & Carbon tetrachloride

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:1. ________________can also be used for removing blood stains on clothes. 2. For removing Ink stains from clothes _______________________is used. 3. For removing coffee or tea stains from clothes _______________ is used. 4. Oxalic acid is used for removing _________________stains from clothes. 5. Oil and Grease stains on clothes can be removed with _______or _______.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions:1. How do your remove Oil and Grease stains from clothes? 2. How are Coffee and Tea stains removed from clothes 3. How are blood stains are removed from clothes?

Prepared by: B. Suneetha T.G.T (B.S) Chinnachowk

Coordinated By :: T. Padmaja, Principal, Devapatla.

Unit V Objectives and Specifications

Specifications Recall: Students will recall the various aspects related to the matter and changes it undergoes. A.: Knowledge: Students will acquire the knowledge about matter Recognise: Students will recognize the various things related to the and changes it undergoes. matter and changes it undergoes. 1. Students will define the various terms like Elements, Compounds, B.Understanding:- Students will understand the knowledge acquired symbols, Formula, Physical & Chemical changes, chemical about the matter and changes it undergoes. combination, decomposition, displacement and double decomposition reaction., chemical equations, Acids, Bases, Salts etc. I. Cognitive domain:2. Student explains the process of preparation of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbondioxide. 3. Student describes the Various chemical reactions. 4. Student will classify the changes, types of chemical changes. 5. Student differentiates the physical and chemical reactions. II.Psycho Motor Domain:Analysis:- Students will analyse the various aspects related to Air, Water and Weather. Objectives

C.Application:- Students will understand the knowledge acquired about the various things related to the matter and changes it undergoes Uses:- Students will use the information learned about Air, Water and Weather in day to day-life and also in further classes. and apply in unknown conditions. Student will show his skill in observing & doing the Measurement D.Skills:- The Students will show his skill in applying the of atmospheric pressure, electrolysis of water.

knowledge and information gained in various topics in day today Student will show his drawing skill in drawing diagrams of life. electrolysis of Water, Cistern barometer etc.

Period No 1 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 5 : Date: 01/08/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5 Matter & Changes it


Medium: English

Subject::5.1 Elements &


Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. Cycle, Chair, Table, ball, pebbles, Stones etc. 2. They will be in different shapes, colours. 3. They are made up of matter.

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



1. Name the different Student will get motivated to things that we use in our daily life? listen the lesson. 2. How do they look like? 3. Can you guess how these things are made up of? 4. How is matter formed





4. Matter is formed by the smallest particles called molecules. 5. Pour some salt on 5. We will observe small white paper and particles on it with our

observe. What do you find? 6. What happens to the salt when it is poured in a glass of water? 1. What is matter? Announcement of the Topic:Today we will learn about 2. What is an Atom? Elements and Compounds. Presentation:Matter:- Matter is formed by a group of Molecules. Atoms:- Atoms are very active & unstable. Molecule:- Molecules are the smallest particles of the matter which are made up of atoms. Molecules can be formed with the same or different types of atoms. Element:- Molecules made of identical atoms are called elements. Scientists have discovered 105 elements so far. 3. What Molecule? is a

nacked eye. 6. It dissolves in water and divides even into very small particles. The se small particles are called atoms which cannot be divided again. 1. Matter is formed by group of molecules. 2. The smallest particles of the matter are called atoms. 3. Molecules are the small particles of the matter which are made up of atoms. (With the same or different types of atoms). 4. Molecules made of identical atoms are called elements. 5. 105 elements have been discovered so far. They are in solid, liquid & gaseous state. 6. Sodium, Potassium, Sulphur, Phosphorous are examples of elements in solid state. 7. Mercury, Bromine.




Define Matter Matter Atom Molecules

ACC to recent information

4. What is an element? 5. How many elements have been discovered so far? 6. Give examples of elements in solid state? 7. Give examples of elements in liquid

Nearly 118 elements are discovered so far. Out of these 118 elements 92 are found in Natural State and the remaining elements are made artificially. Element Solium, Potassium

Define Atom

Define Molecule

Elements exist in three states. Solid State: Sodium, Potassium, Sulphur, Phosphorous. Liquid State: Mercury, Bromine. Gaseous State: Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen. Compounds: Substances having molecules made of different atoms are called compounds the compounds also exist in three states. Solid State:- Sodium hydroxide, Calcium Oxide. Calcium Carbonate. Liquid State: Water. Gaseous State: Carbondioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen peroxide.

state? 8. Give examples of elements in gaseous 8. Hydrogen, Helium, state? Oxygen, Nitrogen.

Sulphur, Phosphrous salts can be shown to Explanation Define students in chemistry Method. Element. lab.

9. Why molecules are formed? 9. Atoms are very active and unstable. Because of this two or more atoms combine together to form 10. What are molecules. compounds? 10. Substances having molecules made of different atoms are called 11. In how many compounds. states compounds 11. Compounds exist in exist? What are they? three states as solids, liquids and gases. 12. Give examples of compounds in solid 12. Sodium Hydroxide, state? Calcium Oxide, Calcium Carbonate are examples of 13. Give an example compounds in solid state. of a compound in 13. Water. liquid state? 14. Give example of compounds in gaseous 14. corbondioxide,

Mercury present in thermometer can be shown to children. Compounds

Why atoms immediately combine together to form molecules?

Sodium hydroxide, Explanation Define Comopund. calciumoxide calcium method. carbonate salts can be shown to student in chemistry laboratory. In what states are elements & compounds present?


Sulphurdioxide, Nitrogen peroxide are examples of compounds in gaseous state.

Give examples of three states of compounds.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Elements exist in ____________________states. 2. Water is a _______________in liquid state. 3. Substances having molecules made of different atoms are called ________________. 4. Sodium is an element in __________________ state. 5. Scientist have discovered _________________ elements so far.

Assignment:Answer the following Question:1. Define the following terms (a) Atoms (b) Element (c) Compound. 2. In how many states compounds exist? What are they? 3. Why molecules are formed.?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Students will acquire knowledge about matter and its composition. Students will define the various terms like Element, Compound, Atom, Molecule etc.
Period No 2, 3 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 5 : Date: 02/08/2011 & 03/08/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5 Matter & Changes it


Medium: English

Subject::5.2 Symbols & Formule Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Method Evaluation

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

1. Are you interested 1. Yes. Student will get motivated to in Mathematics? listen the lesson. 2. How much is 2 plus 2. Four. 2?


3.How much we get by 3. four. multiplying 2 with 2? 4.How much we get by 4. Four. substracting 2 from 6? I told these problems can you write these




problems in a simple manner or in short form? 5. Write and show it to 5. 2 + 2 me? 2 X2




=4 =4 6 --- 2 = 4

6. What are these + , 6. These are symbols __, X , ?

that are used instead of Addition, subtraction and Multiplication?

Announcement of the Topic:Today we will learn about the 1. What is Chemistry? topic Symbols & Formulae. Presentation:Symbols:Chemistry is the science which deals with all kinds.of matter and their changes.

7. What is the necessity of using 7. It will be easy for writing the problems these symbols? In the same manner using these symbols. it is difficult to repeat the names of the elements at every stage. So symbols are used for easy learning. 1. Chemistry is the Science which deals with all kinds of matter and their charges.

In order to indicate the elements in a simple form, symbols are introduced by chemists. Symbols first introduced by Berjelius. In general the first letter of the element is used as its symbol. Certain elements are given their symbols from their Latin names. Elements Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Zinc Symbol H O N C Zn

2. Why Symbols are 2. In order to indicate the introduced by elements in a simple form, Chemists? symbols are introduced by chemists. 3. Which letter is used for the indication of Symbols? 4. What does the Symbol H indicate? 3. In general the first letter of the element is used as its symbol. 4. H indicates one atom of Hydrogen.

Chemistry Symbol Sweedish Scientist Berjelius H ---- Hydrogen Zn ---- Zinc.

Define Chemistry.

Define Symbol.

5. What does the Symbol Zn indicates? 5. Zn indicates that it is one atom of Zinc. 6. What is the latin name of Potassium? 6. Kalium is the latin name of Potassium. Silver ArgentumAg. Elements Latin Name 7. what is the latin Symbol name of Copper? 7. Cuprum is the latin Potassium Kalium K name of copper. Gold Aurum Au. Sodium Natrium Na 8. What is the latin Copper Cuprum Cu name of Gold? 8. Aurum is the latin name Formulae Silver Argentum Ag. of Gold. Gold Aurum Au. 9. what is Formula? 9. Molecules are also Farmulae:- Molecules are also indicated by symbols. indicated by symbols like atoms They are called formulae. water molecule H2O. 10. What information H2O One water Hydrogen Molecule H2. can a formula furnish? 10. Molecule. 1). Formula indicates the

What does a symbol Indicate?

What is the latin name of Sodium?

Lecture cum Demonstratio n & Question and Answer Method

Define Formula.



A Formula indicates the following information; 1. It indicates the names of the elements.

2. It indicates no. of atoms. 3. It indicates no.of molecule. 4. It helps us to find out the 11. What do H2O, weight of one molecule. 2H2O and 3H2O Molecular Formula of Some elements:Elements Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Molecular Farmula compounds:Formula H2 O2 N2 of some 13. On which side of the symbol are the no. of molecules indicated? indicates?

12. What do H2, 2 H2, 3 H2 indicate?

Water ---- H2O Sodium Hydroxids ---- NaoH. Sodium Chloride ---- Nacl.

If the number of molecules of a substance are more than one, the number of molecules is written on 14. Why are two letters are given to the the left hand side of the formula. names of some

elements present in the compound. 2) It also indicates the number of atoms of each element present in the compound. 3) It is useful to find the molecular weight of the compound. 11. H2O indicates one molecule of water. 2H2O indicates two molecules of water. 3H2O indicates three molecules of water. 12. H2 is one molecule of Hydrogen. 2H2O is two molecules of Hydrogen. 3H2O is three molecules of Hydrogen. 13. The no. of molecules is written on the left hand side of the formula. One molecule of water - H2O. Two molecules of Water.2H2O 14. If the names of the two elements start with the

2H2O 2 Water Molecule. 3H2O 3 Water Molecule.

indicated by a formula?

H2 One Molecule of Hydrogen. 2H2 Two Molecules of Hydrogen. 3H2 3 Molecules of Hydrogen. No. of Molecules is written on the left hand side of the formula. Boron B Bromine Br Barium Ba

Lecture cum Demonstratio n & Question and Answer Method

Question & Answer Method.

How is the no. of molecules in a formula is indicated?

Eg:elements? 1. One molecule of water H2O 2.One molecule of Hydrogen is H2. Two molecules of Hydrogen is 2H2 Three molecules of Hydrogen is 3H2.

same first letter, then the second letter is also added in their symbols. First letter is capital and the Second one is a small letter. Eg:- Boron B. Bromine - Br. Barium - Ba.

Carbon C Chlorine Cl Calcium - Ca

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The Symbols for elements was first stated by _______________. 2 The Symbol for Nitrogen is _____________. 3. The Latin name for potassium is _____________. 4. The molecular formula of phosphorus is___________. 5. The molecular formula for Sulphur is ______________.

Assignment:Answer the following Question:1. What is the meaning of the Symbol Zn ? 2. What information can a formula furnish? 3. Why are Symbols introduced in chemistry?

Match the following Questions A B

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H O N C F (a) Nitrogen. { } } } } } (b) Hydrogen. { (c) Oxygen. (d) Flourine (e) Carbon { { {

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Student will understand the use of symbols and formula. He will recognize the names of the elements with the help of their Symbols. By knowing this he develops skills in writing various symbols and formulae.

Period No 4 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 5 : Date: 04/08/2011 & Time

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5 Matter & Changes it


Medium: English

Subject::5.2 symbols, Formulae & Valency Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Method Evaluation

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What is an atom? 1. Atom is the smallest particle of the matter.

Motivation:Student will get motivated to listen the lesson.

2. How are molecules 2. Molecules are formed formed? by the combination of atoms. -------------3. Why do atoms 3. Atoms are very active combine together? and unstable. Because of this reason atoms combine together to form a molecule. --------------------

i.e. atoms are having combining capacity. This combining capacity of atoms in a molecule is calleld valency. Announcement of the Topic:Today we will learn about the Topic Valency. Presentation:Valency:- One Hydrogen atom combines with one atom to form a 1. What is valency? molecule of Hydrogen. It means that it has the capacity of combining with only one atom of 2. On what basis does Hydrogen. the valency of an element is calculated? HH + H2. Atoms of elements of chlorine, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon having the capacity of combining 3. can you give the Hydrogen atoms One, two, three, symbols and valencies four respectively. So the valency of Hydrogen. of chlorine, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Aluminium Carbon are one, two, three, four Sodium. respectively. Chlorine. H Cl Hcl. H--- O H H2O. 1




1. Valency is the VALENCY combining capacity of an element. Molecular 2. Valency of an element Formation of is calculated by the Hydrogen capacity of the atoms of Atoms the element to combine Valancy with the number of atoms 1.H-H + Molecules Farmula of Hydrogen. 3. Element symbol valency H2 - Hydrozen

Define Valency.

Valancy Atoms Hydrogen ---- H - 1 __________________________ Aluminium. A1 3 Sodium. Na - 1 2.H-Cl. + Molecules Farmula Chlorine ---- Cl - 1 4. How do you find the 4. The valency of the Hcl - Hydrozen valency of elements element in terms of Chloride. which do not directly chlorine or Oxygen or

H--NH NH3 1 H 1 H--CH CH4 1 H If the atom of any element does not combine with Hydrogen the valency of the element in terms of chlorine or Oxygen or Nitrogen is determined and indirectly the valencies are determined. Eg:- zn does not combine with Hydrogen but combines with two atoms of chlorine. The combing capacity of chlorine is one, Zinc combines with two atoms of chlorine so the combining capacity of Zinc is 2. Elements Hydrogen Chlorine Potassium Magnesium Carbon Nitrogen Formula 1 1 1 2 4 3

combine Hydrogen?

with Nitrogen is determined -------------------------Atoms and indirectly the Valancy valencies are determined. 3.H-O-H + Zn does not combine + with Hydrogen but it combines with 2 atoms of Molecules Farmula chlorine, - H2O Water. Chlorine valency is one and Zinc combines with two atoms of chlorine, so the valency of Zn is 2. 5. Write the moleculer 5. Calcium Chloride formula of contains calcium & 1 + calciumchloride with chloride. They are written the help of valency. side by side. H--NH + + = NH3 = Ammonia..



Their valencies are --------------------------shown at top. H





The valencies are changed and shown at the bottom right hand side of symbol. 2 1

Question and Answer Method

Name some elements which do not Combine with Hydrogen.




Zn & Mg do not

Formulae of Molelcules:Eg:- Water Molecule. 1. One molecule of water contains two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen. 2. This can be written as H2O. 3. Any formula is written with the help of valency. 4. The atoms in a molecule are written side by side. H O 5. Their valencies are shown on the top. 1 2 H O Change the valencies and write the no. at the bottom right hand side of the Symbols. H1 O2

Ca Cl
1 2 .: Molecular formula of calcium chloride is CaCl2 6. If the valency is 6. . If the valency is one, it one, what number need not be shown. should be indicated/ 7. What are radicals?

combine with hydrogen.

H1 O2


Write the Molecular formula of Water with the help of Valency?

O1 H2O-

Molecular formula of water written with the 7. Some times an atom or help of valency. group of atoms functions like a single unit in Radicals chemical reactions. They are known as radicals.
Radical Symbol valency

Define radical.
Question and Answer Method


8. Give some names 8. Hydroxide (OH) 1 of Radicals & their Nitrate (No3) 1 valencies? Carbonate (Co3) - 2

Hydroxide OH 1 Nitrate NO3


Name some radicals and their Valency.

.:Formula of water is H2O.

If the valency is one, it need not be shown.

Carbonate CO3 2

Radicals:- Some times an atom

Question & Answer

or group of atoms functions like a single unit in chemical reactions. They are known as Radicals. Radicals Valency Hydroxide (OH) 1 Nitrate (No3) 1 Carbonate(CO3) 2


Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The Combining Capacity of an element is _________________. 2 The Valency of Carbon is ______________________. 3. The Molecular formula for Calcium Chloride is _______________. 4. The Valency of phosphate (PO4) radical is ___________________. 5. The molecular formula of Sodium nitrate _____________________.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions

1. What is Valency? 2. What are radicals. 3. Give Symbols and valencies for the following radicals. a) Chlorite, b)Hydroxide c)Sulphate d) Ammonium. 4. Write the molecular formula of water with the help of Valency.

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Student defines the various terms like Valency, radicals etc. He will learn how to write molecular formula of compounds by using valency.

Period No 5 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 5 : Date: 05/08/2011 & Time

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5 Matter & Changes it


Medium: English

Subject::5.3 Physical changes Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Method Evaluation

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils clouds are formed/ 2.Can you tell me how 2. On a hot day the water they are formed? from oceans, lakes changes in water vapour forming clouds. 3. What happens when 3. Water vapour when water vapour is cooled again changes into cooled? water in the form of Rain. 4. In which state does 4. During winter season ghee occurs during ghee changes from liquid winter Season/ to solid state.

Motivation:- Student will get 1. Do you know how 1. Yes.

motivated to listen the lesson.




5. In which state does 5. Ghee changes into ----------ghee occur during liquid state in summer. summer season? i.e. the ghee and water are changing only in their state not in colour, Announcement of the Topic:composition or taste. Today we will learn about the Such type of changes topic Physical Changes are called Physical Presentation:changes. Action of heat on Paraffin wax:- 1. What happens to the 1. Paraffin wax on heating Spirit lamp Test tube Paraffin wax is taken in small paraffin wax when it is melts & changes into paraffixnwax quantity and heated. heated/ liquid. Wax changes into liquid. When cooled it changes into 2. Weather it is a 2. It is a temporary solid. permanent or change. New substance is not formed. temporary change? Action of heat on Zinc Oxide:3. Because on cooling the Testtube. Spiritlamp Zinc oxide is taken in a test 3. How can you say paraffin wax again Zinc oxide. tube and heated. that? changes into solid. On heating it changes into yellow. Colour and on cooling it 4. What changes do 4. On heating Zinc Oxide again converts into white colour. you observe when changes its colour from Testtube Lead New substance is not formed. Zinc oxide is heated? white to yellow. monoxide.
Action of heat on Lead monoxide:-



What is the action of heat on paraffin wax.

Explain Method

Lead monoxide is taken in a test tube and heated. On heating it slightly melts & gradually changes into red. On cooling it becomes yellow again.

5. The change of 5. No, it is not a permanent colour of Zinc oxide is change. It is a temporary it a permanent change? change. 6. What changes do 6. Lead monoxide slightly you observe when lead melts & gradually changes

What is the action of heat on Zinc Oxide/

Spirit Lamp.

Only colour is changed, not monoxide is heated? composition. 7. On cooling what happens to lead Physical change:The change in the physical monoxide? properties such as colour, state without any change in its 8. Is it a permanent or composition, is called a physical temporary change? change. 9. What is a physical Properties of Physical Change:- change? 1 It is temporary and it occurs only in state and colour. 2. No New substances is formed and no change in its composition. 10. Is physical change 3. Energy, heat, light and temporary or Electricity are not utilized or permanent? generated. 4. Weight of the substance does 11. In which aspects not change. does the physical 5. We can easily get back the change occur? Original substance. 12. Is there formation of substance?

into red. 7. On cooling lead monoxide changes back into yellow colour. 8. It is change. a temporary Properties Of Physical change Temporary change Changes occur only in state and colour. New substance is not formed No change in weight and composition of the substance.
Question and Answer Method

Physical change

Define physical change.

9. The change in the physical properties such as colour, state without any change in its composition is called a physical change. 10. Physical change is a temporary change. 11. Physical change occurs in the change of state and colour of the substances.

State the properties of physical change. What type of change is physical change? How can we get the Original substance back?

any 12. No, New substance is new not formed.

13. Is there any change 13. No, there is no change in the composition of in the compostion of substance? substance.

14. Does the weight of 14. No, weight of the the substance change? substance does not change. 15. Can we get the 15. Yes, we can get the Original substance Original substance back. back? 16. What type of 16. Formation of clouds is change is formation of only a physical change. clouds? 17. How can you say 17. Because, water is that it is a physical changing its state i.e. only change? from liquid to gaseous, not in composition & new substance is not formed. 18. In winter coconut oil and ghee change into solid state? What is the change? 18. It is a temporary change that means physical change. When we heat them they change again into liquid state. There is no change in composition.

Formation of clouds is a physical change.

How are clouds formed?

What happens when coconut oil and ghee are heated

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1 On heating lead monoxide changed into ____________________ colour. 2 On heating Zinc Oxide gets _________________ colour. 3. ______________ of the substance changes during a physical change. 4. Physical change is a ______________________ change.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions

1. Define physical change. 2. State the properties of physical change.

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:-

Student will understand about physical change and develops observation skills by observing the various changes that come across in his daily life. Develops experimental skills.

Period No 6 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 5 : Date: 06/08/2011 & Time

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5 Matter & Changes it


Medium: English

Subject::5.3 Chemical changes Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Method Evaluation

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils cot in dormitory?

Motivation:- Student will get 1. Do you sleep on 1. Yes.

motivated to listen the lesson. 2. With what material 2. The cot is made up of the cot is made up of? Iron. 3. What happens to 3. It will get rusted. the cot if you keep it out side for a long period? 4. Is this rusting is a 4. Permanent change. temporary change or permanent? ------------------------------

----------5. Can you get your 5. No, I cant cot as original one? i.e. It is a permanent change and we cant get back the original Announcement of the Topic:substance. These type of Today we will learn about the changes are called. Various Chemical Changes Chemical Changes. Presentation:Action of heat on Sulphur:1. What happens 1. Yellow sulphur turns A small quantity of sulphur is when sulphur is into brownish liquid taken in a deflagrating spoon and heated/ which gives bluish heated on a Bunsen burner. flames. Yellow sulphur turns into brownish liquid, gives blusih 2. What type of gas is 2. A colour less gas with flames, & evolves colourless gas evolved when sulphur pungent small is evolved. with pungent smell. is burnt? It is sulphur dioxide. Sulphurdioxide is formed. 3. What happens 3. Magnesium wire burns Action of heat on Magnesium when Magnesium brightly forming white wire:wire is burnt? powdery ash. Magnesium wire is held with a tongs and heated on a Bunsen 4. What is the new 4. Magnesium Oxide is Burner. Magnesium wire burns substance formed in formed. brightly forming white powdery this reaction? ash. Magnesium Oxide is formed. 5. What happens 5. Sodium nitrates melts when sodium nitrate and evolves a colourless Action of heat on Sodium is heated? gas. Yellow substance Nitratre:called sodium nitrite is



Sulphur. Deflagarating Spoon. Bunsenburner

What is the action of heat on Sulphur?

Magnesium wire Tongs Bunsen Burner. Explain Method Test tube, spirit lamp.

What is the action of heat on Magnesium Wire?

Define Chemical change.

Sodium nitrate is taken in a formed. test tube and heated with a spirit lamp. It melts and evolves a 6. What is a chemical 6. The permanent change colourless gas. Yellow substance change? in which new substance is called sodium nitrite is formed. formed with some change of composition is called Chemical Change:The chemical change. permanent change in which a new substance is formed with some change of composition is 7. what type of 7. The chemical change is called chemical change. change is the a permanent change. chemical change?
Properties of Chemical changes:-

Chemical change

Chemical change is a permanent change

1. It is a permanent change. 2. New substance is formed with the change in composition. 3.Weight of reactants is equal to the weight of products. 4. Forms of energy as heat, electricity, light etc are emitted or absorbed. 5. It is not possible to get the Original substance easily by common methods.

8. Is it possible to get 8. No we cannot get back the original substance original substance. in a chemical change? 9. Can you give any 9. two properties of 1). New substance is chemical change? formed with the change in composition. 2). Weight of the reactants is equal to the weight of the products. 10. The gas in LPG cylinder is used for cooling? What type of change it 10. When LPG comes out of the cylinder it becomes gas. It is a physical change. When gas burns

We use liquid petroleum gas as cooling gas. Explain the changes it under go till it burns?

How rust is formed on Iron?

Question and Answer Method

Rusting of Iron is a


and gives flame, it is a chemical change.

chemical Change.

11. Why Iron gates 11. The purpose of are painted? painting the iron gates is to protect its surface from rusting.

12. What type of 12. It is a chemical change is rusting of change. Because iron Iron/ reacts with moist air forming rust by composition of iron is changed. 13. After white wash walls get the white colour. What is this change? 13. For white wash lime stone is used which is a calcium hydroxide. This reacts with carbon dioxide forming Calcium carbonate which is brightly white. It is a permanent change. So it is a chemical change.

Ca(OH)2 + Co2 CaCO3 + H2O

Give the Chemical equation of the reaction of calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide?

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Sulphur burns in Oxygen and forms a gas with pungent small called ______________. 2. The _________________ of the substance changes during a chemical change. 3 The ash formed when Magnesium burns in Oxygen is called ________________. 4. Chemical change is a ______________________ change. 5. When magnesium is burnt in air ____________________ is formed.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions

1. Define chemical change? 2. Write the differences between physical change and chemical change? 3. State the properties of chemical change?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Student will understand about Chemical change & its properties. Student will develop observation skill and observes various changes that he comes across in his day today life. Develops experimental skill by doing experiments.
Period No: 7 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 18/08/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5. Matter and changes Medium: English it undergoes Sub topic:5.4 Types of chemical changes- chemical combination. Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Method Evaluation

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Subconcepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1.There are two types of changes. 1. Physical change. 2. Chemical change.

1.How many types of Students will get motivated to changes of substances are there? What are listen the lesson. they?


2.What cange? 1.

physical 2.A physical change is a temporary change in which only the colour,state of the substances changes. 3.What is a chemical 3. The chemical change is change? a permanent change in which new substance is








Annuoncement Topic:Types of chemical chemical combination.



4. Can you tell that, in a chemical change the composition of new substance formed is similar to that of original substance? .

formed. 4. Yes. Composition is not

similar. i.e if there is change in composition of original substance then that type of change is called chemical change or physical reactions

Today we will study about the

changes- 1. What is a chemical



Types of chemical changes:Chemical reactions or chemical changes are divided into 4 types 2. How many types of depending on the nature of the chemical reaction are substance. there? what are they? 1. Chemical combination. 2. Chemical decomposition. 3. Chemical displacement.

1. The reaction in which new substance is formed which is called chemical reaction. 2. There are four types of chemical reactions.

Chemical reaction

Define chemical reaction.

4 types of chemical reactions.

Experimental Method

They are:1. Chemical Combination. 2. Chemical 4. Chemicaldouble composition. decomposition Chemical combination: 3. Chemical displacement. The chemical change in which two 4. Chemical double or more elements or compounds combine to form a new substance 3. What is a chemical decomposition. 3. The chemical change in is called chemical combination. combination? which two or more Example:-1:elements or compounds A pinch of sulphur is taken in a

Chemical Combination.
Chemical decomposition Chemical displacement. Chemical double decomposition.

Mention the types of chemical reactions?

deflagrating spoon and heated using a spirit lamp. After heating, the spoon is placed in a gas jar and close it with a lid. On melting sulphur burns with blue flames and a colourless gas having suffocating smell. Sulphur+oxygen-->sulphurdioxide. S+02---S02 1 Example 2: A small quantity of calcium oxide in a beaker and water is poured till it is wet. It is stirred with a glass rod. If we will touch the wall of the beaker it will be touch. Quick lime dissolves in water framing slaked lime. Ca0+H20----Ca(0H)2

combine to form a new substance is called. 4. How many Chemical combination. Chemical substances will 4. In this reaction two Combination. participate in chemical elements or two combination? compounds may participate. 5. Explain the Sulphur deflagrating chemical combination 5. Sulphur burns in spoon. reaction with an ozygen to form sulphur Spirit lamp. example? dioxide. Gas collecting jar. S+02---S02. Hence sulphur and oxygen are the two elements which reacts with each other and forms a new substance called sulphur dioxide which called a chemical combination. 6. Calcium oxide reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide. Cao + H2O Ca (OH)2 Quick lime and water are compounds ds. Their properties are different.

Define chemical combination.

Beaker glass rod. Calcium Oxide.

Experimental Method
Explain the Chemical combination with an example.

6. Explain the chemical combination reaction taking any two compounds as examples?


CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2

They combine to form a substance called slaked lime which is also a compound which is having new properties & composition.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Chemical changes are divided into _____________________ types. 2. The chemical change in which two or more elements or compounds combine to form a new substance is called.______________. 3 When ________________ is added to quick lime we get slaked lime. 4. The formula of quick lime is ______________________. 5. The formula of slaked lime is _____________________.

Assignment:Answer the following Question

1. What is a chemical change? How many types of chemical changes we there what are they? 2. Define chemical combination, Give an example?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:-

Student was classify the chemical change as four types. Student will understand how atoms or compound combined together to form a new substance.

Period No: 8 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 19/08/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5. Matter and changes Medium: English it undergoes Sub topic:5.4 Types of chemical changes- chemical combination. Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Method Evaluation

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

1. What is a chemical 1. The chemical change is a permanent change in Students will get motivated to change? which new substance is listen the lesson. formed?


2. How many types of Chemical changes are there? What are they?

2. There are 4 types of chemical changes. They are:Chemical Combination.

Chemical decomposition Chemical displacement. Chemicaldoubledecomposition







a 3. The chemical change in




Chemical combination? Annuoncement of the Topic:Today we will learn the lesson Chemical decomposition.

which two or more elements or compounds combine to form a new substance is called chemical combination.

Presentation:Chemical decomposition:The Chemical change in which a compound splits into two or more substances which may be either elements or compounds is called chemical decomposition.

1. What is chemical 1. The chemical change in decomposition? which a compound spirts into two or more substances which may be either elements or compounds is called chemical decomposition. 2. When sodiumnitrate is headed it decomposes into sodium Nitrite and Oxygen. Here sodium nitrite is a compound which splits into one compound is sodiumnitrate and on element which is Oxygen. 2 NaNo3 2Nano2 + O2 .

Chemical decomposition.

Define chemical decomposition.

2. Explain the Example1:- A small quantity of Chemical sodiumnitrate in a hard glass test combination reaction tube and heat it over a spirit with example/ lamp. A burning splinter is holded near the mouth of the test tube and the splinter burns brightly showing the evolution of Oxygen. 2 NaNo3 2Nano2 + O2 .

Hard glass test tube. Test tube holder spirit lamp sodium Nitrate. Hard. Glass test tubes 2 Test tube holder. Spirit lamp. Two rubber stoppers having single hole,

Experimental Method

What is the action of heat on Sodiumnitrate?

3. What is meant by 3. Decomposing Means Example 2: Take a small dividing. decomposing? quantity of limestone in a hard 4. How can you test 4. A burning splinter is

What is test for Oxygen?

the the

glass test tube close it with a single holed rubber cork. Insert one ened of the delivary tube in the rubber stopper and other end immersed in limewater. Heat the test tube containing lime stone. We can observe air bubbles evolving in lime water and it turns milk. Indicating that the gas evolved is carbondioxide. CaCo3 Cao + Co2

that gas evolved is holded near the mouth of Oxygen? the test tube and it burns brightly showing the evolving gas is Oxygen.

delivary tube, hand. Lime Stone, Lime water.

2 NaNo3 2Nano2 5. Explain the 5. Calcium Carbonate + O2 . chemical when heated it splits into combination with calcium Oxide and another example? carbondioxide. Calcium oxide is a compound on heating it gives calciumoxide and carbondioxide which are compounds. CaCo3 Cao + O2 6. What is the 6. The common name of common name of calcium carbonate is Lime Stone. calcium carbonate? 7. How can you say 7. Send the carbon that the gas evolved dioxide in to beaker containing lime water, it is carbondiaxide? turns into milky white. This indicates that Co2 gas is evolved.
CaCo3 Cao + O2

What is the action of heat on calcium corbonate?

What is test for Carbon dioxide?

Experimental Method

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The chemical change in which a compound splits into two or more substances which may be either elements or compound is called___________. 2. A burning splenter burns brighty in the _________________ gas. 3 _____________ gas turns lime water milky. 4 When water is added to the quick lime _____________________ is liberated. 5. The chemical formula for quick lime is ____________________.

Assignment:Answer the following Question

1. Define Chemical decomposition? 2 Describe an experiment to explain chemical decomposition?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:-

Student will recognize and understands the chemical decomposition reaction. He develops experimental skills.
Period No: 9 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 10/08/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5. Matter and changes it undergoes Sub topic:5.4 Types of chemical changes- chemical displacement. Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Continuation of previous Lesson. the




Students will get motivated to 1. What is a chemical 1. The permanent change listen the lesson. reaction? in which new substance is formed. 2. How many types of 2. There are 4 types of chemical reactions Chemical reactions. They are there? What are are. they? Chemical Combination.
Chemical decomposition Chemical displacement. Chemicaldoubledecomposition




3. What is a chemical 3. The chemical change in which two or more combinationi? elements or compounds




combine to form a new substances is called chemical combination. 4. The chemical change in 4. What is a chemical which a compound.b decomposition? splits into two or more substances which may be either elements or compound is called chemical decomposition. 1. The chemical reaction 1.What is chemical in which an element displacement? displaces another element from its compound & occupies its place forming a new compound is called chemical displacement. 2. Some Zinc granules are 2. Explain the taken in a test tube and chemical few drops of dilute displacement Hydrochloric acid is reactions with an added. A colour less gas example? is evolved.

Annuoncement of the Topic:Today we will learn about the third type of chemical change which is a Chemical displacement.

Chemical displacement

Define chemical displacement.

Presentation:Chemical displacement:The Chemical reaction in which an element displaces another element from its compound and occupies its place forming a new compound is called chemical displacement.

Zinc granules. Dil. Hcl Test tube. Match stick.

Experimental Method

What is the action of dil. Hydrochloricacid. On Zinc granuls?

Example 1- Take some Zinc granules in a test tube and add a few drops of dilute Hydrochloric Copper sulphate acid. Zn + 2Hcl ZnCl2 + Beaker A burning match stick is H2 Water placed near the mouth of the test 3. A burning match stick Iron mail. tube which puts off the fix with 3. How do you test is placed near the mouth a sound tup. the preassure of gas of the test tube which puts Zn + 2Hcl ZnCl2

How can you say that Hydrogen gas is evolved?

evolved in the above off the fire with a sound + H2 reaction? tup. Then we can confirm that the gas Zinc atom displaces Example 2:- Take copper evolved is Hydrogen. the Hydrogen atom in sulphate powder in a beaker and 4. HCl is a compound and Hydrochloric acid. add water make solution. The 4. How can you say Zinc is an element. Zinc solution is placed on an Iron that it is a chemical atom displaces the atom nail. displacement of Hydrogen from a Red deposit is formed on reaction? molecule of Hydrochloric Iron nail. The blue solution acid and occupies its turns light green in colour. place. Hydrogen is liberated. Cuso4 + Fe Feso4 + Cu. 5. Copper sulphate 5. Explain the solution is prepared and chemical the solution is poured on a displacement reaction Iron nail. Red deposit is with another formed on the Iron nail. example? The blue solution turns to light green in colour. CuSo4 + Fe FeSo4 Experimental Method + Cu. Cuso4 + Fe Feso4 + Cu The copper atom in copper sulphate 6. The copper atom in molecule is displaced 6. How can you say copper sulphate molecule by iron atom & that the reaction is a is displaced by iron atom occupies its place. chemical and occupies its place. So displacement Ferrous sulphate is reaction? formed in the solution. Zn + 2Hcl ZnCl2 + H2

Zinc atom displaces which element in the reaction?

What is action copper sulphate Iron?

the of on

CuSo4 + Fe ______ + Cu.

So the original blue solution turns light green. The displaced copper from copper sulphate deposits on the Iron nail.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The chemical reaction in which an element displaces the element of the compound is called ____________________. 2. CuSo4 + Fe ____________ + Cu. 3 Zn + 2 HCl ____________ + H2. 4 The match stick puts off with a tup sound by _____________ gas.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions

1. Define Chemical displacement reaction. 2 Describe an experiment to explain chemical decomposition?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Student will observe how one atom displaces another atom forming a new substance in the Chemical Decomposition Reaction.

Period No: 10 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 11/08/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5. Matter and changes Medium: English it undergoes Sub topic:5.4 Types of chemical changes- chemical decomposition. Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc. Method Evaluation

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Continuation of previous Lesson. the


Students will get motivated to 1. What is a chemical 1. The permanent change in listen the lesson. change? which new substance is
formed is called chemical change. 2. What is chemical 2. Two or more elements or combination? compounds combine to form a new substance is called chemical combination. 3. What is chemical 3. The chemical change in decomposition which a compound splits into two or more substances










4. What is chemical displacement. 4. The reaction in which an displacement?

Announcement of the Topic:Today we will learn about the 4th type of Reaction which is a called Double Decomposition..

element displaces another element from its compound and occupies its place is called chemical displacement.

Presentation:Double decomposition:When solutions of two salts are mixed, there will be a mutual exchange of radicals resulting in the formation of two new compounds. Such chemical reactions are called Chemical double decomposition. Example 1:- Silvernitrate and sodium chloride solution are prepared. Silver nitrate solution is gradually added to the sodium chloride solution. Curd like precipitate in the test tube containing sodium chloride is

Double 1. The chemical reaction 1. What is double Decomposition. in which two compounds decomposition? mutually exchange their constituents resulting in the formation of new compounds is called What is the double decomposition. action of Silver Nitrate 2. Silver nitrate and silvernitrate 2. Explain the double solution on sodium chloride solution . decomposition with an Sodiumchloride Experimental Sodiumchloride are prepared. Silver example? Method nitrate solution is Test tubes. gradually added to the sodium chloride like precipitate in the test tube AgNo3 + Nacl Agcl + NaNo3 containing sodium. AgNo3 + Chloride is formed.
AgNo3 + Nacl Agcl + NaNo3 Nacl ____ + _______

Define double decomposition.

AgNo3 + Nacl Agcl + NaNo3

3. How can you say that it is a double Example 2:- Potasium iodide and decomposition lead nitrate solutions are prepared. reaction? Potassium Iodide solution is gradually added to the lead nitrate solution. Yellow precipitate of lead nitrate is formed.
2KI + Pb (NO3)2 PbI2 + 2KNo3

3. Silver nitrate & sodium chloride are different compounds. During chemical reaction the constituent of the compounds get mutually exchanged. As a result silver chloride is formed as a precipitate and sodium Nitrate as a solution.

Potassium Iodide Lead Nitrate Solutions. Test tubes.

4. Explain the double 4. Potassium Iodide and 2KI + Pb decomposition with lead nitrate solutions are (NO3)2 prepared. Potassium another example? _____ + _____ Iodide solution is 2KI + Pb (NO3)2 gradually added to the PbI2 + 2KNo3 lead Nitrate. Yellow precipitate of lead nitrate is formed. Experimental Method 5. How can you say 5. Potassium Iodide and that it is a double lead Nitrate are two different compounds. decomposition During reaction the reaction? compounds get mutually exchanged. As a result lead iodide is formed as a precipitate and potassium Nitrate as a solution.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Silver Nitrate + Sodium Chloride _____________________ + __________________. 2. Potassium Iodide + Lead Nitrate ______________________ + __________________. 3 _______________ Coloured precipitate of silverchloride is formed in the chemical reaction. 4 The Chemical reaction in which two compounds mutually exchange their constitutents. Resulting in the formation of new compounds is called ______________________.

Assignment:Answer the following Question

1. Define double decomposition.2 Explain the double decomposition reaction with an example.

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Student will observe how one atom displaces another atom forming a new substance in the Chemical Decomposition Reaction

Period No: 11 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 12/08/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5. Matter and changes it undergoes Sub topic:5.5 Chemical Equations. Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils



1. What is meant by 1. The permanent change in which two Students will get ready to listen chemical reaction? substances combine to the lessons. They recall and form a new substance. recognize the previous 2. Can you give me 2. Yes. knowledge. one chemical reaction? 3. Come here and 3. Sulpher reacts with write the reaction on oxygen and forms black board? sulphur dioxide. i.e. you have written in the form of a 4. Can any body sentence. come and write in 4. Sulphur + Oxygen Sulphurdioxide. another form? i.e it is difficult to








Annuoncement of the Topic:Today we will learn how to write an equation in a short form using symbols in the lesson Chemical Equations.

write the names of the substances. We can write the equation in short form by using symbols like S + O2 SO2. Define Chemical Equation..

Presentation:Chemical Equations:- When 1. What is chemical symbols and formulae are used equation? 1. When symbols & for explaining chemical reaction formulae are used for then it is called a chemical explaining chemical equation. reaction then it is called 2. What are a chemical equation. Reactants:- The substances reactants? 2. The substances which which take part in the reaction take part in a chemical are called reactants. reaction are called . reactants.. Products:- The substances which 3. What are are formed as a result of reaction products? 3. The substances are called reactants. formed in a chemical In a chemical reaction the are called reactants should be written on 4. How can a reaction the left side and the products are chemical reaction be products. 4. A chemical reaction written on the right. shown? The reactants and products 5. Where should be can be shown as an Chemical Equation

Question and Answer Method

Define reactants.

Reactants. Define Products. Products How a chemical equation is written?

are joined by an arrow. The head of the arrow should be on the product side. Eg:- Magnessium ribbon burns with oxygen in the air and forms Magnesium oxide as a product.

the reactants in a chemical reaction ? 6. On which side the products are written?

7. How do you represent a reaction Represented with substances:- with substances? 8. What is a law of Magnesium + Oxygen conservation of Magnesuim Oxide. mass?
Chemical Equation:Mg + O2 Mgo.

In above equation, there are two atoms of Oxygen on the left side of the arrow mark and one oxygen atom on the right side. To make the number of oxygen atoms equal on both side, MgO should be multiplied by two. So 2 is written before MgO. By this no. of magnesium atoms have become 2 on the right side. And one atom on left side. So make it 2.

equation. 5. Reactions are written on the left side of the equation. 6. The products are written on the right side of the equation. 7. Magnesium + Oxygen Magnesium Oxide. 8. According to the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction the masses of reactants and the masses of products are same.

Reactants are written on left side of arrowmark.

Products are written on right side of arrow mark.

Balanced Equation:2 Mg + O2 2MgO.

9. what is a Balanced equation? 9. Atoms in every element in the left should be balanced with that of the right of the 10. What information equation. does the balanced 10. It indicates the equation indicate? reactants and the products in an equation. It also indicates the number of atoms before and after the reaction. It also indicate the masses or volume of the

Define the law of Experimental conservation of mass. Method Law of conservation of mass. The equation should be balanced on both side. What information does the balanced equationindicate?

The balanced equation indicates the following items:1. It shows that Magnesium & Oxygen are the reactants and Magnesium Oxide is the product. 2. It indicates the number of atoms before the reaction and the number of atoms after the reaction. 3. It also indicates the masses or volumes of the reactants and products. Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:-

11. Give two reactants and products. examples of 11. S + O2 SO2. chemical equation? 12. Balance the following equations. 12. 2H2 + O2 2HsO 4 + 2 4 +2 a) H2 + O2 H2O 2 + 2 2+1

H2 + O2 H2o 2H2 +O2


1. A Chemical reaction can be shown as an _________________. 2If there are more than one reactant they should be shown with ____________ mark. 3 Zn + 2Hcl . Zncl2 + ________________ 4 CaCo3 Cao + ______________________. 5. H2O ______________ + ______________

the following Questions

1. Define Chemical equation? 2 What are reactants? 3. What are products?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Student will develop skill in writing chemical equations. Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Period No: 12, 13, 14 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 13/08/2011, 16/08/2011, 17/08/2011 & Time:

Topic: 5. Matter and changes it undergoes Sub topic:5.6 Preparation of

Oxygen, Properties and Uses.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What is air? 1. Air is a mixture of gases.

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Motivation:Students will get motivated to listen the lesson..

2. Name the different 2. Oxygen, Nitrogen constituents of air? carbondioxide, Helium, Hydrogen. Etc. 3. Which gas is most essential for all living organisms? 2. Oxygen.




Announcement of the Topic:Today we will learn preparation of Oxygen, its properties and uses.

----------1. What is the symbol 1. O is the symbol of of Oxygen? Oxygen. 2. What is the 2. O2 is the molecular Antoine Laurent


----------What does O2 indicate? Who

Presentation:Symbol of Oxygen:- O

Molecular formula O2 molecular formula of Lavoisier studied the properties of Oxygen? Oxygen and concluded that Oxygen is an element. 3. Name the scientist, Common methods of preparation who concluded that of Oxygen:Oxygen is an element? Substances having more quantity 4. Give any two of Oxygen when heated liberate common methods for oxygen. the preparation of Oxygen? 2Hgo 2Hg + O2 .
2KNo3 2Kno2 + O2 2KMno4 K2 Mno4 + MnO2 + O2. 5.

formula of Oxygen.

3. Lavoisier concluded that Oxygen is an element. 4. Substances having more quantity of Oxygen when heated liberate Oxygen. 2Hgo 2Hg + O2
2KNo3 2Kno2 + O2

de Lavoisier (August 26, 1743 May 8, 1794), the father of modern chemistry, He was a French nobleman prominent in the histories of chemistry, finance. O Oxygen Symbol. O2 Molecular Formula. 2Hgo 2Hg + O2
2KNo3 2Kno2 + O2

studies the properties of Oxygen? Explain Common methods of preparation of Oxygen? What is the Molecular formula of Lecture cum demonstration potassium chlorate. mehhod. What is a catalyst?

Preparation of Oxygen in the Laboratory: Take a little of potassium chlorate and Manganese dioxide in a hard glass tube and fix a one holed rubber stopper to it. Insert a delivery tube into the rubber stopper and the other end into the shelf in the trough of water. Heat 7.Describe how test tube with a spirit lamp. Oxygen is prepared in Chemical reaction takes place, laboratory? potassium chlorate decomposes and gives off oxygen. MnO2

What are the chemical required for the laboratory preparation of Oxygen? 6. What is the use of Manganese dioxide?

5. Potassium chlorate and Manganese dioxide are the chemicals required for laboratory preparation of Oxygen. 6. Manganese dioxide acts as a catalyst and helps to liberate Oxygen at low temperature. 7. Potassium chlorate and Manganese dioxide are taken in a hard glass test tube and it is closed with one holed rubber stopper. A delivery tube is

Potassium chlorate. Manganese dioxide acts as a catalyst.

Explain how Oxygen is prepared in the laboratory.

2Klo3 --------- 2Kcl + 3O2. Properties of Oxygen:1. Pure Oxygen does not possess any colour, taste and odour. 2. Oxygen gas is heavier than air. 3. Oxygen is slightly soluble in water.

arranged in the hole and other end of the tube is put in the shelf in the trough of water. The test tube is heated and gas is collected.

1. Hard glass test 8. What test conforms 8. A glowing splinter tube. 2. One-holed the presence of introduced in a jar of rubber stopper, 3. 1. Action with Carbon:- When a Oxygen? oxygen burns brightly. Delivery tube., 4. piece of carbon is burnt in oxygen, Trough, 5. Disc with Co2 gas is evolved along with 9. What are the 9. Oxygen is a hole, 6. Gas heat. physical properties of 1. Colour less, odourless collecting jar, 7. Oxygen? and taste less gas. Spirit lamp, 8. Iron C + O2 CO2 + heat. 2. Heavier than air. stand, 9. KClO3 + 3. Slightly soluble in MnO2. Action with sulpher:- Sulpher water. burns in oxygen and forms 4. Animals and plants in sulpherdioxide. water get soluble. O2 for their living S + O2 SO2. 10. 10. Explain any two 1. Sulpher burns in chemical properties of Oxygen with a blue flame Action with Phosphorous:Oxygen with forming sulphur dioxide Phosphorous burns in oxygen and equations. gas with pungent smell. forms phosphorous pentoxide. 4 P + 5 O2 2P2o5 + Heat. Oxygen Supports in S + O2 SO2. burning. 2. charcoal burns in Oxy Action with sodium:- Sodium -gen forming carbon

Which gas helps in burning?

Experimental Method

How is sulphurdi oxide formed.




is formed?

burns brightly with yellow colour and forms sodium oxide. 4Na + O2 2Na2o + Heat. Action with Potassium:Potassium when heated in oxygen burns brightly with light violet colour. Forming potassium oxide. 4K + O2 2K2o + Heat. Action with Magnesium:Magnesium when heated in Oxygen, burns brightly and forms ash, which is called magnesium oxide. 2Mg + O2 2MgO + Heat.

dioxide and producing heat. C + O2 CO2 + heat. 11. What are the uses 11. 1. Essential for respiration of Oxygen? of living organisms. 2. Used for artificial respiration. 3. liquid oxygen is used in rockets. 4. Oxygen is used in Oxy Acetylene and Oxy hydrogen flames. 12. How is Oxygen 12. A mixture of 95% used as a stimulant for Oxygen and 5% CO2 is called carbogen. breathing? It is used for aiding breathing in patients with breathing problems. 13. What is Oxyacetylene flame? Write about its importance? 13. A mixture of Oxygen and acetylene gases burn producing a large amount of heat. It is known as Oxy acetylene. The heat produced is used for welding iron and steel and In Which form Oxygen is used in welding industry?

Uses of Oxygen:1. Oxygen is essential for all living Organisms for respiration. 2. Oxygen is used in hospitals for artificial respiration. 3. Mountaineers carry Oxygen cylinders on their back. 4. Persons who travel in Rockets & Satellites carry Oxygen in liquid form. 5. Oxy acetylene flame and Oxy hydrogen flames are used in

Which gas is used as the stimulent for breathing?

Which flame is used for

welding and cutting metals like steel, iron etc. 6. In Rockets O2 in liquid form is used as fuel.

other metals.

welding metals?

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The gas that makes burning splinter bright is __________________________. 2 Oxygen is collected by the ________________ displacement of water in the gas jar. 3 Oxygen and Nitrogen are present in the air in the ratio ____________________. 4 In the laboratory preparation of Oxygen MnO2 is a ______________________. 5. Oxygen is _____________________ than air.

Assignment:Answer the following Question

1. How is Oxygen prepared in the laboratory? 2 What are the uses of Oxygen?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:The student will develop observation and Experimental skill by doing the preparation Of Oxygen in laboratory. The student will acquire knowledge about the uses of Oxygen.

Period No: 15 16 17of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 1808/2011, 1908/2011, 208/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5. Matter and changes it undergoes Sub topic:5.6 Preparation of

Hydrogen Properties and Uses.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What is air? 1. Air is a mixture of gases.

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Motivation:Students will get motivated to listen the lesson..

2. Name the different 2. Oxygen, Nitrogen constituents of air? carbondioxide, Helium, Hydrogen. Etc. 3. Name the gas 3. Oxygen. which is useful for the respiration of all living Organisms? 4. Do you know 4. Yes. In previous class about the Hydrogen we have studied that gas? Hydrogen is one of the component of water. It puts off the burning splinter by a pop sound






----------What does O2 indicate? Who studied the properties of Oxygen?

Annuoncement of the Topic:Today we will learn about preparation of Hydrogen. Its properties and Uses..

H Hydrogen.
H2 Melocule. Hydrogen.

What does the symbol H2 indicate?

Presentation:Symbol of Oxygen:- H Molecular formula H2: - It is one of the element which is available abundantly. A scientist named Henry Dish studied the properties of Hydrogen and declared as element. 1. What is the symbol 1. H is the Symbol of of Hydrogen? Hydrogen. 2. The molecular formula of Hydrogen. Is H2. 3. A scientist named Henry Dish studied the properties of Hydrogen and declared as element. 4. Sodium, potassium, calcium react with water and decomposes to liberate Hydrogen.
2Na+ 2H2O 2NaOH +H2 . 2K+ 2H2O 2KOH + H2
Ca + 2H2O Ca (OH)2 + H2.

2. What is the molecular Formula of Hydrogen? 3. Who declared the as Common methods of preparation Hydrogen element? of Oxygen:Metals like sodium, potassium, calcium react with water at 4. What is the action Sodium, ordinary temperature and of decompose water to liberate potassium, calcium with water? Hydrogen. 2Na+ 2H2O 2NaOH +H2 .
2K+ 2H2O 2KOH + H2 Ca + 2H2O Ca (OH)2 + H2.

Henry dish.

Lecture cum demonstration mehhod.

Define electrolysis of water.

Explain some common method of Hydrogen preparation..

5. How Hydrogen is 5. By electrolysis water prepared by decomposes and forms 1.Oxygen, 2 Hydrogen,

Electrolysis of water:- By electrolysis of water? electrolysis of water Hydrogen is prepared. 6. How is hydrogen prepared in the By the Action of dil HCl:laboratory? Hydrogen is prepared by the action of Hcl on Zinc, Iron & Magnesium. Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2
Mg + 2Hcl Mgcl2 + H2

Preparation of Hydrogen in the laboratory:- Zinc pieces are taken in a round bottomed flask and dilute hydrochloric acid is added till the Zinc pieces dip. Bubbles of colour less gas evolves indicating the release of Hydrogen. Test for gas:- Put a burning splinter into the vessel containing H2 gas. It is put off with a sound tup. Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2 Proporties of Hydrogen:1. It is a colourless and odour less gas. 2. It is not soluble in water. 3. It is light in weght. 4. It does not support burning.

Hydrogen. 2H2O H2 + O2 6. Zinc pieces are taken in a round bottomed flask and dil. Hydrochloric acid is added till the Zinc pieces dip. Bubbles of colourless gas evolves indicating the release of Hydrogen gas.

3. voltmeter, 4. Dilute Sulphuric Acid, t. Anode, 6. Cathode

Describe how hydrogen is prepared in laboratory.

7. What is the test for 7. A burning splinter Hydrogen gas? into vessel containing H2 gas. It is put off with a Tup sound. 8. Is Hydrogen 8. No, hydrogen is not soluble in water? soluble in water. 9. How formed? water is 9. Hydrogen burns in air & combine with oxygen to give water. 2H2 + O2 2H2O 10. How are hydrides 10. Hydrogen reacts with many elements & forms are formed?
hydrides. N2 + 3H2 2NH3

1. Round-bottomed flask 2. Thistle Funnel 3. Delivery tube 4. Gas Collecting Jar 5. Beaker 6. Water. 7. Dilute HCl 8. Two holed rubber stopper. 9. Stand 10. Gas collecting Stand 11. Hydrogen.

Name the gas which puts off burning splinter with a Tup sound?

1. Zinc Pieces, 2. Dilute

5. Hydrogen burns in air & combines with Oxygen to give water. 2H2 + O2 2H2O.
6. Hydrogen reacts with many elements and forms hydrides. N2 + 3H2 2NH3 H2 + Cl2 2HCl. H2 + S H2S

H2 + Cl2 2HCl..

11. State properties Hydrogen?

Reduction:- Because
Hydrogen combines with Oxygen, Hydrogen is capable of removing Oxygen from the compounds containing oxygen. CUO + H2 Cu + H2O.

some 11. of 1.Colourless and colour less gas. 2. It is not soluble in water. 3. It is light in weight.

HCl, 3. Rubber Tube, 4. Bubbles of soap with Hydrogen, 5. Glycerine + Soap water, Preparation of Hydrogen.

Mention the properties of Hydrogen?

12. What is the use of 12. Hydrogen is used to Oxy-hydrogen flame? produce Oxy Hydrogen flame used for welding purposes. 13. What Hydrogenation? is 13. Solidifying oil in this process is known as hydrogenation. is 14. The reaction in which Oxygen is removed is called Reduction.

For lifting of balloons in space exploration and for collecting weather information. Name the gas which is used for welding purpose?

Oxy Hydrogen flame is used welding.

Use of Hydrogen:1. It is used for lifting balloons used in space exploration. 14. What 2. It is used in the preparation of reduction? vanaspathi by the process of hydrogenation. 3. It is used in the manufacture of Ammonia by Habers process. 4. It is used to produce Oxy hydrogen flame used for welding purposes. 5. It is used in making synthetic petroleum.

Vanaspathi ghee is made by hydrogenation procedd.

Define Hydrogenation.


Define reduction.

6. Liquid Hydrogen is used as fuel in Rockets.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The gas that puts off the burning splinter with a sound is ________________. 2 The temperature of Oxy Hydrogen flame is ___________________________. 3 Water is electrolysed by adding _________________ to it. 4 Hydrogen is not _______________ in water. 5. Hydrogen is a _________________ gas. 6. Hydrogen gas burns with ___________ colour flame. 7. H2O is also called as ______________ hydride. 8. Liquid Hydrogen is used as fuel in ______________. 9. _____________Seientist who declared Hydrogen as an element.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions

1. Explain the method of preparation of Hydrogen in the laboratory? 2 what are the physical properties of Hydrogen? 3. What are the chemical properties of Hydrogen? 4. What are the uses of Hydrogen?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:The student will develop the Experimental skill, drawing skill. He will understand the method of Reduction, Hydrogenation.

Period No: 18, 19of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 2108/2011, 2208/2011, 208/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 5. Matter and changes it undergoes Sub topic:5.6 Preparation of

Corbonxioxide Properties and Uses.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What is air? 1. Air is a mixture of gases.

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Motivation:Students will get motivated to listen the lesson..

2. Name the different 2. Oxygen, Nitrogen constituents of air? carbondioxide, Helium, Hydrogen. Etc. 3. Which gas is 3. Carbondioxide. essential for photosynthesis?




----------4. Which gas is 4.Carbondioxide. released out side of our body during respiration? Announcement of the Topic:-



Today we will learn about Carbondioxide gas Its properties and Uses. 1. How carbondioxide Symbol ofcarbondioxide:Carbondioxide is present in joining atmosphere? atmospheric air.


Co2 forms during the respiration of living organisms and combustion of fuels.

is 1. Carbondioxide formed during the the respiration of living Organisms and combustion of fuels is joining the atmosphere. Carbondioxide.. 2. Calcium Carbonate reacts with dilute Hydrochloric acid and carbondioxide is released. CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O +Co2 . CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 CaCo3 + 2HCl
CaCl2 + H2o +Co2.
Lecture cum demonstration mehhod.

What is the percentage of Co2 in atmosphere? Which carbonates on heating do not give carbon dioxide? What is the action of heat on calcium carbonate?

2.Which substance 1. Common methods of preparation gives carbondioxide by chemical action of Carbondioxide:with dilute 1. By heating calcium Carbonate, Hydrochloric acid? lead carbonate etc. CO2 is Give the equation? evolved. CaCo3 Cao + CO2. 2. On heating potassium bicarbonate decomposes to give carbondioxide.
2KHCo3 K2Co3 + H2O + Co2

CaCo3 Cao + CO2.

3. Mention two 3. Calcium carbonate common methods for and lead carbonate are the preparation of heated CO2 is evolved. CaCO3 Cao + CO2 carbondioxide?

3. Calcium Carbonate when reacted with hydrochloricacid, it releases Carbondioxide.

4. Name the chemicals required

When potassium and sodium bicarbonateare heated they give carbondioxide. 2KHCo3 K2Co3 + H2O
+ Co2

CaCo3 + 2HCl




CaCo3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2o


Preparation of carbondioxide in laboratory:Calcium Carbonate is taken in a round bottomed flask and water is added. Hydrochloric acid is added through a thistle funnel. Colourless gas is evolved which is sent into lime water which turns into milky white. CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O = Co2 . Properties of CO2:1. It is a colourless gas with a faint smell. 2. Slightly acidic in taste. 3. It can be easily solidified and liquefied. 4. It dissolves easily in water. 5. It is heavier than air. 6. It reacts with lime water and turns lime water milky.

for the preparation of Co2 in the laboratory? 5. What is the procedure followed for the preparation of Co2 in the laboratory?

4. Calcium Carbonate and dil. Hydrochloric acid. 5. Calcium Carbonate is taken in a round bottomed flask and water is added. Hydrochloric acid is added thorough a thistle funnel. Colour less gas is evolved.

CaCl2 + H2o +Co2

action of heat on potassium bicarbonate? .

Co2 turns lime water milky.

. Mention physical properties Co2. the of

6. What is the test for 6. Lime water turns Carbondioxide? milky white when Carbondioxide is passed through it. 7. What are the 7. physical properties of 1. It is a colourless gas Carbondioxide? with slightly acidic. 2. It can be easily liquefied and solidified. 3. Co2 dissolves in water. 8. Mention the 8. Ca (OH)2 + CO2 chemical properties 1. Co2 reacts with lime CaCo3 + H2o. of carbondioxide? water and forms a milky white precipitate of

What are the

Uses of Carbondioxide:1. It is used as fire extinguisher. 2. Used in the preparation of aerated water. 3. Used in the preparation of washing soda.

calcium carbonate. Ca (OH)2 + CO2

CaCo3 + H2o.

When CO2 is passed into sodium hydroxide solution washing soda and baking soda are formed. 9. What are the uses 9. CO2 is used in fire engines as fire of carbondioxide? extinguisher. It is used in the preparation of aerated water. It is used in the preparation of washing soda. 10. What are called Green house gases. What happens if green house gases increase? 10. CO2 and water vapour in the atmosphere cause green house effect. so these gases are called green house gases.

chemical properties of carbondioxide?

Co2 is used as fire extinguisher. Used in the preparation. Washing soda. Green house gases Co2 and water vapour. Mention the uses of Carbondioxide?

What are green house gases? Global warming.

11. What is Global 11. Increase in the levels of Co2 & the Warming? presence of some other gases such as CH4,

12. Explain Carbondioxide useful as a extinguisher?

Ozone----etc. in the Co2 does not support atmosphere result in a combustion. gradual rise in the temperature of earths surface. This is called how global warming. is 12. Co2 does not Fire support combustion Co2 is heavier than air. So a layer of Co2 covers the fire which does not allow O2 to reach burning material. This stops the fire.

How global warming occurs?

How Co2 is useful as fire extinguisher?

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The gas that makes lime water milky is __________________. 2 The gas that is used in fire engines (or) fire extinguishers is ________________. 3 _____________ and ______________ are the Green houses gases. 4 The gas released during the respiration of living beings.___________________..

Assignment:Answer the following Question

1. Describe how Co2 is prepared in laboratory? 2 State the properties of Co2. 3. What are the Uses of Co2?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:Student will gain the knowledge and understand the preparation of Co2 in the laboratory. Students will come to know that Co2 is used as fire extinguisher and also used in the preparation of aerated water and washing soda. Co2 is the Green house gas and he will understand about the Global Warming.

Period No 20 Lesson No. /Unit: No 5 : Date: 23/08/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: Matter and changes it underges Subject: 5.7 Acids,Bases and salts -Acid

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Motivation::1.Name some fruits of 1.Apple, banana, grape, lime etc., Students will get motivated to animals? listen the lesson. 2.What is the taste of 2. Apple, banana, are sweet
apple, banana, grape, lime? i.e. some are sweet in taste and some are sour to taste. 3.Can you give some items which are sour to taste? i.e the substances with sour in taste are called acids. in taste. Grape,lime are sour in taste.

3.Tmarind, unripe fruits like phyllanthus, tamarind etc.

Define acid.

1. What is an acid? Announcement of the topic:Now we will study about the 2. What is the action various acids. of litmus paper on acids? Presentation:3. Name some Acids: common acids? Substances with sour taste and changing blue litmus to red are 4. What happens called Acids. when phosphorous Action of litmus paper: pentoxide is dissolved Acids change the blue litmus in water? paper to red. 5. How are acids Acids are compound which are formed? used in houses, industries,& chemical laboratories. Common Acids: Hydrochloric acid Sulphuric acid Nitric acid Acetic CH3COOh Phosphoric acid H3PO4 Formation of acids: Carbon, Sulphur, Phosphorous etc., bust in oxygen and form their oxides. These oxides when dissolved in water form their respective acids.

1. Substances with sour taste Acids and changing blue litmus to red are called Acids. 2. Acids change the blue Acids change blue litmus paper to red. litmus to red. 3. Hydrochloric acid, Nitric acid,Acetic acid, Phosphoric acid. 4.Phosphoric acid is formed. Litmus paper P2O5+3H2o2H3Po4

What is the chemical formula of Hydrochloric acid? What is the Chemical formula of Sulphuric acid?

5.Non metals like carbon,sulphur,phosphorous etc., burn in oxyzen and form their oxides. These non metallic oxides when dissolved in water acids are Hcl formed. H2So4 6. Mention the 6. Acids are liquid colour HNo3 physical properties of less. acid acids? They are sour in taste. They are sour in taste.

The non-metallic acids when dissolved in water acids are formed.

Lecture cum Demonstration Method Question and Answer method.

Acids are sour to taste.

7. What are dilute 7.Dilute acids are formed by Dilute acids. acids?

adding one or two drops of 8. What is the action acids to the water. Curd consists of lactic 8. Metals rect with acids and of acids on metals? acid tamarind contains evolve hydrogen gas.

How do you find the physical properties of acids? Define dilute

9. What is the action

tartaric acid curd,lemon juice taste

CO2+H2O---H2CO3 SO2+H2O----H2So$ P2O5+3H@O---->2H3Po4 Properties of acids:

of acids carbonates?

on 9.

Acids evolve sour and they contain carbondioxide when reacted acids. with compounds like carbon.


10. How do curd, 10. Curd, lemonjuice taste Hcl is in liquid state, no colour & lemon juice taste? sour, because they contain What is there in acids. has a pungent smell. H2So4 is in thick oily liquid state, them? no colour, pungent smell. 11. How is milk of 11. Our stomach contains magnesia relieves our Hcl. Too much of Hcl causes Dilute acids: indigestion and may be indigestion pain? painful. If we will take an Dilute acids are formed by adding antacid milk of magnesia is one or two drops of acids to the used which neutralizes the water. effect of acid. Action with metals: Zn+2Hcl-Zncl2+H2 Zn+H2So4--ZnSo4+H2 12. What treatment is 12. The sting of ant contains Mg+2HNo3-Mg(No3)+H2 formic acid. When ant bites Metals react with acids and evolve given for ant bite? it injects acid to the skin. hydrogen gas. Action with Carbohydrates: CaCo3+2Hcl-CaCll2+H2o+Co2 Na2Co3+H2So4Na2So4+H2o+Co2 CaCo3+2HNo3This effect can be neutralized by rubbing moist baking soda or calamine solution.

Lemon consists of citric acid.

What type of acid is present in curd. What type of acids are present in lemon? What is milk of magnesia? The ant contains which acid?

Our stomach contains Hydrochloric acid. Milk of magnesia consists of magnesium hydroxide which neutralizes the action of Hcl. Strings of ant contains Formic acid.

Ca(No3)2+H2o+Co2 Acids evolve Co2 when reacted with compounds like carbon.

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:

1. Acids are -------to taste. 2. Water mixed acids are called----------3. Acids react with carbonate and evolve--------4. 4.-------Should never be added to concentrated acid. 5. 5. Acid react with metals and liberate----------

Assignment:Answer the following questions1. What are acids? 2. State the properties of acids?

Behavioural changes ex pected and achieved.

Student will recognize various acids. He will know the uses of acids and also harmful effects of acids.

Period No 21 Lesson No. /Unit: No 5 : Date: 24/08/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: Matter and changes it undergoes Subject:: 5.7Acids, Bases and salts -Bases Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils




1. Will you wash your Students will get motivated to clothes? 2. How do you wash listen the lesson. your clothes? 3. When you touch wet soap how do you feel? 4. Have you ever tasted


2. I wash my clothes with soap. 3.It is soapy and sticky. 4.Yes, it is bitter in taste.

the soap? i.e there are some substances in nature which are soapy & sticky in nature & slippery to touch. They are called Bases. Acids and bases react with

each other and form salts.

5. Do you know about salts? 6. How do they look like? 7. Do you know how they are formed?

5.Yes. 6.They look like powdery substance. 7.No.

Announcement of the topic: Today we will learn about the 1. What are bases? bases and salts. Presentaiton: 2.How are Bases: Substances with sticky nature and formed? changing red litmus into blue is called Alkalies or Bases. Bases are compounds which are extensively used in houses, industries, and in chemical laboratories. Common Bases: Sodium hydroxide-------NaoH Potassium hydroxide---KoH Ammonium hydroxide----NH4oH Calcium hydroxide-----Ca(oH)2

1.Substances that change Bases red litmus to blue are called bases. Metalic oxides when dissolved in water form their respective bases.

Define Bases.

bases 2. .Metals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc., burn in oxygen and form their oxides. These metallic oxides when dissolved in water form their respective bases or alkalies.

Lecture cum Demonstration Method Question and Answer method

Explain the Preparation of bases?

3. State the properties 3.a.Bitter to taste. Bases change red of bases? b.Soap like solutions litmus to blue. and slippery to touch. c. Change red litmus into blue.

Mention the properties of bases.

Formation of Bases: The oxides of sodium, potassium and magnesium when dissolved in water form their respective bases or alkalies. Na2O+H2o--2NaoH K2O+H2O--2KoH MgO+H2o---Mg(oH)2

4. Name some 4.Sodium hydroxide common bases? Pottassium hydroxide Ammonium hydroxide Calcium hydroxide. 5.What is litmus What 5.Litmus is commonly is its use? used as indicator. It is extracted from lichens. It is useful in testing the nature of the given solution. Properties of Bases: 6.What is the taste of 6.Baking soda is bitter in 1. They are bitter in taste. 2. They are soap like solutions Baking soda? What is taste. Its solution is its nature soapy. Its nature is basic. and slippery to touch. 3. They change Red litmus to 7. How are bases 7.When soil is too acidic, Blue. useful in soil it is treated with bases treatment? like quicklime which Salts: neutralizes the acidic Acids and Bases react with each nature of the soil. other to form salt and water. Neutralization: Acids and Bases 8. What are salts? react with each other to form salt and water. This reaction is called neutralization. 9. What is neutralization. Give Example: 2KoH+H2So4-- K2So4+2H2o. examples? Formation of salt:

NaoH KoH NH4OH Ca(OH)2 Litmus is extracted from lichens.(Lichen is a plant formed by algae and fungi. These are leading symbiotic life Baking soda is a base. How lilitmus propared? is

What is the nature of Baking soda?

If bases are added to acid, it neutralizes the acidic nature.

Lecture cum Demonstration Method Question and Answer method

How does acidic nature is neautralised. Define salts.

8.Acids and Bases react with each other forming Salts salt and water. 9. The reaction in which an acid and a base react Neutralisation with each other to form a salt and water is called neutralization.

Define neutralization?

Acids and Bases are substances 10 How is sodium with opposite properties. Bases chloride formed? lose their properties when their solutions are added with acids. Sodium hydroxide is an alkali. Colourless phenopthalein gives pink colour ro alkali. Add drops os Hydrochloric acid slowly with the help of an ink filler until the solution loses its colour. Stop adding acid at this stage and evaporate the colourless solution. White substance is left compounds formed in this way are salts and the salt formed is sodium chloride (Common salt) . 2Naoh+2Hcl---2Nacl+2H2o.

10.Phenolpthaline is added to Sodium Sodium Chloride hydroxide it gives pink Nacl colour. Then drops of Hydrochloric acid is added slowly till it becomes colourless. This colourless solution is evaporated until white substance is formed which is sodium chloride.

Describe the process of formationi of sodium chloride?

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks: 1. Bases are _________________ to taste. 2. Bases are _________________ to touch. 3. The reactioni in which an acid and a base react with each other to form a salt and water is called.________________ 4. It phenupthalein is added to an alkali the colour of the solution is _______________________. 5. Na2O + H2O _________________. Assignment: Answer the following questions

1. 2. 3. 4.

What are bases? State the properties of Bases. What are Salts? What is neutralization.

Prepared By: B. Sunitha T.G.T B. Coordinated by T. Padmaja, Principal, Devapatla

Unit VI
Period No 1 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 02/09/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: Work & Energy Subject:: 6.1 Energy Potential & Kinetic Energy

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



1. What is required 1. Energy. Student will get motivated to for doing any work? listen the lesson. 2. How do we get 2. We get energy from the food we eat. energy?


3. By which process 3. By oxidation, Or does energy release By respiration. from food? 4. Can you give 4. Light energy, heat various forms of energy, Chemical energy. i.e. there are various energy? types of energies like Explanation Method.

Announcement of the Topic:-

Today we will learn about potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.

biochemical energy, kinetic energy, potential energy etc.

Presentation:Energy:-The Capacity to do work. Potential Energy:The Energy which an object possesses by the virtue of its position (height) is called potential energy. The potential energy of an object may depend on its height (h) and its mass (m).

Energy 1. What is Energy 1. The capacity to do work. 2. How many kinds 2. An object may possess Potential Energy. of energy an object two kinds of energy. Kinetic Energy. possess? What are they? 1. Potential Energy. 2. Kinetic Energy. 3.What is potential 3. The energy which an Energy? object possesses by the virtue of its position is called potential energy. Potential Energy 4.On which items 4. The potential energy of depends up on its height does potential energy an object may depend on (h) and mass (m) depends up on? its height (h) and its mass (m).

Define Energy.

Activity 1:-

Fix iron nails at the four corners of a wooden piece. It is placed on the sand such that tips of nails touch the sand surface. A mass of 100 gms is dropped on this wood from 50 cm height. the 5. A wooden piece with Depth to which nails entered into 5.Explain sand is measured . This potential energy with nails fixed at the four corners. Keep this wood experiment is repeated from the an example? with nails touching height of 100 cm and also surface of sand .An object

Define Potential Explanation Energy. Method.

changing the weight to 200 gms . More works done, as height & mass increases. Activity 2:Spring possesses potential energy:Metallic spring is pressed and tied with a thread in that position. A rubber ball is placed in front of the spring. The thread is burnt with the candle. The spring releases and pushes the ball. Here the energy is possessed by the 6.What energy? body the virtue of the state.

with weight of 50 gm is dropped on wood. Nails entered the sand. Repeated the expt by increasing the height and weight of the object. More work is done as height increases and in the same manner, an increase in the mass gives it more energy. is

Kinetic Energy:The Energy possessed by moving objects is called the Kinetic Energy. Kinetic Energy of an object depends on its mass (m) and its velocity (v)

Activity 1:Two metal spheres (S1 and S2 of different masses. S2 is heavier than S1 . an inclined plane XYZ with a long sheet of card board. The portion YZ of the Card board

kinetic 6. The energy possessed by moving objects is called the Kinetic Energy. 7.. On which items does kinetic energy 7. Kinetic Energy depend upon? depends upon mass and velocity. 8.. Explain the Kinetic Energy with 8. Two metal spheres of an example? different weights are allowed to move on an inclined plane. The metal ball with less weight is able to move the block to lesser distance than the heavier metal ball.

A Moving body possesses kinetic energy with which it can do work

Define Kinetic Explanation Energy. method.

is kept Horizontal. S1 sphere is allowed to roll down from XY, it pushes the wooden block, repeat with S2 also. Heavier sphere moved the block of wood more than S1.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. The Over head tank has some water which possesses _______________________ Energy. 2. An Aeroplane flying in the sky possesses ________________________ energy and _____________energy. 3. When a runner runs, he utilizes ________________energy and changes it into __________________energy. 4. A bent bow has ____________________ energy. 5. A compressed spring has ______________ energy.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions:1. Define Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. 2. Write the differences between Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.

Period No 2 & 3 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 03/09/2011 & 05/09/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 6 Work & Energy Subject:: 6.2 Heat & Energy Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. What is Energy? 1. The Capacity to do work is called energy.



Motivation:The Student will get motivated to listen the lesson.

Announcement Topic:-



2. When does an 2. If an object has object is said to capacity to do work. It is said to possess possess Energy? energy. 3. Can you give different forms of 3. Chemical energy, light energy, Energy? biochemical energy, heat energy.





Today we will learn about Heat & Energy. Presentation:Heat &Energy:- Heat has got the capacity to do work. We can convert energies in other forms into heat energy. Energy 1. The capacity to do work is called energy. Heat Energy 2. What is heat 2. Heat has got the energy? capacity to do work. 3. Can energy can be 3. Yes energy can be When candle burns chemical heated to other converted into other energy is changed into heat forrns of energy? forms of energy. energy. 1. What is energy? 4. What are the changes in energy when a cracker is exploded? 5. Give examples transformation energy? two of of 4. When a cracker is exploded the chemical energy changes into heat, light & sound In an electric bulb electrical energies. energy is changed into heat 5. 1). When the hands and light energy. are rubbed the mechanical energy of Spring and Ring apparatus. the hands changes into heat energy due to friction. 2) When brakes applied on any motor vehicle, the mechanical energy changes into the heat Substances expand on energy. heating. 6. A steam engine converts heat into

Effects of Heat:Many substances expand when heated. In some cases they undergo a change in their state. Many solid, liquid and gaseous substances expand when heated. Liquids expand more than solids. Gases expand more than liquids. They contract when cooled.

Activity 1:Solids expand on heating:In spring and Ring apparatus the diameter of the sphere and that of the ring are such that the sphere can go through the ring freely. 6. What does a If the sphere is heated, it steam Engine do?

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

cannot pass through the ring. The sphere expands because of heat. Activity 2:-A copper rod or tin strip is placed between two blocks of wood. One end is fixed and other end is free. A pencil is placed between the block of wood and free end of the rod. A paper is pasted as indicator to the pencil. If rod is heated the rod expands and the pencil moves.

Liquids expand heating:Activity 1:-

mechanical energy. 7. How is electrical 7. In an electrical bulb energy changed in electrical energy is an electric bulb? changed into heat energy and then into light energy. 8. How does a hen 8. A hen hatches her hatch her eggs? eggs by supplying them sufficient heat. 9. How do 9. 1) Liquids expand substances in more than solids. different states 2) Gases expand expand on heating? more than liquids. 3) Gases expand on even for a very little heat.

Liquid Expan on heating

Take a test tube and fill it 10. Explain with an with water up to the brim. It is example that solids closed with one holed rubber expand on heating? cork and put a glass tube in the hole. Some water flows out the test tube and reaches the glass tube. The test tube is heated, & the level of water in the tube is observed. We will observe that the level of water in the tube goes up while heating the test tube and comes down

10. In spring and ring apparatus the diameter of the sphere and that of the ring are such that the spheres can go Gases expand on heating. through the ring freely. If the sphere is heated, it cannot pass through the ring, because the sphere expands because of the heat.

Explanation method.

while cooling.

11. How do you 11. A test tube is fitted prove that gases with one holed Gases expand on expand on heating? stopper. A glass tube containing little heating:coloured water is Take an empty test tube and inserted in the stopper. one holed rubber stopper is The glass tube is held taken. A little coloured water tightly in between our is taken into a glass tube and palms. Due to the kept in one holed rubber heat of the palms the stopper. Heat the test tube air inside the test tube gently. The air in the tube expands. As a result expands while heating and the level of the pushes the coloured water, up coloured water goes and when the test tube is up. When the palms cooled, the air contracts & are removed the level coloured water comes down. of coloured water goes down due to the contraction of air. 12. How is the 12. The phenomenon Expansion = Advantages:of of expansion is used To fix a metallic ring round property expansion utilized to fix the metallic ring the wooden wheel of a cart, the ring is heated. Its diameter by the people? Give round the wooden wheel of a cart. The increases. The wooden wheel one example? metallic ring is heated is put into the hot ring. Then and its diameter hot ring is cooled. The ring increases. The contracts and attaches it self to wooden wheel is put the wooden wheel. into this hot ring and the ring is cooled.

Experiment to show that gases expand when they are heated.

Balloon filled with hot gases also raises up and it can lift up heavy weights.

A lighted cracker produces light and sound.

The ring contracts and attachs it self firmly to the wooden wheel.

A hen hatches her eggs by supplying them sufficient heat.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:1. Heat can be changed into other _____________________of energy. 2. _________________ expands more than all the substances. 3. Heat promotes ____________________ of a chemical reaction. 4. Capacity of doing work is ___________________. 5. ________________ converts heat energy into mechanical energy.


Answer the following Questions:1. How do substances in different states expand? 2. How can you experimentallyl prove that Liquids expand on heating?

Period No 4 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 06/09/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 6 Work & Energy Subject:: 6.3 Conduction Transmission of Energy Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. Yes. 2. Cold milk. 3. I will keep the hot milk for some time till it becomes cool. Or



1.Will you drink milk? Student will get motivated to 2. Will you drink hot milk or cold milk? listen the lesson. 3. How will you make the milk cool?




I will keep hot milk in cool water. i.e. the heat from milk is transferred to the air or water. By Announcement of the Topic:loosing heat it is getting Today we will learn the 1. When does the cooled. Transmission of heat - heat transfer take 1. Heat transfer takes place from a body at a conduction. place?

Heat transmits from hot substances to cool substances . This will take place in three ways. Conduction of Heat: The method in which heat flows from one place to another without any movement of molecules is called conduction of heat. Conditions exist for conduction to take place: 1. Two bodies must touch each other. 2. There must be some difference in their temperature. 3. Heat transfers from the object at a high temperature to the

2. What transmission of heat? 2. The process of Mention the ways of transfer of heat from a transmission of heat? hot body to a cold body is transmission of heat. It occurs in three ways. 1. Conduction. 2. Convection. 3. What are the 3. Radiation. conditions in which conduction of heat 3. 1. The two bodies must touch with each takes place? other. 2. There must be some difference in 4. Explain the temperature. conduction of heat 4. An Iron rod is taken. by an experiment?

higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature. is

Solids liquids, gases expand on heating.

Name some types of transmission of heat?

Experiment to show that the conduction of heat in solids

Nails are fixed with the help of wax to the rod. One end of the rod is

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

Define conduction of heat.

other which is at a low temperature. Activity 1: Take a straight and flat rod of aluminium or iron and fix some nails using wax.. Heat one end of the rod. The nails near the spirit lamp falls down first followed by its nearest one and so on. Activity 2: Four rods of different materials i.e. iron, copper, aluminium & brass are taken. Small nails are attached to these rods with the help of wax. These rods are heated. We will notice that the nails fixed to the aluminium rod fall down faster, then brass, copper, iron etc., due to conduction. Conduction of heat does not take place in the same manner in all substances: Good conductors: The substances which allow the heat to pass through them. Eg:- Silver, gold, Iron, Copper, Aluminium etc.

heated. The nail near the heating end falls first and 5. What is then followed by next and go on. conduction of heat? 5. The method in which heat flows from one place to another with out any movement of the 6.What are molecules of the body. Conduction of heat in insulators? 6. Substances which do different rods. not allow heat to pass 7.what are through them. Air is a bad Conductor of

Define conductors


7. Substances which heat. allow heat to pass through them .plastic is a bad conductor. So Conductors
kettle with hot coffee or tea can be held at the handle with out burning Insulators. our hands. 8. Plastic is a bad conductor. So Kettle with hot coffee or tea can be held at the handle with out burning our hands. 9. The electric iron is to be moved to and fro with the hands. As the handle of it is made of wood, a bad conductor, it can be done without burning our hands.

8. The handle of a kettle is covered with plastic why? 9. The handles of electric irons are made of wood or ebonite why? 10. A spoon is put in a cup containing hot

A small piece of wax is Lecture cum floating on Demonstration water in a & Question test tube. If and Answer water is Method heated at the bottom of the test tube

milk. In which method does the The substances which does not allow the heat to pass spoon absorb heat from the milk? through them . Eg:- Wood, Leather, Asbestos, Paper, Glass, Mud etc.


10. By the process of conduction heat flows from hot milk to the Spoon.

does the wax melt? Why?

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blanks:-

1. Head is transmitted from a hot body to a cold body in __________________ways. 2. Wood is a ________________ conductor. 3. Metal are ________________ Conductors. Assignment:Answer the following Question:1. Define Conduction of heat. 2. Define Conductors and insulators. Period No 5, 6 of Lesson No. /Unit: Class:: VII Topic: 6 Work & Energy No 6 : Date: 07/09/2011 & 08/09/2011 Subject: General Science Subject:: 6.3 Convection &
& Time:
Transmission of Energy Radiation of heat.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Continuation of the Student will get motivated to lesson listen the lesson. 1.What is 1.





transmissioin of heat?

transfer of heat from a hot body to a cold body is transmission of heat.


2. In how many ways 2. It occurs in three Announcement of the transmission of heat ways. occurs? What are 1. Conduction. Topic:they? 2. Convection. Today we will study about 3. Radiation. Convection and Radiation. 1. What is 1. The method in which Presentation:Convection? heat transmits from one Convection of Heat:place to another by the The method in which heat movement of molecules transmits from one place to absorbing heat and another by the movement of going up and cool molecules absorbing heat and molecules coming down going and cool molecules coming to absorb heat is called down to absorb heat is called 2. In Convection of convection of heat. convection of heat. heat in water from 2. Heat travels from less Activity 1:A round bottomed flask is taken which region does densor to more densor region when water in a & put crystals of potassium heat travel? vessel is heated. The permonganate in it. Flask is water molecules at the heated gently. The crystals start bottom become hot and dissolving in water making it less dense go to the violet colour. surface of water where Water at the bottom gets more dense molecules of heated & expands. It becomes water come down to the light and goes up to the tip. This bottom. process continues till all the water


Define Convection. Explain the process of convection of heat.

Expansion of liquid convection Hot milk dissolves in

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer

When cool milk is added to hot tea how does heat transfer takes place?

gets violet colour.

3. Sugar dissolves in 3. The solubility of sugar hot milk faster than in milk Water and glass are bad cold milk why? Increases with the conductors of heat. temperature because of Wax is taken in a test tube convection. The hot partly filled with water. Heat the milk dissolves sugar fast. test tube at the top. The wax does not melt. 4. What are the uses 4. In our houses cool air of ventilators in our enters the room through Convection of heat takes place houses? windows and hot air in liquids and gases only:leaves the room through Take a lamp with a glass ventilators. chimney Light it. After some 5. How does the Sea 5. In summer land gets time a thick cardboard is taken breeze come? heated up & air layer and close the the top. near it gets heated up The lamp is put out. Light the and goes up. Then the lamp once again, now T-shaped cool air above the sea card board is put into the comes to the land as sea chimney. The lamp continues to breeze. burn. Because hot air inside goes 6. Why do we cover out in one way and cools. Oxygen our bodies with 6. Air is a bad conductor. rich air comes in another way. blankets at night in When we cover the body Sea breezes also occurs because winter? with blanket the air of convection. layers present between Radiation of heat:the threads of the blanket The transmission of heat from one prevents the flow of heat place to another without the help of from the body to the any object and without the presence surroundings. of any medium is known as 7. What is Radiation? radiation. 7. The process by which

Sugar fast.


Convection of Gases

Land Hot Breezes.

Sea coolbreeze.
Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

Define Radiation


Take a glass flask. Fix one holed rubber cork. Insert a glass tube bent twice at right angles. Insert a little of coloured water into the horizontal portion of glass tube .Apply black soot on one half of the flask., place a spirit lamp near the thermoscope. The coloured water moves indicating expansion of air in the flask..

heat travels from one place to another place without the help of any medium is known as Radiation. 8. Explain your experience of 8. When we stand in the Radiation in our daily hot sun we feel the Thermoscope life? hotness as the heat is transmitted from the sun. If we stand near a fire we do not get hot air but our body becomes hot. Heat is transmitted from the fire by Black body absorbs more radiation. heat. Thermoscope. Why do people like to wear white clothes insummer?

Black substance absorbs heat faster and also loses the heat fast:Take two similar tins. Apply black soot to one of them. Pour equal quantity of water; note the temperature. Keep them in sun and wait for 30 minutes. The temperature of black tin will be more.

Recapitulation:Fill in the Blnsk:1. Sea breeze comes to the land by the process of _____________________. 2. Convection of heat generally takes place in ________________________. 3. Transmission of heat between the two places with out the help of a medium is known as _______________.

4. Thermoscope shows that heat is transmitted by the process of _____________________.

Assignment:Answer the following Questions:1. Define Convection and Radiation.

Period No 7 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 10/09/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 6 Work & Energy Subject:: 6.4.1 Sources of Light

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.




I will show pen, book, Student will get motivated to paper, Box etc. and

listen the lesson.

ask, 1. Are you able to see 1. Yes. these things? -------------------------------

Announcement Topic:-


2. Can you see these 2. No. the things at night, i.e. in complete darkness?


Today we will learn about the 3. Why? What is the 3. because we can see the Different Sources of Light reason? things only in the Presentation:presence of light we can Light is needed if we want to see not see them at night. objects. 4. Can you tell me 4. From sun, from where do we get i.e. light is essential for An object that can give light is the light? seeing the object & sun is called a source of light. the main sources of light. There are two sources of light. 1. Natural Sources of Light. 2. Man made or Artificial sources 1. What is Light? 1. Light is a form of of light. energy which enables us to see things around us. Natural Sources of Light:- They are not man made. 2. What is a source of 2. An object that can give Eg:- Sun, Star, Glow worms. Light? light is called a source of Sources of Light Light. Man Made or Artificial Sources 1. Natural Sources of Light:- They are man made. 3. Name some natural 3. Sun, Stars, Glow Eg:- Wax candle, Oil lamp, Sources of Light? Worms, etc. are the 2. Artificial Sources

Sources of Light:-

Define Light.

Torch Electric Bulb.

natural sources of light. 4. Name some Self luminous bodies:- artificial Sources of 4. Wax candle, Oil lamp, torch, Electric bulb, Sources of light which give out Light? Hurricane lamp are the light by themselves are called self artificial sources of Light. luminous. Eg:- Sun and Stars. 5. What are Self 5. Sources of light which out light by Non Luminous bodies:- Bodies luminous bodies ? give give examples. themselves are called self which can not produce light by luminous bodies. themselves are called non Eg:- Sun, Glowworm, Luminous bodies. burning candle etc. Eg:-Tree, Books, The Moon other planets etc. 6. What are non- 6. Bodies which cannot luminous bodies? produce light by Intensity of Light:Give examples? themselves are non It depends on the source of light. luminous bodies. Trees, The intensity of light at any place books, the earth, moon & is measured in terms of lumens the planets. present in unit area. Unit:- Lumen. 7. What is the 7. The intensity of light at intensity of Light? any place is measured in 1 Lumen = 12.56 Candle power. terms of Lumens present 700 Lumens = 1 Watt. 1 Foot in unit area. candle = 10.76 Lux. 8. How is the intensity 8. The intensity of light is Lux is the Modern unit. of light is measured? measured in lux. 9. What is Lumen? 9. Lumen is the unit of The Intensity of light decreases light which is as the distance increases:internationally accepted.

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

Mention the various sources of light with examples.

Self Luminous bodies. What are self luminous bodies? Give examples.

Non Luminous bodies.

What are Nonluminous bodies? Give examples.

A room is made dark. A hole is made in a card board sheet and it is put near the candle .Through the hole the intensity of light is watched from 30 cm distance. Like this watch the candle from 60 cm and 150 cm and observe.

10. How many Lumens are equal to 1 Watt? 11. What is the relation between lumen and candle power? 12. What is the need Hot Sources of Light:- Sun, for a source of light? electric bulb etc are the hot sources of light. They will produce both light and heat.

10. I wait is nearly equal to 700 lumens. 11. I Lumen = 12.56 candle power.

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

12. We need a Source of light for the Visibility of objects. The light from a source falls on the object gets scattered & reaches our eye. Cool Sources of Light:- : Glow 13. What is the 13. The sun is about 150 worm, Tube light are the cool distance between the milliion kilometer away sources of light. sun and earth? from the earth. Moonlight:- Moon reflects the sunlight which is called moon 14. Why are some 14. The reason is the light. sources of light hot method by which light is while others are cold? produced in them. Earth Light:- The sun light An electric bulb reflected by the earth is earth light. glows only when it goes to a higher temperature. In the case of tube light the light is produced by the chemical reaction so it will not produce so much heat. The nuclear fusion reactions occur in sun

Define Lumen.


Define intensity of Light.

Define Cool sources of light. Define hot sources of

which releases heat and light energy. 15. How do you prove that intensity of light decreases with the increase of distance?

Light. Figure
Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

15. In a darkroom a candle is lighted. A Hot Sources of Light cardboard to which a hole is made at centre is taken. Observe the candle from the distances of 30cm, 60 cm, 150 cm respectively. As the Cool Sources of Light distance from source increases the intensity of light decreases.

Define moon light.

Define Earth light.

16. What is moonlight 16. The reflection of and earth light? sunlight by the moon & earth is called moon light & Earth light.

The sun is 150 million km away from earth Moon Light. Earth Light.

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:-

1. ________________ is necessary to see the Objects. 2. The important natural sources of Light is __________. 3. I lumen = _________________candle powers. 4. The glow worm produces energy due to ___________inside its body. 5. The reflected light by the earth is called ______________________.

Assignment:Answer the following Question:1. Make a list of four natural sources of light. 2. What are self Luminous and Non Luminous bodies? 3. What is intensity of light? 4. What is Light?

Behavioural Changes expected and Achieved:Student will comes to the various sources of light. He will understand and define various terms like intensity of light. Self luminous, Non luminous, earth light, moon light, intensity of light etc.

Period No 8, 9 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 12/09/2011 & 13/09/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: 6 Work & Energy Subject:: 6.4.3 oil lamps, hurricane lamps and electric bulb

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Subconcepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Continuation of the Student will get motivated to Previous Lesson. listen the lesson. 1. What is a source of 1. An object that can give



light. -----------------------------------------

2. How many sources 2. There are two types of of light are there? sources of Light. They are Announcement of the Topic:What are they? 1. Natural Sources. Today we will learn about the 2. Man made or topic Oil lamps, Hurricane Lamps, 3. Give some examples Artificial sources. & Electric bulbs. of natural sources of 3.Sun, Stars glow light? worms etc.

Presentation:Oil Lamps:- People used oil from Seeds. A wick is put in oil and lighted. The oil first vaporises owing to heat. This vapour mixes with Oxygen in the air and burns and this becomes the flame. The flame gives out heat and light. As the oil at the tip of the wick vaporises; the oil at the bottom rises up through capillaries in the wick. Kerosene vaporises faster & easier than oil. Therefore in hurricane lamps and petromax lights kerosene is used.

4. Give some examples 4. Electric bulbs wax of Man made or candle, Oil lamp, torch Artificial Sources of etc. light? 1. What is an artificial 1. Man made sources of source of light? Give light is the artificial source Examples? of light. Ex:- Oil lamp, Hurricane Kerosene vaporises lamp, Candle, Electric faster & easier than bulb etc. oil. 2. In olden days the 2. People used oil from people used which type Seeds in oil lamps. of oil in lamps?

How does an Oillamp work?

3. What is the principle 3. A wick is put in oil and There are four parts in a involved in the oil lighted. The oil first lamp? vaporises due to heat. hurricane lamp. This vapour mixed with

The Hurricane Lamp:-

At the bottom kerosene tank. The wick is fixed into the burner. One end is put inside the kerosene in the tank. The Kerosene raises by capillary action along the wick. The hot air produced goes out 4. How oil raises through the holes at the top of the through wick? lamp. Cool air enters the chimney through holes in the burner. To prevent blowing winds from putting out, glass chimney is provided. 5. Why Kerosene is Electric Bulb:- Bulb was used in the hurricane invented by Thomas Alva lamps and petromax lights?

Oxygen in the air and burns and this becomes the flame which gives heat and light. 4 As the oil at the tip of the wick vaporises, the oil at the bottom rises up through capillaries in the wick. 5. Kerosene vaporises faster and easier thin oil. Therefore in hurricane lamps and petromax light kerosene is used. Parts of a Hurricane Lantern

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

How does a Hurricane lamp work?

Edison, an American Scientist. There is a thin wire made of tungsten in a bulb. Which is called filament. The two ends of this filament are attached to two copper wires Whose ends are fixed to two terminals at the top of the bulb. Air on the glass bulb is removed and sealed. Inert gases like Nitrogen or helium is filled into the bulb and sealed. When electricity is

6. name the important 6. A small metal tank to parts in a hurricane pour kerosene, Burner, lamp? wick for air to enter, glass chimney. 7. How kerosene raises 7. Kerosene goes up by through wick in a capillary action through Hurricane lamp? the fine holes in the wick. 8. How hot air goes out 8. Hot air goes out through side? And cool air the holes at the top of the enters into the lamps? lamp, and cool air enters Electric Bulb

Explain how an Electric Bulb works?

through the holes in the sent through the copper wires, burner of the lamp. it passes through the filament. Then the filament gets heated 9. why glass chimney 9. To prevent blowing glows and gives out light. is provided to the winds from putting out the lamp? lamp and also helps in Glass chimney is distributing the light provided to the lamp. evenly in all directions.

Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

10. Who invented the 10. Thomas Awa Edison, electric bulb? an American scientist invented the Electric bulb. 11. Why the bulb is 11. Because it gives out called as Electric bulb? light when electricity is sent into the air, it is called the electric bulb. 12. What is a filament? 12. A thin wire made up of tungsten in a bulb is called the filament. Thomas Alva Edision
Lecture cum Demonstration & Question and Answer Method

What is the Use of glass Chimney?

13. Where are the 13. The coppor wires are copper wires fixed? fixed to two ends of the filament whose ends are fixed to two terminals at the top of the bulb.

Electric bulb was invented by._____. Electric bulb Define Filament.

14. Why air is removed 14. Because the Oxygen in from the glass bulb and the air will burn out the Filament is made of


filament and it will not last Tungsten. even for a few hours.

15. How does the 15. When electricity is Copper wires electric bulb gives sent through the copper light? wires, it passes through the filament. Then the Air is removed from filament gets heated glows the bulb and gives out light. Inert gases like nitrogen or Helium is filled in the bulb.

How does an electric bulb function?

Define Electric bulb.

Recapitulation:Fill in the blanks:1. The lamp which can not be put off even in the Hurricane is _______________. 2. The electric bulb is invented by _____________________. 3. Kerosene is used in ______________________________.

4. Filament in electric bulb is made up of _______________. 5. ______________ is removed in the electric bulb.


Answer the following Questions:-

1. Describe the construction of an electric bulb? 2. Draw a neat sketch of a Hurricane lamp and name its parts? 3. Draw a neat sketch of the electric bulb and name its parts?

Behavioral Changes expected and Achieved:Student will recall & recognize that the bulb was invented by an American Scientist, Thomas Alva Edison. He will understand the functioning of a Hurricane lamp and an electric bulb. By drawing the diagrams of Hurricane Lamp and electric bulb he develops drawing skills.

Period No 10 & 11 of Lesson No. Unit: No 6 : Date: 14/09/2011 & 15/09/2011 Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: Work & Energy Subject:: 6.5 Rectilinear propagation of light.

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts Motivation:

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils 1. Which is the main 1.The Sun

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Students will get motivated natural source of to light on earth? listen the lesson. 2.Where do the sun 2.The sun rays fall on the rays fall? earth 3.When the sun rays enter our room, in what way they travel? 4.If there are any dust particles in the way, can we see them? Announcement of the 5.Have you observed the light rays coming Topic: Today we will learn the out from a torch? topic Rectilinear propagation of 6.Will they come straightly or bent? light Presentation: Light travels in a straight line. Take three cardboards of 1.How can you same dimensions. Fix them to prove that light small blocks of wood to let travels in a straight them stand erect. Make one hole line? in each cardboard at the central point. Three cardboard pieces are 3.They travel in straight line. 4.Yes, we can see the dust particles clearly. 5.Yes

- ------------



- -----------6.They will straightly. come



1. Three cardboards of the same dimensions are taken and one hole is made at the central point. The three cardboards are placed in a straight line. Lighted candle is brought Experience to show the rectilinear propagation of light close to the first cardboard. Watch the Light travels in Straight Line.

Define on Experiment to show the rectilinear propagation of Light.

placed in a straight line. Light a candle & bring it close to first cardboard near the hole. Watch the candle flame from near the third cardboard. If you disturb any one of the three cardboard pieces, the candle flame will not be visible. This is because of the Rectilinear propagation of light. Transparent substances: Substances that let light pass through them are called transparent substances, Ex: Air, Glass, Water etc., Opaque Substances:Substances that do not allow the light to pass through them are called opaque substances. Ex: Stone, Wood, Rubber etc., 2. What transparent substances? examples?

candle flame from near the third cardboard. If you disturb any cardboard, the flame is not visible. This is because of Rectilinear Propagation of Light. 2. The substances that let are light pass through them are called Transparent Give Substances. Ex:Air,Glass,Water etc.,
Transmission of light throught transparent substance
Non Transparent Substance

Define transparent substances

3. Substances that do not allow light to pass 3.What are opaque through them are substances? Give opaque.Ex: Stone, wood, examples? Rubber etc.,

Light resistance by opaque substance

a)Observing the tip of candle flame through a plastic pipe

Translucent Substances: Some substances allow light to pass through them partially are called translucent substances. 4.What Ex: Ground glass, oil paper, Translucent tracing paper etc., substances? Shadow: When an opaque body is put in the path of a beam of light, the

4. Some substances allow are light to pass through them partially. Ex: Groung glass, Trace paper eyc., 5. When an opaque body comes in the path of the

Define opaque Substances.

light cannt bend and travel. Therefore a dark spot is formed behind the opaque body. That dark spot is called the shadow. Shadows are formed because of the rectilinear propagation of light screen. Activity:Pin hole source of light is taken. An opaque body is placed between the source of the light screen. A shadow similar to the object is formed on the screen. If the object is a ball, a circular shadow is formed on the screen. If a boy stands there the shape of a human being is formed on the screen.
Formation Penumbra:of Umbra

5.How are shadows light rays, they cannot formed? bend and continue their journey. Therefore the shadow of the opaque object is formed behind it. 6.Shadows are formed due to the lRectilinear 6.What are formed propagation of light. due to the Rectilinear 7. A region of total propagation of light? darkness in a shadow is called Umbra. No rays of 7.What is Umbra? light enter in this region. 8. A region of partial darkness which surrounds the umbra is called is Penumbra. Some rays of light always reach this region and partially illuminate it.

b). Observing light through bent pipe

Define opaque Substances.

Formation of Shedows.

& 8.What

Penumbra? In the shadow, one dark spot in the middle is seen. Along the circumference of the circular shadow the area is not so dark. 9. The earth and the moon The dark spot is called the are opaque. The earth Umbra & the light circular may happen to come into portion of the shadow is called the umbra and penumbra the Penumbra. 9.How are eclipses of the moon. At such Formation of Eclipses:formed? times eclipses occur. The earth and the moon are

Tree-its shadow

Human being Shadow

opaque. The earth may happen to come into the Umbra & the Penumbra of the moon. At such times eclipses occur. There are two types of eclipses. 1.Lunar Eclipse 2.Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse:When the moon enters the Umbra of the earth, Total Lunar Eclipse occurs. Lunar Eclipse occurs on a Full moon day. Solar Eclipse:When the moon comes between the sun and the earth the people located in the Umbra of the moon cannot see the sun & the phenomenon is called :Total Solar Eclipse.

10. There are two types of eclipses. 1.Solar Eclipse 2.Lunar Eclipse. 10. How many types are eclipses are there? What are 11. The solar eclipse they? occurs on a new moon day. 11. On what day 12. The Lunar eclipse does the Solar occurs on a full moon eclipse occur? day. 12..On what day does the Lunar eclipse occur?

Human Being shadow.

Formation of Lunar eclipse

Fill in the Blamks: 1. Light travels in -------------. 2. Substances that allow light to pass through them are called---------------substances. 3. Substances that do not allow light to pass through them are called ----------------substances. 4. Tracing paper is an example for---------------substance. 5. The--------------is formed behind an opaque substance.

6. Solar eclipse occurs on a-------------day. 7. Lunar eclipse occurs on a---------------day. 8. -----------is seen outside the umbra. 9. Water is an example of -------------substance. 10. When the moon enters the umbra of the earth---------occurs.

Answer the following questions:
1.Define the following terms a.. Transparent substance b.Translucent substance c.Opaque substance. 2. How are shadows formed? 3. How can you prove that light travels in a straight line?

Behavioral changes expected and achieved:

By doing the experiment the student will come to know that light travels in a straight line. There by he develops experimental skills. The student understands that shadows are formed because of the rectilinear propagation of light.
Period No 12 & 13 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 16/09/2011 & 17/09/2011 Time:

The student understands how solar & lunar eclipse occur? Class:: VII Subject: General Science Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Topic: Work & Energy Subject:: 6.6 Laws of Reflection of light.

Medium: English

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes By Teacher By Pupils

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations etc.



Motivation:We observe many The Students get motivated colourful objects in

to listen the lesson.

our surroundings. 1. Are you able to see all the things. 2. At what time you are able see the things? 3. Why we are able to see only during day time?

1. Yes.

- -----------2. During day time. 3. Because Light will be there. Or



In the Presence of light only we are able to see. 4. I use a plane mirror 4. What do you use to look at my face. to look at your face? 5. No, it is not possible. 5. Is it possible to see Light is essential to see. your face in mirror i.e. To see our images in even in dark? mirror we require light. It
is possible to see our image by one of the property of light i.e. the Reflection of Light.

- ------------



Announcement topic:




Define Image?

Today we learn about Laws of reflection of light 1. What is Image/

Image:2. When does images are formed?

1. The face seen in the mirror is called the image. Reflection of Light

Define reflection of Light.

We use a plane mirror to look at our face. The face seen in the mirror is called image. Images are formed if the surface 3. What is reflection of transparent or opaque objects of Light? are plane and smooth. Finely polished surfaces send back the light that falls on them according to some principles. 4. What are the laws Reflection of light:of reflection? The phenomenon of light coming back after hitting a smooth plane surface is called reflection. 5. How many types of reflections are Laws of Reflection:there? What are The principles according to they? which light undergoes reflection are known as Laws of Reflection. 6. Mention the three Light undergoes irregular laws of reflection? reflection at such rough surfaces. On smooth surfaces light undergoes regular reflection. There are three laws of reflection of light. 1.The first law of reflection:

2. Images are formed if the Surface of transparent or opaque objects are plane & Smooth. 3. The phenomenon of light coming back after hitting a smooth plane surface is called reflection of Light. 4. The principles according to which light under goes reflection are known as the laws of reflection. 5. There are two types of reflections. They are regular reflections and irregular reflections. 6. I law The incident
ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray we in the same plan. 1st Law:-The reflected ray lie on either side of the normal. 2nd Law:- The angle of incidence is equal to the

Laws of Reflection

Question and Answer Method

How many types of reflections are there? What are they?

State the three laws of Reflection. Define an ideal plane Mirror.

The incident ray, the normal 7. What is an ideal angle of reflection. at the point of incident and the plane mirror? 7. an ideal plane mirror reflected ray lie in the same cannot absorb any light. plane. It should reflect perfectly. They should 2.The second law of reflection: smooth and The incident ray & the 8. Why concave have reflected ray lie on either side of mirror is used in reflecting surfaces. the normal. telescope? 8. Concave mirrors are used in telescopes to 3.The third law of reflection: The angle of incidents is 9. What arrange ment reflect light. equal to the angle of reflection. is made to see the image of Tajmahal 9. There is a convex mirror in the Agro Fort. An ideal plane mirror: from Agra Fort? If we look through it we 1. It cannot absorb any light. can see the image of 2. It should reflect perfectly. Tajmahal. Situated 3. They should have a smooth & reflecting surface. It decreases 10. What does the some kilometers away. the absorption of light. ENT doctor use to 4. The smoothness of the look into the patients 10. The ENT doctor uses a concave mirror surface helps to form a clear ear? with a hole to look into image. the patients ear reflected by the second mirror in Reflection Applicationsthe periscope and reach 1. Concave mirrors of large aperture are used as reflectors 11. What are the uses the eye of the observer. 11. for heating purposes with solar of the periscope? 1) A soldier in a trench energy. can watch the 2. Concave mirrors are used in

Experiment to show the reflection of light at the Surface of a plane mirror. An I deal plane Mirror

Lecture cum Demonstration Method

List out some applications of the phenomenon of reflections.

Concave mirrors are used in telescope.

Mention the uses of Periscope? Convex mirror is used in Agra Fort to see Tajmahal

the construction of telescopes as reflectors. 3. ENT specialists use concave mirrors with a hole at their pole for their diagnosis. 4. In torch light, search lights, Motor car Head lights concave mirrors are used as reflectors. 5. In vehicles convex mirrors are used to see the vehicles coming behind. :

movements of the enemy. 2) A Navy officer in a sub marine an watch the enemy ship on the 12. Where are big surface of the sea. plane mirrors arranged in parallel? 12. Big plane mirrors Why/ are arranged in parallel in shapes selling cool, drinks, sweets etc. The two parallel mirrors produce innumerable images of the same object. It is pleasant experience to see so many things.

from several kilometers away.

Periscope is used by soldiers.

Students can make a periscope using card board sheets or thermo coal sheets and two plane mirrors.

Fill in the Blamks: 1. The distances of the object and the image from a plane mirror are _____________. 2. The image that cannot be caught on a screen is ______________ image. 3. A plane mirror forms ____________________ image.

4. The image in a plane mirror is inverted ____________________. 5. A soldier in a tranch can see the movements of the enemy on the land with the help of a _____________.

Answer the following questions:
1. Explain how an image is formed in a plane mirror? 2.. Define (1) Virtual Image (2) Real Image. 3. List the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror? 4. Describe the construction and function of a periscope. Write its uses?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:

Student will understands how images are formed in a plane mirror. He will learn enthusiastically and with more interestingly how more no. of images are formed when plane mirrors are placed at an angle. He develops observation skill and construction skill by knowing the construction of periscope.

Period No 14 of Lesson No. /Unit: No 6 : Date: 19/09/2011 & Time:

Class:: VII Subject: General Science

Topic: Work & Energy Subject:: 6..7 Images formed by a plane mirror

Medium: English

Content Analysis/Concepts/ Sub-concepts

Activities indicating behavioural/Learning Out comes

Aids/Experiments to be done/Demonstrations



By Teacher Motivation:1. What is a Image? The students will get motivated to listen the listen 2. On which things images is formed? 3. What is the Principal involved in the formation of image by a plane mirror?

By Pupils




---------Announcement of the Topic:Today we will learn about the image formed by a plane mirror . Presentation:Images formed mirror.:by a plane 1. What is the nature


of the image of an X Y is a plane mirror & O is an object formed by a object at a perpendicular distance. plane mirror? OA

Image formed by a

Explain how images are formed by a plane mirror.

I is the image formed behind the mirror at the same distance OA from the mirror. The reflected rays PR & PS appear to come from the image I

2. What type of inversion is observed in the image formed by a plane mirror?

plane mirro

3. How an image is Characteristics of the image formed in a plane formed by a plane mirror:mirror? 1. The object and the image are at the same distance from the reflecting surface of the mirror. 2 .The image is a virtual image and can be caught on a screen. 3. The image is laterally inverted. 4.The image is erect and is the sa me size of the erect object. 5 .The line joining the image and the object is perpendicular to the plane of the mirror. 4. which image can be Mirrors placed at an angle:caught on the screen? If two plane mirrors are placed at an angle between them a number of images are formed. If the angle between two plane mirrors is 5. Where does the .,the number of images (n) virtual image formed is given by the formula forme? n=(360/ Angle between No of 6. What is the images difference between

The Image in the mirror is Laterally invented.

Formation of an image in a plane mirror.

Mention the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror.

(a) The object before two mirrors kept at an angle (90) and the images


What is the formula to calculate the number of images

the mirrors seen 90 3 60 5 45 7 30 11 Periscope:A periscope has a long tube with openings at both the ends in opposite directions. Two plane mirrors are fixed at this openings making an angle of 45 with the horizontal. Mirrors are parallel to each other. The light rays coming from the object get reflected on mirror placed at the top and will again be reflected by the second mirror and reach the eye of the observer. Uses:1. Using the periscope a soldier in a trench can watch the movements of the enemy. 2. Navy officer in a submarine can watch the enemy ship on the surface of the sea.

virtual image?



formed between the mirrors placed at an angle?

(b) Formation of images when the angle between the plane mirrors is 90

7. What happens when mirrors are placed out an angle?

8. How can we calculate the no. of images formed between two plane mirrors placed at an angle?

Define virtual image.


------- --1

Define image.


9. What periscope?


Define periscope.

10 How does the periscope work?

Periscope M1, M2 Plane Mirror.


What is the principle involved in the functioning of periscope?

Fill in the Blamks: 1. The image of an object due to regular reflection is ________________. 2. Angle of incidence = Angle of _______________. 3. Light undergoes ___________ reflection on ground glass.

4. _______________ mirrors are used in the construction of telescopes. 5. ENT specialists use ______________________mirrors in their medical tests.

Answer the following questions:
1. What is meant by reflection ? Write the three laws of reflection? 2.. What is an ideal mirror? 3. List out some applications of the phenomenon of reflections?

Behavioural changes expected and achieved:

The Students acquire knowledge about the principle involved in the formation of images in mirror. He will develop observation and experimental skills by doing the activity. To show the reflection of light at the surface of a plane mirror.

Prepared by: B. Suneetha T.G.T (B.S) Chinnachowk Coordinated By :: T. Padmaja, Principal, Devapatla

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