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Abstract Nowadays, risk increases in professions that require
measurements in aggressive and hazardous places, thus applying
techniques that provide localization of objects and improving the
results accuracy became such an interesting subject that need to
be enhanced. Hence, we are going to discuss in this paper
different techniques of localization indoor.

Keywords Indoor localization, Ultra wide Band, Wireless
sensors network, ToA, AoA, RSS, Where project, Repealites,
Fingerprinting. CIR

HIS paper presents some indoor localization methods
that are used to estimate the position of an object situated
indoor. GPS system is a reliable system for measurements
outdoor but it shows its limitations in an indoor environment
because the signal emitted by the satellite is weakened when it
traverses buildings and walls. Different studies have been
realized in order to offer a system with high accuracy. It is
worth to mention that the accuracy to be reached depend on
the applications, whether its to position a person or a small

A.Concept and objectives of the indoor location
The concept of Indoor location is the same as the outdoor
location but in a harsher environment. Consequently, to cope
of the effect of multipath, various location systems have
been developed for indoor : Wireless sensor network (WSN) ,
Ultra Wide Band (UWB) , Where project, Fingerprinting
Based Localization Technique using Neural Networks,
Fingerprinting Localization Technique Using Multiwall
Model, Repealites Thus, those systems can locate objects
or people inside a building.
B.State of the art of Telecommunication
Telecommunication is the transmission of information over
significant distances to communicate. Telecommunication
includes the use of electrical devices such as telegraphs,
telephones, and teleprinters, the use of radio and microwave
communications, as well as fiber optics and their associated
electronics, plus the use of the orbiting satellites and the
Internet. Even today, telecommunications systems continue to


The outdoor localization is a process able to point an object
using coordinates as Latitude/longitude.
The first device developed was a Radio Direction Finder,
(RDF). Used from the 1930s it was the first technique to
locate an object. Due to radios ability to travel very long
distances over the horizon it makes a particularly good
navigation system for ships and aircrafts.
Nowadays the most used technology is based on satellite
navigation system [1], several satellites send synchronous
data, the receiver (object) read this data. To know his location
it has to compare the different propagation time. Its a passive
system. It means there is only one-way communication
(satellite to receiver). This technique is used on the Global
Positioning System (GPS) [1] (operational since 1995),
GLONASS [2] (Russian, operational since 2011,
BEIDOU/COMPASS [3] (Chinese, operational for 2020 for
global coverage), GALILEO [4] (Europe, operational for
2014). The precision is around several meters (20m for GPS -
2m for GALILEO).
Another way to locate an object is based on Global System
for Mobile Communications (GSM) and General Packet Radio
Service (GPRS) [1]. It uses the position of the base transceiver
station (BTS). Using the identification number of the BTS the
terminal can looking for is coordinate on a database. Some
techniques also use Wifi stations (identified by their MAC
Outdoor localization is fully functional. However there are
still some projects under development to improve accuracy or
to not depend of a property governmental system. accurate
position estimation.

With the development of mobile radio communications, the
need to localize the mobile station MS appears necessary
permits to the base station BS to localize the mobile at each
moment to transfer a call. The calculation of some parameters
like the power received is based on the signal received from
the base station surrounding the MS and this measurement is
necessary to make the decision about the BTS that is most
suitable to handle the communication with the phone. Two
major categories are used and that depend on the position in
which the measurement is carried. These systems are referred
to handset-based or network-based positioning system.

Indoor localisation and motion monitoring
(January 2012)
Jonathan Rault, Salma Elayoubi, Mathilde Bellec, Ndeye Ndoye, Montaha Bouezzeddine

In handset-based positioning system, the handset (the MS, in
this case) itself analyses signals generated from multiple base
stations in order to locate the user. In order to calculate the
position, some specific software should be installed on the
phone thus allowing the mobile phone to identify its own
Network-based location technology depends on wireless
network to get information about user position by calculating
some parameters technologies that calculate MS position only
from measurements obtained at BSs, with no necessity to
demand the MS to send any information The measurements
are made at the BSs and the collected information is
transmitted to a central for processing to find out the position
of the MS.[8]



To localize an object indoor, we deploy a sensors network
by distributing a number of nodes that know their location and
protocols. The objective is to estimate the locations of others
unlocated nodes by using diverse methods. Some techniques
work even when nodes and seeds are mobile while others
demand motionless objects to being able to function
Range-based localization employ different techniques like:
received signal strength (RSS), Time of arrival (ToA) and
angle of arrival (AOA) to be developed later in this paper.
Range-free localization algorithms [9] constitute an
alternative solution for Ranged based techniques that are
generally costly. We have two algorithms to be utilised in
WSN. The first one is based on local techniques by scattering
a large number of seeds in the indoor environment and by
emitting frames in a manner that the node to be localized can
hear several seeds and then identify the emitters nodes (the id
field in the frame) thus allowing it to calculate the center of
the locations of all seeds. The second called hop counting
technique which consists of counting the nodes that are
traversed before reaching the central node. In the diagram (1),
we show the weakness of the techniques that are based on
range free localization.

Figure 1: An example of hop counting showing the poor
accuracy of hop counting technique. [10]

The distance from A to C D
is equal to 4. At the same time,
the distance from B to D is equally 4 because of the
obstruction that stands between both of them. This is one of
the ways that hop count distance metrics can experience
dramatic error. Usually the accuracy in such systems depends
intensely on the density of the nodes. We should have an
enormous number of seeds if wed like to obtain good results.
The errors depend on the distance separating two nodes. With
local techniques, we estimate the position of the unlocated
object to be at the center of gravity of the three emitters that
the object can hear. In case the object is situated nearly one
fixed node, this induces huge errors. We can estimate the
errors distribution to be on the order of some meters.

Ultra Wide Band UWB localisation benefit from a vast
fractional bandwidth provided. At the beginning, UWB
systems have been used for military applications. In 1990 the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) permitted the
use of unlicensed UWB communications (the frequency band
from 3.1 to 10 GHz).[11] In this paragraph, we will explain
the possibility of the implementation of UWB communication
solution to help us positioning objects. Positioning systems
can be achieved by using one of these three techniques: time-
of-arrival (ToA), angle-of-arrival (AoA), and signal-strength
based systems (RSS).We will develop each of these
techniques in this section.
In order to calculate the position based on ToA and AoA
techniques, we apply the principle of the triangulation and
multilateration. The accuracy obtained depends on the
environment and the possibility of having a direct path
between the emitter and the receiver. First, we study the ToA
technique and show some results found in diverse projects.
The ToA method necessitates that the clocks of both
systems in transmission and reception being synchronized if
we calculate the distance between them based on a one way
travel. To position the location of an object, we need at least
three reference points. The very short UWB pulses can enable
us to distinguish the unwanted signals due to multipath
reflections. This advantage is related to the high time
resolution of the UWB pulse. We should remember that the
range coverage of UWB pulse is short. Thus, were going to
scatter numerous sensors to guarantee that a communication
with at least 3 sensors in case of the measurements in 2-D and
4 sensors for 3-D still possible to establish. The Cramr-Rao
lower bound inequality is a limit to the variance that gives us
the best accuracy of a distance achieved with ToA technique

with the bandwidth of the signal and SNR the signal noise
ratio. o is the standard deviation of the propagation time. The
figures 2 and 3 show the results obtained using ToA
technique. We should mention that these results are obtained
with the presence of Line of sight (LoS) path between the
emitter and the receiver. Besides, the distribution of the fixed
points affects greatly the accuracy. For example, if two
reference points have a common coordinate, lets say x, the

performances are degraded and the error could reach 96 cm on
the x-axis instead of a maximum error of 3 mm obtained with
the distribution in the fig 2. [12]
Another solution is based on AoA technique. Its realized
by using antenna arrays in reception thus permitting to
estimate the direction of the received signal. However this
technique doesnt permit to obtain very accurate values. Some
of the techniques used are MUSIC (Multiple Signal
Classification), ESPRIT(Estimation Of Signal Parameter via
Rotational Technique Invariance) algorithms. The precision of
this technique depends on the number of array elements and
the signal to noise ratio (SNR). AoA measurements can be
more accurate than ToA if we use large antenna arrays so we
can improve the directivity and ameliorate the performances.
On the contrary ToA become more accurate if the object
which we aim to calculate the position is surrounded by a
great number of reference nodes or receivers whose positions
are known.

Figure 2: Experimental setup with 5 BS. (p.3 [12])

Figure 3: error distribution referred to the distribution of
the 5 BS in figure 2.[12]
One more method to estimate the distance separating two
nodes is the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator). RSSI
measures the power of the signal at the central node. Knowing
the value of the transmitted power, we can calculate easily the
loss of the signal during its propagation (Loss= P
). We can convert this loss into a distance with
theoretical and empirical models. While calculating the RSSI,
we should take into considerations the changes that shape the
environment. This method doesnt offer high accuracy results
because it depends largely on the environment and the
distance isnt the only factor that influences the power
C.Where Project

The main objective of WHERE is to combine wireless
communications and navigation for the benefit of future
mobile radio systems. The impact will be manifold, such as
real time localization knowledge in B3G/4G systems which
increase the cellular capacity. GPS as well as the upcoming
European Satellite Navigation System Galileo will be
supplemented with techniques that improve accuracy and
availability of indoor navigation and location based service
To enable ubiquitous mobile network access and to increase
data rates, scientific and technological development is more
and more focusing on the integration of radio access networks
(RANs). This allows an efficient use even if the radio access
technology behind such networks is dynamically changing.
The knowledge of the position of mobile terminals is for an
efficient usage of RANs valuable information in order to
allocate resources or even to predict the allocation within a
heterogeneous RAN infrastructure.
WHERE is an international project co-funded by the
European Commission within the Seventh Framework
Programme. The project team comprises the following
German Aerospace Center (DLR) - lead, Aalborg
University, ACORDE, Commissariat Lnergie Atomique -
LETI, Institut Eurcom, Siradel, Universit de Rennes 1,
Instituto Telecomunicaes, Mitsubishi Electric ITE, Sigint
Solutions Ltd., University of Surrey, Universidad Politcnica
de Madrid, University of Alberta, City University of Hong


Repealites is a technique that combining the characteristics
of two systems: Pseudolites and repeaters. This method tries to
combine the best of each technique : for Pseudolites, the
ability to cope with carrier phase measurements to improve the
accuracy and reduce the effect of multipath, and for repeater
the simplicity of the infrastructure and the automatic
synchronization with the satellite constellation. A Pseudolite is
a well-known concept: it consists of ground-based stations
broadcasting Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)-like
signal. A receiver based on the ground can process this signal
exactly as if it was a satellite signal and use it as satellite data
in the computation of a navigation solution. Thus, its possible
to deploy a ground-based constellation of pseudo-satellites
in order to compute apposition indoor. However, there are
some limitations to this method. The first one is the
synchronization of the ground-based. The second is related to
the potentiality of high interference between the Pseudolites,
called near-far problem.

The repeater based technique consists of collecting GPS
signals from an outdoor antenna and then forwarding them
indoors in a sequential switching mode with amplification.
Each repeater, an antenna and a cable linked to the sequential
switcher, transmits signals over a specific period while the
others are switched off. Signal switching induces an effect of
phase on the signal received by an indoor receiver. This offset
corresponds to the difference of time of arrival between two
successive repeaters. Four such time-difference-of-arrival
measurements are necessary to compute a position. With such
method, the switching induces signal discontinuities;
consequently it increases the influence of multipath.
The Repealites method consists of transmitting a coded
signal so that there did not interfere. The objective is to
improve correlation mitigating the effect of the interference
between Repealites. Thus, Repealites method uses the
properties of Gold code autocorrelation function. Fig.1
illustrates the concept. With four delayed tracking channels
the receiver is able to measure four indoor pseudo ranges. The
measurements can be expressed as follow:
j cable
j cable
j cable
j cable
+ + + + + =
+ + + + =
+ + + =
+ + =
34 23 12 4 4
23 12 3 3
12 2 2
1 1

Figure 4: Indoor Localization With Repealites

In(1), PRI
is the indoor pseudo range measured by the
receiver, PR
is the outdoor pseudo range including error and
clock bias between GPS time and clock of the receiver,

is the common part of the delay in the cable between the
outdoor antenna and the first Repealites,
is the delay
between repeater R
and R
, and d
is the indoor geometric
distance between repealite R
and the indoor receiver. Thus, if
the position of the Repealites is known, the indoor position
can be computed in a local referential.

In general, to estimate a location, traditional methods use
triangulation using one of the following information
parameters: TAO, TDOA (Time), RSS (Power), or AOA
(Angle). With absence of line of sight, the presence of
multipath diversity, numerous reflections, reverberation, and
the results will present high errors. All these factors led us to
require the use of fingerprinting localization technique.
Fingerprinting localization technique was first proposed for
dense urban areas tracking systems. Its results were very
satisfying. This technique consists of identifying a position by
comparing its characteristics with a data base (fingerprint) that
can identify different parts of the area. Two phases are needed
to execute the technique: the first is the built of the fingerprint;
the second is the use of the built database in order to select the
appropriate data comparing with a target.
The use of UWB is quiet a good choice in this technique..
The very small cycle duration, which gives the receiver
enough time between successive transmissions to clearly
identify different components of the same originally
transmitted signal, increases the multipath resolvability. In
narrow band transmissions, any energy outside of the
considered peak is lost. This is not the case with UWB, where
energy can be gathered from different replicas of the same
signal. Another aspect in the choice of UWB is its wide
frequency range. The very large frequency extent assures that
most of part of transmitted signal will reach the receiver.
Moreover, low frequency components are very important for
overcoming an obstacle that can block the channel.
Therefore, UWB was selected as the basis of the fingerprint
where the CIR
would constitute the origin of the different
signature components.
The two CIR related signature components are derived from
this formula:

( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
N t
n n n
r t a t p t t n t
= +

G a

: The total multipath gain is related to

the architecture of the environment (multipath
phenomenon). This gain is considered as an
important parameter of UWB (as discussed above).
n n


: It is the delay of all received

components relatively to the first received one. This
delay is directly affected by multipath and energy
loss due to the channel.

Hence, by using the fingerprinting technique, we are no longer
limited by the propagation model of the channel in order to
estimate time and power information.

Channel Impulse Response

F.Neural networks for fingerprinting localization

In assimilation to the biological neurons, the neuron sends
out spikes of electrical activity through a long and thin stand
known as an axon, which splits into thousands of branches. At
the end of each branch, a structure called a synapse converts
the activity from the axon into electrical eect that inhibit or
excite activity in the connected neurons. When a neuron
receives excitatory input that is suciently large compared to
its inhibitory input, it sends a spike of electrical activity down
its axon.
The theoretical maximum error for a fingerprinting based
system would be equal to c
where d represents the
distance separating two consecutive measurement positions
during the dataset building phase. For neural networks, due to
interpolation capabilities, the theoretical error can be zero, and
the real one is very small comparing to another algorithms.
The neural network combine RSS and TDOA-TOA based
systems without requiring any additional computational time
or power, and without increasing the complexity of the system
In this paper, we theoretically analyzed the reliability of
some solutions that are used for indoor localization. Other
methods can equally be used like ultrasonic positioning
systems which provide a high accuracy on condition that a
direct link between the transmitter and the receiver is granted,
infrared systems, etc... The UWB signal is very resistant to
multi-path and reflections, and the signal has a high precision
on the order of several centimeters, while fingerprinting
technique combining UWB and Neural networks is available
for the challenging and dangerous environments without
complicating the system. However, the fingerprinting database
has to be large enough to represent the propagation
environment. Repealities combines two methods too. This
method can improve accuracy in reducing multipath.

This work has been realized during our fifth year at the
INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliques) of Rennes.
Wed like to thank Professor Ghais ElZein for his support that
enabled us to develop an understanding of the subject.
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