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From the Call of Duty Wiki
< Callsigns

Many titles and emblems are unlocked through challenges, although a selection of titles are rank unlocks (titles 18). Players cannot unlock these for their callsign until the relevant challenges are completed in the barracks. = Unlockable after entering Prestige mode (level ##)=The level at which the challenge is unlocked (lvl??)=The level the challenge is unlocked is still unconfirmed



Rewarded for Default


Unlock Type?

FNG (Fucking New Guy)

title.(level 1) Reach



S.S.D.D. (Same Shit, Different Day)

Rank "Private I (level 2) Reach



Sgt. (Sergeant)


Yes "Sergeant"(level 20) Reach Rank


1st Sgt. (First Sergeant)

"Sergeant Major II"(level 30) Reach



1st Lt. (Lieutenant)


Yes "Captain"(level 40) Reach


Maj. (Major)


Yes "Colonel"(level 50) Reach Rank


Gen. (General)

"Major General II"(level 60)




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Reach 8 Commander Rank Yes "Commander"(level 70) Reach 9 MW2 Prestige 1, Yes Level 69 Most 10 Dish the Rock assists in a game (level 1) Challenge: "Team Player: I"11 Team Player Win 5 Team Deathmatch Matches. (level 11) Challenge: "Sidekick"3 kills in one life 12 Sidekick with your secondary weapon. (level 1,5,11) Challenge: "Free-forall Victor: I" - Place 13 Lone Wolf first, second or third in 3 Free-for-all matches. (level 11) Challenge: "Sleight of Hand Pro: 14 Hair Trigger V"- Get 300 Kills while using Sleight of Yes Perk Yes Game mode Yes General Gameplay Yes Game mode Yes General Gameplay Rank Rank


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Hand.(level 5) Challenge: "Steady Aim Pro: I" - Get 10 15 Sureshot hipfire kills Yes using Steady Aim.(level 5) Challenge: "Flyswatter" - Shoot 16 Flyswatter down an enemy helicopter. (level 6) Challenge: "Hardline Pro VI" 250 17 Close Support killstreaks (2 or more kills) with Hardline. (level 19) Challenge: "Exposed: 18 Overwatch I"(lvl21) Call in 5 UAVs. Challenge: "NBK"(lvl31) 19 NBK (Natural Born Killer) - Get 3 longshots in one life. Challenge: "Ghillie in the Mist: 20 Ghillie in the Mist II"(lvl6) Get 100 one-shot kills with Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Perk


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sniper rifles. Challenge: "Ninja Pro: VI"(lvl29) 21 Art of Stealth Get 250 close range kills using Ninja. Challenge: "Airstrike Veteran: 22 Time on Target I"(lvl16) Call in 5 Precision Airstrikes. Challenge: "Hardline Pro: I"(lvl9) 23 Preemptive Strike Get 3 killstreaks while using Hardline. (2 kills in a row) Challenge: "Carpet Bomb "(lvl61) Kill 5 Enemies 24 Cluster Bomb with bombs from Harrier and / or Precision Airstrikes in one round. Challenge: 25 Low Profile "Prone Shot: II"(lvl6) Yes General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Perk Yes Kill streak Yes Perk


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Kill 15 enemies while you are prone. Challenge: "Steady Aim Pro: V"(lvl5) 26 Iron Lungs Get 200 Hip-Fire Kills while using Steady Aim. Challenge: "Rival"(41) - Kill the 27 Rival same enemy 5 times in a single match. Challenge: "Ghillie in the Mist: 28 Grassy Knoll I"(lvl6) Get 50 one -shot kills with sniper rifles. Challenge: "ColdBlooded Pro: V"(lvl25) 29 UAV Jammer Destroy 100 Killstreak Rewards while using Cold Blooded. 30 4 the Record Prestige 4 times and Yes Rank Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk


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reach level 2. Challenge: "Search and Destroy 31 Destroyer Victor: I"(lvl10) Win 5 Search and Destroy Matches Challenge: "Sabotage Victor: 32 It's Sabotage! I"(lvl10) Win 5 Sabotage matches. Challenge: "Stun Veteran: I"(lvl5) 33 Shock and Awe Kill 20 enemies stunned by stun grenades. Challenge: "Backdraft: 34 Pyromaniac I"(lvl6) Destroy 2 enemy equipment. Challenge: "Think Fast Stun"(lvl43) 35 Concussive Barrage - Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a stun grenade. Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes Game mode Yes Game mode


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(Direct impact) Challenge: "Return to Sender"(lvl43) 36 Backfire - Kill an enemy by shooting their own explosive. Challenge: "Crouch Shot: I"(lvl6) 37 Shot Down Kill 5 enemies while you are crouching. Challenge: "Defuser: 38 Hot Shot I"(lvl11) Defuse 2 bombs. Challenge: "The Denier"(lvl61) - Kill an 39 The Denier enemy just before they earn a 10 or higher killstreak reward. Challenge: "Fast Swap"(lvl53) - Hurt an enemy with 40 Quickdraw a primary weapon, then finish them off with a pistol. Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay Yes Game mode Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment


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Challenge: "CounterC4: 41 Hired Gun II"(lvl53) Kill 10 enemies by shooting c4 Challenge: "Hijacker: III"(lvl??)Steal 50 42 Bounty Hunter enemy crates. Must be care packages. Challenge: "Absentee Killer"(lvl35) - Get a 43 Absentee Killer Game Winning Killcam with a Sentry Gun. Challenge: "Blindfire"(lvl43) - Kill an 44 Blindfire enemy while you are still dazed by a flashbang. Challenge: "MG Master"(lvl64) 45 Gat Trigger - Get a 5 kill streak on a mounted gun. Challenge 46 Hands Free "Sentry Veteran: Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment


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I"(lvl16) Call in 5 Sentry Guns Challenge: "Look! No Hands!: 47 Look! No Hands! I" (lvl5) Get 50 kills with a Sentry Gun. Challenge: "Look! No Hands!: 48 The Automator I" (lvl5) Get 50 kills with a Sentry Gun. Challenge: "Air to Ground: 49 Rain of Fire I"(lvl16) Call in 5 Predator Missiles. Challenge: "Attack Helicopter 50 Reign Down Veteran: I" (lvl16) Call in 5 Attack Helicopters. Challenge: "End 51 Global Thermonuclear War Game: I" (lvl21) Call in 2 Nukes. Challenge: 52 Bombshell "Bomb Yes Down" (lvl11) - Kill a Game mode Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak


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bomb carrier in Sabotage or Search and Destroy. Challenge: "Bomb Defender: I" (lvl11) 53 Tha Bomb Kill 3 enemies while they are defusing a bomb. Challenge: "Ultimate MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, 54 although more commonly; Mother of All Bombs) Sacrifice" (lvl61) - Use a Tactical Nuke while your team is losing. Reach 55 Sarge level 25 first prestige. Challenge: "Dictator" (lvl26) - Fire an entire LMG 56 Dictator magazine into your enemies without missing. Challenge: "Enemy of the State" (lvl57) 57 Enemy of the State - Kill 3 enemies while you are the only Yes Game mode Yes General Gameplay Yes Rank Yes Kill streak Yes Game mode


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surviving member of your team. Challenge: "Airstrike Inbound: II" (lvl21) 58 Rolling Thunder Call in 100 Yes Precision, Stealth, or Harrier Airstrikes. Challenge: "Red Carpet"(lvl64) - Kill 6 Enemies in 59 Bomb's Away! one round using the Stealth Bomber killstreak reward. Challenge: "SitRep Pro: VI"(lvl37) 60 EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Destroy 750 enemy devices while using SitRep Pro Challenge: "Search And Destroy Victor: 61 Explosive Ordinance II"(lvl10) Win 15 Search And Destroy matches. Challenge: 62 The Mad Bomber "Saboteur: Yes I"(lvl11) Game mode Yes Game mode Yes Perk Yes Kill streak Kill streak


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Plant 2 bombs. Challenge: "Multi-C4: I"(lvl31) Kill 2 or more Yes enemies with a single C4 pack, 5 times. Challenge: "Ninja Pro: 64 Silent Strike I"(lvl29) Get 5 close range kills using Ninja. Challenge: "Cold Blooded Pro: I"(lvl25) 65 Invisible Destroy 3 killsteak rewards while using Cold Blooded. Challenge: "Stealth: I"(lvl5) 66 Suppressor Kill 10 enemies while using a silenced weapon. Challenge: "C4 Shot: 67 Plastique I"(lvl5) Kill 5 enemies by using C4. 68 C4 And After Challenge: "C4 Shot: Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk Yes Perk


Boom Boom



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II"(lvl5) Kill 15 enemies by using C4. Challenge: "CounterC4: 69 I.C.E. Man (In Case of Emergency) I"(lvl53) Kill 3 enemies by shooting C4. Challenge: "Vertical Takeoff: 70 Jump Jet I"(lvl16) Call in 5 Harrier strikes. Challenge: "True Liar"(lvl35) - Get a 71 True Liar Game Winning Killcam with a Harrier. Challenge: "Afterburner"(lvl64) - Call in an 72 Afterburner airstrike 2 times in a single match. Challenge: "AC130 73 Angel of Death Veteran: II"(lvl21) Call in 10 AC130s. Challenge: 74 Godhand "AC130 Veteran: I"(lvl21) Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment


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Call in 3 AC130s. Challenge: "Death From Above"(lvl37) 75 Death From Above - Get a Game Winning Killcam with an AC130. Challenge: "Lightweight: V"(lvl5) 76 Ready. Aim. Fire! Sprint 100 miles using Lightweight Perk. Challenge: "Invincible"(lvl53) - Fully recover from enemy 77 The Invincible damage 5 times without dying. Screen must turn red/bloody Challenge: "Spectre: 78 Spectre I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with an AC130. Challenge: "Airstrike Inbound: 79 Plane Whisperer I"(lvl21) Call in 50 Precision, Stealth, or Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk Yes Finishing Move


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Harrier Airstrikes. Challenge: "Airstrike Veteran: 80 Broken Arrow II"(lvl16) Call in 25 Precision Airstrikes. Challenge: "Carpet Bomber I"(lvl5) 81 Carpet Bomber Kill 50 enemies with Precision Airstrikes. Challenge: "Airborne"(lvl31) - Get a 2 82 Hard Target kill streak with bullets while in mid-air. Challenge: "Wargasm"(lvl61) - Get all 3 83 Wargasm of your killstreak rewards in under 20 seconds. Challenge: "Unbreakable: I"(lvl5) 84 Unbreakable Deflect 10 explosions with your Riot Shield. Challenge: "Prone 85 Tango Down Shot I"(lvl6) Kill 5 Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak


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enemies while you are prone. Challenge: "The Avenger"(lvl??) 86 The Avenger - Avenge the death of 3 teammates Challenge: "Sponge: I"(lvl5) 87 Protect and Serve Absorb 1000 damage with your Riot Shield. Challenge: "One Man Army Pro: 88 Full Arsenal I"(lvl45) Get 15 kills using One Man Army. Challenge: "CounterMVP"(lvl43) - Kill the #1 89 MVP Assassin (Most Valuable Player) player on the enemy team 10 times in a single match. Challenge: "Robin Hood: I"(lvl47) 90 Robin Hood Get Payback 5 times while in Last Stand. Yes Payback Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk Yes Equipment Yes General Gameplay


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Challenge: "Bomb Prevention: I"(lvl11) 91 Early Detection Kill 3 enemies while they are planting the bomb. Challenge: "Hi Def"(lvl37) - Get a 92 Hi Def Game Winning Killcam with a Chopper Gunner. Challenge: "No 93 Big Brother Secrets"(lvl64) Yes - Call in 3 UAV's in one game. Challenge: "SitRep Pro: V"(lvl37) 94 Amplifier Destroy 300 enemy devices while using SitRep Pro Challenge: "Interference: 95 Givin' Static I"(lvl16) Call in 5 CounterUAVs. Challenge: 96 Techno Killer "Techno Yes Killer"(lvl35) - Get a Finishing Move Yes Kill streak Yes Perk Kill streak Yes Finishing Move Yes Game mode


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Game Winning Killcam with a Stealth Bomber. Challenge: "Chopper Gunner 97 Get to the Choppa! Veteran: I"(lvl21) Call in 3 Chopper Gunners. Challenge: "Chopper Gunner Veteran: Yes II"(lvl21) Call in 10 Chopper Gunners. Challenge: "Cobra Commander"(lvl5) - 50 kills 99 Sky Commander with Chopper Gunners. Prestige Challenge. Challenge: "Air Mail: 100 DZ Clear (Drop Zone) I"(lvl16) Call in 5 Care Packages Challenge: "Helicopter Inbound: 101 Eyes Above II"(lvl21) Call in 100 armed helicopters Challenge: 102 Direct Connect "Chopper Veteran: Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak


Cobra Strike

Kill streak


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I"(lvl5) Kill 50 enemies by calling in helicopters Challenge: "21 Ton Giant: 103 Flying Tank II"(lvl16) Call in 10 Pave Lows. Challenge: "Transformer"(lvl35) - Get a 104 Transformer Game Winning Killcam with a Pave Low. Challenge: "Chopper Veteran: 105 Shot Over I"(lvl5) Kill 50 enemies by calling in helicopters Challenge: "MultiRPG: I"(lvl31) Kill 2 or 106 Big Bada Boom more enemies with a single RPG shot, 5 times. Challenge: "MultiRPG: 107 Kill For Good II"(lvl31) Kill 2 or more enemies Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak Yes Finishing Move Yes Kill streak


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with a single RPG shot, 25 times. Challenge: "Danger Close Pro: V" (lvl33) 108 Sonic Boom Get 250 kills with explosives while using Danger Close. Challenge: "Collateral Damage"(lvl31) - Kill 2 or 109 1bullet2kills more enemies with a single sniper rifle bullet. Challenge: "Stopping Power Pro: 110 K Factor V"(lvl5) Get 500 kills using Stopping Power. Challenge: "Stopping Power Pro: 111 Bite the Bullet VI"(lvl5) Get 1000 kills using Stopping Power. Challenge: 112 Hardcore Only "Hardcore Team Player: Yes Game mode Yes Perk Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk


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II"(lvl10) Win 5 Hardcore Team Deathmatch games. Challenge: "Scavenger Pro: 113 Bandolier V"(lvl13) Resupply 250 times while using Scavenger. Challenge: "Bullet Proof: I"(lvl5) 114 Bulletproof Deflect 1000 bullets with your Riot Shield. Challenge: "Interference: 115 SIGINT (Signals Intelligence/Interference) II"(lvl16) Call in 25 CounterUAVs. Challenge: "Blackout: 116 Starfish Prime II"(lvl21) Call in 5 EMPs. Challenge: "Scrambler Pro: VI"(lvl17) 117 Counterintelligence Get 250 Close Range Kills while using Scrambler. 118 Booyah! Challenge: "MultiYes Equipment Yes Perk Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment Yes Perk


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Frag: I"(lvl31) Kill 2 or more enemies with a single frag grenade, 5 times. Challenge: "OG"(lvl35) - Get a Game 119 OG (Original Gangster) Winning Killcam with an Attack Helicopter. Challenge: "Finishing Touch"(lvl35) - Get a Game 120 Finishing Touch Winning Killcam with a Precision Airstrike or a Harrier Bombstrike. Challenge: "LMG Expert: II"(lvl26) Kill 25 121 Boom! Headshot. enemies with headshots while using a light machine gun. Challenge: 122 Blood Money "Color of Money: I"(lvl47) Yes Payback Yes Equipment Yes Finishing Move Yes Finishing Move


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Get payback with a headshot 5 times. Challenge: "Master Chef: II"(lvl53) 123 BAM! Kill 10 enemies with cooked grenades. Challenge: "Sabotage Victor: 124 Intergalactic II"(lvl10) Win 20 Sabotage matches. Challenge: "Radar Inbound: 125 The Watchman II"(lvl21) Call in 100 UAVs or CounterUAVs. Challenge: "Survivalist"(lvl53) 126 Live Long... - Live for 5 Yes consecutive minutes. Challenge :"Click Click Boom"(lvl??) - Kill an 127 Click Click Boom enemy with C4 while you are in Last or Final Stand. Yes Perk General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Game mode Yes Equipment


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Challenge: "Slow But Sure"(lvl41) - Kill 1 128 Stun Gun enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade. Challenge: -"Last Stand Pro I"(lvl41)129 Hard To Kill Get 2 kills while in Last Stand or Final Stand. Challenge: "SMG Expert II"(lvl26) Kill 25 130 Pop Off enemies with headshots while using a submachine gun. Challenge: "Assault Expert: II"(lvl26) Kill 15 131 Faceoff enemies with head shots while using an Assault Rifle. Challenge: "Air 132 Top Gun Yes Superiority"(lvl64) - Call in 2 Attack Kill streak Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes Perk Yes Equipment


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Helicopters in a single match. Challenge: "Bling Pro: VI"(lvl21) 133 Armed and Dangerous Get 900 kills using a weapon with 2 attachments. Challenge: "Scavenger Pro: 134 Reloaded I"(lvl13) Resupply 10 times while using Scavenger. Challenge: "Stopping Power: 135 High Caliber I"(lvl5) Get 30 Kills while Using Stopping Power. Challenge: "It's Personal!"(lvl5) - Hurt an 136 It's Personal enemy then finish them off with a Throwing Knife. Challenge: "Cobra 137 My Name is... Commander: Yes I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills as a Kill streak Yes Equipment Yes Perk Yes Perk Yes Perk


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Chopper Gunner. Challenge: "You're Fired: 138 Fired! I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with a Harrier. Challenge: "Clay More: II"(lvl31) Kill 2 or 139 Ambush more enemies with a single claymore 25 times. Challenge: "The Loner"(lvl??) - Get a 10 140 Behind Enemy Lines killstreak without having any killstreak rewards equipped. Challenge: "Lightweight Pro: 141 Pathfinder VI"(lvl5) Run 250 miles using Lightweight. Challenge: "Carnie: II"(lvl5) 142 Take a Stab Kill 15 enemies with a Throwing Knife. Yes Equipment Yes Perk Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak


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Challenge: "Backstabber"(lvl41) - Stab an 143 Backstabber enemy in the back with your knife. Challenge: "Knife Veteran: 144 The Inciser I"(lvl5) Kill 5 enemies with your knife. Challenge: "Flawless"(lvl31) - Play an 145 Highlander entire fulllength match without dying. Challenge: "Commando Pro: VI"(lvl5) 146 Excalibur Get 100 Kills with Knife or Riot Shield while Using Commando. Challenge: "Commando Pro: 147 Impaler I"(lvl5) Get 2 Knife Kills while using Commando. Challenge: 148 Blood Brothers "Team Player: II"(lvl10) Yes Game mode Yes Perk Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay


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Win 15 Team Deathmatch matches. Challenge: "Last Man Standing"(lvl11) 149 The Legend - Be the last man standing in Search and Destroy. Challenge: "Crab Meat"(lvl61) - Kill 10 150 Epic enemies with a single killstreak reward. Challenge: "X-Ray Vision: I"(lvl6) 151 Remote Viewer Kill 2 enemies through a surface using bullet penetration. Challenge: "X-Ray Vision: II"(lvl6) 152 Submit to Authority Kill 5 enemies through a surface using bullet penetration. Challenge: "SitRep: 153 X-Ray Vision I"(lvl37) Destroy 15 enemy Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Game mode


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devices while using SitRep. Challenge: "Airdrop Inbound I"(lvl21) Call in a 154 Charity Case total of 50 Care Packages, Sentry Airdrops or Emergency Airdrops. Challenge: "Time is Money: 155 Time is Money I"(lvl47) Get payback 5 times with Semtex. Challenge: "I'm Rich I"(lvl47) 156 I'm Rich Get Payback 5 times with C4. Challenge: "MultiFrag: II"(lvl31) 157 Pin Puller Kill min. 2 Enemies with a Single Frag Grenade, 25 Times Challenge: "Steady 158 Nerves of Steel Aim Pro: VI"(lvl5) Get 500 hip-fire kills Yes Perk Yes Equipment Yes Payback Yes Payback Yes Kill streak


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while using Steady Aim. Challenge: "21 Ton Giant: 159 Airborne I"(lvl16) Call in 3 Pave Lows. Challenge: "Plastered: I"(lvl5) 160 Bullseye Stick 5 players with a Semtex grenade. Challenge: "Stick man"(lvl37) - Stick a 161 Stickman Semtex to the enemy in a Game Winning Killcam. Challenge: "Slasher"(lvl64) - Get a 3 162 The Ripper melee kill streak without dying. Challenge: "Air to Ground: 163 Ghostrider II"(lvl16) Call in 25 Predator Missiles. Challenge: 164 Re-Zero "Ghillie in the Mist: III"(lvl5) Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Finishing Move Yes Equipment Yes General Gameplay


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Get 200 one-shot kills with sniper rifles. Challenge: "Scavenger Pro: 165 Vulture VI"(lvl13) Resupply 500 times while using Scavenger. Challenge: "Star Player"(lvl53) 166 The Mastodon - Play an entire match with a 5:1 K/D ratio. Challenge: "Grim Reaper"(lvl64) - Kill 5 167 The Grim Reaper enemies in Yes one match using one Predator Missle. Challenge: "Jolly Green 168 The Dragon Giant: I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with a Pave Low. Challenge: "Sentry Veteran: 169 Fire and Forget II"(lvl16) Call in 25 Sentry Guns. Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk


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Challenge: "Extreme Cruelty"(lvl43) - Kill every member of 170 All Your Base the enemy Yes team without dying (at least 4 enemies). Challenge: "Danger Close: VI"(lvl33) Kill 500 171 Danger Close enemies with explosives using Danger Close. Challenge: "Money Shot!"(lvl47) 172 Money Shot! - Get a payback in the game winning killcam. Challenge: "Overdraft"(lvl47) - Get a 173 Rainmaker Payback that sticks to the victim. Challenge "CounterClaymore: II"(lvl53) 174 Reversal of Fortune Kill 10 Enemies by Shooting a Claymore Yes General Gameplay Yes Payback Yes Finishing Move Yes Perk General Gameplay


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Challenge: "ColdBlooded: VI"(lvl25) 175 Double Agent Destroy 250 enemy killstreak rewards using Cold Blooded. Challenge: "Ninja Pro: V"(lvl29) 176 Spy Game Get 125 close range kills while using Ninja. Challenge: "Bang for your Buck: 177 Mad Man I"(lvl47) Get Payback 5 times with Frag Grenades. Challenge: "Special Delivery: 178 Philanthropist II"(lvl16) Call in 10 Emergency Airdrops. Challenge: "Heads Up!"(lvl5) 179 Heads Up! Kill an enemy by dropping a crate on them. Yes General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Payback Yes Perk Yes Perk


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Challenge: "The Bigger They Are"(lvl61) - Kill the 180 The Bigger They are... number one player on the enemy team 3 times in a row. Challenge: "The Harder They Fall"(lvl61) - Kill the 181 ...The Harder They Fall number one player on the enemy team 5 times in a row. Challenge: "Clay More: I"(lvl31) 182 Parting Gift Kill min. 2 Enemies with a Single Claymore, 5 Times Challenge: "Hardline Pro: 183 Deadline V"(lvl9) Get 100 Killstreaks while using Hardline. 184 Dead Man's Switch Challenge: "Last Yes Perk Yes Perk Yes Equipment Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay


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Stand Pro: V"(lvl41) Kill 50 Enemies while in Last Stand Challenge: "Last Stand Pro: 185 Dying Breath VI"(lvl41) - Yes Get 100 kills in Last Stand. Prestige 6 186 6 Feet Under times and reach level 2. Challenge:"Hijacker I"(lvl??) 187 Hijacker Steal 10 enemy crates. Challenge: "Solid Steel: I"(lvl5) 188 Solid Steel Survive 10 Yes explosions while using Blast Shield. Challenge: "Marathon Pro: 189 Decathlete VI"(lvl5) Run 104 miles with Marathon. Challenge: "Mach 5"(lvl26) 190 Mach 5 Shoot an entire SMG magazine without Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk Equipment Yes General Gameplay Yes Rank Perk


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missing a single shot. Challenge: "Sleight of Hand Pro: 191 2Fast I"(lvl5) Get 15 kills using Sleight of Hand. Challenge: "Lightweight Pro: 192 Speed Demon I"(lvl5) Sprint 2 miles using Lightweight. Challenge: 193 Drifter "Vandalism"(lvl6) Yes - Destroy a car. Challenge: "Helicopter Inbound: 194 Full Throttle I"(lvl21) Call in 50 armed helicopters. Challenge: "Marathon 195 Trackstar Pro: I" Run 1 mile using Marathon. Challenge: "Hardcore Team Player: I" 196 Get Real Win 1 Hardcore Team Deathmatch game. 197 Dronekiller Challenge: Yes "Dronekiller" Finishing Move Yes Game mode Yes Perk Yes Kill streak General Gameplay Yes Perk Yes Perk


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- Get a Predator Missile kill in the Game Winning Killcam. Challenge: "Tango Down" Kill every 198 Devastator member of Yes the enemy team. 4 enemy minimum. Challenge: "Crouch Shot: II" 199 Bow Down Kill 15 enemies while you are crouching. Challenge: "Radar Inbound: 200 Omnipotent I" - Call in 50 UAVs or CounterUAVs. Challenge: "One Man Army: VI" 201 Army of 1 - Get 750 kills while using One Man Army. Challenge: "Unbelievable" 202 Unbelievable - Get a Throwing Knife kill in Game Yes Finishing Move Yes Perk Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment General Gameplay


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Winning Killcam. Challenge: "Knife Veteran: 203 Cold Steel I"(lvl5) Kill 5 enemies with your knife. Challenge: "Omnicide" - Kill entire 204 Omnicide team (more Yes than 4) within 10 seconds. Challenge: "BackSmasher" - Crush an 205 Backsmasher enemy from behind with your Riot Shield. Challenge: "SMG Expert: I" Kill 5 enemies 206 Headrush with headshots while using a submachine gun. Challenge: "Fearless" - Kill 10 207 Streaker enemies in a single match without dying. Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes Equipment General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay


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Challenge: "MVP Team Hardcore" - Win a 208 To the Extreme Hardcore Team Deathmatch match with the top score. Challenge: "All Pro" 209 All Pro Get 2 headshots with 1 bullet. Challenge: "Marathon 210 Freerunner Pro: V" Run 52 miles using Marathon. Challenge: "Bling Pro: I" 211 Double Down Get 25 Kills using a weapon with 2 attachments. Challenge "Airdrop Inbound: II" - Call in 100 total airdrop 212 Pro Gambler crates using Care Package, Sentry Gun and Emergency Airdrop. Yes Kill streak Yes Perk Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Yes Game mode


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Prestige 7 213 Lucky 7 times and reach level 2. Challenge: "Dominos" - Kill an 214 The Domino Effect enemy by setting off a chain reaction of explosives Challenge: "6fears7" Have killstreak 215 6fears7 rewards requiring 7, 8, and 9 kills and earn them all. Challenge: "Droppin' Crates" Get a 216 Droppin' Crates Game Winning Killcam by dropping a crate on the enemy. Challenge: "MVP Team Deathmatch" 217 Public Enemy - Play Team Deathmatch and get the top score overall. Challenge: 218 The Feared "Free-forall Victor: Yes Game mode Yes Game mode Yes Finishing Move Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Rank


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II" - Place first, second or third in 5 Free-for-all matches. Challenge: "Predator: I"(lvl5) 219 Predator Get 50 kills Yes with a Predator Missile. Challenge: "Base Jump" 220 Accident Prone Fall 15 feet Yes or more and survive. Prestige 221 a Major Pain once and reach level 55. Challenge: "Stealth Bomber 222 SBD (Silent But Deadly) Veteran: II" - Call in 10 Stealth Bombers. Challenge: "Martyrdoh!" - Kill 223 No. someone cooking off a grenade before they throw it. Challenge: "Assault 224 Crackin' Skulls Expert: II" - Get 25 headshots while using Yes Equipment Yes General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Rank General Gameplay Kill streak


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an Assault Rifle. Challenge: "Owned" Get Game 225 owned. Winning Killcam with a Riot Shield melee kill. Challenge: "Hot Potato: I" 226 Tag! You're it! Kill 5 enemies with thrown back grenades. Challenge: "Smasher" - Get a 3 227 Smash Hit kill streak with the Riot Shield without dying. Challenge: "Cruelty" Kill an enemy, pick up his 228 OMFG (Oh My Fucking God) weapon, then kill him again with his own weapon. Challenge: "Solid Steel: II" 229 Juggernaut Survive 25 explosions while using Blast Shield. Yes Equipment Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes Finishing Move


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Challenge: "The Surgical" Fire an entire 230 Surgical Assault Rifle magazine into your enemies without missing. Challenge: "The Survivor" 231 Survivor Get a knife Yes kill when all your ammo is empty. Challenge: "Carnie I" - Kill 5 232 Cloak and Dagger players with a Throwing Knife. Challenge: "Jack-inthe-Box: II" - Kill an 233 Ta-Da! enemy within 5 seconds of tactically inserting, 25 times. Challenge: "One Man Army Pro: 234 Quick Change Artist V" - Get 300 Kills with One Man Army. 235 Lights Out Challenge: "Think Yes General Gameplay Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay


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Fast Flash" Finish an enemy by hitting them with a flashbang (Direct impact). Challenge: "Sleight of Hand Pro: 236 One Inch Punch VI" - Get 750 kills using Sleight of Hand. Prestige 5 237 Five Sided Fistagon times and reach level 2. Challenge: "Point 238 Joint Ops Guard: II" - Get 15 assists Reach 239 High Command level 45 1st Prestige. Challenge: "Shield Veteran: I"- Kill 2 240 Blunt Trauma enemies with the shield melee attack. Challenge:"Totally Numb"241 Completely Numb Survive an explosion that would normally Yes Death streak Yes Equipment Yes Rank Yes General Gameplay Yes Rank Yes Perk


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kill you by using Painkiller. Challenge: "Darkbringer" 242 Darkbringer - Prevent 25 tactical insertions. Challenge: "Special Delivery: 243 Share Package I" - Call in 3 Emergency Airdrops. Challenge: "Plastered: II" - Stick 244 Stuck on You 15 enemies with Semtex. Challenge: "Perfectionist" - Fire an entire 245 Perfectionist Sniper magazine into your enemies without missing. Prestige 246 30 Something once and reach level 35. Challenge: 247 Voyeur "Exposed: II" - Call in 25 UAVs. Challenge: 248 Chick Magnet "Blackout: I" - Call in 2 EMPs. Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Rank Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay


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Challenge: "Flashbang Veteran 249 The Flasher I"(lvl5) Kill 20 enemies dazed by a flashbang. Challenge: "Did You See That?" Kill 250 Silence someone with a Throwing Knife while flashed or stunned. Challenge: "Backdraft: 251 Rejected II" Destroy 5 enemy equipment. Challenge: "Kleptomaniac" 252 Kleptomaniac - Steal an enemy's care package. Challenge: "Air Mail: 253 Companion Crate II" - Call in Yes 25 Care Packages. Challenge: "Misery Loves Company" 254 <3 - Kill yourself and 1 enemy by cooking a Yes Equipment Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes Equipment


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grenade without throwing it. Challenge: "Scrambler Pro: V" 255 Heartbreaker Get 125 Close Range Kills while using Scrambler. Challenge: "Grenade Kill: I" - Kill 256 Frag Out! 10 enemies with grenades. Challenge: "Claymore Shot: I" 257 Catch Shrapnel Kill 5 enemies with claymores. Challenge: "Grenade 258 Pineapple Express Kill: II" Get 25 kills with frag grenades. Challenge: "Radiation Sickness" - Get nuked by the enemy. 259 Toxic You must be alive at the time the nuke goes off; if you are respawning you will not Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes Perk


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get the title. Challenge: "Living Dead"Survive in 260 Living Dead Final Stand Yes long enough to get back up. Challenge: "Last Resort" Get a game 261 Last Resort winning Killcam while in either Last Stand or Final Stand. Challenge: "Both Barrels" Kill an enemy with 262 Mmmmm Brains... the ranger by firing both barrels at the same time. Challenge: "Last Stand Veteran: 263 Phoenix Rising I"(lvl5) Kill 5 enemies using Last Stand. Challenge: 264 Infected "Infected" Yes - Get General Gameplay Yes Perk Yes Equipment Yes Finishing Move Death streak


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knifed by an enemy using this title. Challenge: "The Resourceful" 265 Friends with Benefits - Kill an enemy by sticking semtex to an ally. Challenge: "Sunblock" - Call in 3 266 UAV Rays CounterUAVs in a single match. Challenge: "Stealth: I"(lvl5) 267 My Li'l Pwny Kill 10 enemies while using a silenced weapon. Challenge: "Martyr" Kill an 268 Martyr enemy with Yes your Martyrdom grenade. Challenge: "Group Hug" - Kill multiple enemies 269 Enemy With Benefits with a Semtex Grenade stuck to one of them. Yes Equipment Death streak Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment


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Challenge: "How the?" - Kill an enemy by using bullet 270 How The? penetration to blow up an explosive through a wall. FMJ is not Required Challenge: "Identity Thief" Get a 271 ID Thief payback with the killer's copycat class. Challenge: "Scrambler Pro I" 272 Disruptor Get 5 close Yes range kills using Scrambler. Challenge: "The Brink" Get a 3 or more kill 273 Flatliner streak while near death (screen flashing red). Challenge: "Tactical 274 TacDel (Tactical Deletion) Deletion" - Yes Kill 25 players Equipment Yes General Gameplay Perk Yes Payback Yes General Gameplay


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that spawn using Tactical Insertion. Challenge: "Claymore 275 Mastermind Shot: II" Get 15 Claymore Kills Challenge: "Car Bomb: I" 276 Boilermaker Kill 5 enemies by destroying cars. Challenge: "Goodbye" 277 Pushin' Daisies - Fall 30 feet or more to your death. Challenge: "LMG Expert: I" Kill 5 enemies 278 Not in the face! with headshots while using a light machine gun. Stab a 279 STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease, Stabbed To Death) person wearing this title. Challenge: "Bling 280 Bling Bling Pro: V" Get 450 kills using a weapon Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment Yes General Gameplay Yes General Gameplay Yes Equipment


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with 2 attachments. Challenge: "CounterClaymore: 281 Clay Pigeon I" - Kill 3 Enemies by Shooting a Claymore Challenge: "The Spirit: 282 Pyrotechnical I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with the Stealth Bomber Challenge: "Vertical 283 Straight Up Takeoff: II" - Call in 25 Harrier Strikes. Challenge: "Multi-C4: II" - Kill min. 2 284 The Anarchist Enemies with a Single C4 Pack, 25 Times Challenge: "ATM" Get a 285 New Jack payback with a throwing knife. Challenge: "Commando 286 Ninja Pro: V" Get 50 melee kills Yes Perk Yes Payback Yes Equipment Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment


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using Commando. Challenge: "Think Fast" Finish an enemy off 287 Think Fast! by hitting them with a frag grenade. (Direct impact) Challenge: "Danger Close Pro: I" - Get 10 288 Full Force kills with explosives while using Danger Close. Challenge: "Attack Helicopter 289 Squawk Box Veteran: II" - Call in 25 Attack Helicopters. Challenge: "Hard Landing" 290 Skeet Shooter Kill an enemy that is in midair. Challenge: "The Spirit: 291 3xt4 cr1zby (Extra Crispy) I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with the Stealth Bomber Yes Kill streak Yes General Gameplay Yes Kill streak Yes Perk Yes General Gameplay


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Challenge: "Jack-inthe-Box: I" - Kill an 292 Jack-in-the-Box enemy within 5 seconds of tactically inserting, 10 times. Challenge: "Master Chef I" 293 So Baked Kill 5 enemies with cooked grenades. Challenge "Break for the Bank" 294 Dishes are Done - Get a payback with a claymore Prestige 295 Schooled once and reach level 65. Challenge: "Ouch" Kill an enemy with a riflemounted Yes grenade launcher without detonation. (Direct impact) Challenge "End 297 End of Line Game: II" - Yes Call in 5 Nukes. 298 American Flag Achieve rank 7. Yes Rank Kill streak Yes Rank Yes Equipment Yes Equipment Yes Equipment


Noob Tuber



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British Flag

Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7.




Canadian Flag




Australian Flag




Spanish Flag




Austrian Flag




Japanese Flag




Brazilian Flag




Swiss Flag




Russian Flag




Mexican Flag




French Flag




German Flag




Italian Flag




Norwegian Flag




Greek Flag




Swedish Flag




Irish Flag




Belgian Flag




Finnish Flag




Dutch Flag




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Czech Republic Flag

Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Achieve rank 7. Challenge:




Luxembourg Flag




New Zealand Flag




Philippine Flag




Polish Flag




Portuguese Flag




Danish Flag




Saudi Arabian Flag




Singapore Flag




South African Flag




South Korean Flag




Hong Kong Flag




Indian Flag




Taiwanese Flag




United Arab Emirates Flag




El Salvador Flag




People's Republic of China Flag




Iranian Flag





"Predator: I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills




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with a Predator Missile. 339 The Specialist Achieve rank 9. Challenge: "Flashbang Veteran 340 Great White North I"(lvl5) Kill 20 enemies dazed by a flashbang. Challenge: "Carpet Bomber I"(lvl5) 341 Continental Kill 50 enemies with Precision Airstrikes. Challenge: "Spectre: 342 The Conqueror I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with an AC130. Challenge: "You're Fired: 343 The Exterminator I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with a Harrier. Challenge: "Jolly Green 344 The Rising Sun Giant: I"(lvl5) Get 50 kills with a Pave Low. 345 The Redeemer Challenge: "Last Yes Perk Yes Killstreak Yes Killstreak Yes Kill streak Yes Kill streak Yes Equipment Yes Rank


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Stand Veteran: I"(lvl5) Kill 5 enemies using Last Stand. Challenge: "Stun Veteran: I"(lvl5) 346 Neutral Kill 20 enemies stunned by stun grenades. Prestige 1 347 The Prestige time and reach level 2. Prestige 2 348 Round 2 times and reach level 2. Prestige 3 349 Third Time Charm times and reach level 2. Prestige 8 350 Hard Eight times and reach level 2. Prestige 9 351 9 Lives times and reach level 2. Prestige 352 Prestige 10 10 times and reach level 2. Yes Rank Yes Rank Yes Rank Yes Rank Yes Rank Yes Rank Yes Equipment



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Weapon Specific Titles

Some titles are unlocked by completing challenges with specific weapons. It is possible to unlock five separate titles for a weapon, but not every weapon will have all five. Below are examples of the five types of weapon specific titles along with the weapons that are eligible for each type. (Note: Headshots with Launchers aren't counted, so Multikills are required instead). Italics show which challenge is needed. You must prestige to unlock the latter four challenges (Veteran and Master). Type Mastery Unlock all Weapon Attachments 500 Kills Prestige Veteran I 250 Headshots Prestige Master I All Primary Weapons - Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns All Weapons - Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Machine Pistols, Handguns, Shotguns, Launchers All Weapons - Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Machine Pistols, Handguns, Shotguns, Launchers (except Stinger) All Weapons - Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Machine Pistols, Handguns, Shotguns, Launchers All Weapons - Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Machine Pistols, Handguns, Shotguns, Launchers (except Stinger) Example Image Weapons Eligible

2500 Kills Silver Prestige Veteran III

1000 Headshots Gold Prestige Master III

Prestige Specific Titles

Some titles are only awarded after a player has committed to prestige. Below are the non-weapon specific titles awarded for completing certain challenges or attaining certain levels after starting Prestige mode. For the Killstreak Challenges, 250 kills are needed for the Silver title using that killstreak, and 1000 are needed for the Gold title using that killstreak.
Title AC-130 (silver) Image Rewarded for Finish Spectre II

AC-130 (gold)

Finish Spectre IV

Attack Helicopter (silver)

Finish Chopper Veteran II

Attack Helicopter (gold)

Finish Chopper Veteran IV

Chopper Gunner (silver)

Finish Cobra Commander II


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Chopper Gunner (gold)

Finish Cobra Commander IV

Harrier Strike (silver)

Finish You're Fired II

Harrier Strike (gold)

Finish You're Fired IV

Pave Low (silver)

Finish Jolly Green Giant II

Pave Low (gold)

Finish Jolly Green Giant IV

Precision Airstrike (silver)

Finish Carpet Bomber II

Precision Airstrike (gold)

Finish Carpet Bomber IV

Predator Missile (silver)

Finish Predator II

Predator Missile (gold)

Finish Predator IV

Sentry Gun (silver)

Finish Look! No Hands! II

Sentry Gun (gold)

Finish Look! No Hands! IV

Stealth Bomber (silver)

Finish The Spirit II

Stealth Bomber (gold)

Finish The Spirit IV

Blade Veteran

Finish Blade Veteran II - Stab 50 Enemies


Finish Blade Veteran IV - Stab 250 Enemies Finish Silent Veteran II - Kill 50 enemies with a silencer equipped. Finish Stealth Veteran IV - Kill 1000 enemies with a silencer equipped. Finish Last Stand veteran II - 15 Kills while in Last Stand. Finish Last Stand Veteran IV - 100 Kills while in Last Stand.

Silent Veteran

The Silent

Stand Veteran

The Stand


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Stunner Veteran

Finish Stun Veteran II - Kill 75 enemies still stunned by a Stun Grenade.

The Stunner

Finish Stun Veteran IV - Kill 300 enemies still stunned by a Stun Grenade.

Flash Veteran

Finish Flashbang Veteran II - Kill 75 enemies dazed by a Flashbang.

The Flash

Finish Flashbang Veteran IV - Kill 300 enemies dazed by a Flashbang.

The Prestige

Reach Prestige 1 Rank 2

Prestige 10

Reach Prestige 10 Rank 2

see: Callsigns/Emblems


Callsigns 1

Callsigns 2

Callsigns 3

Callsigns 4

Callsigns 5

Callsigns 6

Callsigns 7

Callsigns 8


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Callsigns 9

Callsigns 10

Callsigns 11

Callsigns 12

Callsigns 13

Callsigns 14

Callsigns 15

Callsigns 16

Callsigns 17

Callsigns 18

Callsigns 19

Callsigns 20

Callsigns 21

Callsigns 22

References to media
The callsign "Companion Crate" is a reference to the Companion Cube from the game Portal . The callsign "Shock and Awe" is a reference to the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare mission Shock and Awe. The "Soap" emblem is likely a reference to the movie Fight Club, as it is very similar to that movie's main logo.


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The callsign "Boom! Headshot" is a reference to "Pure Pwnage's" FPS Doug. His catch phrase is him yelling "BOOM! HEADSHOT!!!" when getting headshots. The title "It's Sabotage!" is a reference to the Beastie Boys "Sabotage" The title "Transformer" is a reference to the Transformer "Blackout," who transforms into a Pave Low. The title "Click Click Boom" is a reference to the song "Click Click Boom", by Saliva. The title "Flatliner" is a reference to the film Flatliners with Kiefer Sutherland and Julia Roberts. The title "All Your Base" is a reference to the game Zero Wing and the internet meme created from its poor translation. The title "Get to the Choppa!" is a reference to a line spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film Predator. The titles "True Liar" and "Fired!" are both references to the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie True Lies. The prestige challenge "You're fired!" is a quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger in that film. The title "Five Sided Fistagon" is a reference to the Rage Against The Machine song "Bulls On Parade." The title "Starfish Prime" is a reference to the high-altitude nuclear test conducted by the United States Of America on July 9, 1962. The title "Big Bada Boom" is a reference from the movie The Fifth Element, where Leeloo falls into Corbin's cab and is describing the explosion of her ship. The title "Droppin' Crates" is a reference to the song "Droppin' Plates" by Disturbed. The title "End Of Line" is a reference to the movie Tron, where the Master Control Program says it to end each piece of dialougue The title "Fire and Forget" is a Javelin motto. The title "Behind Enemy Lines" is from the movie Behind Enemy Lines. The title "<3" is made for the son from the project leader of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 who died of cancer. The symbol itself represents a love heart. The title "Global Thermonuclear War" is reference to the movie WarGames in which one of the WOPR's war simulations was nuclear war, and a reference to cut gamemode. The title "Great White North" is a reference to the TV show The Great White North, in which two men make fun of Canadian stereotypes. The title "Spy Game" is a reference to the movie Spy Game starring Robert Redford and Brad Pitt. The title "Broken Arrow" is a refrence to John Woo's film which stars John Travolta. The title "My Li'l Pwny" is a reference to the American figurine franchise My Little Pony. The title "Pushin' Daisies" is a reference to the series of the same name. The title "The Stand" could be a reference to the Stephen King book by the same name. The title "Rolling Thunder" is a reference to Operation Rolling Thunder, a bombing campaign by the United States during the Vietnam War. The title "Big Brother" is a reference to George Orwell's book, 1984. In the book, a political figure (known as Big Brother) utilizes "telescreens" to monitor the citizens of Oceania. The title "Live Long..." is a possible reference to the series Star Trek and the specific quote, "Live Long and Prosper" The title "Last Resort" may be a reference to the song "Last Resort" by Papa Roach.

Categories: Multiplayer | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer


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