TOC Jonathan

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Ideas & Suggestions

For President Goodluck Jonathan From Nigerian Village Square

On June 30, 2010, Mr Oronto Douglas, the Presidential adviser on Strategy spoke with the Nigerian Village Square (NVS) on a wide range of issues. At the end of the conversation, he said he will make sure that any innovative ideas brought about by NVS members (Villagers) will be made available to the president. NVS members took up this challenge of constructive engagement and came up with various suggestions on way forward. The following is a collation of ideas generated from that discussion and it is our hope that the Presidency will read these and respond with how they could use some of these ideas in moving our nation forward.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 1. Electricity / Energy Improvement

Electricity / Energy Improvement o o o o o o o o o o o Deregulate Regulatory Framework for Private Operators Review the IPPs: Decentralize Control of Power: Proper Implementation of Transmission Right of Way: Establish a functional Planning, Research and Development Department Establish an equipment and Apparatus Testing Laboratory: Establish a Simulation Department: Revive Power Curriculum at the University Level The government needs to build and support Power Labs Enforce Energy Conservation Conserve Energy Go beyond Nnaji's Models Reform Penal Codes Judicial Reforms Police Reforms De-congest the prisons Kidnapping Jump-Start Education, Bottom-Up Starting From The Primary School level Curb The Growing Trend Of Foreign Education All public officials must enlist their children in public schools nearest to them within Nigeria Create Special Fund For Public Schools Institutionalize Credit System in Nigeria Balance of Trade Simplify Business Registration Process Organize a credible census Organize Credible Elections in 2011 Resource Control/Property Rights Remove immunity from corruption charges Sovereign National Conference Bring in new Blood Discard Old Coup Plotters Tackle Institutionalized Executive Impunity NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 1. Electricity / Energy Improvement 2

Justice/Security Issues o o o o o

Revitalize Our Educational System o o o o

The Economy o o o

Lay Groundwork for the future o o o o

Come to Terms with the past o o o o

o o o o

Deliberately all wrong role models Dust up all the White Papers Closure on the civil war Project Updates Project Information Website Infrastructure and Asset Management Civil Service Reforms Project Monitoring and Supervision Institute Standards, Minimum Qualifications Into Civil Service Efficient Electronic Delivery of Government services Smaller Government Consistent Policies Use Merit and demonstrable qualification In Government Appointments Read Online Forums Meet informally with ordinary Nigerians Assess the impact of governance on the common man Start State of the Union Addresses Inject experienced hands into the NTA/FRCN: Conduct Regular Opinion Polls Get a Wardrobe Make-over Need for a citizen-centered Foreign Policy Create a think-tank of experts Urgently Fix Our Embassies, Their Websites and Recruit Competent Embassy Staff Stop Airlines From Maltreating Nigerians Stop Unnecessary Foreign Trips Ways to Manage Diaspora Talent Start Massive Infrastructure Development Scrap the 50th Anniversary Celebrations Pension Reform Environmental Degradation Poverty Alleviation via Unemployment Benefits Agricultural Awareness Campaign Stop Health Tourism Law against bullying

More Open Governance o o o o o o o o o o

Interaction with the Nigerian Public o o o o o o o

Foreign Policy and Nigerians Abroad o o o o o o Other o o o o o o o o

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 1. Electricity / Energy Improvement

Relative Importance of Suggestions

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 1. Electricity / Energy Improvement

1. Electricity / Energy Improvement

ELECTRICITY could be the ONLY thing the President focuses on and he will carve his name in the LIGHTS, literally, FOREVER. Imagine what our homes, hospitals, schools and places of business would be like with constant power. My mother won't need to cook daily because the food in her freezer won't go off due to the epileptic power supply! The quality of life of the Nigerian populace will improve greatly - fewer lives will be lost as hospitals will be better enabled to save lives. The cost of unsatisfactory electric power supply could have direct adverse impacts that could jeopardize the political fortunes of leaders of such states and local governments. Effective energy poverty alleviation could easily become a political issue in Nigeria. Here are some ideas to fix this issue:

1.1 Deregulate Regulatory Framework for Private Operators

1. Direct NERC to draw up a clear regulatory framework to enable private operators to enter the market to generate and distribute power, with or without the use of PHCN infrastructure. 2. Break the legal framework that forces anybody who generates something like 10 megawatts and above to sell it to a moribund and moronic PHCN. That is why nobody bothers to invest in the industry. 3. The President should create an enabling environment for dismantling needless barriers to local and foreign entry into the Nigerian energy business space for the exploration and production of crude oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium, and for the supply of refined petroleum products, petrochemicals, coal-fired power plants, hydroelectric power stations, and solar energy systems to Nigerian consumers (household, industrial, and transportation) at affordable prices.

1.2 Review the IPPs: The government should review the requirements for Independent Power Projects to find out what is delaying their progress. They are a very important aspect of our future economy and would play a great part in promoting industrial clusters within the country. 1.3 De-centralise Control of Power: The President should speedily unbundle, dismantle,
and privatize PHCN, while the responsibility for providing electric power for Nigerians should be devolved to the states, who should quickly organize credible PPP arrangements with suitable private businesses to supply uninterrupted power to their citizens, as one of the several tangible dividends of good governance. If states or local government councils are charged with the responsibility of providing power to the nooks and crannies of their LGAs, then underperforming states (or LGAs) will stick out like sore thumbs in the comity of states (and local government councils).

1.4 Proper Implementation of Transmission Right of Way: Proper planning and

allocation of land for the transmission towers and systems. This is a very difficult and may take about 4 years to properly implement as it involves negotiating with locals for pieces of land.

1.5 Establish a functional Planning, Research and Development Department PHCN does not have one, neither does the Federal Government.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 1. Electricity / Energy Improvement

1.6 Establish an equipment and Apparatus Testing Laboratory: Nigeria currently

does not test its power apparatus before they are installed

1.7 Establish a Simulation Department: Software Simulation department is essential to

any Power Systems.

1.8 Revive Power Curriculum at the University Level. 1.9 The government needs to build and support Power Labs
(like USAs PNNL, ANL, SNL, NTEL, EPRI, TVA) to research issues typical to the Nigeria Power Systems. You cannot rent local power expertise; this is where the Obasanjo administration failed woefully.

1.10. Enforcing Energy Conservation Conserve Energy

There is too much avoidable WASTE of electric power in Nigeria, dismal as the current electricity supply situation is in the country. Typically, external light bulbs are left on throughout the day, particularly in high density,low-income housing environments! Beyond being concerned about providing adequate energy (fuels, and electricity) for Nigerians, the President should champion and direct the enforcement of energy conservation as a national policy. The dissemination of a message emphasising the imperative of energy conservation in Nigeria must be driven by the presidency as a top-down directive.

1.11 Go beyond Nnaji's Models

Bart Nnaji is at best a power generation expert. We need an institutional approach that uses all these power sub-systems: o River Systems: This is the prime mover for hydro units and the coolant for all other thermal units. Extensive research must be done by researchers by Geographers and Hydrologists to look at the availability of water and come up with adequate long term forecasts. Gas Pipeline Systems: Most of current and planned units operate on gas. Geologist, Engineers should draw up a plan for implementation of Gas distribution grid. The gas pipeline should be embedded in Manholes. Distribution and Transmission Systems Maintenance Systems Finance Systems Legal structure Systems

o o o o o o

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 1. Electricity / Energy Improvement

2. Justice/Security Issues.
2.1 Reform Penal Codes
There is urgent need to take a second look at our penal codes, most especially those having to do with crimes against women and children. Can this be revisited, please?

2.2 Judicial Reforms

There is fundamental need for a complete overhaul of enforcement and administration of justice in Nigeria. This should be done even before the next elections as a way to further create the environment within which the 2011 elections can become a landmark moment for the country. A Committee set up to do long term as well as SHORT TERM or INSTANT REFORMS before elections Introduce the INDEPENDENT COUNSEL concept Expedite Court processes Introduce/Designate Special Courts (especially for anti-corruption cases)

2.3 Police Reforms

The Nigerian Police is inept, corrupt and criminal. Today, Nigerians fear the police as they do armed robbers. It is one reason many would not want to have anything to do with Nigeria. The Police is the reason why government officials steal money with impunity -they only need to give the policemen a share of their loot and that would be the end of the matter. Kidnappers and hiredkillers are on rampage because they know the police are more interested in collecting 20 Naira from motorists than going after them. If President Jonathan wants to leave an enduring legacy, he would need to look at policing very seriously. Recommended Solutions include Appointment of people with good integrity (Nigerians or foreigners) to investigate and reorganise Nigeria's policing from the top down, with a view to overhauling the body and replacing it with an organisation that can prevent and really solve crimes. The police needs a completely new ethos in order to be effective. Yes, they do need modern communication gadgets, but the issue goes beyond that considering the fact that Nigeria police had long become the enemy of the people and a body no one trusts. Contract Nigerians in diaspora and/or expatriates who have worked or are working in Police units in developed countries to head and run Police units in Nigeria in order to achieve total overhaul of men, equipment, methods, systems and attitudes of our security apparatus over time. Remove all road blocks and ensure there are immediate consequences for any police formation or department under whose watch Nigerians are extorted at road blocks. Provide security agents with more and better transport, efficient communication gadgets, allowing them to do more of mobile policing can achieve better results. In this regard, a quick route to having functional system is to leverage the existing network infrastructure of MTN/Glo/Zain GSM providers in the country to create and operate a nationwide sub-network for the exclusive use of the Police while long term plans are made to evolve a more centralised and public alternative. If the Police is reformed, and is seen to be reformed, there are huge benefits to be reaped in terms of reduction in unemployment levels since more youths would find no dis-incentive to taking up the profession as is currently the case.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 2. Justice/Security Issues.

2.4 De-congest the prisons

De-congest the prisons by granting pardon to petty criminals and reviewing 'awaiting trial' (ATM) cases. Go after the big ones and make examples of people... conclude cases and hand out appropriate jail terms.

2.5 Kidnapping
Give us light by all means, then build our roads, then allow us enjoy these by not letting those hoodlums kill us.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 2. Justice/Security Issues.

3. Revitalize Our Educational System

3.1 Jump-Start Education, Bottom-Up Starting From The Primary School level.
In order to enhance the quality of primary education in Nigeria, the quality of primary school teachers has to be massively overhauled, and UPGRADED for effectiveness. The MINIMUM educational qualification for teaching in a Nigerian PRIMARY SCHOOL, even in the most remote villages, should be pegged at FIRST DEGREE (i.e. BA, or BSc, or LLB, or MB/BS). To kick off the policy, one year of teaching in a primary school should constitute the totality of a National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) primary assignment for any Nigerian graduate. Those wishing to continue as PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS after their NYSC year should apply for a Federal scholarship to undergo FORMAL training as PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS in selected colleges of education, nationwide. State governments are free to also sponsor QUALIFIED candidates for formal training as PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS.

3.2. Curb The Growing Trend Of Foreign Education

The United Kingdom according to the border agency stats indicates that, the British economy generates 10 billion annually from students coming for university education from China, India and Nigeria. Education in Nigeria needs severe attention. The average student pays 10,000 a year in fees and pay a lot more for accommodation. We are overwhelming Ghana as it stands and we might be pushed off soon. All public officials must enlist their children in public schools nearest to them within Nigeria.

3.3 Create Special Fund For Public Schools

Re-build public schools through funds generated existing education taxes as well as from direct taxes on the private schools system. Say 20% of tuition fees should be paid to govt. by sponsors while the schools are made to remit 40% of fees collected as tax. Nigerians leaving to study abroad should also pay part of their tuition to the fund. If you cannot manage the revenue, pls do not collect

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 3. Revitalize Our Educational System

4. Lay Groundwork for the future

4.1. Organize Credible Elections in 2011
Satisfactory delivery of credible, free, and fair elections from the wards, through local government councils, to the state legislature and executive, to the federal legislature and the presidency, in 2011.

4.2. Confirm Plans for 2011.

Quickly decide if he will contest come 2011 or not as we have six months in 2010 and it seems about 4 months in 2011 to the election, how much can he really do in 10 months?

4.3. Resource Control/Property Rights

This is believed to be the root of corruption and inefficiencies in Nigeria, the reason for the disappearance of the groundnut pyramids, the reason we are exporting palm oil from Malaysia, the reason for the unabated rural-urban drift and many other things is lack of property rights and local control of resources. Therefore, it is my suggestion that the Government take steps to institutionalize property rights by undoing the land-use decree Ground-up approach to Revenue Generation -have all renters of property oil companies, etc pay royalties to landowners and not directly to Abuja; Ensure appropriate taxes are paid to local, state, Federal Government by the individual/collective owners of property. By implementing this ground-up approach, everyone has an incentive to optimize the resources in their backyard. If people know that they have complete control of the resources in their backyard plus the incomes accruing there from, and if they know that there is no free money waiting to be shared in Abuja, they will do better in optimizing their own natural resources. And where theres no natural resource, theres incentive to focus on other income-generating ideas like outsourcing, etc. This idea will take time to implement, but is necessary in my opinion for long-term sustainability as a nation.

4.4. Remove immunity from corruption charges

Remove immunity (don't bother defining the word in any context) for govt officials.

4.5 Organize a credible census

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 4. Lay Groundwork for the future


5. The Economy.
5.1 Institutionalize Credit System in Nigeria
An incentive for corruption in Nigeria is our cash and carry approach to everything. A credit system will open up avenues for the middle class to buy house cars etc without resorting to stealing. This will in turn open up more businesses and opportunities for the lower class.

5.2 Balance of Trade

Nigeria's balance of trade with all western countries are not favourable to Nigeria at all. It will be nice to look into it. We export very little and import a lot from Europe, America and Asia

5.3 Simplify Business Registration Process

Actively pursue reducing the time taken (and amount of money) to register a business in Nigeria.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 5. The Economy.


6. Come to Terms with the past

6.1 Sovereign National Conference
The options canvassed by the old sages Enahoro and Soyinka with late Beko and Gani for a sovereign national conference remains the only viable holistic medium for dialogue, analysis and synthesis for Nigeria. That is the medium where all issues would come to the fore with a view to finding ways forward. Mr President, please invoke all necessary mechanism to set in motion the relevant steps to initiate a truly Sovereign National Conference. A need to decide inter-relational co-existence is now. Blueprints on how to necessitate and facilitate accelerated multi-faceted developments in Nigeria have long been compiled and formulated; necessary calculations have been done. All we ask for is a matured dialogue to decide upon on what basis we want to live together - there is indeed need for a people's constitution.

6.2. Bring in new Blood

The President's political team has old horses like Danjuma, and behind the scenes, OBJ; He will as well need to inject fresh blood into policy making by retiring some of those that have been part of policy making for decades and employing younger, more educated, better exposed and intelligent younger people.

6.3. Discard Old Coup Plotters

It is very strange that despite being culprits of high treason and felony, former military dictators sit regularly with the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at the highest level of decision making at the Council of States Meetings, and also brandish themselves as having political ambitions to contest public office - after subverting the CONSTITUTION of Nigeria, in their individual and collective capacities as coup plotters! Anyone who has participated in a coup plot since independence has committed treason. And as long as they are not made to pay for this crime, we will remain open to the possibility of a coup. Therefore all previous coup plotters should be put on trial, instead of parading themselves as Elder Statesman. It doesn't matter if mercy is granted, but coup plotters (Even successful ones) need to come to terms with their crime.

6.4. Tackle Institutionalized Executive Impunity

The presidency should - as a very first step - Deliberately tone down the visibility and relevance of all wrong role models from the past, be they former MILITARY dictators (e.g Olusegun Obasanjo, Theophilus Danjuma, Ibrahim Babangida, Buhari, Buba Marwa, Oyinlola, Nyanko, et al) or failed CIVILIAN autocrats (like Ibori, Alamieyeseigha, Odili, Igbinedion, Fayose, Kalu, Sani Yerima, et al) of the post-military era.

6.5 Dust up all the White Papers.

The solutions to most of Nigeria's problems in all areas are most likely already contained in some "White Paper", "communiques" and "reports" . The Zangon Kataf commission, the population commission, the Oputa Panel, Maitasine, Vision 2010, Vision 2020, Niger Delta, et al. many of these bodies did have respected individuals who made good suggestions. What happened to all of them? What happened for example to the metro system in Lagos? What have been the agricultural benefits from IITA in Ibadan, Abuja, Onne et al? What happened to the Olikoye Ramsome-Kuti public health system? etc etc.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 6. Come to Terms with the past


Please set up a highly respected and qualified independent body (if this is possible) to find these papers from 1960 to date wherever they might be and review them for rejection, implementation or revision. They should finish their assignment in time for the 50 year independence celebrations. These should be submitted to you for consideration and then submission to the national assembly.

6.6 Closure on the civil war

No matter how hard we try to move on, or what we think of the war, there are many Nigerians who still dont feel Nigerian because of some unresolved outcomes of the war, such as confiscated property, bank savings etc. We can set up a truth and reconciliation panel to hear all aggrieved parties, determine appropriate compensation and pay it up. Otherwise this wound will continue to fester for the foreseeable future.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 6. Come to Terms with the past


7. More Open Governance.

7.1 Project Updates
There is need for updates on ongoing projects. It will be good to know what progress is being made in terms of resuscitating failing infrastructures and the ones being rebooted. It needs not be in too big grammar, but in such that the layman on the streets will able to see if any headway is being made.

7.2 Project Information Website

The government should set up a website to publish details of contracts awarded by the Federal Government, with details about: - who the contract has been awarded to; - how much the contract sum is; - the deliverables of the contract; - the expected completion date of the contract; - the progress of the contract so far.

7.3 Infrastructure and Asset Management

One of the major problems we face as a nation is continuity and maintenance of existing infrastructure. Here are some key examples: We built the National Stadium Lagos, It has been abandoned, no maintenance. We have built Power Generators over the years; we have built a total installed capacity of about 8000MW. But due to lack of maintenance we have an effective installed capacity of 5000MW. National Theater Iganmu, LUTH, UCH, UI, OAU the same story. Federal Government colleges, Federal Roads bridges, Federal Residential buildings in Lagos are other glaring examples. The government should create a National Office of Asset Valuation and Management. This office should oversee the valuation and management of national assets. The office will be responsible for enforcing that the FG, its ministries and parastatals maintain their infrastructures and physical assets. They shall fine ministries and parastatals that neglect their infrastructures. This office must also maintain a website to serve the following functions: - Publish values of all FG Assets - Their estimated remaining life - Accumulated loss of life - Plans to replace the assets - Debt on Assets - Create an avenue for citizens to submit complaints (written, video and picture) about neglect of assets.

7.4 Civil Service Reforms

No matter the suggestions made here, if Johnathan's government still relies on the 'almighty' Nigeria's civil service as it is structured at the moment for the total implementation of his policies,

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 7. More Open Governance.


it will be a disaster! It means this government is going to fail like the previous ones! No body.., no president, not even a litany of confused Generals in Nigeria has relied on the notoriously inept civil service and made any headway. You cant even retrain them to be productive within a presidents 48 years tenure, since most of the characters calling the shots at the head of the different ministries have been recruited solely to loot for themselves, their benefactors and for those they consider their own.. The top echelon of the Nigerias civil service is unimaginably corrupt. This is no more news. What is surprising is the fact that different presidents have come and gone while still pretending as if this is a 'manageable problem', in the process awarding economically sensitive contracts through all these ministers/permanent secs in different ministries peopled at the top by questionable characters.., expecting to see positive results which will never materialize The reason some presidents make good speeches, promise such basics as power, road and water , provides the money in the annual budgets for some of these projects, awards the endless billion dollar contracts but then end up with no results at the end of their tenures is not just because the politicians are corrupt, but also due to the fact that we have to contend with a BLUNDERING civil service. Because they are seldom heard or seen, corrupt civil servants have been sucking the country dry in the dark, in collaboration with equally corrupt politicians for decades. It used to be simply a corrupt body, but since the 90s when the presidency moved to Abuja, the Nigerian civil service has become the home for the most inept, the most corrupt and most unproductive bunch of greedy parasites you can ever find anywhere in Nigeria. Even organized crime syndicates are more community oriented than folks in the Nigerian civil service. Nigeria has not been lucky with upright characters as their presidents, but even with delusional characters like Abacha, you will notice some serious improvements when an adhoc committee/presidential task force/standing committees headed by 'serious' individuals outside the top echelon of the civil service works on government policies. Take the NAFDAC or the PTF for example; with the "little" stipends coming from the increased petroleum price revenue, the PTF outperformed almost every ministry in Nigeria while that body lasted!

7.5 Project Monitoring and Supervision

The government should consider the suggestions made by his power committee led by Bath Nnaji few weeks ago. The president should follow the advice of these resourceful Nigerians by forming committees of patriotic technocrats to supervise projects undertaken by the new administration. This group should supervise every contract related to projects in such areas as Energy, transport and communication, health, education etc. They should be constitutionally empowered, for a given period, to organize, monitor and supervise the major projects Nigeria needs at this time. If it means hiring their temporary staff, let them do so. Let them plan this projects across the country, source contractors, negotiate openly and monitor these projects closely while briefing the country through media outlets.

7.6 Institute Standards, Minimum Qualifications Into Civil Service

The more important job of retraining a bemused civil service to provide sophisticated services that meet the challenges of this age should be well thought out and pursued vigourously in the long run. Standards and qualifications should not be toyed with, training and retraining should be effectively monitored and should be tailored to meet certain goals necessary for the development of the state.... For the past 40 years, those calling the shots within the civil service have built or maintained nothing seriously important for the rapid development of the economy. This should not be overlooked. On the contrary, things have changed for the worse. Before it used to be 10% today it is 80-100% developing wings after every contract bazaar.. To pretend that this body, as it is presently constituted can still play any usefull role in Nigerias quest for a more sophisticated

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 7. More Open Governance.


economy is to tell ourselves blissfull lies..

7.7 Efficient Electronic Delivery of Government services

Too many Government workers are doing nothing. Find ways to computerize all Government activity and deliver to citizens via web-enabled cell phones. Computerization should not be approached with the default mindset that appear to permeate Abuja: that it is another avenue to award contracts. Computerization is all about deploying the speed and efficiency of technology to ensure that actual services are done and delivered. Finland just last week made it a requirement for all residents to have broadband internet. Phone penetration in Nigeria is already at 70% or so. There is no reason why delivery of Government services and information collection cannot be optimized through this medium.

7.8 Smaller Government

There is need to reduce the size of Government. The 36-State, 771 local governments structure we have now is only sustainable because of the inefficient allocation principle we have in place. Nigeria can be served better and maybe even more efficiently by no more than a 10-State structure.

7.9 Consistent Policies

Please try to maintain consistency in economic and industrial policies to encourage investment in our industries (yes, we have them). Inconsistent policies are killing businesses in Nigeria.

7.10 Use Merit and demonstrable qualification In Government Appointments

Before appointing someone, he/she must write and submit the future targeted goal and duration to achieve the goal, if fail, he /she should explain why. In other words, square pegs should be firmly fitted into the square holes, and they should be made accountable.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 7. More Open Governance.


8. Foreign Policy and Nigerians Abroad.

8.1 Need for a citizen-centered Foreign Policy
The 1979 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, chapter II, section 19 states that "the state shall promote African unity as well as total political, economic, social and cultural liberation of Africa and all other forms of state, and shall combat racial discrimination in all...". This our leaders have made the corner stone of our foreign policy and taken literally as the only true Gospel according to St. Constitution since independence in 1960. This may account for why it has emerged as the most consistent theme that runs through our foreign policy actions with all our successive administrations, irrespective of its relevance or not to our nation's evolution and core interest. It may also be responsible for their inability to fashion out a robust foreign policy centered around our national interest and citizens. For too long, our leaders have become adept at solving other African nations' problems to the detriment of its own populace. A false generosity abroad and penury for Nigerians at home and abroad has been the centerpiece of our leaders' foreign policy thus far. President Jonathan would do well to refocus Nigerias foreign policy thrust from this commitment to Africa and the rest of the world, to one that is nationalistic and citizencentered. The socio-economic and political development and well-being of Nigeria and its citizens should henceforth be the main focus of our foreign policy. That is to say that, the government must be ready, willing and able to pursue and defend Nigerias interest and citizens anywhere in the world. To achieve this, Mr President can begin to take the following measures enumerated below.

8.2 Create a think-tank of experts

Mr President should consider creating a Think Tank comprising of experts and officials in all fields from Foreign Affairs, Defence, Economy, Health, Education, Sports etc. Their task would be to deliberate and give expert advice on sensitive policy issues that have foreign policy implications. This would help prevent embarrassing diplomatic blunders like that which Mr President committed recently in his flip flop world cup showdown with the world soccer body FIFA.

8.3 Urgently Fix Our Embassies, Their Websites and Recruit Competent Embassy Staff
The Presidency should overhaul all the Nigerian embassies abroad, because the services they render is a big embarrassment to Nigerians and visitors alike. The embassies are meant to serve not just Nigerians but also serve as a mirror through which foreigners look into our country.

Archaic Information: Most of the information on their websites are not up to date. The
communication system of our embassies is also a disgrace, they don`t answer and return phone calls. They also do not reply email enquiries. Service delivery is nothing to write home about. Only a few embassies are up to the expected standard. In this regard, it may well be in the biggest interest of the country that I.T. teams that are hired strictly on the basis of competence and merit be deployed for the purpose of integrating the various embassy chains and their workflows into a coherent platform that will achieve the needed objectives.

The Nigerian consulates/embassies staff are very rude, incompetent and inconsiderate. They always shout on people and treat them shabbily. There is a general lack of faith in

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 8. Foreign Policy and Nigerians Abroad.


their competence as they tend to behave as though the actual responsibilities of theirs to their citizens is lost on them. Some of the staff at the embassies need re-orientation and training. Some of them need to retire to allow fresh, younger blood to marshall 21st century approaches to service delivery. The Consular officers and their bosses need to retake the National Pledge and also promise to render expected service to all. Is there a way they can be held accountable for their actions? Maybe the staff should be made to wear ID numbers, so that we report them directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The presidency may set up an ombudsman to give the Government feedback on how our embassies perform ... on a fixed term (quarterly) basis until such a time when confidence is restored. Ambassadors should be made to take full responsibility for the maltreatment of embassy patrons. Looking into the training, and staff of embassies can be phased with immediate priorities given to the USA, the UK and other countries where a lot of Nigerians are resident. It is all about injecting committed and competent individuals into the system and given them a bureaucracy-free slate to operate.

E-Passport: The issue of E-passport should be properly addressed as against pushing for an
unrealistic deadline, most people abroad cannot get this E-passport and the government has not made provision for them, so why set a deadline? This also extends to the issuance of E-passports in Nigeria, it is still a disgrace that government cannot stamp out illegal fees, such that immigration officers make people pay over the top to process the E- passport.

8.4 Stop Airlines From Maltreating Nigerians

The Presidency through the Ministry of Aviation should call all airlines to order on the way they treat Nigerians, they should also do a rigorous investigation on how the airlines arrive at the expensive ticket prices to Nigeria. Market factors are understandable, but it is still absurd for an airline to charge more than double what it costs to fly from London to New York on the London Abuja route. Foreign airlines like British Airways have over the years treated the Nigerian people with disdain by paying their agents in Nigeria the lowest wages in the industry, not advertising in our local media, showing no form of corporate responsibility towards Nigeria and neither are they monitored or cautioned effectively when incidences occur. Most government agencies in Nigeria send delegates to the UK for training and conferences. All federal ministries, the 36 state ministries, the national and state house of assemblies, the military and all arms of the government contribute to British Airways. British Airways has been involved in price fixing in the United States and they have been made to compensate the Americans. They fix ticket prices to Nigeria and other African destinations because it is evident there are no enforceable laws in place to deter such actions.

8.5 Stop Unnecessary Foreign Trips

The President should reduce the number of aides that accompany him on foreign trips. He should only go along with the relevant advisers and ministers. He could also have in his entourage members of the Nigerian Chamber Of Commerce and other Chief executives..those members and chief executives should pay their way.

8.6 Ways to Manage Diaspora Talent

You noted the HUGE diaspora community outside Nigeria, take a page from some other countries and bend over backwards to try to get some of us home to help develop that economy. Give real

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 8. Foreign Policy and Nigerians Abroad.


and solid business incentives to make people go back home: Tax holidays for a few years; give qualified Nigerians abroad a percentage preference when competing against non-Nigerians; Broker deals that will insist on Nigerian partners abroad being on business teams. Ensure that Nigerians returning home can replicate their living and working situations abroad to ensure they go home and stay home. There is nothing under the sun that a highly qualified Nigeria professional is not working in already abroad, why are you allowing us to continue to contribute to the development of foreign and adopted lands? Consider this, if we return home and set up successful businesses, the government will eventually get its returns back via increased tax revenue on all levels. Remember that when you have foreigners come and invest in Nigeria, you pay them and they take their revenues and taxes back to their countries. When Nigerians in diaspora invest in Nigeria we will maintain bank accounts, build homes, buy cars, hire our family members and friends, train them properly in order for them to manage our businesses efficiently. So, we will be more committed to improve the lives of our people and have a larger impact on societal development and job creation than an investor who is just seeking a good return on his investments. At least 60% of the best of our human resources are in foreign lands. Some are ready to come back home provided there's an enabling and safe environment. Security of life and property is of topmost importance. So also is the necessary infrastructure that needs to be in place for such to function properly. A doctor for instance cannot function without the necessary tool and equipment plus motivation. Something needs to be done to gain the brains back. Mr President, It is an assured self-evident fact that the best brains from Nigeria are outside Nigeria mainly because they have been exposed to international culture. There are many examples of such cases. For instance, one of the best universities in the UK, two Nigerian students came out as the best students in Computer Security and Forensics as well as well as Computer Robotics. These achievements are not unusual but are always buried because no one reaches out for them. It is on record that most of these bright stars are keen about coming home to work. A team of digital forensic experts of these calibre will stamp out all the 419 mails and scams that originate from Nigeria given the proper regulatory framework while assisting the EFCC with investigating bank and corporate fraud etc. and their relevance to issues of national security cannot be over-stated.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 8. Foreign Policy and Nigerians Abroad.


9. Interaction with the Nigerian Public

9.1 Read Online Forums
It is gratifying to note that the President now has a Facebook page. This should be considered one phase in a continuous feedback process. It is important that the President cultivates the habit of logging on to some major online interactive websites on Nigerian affairs to read first-hand the views of ordinary and not-so-ordinary Nigerians. If the President's schedule does not permit, a high-ranking member of the personal staff or a private secretary who will be honest and bold enough to report the comments as posted should be appointed. The Nigerian blog-sphere and various online fora are replete with ideas for Nigeria's development and there is a high probability that solutions for the nation's challenges can be found in such posts or blogs. Identifying the right solution would be the President's sole responsibility and a measure of the soundness of his judgment. The President can thus harness the contributions of very intelligent/bright Nigerians online for the benefits of Nigeria.

9.2 Meet informally with ordinary Nigerians

Once or twice a month, Mr President should gather ordinary people (without any connections whatsoever), and just talk to them, for an hour or two (in an informal setting), to find out what problems they face on a daily basis, how they perceive the government, he can listen to their suggestions and the suggestions may form the basis of his solutions.

9.3 Assess the impact of governance on the common man

In all he does or says POLITICALLY and in public, the President needs to ask himself what would the POOR, the unemployed YOUTH and the patient VILLAGER (in his homestead) think? Will this act help better their lot or that of the over-bloated political elite?

9.4 Start State of the Union Addresses

The President needs a STATE OF THE UNION address, to intimate the people about projects, like ROADS (they are a visible easy testimony) improved Electricity, and Water (possibly the easiest).

9.5 Inject experienced hands into the NTA/FRCN:

Nigeria's NTA and FRCN (including all their sister/booster channels spread all over the nation) need urgent & a completely new radical transformation in terms of ethos, service delivery and vision. The overall management/funding of the NTA needs to be reviewed and the existing infrastructure of the outfit re-purposed for seeing service as serving the Nigerian people - and not the politics of "Abuja" or making ridiculous boasts about being the biggest in Africa without any substance. There was some semblance of serious national broadcasting when Ben Murray-Bruce (of the SilverBird group extraction) ran the NTA as Director-General during the Obasanjo years. It is almost universally accepted that the NTA (which majority of Nigerians do not watch) became 'watchable' during those years. If the government gets NTA right, the country will start the process of re-branding itself among its own population....

9.6 Conduct Regular Opinion Polls

The government needs an opinion poll set up for us the people to tell you what we think...a sort of report card. One should also be set up for all your Ministers.

9.7 Get a Wardrobe Make-over

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A little more professional serious minded approach to dressing will do no harm. Nigeria is a namespace in need of direction. Nigerians are looking for inspiration and motivation from someone, anyone. We want leaders who would roll up their sleeves and toil with us. If Goodluck Jonathan is the one, we need him to identify with us actually and symbolically, all the time. The British have traditional dress but their PM is not using it, the Italians,French,Russians,Americans all have tradition, and history as well,though we should not forget our history, we are in a new world, that is what civilization is all about.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | 9. Interaction with the Nigerian Public


Other Suggestions
Start Massive Infrastructure Development
The trajectory of growth in Nigeria can be changed with a few simple fixes: - Roads - a total re-lay of the major federal roads across the country; - Electricity; - Water On roads, the government can carry out a total comprehensive audit of all federal roads. This will give a clear picture of the ones that are in bad shape and the ones not constructed at all, and map out plans for carrying out holistic rehabilitation as well as constructing new ones. Good roads are indispensable tool for rapid development. Fix those three basic things, and watch the multiplier effects on everything from agriculture to industry.

- Scrap 50th Anniversary Celebrations

Aside from contract merchants who are going to benefit from the largesse of the 50th anniversary of Nigeria, the majority of Nigerians are displeased by this lavish spending in the midst of decaying infrastructures. It's like being unable to pay your house rent nor the school fees of your kids and you are celebrating your birthday by 'blocking the street' and 'spraying' the musician. DO NOT embark on any large scale Nigeria@ 50 celebration. There is nothing to celebrate. Use the opportunity instead to embark on some major large scale, life changing projects. The Benin Ore road is one, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway is another, a solar energy project is another. Banish the thought of going ahead with the huge amt budgeted for our 50th anniversary. The people are hungry. The money could be channeled towards making the life of the poor man on the street better. In its place, why not instantiate a national rediscovery / renewal essay competition based on a write-and-submit-via-website, or send in to a collating address by post format. Just get the ministry of education to organise such an essay competion and It should not cost a dime. The ministries should have the capacity to make it work from their budget and pre-existing but most totally underused apparatus, through all state schools and ministries and departments etc. ( what's their purpose afterall? ). The idea would be to get all Nigerian kids (can be categorized into three newborn (under 10) youths (11 - 18) and adults (19+) or similar ) to actually invest their time in a rewarding exercise of contemplating / and inputting into issues that surround them in one form or the other. The website need be so designed to allow multiple reads and votes based on registrations geo-located within Nigeria. Make it run between October 1 to December 29 and organize a NTA/AIT televised national finale for winning entries for Winners, that will be given presidential recognition in Abuja by January 2011. You know something that symbolic, and yet something that constructive ( at 0 cost ) is far more creative way to perhaps reawaken the soul of Nigeria that is currently life-supported on his presidency. And most importantly, It might set out a chain process that will ultimately improve the level of debate (input and Output) in the society which most definitely will also improve the connect with which the masses can be encouraged to participate come election time... Needless to say, entries

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | Other Suggestions


need not and should not be in English only. If It is Ijaw language that I choose to express myself the most, there is bound to be someone who would find to read it and find my thoughts compelling enough to deserve a vote. Again the society gains... and It might just force me to see the inherent beauty of a little forgotten schoolkid somewhere in the interiors of Abeokuta, or Zamfara... Its a win win formula.

- Pension Reform
He should as a matter of urgency look at setting up an agency within the relevant ministry..making use of proven hands that are currently in govt employ to monitor Pensions. We currently have retirees that are yet to receive their gratuity after having retired more than 5yrs ago. Where's their money? They need a sense of worth, having served meritoriously.

- Environmental Degradation
The environmental degradation/situation in the Niger Delta needs some more looking into. He should take a cue from how the US govt put it's foot down on the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico...who exactly is currently monitoring and enforcing the laws..are we effective in curtailing and making sure that the clean up exercise is being properly done. Mr. President, please look at the Niger Delta and use the case study of how the Americans are using BP to deal with their situation in the Gulf of Mexico. BP have employed all the affected fishermen who make their livelihood from fishing as oil drainers. It will make a difference if affected or displaced people are compensated.

- Poverty Alleviation via Unemployment Benefits

There are still more than 70% of Nigeria living under the poverty line, on less than the equivalent of US$1 a day. When these 70% move above the poverty line, there will be a new "poverty line" that could induce inflation of nightmarish proportions in the country's economy. They may have more than US$1 per day, but how can we be sure that they will be able to buy MORE food than they are doing now? Is the prevailing approach to poverty alleviation in Nigeria completely WRONG? Should poverty alleviation be targeted at WEALTH CREATION, instead of public FUNDS INJECTION? Every unemployed should have social benefit from the state, at least for feeding and rent. Women should benefit directly. The unemployed graduate should be made to serve the comunity in return for the social benefit till when the are fully employed or funded to be self employed. Nigeria is rich Nation it could be done. This could help minimize crime,and sexual exploitation.

- Agricultural Awareness Campaign

Start an aggressive AGRICULTURAL AWARENESS campaign all over the country and provide start up grants to young men and women who are ready to take part in agri-business. Facilitate their acquisition of specialist knowledge to be able to produce value-added agricultural products (not just garri, snails and poultry, we can do more). We need to get our youths interested in agriculture again. If we can produce even 2 very simple value-added agricultural products well with export

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | Other Suggestions


potential, it would do a great deal for our economy. The problems we have in the country are not really about people but about systems. Build credible systems that work and you will have credible results from our populace (those that fall foul of the law will simply face a credible judicial system). We need to stop looking for Messiahs.

- Stop Health Tourism.

Health tourism by Nigerians to India, UK, USA and South Africa have earned these countries millions of dollars at our expense. Health care is key, people are dying of preventable diseases. All medical specialist should be monitored, retested mentally and professional to ascertain their productivity. Many are dying in Nigeria hospital due to human medical error It is a sad reality that Nigeria has a healthcare crisis of great magnitude because our leaders have been complacent with its obligation regarding the right to health for all Nigerian. As a result, prompt and easy access to health facility and care for majority of Nigerians remains a problem. Many of our health facilities and institutions are substandard, run down, understaffed and lack basic essentials rendering quality healthcare virtually non existence for majority. Where there exist any at all, the high cost of services and lack of insurance coverage, mean that, except for the wealthy, quality health care eludes a vast majority of Nigerians. Consequently, what we see is a galloping rate of morbidity and mortality among the population. The life expectancy of the country is abysmally low and about 20% of children die before the age of 5. Also, the World Health Organisation's (WHO) report on the performance of health care systems rank the country 187 out of 191. These are very distressing report card on our health care system and an indication of the dire strait it is in. Mr President therefore need to as a matter of urgency re-evaluate the various factors stifling the development of the health system and adopt a far-reaching remedial measures. Vital to this, is for Mr President to aggressively pursue the implementation of the health sector reform contained in our National Health Policy. The national Health Policy if implemented to the letter, is bound to improve the health status of all Nigerians, and attain a level of health care that would permit all Nigerians to live a socially and economically productive life as envisioned.

- Law against bullying

In Western world bullying is a criminal offense, why? because you are shut down psychologically the right one one to excel in wisdom. There should be a law against bullying. Swearing at a citizen and beating him up is denying him/her the freedom to be happy in his/her motherland. A housemaid's job should be regulated by law to control illegal slavery. The maid should be encourage to sue for damages if abused. No one should enslave another.

NVS Ideas for President Jonathan | Other Suggestions


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