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8 theSun | MONDAY NOVEMBER 17 2008

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Govt won’t close Kamunting

detention camp Top cop orders
blitz on Mat Rempit
THE federal government will not He said if the state government “It is up to the home ministry to
close the ISA detention camp in still wants to challenge (the federal decide whether it wants to close
Kamunting, Perak, Nanyang Siang government), “it is up to them”. down the centre,” he said.
Pau reported yesterday. The state government has lately Nizhar said the main aim of the
Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed passed a motion to request the motion that was passed in the state
Hamid Albar urged the Pakatan federal government to abolish the assembly recently is to seek the
Rakyat state government to respect Internal Security Act, free all ISA abolition of the ISA and to free all INSPECTOR-GENERAL
the law and not turn the detention detainees and close the Kamunting those detained without trial.
centre in Taiping into a political detention centre. Closing down the centre is sec-
Musa Hassan has ordered Press Digest
issue. Meanwhile, Perak Mentri Be- ondary, he said. his men to put a stop to the by Kong See Hoh
He reiterated that the land on sar Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizhar In Ipoh, Taiping MP cum state Mat Rempit menace and give
which the Kamunting detention Jamaluddin said the state govern- exco member Nga Kor Ming said peace back to the public,
centre is located has been gazetted ment will not seek other means the state government does not Loke Sin Chew Daily reported He pointed out that police
and the state government cannot including legal recourse to get the discount the possibility of a multi- Mansion yesterday. will step up operations against
“touch” it. federal government to shut down fold increase in the quit rent on the cracking He said he has noticed the Mat Rempit at night, at known
“This is the federal government’s the detention centre. Kamunting land. Mat Rempit are getting more “black areas” for illegal racing
property, and (the centre was) built He said if it is verified that the He said it has come to his knowl- up menacing, committing crimes to stop Mat Rempit from
with the approval of the federal Kamunting land has been gazetted, edge that the centre still owes five pg 13 and disturbing public peace. widening their activities.
government, it is clearly stated in the state government will leave it to years’ quit rent arrears and if it is As such, police will adopt Musa said police must
the law,” said Syed Hamid. the ministry to handle the problem true, the state government will a series of measures to clamp restrict the activities of Mat
He told the daily that “they can- of the detention centre. resort to legal means to get the down on the menace. Rempit not only in
not do as they please, the state gov- “I have heard that the (Kamunt- federal government to pay up the Maximum effort will cities but also to stop
ernment has to respect the law.” ing) land has been gazetted. arrears. be used to reduce their Many them from roaming
activities, especially of them in groups.
crime cases, to a (Mat Rempit) He said youths of
minimum. face serious good conduct will
Musa said this not speed as they
when told by the daily psychological wish in the street in
that the public are problems. groups in the middle
worried about the They lack of the night or in the
number of crime cases parental love wee hours, and if
committed by Mat they (Mat Rempit )
Rempit. and their souls do that, they should
“Police will soon are empty be ready to face
take a series of because they police action and the
measures against Mat are neglected consequences.
Rempit. by their The IGP also
Some of the reminded parents
measures have parents and to keep tabs on the
already been adopted guardians. In activities of the
in some states, but their effort to children so as not be
these preventive seek short- left in the dark when
measures do not their young ones
include the use
term thrills, become future Mat
of the Emergency they break the Rempit.
Ordinance.” law.” He said illegal
He stressed that the racing has caught on
Emergency Ordinance among youths due in
is used on individuals who are part to the trend, and parents
deemed a threat to the country’s have to share the blame.
security and police will not “Mat Rempit are a problem,
simply use the ordinance, but many of them face serious
especially when there are psychological problems.
adequate measures that can be “They lack parental love and
taken against Mat Rempit. their souls are empty because
“The ordinance can be used they are neglected by their
against crime syndicates, such parents and guardians.
as drug traffickers, etc, but not “In their effort to seek
a bunch of ignorant youths,” he short-term thrills, they break
said. the law.”
He disclosed that state police He said while police will do
chiefs have all the while been their part, the public should
taking appropriate measures hold more dialogues and
to check illegal street racing counselling sessions for youths
but what happened lately has in order to put an end to the
clearly shown that police need growing threat and menace of
to take further action.” Mat Rempit effectively.

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