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Motion of Projectile Motion of Projectile Now we discuss some example of curved motion or two dimensional motion of constant acceleration

such as the motion of constant acceleration such as the motion of a particle projected at certain angle with the horizontal in vertical x-y plane (this type of motion is called projectile motion). Note: Air resistance to the motion of the body is to be assumed absent in this type of motion. To analyze the projectile motion we use the following

concept "Resolution of two dimensional motion into two one dimension motion" as discussed earlier. Hence it is easier to analyze the motion of projectile as composed of two simultaneous rectilinear motions which are independent of each other : (a) Along the vertical y-axis with a uniform downward acceleration 'g' and (b) Along the horizontal x-axis with a uniform velocity forward. Consider a particle projected with an initial velocity u at an angle with the horizontal x-axis as shown in figure shown below. Velocity and accelerations can be resolved into two components:

Velocity along x-axis = ux = u cos Acceleration along x-axis ax = 0 Velocity along y-axis = uy = u sin Acceleration along y-axis ay = -g Here we use different equation of motions of one dimension derived earlier to get the different parameters.

Total Time of flight: When body returns to the same horizontal level, the resultant displacement in vertical y-direction is zero. Use equation B. Therefore, ()gt2 /g to 0) 0 = (u sin )t-

or t = 2u sin (as t cannot equal

Horizontal Range: Horizontal Range (OA) = Horizontal velocity Time of flight = u cos 2u


/g = u2 sin 2 /g

Maximum Height: At the highest point of the trajectory, vertical component of velocity is zero. Therefore, Hmax /2g Equation of Trajectory: Assuming the point of projection as the origin of co-ordinates and horizontal direction as the x-axis 0 = (u sin )2 - 2g

Or, Hmax = u2 sin

and vertical direction as the yaxis. Let P (x, y) be the position of the particle at instant after t second. sin Then x = u cos .t - 1/2 gt2 .t and y = u

Eliminating 't' form the above equations, we get, y = x tan - gx2/2u2cos2 This is the equation of trajectory which is a parabola (y = ax + bx2). Illustration: A gun moving at a speed of 30m/sec fires at an angle 30o with a velocity 150m/s relative to the gun. Find the

distance between the gun and the projectile when projectile hits the ground. (g = 10 m/sec) Solution: Vertical component of velocity = 150 sin 30o = 75 m/sec Horizontal component of velocity relative to gun = 150 cos 30o = 753 m/sec Horizontal component of velocity relative to ground = 753 + 30 160m/sec of flight Time = (2*75)/g = 15 sec

Range of projectile = 160 15 = 2400 m

Distance moved by the gun and projectile = 2400 - 450 = 1950 m. Horizontal projection Consider a particle projected horizontally with a velocity from a point O as shown in figure given below.

Assuming the point of projection O as the origin of coordinates and horizontal direction as the X-axis and vertical direction as Y-axis. Let P

(x, y) be the position of the particle after t seconds. .. x = horizontal distance covered in time t = ut. ............... (1) y = vertical distance covered in time t = gt2 ............... (2) Eliminate t from equations (1) and (2) then We get, y = (1/2)(g/u2) (x2) This is the equation of parabola passing through the origin, with its vertex at the origin O. Hence the trajectory is a parabola. Illustration:

A stone is thrown at a speed of 19.6 m/sec at an angle 30o above the horizontal from a tower of height 490 meter. Find the time during which the stone will be in air. Also find the distance from the foot of the tower to the point where stone hits the ground?

Solution: Let us consider the motion of stone in the horizontal and vertical directions separately. (i) Vertical motion (downward direction negative) :

Initial vertical velocity y = 19.6 sin 30o m/s2 Acceleration a = g = -9.8

Vertical distance covered = h = 490 m Using, 1/2gt2 We have, + (1/2) 9.8t2 t2 or h = ut + 490 = - 9.8t

100 = - 2t + t2 - 2t - 100 = 0 t= .. t = Ans.

11.25 sec.

(ii) Horizontal motion:

Initial horizontal velocity y = 19.6 sin 30o = 9.8 m/s Hence distance from the foot of tower to the point where stone hits the ground = Horizontal component time of flight m = 19.6 cos 30 11.02 = 190 Ans.

Projectile Motion on an inclined plane Let the particle strike the plane at A so that OA is the range of the projectile on inclined plane. This initial velocity can be resolved into two components:

(i) u cos ( (ii) u sin ( the plane.

) along the plane ) perpendicular to

The acceleration due to gravity g can be resolved into two components: (i) g sin (ii) g cos plane. parallel to the plane perpendicular to the

ime of Flight Let t be the time taken by the particle to go from A to B. In this time the displacement of the

projectile to the plane is zero. Hence, g t2 )/gcos Range During time of flight, the horizontal velocity u cos remains constant. Hence, Horizontal distance OB = (ucos ) t = 2u2sin( - )cos /gcos Now, OA = OB/cos 2u2sin( - )cos /gcos = 0 = u sin ( - ) t => t = 2u sin( -

Think : The greatest distance of the projectile from the inclined

plane is u2sin2 ( - )/2gcos

Illustration: A Particle is projected with a velocity 39.2 m/sec at an angle of 30o to an inclined plane (inclined at an angle of 45o to the horizontal). Find the range on the incline (a) when it is projected upward (b) when it is projected downward, Solution: Time of flight will be same in both cases because the acceleration perpendicular to the plane is same. Therefore 45o t2 0 = 39.2 sin 30o t - () g cos

Or, t = (239.2 sin 30)/(g cos 45) = 42 sec (a) Range upward = 39.2 cos 30o t - ()

g sin 30o t2

= 39.2 3/2 42(1/2) 9.8 (1/2) (42)2 = 113.7m Ans. (b) Range downward = 39.2 cos 30 t + ()

g sin 30o t2

= 39.2 3/2 42 + (1/2) 9.8 (1/2) (42)2 = 270.5m Ans. Motion down the plane Let the particle be thrown at a

velocity v0 at angle with the horizontal as shown in figure.

v0 sin ( + )T- 1/2 gcos T2=0 [for y'=0]

=> T = (2v0 sin( + ))/gcos R = v0 cos( + )T+ 1/2 g sin T2= ( )/g [(sin(2 + )+sin )/(1-sin2 )]

Since is the variable and maximum value of sin function is 1, therefore for R to be maximum,

sin (2 + )=1 and Rmax ( )/g [(1+sin )/(1sin2 )]= ( )/(g(1-sin )) down the plane.

Circular Motion Now we shall discuss another example of two-dimensional motion that is motion of a particle

on a circular path. This type of motion is called circular motion. Consider a particle P is moving on circle of radius r on X-Y plane with origin O as centre.

The position of the particle at a given instant may be described by angle , called angular position of the particle, measured in radian. As the particle moves on the path, its angular position changes. The rate of change of angular position is called angular velocity, , measured in radian per second. = lim
t 0

/ t = d /dt =

ds/rdt = v/r The rate of change of angular velocity is called angular acceleration, measured in rad/s2. Thus, the angular acceleration is = d /dt = d2 /dt2 Relation between These Parameters It is easy to derive the equations of rotational kinematics for the case of constant angular acceleration with fixed axis of rotation. These equations are of the same form as those for ondimensional transitional motion. = t = + ............ (i)
0 0



............ (ii) = 02 + 2 ............ (iii)



= 0+( 0+ ............ (iv)

Here, 0 is the initial angle and 0 is the initial angular speed. Illustration: (a) What is the angular velocity of the minute and hour hands of a clock? (b) Suppose the clock starts malfunctioning at 7 AM which decelerates the minute hand at the rate of 4 radians/day. How much time would the clock loose by 7 AM next day?

Solution: (a) Angular speed of minute hand : mh = 2 rad/hr = 48 rad/day = ( /1800) rad/sec hour hand : hh = ( /6) rad/hr = 4 rad/day = ( /21600) rad/sec (b) Assume at t = 0, 0, when the clock begins to malfunction.

Use equation (ii) to get the angle covered by the minute hand in one day. So, day)2 = 46 = 0(1 day) 1/2 (1 rad

Hence the minute hand complete 23 revolutions, so the

clock losses 1 hour.

Illustration: A particle is rotating in a circular path having initial angular velocity 5 rad/sec and the angular acceleration = 0.5 , where is angular velocity at that instant. Find the angular velocity, after it moved an angle ? Solution: Here angular acceleration is = 0.5 => d /dt = 0.5 => (d /d ) (d /dt) = 0.5

=> => => => rad/sec.

d /d

= 0.5

- 5 = 0.5 = 5 + 0.5 = 6.57 Ans.

Hence, when acceleration is not constant, use the method of calculus as shown in above illustration. Motion of a particle in a circular path It is a special kind of twodimensional motion in which the particle's position vector always lies on the circumference of a circle. In order to calculate the acceleration parameter it is

helpful to first consider circular motion with constant speed, called uniform circular motion. Let there be a particle moving along a circle of radius r with a velocity , as shown in figure given below, such that | | = v = constant

For this particle, it is our aim to calculate the magnitude and direction of its acceleration. We know that

Now, we have to find an expression for in terms of known quantities. For this, consider the particle velocity vector at two points A and B. Displacing B, parallel to itself and placing it back to back with A, as shown in figure given below. We have

Consider AOB, angle between OA and OB is same as angle between A and B because A is perpendicular to vector OA and B is also perpendicular to vector OB.

OB = OA = r and | A| = | B| = v .. AOB is similar to the triangle formed by A, B and .. From geometry we have, v/v = AB/r Now AB is approximately equal to v t. .. In the limit t 0 the above relation becomes exact, we have | | = lim t 0 / t = v2/r This is the magnitude of the acceleration. The direction is instantaneously along a radius inward towards the centre of the circle, because of this is called radial or centripetal acceleration.

Think: The acceleration vector of a particle in uniform circular motion averaged over one cycle is a null vector. Illustration: The moon revolved about the earth making a complete revolution in 2.36 mega second. Assume that the orbit is circular and has a radius of 385 mega meter. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the moon towards the earth? Solution: Here first of all we calculate speed v of the moon which is given by v = 2 R/T where R = 385 mega meter = 385 106 m

and T = 2.36 mega second = 2.36 106 sec. Hence v = 1020 m/sec. The magnitude of centripetal acceleration is a = v2/R = 0.00273 m/sec2. Ans. In the previous enquiry we have discussed the uniform circular motion in which the particle has constant speed. If the particle's speed varies with time then the motion will be no more uniform but a non-uniform circular motion. Let us discuss about this motion using the concept of vectors.

Non uniform circular motion Let us use the vector method to discuss non-uniform circular motion. Refer to figure 2.30, r and are unit vectors along radius and tangent vector respectively. In terms of er and e the motion of a particle moving counter clockwise in a circle about the origin in figure 2.30 can be described be the vector equation.

e v In this case, not only but v also varies with time. We can obtain instantaneous acceleration as, =(d )/dt = d /dt + v(d )/dt

Recall : - aR

(d )/dt = rv2/r = aT - er v2/r = aT Where aT= dv/dt and

aR = v2/r

The first term, aT, is the vector component of that is tangential to the path of the particle and arises from a change in the magnitude of the velocity in circular motion, called tangential

acceleration whereas aR centripetal acceleration. The magnitude of | | = (a2T+a2N ) Illustration: Point A travels along an arc of a circle of radius r as shown in figure given below. Its velocity depends on the arc coordinates l as v = A l where A is a constant. Let us calculate the angle between the vectors of the total acceleration and of the velocity of the point as a function of the coordinate l. is

Solution: It is seen from figure shown above that the angle can be found by means of the formula tan aR and aT. = aR/aT. Let us find

aR = v2/r=(A2 l)/r; aT= dv/dt = dv/dl = A/(2l)Al = A2/2 Hence tan = 2l/r.

Relative Motion Relative Velocity The position, velocity and acceleration of a particle depend on the reference frame chosen. A particle P is moving and is observed from two frames S and S'. The frame S is stationary and the frame S' is in motion. Let at any time position vector of the particle P with respect to S is

Position vector of the origin of S' with respect to S is From vector triangle OO'P, we get

Physical Significance of Relative Velocity Let two cars move unidirectionally. Two persons A and B are sitting in the vehicles as shown in figure. Assume, VA = 10

m/s & VB = 4 m/s. The person A notices person B to be moving towards him with a speed of (104) m/s = 6 m/sec. That is the velocity of B with respect to (or relative to) A. That means BA is directed from B to A.

Similarly A seems to move towards B with a speed 6 m/sec. That means the velocity of A relative to B ( AB) has the magnitude 6 m/sec & directed from A to B as shown in the figure.

Relative Motion

Relative Motion between Rain and


We know that, vr = vrg = velocity of rain w.r.t. ground, vm vmg Velocity of man w.r.t. ground and rm = rm - m velocity of rain => r = rm + m That means the vector addition of the velocity of rain with respect of man ( rm) and the velocity of man (vehicle) ( m) yield the actual velocity of rain r. The magnitude

and direction of r can be given as vr = ((vrm)2+(vm)2+ 2vrm vm cos ) = tan1((vrm sin )/(vrm cos + vm )) with horizontal m

Illustration: A stationary person observes that rain is falling vertically down at 30 km/hr. A cyclist is moving on the level road, at 10 km/hr. In which direction should the cyclist hold his umbrella to project

himself from rain?

Solution: Relative to stationary frame, velocity of rain is 30 km/hr downward. Take horizontal axis as x-axis and vertical axis as yaxis and i,j are the unit vectors along x and y axes respectively.


c= R-


= -30j - 10i = -10i 30j

If angle between horizontal and R,c is , then tan => =72. . Therefore, to protect himself from rain the cyclist should hold the umbrella at an angle of 72 from horizontal. Illustration: A man walking eastward at 5 m/s observes that wind is blowing from the north. On doubling his speed eastward, he observes that = -30/-10 = 3 = tan-1 3 =>

wind is blowing from north-east. Find the velocity of the wind. Solution: Let velocity of the wind is vw=(v1i+v2j)m/s And velocity of the man is vm=5i .. vwm = vw- vm=(v1-5)i + v2j In first case, v1- 5 = 0 m/s. In the second case, tan 45o = v2/(v1- 10) => v2= v1 - 10 = -5 m/s. => vw= (5i - 5j) m/s. => v1= 5

Illustration: From a lift moving upward with a uniform acceleration 'a', a man throws a ball vertically upwards with a velocity v relative to the lift. The ball comes back to the man after a time t. Show that a + g = 2 v/t Solution: Let us consider all the motion from lift frame. Then the acceleration, displacement and velocity everything will be considered from the lift frame itself. As the ball comes back to the man, therefore displacement from the lift frame is zero. Again,

the velocity with respect to the lift frame is v. g - (-a) = a + g ( ) downwards => Now, s = ut + 1/2at2 0 = vt - 1/2 (a+g)t2 or a + g = 2(v/t) .

Relative Motion of a Swimmer in Flowing Water Take river,

m w

= velocity of man = velocity of flow of


velocity of swimmer

w.r.t. river

can be found by the velocity addition of mw and w.


Crossing of the River with Minimum Drift Case 1:



A man intends to reach the opposite bank at the point directly opposite to the stationary point. He has to swim at angle with a given speed mw w.r.t. water, such that his actual velocity m will direct along AB, that is perpendicular to the bank (or velocity of water w).

=> For minimum drift,

You can realize the situation by a simple example. If you want to reach the directly opposite point or cross the river perpendicularly, a man, that is to say, Hari, must report you that, you are moving perpendicular to the shore. What does this report signify? Since Hari observes your actual velocity ( m) to be perpendicular to the bank m is perpendicular to w. Observing the vector-triangle vw =

vmw sin

& vm = vmw cos

=> = sin-1 (vw/vmw ) & vm = ((vmw )2- (vw)2) => d/vm => The time of crossing, t = t = d/(vmw )2 - (vw)2)

Case 2 : vw > vmw Let the man swim at an angle with normal to the bank for minimum drift. Suppose the drift is equal to zero. For zero drift, the velocity of the man along the bank must be zero. => vm= vw- vmw sin '=0

This gives, sin ' = vw / vmw, since vw > vmw, sin ' > 1 which is impossible. Therefore, the drift cannot be zero. Now, let the man swim at an angle with the normal to the bank to experience minimum drift. Suppose that the drifting of the man during time t when the reaches the opposite bank is BC = x x = (vm)x (t)

(1) where t = AB/((vm )y cos ) = d/(vmw cos ) (2) and (vm)x = vw vmw sin (3) Using (1), (2) & (3), we obtain x = (vw- vmw sin d/(vmw cos )) = (vw/vmw sec -tan )d

x = (vw/vmw sec -tan )d (4)

Relative Motion

For x to be minimum, dx/d = (vw/vmw sec sec2 )d = 0 - tan -

vw/vmw tan vmw/vw

= (sec

) => sin

= sin-1(vmw/vw) Substituting the value of we obtain in (4),

x= Crossing of the River in Minimum Time Case 1: To reach the opposite bank for a given vmw Let the man swim at an angle with AB. We know that the component of the velocity of man along shore is not responsible for its crossing the river. Only the component of velocity of man (vm) along AB is responsible for its crossing along AB. The time of crossing = t = AB/(vmw cos )

Time is minimum when cos maximum The maximum value of cos for = 0.


is 1

That means the man should swim perpendicular to the shore =>
mw w

=> Then tmin = d/(vmw cos )|( =0) = d/vmw => tmin= d/vmw

Case 2: To reach directly opposite point on the other bank for a given vmw & velocity v of walking along the shore. To attain the direct opposite point B in the minimum time. Let the man swim at an angle with the direction AB. The total time of journey t = the time taken from A to C and the time taken from C to B => t = tAC + tCB where tAC = AB/vmvcos & tCB = BC/v where v = walking speed of the man from C to B. => t = AB/vmvcos Again BC = (vm)xt + BC/v

=> BC = (vw - vmwsin ) (AB/vmwcos ) Using (1) & (2) we obtain, t = AB/vmwcos + ((vw vmwsin )/v(vmvcos )) => t = AB[(1+vw/v)sec /vmv tan /v] => t= d/vmv[(1+vw/v)sec /vmv tan /v] Putting dt/d we get = 0, For minimum t

dt/d = d/d [d/vmv (1+vw/v) sec /vmv - tan /v]

= [sec /vmv - tan /v (1+vw/v) (sec2 )/v] = 0 => => => tan /vmv (1+vw/v) sec /v sin = (vmw/v+vw) = sin-1(vmw/v+vw)

This expression is obviously true when vmw < v + vw. Velocity of Separation/Approach, Relative Angular Velocity Let thane be two particles A and B with velocity A and B at any instant as visualized from ground frame.

If we visualize the motion of B from frame of A the velocity of particle B would be B - A. If , AB. be the angle made with line

Then VB cos - VA cos is relatively velocity of B w.r.t. A along line AB.


If VB cos - VA cos > 0; it is called as velocity of separation. If VB cos - VA cos < 0; it is called as velocity of approach. VB sin - VA sin is relative velocity of B w.r.t. A along direction perpendicular to AB. If length of AB is . Then, angular velocity B w.r.t. A is (VB sin - VA sin )/l

Relative angular velocity = (VB sin - VA sin )/l.

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