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Copied and edited by The Russian (Commentator) --- 340 thread page version.

. Thread occurred on 5/4/2011 Latest update 25/01/2012 TDS(the darkness comes). For a short time, I'm back to answer questions you have. Bear in mind I can't answer certain questions such as naming names - those are instant red flags that will result in deletion of this thread. 1.GENERAL SECTION.(Official - 130 thread pages) Q(questioner). Whats the point of this existence if the people that can protect us actually hurt us? TDS.If we wanted to really hurt you we could do so in unimaginable ways. There's no need for us to add extra suffering - normal people do that well enough on their own to each other. We actually help more than hurt - for example, a massive earthquake was to hit LA in the 1980s, but that didn't fit into the plan. We had Buddhist monks and the Hopi Native Americans to intervene and make it much less severe. Q. Are you preparing for when Elenin comet affects earth? TDS. That poses no threat. If you're a doom lover you're will be disappointed come 2012, but you'll LOVE 2023-2027. Q. Why won't they use their secret technologies to clean up the nuclear disaster? TDS. That would reveal technology that WOULD be used by people to kill millions, and it would only save a few hundred people. Q. What is the point in all the deception? TDS.Study the concept of Chinese Legalism. If the people don't know the true intentions of the ruler, then they can't falsely pretend to follow along. It weeds out the good from the bad. Q. Are you inbred? TDS. Inbred yes - however, genetic technology has taken out the negative qualities that go along with this. Q. Insider, you are vastly outnumbered by the masses. You're losing control. TDS. The more people on the planet the better it works actually. Mob mentality benefits us greatly. Our goal never was one of depopulation. Q. Would you explain your handle, "the darkness comes?" TDS. In your future everything that runs on electricity will short out. When the power is restored the governments will mostly be united. Q. HEY PEOPLE!!! HEY, OVER HERE!!!!! This is NOT the elite insider fella from a while back. TDS.She was from a different group in Europe. So - no - I'm not that person. That group has their specific job, and we have ours. Her group spreads democracy like Republicans spread compassion. They help nobody and are completely self-absorbed. Great if you love fence-setting, do-nothing, push-overs.

Q. Title says "Elite Family Insider RETURNS for Q&A". Curious, because now you are saying that you are from a "different" so how is that "RETURNING"? TDS.I needed a catchy title - "returns" sounded good. Q. Is this event (electrical blackout) coming shortly? Also, will it be caused by natural or artificial means? TDS. We DO put time goals on things but here's something to always remember - WE DON'T CONTROL WHEN IT HAPPENS! This is why for hundreds of years we've always had candidates of what you call the "Antichrist and False Prophet" in waiting; because we're never sure when signs will happen. We have an idea - like I said 2023-2027 for the next major sign. Truth is we don't know if that's correct but it's our best guess. Tomorrow 6 signs could occur or it could be another 100 years before the next sign. Q. Any tips on survival? Is death only the beginning? TDS. Stop eating so much meat - for survival. You get reincarnated. Q. Everyone has a different definition of what "greater good" will mean for them. For example, some people would probably consider the world a better place if abortions were made illegal or if people were segregated by skin colour. What I was asking is what do you mean when you say "greater good" what would a world built for OUR greater good look like? TDS. Are you asking to see the New World Constitution? I can't show you the exact document but as far as your economy (which causes you the most trouble) goes, here are some details 1. Everyone gets a retinal scan at least a week after birth to distribute currency. 2. Currency will not be transferable between individuals (this is still being debated) 3. Currency will be called 'credit(s)' 4. You earn money by doing a task which benefits you, society, or both in a positive manner. 5. A committee decides the value of the tasks. 6. The committee is made up of everyone who wishes to participate and has studied 4 or more years at a school of higher learning. 7. A task may be introduced through a petition of 100 signatures and must be approved by 20 people with 6 years of higher learning. The world government won't have a single ruler like you think either. You'll have 5 Presidents and 5 Vice-Presidents all in office for 5 years - voting takes place once a year this way. The future economy we want to implant is a meritocracy that does resemble both communism and capitalism. Q. Do you guys get circumcised? TDS. The fake god started circumcision - so no, we don't. Q. What's the most unbelievable thing you have ever seen, supernatural or divine? Not while drugged, under a trance or while sleeping, but when you were totally awake. TDS. All my supernatural experiences were under the influence, but you MUST be under the influence of drugs. The word "sorcery" in Revelation is really the word "pharmakeia" where we get pharmacy. Would you still like to know the most supernatural thing I've ever seen? I've had contact with a demon who worked on Solomon's Temple. It explained Revelation to me.

Q. What happens in 2023-2027? TDS. Electricity fails for several months followed by World War 3. That date is subject to change. Q. So you claim that the biggest threat to my survival right now (a threat from the powers that be) is mad cow disease? TDS. Can't say how many will die from Mad Cow - 100,000 to a million is a good guess? You have a very small chance of having it. Whatever the number it MUST be enough to turn the world away from so much meat. The 'powers that be' didn't do mad cow - we knew of it and didn't stop it though. Scientists are screaming mad cow in humans can be dormant for 40 years or more before showing symptoms, yet this isn't headline news. It's common knowledge amongst those studying it. Q. Cigarettes, lung cancer, war, famine, man-made disasters, genocide, biological weapons... I don't see how mad cow disease fits anywhere into the picture along with those other causes/possible causes of death's. TDS. Cancer slowly kills. War kills and that's it. Look - this death is something the media will LOVE, and it'll scare people. You are prepared for it though. Why do you think we've influenced so many zombie movies to be made? Imagine a normal person going insane and attacking everything around them all within a matter of weeks, eventually they will go into a coma though. "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Q. Is there a connection between Asperger's syndrome, indigo children and star seeds? TDS. Yes there's a connection. Q. What is the biggest secret that you know of? TDS. The identities of the Antichrist and False Prophet candidates. Q. What is the difference between the Antichrist and False Prophet? TDS. Antichrist is the political leader. False Prophet is the spiritual leader. TDS. Your next President's last name will either start with a 'P' or end with a 'Y'. If things go our way and the "P" or "Y" President is put into place, then the timetable will be accelerated and World War 3 will occur during that administration. The person we're pushing has only one thing on the mind violence. Q. These all dates sounds like a lie to me. TDS. The only reason dates are put out there and publicized so much is so they can come and go, making the people more and more sceptical of prophets. Y2K, anyone? Q. And why do you want a president that's violent? TDS. A violent President will start World War 3, and WW3 is needed to disillusion people with religion. Q. And how are drugs beneficial? TDS. At recreational doses it causes mind/body separation, which is sometimes crucial in rituals. Q. 1. Is there a secret space program? 2. What if anything is on Mars? 3. What was on Mars in the past?

TDS. Secrets being done in space? Yes Nothing like you're thinking. Nothing like you're thinking. Q. 1st Question: When Earth becomes a white dwarf star and consumes the Sun, will humanity be destroyed, or will humanity have already left Earth to occupy a new solar system? 2nd Question: Seeing that you're quite vain, how does being an elite make you any better than the rest of humanity? TDS. 1. Humanity will survive through space travel before any major event completely kills them off. 2. I'm not sure it does make me better. "Elite" was a title others created. I've often wanted to live a normal life. Q. I'm guessing the agenda is to rid the old religious systems for a new integrated one? TDS. Yes, we'll replace the religious system - the current ones are horrible. Q. How did we as a species get here, and for what purpose? TDS. You evolved - you ate the apple which is symbolic of farming, so you settled down, built cities, the rest is history. Q. You are not an elite in this country unless you are part of a certain group...what is it? TDS. My group has no name. I would like to make this known - people seem to think I'm associated with a group I'm not. The closest association I could give you is "The Black Nobility", even though we have no name. Q. How do you know that you aren't being deceived by those people/entities above you? Isn't it possible that in spite of what you may have been told, you and your ilk are simply being manipulated as well? And if that is the case you may one day find yourself coming to the realization that you have aligned yourself with some truly grotesque forces and long ago passed the point of no return. Maybe it's just not worth it. TDS. Oh, what my group will do is bloody, downright obscene; however, it's for a greater good. Q. What will the new religion's goals be? TDS. The goal will be to make people follow this order knowledge/wisdom>wealth>selfimprovement>authority over others>spirituality>society>foreknowledge. Q. Who is the women that glows purple? TDS. She is a power enhancer. Q. I would like to know what "power enhancer" means. What happens if you are in the presence of this women? Does it give you power or is it just an offer of power that you have to accept or reject? TDS. Any woman with a purple aura can increase your energy. Here's an experiment. Ask a child under 3 years of age (and close to you) what color they see above your head. Q. Why do so many Jews claim to worship Lucifer? Who is Lucifer? TDS. Because they've been tormented. Lucifer is knowledge before love.

Q. Based on your comments about the religious reorganization and the way you describe your goals or duty. Does this involve killing Christians or individuals who claim Christianity even though they are pretty much just religious bigots for example certain denominations? TDS. No killing unless they want to kill us. Christians will be tricked into behaving nicely under the NWO. TDS. Yes, society is what we will kill, and can you blame us?! 40,000 hours spent on Hilton/Lohan/Spears in the media - less than 10,000 hours spent covering Darfur and the millions dead there. Q. What is the esoteric reason we get circumcised? If God created us perfect, and we are his children... TDS. Because the untrue god, Yaldabaoth, told Abraham to commit this atrocity, as Yaldabaoth hates children. Q. And HERE it is folks. It never takes long for the denouncing of God/Christ does it ? No. You barely made it to page three before the blatant denial of Christ/God. TDS. You really believe the True God would tell you to hack at your children's genitals? Q. If you are truly who you say are An elite. Why speak to us? Are we not beneath you? TDS. Beneath me? Not at all. I speak to you because it's allowed, and it matters little what is said on here - nobody will believe you. Another reason for releasing info is because this forum is labelled as 'lunatic'. Too much correct info was being revealed by sources we cannot control. Releasing true elite info on a forum like this makes it traceable so we decided to release as much as possible. Info revealed here will ultimately be traced back to this forum where the reader will go "Oh so it's a bunch of loons!" and ignore. What better way to snuff out the truth? Q. Can point me in the right direction to finding the appropriate spiritual rituals? Is DMT ever involved? Are these rituals general acts that hold some sort of significance or are they very strict, specific acts that must be done precisely to have the desired effect? TDS. Do you know the original purpose of jewellery and tattoos? Q.I know vaguely that the Bible warns of marking your body and piercing yourself, but that's about it. You haven't answered whether DMT is involved so I'm guess that's a no? Are you saying then jewellery and tattoos are important to rituals? TDS. The body is a conduit for spiritual energy, but poorly designed. RARELY some are born to receive (Joan of Arc). You have 7 chakras and each chakra can be magnified through jewellery. Of course you need the knowledge and wisdom to properly use it. Through either jewellery or tattoos, after the body's energy is balanced you may properly receive. To PROJECT you would need a wooden wand. Q. Can you tell me then why the Bible warns against tattoos and jewellery if they can help open our chakras? TDS. Because the writers of the Bible did not want you to dwell in those powers. What goes onto your body will not defile you. Rather what comes FROM your body will defile you. Q. My daughter is almost 4, and about to enter the pre-kindergarten program. I am worried about mandatory school vaccinations for entering public school. *(skipped)* I

guess it would be nice to know what we were fighting for. Why my family lost all the wealth and power it had accumulated up until that point. Today, with the exception of my mind and my mouth, I am a complete slave to the money masters. TDS. Vaccinations aren't that bad. Corrupt elements of society will taint her more than vaccinations ever could. Money and material things matter, but not as much as you should be slave to them. . . "Material things make excellent servants but poor masters." Q. Should we be buying silver and gold in bunches now? TDS. No. Besides, all this gold buying is to help rebuild Solomon's Temple. Q. What is this Exxon (oil company) monopoly all about? TDS. Oil prices and the current protests breaking out in Arab countries are meant to assist in World War 3 according to Albert Pike's 3 Wars Plan. To set up a global community a few major things stand in the way: monarchy, discrimination, language, money, religion. WW1 was to disillusion people with monarchy; WW2 to disillusion people with discrimination; money is being united under a global banner; language barriers can be corrected through technology; so that leaves religion (Want to guess what WW3 will be over?) Q. You said society would be destroyed, is this to help us get back to the basics of family and time alone with ourselves? TDS. Family-no; yourself-yes "Society can only instruct, inspiration springs from solitude." Q. Are the incoming energies from the sun beneficial to us, do they help us evolve? TDS. Being outside in nature is beneficial, period. You'll NEVER receive real enlightenment in a man-made building. Jesus received enlightenment in a river; Buddha was under a tree; Mohammed was in a cave - think about it. Q. If you are trying to help us, why the corn syrup to make us fat? Is it so we will grow our own food and take responsibility for what we are eating? TDS. It's so you'll keep putting time into other ways you're controlled (vitamins, healthcare, diet plans) Q. Egar Cayce recommended eating foods from our area, because of the vibrations from your area were in them. Do you agree? Anything else about Cayce we need to be reminded of. TDS. I don't agree. Eating locally-grown foods are healthier though and it saves transportation energy. Cayce is too vague. Nostradamus, Cayce, the others - if they EVER claim they can turn prophecy on and off like a light-switch, then they LIE. Prophecy just occurs in one's mind without their control, it cannot be willed into happening. Q. How to reach enlightenment? TDS. Some people off-and-on meditate in isolation over a period of years (white path); some get that 'high' by helping and giving to others (blue path); some use certain drugs to separate mind & body (orange path); some become self-improved (purple path); some have children, pets, or bring other life into this world or go out and make alot of money or add other material wealth to their lives or the world (green path); some focus on knowledge/wisdom (yellow path); some have to be evil and sin sin sin (or be a victim of it) before appreciating what is good (black path); some must find love (red path); some

dwell deep into religion, philosophy, spirituality (indigo path); some have to do a little of everything (rainbow path); some never walk a path. Q. What tools would you recommend for one to completely wake up? TDS. Just to keep studying philosophy & spirituality until you develop what palm-readers call a "Mystic Cross" on your palm Q. What are the best books on magick? TDS. To start with read Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" and maybe you'll find where to go from there Q. What books and films would you recommend to the average person? TDS. Book - Notes From the Underground (Dostoevsky); Autobiography (Ben Franklin); Nature (Emerson); Leaves of Grass (Whitman); The Waste Land (Eliot); Faust (Goethe); Don Quixote (Cervantes); Nausea (Sartre) --- movies - watch Groundhog Day and remember it's about reincarnation; Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; The Great Dictator; 2001: A Space Odyssey; The Decalogue (Polish); American Beauty; Network; A Clockwork Orange Q. What criteria determines whether you will eat something? eg. has to be from a certain country, must not contain certain ingredients or additives, certain brands? TDS. So much to list - I don't eat meat unless I killed it myself. It takes about 2 acres to sustain the eating needs of a vegetarian and about 12 acres for a meat-eater. The karma from that alone defiles someone. Fish is okay, and meat is okay as long as you have good teeth. Q. Why does it need to be demolished in a destructive manner? Why not just transition people into the new system painlessly. It is a lot like demolishing the old building without telling the people inside to go to the new building next-door. I think many innocents will suffer needlessly. TDS. It has to be in a dramatic way because "you have to hit people with a sledgehammer now-a-days to get their attention." Plus the old order won't go away without a fight. Q. Will the New World Order be more like a global dictatorship or a global co-operation? TDS. Mostly a global cooperation. Q. Are there groups that are working towards a world dictatorship to the disapproval of other groups? Are you using those groups to get all the construction for the new world done? TDS. There are many groups with many different agendas but the goals are usually the same - bring about a new world government, religion, society, economy. Q. How can you allow people to poison the planet, surely that should be above all priorities? Why have superficial environmental-protection campaigns against 'global warming' gained so much momentum when there are much more important issues like overfishing, deforestation and poisoning the air/land and sea? TDS. The Earth can deal with things more than you'd believe. Like global warming - the Martian icecaps are melting faster than Earth's, implying the Sun has more to do with this than humans do.

Q. Free energy, is it locked up to control people, or because it opens up new areas of science that could irresponsibly lead to weapons that can destroy planets? TDS. Free energy is withheld to control people, but it will be released during the reign of Antichrist. Q. Most people think the elite ruling families created the religions or at least they distorted their meanings for their own purposes, to make people obedient and also to fight other people, is this true? TDS. Yes, it's true. Native American religion kept some of the original knowledge intact, which is why they were mostly exterminated. Some Buddhists sects did too - which is why they're repressed. Same thing with the Gnostics being replaced by a twisted form of Christianity. Q. You said WW3 would be needed to destroy the existing religions, but wouldn't it be easier to just upstage the current religions and let them disintegrate on their own? Wouldn't the demonstration and use of real magick in public be enough to destroy the religions? Is this too hard to do? TDS. We were told WW3 MUST happen from a higher power, and we don't question that power. Magick is hard to do in public with so many conflicting vibes, which is why most of the miracles of the Antichrist/False Prophet will be technology-made. Q. Will 2012 be a significant year for the elites and what do you expect to happen in 2012? TDS. I except little to happen in 2012 and further disillusion people about the prophecy so they won't listen to the real prophets. Put enough fake prophecies out there that don't come true, and it discredits and silences real prophets - it's a propaganda disinformation technique called "tainting the well". Q. Is the 'new age' religion the creation of the elite families? If it is, how come you haven't pushed it too far? TDS. Because the False Prophet creates the New Religion, and he's still in his 20s and hasn't finished creating the New Religion yet. Q. Satan and Lucifer, two different beings? TDS. Satan & Lucifer - same being, different times. TDS. Denying someone knowledge is the first sign the withholder wants to be their master. Q. 1. Where have the bees gone? 2. Should we stop eating ALL meat? 3. What is the best thing to drink daily? 4. Has alien contact been made? TDS. 1. The bees died of a phenomenon that was a mix of a natural culling that happens every so often and man-made causes. It had nothing to do with a conspiracy though. 2. Heavy meat-eaters should cut back greatly not only for their own health but to experience better karma (but just remember doing good SIMPLY for the sake of better karma completely destroys the power and point) 3. Water, water, water - BUT too much fluoride in your water was never a conspiracy, nonetheless, it does damage your pineal gland (spiritually important) over a long period of time - pineal calcification.

4. Yes. Q. You say you are from the "bad" group of elite. Yet you also say you want to help mankind ascend? Please explain. TDS. The 'good' group thinks they can achieve what they want through zero violence or harm. My group thinks the ends justify the means and will use violence. Q. Is the earth a form of "prison"? If so, who controls it? And how can we escape it? TDS. The earth is a prison and so if your body a prison for the Divine Spark in all of us. The untrue god I mentioned controls it; because that's what created it. Only way to escape the earth and body is through MUCH evolution until we shed our material bodies (our #1 goal). Q. What really is gonna happen or begin at Christmas 2012? Tell us more about 2013 year,please. TDS. Nothing that special SHOULD happen in 2012 or 13. I wouldn't put too much stock in the Mayans, a group of people who didn't see their own demise coming. Q. Gold? TDS. Gold isn't that important. Gold's power lays with those who control it. Q. Is really planetoid Nibiru approaching? TDS. Nibiru isn't approaching. Q. Where will Solomons temple be rebuilt? TDS. In Jerusalem where it MUST be rebuilt for it to properly work. Q. And what's the purpose of rebuilding Solomons temple? TDS. Solomon's Temple is rebuilt to 1 usher in the messiah and 2 appease the Jews Q. Can I a regular person become as enlightened as you yourself? TDS. Anyone can be enlightened, but nobody is ever fully enlightened. You can be born into it or make connections either way. Q. You say we get reincarnated when we die. Can you tell us more about that? TDS. Buddha best explained the reincarnation process of the realms of hell, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, demigods, higher demigods. Q. So then you want the light of the good but need to bring in the dark to get it? TDS. How would we be able to know what 'light' is without 'dark'? It would be like trying to explain 'left' without 'right' or 'up' without 'down'. Q. When you say Antichrist and the false prophet, are they "bad" people or are they doing what must be done for good. TDS. They're doing what must be done. But they're also evil by birth. TDS.Since so many asked about my lineage, here it is. I will end it at my great-greatgreat-great grandfather, so I don't reveal my last name (which isn't the same as the first person on this list) or my identity. Also remember the longest back in time this goes, the more uncertain the dates are.

John Pearsall (1801-1886) son of Peter Pearsall (1769-1838) son of George Pearsall (1739-1825) son of Nathaniel Pearsall (1700-1825) son of George Pearsall (1670 to 1750) son of George Pearsall (1650-1700) son of Henry Pearsall (1630-1680) son of Thomas Pearsall (1580-1643) son of Edmund Pershall (1531-1629) son of Richard Pershall (1500-1550) son of John Pershall (1485-1520) son of Humphrey Peshall (1470-1489) son of Sir Hugh de Peshall (1450-1489) son of Hugh de Peshall (1430-1490) son of Nicholas de Peshall (1400-1450) son of Sir Thomas de Peshall (1370-1420) son of Sir Richard de Peshall (1340-1380) son of Adam de Peshale Jr. (1300?-1348) son of Adam de Peshale Sr. (alive during 1280) son of Walter de Peshale (unknown dates) son of William de Peshale (unknown dates) son of John de Lumley de Peshale (unknown dates) son of Lumley de Peshale son of Robert de Peshale - son of Robert Fitz-gilbert de Corbeil son of Gilbert de Corbeil (1049-1093) son of Guillaume, (alive around 1040) son of Mauger de Normandie (unknown dates) son of Richard I (932-996) son of William Longsword Duke of Normandy (893-942) son of Rollo of Normandy (860-932) son of Rognvald (unknown dates) son of Eystein Glumra (born 830) son of Ivar Jarl (unknown dates) son of Halfdan the Mild (unknown dates) son of Eystein Halfdansson (unknown dates) son of Halfdan Hvitbeinn `White Leg' Olafsson (unknown dates) son of Olaf Tree Feller (died around 640) son of Ingjald "the Untrustworthy" (died around 623) son of Anund (unknown dates) son of Ingvar (died in battle 545) son of Eysteinn (Swedish: sten; died 531 by arson) son of Eadgils (died around 505 from falling off horse and crushing skull against a rock) He was son of Ohthere Vndilkrka or Ottar Vendelkrka (Vendelcrow) (died 460 in battle) son of Egil (gored by bull & died 456) son of Aun "the Old" (death date unknown) son of Jorund (captured, hanged in 312) son of Yngve or Yngvi (killed in 306) son of Alrek (Alric) (240-280) son of Agni (Agne) (hanged in 260) son of

Dag the Wise (died 220) son of Dyggve Domarsson (died around 190) son of Domalde Visbursson (died 162) son of Visbur Ranlandasson (died 130 by arson) Vanlande or Vinlande Sveddeson (unknown dates) son of Svegde Fjalneson (1BC-34AD) son of Fjalne Froyson (32BC-14AD) son of Froy Ingveson (65BC-10AD) Njord Odinsson (95BC-20BC) son of Odin (125BC-30BC) son of Fridulf (155BC-?) son of Freothelaf (circa 215BC) son of Finn (c. 260BC) son of Flocwald (c. 305BC) son of Godwulf (c. 350BC) son of Geata (c. 395BC) son of Taewa or Tecti (c. 440BC) son of Beowa (c. 485BC) son of Scealdea (c. 530BC) son of Scelda or Sceaf (c. 575BC) son of Heremod (c. 620BC) son of Itormann (c. 665BC) son of Hathra or Athra (c. 710BC) son of Hwala (c. 760BC) son of Bedweg (c. 810BC) son of Seskef (c. 855BC) son of Magi (c. 900BC) son of Moda (c. 940BC) son of Vingener (c. 990BC) son of Vingethorr (c. 1035BC) son of Eiaridi (c. 1095BC) son of Hloritha (c. 1142BC) son of Vingener (c. 1189BC) son of Thor or Tror (c. 1236BC) son of Daughter of Priam (c. 1283BC) daughter of Priam or King of Troy (c. 1330BC) son of Laomedon (c. 1377BC) son of Ilus (c. 1424BC) son of Tros or Troy (c. 1471BC) son of Erichthonius (c. 1518BC) son of Dardanus Darda (c. 1565BC) son of Zara or Zarah or Zeus (c. 1612BC) Same Zeus of Greek mythology. Son of Judah (c. 1659BC) son of Jacob (c. 1706BC) son of Isaac (c. 1753BC) son of Abraham (c. 1813BC) son of Terach (c. 1882BC) son of Nachor (c. 1911BC) son of Serug (c. 1941BC) son of Reu (c. 1973BC) son of Peleg (c. 2003BC) son of

Eber (c. 2038BC) son of Shelach (c. 2067BC) son of Arpachshad (c. 2102BC) son of Shem (c. 2203BC) son of Noah (c. 2705BC) son of Lamech (c. 2886BC) son of Mehtuselah (c. 3074BC) son of Enoch (c. 3138BC) son of Yered (c. 3300BC) son of Mehalalel (c. 3365BC) son of Kenan (c. 3435BC) son of Enosh (c. 3525BC) son of Seth (c. 3630BC) son of Adam (c. 3760BE) Q. Who is the higher power that gave your group orders on what must be done? TDS. Grigori orders my group. Q. Who will win ww3? TDS. Nobody TDS. Of course the Earth is older than 6,000 years or even a million years. Observe how for the Hindu creator, Brahma, one day and night equals 8.6 billion years. And we understand the faster an object travels the slower time progresses for said object when compared to stationary objects. So you see how time for a being with knowledge constantly spanning the universe could pass at a different rate. Read in Genesis that on the first day God allowed light to the Earth's surface, which occurred approximately 4.5 billion years ago. Genesis mentions the Earth was formless, as Earth's core was degassing and ever-changing. On the second day, God separated the water from the atmosphere, occurring around 4 billion years ago. On the third day, dry land appeared, then plants, around 530 million years ago. On the fourth day, the stars, sun, moon, and other celestial objects could be seen - a clear sky more familiar to us. This was essential for seasons, calendars, and fixed objects in space (heavens). The presence of oxygen was needed for human life to develop. Shifting of the continents would play an important role when considering constellations for navigation, and this took place around 200 million years ago. On the fifth day, the living creatures, the ancestors to current life, were created in the sea and land. Genesis mentions the creation of birds as well. This occurred 65 million years ago. Finally, on the sixth day, man was created as Adam which has a two-fold meaning. 200,000 years ago modern humans began to develop. Many believe Eden means 'walled garden', and some interpret this as Eden being located in a volcano. However, this was a subtle way of telling us about cavemen. Ignorance is bliss, and as long as humans remained in caves and nomadic we were doomed to live in this blissful ignorance (paradise). The "walled garden" relates to caves of cavemen who ate the apple and sustained themselves. Eating the apple is symbolic of humans learning how to live off the land, therefore being able to settle in one area. Now humans had time to ponder philosophy and eventually develop a civilization. The serpent being made to crawl on the ground and be crushed by humans is symbolic of dinosaurs evolving into the creatures of today (they lost size and mobility) and symbolic of the rise of mammals. Humans realized animals could live off the land so why not humans themselves? This is how the serpent told Eve to eat the apple. The reason God related the history of creation and evolution to man in the manner He did in Genesis is because when communicating you must consider the audience. God was relating Genesis to a very simple people. To tell the outright truth would have

confused humans entirely, and they wouldn't believe it. Now humans yearn for the truth. Too much fighting and suffering has taken place over the book of Genesis, fighting which was never meant to be. Q. Is the LORD God of the bible and Jesus 'Christ' who the people are led to believe? TDS. Jesus Christ was embellished and borrowed from other religions, but 'historical Jesus' was real. He was simply a member of the Essenes (a group descended from the Pythagorean school). TDS. My group believes in jihad similar to the Quran. We believe... 1. First, fight the ignorance within 2. Then fight ignorance through the spoken word. 3. Then fight ignorance through the written word. 4. Then fight ignorance through any other means except violence. 5. Then fight ignorance through violence. We've tried over and over to combat ignorance through all means. Force will now be used. Q. Everyone needs to open their minds and their hearts in order to see the TRUTH! A thread by an elite seems to be one more distraction! TDS. Our reasons to interact are three-fold 1. Discover how effective our 'controls' on society have been through your reaction to certain things 2. Because we enjoy games 3. Because it's therapeutic to get all this off one's chest, holding in secrets so many years Q. I have a feeling this summer is going to have a lot of action. Any thoughts? TDS. This year hasn't been action enough?! You've had several nations overthrow their governments. This was completely elite-spawned. The Arab dictators were too complacent, not radicalised enough against Israel and the West. The dictators had to go in favour of installing a radicalised governments. These are the seeds for WW3. My group tends these seeds until fruitful. Q. Do you guys control psychics and prophets? TDS. 90% of psychics aren't psychic. Here's one good measuring stick setting aside prophets from false prophets - if a prophet pretends he can turn his visions on and off like a light switch - fraud. True Divine prophecy never bends to one's will. It comes without warning. TDS. Determining the weight of our karma: repetition and persistence of bad deeds, wilful intention, absence of regret, quality, and indebtedness. Q. So what's happening with the sun? What isn't known to the general public? TDS. Solar minimums and maximums catalyse social revolutions. Minimums hasten revolutions in warmer climates, maximums in cooler climates. The recent extreme solar minimum was the signal for provoking elements planted in Arab nations. Realize the solar/society correlation is merely a trigger and NOT the PRIMARY or SOLE cause of revolutions. Specific signs and patterns signal change in social winds, and this solar connection plays a major role related to my group.

Q. Who do you protect? TDS. I protect the 'nobody' talked about on other threads. It was mentioned on other thread the Illuminati tried to kill him but failed. They did cause him a massive heart attack in 2006 and several other attempts killed people around him - but never him. They haven't been able to kill him through several heart attacks, aneurysm, knife and gun attacks, shooting, car wrecks, strokes, poisoning, and the most recent attempt - tornado. Since these always fail they resort to their next most-used methods - distraction. They've sent money, drugs, and beautiful women his way to distract, but those all failed. Q. Please describe how your selection process was similar to the Dalai Lama selection process. Are you choosing the "False Prophet" mainly because of his birthdate or is there something else involved? TDS. The Dalai Lama is selected through visions. Odin's descendants received a vision of Odin's reincarnation on a new continent, the same land where "Merlin" died. erlin9.htm - This website explains some of how Merlin's resting place - Avalon - is actually America. Remember the vision they received was hundreds of years before Columbus' voyage. Settling in America, some of Odin's descendants received more visions of his reincarnation: 1. It would be a male. 2. The male would be of Odin's bloodline. 3. The man would come from a racist area culturally & educationally 'behind the times' and hypocritical with Christianity. 4. His birth would take place after a world war and after one side of the war kills over 40,000 within seconds. 5. He would be born on Tisha B'Av. 6. He would be born in an area that loses a civil war. The group waited for what seemed an eternity. After the Civil War, my group worked to fan racism in the South, as this energy was necessary for the reincarnation. We altered the chi energy of the area with a carefully-constructed area in a major southern city. After World War 2, we began monitoring the 100s of surnames descended from Odin. All we had to go on was a male born on Tisha B'Av in the South - of the 100s of surnames this was quite a feat. We knew the spiritual energy of the 1960s would prevent the reincarnation so attempts were made to stop that counterculture movement. The elites had to even postpone the introduction of AIDS until the reincarnation occurred. Finally in the 1980s our long-awaited one was born. We knew it was him through his first name, birthmarks, aura size & colour, and birthplace name. Q. You are saying that there is nothing even close to doom anytime soon is that correct? TDS. How many people die before it's considered "doom"? Q. 1. OP are you saying there will be no doom within the next couple of years? 2. If so, what are all the underground bunkers for? 3. Is there a chance that things could change and there will be no WW3? TDS. 1. No Hollywood-like major 'doom' like the 2012 people are saying. 2. Because they're a fad. Underground bunker production now is only a fraction compared to the apex of the Cold War, yet no doom came. 3. No chance. Too much has been invested. WW1 planted the seeds of WW2, just like WW2 planted the seeds for WW3. If the Western world and Arab world disarm and the Jews and Muslims get along in harmony, then it'll be avoided. Tell me what you think

those odds are. Q. How many elite groups are there? TDS. 7 Q. Lots of people just throw them all in one bucket, but I want to know more about the buckets. TDS. We'll study one group at a time starting with mine. We're the instigators and catalysts of change. We stir society's pot. "Eclectic" would best name us; however, no group is named. We believe in federal republics with a capitalist/socialist mixed economy with the end goal being a global federal republic with a meritocracy economy and allencompassing, LIVING religion. Q. Is the Eclectic group the biggest and most influential group? TDS. Biggest, no - most influential, yes. A second group has similar goals and sometimes works in conjunction with the first group. You could call this the Bohemian Group. The major difference between these 2 groups is the Bohemian Group (BG) has the natural environment as a primary goal. BG's goals are summed up in their monument, The Georgia Guidestones. Whereas most environmental groups want an escalation in technology, BG believes technology can help nature more than harm it. BG wants a renewed Age of Reason and a serious depopulation of the human race. They also want a return to ancient religions such as shamanism and paganism, and to do away with most major, modern religions. The Bohemian Group would have you follow a religion most akin to Native American religions mixed with European Paganism. By the way, do you know where the elites first started and when? Enoch tells where the Elites started, and you can trace our movement through the world from this place. Q. What can you tell us about Crystal Skulls? TDS. The Crystal Skulls I should go ahead and tie in with my listing of the 7 Elite groups. The third group to mention you'd best call 'rebels'. They are former elites who have turned against all forms of manipulating knowledge, wealth, self-improvement, government, religion/spirituality, and society. They believe humans should be allowed to lead their own destiny. The rebels reside mostly in South America and Africa. Rebels made the crystal skulls. We don't know why. This is what Earth under the Rebels would be like Are you hungry? You'll starve unless you have a garden. You'll have no garden unless you have a gun. Better have more guns and friends than the next group roaming the countryside. This is 'every man for himself'. You have no wife - Rebel elites are against marriage. Children are excellent farm hands, and that's why you have them. No police, no 911, no insurance. Pray a Rebel elite doesn't come through your area otherwise all manner of depravity I'd rather not discuss would happen. They're the Satanic, baby-raping, foaming-at-the-mouth people wanting nothing but anarchy and chaos. However, people usually associate those traits with Globalist Elites, big mistake. Q. That former group, did they decided to leave elites or were they banished from them? TDS. Nobody is banished - they decided to leave. TDS. The 4th group wants to gather as much power as they can under the banner of Christianity. Vatican, Jesuits are in this order. My group takes the bow for the recent sex scandal amongst this group. Why? Because there is no ONE way to God or peace. Not without killing several billion others. TDS. The 5th group is the same as I just described only the banner is Islam. TDS. The 6th group was your 2005 insider. They're based in India. They're very peaceful, passive, do-nothings. This group is highly spiritual in an ivory tower way. TDS. The 7th group are the Chinese elites. The Chinese elite is best known for how to control and run a society. They are highly secretive. They're one of the longest-lived elite

groups staying in one location. Chinese elites are shrewd, self-disciplined and patient. We are concerned about the demographic bottleneck the one-child policy has created. In the USA the baby boomers are starting to retire and this is causing a strain on resources. In the USA decades ago for every retired, old person we had 16 workers. Now the ratio is 4 workers for every retiree. The baby boomers aging is a slight problem for USA, but decades from now China will face a similar problem magnified by 100. The Chinese elites have not told us what their plan to handle this future crisis is. That makes us nervous because either 1. they don't have a plan or 2. it's a plan we won't like. TDS. Existing in different areas, smaller groups exist, but their influence is hardly worth mentioning. Q. What was the whole idea behind Aids worldwide? TDS. AIDS is a program of controlling societies opposing us, making citizens ever-more dependent on assistance. Q. There are, as you probably know, schools of occultism which survive in higher planes and attract, initiate, and even re-establish their Order from any available culture. Since they are far less perishable than a bloodline, do you not at times feel a bit mortal (as group)? TDS. Not really since mortals have greater free will. Q. So all this was to guide humanity to one point in time for your own glory? And why are you doing this if you know you cant win? TDS. Our goal is a Second Coming through our world government/religion. If a Second Coming arrives, then our goal is achieved. If it doesn't arrive, then we've built a global government/religion. It's win-win either way. Q. What are crop circles? What are they for? TDS. Crop circles which aren't fake are used to communicate important information in my group. Q. Do you get different vaccines or none at all? TDS. The same you get and more. Vaccinations in no way affect people like many conspiracy theorists believe. Vaccinations DO have a great side effect of making people more and more dependent upon the government. Q. Why are you doing this? TDS. Because I can, and no matter what I communicate here, nothing can stop what will happen. (Commentator: Nothing can stop what will happen, but we all can do everything to change the way HOW it will happen) TDS. PS: It tickles me how people fear Freemasons. Usually a Freemason lodge consists of old men arguing over who pays the utility bills. Q. What happened to Tesla and who possesses most of his material? TDS. The US government has most of his material. They've developed most to all of his ideas. Q. I only Rely upon myself to teach myself all I need to know and understand regarding this amazing aspect of reality is there.

TDS. You can't learn everything from yourself. That's the apex of human arrogance! Q. How about you post a Mission Statement, of sorts, explaining the world we are building. And, how that is a good thing. There is that saying, "the confused mind says No." TDS. We want a world with the best government, religion, society, knowledge, wealth, and people put into place. You live in a society where the media spends +40,000 labor hour on Lohan/Hilton/Spears and less than 10,000 on the quarter-million murdered in Darfur. This is society and being antisocial is called 'crazy'? No, no, no - a world like this cannot be allowed to continue. TDS. The first thing my group taught me is Socrates view on how only the wise realize how little they know. Q. Why are the leaders in the US so damn stupid? TDS. Because their hands are tied. Q. Be nice to everyone...even your enemies Gandhi TDS. Two lessons can be learned from Gandhi. 1. Gandhi accomplished what the collective Founding Fathers achieved, and he did it without lifting a finger in violence. 2. Gandhi criticized Jews violently resisting Nazis. He stated civil disobedience was the way to win. Jews practising civil disobedience with Hitler would have made the barrel smaller in this fish-in-the-barrel scenario. How we handle our enemies is determined by the morals of these enemies. Q. A greater good. Is that what allows you to sleep at night? Amazing. TDS. If you had to kill 1,000 to save 1,000,000 would you do it or stand by and let them all die? People believe elites are fat cats leaned back in a leather chair, smoking a 2ftlong cigar, pushing buttons to kill millions, and getting off from it all. If the elites weren't here you would've never existed. I can name several examples of how we helped history. Q. I wonder if the People's Republic of China is born under the influence of the elites? TDS. Communism in China was established to maintain a balance between Capitalism/Communism; West/East; Religion/Secularism Q. What way does the Chinese elites take? The "Bad" way like your group or the "Good" way? TDS. We do bad things for good reasons. The Chinese elites are the same; however the Chinese elites are more secretive about their actions. Q. You dont like your own creation? TDS. We put good and bad out there to see what choice people make. They keep choosing the bad. It's like a lab mouse pushing the button for an electric shock instead of the button for cheese. Q. What is the speculated or shown reason people keep choosing the bad? TDS. You see how the Holocaust left a scar on the psyche of the Jews and banded them together saying, "No more!" to persecution. In the same manner we shall catalyze the whole of humanity.

Q. How do you project someone's negative energy back to them? TDS. If you're in the presence of a person draining your energy there's a way to stop it, Finger Interlock Technique. Here's a link - Q. What is the inner voice? Is it the ego or the sixth sense and how do you differentiate between the two? TDS. Inner voice is ego, superego, id. You can tell when it's the sixth sense because the thought comes out of nowhere and usually when you're daydreaming or in a trance. Q. You bring up World War 2 here, can you go into the necessity of relocation of German Jews to facilitate the plan you stated about rebuilding Solomon's temple. And why so much would go into rebuilding what appears to be a glorified slaughterhouse? TDS. [Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed By Philip Gardiner] This book explains how Solomon's Temple is important. The Holocaust was necessary to reestablish Israel. TDS. People often gloss over important information. I gave out a HUGE piece of information this thread, and it was glossed over. Q. OK never mind about the gold I read your posts and found your answer in that gold is not important to own. TDS. Gold won't make you happy. It has purposes in magick and industry, but that's it. Q. Is it in fact possible to shed the physical body and ascend? TDS. I suggest you START meditation in the full lotus position. It is possible to control elements. Remember nature always uses the least amount of energy. Q. Who owns the military industry? Who sells guns and ammunition? Who owns the television stations, through which YOU administers the general opinion? Who holds knowledge? Distribution of a food and other goods? Who controls the oil of which are manufactured chemicals or fuel? You make people, force them to look or behave bad so you could find a reason to tell: "OOOOOOOOOOOOO, those humans, they are so bad ,evil, WE must punish them". But you never looked yourself into the mirror and seen your true picture. TDS. Ah! A time and place with no elites. It did exist once in my country. It was called the Wild West. Look what hell people go through when nobody directs them. Q. Why violence? TDS. Because violence is a catalyst for change. More progress was made during World War 1 & 2 compared to several millenniums. Q. I still think this thread is just role-playing. I love what the original 'insider' had to say many years ago, as a lot of it was actually true. But this person is just having fun with us. TDS. Growing weary of comparisons to 'original insider', I'll comment on her. Her group believes peace, patience, "going with the flow", and diplomacy will lead to global peace. Waiting 2,000 years may work for her group, but mine has shorter patience. TDS. Like I said the original purposes of jewelleries, tattoos, and piercings were to alter, correct, and magnify the chakras. Crown worn atop the head, a jewel on the 'third eye' area, short necklace for throat, long necklace hanging to the heart, navel piercing, genital piercing, and root chakra piercing. These were used to alter correct, and magnify

chakras. Human beings "forgot" how to properly receive spiritual energies. We are like a poorly-designed antenna. FEW are born with the ability receive (Joan of Arc). Receiving is easy - projecting and redirecting spiritual energy is hard. Hands are meant to do this. Jewelled sceptres were used, but poorer people used wooden wands modified with certain things. Q. What are the significance of birthmarks? TDS. Birthmarks are a case-by-case basis in terms of significance. Sometimes they matter a great deal, sometimes not at all. Q. What is your job? How do you go about every day? TDS. Farmer. Q. Henry Ford is a bit of an anomaly historically for me, can you shed some light on his attempts to make alcohol fuel, prohibition, and his connections to National Socialism, and Anti-Semite groups? TDS. Henry Ford was an eccentric. His anti-Semitic behaviour blacklisted Detroit for the Zionist/Jewish elites. Look at Detroit now. Q. **What does it have to do with Zionist agenda?? TDS. Zionist, surnames ending in 'y', I could go on with the symbolism, but it's there. The Zionists have a fetish for numerology and symbolism. Q. If God was really one of Mercy, He would blot this entire world out of his mind. TDS. The god who created this world has no mercy and only wants your worship. The false god who created this world simply wants to imprison the Divine Light inside you, imprison it in the material world. This god not only wants to imprison it - but cause the Divine Light to worship and work for meaningless ends. Q. So you are a Zionist then? TDS. Absolutely NOT! The Zionist elites are closest to what you'd term "Satanic". Q. So this Yaldabaoth...who's god is he? Do people worship them as their god, I mean? TDS. Yaldabaoth demands total worship at ALL costs. Most people today worship Yaldabaoth. You can tell who worships it by a few things: 1. Do the adherents reject science and knowledge or state science opposes religion? 2. Do they want church and state to be inseparable? 3. Do they use unwarranted violence in spreading their beliefs? 4. Do they use fear to coax others into accepting their beliefs? 5. Are they overly materialistic? 6. Do they promote one gender's power over another. 7. Do they harm children in the name of religion? Q. You mentioned your group was at war with the Muslim group. Do you have any leeway to describe the nature of the conflict, what is looking to be settled? TDS. Our plan is to turn the Jews and Muslims against each other in a war that will seriously cripple both groups. The Muslims were not being antagonistic enough toward Jews so we had to replace certain governments with more anti-Zionist regimes. The status quo was not working. USA's role in this part of the plan is simple - providing the ability for these 2 groups to weaken each other. Q. I'd love to see all the religious fundies, all over world, locked in a room until they all kill

each other off. It's what they want to do, except most of them are too chickenshit to take it to its logical conclusion. TDS. That's why we had to remove the 'chickenshit' dictators to install them with a younger, radicalised, more impulsive form of government that hadn't been softened by decades of materialism. Q. OP are you with the Knights of Malta? TDS. I'm connected with them, yes. Q. You've mentioned meat being a potential issue, and you've mentioned several groups 7 total, and that they do not agree on various matters. TDS. The only thing all groups agree on - when we are no longer needed this will be humanity's Golden Age. Q. Are spirits/demons real intelligent beings or artificial constructs and how to contact them? TDS. They are real, intelligent beings. Contacting them depends on the person's birth date and how perceptive said person is. Don't expect a physical manifestation to walk up and strike up a conversation with you. Communication is through indescribable feelings which are often difficult to analyse. Q. Can you remove only the bad people from the human Community? You dont need to kill 6.5 billion. TDS. 6.5 billion figure comes from a group with no control over means to achieve killing this number. Q. You have given people good and bad. Why not only a good things? TDS. If they had a 95% gold bar and a 99% gold bar, humans would call the 95% 'evil'. TDS. If an Insider reveals meaningful information will people accept it? People are programmed to deny, reject and discredit this info. A main goal of releasing this knowledge was to see how effective our programming is. Q. How effective do you believe your group's programming is? TDS. Well the thread was rated 2 stars and many negative comments. That shows great progress. Q. Yes, I believe a lot of people will accept it. TDS. We hope not! Our programming should cause people to reject knowledge of our plans. It also causes people to hurt themselves should our plans make their lives miserable. Q. And how is this effective? I don't see how this would raise the consciousness level of the planet. TDS. Currently that's not our goal, our goal is to lower it so humanity understands TRUE suffering. Then we elevate it. Q. Is this a sign between the elite**? TDS. Not at all. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Q. Where do Christians fit into this? TDS. Christians are the counterbalance against the Chinese or any other large group. We must always have an equal balance until the time is right to unite them. Q. Can you, in consultation with the higher entity, find/see out the future? Or find out

some possible options of future? Can you feel the "Force" - mentioned in Star Wars? TDS. "The Force" yes we feel something like that, but you do too! Listen to me on this nobody - NOBODY can tap into the future and see what's ahead. PAY ATTENTION: Anyone who claims the ability to see the future at will, like turning a switch on and off, are lying. Prophecy comes to a prophet when they least expect it. Seeing the future is out of human's hands. Q. How to you expect to bring about a "Golden Age" by denying the mass population of true education, art, spirituality, and moral-integrity? TDS. Bad but simple analogy: Let's say you are forced to turn left in your car at every intersection. Every time you turn left it hurts you. You can't help turning left, you can't help the pain. You start to accept the pain and even like it. You hate your love of the pain, but what can you do? One day someone comes along who can make you turn RIGHT. It feels great to turn right. You'll never turn left again because of how it made you feel. We show people evil, evil, and more evil so they'll accept the good. Q. In what way it is possible to unite people that all have ceased to hate each other? TDS. To unite people give them a common enemy. Simple as that. Q. Are the European side of the Powers That Be stronger than the American counterparts? What are your tasks inside your family? TDS. It's meaningless to compare the American and European sides, both have the same agenda. My tasks are to guide the False Prophet through life and cause him to experience wisdom through trial and error at an accelerated rate. Q. What if you are wrong and that is the wrong strategy to take? Maybe people don't need to suffer to reach the end goal you are trying to achieve. TDS. We've tried to do it the peaceful way before, and this achieved little lasting effect. Q. Is your group responsible for the programming or do all the groups agree on the programming? What is the "Main source" of the programming? TDS. Each group has its own programming. Ours is the most effective. Food, drinks, drugs (legal and illegal), television, healthcare are the main sources. The Amish are a group little of our programming reaches. Remember the Amish school shooting and how quickly the shooter and his family were shown mercy and forgiven? Our programming would NEVER allow that. Q. I've studied the original insider answers for years and this thread and OP are complete crap. TDS. That other insider's group focuses too much on "spiritual/intellectual masturbation", that group goes around and around in circles. My group and everyone in it will answer in short, direct ways. People want answers. Q. Why you should give us true information. What benefit it gives us? TDS. I said before my only job here is to see how well our programming is working. I'm posting here and on another site. On the other site I'm using anti-Zionist propaganda to see how effective our pro-Zionist programming is. Q. Evil is subjective. What we call evil ,you may call "good" for humans? TDS. You know what good is. Good is something benefiting you and others in nearequal amounts. My group's negative karma is from our negative deeds. Someone has to

be the sacrifice, and my group will be that sacrifice. Q. Your group didn't kill Bob Marley or 2pac, but did kill Kurt Cobain and Michael Jackson? TDS. Misfortune on Marley and 2Pac's part. Kurt Cobain introduced an apathy we previously tried to manufacture in early 1980s, and his death spread this apathy. Michael Jackson - well, he nearly caused irreparable damage to our cause. The reversing he did of our programming snowballed until 1993. Many feared Jackson would take some reins of power from the elite. Attempts to discredit and ruin him, especially made to coincide with his comeback plans, ended with the entertainer's death in 2009. Michael Jackson joined the Rebel Elites. Elite isn't something you walk away from or get out of like 4H Camp. If you totally reject and leave to be on your own, you're dead. You don't want to provoke the elite. First they'll distract you with money, women and drugs. If you're too upstanding they'll ask you to join. If you refuse both, then you're dead. Rebels are USUALLY Satanic, but Michael Jackson wasn't. That's why he was such a threat; because he had morals, was patient, and planning. Q. So the accusations against Jackson were false, right? TDS. Of course. How many violent, evil kiddie rapists do you know supporting children's charities? Forces against him stretched out his torment, rather than letting him die they used the one thing most precious against him children. Q. What was it exactly about Michael Jacksons effect on people that your group feared so much? What changed in 93' and what did you fear him doing before his death? TDS. He tried to make people care. This goes against current programming. What changed in 1993 was Michael Jackson never hit a plateau. He kept getting more and more popular all over the world. The Beatles and every other musician hits a peak, but we didn't see one for MJ. He could have ruined years, decades, or even a generation of programming. He privately threatened to expose the elite groups, that's what we feared. Q. Why do you believe that the ends justify the means, when you just labelled the Zionists as "bad people" for following that very same principle? TDS. Killing a child simply to say "shut up" is different than killing a small percentage of the population to save the vast majority. It shows how that group views humans as cattle. The Zionist Elite have more hatred toward the masses than any other major elite group. Simply and directly telling me to be silent would have sufficed. Q. Who do you most admire and why? TDS. Admiration of heroes = worthless. The works of people = something to admire. Q. Are you concerned that people may "wake up" and push away from the programming? TDS. People develop immunities to programming in the same manner of antibiotic immunity when given in long-term doses. Programming must stay in flux. People won't wake up until we will it. Q. Odin was mythological. So how are you tracing your lineage back to him? TDS. Odin was as real as Jesus or Moses. So much mythology is attributed to him, and scholars throw away the mythology with the person attached to it. Q. I thought your group has more power than the Bohemians. How did you let them beat

you in the 2008 election? TDS. Sometimes one group overpowers another group. We never wanted Obama as President which is why we won't allow economic recovery while he's in power. Q. You wrote that there will be several months of growing solar flare activity from now on. Will there be large-scale electricity blackouts or any other consequences due to that? TDS. Solar flares will depend on how well the False Prophet can master Fire Magick. Currently he seems to be doing great summoning a drought for his area. Q. You said the material world existed as long as the science tells us. So does this mean humans were simply another type of mammals walking around on two feet and acting like all-eating hunter-gatherers without having "mind" in the philosophical sense (I mean conscience, what separates us from like dogs)? TDS. Human being used to be mere animals until the symbolic Adam of Genesis and that era occurred. All humans had to do was stop roaming, settle down, plan for the future. It was simple as that. TDS. Lucifer only demands one thing - for humans to transcend and shed their material bodies through knowledge (no matter what the costs). Q. You said earlier that you "tried to do it the another way before, but it failed." Does that have anything to do with it? How does having various, distorted religions across the world help your cause? TDS. The knowledge/wisdom is hoarded so it may be revealed when the time is right. Distorted, failing religions works great for us - it clearly defines what religions NOT to follow. In the past we tried through war to conquer, but we've learned it's more powerful and lasting to conquer through peace. Q. We all know that fluoride is bad for us, so what kind of water do you drink? Does the elite have a source of pure water, or you use some kind of process to de-fluoridate it? TDS. Plenty of products exist to remove fluoride from water. Q. How long do we have, until it all gets to the point, where NOBODY can deny what's going on, OP? TDS. Oh people will ALWAYS deny. Q. Nibiru, UFO, chemtrails, epidemics, natural and man-made disasters, others - all this is just distracts our attention from certain problems? TDS. Nibiru - fake distraction, UFO - fake distraction, chemtrails - real but usually fake, epidemics, natural and man-made disasters - real and not meant to distract. Q. I always assumed you didn't give people a choice in the matter. I'd imagine you guys to be masters at getting people to do your will. TDS. We are but free will is the most powerful thing on the planet, more power than all Elite groups combined. Q. Would you consider Earth a prison or a school? TDS. Earth is a both a school & prison. Q. Is this true? We are here on this "Prison Planet" of our own free will. TDS. You're on this 'prison planet' because will free is often TOO strong and passionate,

resulting in wars and wasted efforts. Negative emotional energy for those entities is useful because it's one of the most abundant spiritual energies, AND it's usually the most powerful. For these entities this emotional energy is like nectar for hummingbirds. An example of one person's freewill making a difference - Gandhi did what the entire collective Founding Fathers of USA did, he established the largest democracy in history and did it with no war, no shots fired, no defaming his enemies, and no miracles. Q. Do you really plan ahead for the next 5000 years, or do you settle for the next Bilderberg conference? TDS. Large goals are planned decades ahead. SOME of the year-to-year particulars of HOW those goals are achieved are handled by the Bilderberg. Q. Your group is considers paedophilia as a valid sexual orientation? TDS. Paedophilia is frowned upon by my group. However, what do you define as 'underage'? Q. Which macroeconomic indicators uses the "finance department" of your group to predict the condition of world economy? TDS. All financial decisions are handled by the Zionist Elite. Q. Are 'alternative' news sources like A. Jones, Coast-to-Coast legit or are they more controlled than main stream? TDS. They're more carefully controlled than main stream; because these sources deal with people TRYING to uncover plans. Q. Are Lucifer and Satan different entities? Why do the "Elite" commission art work at their sites--for instance the Denver International Airport....and other sites. Why did you choose the name "when darkness comes"? TDS. Lucifer & Satan are different entities. Art is one of the most powerful programming carriers, and because art is critical to the Age of Aquarius. "the darkness comes" pertains to a global blackout lasting months - something like this - You're driving down the interstate at night. The car dies. Coasting to the shoulder, you realize it's EVERY car that just died. Making your way back home you realize the total blackout is far-reaching and long-lasting. Months pass, and the lucky survive. When power is restored all developed nations announce a global alliance, a new world order, to cope with this disaster. Q. What makes art so powerful? Is it really more than just pictures on people's walls? What is it's true power? TDS. Art's power is unexplainable in short terms, but everything spoken and written has its own spirit energy. The human mind isn't capable of properly comprehending 'God'. Insanity increases as one comes closer to comprehending God. You can always tell when you're in contact with the true and untrue god by this - the true God makes one want to help others and his/herself. The untrue god causes an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Q. Princess Diana. Which group killed her? TDS. The Globalist Elites killed her. She was pregnant with the child of a Muslim. This wasn't according to plans. Her chosen son could never live in the shadow of all this publicity.

Q. What are the family's views on cannabis? TDS. That more people should smoke it. Q. So why was it outlawed in the first place then? TDS. Remember after alcohol Prohibition how well it benefited the mob's black market? For the same reason this drug was outlawed - so the cash flows to certain groups. Q. What is the best way to survive the coming darkness? And is this worldwide? TDS. I suppose electronics located far enough underground would be immune - but what citizen would take those lengths? Yes, it's worldwide. Q. **So these are the people trying to make the whole world into a Sodom and Gomorrah? They are wolves in sheep's clothing? TDS. No Sodom & Gomorrah. Speaking of - do you know the REAL reason Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed? Q. What was the real reason Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? TDS. The real reason Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed is because humans attempted to rape angels, and human/angel sex is one of the worst sins. This whole notion homosexuality caused the destruction is false. The Bible states the young boys gathered with the older men of Sodom to rape those angels - this implies child rape was going on yet that's NEVER mentioned by people claiming Sodom was destroyed over homosexuality. Q. What I'm trying to understand is how the factions came to be with in your groups, and how the varied approaches result in the same end? TDS. If one group chooses violence and another peace - people assume those two groups have different goals since the methods differ. This delusion benefits us. Example - Republicans accuse Democrats of pushing globalism and vice versa, when in fact both groups push globalism. Q. Can you comment on any individual circumstances that lead to the different factions came to be? TDS. The volcanic eruption which destroyed Thera resulted in the Jews escaping Egypt. This was a major event in the history of elites. Q. My concern is some kind of long standing plan emerging from that involving disease as you mentioned, in this case was the effect of the disease you mentioned planned long ago, or was it planned as a response to the rise of these institutions? TDS. The meat-related disease or some other anti-meat-eating event is planned to increase vegetarianism and decrease war. One result of this is decreased use of land. A vegetarian needs about 2-3 acres a year to support their diet. The average American eat-eater requires over 12 acres yearly. If every American cut back meat consumption to a healthy minimum it would save an area bigger than Texas from reducing grazing land. This is why Indians and Chinese were influenced to eat so little meat - can you imagine +2 billion people eating meat on par with Americans? Q. Meaning for example, "here is something good here is something bad", you would act on those that choose the bad to correct it, but likely ignore the good. Until there is essentially nothing "bad" left? TDS. A wise man once said "There is no sin, but you do things and call it 'sin'."

Q. What is the deal with all the powerful politicians- it seems like more than normal- in the news being brought down for sex scandals? TDS. We noticed sex scandals work best and are easiest to arrange. Q. Is MOST popular music used to influence the masses in a negative way? It would appear not since you intimated Cobain and Jackson were offered to prevent his influence on gen X. TDS. Some music is, but sometimes anti-elite musicians like Cobain and Jackson become popular. No, the hippie movement was discredited by our propaganda called "tainting the well". This is where you send in people to discredit the opposing view's character. An example is healthcare reform movement in the USA. Supporters of healthcare reform would often send hired 'crazies' to town-hall meetings pretending to be opposed to healthcare. These were the people standing up saying Obama was a Muslim hell-bent on US destruction through socialist medicine - it made the anti-healthcarereform movement look like raving loons, and it worked. Another instance of this form of propaganda was the US government creating and releasing sexually explicit colouring books for children and making it look like the Black Panthers were behind it. Led Zeppelin are pretenders. Q. What's up with bi-polar disorder? What is the nature of this "illness"? TDS. Most 'disorders' are gifts. Labelling them as disorders is a result of human's need to over-categorize everything - what was once a hyper child is now a 'disorder'. I'll type more about handling 'disease' and 'disorders' later. Q. I dont understand.. are you human from a wealthy and powerful? TDS. Powerful yes - wealthy no. Abundance of wealth taints - "If you want to know what God thinks about money look at the people He gives it to." Q. Do you have any special gifts? TDS. My major 'gift' is the uncontrollable ability to 'feel' and 'act' according to the emotions of a group of people. I also have the 'gift' to stir up dissent without trying. Both these powers prevent me from living in large populations. Q. Is a standard tuning of guitar (or any other instrument for that matter) has been chosen for any particular reason to be like that? TDS. Random. Q. What is your attitude toward lies? TDS. Lies are useful currency among the elites. Q. How about compassion? TDS. Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation. Q. How will you explain failed attempts to conquer Russia throughout the history? How will you explain victory in WWII when all stakes were against the Russia? TDS. We achieved some level of democracy in Russia. That was our goal for that country. Q. Do you consider yourself and all of "the keepers" and whatever people, who are hiding all this knowledge from humanity, the chosen ones?

TDS. Nobody is 'chosen'. God doesn't play favourites - that's a human quality. Q. Are you helping others? (i.e. If you see a poor "guy" or someone in a "bad" situation. Will you help this being?) TDS. Yes, I'll help but usually not in the way the person wants it. Q. Starvation during "The dark ages"? TDS. We promoted starvation during the Dark Ages so the Renaissance looked far better in comparison. Q. Can you provide much insight in the black death or bubonic plague that overtook humanity some time ago, it may be distant, but it interest me, essentially how did the elite of that time use the event? TDS. The Black Death was used to make a contrast between the Dark Ages and our elite-generated Renaissance. Q. You've been saying about drugs - that they are the ones that give you "supernatural experiences". And also you've said that we are never supposed to make a connection with a higher intellect through a mediator, which is what you are suggesting. Discrepancy? TDS. Drugs make excellent servants but POOR masters. Q. What is the deal with oil, is it abiotic or at peak? TDS. Oil is a 'lever' used to control society. If it peaks or not depends on future events. Q. When the economy implodes, will gold and silver be worth anything... or will it be 'stolen' from us again? TDS. Gold & silver will begin to decline in value when enough of it has been bought up to rebuild Solomon's Temple. Q. How long will you be answering questions on this thread? TDS. Until my group is done answering questions. Q. Which countries will be a source WW3? TDS. It's planned on being Arab nations against Israel. Q. Can you give us an idea of what the world will look like when the work of the elite is finished? TDS. Society will be glamorizing knowledge & wisdom. A new all-inclusive religion will rival Christianity. Government will be a global democracy. The economy will be a global meritocracy. Failure for us is incomprehensible. Q. **If Jesus was a vegetarian I have no problem with that but the scriptures indicate the opposite. TDS. Well Jesus was a member of the Essenes. They did eat some meat but refused animal sacrifices. The Essenes at least promoted a more passionate stance toward animals. The Essenes may have eaten meat (although less meat than other people of the time), but their core philosophy stemmed from the Pythagorean School, members of which were vegetarian. Q. Illness, diseases. Where does they come from?

TDS. Illness or disease is the caused by seven things. In the Secret Teaching of All Ages, Hermetic theory of causation of disease is discussed. 1. "The first was evil spirits. These were regarded as creatures born of degenerate actions, subsisting on the vital energies of those to whom they attached themselves." 2. "The second cause was a derangement of the spiritual nature and the material nature." 3. "The third was an unhealthy or abnormal mental attitude. Melancholia, morbid emotions, excess of feeling, such as passions, lusts, greed, and hates, affected the mumia, from which they reacted into the physical body, where they resulted in ulcers, tumours, cancers, fevers, and tuberculosis." 4. "The fourth cause of disease was what the Orientals called Karma, that is, the Law of Compensation, which demanded that the individual pay in full for the indiscretions and delinquencies of the past." 5. "The fifth cause was the motion and aspects of the heavenly bodies. The stars did not compel the sickness but rather impelled it. The Hermetists taught that a strong and wise man ruled his stars, but that a negative, weak person was ruled by them." 6. "The sixth cause of disease was a misuse of faculty, organ, or function, such as overstraining a member or overtaxing the nerves." 7. "The seventh cause was the presence in the system of foreign substances, impurities, or obstructions. Under this heading must be considered diet, air, sunlight, and the presence of foreign bodies." Q. Are you in war with other elite groups? Where does earth play into all of this? I seriously dont get the reason for the elite to exist. What's so great about the human race- why so interested in it? TDS. We don't really 'war' with other groups except the anti-elite rebel group. The human race has done more in the last 5000 years than the previous 500,000 combined and more in the last 100 years than the previous 5000 combined. This warrants interest. Q. Are children a resource to be exploited or are they something that should be invested in? TDS. Children are both an investment and a resource to exploit. Education should begin as early as possible - that's one thing we're trying to spread. Q. Why can't the Zionist Elite just print unlimited money? TDS. They can print unlimited money, but so much gold WAS laying around in people's jewellery drawers it took a lot of money to get them off the bench and turn in that gold. TDS. This is one of the favourite speeches among Globalist elites. It was written by and delivered by a Globalist elite. The speech is a great answer to a questions I was asked "How are normal people important?" and "What is it the elites want?" This speech was sent by the Globalist elite to the recently-overthrown and soon-to-be-overthrown dictators [From the movie The Great Dictator with Charlie Chaplin]: "I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible. . . The

misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed. . . YOU DON'T HATE! Only the unloved hate, the unloved and the unnatural the kingdom of God is within a man, not ONE man nor a GROUP of men, but in ALL men. In YOU! You the people have the power!... A decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give youth a future, and old age a security. By the promise of these things brutes have risen to power. But they LIE. They do not fulfil that promise. THEY NEVER WILL. DICTATORS FREE THEMSELVES, BUT THEY ENSLAVE THE PEOPLE! ... free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness." Q. Will people be able to practice their own religions like now? TDS. Sure people will still be able to practice their own religion, but most won't; because that talking box in their living room will tell them otherwise. Q. Can older classic cars be disabled or are they immune to blackout? TDS. If it runs on a spark or electricity of ANY kind, then it'll be disabled. Q. So, what about the part of society that already "glamourises" knowledge and wisdom? TDS. SOME yes, but a single pro athlete makes more money than every Nobel Prize winner combined - and has a larger following. Q. What do rebel elites want for society? TDS. Rebel 'elites' want no society, no religion, no government, no elites. Q. How idiotic is your argument that our "loving god" decided to set apart a group of human beings as "special" by ordering them to circumcise our children? TDS. Untrue god has a grudge against the Jews because they escaped its persecution. Its plan was to lead the Jews out of Egypt into the desert where they would meet an end through starvation, disease, and other calamities. Then the true God intervened, and since that time the untrue god has persecuted the Jews at all costs. Q. What should I do with my life? TDS. Only you can answer that. Q. What gives your group the right/knowledge to make decision for EVERYBODY? TDS. Modern society people ALWAYS choose the bad. Q. The future society you are describing sounds less like a universal brotherhood of democracy and more like a scenario where a small group of elites can more easily dominate the world and crush opposition. TDS. Humanity has reached a point where the call to the future will never be heard through one voice, it must be a global voice. Our only opposition are those who oppose a Knowledge/Wisdom First policy. Q. How an average rational person can help the struggle for common good? TDS. The only thing you can do to avoid our plans is convince nations to stop war, convince religions to get out of ancient times and into modern times, convince society to stop herb/mob mentality and promote knowledge, trick the economy to promote positive growth of the person and community rather than greed. If one can accomplish all this, then the elites will be eternally grateful.

Q. So what is the outcome of your "test"? TDS. I don't analyse the results this is left up to experts in propaganda. TDS. If we suddenly would brought the people up to justice, they would set up an elite group. It's happened before, and will always happen. It's a human condition. Eliteless societies have existed and they were all the last places one would want to live. Q. But a populace that is truly knowledgeable and wise will be almost impossible to control, no? TDS. A more intelligent society can be better reasoned with and controlled. Compare the 'educated' countries in Europe, America, Asia - our influence over them is far, far greater than 'uneducated' countries in South America, Africa, and Asia. Q. How does this true god differ than the one we hear about? TDS. Worshipping the untrue god usually entails dressing up on Sunday, going to church, slothfully and boringly sitting on your rear, listening to a guilt-trip sermon. Worshipping the true God entails putting on work clothes, doing community service, improving yourself. You'll never achieve enlightenment in a church. "Society can only instruct, inspiration springs from solitude." Think of the major religious leaders - none of them achieved enlightenment in a church, it was always in nature. Jesus was in a river, Mohammed was in a cave, Buddha was under a tree. Q. When was the last time you did anything for yourself much less for humanity? TDS. A more recent thing we did was release the working cure for AIDS. TDS. Maybe that's a poor example since we created AIDS in the first place. TDS. AIDS was created as a way to secure power over a region we didn't want to secure through war - Africa. We had the virus and the medicine to keep people alive. TDS. It's a real cure, but you have to be rich to get it. A cure's a cure though. In time it will be cheap. Right after this cure was confirmed is when we kicked the door in on Arab dictators. I mentioned AIDS was our way of controlling Africa, and the virus didn't spread as much as we thought it would so we decided to release the cure and begin control of Africa through military means. Q. That is it? Isn't there something that is available to all people that isn't so expensive and invasive? TDS. Our new method of controlling this population has worked out SO well. With AIDS less than 10% were controlled by elites. With our new method this rate is over 60%! TDS. Every day the elite work to put themselves out of business. It would be great if we could give control over to the people, but this can't happen all at once. Handing over control entails making people knowledgeable. You're better off with the Globalist elite than any other group. The Christian elite gave you the Dark Ages - how did that effect quality of life? The Christian elite 'saviour', Swedenborg, also failed to unite people as the Christian elite hoped. Q. Could you give us info on how to know if things/products/restaurants are safe or not? TDS. I can't tell you what to avoid. I'm not allowed. This threat is exaggerated in people's mind. The media will corrupt your spirit 1000 times faster than food. What you absorb through the mouth has little power compared to what you absorb through the eyes and ears. Q. Why the Jews? Leaving them as slaves seems bad enough.

TDS. Yaldabaoth has led many groups of people to their death. The Jews were one of the tenacious groups to escape extermination - over and over and over. This infuriates the false god. Yaldabaoth caused the Egyptian plagues and lead Hebrews into the desert, the plan was for them to die of starvation. However, the true God saved the Jews. Since that day, Yaldabaoth has sought revenge on the Jews. This is why they are persecuted from every angle. Q. What makes him the True God? What makes Yaldabaoth the "enemy"? TDS. Yaldabaoth is the enemy because it only wants worship and sacrifice. Sabaoth is the true God because He understands and is the way to the Holy Spirit, Pistis/Sophia. Q. Could you define the "untrue god" and the "True God"? TDS. Examples: False god: demands worship, demands you fear it, demands you sacrifice and kill in its name, turns religion and science against one another, hates children because they assure humanity's future, hates women because they give birth to children, wants to distract you and keep the future imprisoned by focusing only on knowledge or only on wealth or government or religion. True God: demands you worship ideas only - not people or idols, wants religion and science to be united for truth, wants quality-of-life improvement for women and children, wants you to path the path of knowledge/wisdom>wealth>self-improvement>authority over others>spirituality>society contributions>foreknowledge. Q. Promoting knowledge to whom? If knowledge is power - then promoting knowledge would be giving power away not securing power. TDS. Promoting knowledge to everyone. Yes, knowledge is power, and it's giving away free power. Humans, no matter how intelligent, always desire some form of leadership. Don't worry about the elites, we'll be fine. Q. What percentage of movie stars would you say are picked, controlled or part of the "elite"? TDS. We control many celebrities, but almost none of them know this. Celebrities are too unstable to know these things. As I said before, Michael Jackson turned against the elites, and he used to be one. He was going to expose everything in 1993. He had names, addresses, dates, future plans, past events, pictures, videos - enough to have set us back 50 years. You may wonder why we didn't just kill him - he had several methods in place by which his death would cause this information to be released. So a plan was carried out to discredit him while finding out the locations of the info he had. Upon raiding his house, elites carried out over 400 boxes of information he had. Of course the media told you this was evidence for child porn and molestation. Nobody really stopped to think how 400 boxes of evidence would STILL fail to result in a conviction. So you see why it's best celebrities are kept in the dark. Michael Jackson was going to be Elvis and The Beatles rolled into one, but his heart was too good to assist elites who cause the deaths of people. He came closer to exposing the elite than anyone else ever has. TDS. The last MAJOR nature/elite-made disaster was the Bohemian elites causing the Gulf Oil spill. Q. Why would they cause something like this? TDS. Because this wasn't an 'oil' spill it was an intentional drilling into and release of an

asphalt volcano. They erupt every now and then; the Bohemians just helped this one along. The reason is microbes feed on the material and this benefit the entire oceanic food chain. Also they sprayed chemicals around the Gulf designed to cause cancer in only mostly humans after prolonged exposure. Cancer rates will double in affected areas along the Gulf, but the media will not report on this. Q. Why are they doing this to humans? Why cause them cancer? Wouldn't intentional harm to someone or something else cause this badness to come back at them? TDS. They don't care about karma. They care about this life. TDS. How should I 'back up' my claims? Some sort of Hollywood-like miracle? The difference between us and Hitler, Khan is we will win and our end-goal is not power for the sake of power it's power for the sake of knowledge. Q. I'd like to know what you do in a typical day from wake up to sleep? TDS. My daily schedule greatly varies but farming and rituals are the greater part. It would be incredibly boring to the average American. Q. Is sex bad? I remember it was named with anger, jealousy and other negative emotions which we should control. Please explain. Is it only about sexuality, or making love as well (with the person you love)? TDS. You've asked a difficult question. Sex is fine, but you're chemically hardwired to stay with someone after having sex with them. Oxytocin is the chemical released in the brain after sex and this causes one to fall in love. You don't HAVE to have sex to fall in love, but it helps. Oxytocin makes men more protective over women, and women cling to women. Oxytocin is released in smaller amounts compared to sex when merely around the one you are attracted to. Let's say you have sex with someone and leave them, and do this over and over, a series of constant one-night stands. Your brain cannot handle this rejection. Eventually the brain releases less and less of this chemical. You can no longer fall in love! Excessive and constant promiscuity will literally kill your ability to love another human being. The only way to reset the brain after this is being alone for quite some time then starting over. Q. What were the pyramids used for? TDS. And the pyramids were used to draw magick energy from the sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies and transmit that energy into the Egyptian land. Think of the pyramids as a giant satellite dish pointed AT the Earth rather than away from it. In essence I guess that makes the pyramids upside down. Q. Can you explain the true properties of gold, or gold dust? TDS. Gold is so coveted because it was one of the earliest rare elements discovered. It's rare enough that all gold ever mined would fill up only two Olympic-sized pools, so this helps the gold frenzy. It works well in magick too. The rich and powerful could have magick sceptres or wands made from gold, silver, and diamonds. The less privileged had to use wood for their sceptres and wands. TDS. Elites have nothing to do with Lord of the Rings. Q. Can you also clarify how every day the elite works to put themselves out of business? TDS. We're working toward giving people the tools to control their own destiny - rather than elites controlling it, but society almost always strays toward the negative like a magnet. It will take serious 'lessons' and 'surgeries' to correct this patient called society.

Q. What if we had a government, and organizations, and institution like the kinds we have today, but are more transparent, less self-serving, and more giving? TDS. A transparent government? What if George Bush Jr went on TV and told you, "Here's the deal - 9/11 was a way to get into Afghanistan for their $1 trillion in minerals and into Iraq for their oil. The Arab countries have populations they cannot support, and I have to either use $2 trillion of your tax dollars to prop up their governments or we face a war costing over $10 trillion." Q. Honestly, I think that would have worked. TDS. It would've given 20% of America a heart attack. Q. Are all Old Egyptian ties to the Illuminati misconceptions? Can you tell me where the majority of your lineage hails from? TDS. Illuminati have ties to ancient Egypt. In fact before my people came to the Nordic areas they were in what is now Turkey, and before that they were in Egypt. If you're looking for a focal point where the globalist elites came from then it was millennia ago on Mount Hermon. Q. Meaning the realignment can be done by visualization mediation once detachment is achieved, or by external actions along the same vein? TDS. Meditation is a part of it, but yoga, good karma relevant to the chakra, and other factors come into play. Q. How can World War 3 not destroy us all in the current time frame? TDS. Revelation quotes it as 1/3 of humanity will die. NEVER underestimate the surviving power of humans - the elites have done this time and time again. Humans are more adaptable as a species than most animals, plants, fungi, spirits, you name it. Arab countries will only have a few nukes by the time WW3 breaks out. Not enough to make a difference in the scheme of things. Q. Could you name some of the other groups that "Yaldabaoth" lead to their deaths? TDS. Yaldabaoth killed the Mayans, yes. The Native Americans, Tibetans, the list could go on forever. (Commentator: The Native Americans were killed with booze from a hoochs that were created from rifles of the invaders) Q. Are you saying that the "Elites" had nothing to do with what happened in Japan? TDS. It was natural. Elites knew it was going to happen though and did nothing to stop it. You may think this is immoral. Think of the nature shows when the lions are eating the prey. People claim, "Why don't they break this up?!" Well, because it's natural, and without killing 2 prey, 6 lions would die. So in a similar manner we allow natural disasters to happen without warning people. Mother Nature is the predator, and humans are the prey. Q. Babylonian? Byzantine? Sumerian? TDS. Your archaeology doesn't have a name for them. Q. Have you ever worked at the normal pointless peasant job? Why? TDS. Yes, farmer, and because I must to keep a clear head.

Q. Are you living in a big mansion? Or you are living just to the extent of satisfying your needs? TDS. Living on what I need. Q. What are you doing in your free time? Since you know everything I see no point in reading, for instance. TDS. Free time? I hike, hang out with friends. Oh, I'm always reading. I don't know everything. That's the first lesson for elites - the one of Socrates realizing how little he knew. Q. Insider said, that he will never have kids. Consequent question - how do you, people, occur on the earth? Cloning? Splitting like a cell? TDS. I can't say. Q. Where do you get your technologies done if you are very far ahead of todays science? If nobody except for you know how to create those things that prolong your life to 450 years (Insider said that technologies of today were available in 1900 for you). TDS. Military research spending and we keep an eye out for genius inventors. Q. What are the best ways to study with the greatest succession rate? TDS. 9 types of intelligence exist - the best way to learn is to first know which one you are best in. Q. It's Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Essentially, there are nine different ways of being "intelligent", of which the Linguistic and Logical-Mathematical usually associated with "intelligence" are only two on the full list. Gardner's work addresses eight of these intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Bodily-Kinaesthetic, Interpersonal (tuned in to others), Intrapersonal (tuned in to oneself), Spatial, Naturalistic, Musical. The one intelligence Gardner doesn't really address in his work--the ninth intelligence--is Spiritual/Existential intelligence. TDS. 99% of people excel in at least ONE of these nine. The trick is figuring out which one a child excels at as soon as possible and developing it. Q. Wikileaks is another of your filters? TDS. No, Wikileaks is a Rebel influence which is pissing us off. Q. What was before Adam? TDS. Nomadic hunters. Q. What about the dinosaurs? Were they real and annihilated by a meteor? TDS. Yes, they were real, and annihilated by meteor, starvation, disease, climate change. Q. In Russia, the power belongs to the Zionist elite? TDS. Russia and the former Soviet nations have pockets of every type of elite. Q. Real purpose of CERN? TDS. CERN has no sinister purpose. It is simply meant for scientific exploration.

Q. Would it be wise to have survival supplies for the end of this year? TDS. It's wise to always have a closet full of survival supplies. TDS. By the way. . . does anyone know HOW we elites accomplished the overthrowing of Arab governments? What we're doing RIGHT NOW to Arabs and experimented a few years back on North America - FunVax. We can raise your level of spirituality up and down. Q. Was the level of spirituality raised in the Arab nations? TDS. It was altered so they no longer had religious-like loyalty to their governments. Basically, we separated church and state for them through genetic manipulation. The drug's effects are temporary. They'll be back to normal soon - as many are - and when this occurs our selected leaders will already be positioned gradually take power. Q. How did you get the Arabs to take the FunVax? In North America was this vax called the Flu or Swine Flu vax? Was this just for adults since children could care less about religion/politics? TDS. It was given to children for testing because we couldn't have an unstable USA right now. The Arabs caught the chemical in FunVax through either vaccination or catching a virus they were already immune to. Q. Do you truly think that what you describe above is "genetically raising and lowering one's level of spirituality? TDS. Some governments have their citizens believe their leaders are divinely chosen and have a divine right to stay in power. Religion is to government as fire is to gasoline. Q. How does your group's attitude view towards preservation of culture? TDS. Preserve culture to have an identity. Q. You mentioned that the Rebels are satanic. So do they worship the false God? TDS. They worship themselves mostly. Q. You mentioned that SARS is made by the Rebel. So am I right in saying that the Rebel made SARS with intention to kill Asians? TDS. Yes, the Rebels made SARS to kill Asians. Q. The group behind Khan? The group behind Hitler? TDS. Khan=Rebel; Hitler=Globalist Q. What elites think of Turkey? TDS. Globalists elite see Turkey as a model for the rest of the Muslim nations. Q. Are chemtrails hurting people? Why are they criss-crossing our skies with trails? This has been going on for years and years. What are they accomplishing with this. TDS. It's spread via piggy-back on a virus most people already have had - like the flu. Once the virus enters the body and is destroyed (since you have immunity to it) the manmade chemical is able to do its work. Aside from that it's also spread via vaccinations. Q. Have you figured out what the junk DNA does yet? TDS. We haven't found what ALL the junk DNA does.

Q. So what I am reading is don't ever get vaccinated and don't even get your children vaccinated. Who can trust what is in these vaccines? Many people know it is messing up children with all sorts of problems and autism is most likely one of them. The Amish don't vaccinate and there are hardly ever an autism in their groups. TDS. The increase in autism and ADD/ADHD is caused by several things 1. pesticides 2. over-diagnosis to keep the pharmaceutical companies rolling in money 3. misdiagnosis 4. people developing an natural immunity to elite programming Autism and ADD are NOT disorders. One of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates, has autism. Q. Are you using scalar type weapons to affect people's frequencies? i.e. to make them more agitated. TDS. Yes, but not to make them more agitated - society does that well enough. Q. I am greatly confused because I thought: false prophet = bad, Antichrist = bad, messiah good. What the? TDS. The only ways your Messiah can appear is through provoking Him to appear through the False Prophet and Antichrist - and rebuilding Solomon's Temple. Q. Are you tired of having little to no worry about the home you life in and the food upon your tables? TDS. I wouldn't worry about anything really, it's a useless emotion. Q. Have the false prophet and antichrist met? What would happen if they did? TDS. Noooo, they CAN'T be allowed to meet until the time is right. They would be working together. Q. How can you say that vaccines are not something for us to be concerned over? TDS. If everyone suddenly stopped getting vaccinations the bad would outweigh the good in terms of how rampant viruses would spread. It wouldn't be worth avoiding just one form of elite programming. ** It IS possible - some viruses we've manufactured have been cured through means we didn't create. Especially by those pesky Native Americans. Native Americans UTTERLY REFUSED to join the elite. We had to steal all their secrets the hard way. Q. Are there aliens? TDS. Aliens exist, but nearly all sightings of them are false. They have almost zero interest in humans. Think of this - if our government was covering up aliens and UFOs, then the aliens are fully going along with this. With their technology, aliens could simply land on the U.N. and announce themselves, and the government would be powerless to stop it. Q. With regards to companionship, is there a "one true love" for a person that exists on some soul/spiritual level incarnating here? TDS. It's not necessary, but it does make life more enjoyable (at times). There's no 'one true love'.

Q. I was under the impression that Yaldabaoth IS Satan, because Satan wasn't really mentioned in them, only Yaldabaoth as the true God's adversary. TDS. Yaldabaoth created Lucifer, but Lucifer rebelled Yaldabaoth. Q. OP refused to answer what foods to eat and what to stay away from. Not even a hint about what bottled water to drink. I mean, how hard is it for him to answer these questions? TDS. Even if I told you, you'd be hard-pressed to avoid the ingredients in these foods. It wouldn't matter anyway since it's only one of several ways you're programmed. Q. Why do the majority of kids that GET vaccine preventable diseases are FULLY VACCINATED? TDS. I remember a woman in her 90s who just graduated from college with a degree in history. When asked what the most important advance in her lifetime was, she said vaccinations. Ask anyone old enough to remember these times, and they'll tell you the hell people went through. Q. And what of Stonehenge? The pyramids? Surely there was some technology, AT LEAST that allowed them to build such things we cannot today. TDS. People exaggerate Pumapunku and the Pyramids' architectural achievements. Humans could easily rebuild these things. I already said the Pyramids were built to redirect spirit energy toward Egypt. Q. We cannot rebuild the pyramids, at least with known conventional technology. We cannot cut the rock so precisely, we really cannot lift the rock pieces into place. TDS. You have to realize people were more patient back then. In today's society - no you probably couldn't find that many people to sit with those primitive tools and chip away on a stone forever. TDS. The creator god of Genesis is NOT your friend. The rapture is the best lie the elite ever invented. :) There will NEVER be Rapture. The Rapture is a complete, total, and utter lie. It serves the elite oh so well. When the Anti-Christ and False Prophet are here we will be able to point and say, "Well, your Rapture hasn't come so chill out. They're not who you say they are." When you see someone laughing at people acting so serious over the Rapture, that someone may be elite. Why? Because they know the Rapture was invented a drunken Irish elite. :) Q. So you are saying the Messiah is on this earth right now? And the person is unaware that he is the Messiah? TDS. That's not what I'm saying at all. Remember the speech I posted earlier?... "The Kingdom of God is within man, not one man, nor a group of men, but in ALL men. You the people have the power!" Q. And what is the best way to stop the programming? Turn off the TV, Radio, stop reading the newspapers and internet news? Grow your own food and get meat from a reliable source? Basically going backwoods? TDS. Yes, basically going backwoods. TDS. Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses are both elite-controlled at the top. Scientology and Kabbalah is too. Well actually Kabbalah controls the elite in a way. Q. Was Jim Morrison correct when he said "YOU CANNOT PETITION THE LORD WITH

PRAYER"? TDS. Prayer releases spirit energy but very little of it. Praying for someone to get better it like trying to illuminate a barn by turning on a flash-light from a mile away. Q. What about orgone energy? Was Wilhelm Reich onto something with this research? TDS. Right mind-frame, wrong methods. Q. What's up with David Icke? TDS. David Icke showed tenacity to get to the truth so we completely flooded him with lunatic disinformation. TDS. Hopi beliefs have truth Black race was given power of water, the most passionate, humble, and powerful (first to irrigate, and the results of water/no-water are best highlighted in Africa) White race was given power of fire. Look at the inventions of white people, and you'll usually see fire or a spark - computer, automobile, airplane, light bulb. Fire moves and spreads, which is why the white men spread out. Yellow race was given power of air. They learned of the importance of breath techniques and the spiritual air within us and how to manipulate it. Red race was given power of earth. The Native Americans mastered living from nature. When the elites arrived in North America, the Hopi told us things which amazed us. They told us we were supposed to bring the circle - not the cross. The fact they knew Gnosticism was the true religion, and not modern-day Christianity was astounding. My ancestors killed the Native Americans because they used counter spells, dances, and rituals against the elite. If they existed in such large numbers today still, the Native Americans could have completely negated all elite magick. If only they had joined with us. It was a sad situation. Q. How do you feel about suicide? How should I prepare for death? TDS. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Think of your body as a fence and you soul as a cow. When the cows escape on their own accord this irritates the farmer (God). Preparing for death? There is no way to prepare. Q. So what is the plan for all these religions controlled by the elite? And what do people do if they want to worship with others of like mind? TDS. Most religions will curl up and die since the media/society will tell them to. Of course people will put up a fight, and we'll love that. It will discredit them. We will rule through peace. You'll still have churches for worship. TDS. PS: Whoever tried to use magick on me while I was on here - come on... all it did was make me vomit, and I'm used to that. Q. Huge company called Herbalife is owned by one of the groups? TDS. Globialists, but we don't own it, just infiltrate it. Q. Why the average life span of your group is only 40 years, whereas Indian (Insider's group) 450 years?

TDS. Because my group tends to go to extremes in things like rituals and drugs. 450 years she said? She lied. Q. What groups are interested in Russia? TDS. Every group. Q. What aspects of Buddhism are wrong? TDS. I can't tell you. I don't want to steal the False Prophets thunder. Q. Who was Alexander the Great? TDS. Alexander the Great was a globalist elite's attempt at global domination. Q. Did Insider had the same reason to appear viral as you? TDS. No. Q. How did Egyptians managed to build pyramids? TDS. It just took a lot of time and patience, something hard to wrap our minds around in this ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) society. Q. Why did Napoleon stole that obelisk from Egypt and "carried it" to the France? TDS. Because he knew how important it was. Q. Is everything you say in this thread is truth? TDS. It's all truth best to my knowledge. Q. What's with the Atlantis? TDS. Atlantis was Thera, it wasn't a huge continent, just a highly advanced society. It had running hot water, equality of genders, and other advances. The island is still there, just partially in the ocean. The destruction of that island was caused by the eruption of a volcano, which resulted in the escape of the Jews. Q. How true is the story about Rothschilds fortune? TDS. The Rothschilds are the richest family on the planet. Most of their money is unmarked and goes toward social engineering. Q. What's with the Venus Project? The Zeitgeist movement? Was it your group who is pushing it through? TDS. No, both are independent projects. We have nothing to do with them. TDS. Merlin died in "Avalon". It is in America. And yes, Merlin was encased in rock. So much rock in this area in fact the FP's road denotes this. The mound I live on is where the historical Merlin was buried. It's a very spiritually empowered area. It's a snake mound. You can harvest more spiritual energy with the 'quick-fix' of feng-shui. Some of the many things I'm told of this mound, 1. It contains Merlin's staff or the "Staff of Moses". 2. I shouldn't bother looking for it right now. 3. I should start looking for it after a local earthquake (strong enough to disturb the ground). 4. It's made of almond wood. 5. The closer 'the time' is, the more stinging nettles will grow on the mound.

Q. Has the elite ever secretly ended prematurely the life of an ex-President and covered it up by using the "natural causes" explanation to the public? And if so who, how, and why? TDS. William Henry Harrison - but I can't say why or how. Q. Purpose of making Swine flu? TDS. To test FunVax. Q. OK, so he is saying there is no Jesus/Messiah coming back. And that we are our own saviours. So why still have churches? Are people to just worship themselves? TDS. Why have churches indeed! Name one major religious leader receiving enlightenment in a church - Jesus was in a river when he reached enlightenment; Mohammed was in a cave; Buddha was under a tree. All a church does is combine mob mentality with spirituality. It's no coincidence Native Americans make one do a vision quest in solitude. Q. Is it possible to sell your soul? TDS. Nobody can 'sell' their soul. That's like a stereotypical crazy bag/cat lady saying she can sell Microsoft to General Motors. Q. Any secrets you want to share? TDS. If Pythagoras never existed, then Christianity & Islam would be gone. Q. What is the karmic debt your group owes? What does it involve as far as sacrifice? Is there any way to lessen it? TDS. Tremendous, it means we will reincarnated in a very low level of what you call 'hell'. There are ways to lessen it, but it has to be genuine. Q. What is the Rothschilds estimated Net Worth? TDS. $2.3 trillion Q. Was King Arthur a real person? And if so what years did he live? TDS. 5th century. Q. Why was history during the Dark Ages erased? TDS. It was erased to beat down knowledge to show the consequences of such actions. Q. That sucks. Is is deserved? Was this your destiny from birth? TDS. Karma is always deserved. TDS. Required info has been collected. Therefore, I can no longer answer questions. I believe this wraps this thread up. Thank you for your time. Official part ended on 6/16/2011 2.GENERAL SECTION (Unofficial) After being gone for a while, he returned to that thread. TDS. Never said I was gone. Just no more questions. It's a one-way street now.

TDS. I'll leave for a time. Several days must be devoted to the upcoming group ritual. Q. If you are not going to answer any more questions TDS. Of course I can answer more questions. Previously I was required to answer ALL questions, but I'm not longer under those obligations. Ask away! Remember I hate questions like "What do you do all day?" TDS. I'm curious why you people seem to WANT 'doom'. Are your lives that bad? Q. Because we want to get rid of you all at once and return to "place" where we came from. TDS. You came from the jungle. Want to go back there? TDS. You act like there's a 'doom' button we push, and I can predict doom within a day. It doesn't work that way. Doom events require a certain amount of energy and many variables exist. Nobody knows what exact amount of energy is required except the true God. TDS. What body count is considered 'doom' worthy? TDS. Know what's weird? Producing earthquakes in magick rituals requires burning a live weasel on a tuning fork. TDS. When people think of 'elites' they think of a man in a hollowed-out icy mountain. This man sits in the centre of a room with trillions of flashing lights, knobs, buttons, pipes; steam is releasing; brains float around; and any other Hollywood-induced visions. It's not like that. We are nobodies. You'd never recognize our names. People controlled by elites have no clue as to the names of the string-pullers. TDS. WARNING: Odin interfered in the affairs of humans for the purpose of stirring up violence, war, and strife. This is a problem with my group. Our mere presence causes instability. Since the False Prophet's birth (Odin's reincarnation), instability has increased dramatically. His connection has even caused your forum moderator, Trinity, to have internal conflict. The advice I give paints a beautiful picture, yet uses dark colours. Just a warning. Q. Is there a way to balance out the instability caused by Odin's reincarnation? TDS. No. There's no reason to balance it out or prevent it. People best advance when confronted with conflict and leave their comfort zone. World War II advanced things more in a few years than entire centuries. Remember in Day the Earth Stood Still when the point is made that humans only change when on the brink of disaster, about to go over a cliff? Odin's spirit pushes people to that cliff. Something has to do it. Q. What is The Divine Law? TDS. What do you mean by Divine Law? Divine and Law are somewhat misleading. It's not proper to think of Divinity as having laws, creating laws is more a human trait. I suppose physics and the mechanisms controlling the universe could be seen as a type of 'law'. This reminds me of when Jesus was asked about marriage in the afterlife. Jesus was asked if a woman marries several men, then which is she married to in Heaven, and Jesus said marriage isn't applicable in the afterlife, since this is a human creation. Q. What sorts of introductory themes and mannerisms should one try to install into a 2 and a half year old child? TDS. Shortest, easiest answer is that when teaching a child a parent must realize the differences among answering 'what', 'how', and 'why'. KNOWLEDGE answers 'what?' what happened when, where, and to whom. Knowing results in average intelligence. UNDERSTANDING answers 'how' and bears excellent intelligence. Sensing patterns

and relationships occurs from understanding. WISDOM answers 'why' wrapping the mind around principals and results in ultimate intelligence. Knowledge is stationary in the mind, but wisdom pushes knowledge into the real world. and remember a good, simple saying when teaching children, "Dumb people talk about other people. Normal people talk about events, times, and places. Smart people talk about ideas." Q. Let them play in nature as much as possible and keep them away from as many electronics as possible. Love and nurture. TDS. Noooo! Don't let them play in nature! Nature sparks creativity and imagination, for within nature is magick. We can't have people thinking for themselves. They might progress! *projectile vomits* Q. Also, you mentioned earlier that tattoos if correctly chosen and placed increased chi. Can you give some examples of effective tattoos? TDS. I'm not allowed, besides the tattoo is worthless in power-enhancing unless the bearer has a particular frame of mind. I will say these trendy 'tribal' tattoos will NOT help anyone unless they're going into war. The sharp, triangular shapes increase your internal 'fire chi' and few people are ready for that. I get a kick of seeing people walk into a tattoo shop, looking through a book, and getting such an altering symbol imprinted on them because it looks 'cool'. Mike Tyson is a good example of what I said about increasing internal elemental chi through tattoos and inability to cope with it. Q. Have you awakened kundalini? what's your view on this? TDS. Awakening kundalini is only 10% of the effort. Deciding what to do in life and altering chakras to maximize effectiveness - that's the hard part. TDS. Knowledge of Moses is skewed. The prophecy of being "like unto Moses" is because both Moses and the False Prophet are laid back, down-to-earth, and 'slow of speech' (think Southern accent, yes they were being literal when saying 'slow of speech'). They are both calming to society, and you will be thankful for this, by the time society is done people will be so screwed-up and radicalised... yes, it is a pity we're going to have to hit this ADHD/want-my-MTV/bumper stickers-replace-novels society over the head harder and harder until it shuts up, calms down, and listen. So much suffering just to say "Hey, I need your attention!" Q. I dont even know how to respond to that.... TDS. Moses did the same thing, having to near-literally "raise Hell" to say "listen to me!". Something relevant: I gave out knowledge on this forum through SEVEN threads before using the title "Elite Family Insider Returns for Q&A". The first threads were infested with immature responses - reminded me of Mona Lisa toilet paper. TDS. Don't you remember The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? "Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming." Q. What will it take to make people change their ways of living? TDS. Nobody knows how much it takes, how much of the rotten apple to carve away from the good part. You know how stubborn people are until admitting "I've had enough". Q. Have the elites ever considered dosing the masses with LSD? TDS. That's something the Rebel Elites would do just for instability and shits and giggles. Q. Why do WE have to suffer?

TDS. You have to suffer because that's what makes you advance! Ahhh!... Okay think of this When something good happens humans are like "Oh my! God was looking over us today!" or "What luck!" and they go skipping off along, all the dumber. Something BAD happens people get mad, and when people get mad they want answers. That leads to progress! You never question something GOOD, there's no motivation. When you gain more insight into how this thing went wrong, then you have a level of control over it. Then YOU can control it. Q. These "Hidden Hand" - style disclosures are sequential rubbish. Remember that Dark/Light are illusions and the yin and yang are an IMMATURE integration of the two. Earthers, these are your only responsibilities and the reasons you came here. Let the sequentials have the slow path. 1. Observe 2. Experience 3. Participate when you wish TDS. Immature integration? Agreed. Yet people are hard-wired with this distinction. You ask people to "uneat" Eden's apple. Your three rules make great soundbites, but come on - not that simple. Q. Bunch of fluffer stuff. You should be able to know what I mean when I ask about flies and apparently you do not. So much for all the magic you claim to take part in. TDS. You're pointing a finger and saying 'wrong!'. Any critic can do this. At LEAST "talk the talk" and explain what YOU believe it means. TDS. I can't really give you a specific way to open your 3rd eye. It's different for everyone and requires trial and error. Would anyone like to hear how the FP's spirit possessed me? Q. Sure, go for it. TDS. In 2000 I'm on a mountain I've always been HEAVILY attracted to. After watching a sunset, I drive home. Nothing unusual, it's still twilight. My room-mates asks, "Where the hell did you go for 12 hours?!" "12 hours? I've only been gone 3 hours!", I replied. He's screwing around with me and changed the clocks I believe, but then comes sunrise. Where did those missing hours go? My hair falls out within a year, my teeth within 4 years. Criminals are compelled to hang around me. A letter in the mail from my three "sponsors" informs what's inside me, how, why, and upcoming movies to watch. After watching said movies thoughts - not my own - fill my head and journal upon journal I write these thoughts out. Q. **Come on, I gave you some help. You can do this! TDS. Spit it out, or I'm done with it. "He who denies you knowledge envisions himself your master." Q. According to the law of attraction nothing is an accident. TDS. The founder of the "Secret" is going to prison - did he want that? Q. Are you implying the law of attraction doesn't work? TDS. I'm flat out telling you it doesn't work. Positive thoughts are great, but they don't amount to a hill of beans. The only thing that comes from dreamers is dreams.

TDS. How'd you like that unemployment report? Told you - no good economy until our man is in power. People can't see "American" over "political party" - lesson to be learned, they can have wealth from the person with dead, soulless, robot eyes. "The destruction of evil comes not from good but from evil itself." TDS. I never gave an example of elite themes in Michael Jackson media. Remember "Smooth Criminal"? The smooth criminal is the Globalist Elite. Annie is common citizens. In the video Michael represents the Globalist Elite. . . 1:00 minute: Ishtar empowers the Globalist Elite "he could see she was unable . . . she was struck down it was her doom 2:10-2:25: Globalist Elite subdues Zionist Elite 2:30-2:40: The cue ball is the destruction of a planet many of you don't know of, but happened in our solar system in prehistoric times. Blowing the smoke in the face of the man represents Globalist Elite taunting Rebel Elite, as that Split occurred around this time "it was Sunday what a black day every time I start to find him there are no clues left behind him" --- False Prophet born on a Sunday 3:05-3:20: Globalist Elite subdues Christian and Muslim Elites 4:35-6:35: The COMING DARKNESS; didn't you ever find this part odd? It represents the months of darkness of which I've spoken and the associated anarchy. 6:40: a revived society with everyone dancing/acting similar to the Globalist Elite 8:44-end: Second Coming, final war, disappearance of Globalist Elite TDS. My last major learning experience on this planet I was born on Tisha B'Av 1626 as Sabbatai Zevi. I always come back on Tisha B'av. Q. Where have you been the last 300 years? TDS. My last reincarnation was a shark. Before that I was in realms lower than the animal realm. TDS. Isn't it a shame lying one's ass off is the only way to be noticed in this society? Wouldn't you want something better? Q. The title of the thread had me envisioning a 70 year old wise man in Italy from a Black Nobility family. TDS. *chuckles* ANOTHER example of Hollywood influencing our perceptions. Most elites you'd never know. Q. Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

TDS. Ethiopia, St. Mary's of Zion Q. Is there a Jesus bloodline? TDS. No. Jesus was asexual. Q. Any bloodline? Odin? TDS. If you're asking did Jesus have children then no. Even if Jesus had children it wouldn't have mattered because Jesus was just a costume for Christ. Q. What makes you say asexual? TDS. Because he wasn't interested in sex and had no sexual attraction toward men or women. Q. Can you give examples of when doom was averted behind the scenes? By elites of any group. TDS. The 1989 California earthquake was considerably lessened by these monks. Q. What do you think about the problems the government is having with the debt ceiling? It is something to keep people's attention away from other things? TDS. It's to continue disillusioning people with their government. When a government unquestionably gives $700 billion to bailout corporations 'too big to fail' - then later giggles over threatening to starve millions through no government funding - this tends to piss people off. Q. So if rioting were to occur on a larger scale, what would happen? TDS. I wouldn't worry about the US government allowing it to get that bad yet. The difference b/t Greek and American riots - Americans own more guns per person than any country, and totalling all guns in the US shows we have more than every other country combined. "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." -Japanese admiral Q. Who is the Tribe of Dan? TDS. What's left of that tribe? They inhabited Scandinavia, British Isles, and were the ancient Vikings. Many descendants currently live in America. It shouldn't be a surprise. The Tribe of Dan were noted for their constant movement, especially by sea. Think back to Hebrew captivity in Egypt. Some members of what would be known as the Tribe of Dan migrated out of Egypt into southern Europe (to become ancient Spartans), British Isles, and Scandinavia. Some migrated to modern-day Israel. Some stayed in Egypt and left with Moses. Certain members of this tribe migrated to modern-day Turkey and established Troy, after their defeat many migrated across Asia and Europe to settle in British Isles, Scandinavia, and parts of that branch influenced the Vikings. Celtic Druids were Tribe of Dan descendants. Today the descendants are concentrated in Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Germany, United States (esp south-eastern US). It becomes easier to spot Tribe of Dan through history by certain symbols like eagles and their signature habit of going to extremes in everything, war-mongering, inability to be still and greatly travel/sprawl outward, and racism or extreme pride of their cultural heritage (compare biblical writers being the 'chosen people' to white power supremacy groups).

I'm from the Tribe of Dan. TDS. My first name means "bearing Christ". How appropriate? :) Q. Christopher. TDS. Yep. TDS. Anyone know something about Armilus? The part about Armilus being born of a statue was quasi true. The prophets were looking at something they could not understand. Armilus is actually a golem, a Jewish folklore figure made from inanimate matter. Jack Parsons helped create this golem, and after this task Parson died in an 'accident'. Part of the golem's creation was through the Trinity nuclear bomb test, yesterday (6/17/2011) was the 66th anniversary of this. The golem was stored in Oak Ridge until the 1980s when it was finally implanted into a woman to give birth to it. It's Judaism. Armilus was the original Antichrist story. TDS. If you look up Armilus you get a load of misunderstandings. Mainstream idea would have you believe it's a statue created by God underneath Rome, one can't look at it without going blind, that priests will masturbate on it, and a man will be born from the statue, and that's the Antichrist. Not true at ALL. The statue is buried in Scotland. It will be placed in Solomon's Temple. Some die from being around and touching it but usually it just causes mental issues. It did not birth the Antichrist - the Antichrist will 'birth' the statue in a way, as in digging it up and placing it in the Holiest of Holies in the rebuilt Temple. Then Satan will have direct access to this world and I'm told it has something to do with this "He was given power to give breath to the IMAGE of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed." Q. Are you Jesuit trained? TDS. No, but my stepfather is. Q. Any evil elite should be quaking in their boots as God is going to put a stop to your control and evil depopulation plans. TDS. There are no targeted depopulation plans by Globalist Elite, but certain plans have mass causalities as an unintended consequence. I told you all the more people, the more mob mentality, the more elites benefit. The Bohemian Elites want a depopulation though, but they're in little position to have this demand fulfilled. Q. My question then is without naming names.... why bother with this thread sure dont need to name people not as if you know anyway? Why did you make a useless thread to start with? Why do you pretend to be someone you are not? Why do you (ok, I didnt read any post thank goodness the first post said it all) feel the need to control the message board with a thread you yourself cant answer as you stated in the first post. TDS. Answering these loaded questions would solve nothing since your mind is made up. TDS. You know the destruction of the World Trade Centre dramatically altered the feng shui of NYC. WTC was a very 'yin' or passive building so its loss created more active energy in NYC and therefore the country.

Q. What type of active energy and is that what 'they' were aiming for? TDS. Best to explain yang energy through words associated with it - sunrise, summer, full moon, energy-outputting, expansion, excess (too much yang leads to FINANCIAL EXCESS/RUIN!), hyperactivity, loud, war, masculine energy does this make sense? TDS. The United Nations location/design is in a horrible feng shui location. This doesn't help it in being an utterly ineffective organization. Q. What about the White House location/design? TDS. Well since the White House is a residence the rules would depend on who is living there. However, all the 'colour' rooms in the White House - like red room, blue room aren't feng shui friendly at ALL based on their locations. Like the Blue Room is in the south part of the White House, and it SHOULD be red - not blue. This is the room used to accept foreign leaders, a red room would foster more positive, productive meetings rather than constant deadlock. Q. ARE YOU THE GOLEM BABY? TDS. Yes, but like I said I have male and female characteristics (not saying I have female sexual traits, rather things like feminine eyes). TDS. There's no purposeful programming in this thread. Q. What do your handlers think of you talking here? TDS. They don't care. The Elites could get on national media and announce all their plans and still carry them out. Yea, no one person will arrive it will be a group event like the Renaissance. Q. *a critical comment* TDS. It's okay, the scepticism helps me out. If you had seen a homeless Hitler peddling his watercolour drawings on a street in Vienna you would've laughed at him too. =P TDS. Enochian magick is too ancient for me. You can trust me, sure. Society can't though because I'm here to help destroy it. I'm not at ALL trustworthy, but this thread is like confession for me, so I'm truthful here. It's just a friend driving me. Q. "Society" needs to be destroyed. You say you're not at ALL trustworthy, meaning you are to individuals? I mean you say you have friends; do you take advantage of them? Do you partake in rituals as a group or individually (or a couple people) does your friend have any idea who you are? TDS. My friends don't know WHO I am, but they know I do magick (they hopefully assume it's b.s. magick like most people do). The rituals I usually do alone. I don't take advantage of friends. Yes, to society and groups of people I'm compelled to deceive. Q. So do you think the earthquake is May 2023 or you can't put a date on it right? I say youre a bad person because you're going to destroy the society...but this society is a plague to humanity, is it safe to say that you being "bad" is just a wrong perception? I mean yeah most people relate mass bloodshed with evil, but there are a lot of ignorant people in the world who need to pass on. TDS. May 2023 is just a feeling for the start of 'doom' people on here expect. But yes, I can't fix a date; because it's pointless, but don't worry we're halfway there. :)

Some 'evil' is needed; because this society won't go quietly. It's going to be led off a cliff. Too bad I'll have to go over that cliff with it, but that's the sacrifice. Q. Even though you supposedly represent the 'dark' side of all this, couldn't one surmise that you are making a selfless sacrifice, and thus, you and your mission are the 'light' or 'good' side? TDS. Think of it like a "spiritual terrorist". TDS. However before any of this, the Rebel Elites will have to finish being eliminated something on which I'm working. Q. Do you follow a book or something for performing magick and rituals? Or is it more of a channelling thing.... you said your friend was a she... are you sexually active or does that create impurity? TDS. It's more a channelling thing. That's FORBIDDEN before and after a ritual. Depending on the ritual, it can be anywhere from a day to months of abstinence. I have no taste for sex or relationships though so it doesn't bother me. Q. New world religion or old world religion renewed? TDS. All old religions blended together with a new religion twist, but more focused on actual philosophy, rather than meaningless focus on religious figures. Q. Do you practice ritual alone because you have such a high level of energy or conscious aware that is 'unmatched'? Have you personally murdered? TDS. I've never PERSONALLY murdered, not my thing, False Prophets just want to have fun. I do it alone; because I'm told to. I have been joined - not by people but by spirits, the memories of them still give me goose-bumps. Get used to it; it'll get hotter and hotter as time goes by. TDS. 80s dance music is LOADED with spiritual energy. Q. You've told that there is no interest of depopulation? TDS. H1N1 & chemtrails aren't related to depopulation. H1N1 was spread so Funvax vaccinations could be tested in USA for its use in vaccinations and chemtrails in Arab countries. Q. Do you believe a global government is the solution to the world's current demise? TDS. Somewhat, but a global philosophy is more effective. Q. So, for clarification, since other people try to be smartasses or know-it-alls, the amount of spiritual and moral issues, this guy has mentioned is severely outweighed by the amount of 'doom'(as he calls it) that he mentions. Why is this so, False Prophet? TDS. That's why I said I'm being truthful here. Trust me, in public I'd be optimistically spiritual and al-Masih ad-Dajjal. Q. Isnt that a major contradiction? TDS. We've learned our attempts to control through war are meaningless like we did with Hitler and Napoleon. Peace is the way to rule, but behind the scenes of peace is war. Q. Please explain the role of Antichrist, if you, as False Prophet are causing all the

doom? TDS. Antichrist = political ruler to be worshipped - remember 'Antichrist' comes from a phrase not meaning "against Christ" it means "instead of Christ". False Prophet = religious ruler Think of Antichrist as George Bush Jr, and False Prophet as Karl Rove - make sense? Q. How does it feel to have all this knowledge and to have THOUSANDS of people ask you questions? TDS. Feels neutral, cause if I were prideful it would be a waste. "To best lead people, walk behind them." -Taoist quote TDS. I'll tell you the latest heavily Elite-programmed movie is Megamind. Q. Do you guys endorse the global drug trade? Do you have any remorse about the amount of lives ruined? TDS. Yes we do and no remorse, because people always find ways to ruin their lives. Q. Why do you want people to stop eating meat? TDS. Meat clouds judgement and wastes land, food, and work. Q. Chris, do you own any pets? TDS. Yes quite a few. Aside from their love, animals are necessarily for magick. TDS. Was it supposed to be a threat? Threats leading to action against me are fun, because it's a change of things. Haha, I told you don't worry about me, because people have tried assassinating me over 20 times. Only one worked - the heart attack - but I was in an ambulance when I died so the paddles were used on me. Hollywood LIES when it shows someone have the paddles used and wake up right as rain. My chest was SORE for two weeks and I couldn't remember my last name or birthdate for about 30 minutes. TDS. Important rule: If you can't rule through the will of the people, rule through fear. Q. If you left your current lifestyle, would you fear being killed? TDS. I wouldn't fear dying, because that's a useless emotion. Q. Before all of this, what was one thing you had hoped to accomplish in life? TDS. I wanted to be a particle physicist since I was little. Q. Is integrity important to you? TDS. Integrity's only power is from those who bestow it, so no it's not important. We have to rule, otherwise people tear each other apart. Q. So your group is the Good guys...who kill monks...and kill drunken college kids just to send a simple message. See my point? Anyone can justify their actions as right or just when using the "ends justify the means" philosophy. TDS. Think of it this way there's a sickness in the human psyche, like a cancer. Globalist Elite is the surgeon with scalpel in hand who will remove that cancer. The monks I mentioned standing in the way are holding our hand saying "No no no! That will hurt the patient!"

Q. Who was behind the Oslo shooting? TDS. Christian Elites Q. You are on both Facebook and Myspace. I never would have guessed that. I thought you were just a simple farmer. TDS. I just have a lot of MySpace friends because something I wrote about homosexuality and religion in a blog was featured in a gay pride online magazine, and I got about 4,000 friend requests. Too bad MySpace curled up and died. =D TDS. My name is Christopher Alan Pursley (nickname in MySpace - fratboisurficide). I live in Pikeville, TN at the head of the Sequatchie Valley. And by the way: frat=Clinton, boi=Bush junior, surf=Obama, icide=your next President =) Q. Why is Obama surf? TDS. Because he's from Hawaii and is a surfer, silly. =P Q. icide? TDS. "icidie" or I cide translating to "I kill". Near-rhymes with Pursley. Q. I still can't figure it out... another hint? TDS. Near-rhymes with Pursley, dead, robot eyes, surname starting with P or ending in Y, come on now! Q. Answer this - Is it Perry or Romney? TDS. Yes. Q. Finally were we getting somewhere! They both have dead eyes and they both kind of of rhyme with your name. So which one is correct? TDS. The obvious one to win. Q. What was the purpose of the Haiti quake? TDS. Test run, and Haiti specifically since US has unlimited access to study the effects. Q. Why would an "elite" answer questions on a forum at godlikeproductions? You know, I might just make up a deceiving name myself and start a post... "Elite Family Member Is Back From His Moms Basement To Answer Your Questions About The FUTURE". TDS. Because the Elites could go on every news outlet tomorrow and announce their plans for the next 5 years, and the plans would still be successfully carried out. The story would capture everyone's attention until 3 hours later when, say, Britney Spears shaved her head again and had a threesome with 2 underage boys. Thank God for ADHD societies. Q. When did your sponsors pick you? TDS. Since birth. =P But if you mean when was I possessed, 2003. Q. I am in position to know for fact our energy consumption is not an issue. You claim to be an elite, yet you spin the same b.s. about energy shortages. TDS. Think we can keep taking, taking, taking, taking from earth as much as we want, when we want, how we want? That's Elite thinking, since they slave-drive others. You can slave-drive nature if you want, but good luck calming her down. Earth is not a machine, you cannot turn it on, get what you want, turn it off. Q. I love immigrants coming to the USA, but they should come because they can contribute to the economy, or because they want to study there. Really sucks to have

illegals that adhere to la raza doctrines. TDS. Because US leaders will never REALLY clamp down on immigration. US Presidents have been told by their Globalist Elite bosses to NEVER interfere with the erasing of borders. TDS. Here's why Elites don't make it rain over Africa, Asia, Texas, other places and generally make everything better because the benefit would be taken advantage of. Every. Single. Time. Let's say we ended droughts in Africa. Those governments would use that benefit to engage their neighbours in unscheduled war. Q. Then why don't they just remove the crazy dictators that they put there in the first place? TDS. Because you could put the greatest leader in charge of some societies, and it would still be a disaster. Right now society is a rabid animal to be caged up. And, no, elites didn't create that rabid animal. TDS. 100 Heavily Programmed Movies: 1. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 2. Groundhog Day 3. It's A Wonderful Life 4. Modern Times 5. Signin' in the Rain 6. Ordinary People 7. Fantasia 8. The Wizard of Oz 9. The Great Dictator 10. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1997 Disney) 11. The Grapes of Wrath 12. To Kill A Mockingbird 13. 2001: A Space Odyssey 14. Mary Poppins 15. Silence of the Lambs 16. Raging Bull 17. The Gods Must Be Crazy 18. M 19. Driving Miss Daisy 20. Snow White 21. Monty Python's The Meaning of Life 22. Metropolis 23. Planes, Trains, & Automobiles 24. The Decalogue 25. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 26. Gone With the Wind 27. Citizen Kane 28. American Beauty 29. Nightmare on Elm St. 30. The Slums of Beverly Hills 31. My Fair Lady 32. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

33. The Brave Little Toaster 34. Thelma & Louise 35. Misery 36. Sunset Boulevard 37. Fried Green Tomatoes 38. Hot Shots 39. The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 40. It Happened One Night 41. Dr. Strangelove 42. Awakenings 43. The Dark Knight 44. Chicken Run 45. The Searchers 46. Pleasantville 47. Taxi Driver 48. Vertigo 49. Network 50. Ghostbusters 51. The French Connection 52. Do the Right Thing 53. The Truman Show 54. The Sound of Music 55. Wallace & Grombit: The Missing Trousers 56. Anger Management 57. Threads 58. As Good As It Gets 59. A Clockwork Orange 60. The African Queen 61. Unforgiven 62. Young Frankenstein 63. A Hard Day's Night 64. The Naked Gun 65. Why Man Creates 66. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie 67. Pi 68. Lucus 69. Stand By Me 70. Rocky 71. Rudy 72. Cool Hand Luke 73. The Incredible Journey 74. Picnic at Hanging Rock 75. Minority Report 76. This is Spinal Tap 77. Raise the Red Lantern 78. Seven 80. The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen 81. Chronopolis 82. Un Chien Andalou 83. Scanners 84. West Side Story

85. The Apartment 86. Revenge of the Nerds 87. Go 88. Jurassic Park 89. King Kong (1933) 90. Office Space 91. City of Lost Children 92. Eraserhead 93. Little Miss Sunshine 94. Hairspray 95. The Rules of the Game 96. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker 97. The Jerk 98. Bull Durham 99. The Godfather series 100. Lord of the Rings series TDS. To Muslim Elites: By Globalist Elite plans, the US Government will reach a debt deal by Aug 2nd. If the US government defaults, you are the #1 suspect per retaliation for Globalist creation of the Arab Spring revolutions. A prolonged US default will be met with the Globalist full arsenal used against you. TDS. Everyone asks me about Atlantis. You know Atlantis was just the island of Thera, right? People exaggerate today, but did so greatly in ancient times. Thera DID have the following traits though: 1. Total equality of men and women 2. Running cold and HOT water 3. Understanding of mystical elements such as feng shui 4. Advanced education system 5. Were mostly vegetarians In its heyday thousands of years ago, Thera was like ancient Athens. Many elites lived here, but up to 10% of elites were killed during the eruption. Contrary to what people believe, Atlantis (Thera) didn't have electricity in every house. Thera had a form of electricity but they didn't appreciate the value of it. When Plato talked about Atlantis he said it was on the opposite continent, but his story came from Egypt - Egyptians were talking about Europe since that's the opposite continent from Africa. This is how confusion started over Atlantis being an entire continent. Plato & Egyptians also wildly exaggerated the size of Atlantis. The actual city on Thera was named Akrotiri - that's your Atlantis. Akrotiri did NOT have nuclear power or anything extremely exotic. It did have total equality of both sexes & running warm water in most homes. It had a deeper understanding & use of magick. It was a major capital city of the elite. Thera was destroyed by a volcanic eruption, but was mostly evacuated before the eruption due to severe earthquakes - so very few people died on the island. This was a massive eruption, so massive the Hebrews could see it from Egypt - this explosion is

what Moses & Hebrews thought to be God during the Exodus... "So the cloud of the LORD was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel during all their travels." -Exodus 40:38; "By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night." - Exodus 13:21 What became of the ppl at Thera was a few settled spread out around nearby coastal areas. Many of them attempted to invade other lands, which failed. TDS. Gulf of Aqaba - research it and see they've found underwater wreckage; one item greatly resembles an ancient Egyptians chariot wheel. The area here fits the description found in the Bible. Mount Jabal al-Lawz (translates to Mountain of Almond Trees, I believe) - this mountain is still scorched atop, the rock Moses split for water, everything is still there. The Arabian government has known of this area for a while now, which is why it's off limits and fenced in. Q. Are you Jewish? TDS. I have Jewish blood, but I'm not Jewish for several reasons. One is Kabbalah you'll almost NEVER find proper Kabbalah knowledge with o PAYING for it - blasphemy in my mind. TDS. Another problem I have with Kabbalah (and Freemasonry) is how self-hyped they are. You'd think upper Freemasonry would teach you how to turn people into pigs, walk on water, turn shit to gold - but no. It's probably a massive let-down, like finding out the Scientology BS after paying thousands of $. I read one text of Kabbalah and the first SEVENTY pages was about how awesome Kabbalah is. Q. I really wonder why so much hatred on their (Americans) part - to totally different categories of people? TDS. One reason is because Americans are descended from the Tribe of Dan. Another major reason is the geology, geography, aura of the USA land. If you took the most peaceful people in the world and moved them to United States, they'd be the same way we are within 100 years. TDS. Woo hoo! I threatened the stock market if I wasn't allowed full control over my communicating. They called my bluff so stock market 'doom' it was. You can threaten certain peoples family, life, future, politics, religion - but mess with their money they always give in. >=D Q. How were you not in full control of your communicating? TDS. lol I was banned from EVERY conspiracy forum, that's not full control Q. What tools are at your disposal that you would use to crash the stock market? TDS. Only rituals. Q. So what are they doing with all the gold? TDS. Rebuilding Solomon's Temple Q. Are they using the gold as wealth to finance the building or are they constructing the

temple out of gold? TDS. Both but much of it for construction one day since the specifications for Solomon's Temple are very exact and call for gold. TDS. Here's some weird elite trivia: the only TV show to purposely avoid programming was Little House on the Prairie. Q. Why would they purposely avoid that show? TDS. Elites have to avoid some things - what else are THEIR kids going to watch? I can't explain how they program people through media. TDS. Everyone assumes Lady Gaga is heavily programmed, but she's not. Gaga's target audience is already under elite control. However, the Jonas Brothers' music is HEAVILY programmed. Q. So they are trying to program little girls through the Jonas' brothers? What are they trying to program them with? TDS. With acceptance and passiveness in regard to any elite agenda. TDS. Haha, if the aliens I knew of wanted to make their presence known or take over the Earth, it would've been done decades ago. They have technology killing people by just seeing a light or hearing a sound. TDS. Another fun elite trivia: St. Germain (1121AD-present) is the oldest living elite. He was living in NYC until 2001, St. Germain was the unknown person hauling ppl out of the WTC after the attack. I'm not sure where he lives now. TDS. The Globalist elites current have the following technologies fully developed practical fusion power; nanorobots; bio-engineering; ability to graft machinery onto organic components; optical computers; terraforming; fully self-sufficient underwater city; synthetic fossil fuels; complete understanding of the human brain; new, exotic metals by nanotechnology; weather alteration; ability to completely automate factories; they're VERY close to artificial intelligence and may have already discovered it but more testing and debate is required to verify the machine is sentient; self-repairing buildings; longevity vaccine increasing lifespans to 200 but elites don't use this because of the side effects (you pretty much become a zombie and VERY open to suggestion). TDS. Are you talking about Obama's birth certificate? That's a MASSIVE distraction started by 8 people, and one was the state representative from my county - a total caveman. His only major contribution was the down-in-flames bill the locals terms the 'dildo bill' which would have banned all sex toys in TN. Former State Rep Eric Swafford then his maid found sex toys in this man's bedroom. Anyway, these are the kind of people behind this distraction. There are 1,001 more important things. TDS. Elenin? Rebel elites call that a "CoBlo" (Conspiracy Blunt). While people research & worry over a CoBlo, important events take place and people most apt to connect the dots are distracted and sedated (conspiracy reefer). TDS. I hope you're not expecting instant major financial doom for America. Globalist Elites learned decades ago that doesn't work on USA. When it comes to breaking a nation through behind-the-scenes actions we have 4 categories: Fire nations: These countries break to our will with one swift Hollywood-like dramatic

show of physical force. (Egypt, Japan) Water nations: break from prolonged chronic erosion over an extended period of time usually through education, moral, economy, politics tampering (USA, England) Air nations: break from prolonged fits of introducing new ideas and philosophy, cultural engineering (China, Russia) Earth nations: break from corrosion and tampering with family structure, self-discipline, and beliefs (Afghanistan, Native Americans) GLP eats up fire nation breaking, but that's not how we approach USA. Globalist elites tried this technique in 1929 for the Great Depression but underestimated USA's ability to bounce back. USA responds well to major on-the-brink, flashy shows of force like The Great Depression, WW1, WW2. Water-nation breaking events like 20 years in Vietnam or 10 years in Afghanistan, well USA can't deal with this. So your economic breaking will be through prolonged financial bad times. Major events may SEEM like it's a dramatic show of action, but the underlying plan for bringing USA into line involves what I've described. TDS. The WORDS of Jesus may help, but praying to someone dead for almost 2000 years won't help people feel any better than taking a placebo. Q. How is it that you quote the Bible and Revelation but you deny the existence of God who by the way inspired it.... and also authored circumcision? You are truly deceived!!! TDS. You HONESTLY believe in the back of your mind God wants newborn boy genital mutilation? The Hopi sure seemed to have power when they address the UN in 1992 warning of floods and natural devastation if humanity doesn't keep in harmony with the planet - a few days later historic flash floods hit Manhattan forcing the closure of the UN building. Q. What is the real purpose of the chem-trails? TDS. Too many to list. Some purposes are keep people addicted to drugs; be violent; be apathetic; spend more; on and on and on. TDS. Everyone always ask WHEN. I don't know for sure, it doesn't matter. Jesus got ill once when people kept asking him about attaching dates to his prophesies, and Jesus said, "Why are you so concerned with the end date when you don't know the beginning date?!" (that's a paraphrase) TDS. Elites hate timelines because they're tools for control. If you give someone a goal and a timeline, you have great control over them. Timelines are frowned upon. Q. Do the elite use peoples own dreams against them and try to influence peoples dreams in order to condition them? TDS. Usually programming you're exposed to while conscious does affect dreams, and yes it's for conditioning. Q. Which God do 75% of people worship? Was Jesus, God in the flesh? TDS. 75% of people worship the god saying "Just worship me and everything will be okay. Don't ask questions. Have blind faith. Know your place. Turn against each other.

Divide into groups. Fight over me, me, me, ME!" Jesus was not God in flesh. TDS. Let's assume Globalist Elites completely left the scene. Other groups would move in to fill the void and trust me they're not as nice. As for 100% elite removal we tried that - the Wild West, and it was a hellhole until elites took it over. TDS. I don't think you people get it. We're on the good side - we use evil methods, but that's the only way things will be accomplished. Our enemies are not external. They are internal - inside everyone. Remember, the first step of jihad is jihad WITHIN - we haven't accomplished that on a grand scale. Q. Do we really have to accept Jesus Christ in order to get to Heaven? TDS. You don't have to accept Jesus you have to accept your personal Christ. TDS. For people saying elite knowledge should be completely shared. Just remember the concept of a decent government - republic - was shared in ancient Greece, yet it took millennia for society to accept the concept. People do NOT need any more technology right now; they need philosophy to catch up with technology. Q. What is the 'Black Awakening', and what triggers it? TDS. "We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the bloodiest turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time" -Albert Pike Trigger = technological/society fasting Q. Why are the stock markets crashing the last couple of days? TDS. They're crashing because it's part of our slowly wearing you out plan. TDS. ** You're doing the same thing Christians do - focus too much on the messenger and not enough on the message. Q. Do you know if they put things in the chemtrails that cause serious conditions? TDS. Money. All about the money. It keeps burdens off plants - which brings profit. It gives you cancer - which brings profit. Sometimes it brings class-action lawsuits, which brings profit. TDS. That's what my group will do - shift the paradigm from "wealth first" to "knowledge/wisdom first" TDS. Why the ruling class seems demonic: 1. Power accumulates among certain groups - with inheritance. This is inevitable 2. The Status Quo is bearable for these groups and ppl dependent on these groups (the

workers). 3. A quirk pops up like a widespread virus, war, natural disaster. One million people are employed in some form by the defence department. A war comes. Now five million ppl are employed by the defence department. What now? Half the people won't train for a new job, it takes another evil event to force people into mandatory retraining and new way of life. SO events like the Iraq War are created to keep these ways of life propped up. 4. Ways of life these workers maintain (jobs, what they buy, how they act, who they love/hate/respect) support groups in power, everything is fine. Feudalism never left, it was repackaged. 5. Ruling class aren't completely evil - they have a bigger picture in mind. Problem is elites are unwise as common human on improving society. Q. Leave humanity alone to learn on its own and if humanity does not learn from its mistakes, then it has created its own reality. TDS. Elites left humans alone until about 5000BC, and how little humans developed then. TDS. You can research to find "Eden" means "walled garden" which means cave. Humans left their simple life, caves, nomadic existence, and shouldered more responsibility. It's simple as that, the simple explanations always have more truth. TDS. Tomorrow around 10AM Central time direct all the hate and negative energy you can at Gaddafi. And PLEASE don't expect Hollywood-like results, he will not spontaneously combust, not explode in a shower of pink bunnies on unicycles and umbrella-parachuting elephants. It's simply to weaken decades of spirit energy he's built. The best way for directing negative energy toward Gaddafi - research what he's done. Q. So all it really takes is a large group of people directing negative energy at someone to totally fuck with their lives? TDS. No, that's not all it takes; otherwise Hitler would've been gone sooner. It takes a gatherer to funnel and project that negative energy, and negative energy is all I'm capable of dealing with. TDS. I'll let everyone know later what leader on which to focus negative energy. Globalists Elites are taking the world on a country-by-country basis starting with Muslim Elite controlled countries. Q. You say you operate using negative energy. And there is one thing that your writings have a distinct lack of. That of love. For humanity, for people, for much of anything other than the "rituals" and ego, apparently. I think that about explains most of your motivations, intentions, and energy. Likely even where you are headed. I can't believe you would actually ask people on here to direct "negative energy" at someone or something... TDS. And how DARE you second guess my asking for help with Gaddafi. Gaddafi? Seriously?! I'm all for turn the other cheek, but come on! It worked, after the ritual, the citizens stormed the capital at lightning speed. TDS. One critically important characteristic of a group is history. The longer the history, the more a group thinks it has to lose.

TDS. Clinton lied about a question presented to him having nothing to do with job. Do you think Clinton's extramarital affairs affected his job? Let's say your next President lies about having swinger parties in the Lincoln bedroom - if that President can get unemployment under 2% - then who CARES what goes on in his personal life? You elect a political leader for ability first - NOT for morals. As for being in control - my group doesn't own 100% of the 'controlling' stock, but they are shareholders of a powerful portion. Q. Why "love" isn't present in the premise of the new religion him and his sponsors want to put in place once society is destroyed? TDS. Love is very present in the premise, it falls under the 'wisdom' part of the first step of knowledge/wisdom. Love can easily distract though. Of most palms I've read, fate is stopped by love/relationships. TDS. Next to Rebel Elites, the Zionists are the most deceptive, violent, moral-lacking elites in history. TDS. Elites care not if they're exposed. You the people don't want wars? Please! Well, you're right - you wouldn't even organize into war. Said before: Elites left the wild west alone as an experiment and look what happened. Neon Easter flowers and pink bunnies on unicycles, yes harmony and utopia is fun. Too many violent elements around for this. You speak of love - love is stationary, does nothing, I can 'love' & 'hope' 24/7, but HELP help is what people need. TDS. The only anti-NWO group that could put up decent resistance are the Chinese Elites. That's why China will be last on the list. Here's countries less than 50% controlled by Globalist Elites or with major pockets of non-Globalist-controlled groups: 1. China: only 45% Globalist 2. India: 55% 3. Russia: 60% 4. Ethiopia: 40% 5. Turkey: 50% 6. Iran: 45% 7. Venezuela: 20% 8. Cuba: 40% 9. Sudan: 10% 10. North Korea: less than 5% 11. Somalia: 10% 12. Zimbabwe: 10% There may be more, but these are the ones I can recall off the top of my head. Q. What can you tell about vampires? TDS. That vampires are not completely 100% real - at least not how people imagine vampires. The myth about vampires hating sunlight was enflamed by modern culture in moves. No reflection in mirrors was from mirror usage in exorcisms, and somehow that got tangled up with vampire lore. Garlic keeping vampires away is from the Bubonic Plague era - garlic repels fleas, mites, and other animals carrying the plague, so people

noticed wearing garlic lessened the chances of catching plague. Since plague was equated with evil, this spilled over into vampire myths. Vampires are not undead, rather perfectly alive. They do not drink blood. People on this forum may know vampires by another name of "Nephilim". TDS. It unnerves me when I see people promoting absolutely no government. Those are usually the first people to die in anarchy - so how ironic. People NEED government. I'd challenge no-gov people to live in Somalia, since that country pretty much have no government in some areas, and what government they have is 100% ineffective. Q. Awhile back you mentioned Ron Paul being a sort of barometer indicating the effectiveness of elite's programming. People are starting to hear what he's saying and taking him seriously. How does this effect the elite's programming efforts? Are the elite's going to tighten the screws and develop more effective programming, or is that not as important as the elite agenda progresses? TDS. They'll just develop stronger programming since it's like drugs - everyone has a threshold. On the plus side that means more kickass of either music, movies, drugs, tv shows, or some form of entertainment. TDS. If that's true about limestone, then in theory someone could build a house underground free from all elite influence. You'd need a way to block the entire electromagnetic spectrum out, added with the limestone - you'd be set. Q. Chris, are you implying or have you implied that 'they' influence us in other ways other then media, etc. How would 'they' influence us by electromagnetism? TDS. They can send signals to your brain to be happy, sad, angry, lazy, depressed, whatever. I don't think it can be a specific idea. Q. 1) I want to know a true state of affairs. How to learn to avoid consequences of this knowledge? 2) It has been said "the Earth it is worse, than the prison who doesn't understand it, that never will get out." Why is the earth - hell? 3) From a question (2): elite the only supervisors? 4) How to leave from under influence how to become free? 5) How to help the rests? 6) How long can a human live? 7) How can one communicate with the Elite? TDS. 1. The true state of affairs is Russia will never be completely occupied through war. Russia will be involved in World War 3. 2. The Earth is a prison, but the physical body is the greater prison to trap the Divine Light within you. 3. Most Elite are trying to free your Divine Light from this prison. 4. The only way humans will escape their prison is through philosophy and technology. 5. I can't answer that for you. You have to chose how to best help others. 6. With current genetics most humans could live 120 on average. With basic genetic modification it could be 160. 7. You can't ever really communicate with the Elite, they have to make first contact. You could get their attention through magick though.

TDS. All major religions will be incorporated into the new thought (religion). TDS. If you're wondering why the elites want a WW3 b/t Christians/Zionists & Muslims it's so modern religion is weakened in public opinion. During WW3 you'll see nothing but trained, foaming-at-the-mouth religious freaks on both sides claiming their religion is the right one and all others should die. The mainstream media will make it seem CURRENT RELIGION is the cause of WW3. Current religion is the last major stumbling block of a New World Order. After WW3, Christians, Jewish people, Muslims alike will be more and more labelled as dangerous radicals responsible for a war which killed millions. TDS. Why do so many people keep privately asking me about a woman wearing white at the Bilderberg? Q. She looks like someone's nice little old happy grandma. A very, rich and powerful grandma :0) And, really, why would it matter who she is???? TDS. o_O . . wow, she came out in public? It matters because everyone at the top takes orders from her. People always ask me about puppet-masters at the top, she's one. I bet nobody got a video of her? I was once told if I ever see a woman matching her description, and wearing all white, to do everything she says, with the threat of noncompliance being unspeakable punishment. Her first name is "Neda". TDS. It still infuriates the elites how hard it is to get nations to war. If denying Palestine statehood doesn't work, I'm not sure what the plan is. I know the elites don't want just a Palestine/Israel war, since that would last a few weeks. What is really wanted is a war looking something like this... North Korea vs. South Korea or some other conflict USA would feel compelled to take part in, stretching US military so thin it would be hesitant to take part in the next war... Gaza, Palestine, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Libya vs. Israel But again I'm not sure how those plans will work out but come hell or high water elites will make sure WW3 is over Middle East and religion. Nobody thought after WW1 that WW2 would occur. TDS. I hope after WW3, you'll help me convince people Christianity and Islam have more in common than Judaism and Christianity. Q. How long do you think it will take to start WW3? Do they have a timetable of so many years or even months? TDS. They don't have a time table. You'd be surprised how near-impossibly hard it is to get nations to fight. Israel, for all its talk, utterly refuses to engage in a big war. Elites have tried to get Israel into a war by having them invade Gaza, with the thought being other Muslim nations would rush to Gaza's aid - that failed. The Israel/Lebanon skirmish was supposed to escalate into a bigger war - failed. Elites rushing along Iran's nuclear program was supposed to entice Israel into war with Iran - failed (Israel refuses to bomb Iran unless USA agrees to help, and USA won't at this time). Finally elites got fed up with Arab leaders sitting on their asses and being all talk, so that resulted in the Arab Spring and instalment of governments more likely to actually attack Israel. Wait until these governments are more secure, then the elites will stir up more false flag problems between Israel and Arab nations. If Israel keeps refusing to attack, then it's going to

result in a chemical/biological/nuclear attack on a major Israeli city, with Arabs being to blame. TDS. Turkey accepted Israel's aid. The Globalist elites are pissed. Talk about backfire. TDS. For New World Order; because society has been in immature, selfish "puberty" long enough. It's time to evolve. Q. Do you ever worry that maybe a New World Order would create a less diverse, and therefore, weaker World? TDS. No because people would accept other cultures more readily and diversity would be encouraged. Q. Are you against overpopulation? If so, if you had the technology how would you attempt to end it? TDS. I don't care if humans populate to 100 billion or 1 million - it will self-correct. If I had the resources I'd build up a large population then instantly enforce a one-child policy. Eventually you'd have 1 middle aged worker taking care of 8 elderly people. Then either euthanasia of elderly would happen; a "virus" (man-made) would break out among the elderly; or a war would be started to bring in extra resources. Oh wait! That's already gonna happen in China. =D No if I had the technology I would engineer a virus to attack the less intelligent. I'm sure it could be done - there ARE so-called "race bombs" or engineered viruses which only attack one certain race of humans. If we could raise the average IQ by 50, there'd be no need for tricking & herding humanity into a New World Order. Q. If you can't raise the average IQ by 50 then what makes you think you are worthy of determining the fate of humanity? TDS. Someone with an IQ of 110 is twice as smart as on withan IQ of 100. It doubles every 10 points. IQ is bogus though. It only measures about 3 of the 9 types of intelligence. You'd have to design a test that measures all 9 types of intelligence: Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart) Musical Intelligence (Musical Smart) Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart) Existential Intelligence (Philosophy/Religion Smart) Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart) Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart) Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)

TDS(Date posted: 11/11/2011 09:55 AM ). That map what nations are controlled by each elite group. Red = Globalist Elite Green = Muslim Elite Dark Blue = Communist Elite Light Blue = Indian Elite Magenta = Rebel Elite Russia = mix of Globalist, Communist, Rebel The Christian Elite are not shown because they basically blend with Globalist Elite; however it's estimated if people were asked to decide b/t Christianity and Globalism only 150 million Christians would remain. Bohemian Elite are are not listed because they're spread out around the world and about 200 million people are placed into this group. Q. Can you tell us something about the Rothschilds are they more elite than you and are

they really evil and the main family of the illuminati? TDS. They use evil methods to achieve good goals. They're meticulous in planning. They are not the top family of Globalist Elite, no family dominates, there is no #1 leader. Nobody would be allowed that much power; because we know power corrupts. *** Q. Well come on Chris, tend to both sides. I like a little mystical brain stimulation. TDS. No no no. I don't talk over people's heads, and can't stand it when people do for the sake of it. If that habit were eliminated society would be 300 years ahead of today. Because when it happens hype builds around it. Oldest trick in the world. Look at the Kabbalah - most self-hyped group in HISTORY. Q. Is there anything hiding at the North and South Poles? Entrance to any particular facility or the fabled hollow earth entrance? Why are they no fly areas? TDS. Weird, man-made things are located there. The Earth is not hollow for two major reasons. 1. Wouldn't be enough gravity to hold moon in orbit. 2. If Earth is hollow like a empty aluminium can, then outer space impacts would leave us looking like Swiss cheese, full of holes, especially at the poles. No fly areas over the poles are from strong magnetic interference. Q. ...I have to disagree with you about 11:11. Too much of a constant coincidence. TDS. Think of it like this - you're driving down the road, and the odometer is about to hit 100,000 miles. This is a rare event by man-made symbols but means nothing will happen in the car or outside world. Q. Of the 7 billion people on the planet, how many are elite? TDS. Around 10 million. Q. Who is behind Wallstreet stuff and what's the goal here? TDS. George Soros - to increase mentality of levelling out corporate control over the world. Q. Why can't elite teach through TV responsibility, unity and educate people? I understand the idea of pissing people off and asking questions more, but you have never tried to educate them what morality means. Aren't you judging people by saying that it is bad to not to do anything (ignoring the fact that your programming has done it to them), hence, playing God again? What is your business in regards of what other people/sheeple do. You have your own consciousness. Elites are simply degrading consciousness's, which is the opposite to the message you are trying to spread here that "cause justifies the means." You cannot expect people to grow if you are not explaining how to etc. I'm fairly certain that you understand the point I am making. TDS. Because currently elites don't want people to have too much power. When will elites want to enlighten people? When one group dominates or 'controls the market' of this power struggle among different elite groups. Elites believe it's best to keep people beaten down - an educated society is NOT in their best interests. It's purely selfish means society isn't better programmed. TDS. (on teaching NWO in schools) Very few can learn it. The way people use industrial lasers to pop tires for shits & giggles - I don't think teaching this would be a great idea.

Q. Thanks to your programming. TDS. Which gives us great reason to not release technology & info kept secret. The deal is the Elites won't release this technology & info until there's a new world order, united religious order. Q. But there was no reason before, hence - you never did it to actually help anyone, but just to stay where you are. You had to dumb down people to acquire power. Create a problem, which would never occur otherwise just to claim yourselves as saviours to gather all the power? TDS. It's like this - if illuminated knowledge were all released tomorrow people would mostly ignore you. People have to CRAVE it, and in order for people to crave that they must be brought to their knees & cry out, "Please God, give us salvation from this!" THEN they'll listen & accept this knowledge for fear doing otherwise will cause a slide back into oblivion. Q. Who will control the united religion order? TDS. It won't be controlled by any single entity, that would go against what the new religion will teach. It will be owned & controlled by humanity as a whole. Q. How are you planning to stop ecat? TDS. If it's real, then the inventor will be paid off - if he refuses that then he'll be killed either way if it's real the invention will be stolen & discredited. I doubt it's real though. If it were real he'd let people inspect it closer. Q. What do you think about Vipassana? TDS. I think it's great meditation, but have a problem with how Buddhism over complicates things, making it less accessible to mainstream. TDS. You know psychics exist, but how come so few predictions come true? You would think this website esp would attract psychics. The answer is because elites usually have psychics on the payroll. Not sure how other countries do it, but in USA psychics - the really strong psychics - are employed by Wall St. In fact Wall St. people probably hire more psychics than any other organization. If a psychic proves him or herself through Wall St., then that person is tapped to join the elite psychics. TDS. I wouldn't worry about North Korea launching massive war against South Korea. Research what North & South Korea have aimed at each other - both could annihilate the other's capital city within an hour. Even if Kim Jong Un is batshit crazy off-the-wall & orders a war, the North Korean military highest-ups won't allow it (the military generals would arrange for a "suicide" of Kim Jong Un from "excessive grief"). If anything happens North Korea will attack a small S. Korean or Japanese target, threaten total nuclear annihilation if retaliation is used, then when no massive retaliation takes place N Korea will use that as propaganda of how afraid the world is of them... same old song. Q. Why is it impossible for you to be wealthy in your position? TDS. Because excess material wealth taints your spirit. That's why elite jobs are incredibly divided between magick & wealth - people like Rothschilds do wealth but not magick. The 2 are never allowed to interact. It's one reason my county is kept utterly poor. [*link*] There's census info for my county. Scroll down to see "Business QuickFacts" . . "Private nonfarm employment, percent change 2000-2009 -60.3%" In other words my county lost half of its jobs in 10 yrs, compared to only a 3% decline in all of Tennessee.

Q. Is there a possibility for a Mrs. Darkness, Christopher? Or are you a loner? TDS. Loner, used to bounce between bisexual, homosexual, straight but asexual now progressed past those emotions. Q. *** Wow.. you came out of nowhere! Whats your background? TDS. My surname is Pursley which means "guardian of Pussa's grave" Pussa somehow became Medusa in legend, but she wasn't a gorgon. 'She' is the Armilus statue of which you speak. The statue doesn't turn you to stone but does drive some crazy. Q. How is the feeling beeing marionette of demons? I understand that we all are somehow in that way, but you are in the first row of their control... Are you in debt for them? TDS. Honestly? How does it feel? Mentally & spiritually I can deal with it since I was designed to carry what you call "demons" (which they're not)... physically, it's hard. I FEEL great about it. This is difficult to quickly explain... Humanity has been in what I call "puberty" long enough. Think of a 15 year old boy in puberty... that's where society wants to be right now. Is society a 15 year old boy though? No! Society is in young adulthood now and knows better - knows the "right" thing to do in life but still refuses. Children are lied to by parents & fed stories of Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, told the world works in a manner it does not. The child becomes disillusioned by harsh realities of life so stays immature forever. It takes a crisis to bring the child to terms with reality & mature. Stubborn, strong-willed children (which is what human society is) have to hit a rock-bottom crisis to change perspective on things. Elites are here to help ignite that crisis & help society through it. Q. But you(elites) created this immaturity, not people. Your actions would be justifyable and honorable if you would be a solution only. But you are a solution to your own created problem. Where am I wrong here? i.e. The Russian Empire you destroyed (temporarily) had a next to perfect society before Egypt with all it's pyramid slave-slaveholder system and you know it. If elites would want to save humanity - they would implement the system that was similar to the one Aryans had. But you cannot allow all the good things to happen if you are not on top of them and glorified as rulers of the physical world. That's how I see it. I would love to hear your explanation - where am I misled. TDS. Elites magnify society's immaturity but did not create it. Immaturity mostly springs from lack of knowledge & wisdom. Aryan government wouldn't work. No past form of government or economics work in modern times. The main problem - technology & demands of modern society have outpaced schools of philosophy. Billions of people use 21st century technology while maintaining a mindset based on outdated rules nearly 4000 years old. Old religions & philosophies are like cars. Our ancestors travelled far in these "cars", but we inherited these autos only to see them age & decay. Most popular religions & philosophies are rust buckets, no working engine, no way to help us, stays the same while everything else changes. It's time to salvage what little relevant good remains from these burdens & start anew. Q. Have you had any addictions in the past and how have you dealt with them?

TDS. It's clich but replace it with another addiction only a positive one. Something that produces serotonin in the brain. Q. How we can develop our courage? TDS. Expose yourself to things you are afraid of and when you feel too comfortable in life make a change. Q. What yours take on Putin in Russia? What's your take on the Vatican play in all of this? TDS. Yea, Russia isn't really a big threat - Russia can't handle invading foreign areas like Afghanistan, but Russia responds viciously when attacked on their homeland. Vatican doesn't really matter in anything. Those people will just horde up in the Vatican like they did in WW2 and keep their mouths shut. TDS. The birth of Illuminati & Elites is recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Angels or aliens came to Earth & bred with women. It's in Genesis 6:4. In compensation for giving their daughters up, the human fathers were taught advanced knowledge by these beings. THOSE FATHERS WERE THE FIRST ELITES. The offspring (Nephilim) of the beings & humans were also elite. Everyone reading this has some Nephilim DNA in them. The areas of the brain & DNA we don't use that causes seemingly "magic" abilities is what is left in our bodies from Nephilim. Doesn't it seem odd humans went from knuckle-dragging for thousands of years to writing, alphabet, sailing, animal husbandry, palmistry, mysticism, music, laws, currency, masonry, art, mathematics, astrology, acupuncture in such a short time? That was just for starters. Everyone wants to know where the Elite power structure ends. I would tell you with God, but as far as quasi-direct contact - the leaders are the original entities who came to Earth in Genesis 6:4. They don't exist in this realm, but they can possess certain humans & orders issued in this manner to the top Elite leaders on Earth. Q. What will you preach to the people of the world as False Prophet, when you your self know a high amount of the truth? part of your "role" is to willfully deceive the people of this world including yourself, because the elite told you too? TDS. I'll teach the truth. False prophet is a misnomer, but I have to use it since it's the title most know. My role is to assist in transforming modern society, religion, government, economics... but these things will have to be pushed to the brink of destruction since that's that only place things radically change. Q. What is false about the role then? TDS. It's called "false" since Christians invented that term, and one goal is to totally transform Christianity in its modern form (it's desperately needed). So of course Christians won't see that as a positive. TDS. People never all agree on true ideas. If Jesus came back he wouldn't preach against Christian doctrines but be upset with how his message was used or how his message is claimed to be followed yet actions of "Christians" show otherwise. I'll be punished for influencing wars & natural disasters. Q. What would transformed Christianity look like? Would the Bible (or all holy books) need to be banned in order to transform religion? TDS. It would focus more on the God within everyone instead of some invisible man in

the sky. It would focus more on teachings of Jesus instead of some people basically saying, "Well I accepted Jesus & got saved - even though I can't quote or remember one thing Jesus said the fact I did some feel-good ritual in a church makes me Heavenbound." It wouldn't entail going to a church, sitting on your ass, listening to a boring sermon drone on for hours accompanied by yawns, sighs, and ppl mostly showing up as a social/gossip function. You wouldn't wear your best clothes to the new church - you'd wear work clothes since you'd be going out into the community as a group to perform community service. No book would be banned. Banning books means denying & withholding knowledge & that's one of THE main sins in the eyes of the true God. People can continue their own beliefs if they want. It won't be marketed as a 'religion' just a lifestyle. That's one reason elite programming has made younger generations shun "religion" (think of how many now say "I'm not religious but I'm 'spiritual'"). Q. The elite that you claim to represent have been denying and withholding knowledge since their inception, that means that they have wilfully disobeyed this true god. Does this mean that everyone in the elite knew right away that humanity needed to be denied knowledge and if so how did they come to that conclusion so quickly? TDS. They deny knowledge because it gives them control. "He who denies you knowledge envisions himself your master." Yes, most elites disobey the true God, but they see no other way to operate. Humanity isn't ready for some technology yet. Q. Are we not supposed to want to progress and fall deeper into the trap of materiality and grow comfortable as humans? TDS. You're supposed to progress through technology up to a point in accelerated evolution you shed your body. But we'll not see that in this lifetime. Our main mission on Earth is to evolve past the physical body. Q. Is or was Prince part of an elite group? And do you know why Prince became a Jehovah's Witness? TDS. Jehovah's Witnesses are with Globalist. Not sure about particulars with Prince's allegiance. Q. Why would the Bohemian elite want to cause cancer in people around the Gulf? And didn't you say Obama is part of the Bohemian elite? TDS. Because the Bohemian Elite see overpopulation as a cancer on Earth. The lower the population, the better. Yes, Obama is a part of them. That's why there's an internal debate right now over attacking Syria or Iran. If a Globalist were President, USA would've already attacked Syria or Iran. Bohemians don't care much for war, they'd rather stick with depopulation. Q. Chris, do you believe Obama is meant to win? Chris, are you wealthy? TDS. If Obama wins then he's agreed to war wit Iran. If he refuses war with Iran than he doesn't win. That's the deciding factor. I'm not wealthy at ALL I'm probably in the bottom 30%. TDS. Btw people, Israel won't attack the Iranian nuke targets first. They'll take out the long & medium range missile sites for starters. Q. 1. Are you requested by your sponsors to perform certain rituals? How do they

communicate with you? 2. I know you're not convinced about hidden hand and his thread elsewhere that i am not permitted to use the name of, but is there perhaps any truth to what he says about the 95% negative or 51% positive rule? 3. Do you sometimes wish you had a normal life and didn't have to exhaust your body with magick? (did you say the life expectancy of people in your position is around 40?) 4. Are your sponsors happy about your revelations here online? TDS. 1. Yes, but I can't say how they communicate. 2. I don't recall this rule. 3. Not really, I view myself as an electrical plug-in, if that makes sense. 4. I'm not sure since we stay disconnected. Q. About the 51% positive 95% negative thing hidden hand said, I can't find the text anymore but it was along the lines of a great harvest at the end of 2012, and people with at least 51% positivity ascend to a wonderful place, folks with 95% or more negativity go and live in the 4th or 5th dimension and have countless shitty lives. The people in between (under 51% positive and not making 95% negative) will have a moment of spiritual clarity and joy and then go back to their normal lives and the veil thickens again. I believe he even said that this takes place on a completely new planet but we don't notice the move. He also said the earth is hollow. Could that be? TDS. The only thing Mayans said about 2012 was. . . "It will be completed the 13th b'ak'tun. It is 4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in. It will happen a seeing. It is the display of Bolon-Yokte in a great investiture." Bolon-Yokte was a mayan god associated with creation, war, destruction, conflict, underworld, renewal. Some translations state Bolon-Yokte will descend out of the sky. How those 5 lines got twisted into 'end of world' or mass deaths I think is applying Western doomsday apocalyptic ideas to Mayan thinking. I think the only Western correlation with the 2012 Mayan prophecy is Fifth Trumpet of Revelation. Revelation 9:1-11 reads of a star falling from heaven to earth & was given the key to the bottomless pit. Likewise Bolon-Yokte will descend from heaven to earth & this god is associated with underground (bottomless pit?). "And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek his name is Apollo." Bolon-Yokte could also be associated with Abaddon since they're both spirits of destruction - Abaddon means "The Destroyer", similar to Bolon-Yokte's role. Personally, I THINK this is all talking about a possession of a famous leader on Earth. There won't be a massive end of world event. There will be something "not right" or "off" with a world leader after Dec 21st, 2012. Q. What's to stop me from putting this info out for all to see in a way that will grab peoples attention now that I have it in my hands. People are getting itchy, there was already a killing by a CT that fell too far into his reality, this info could truly harm the cause, why put it out there? TDS. It would be like the American troops deploying to Israel - total media blackout, nobody would pick it up, would be branded as tin foil hat crazy, lunatic, nuts. Q. 1. Is the ancestral "Odin" synonymous with the ethnogenisis of the Germanic peoples

as a distinct branch of the Indo-European language family? Was the original Germanic homeland in modern-day Sweden? 2. Your family tree states that Odin was a descendant of a Trojan princess. The Bronze Age Collapse is one of my great interests in ancient history. If your genealogical account is even close to accurate, this would suggest that the founding Germanic population was influenced by one of the many "Sea Peoples" groups who seemed to have migrated all over the map when the Aegean islands and the old kingdoms of Western Anatolia became adversely affected by Thera blowing up. Do you know much of that great Aegean civilization? You claimed in a previous comment that one of their main cities was a huge center of ancient Elites. Were they the source of subsequent peoples like the Minoans, Etruscans, Philistines and Trojans? I know for a fact that (even though their language ceased to exist) that these peoples were absorbed into many primary Iron Age civilizations like the Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians. Do the elite bloodlines of those groups ultimately derive from the old Aegean elites? If so this would shed some light on your own lineage. 3. What (if you know) sort of social mores, belief systems, culture and other customs did these ancient Aegean peoples have? You mentioned equality of sexes which would lead me to believe that these people enjoyed a considerably higher standard of living than their neighbors. Is this true? Was this due to the fact that, being an archipelago civilization they were fairly immune to invasions from all the nearby lumbering land empires like Egypt, the Assyrians and Hittites? TDS. 1. I'm not sure if the real, historical Odin was start of Germanic people, but he sure helped push that culture along. 2. Yes, the biblical "Sea People" were the main elites of that time. The eruption at Thera though was foreseen so those ppl began evacuation before the eruption (note nearly no bodies have been recovered in archaeological digs at Thera). The fact Troy fell to the Greeks shows elites aren't invincible. The Sea People mixed with a few other groups were the source of Trojans & Minoans - not sure about the others. 3. Their belief system was like proto-Gnosticism. The fact they weren't invaded much was because they preferred commerce over war. After the eruption though it seems they turned more violent since circumstances changed. Q. What what group is Madonna affiliated with? TDS. She's influenced by Zionist Elites which are influenced by Globalist Elites - so I'd say Globalist. Q. When are you planning to twist everything back to what it was, or you will keep us as cattle for the rest of eternity with implanted chips? TDS. There will be no implanted chip. I have no desire to turn back things to the way they were. The 'cattle' will be let out of the gate. I mean chipping people won't be a plan for the New World Order. That 'mark of the beast' speaks of right hand & forehead - this is symbolic of actions (right hand) & thoughts (forehead). It will be a different way of acting & thinking. Q. I will try to put myself in your place and assume that you are really doing it all for our greater good and what you are doing is not a simple hate for the people. Everything I say is based on - as far as I understand. Since the beginning of times in society there were much more "sheeps" than wise people. You decided to exploit it (to enhance our development) and created democracy and through manipulation you are able to put in new laws that will force people to undergo the greatest change imaginable to force them to shift their conscience since, whenever they feel good and surrounded by

luxury, they don't want to change and development stops, starts degradation. That's why you are trying to push as many changes and refresh information change rates so that people wouldn't be able to sit still and they would have to do something all the time. However, if we can believe psychologists from "Zeitgeist" or was it "Kymatica" then human brain has 2 modes it can operate on: defence and advance. It cannot be simultaneously in both. If human is constantly in fear - he cannot expand its conscience. 1.How are we supposed to learn these things you are trying to teach us if we are being constantly in defensive mode with all these distractions you make us go through. On the other hand I see that you are trying to show us that this is not what we are by allowing us to destroy ourselves with drugs, debt and all these emotions via programming us into "wanting" these things. But you know that the behaviour on 60-80% depends on the environment one lives in. 2.If you would try to nurture right morality, prohibit debauchery, ribaldry and platitude on television and elsewhere, wouldn't you achieve your goal a lot faster? It takes about 2-3 years most to shift conscience by 180. 3.Moreover, do you think people will allow you to change something even after the war? I'm sure that you will achieve your result, but people still will do whatever they want to. They will still eat, shit and laugh despite all the cataclysms you are going to make them go through. They still will want a leader that will take care of them and to blame for everything bad that happens to them. What will you do then? How much am I correct/incorrect and where? 4.And what is the point of technological progress if it leads to moral regress, which is opposite to what you are trying to achieve? What's the point of progress at all? All it does is creates luxury and toys that weakens our senses and makes us moral nomads again. 5.Also, since you are trying to get rid of all the "useless" people in the world this way and leave only those, who deserve to stay, can't you make a law, for instance, that would allow those, who deserve to survive? Because many of those, whom you are trying to push towards the light are in the shadow of the bad environment they live in and they fall to the bottom. For instance, if you have no money but you have desire to live and prosper, you are helpless. Cancel a law on the land for example. So that those, who are capable of taking on responsibility, would be able to go and live on their own and prosper from their own land? Sheeple will still want to be taken care of and they will stay in cities with luxury, but these people... I mean, how isn't that an option? 6.Are you planning on keeping the production of weapons and maintain army after uniting the world? (If yes, why?) And what will you do with all the people that don't know anything else except for the war? TDS. Methods have to be used to make people hate the ancient, outdated religions. It wouldn't work just to show up with a good new religion and expect people to flock to it. Think of how people won't FOR someone in an election but will walk 10 miles through the snow to vote AGAINST someone. Humans are like that. In humans conflict causes 10 times the progress compared to having no competition or something to be 'against'. So that's how people can learn while being in defensive mode. Teaching right mortality alone won't affect the inborn nature of people. Genetic manipulation will help with that, but most religions forbid this. That will change in the future. People will always be provided with someone upon which to pin their problems, but the New Religion will turn that person into the self. That's the only way real progress is made by accepting responsibility for one's self. Technology doesn't lead to progress with an accompanying philosophy. Philosophy hasn't progressed much since the 1800s. Technology has passed up philosophy at dizzying heights. That will have to change before any real progress is made. . . to stop

applying rules from 2000BC to 21st century problems. "Useless" people, those who only know war, and other 'unwanted' people will be studying for cures into these disorders. It makes no sense to keep locking these people up in prisons, insane asylums, or sweeping them under the carpet. It's like paedophiles. We lock paedophiles up thinking 'this will solve the problem'. This is treating the symptoms and not the cause - it's like someone with cancer taking pain pills to lessen the pain while they still have cancer. In the example of paedophiles, drugs can be made and DNA altered before conception to lessen or eliminate that paedophile urge. Q. Is the new world order of the Zionist elite the same as your new world order of the globalist elite? TDS. Yes, they're the same. But it's important to note Zionists aren't what I'd call 'real Jewish people'. Zionist & Globalist Elites both plan on Judaism & Islam nearly mutually destroying each other. The plan is for Christians, Muslims, Jewish people to get fed up with their religions and abandon them mostly for a new religion. Q. Can you describe roughly how the new religion will be? TDS. Yes, they use evil deeds for good intentions. The new religion will hold that knowledge is equal to love and the combination of those 2 things leads to a better world. Beatles were wrong, love isn't all you need. Q. 1.Do Earth will be a better place to live in future? 2.Are there any other creatures like us in universe? 3.Why do we exist? We have to understand our mission in the earth, so how many people understood this? Is it so hard how I think? Do everybody have mission? 4.Do we save our planet or destroy it (wars, pollution...)? 5.Do we save our planet or destroy it earlier than we understand our mission on the Earth? 6.Do malformations and diseases is a punishment for people? 7.Does God exist? Can we believe anything that is written in the Bible? TDS. 1. Earth will be much worse before it gets better. But yes it will eventually be better place to live. 2. There are creatures in the universe like us. However, humans are unique compared to aliens in their ability to forgive and easily adapt to different environments. 3. This is too long of an answer for here. 4. Earth will never be destroyed by humans with their current technology. If we exploded every nuclear missile tomorrow we wouldn't be here but Earth would still be here. We could certainly throw Earth off balance for 1,000 years, but to the Earth that's like seconds. So no - we won't destroy Earth. We will almost destroy ourselves though. 5. We will almost destroy ourselves before accepting our mission. 6. Disease is an incentive for humans to learn more about the body and mind. If disease never existed, humans would never care to learn about the body & mind. 7. God does exist but It's not the god of some parts of the Bible, like Genesis & Job & parts of Exodus - not the real God. You can only believe parts of the Bible, not the entire thing. TDS. Isn't it interesting the world suddenly cares about Syria enough to demand action while children in Africa die of diseases completely preventable with a free vaccination? People care about acute doom 100 times more than chronic doom, but my plan is to cure the chronic doom WITH acute doom. Religious nuts are what we intend to replace these dictators with... Then turn the nuts on each other to make ppl sickened with modern religion. Your true democracy will come after that - after ppl throw their hands up

and say 'to hell with status quo religion'. TDS. Trust me, if currently ruling elites were evil and wanted mass death, then you'd see billions dead in a year. They'd release airborne rabies with a six-month incubation period... into most major airports on Earth. Over 20,000 nuclear weapons on Earth & only 2 have been used should be proof Elites aren't foaming-at-mouth evil nuts hell-bent on destruction. Q. Why not channel some positive energy? TDS. Because I can't do powerful good energy, only negative. Q. Are reptilian beings real or fantasy? TDS. Fantasy. Q. If you focus negative energy on someone that negative energy will come back stronger to you. TDS. It will not. That's an urban legend started in the 1950s by pagans to control their covens by fear. The 'come back stronger' or 'come back three times stronger' thing was unheard of before 1950. Q. 1. Was AIDS manufactured in a lab? If so, what was the ultimate intention of spreading it around? 2. Do aliens look like us? 3. Are the Asian secret groups a real threat to yours? Are Ben Fulford's ninja assassins for real? What's the deal with him anyway? 4. How many major elite bloodlines are there really? TDS. 1. Yes, to control African population, and keep people dependent on government through needed drugs. 2. No. 3. Not sure about Ben Fulford. Asian groups are a threat - they have the same goal just want a larger part of the end result. 4. No clue. Q. And why do you supress the German population since Hitler (I live in Germany and born in Berlin)? TDS. We don't suppress Germany. Maybe Germany would like others to think it's weak. TDS. Zoroaster - he's a good example of an underrated enlightened person. Zoroaster influenced Western thought more than you know. There is no physical proof. Zoroaster had a lot to do with magick, but Solomon and the era of Solomon did much to collect magick knowledge together. But Zoroaster and the Magi invented NEW magick. I think after you accomplish your good deeds you stop reincarnating and enter the true Heaven. That is if you choose to. Some enlightened ppl called Bodhisattva in Buddhism delay going to this Heaven in order to teach people on earth about enlightenment Bodhisattva like Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Socrates, Sartre, Zoroaster, Thales, Aesop, Pythagoras, Mozi, Confucius, Mahavira. Plenty of enlightened people were underrated or unknown at all. Think of how many enlightened Native Americans or Africans have been ignored. It takes all races & cultures to solve humanity's problems; because each group of people have a piece of the puzzle. Impossible to solve a puzzle without all pieces. Q. This idiot claims Mohammed was enlightened. Was this when he was fucking his child wife idiot? You and your magic cannot lift you from your trailer park you bullshitting

moron. People if you buy anything this clown says you are a helpless loser. TDS. Speaking of trailer parks & Western culture. . . what if Western culture had the oil? Would we conserve it? Think about it. What if whitey had the oil? We'd go apeshit crazy. Western mindset + oil = Third Reich. The world would be ours. God made Islam so strict because He knew these people were holders of great resources... great responsibility... great discipline. As for child wife - that was common, and women were given adult duties by that age. The Founding Fathers also had slaves, but we don't burn the entire Constitution & recoil in horror at the mention of democracy. 100 years from now people will bitch at you for eating meat in the same manner over a man/"child" relationship. Don't place 21st century perspective on 600AD. Here and now Jesus would serve 40 years in prison for terrorism & vandalizing Solomon's Temple. Mohammed would serve 40 years for child rape. Q. 1. Was Funvax administered to Arab countries through chemtrails or other ways? 2. You know how when Whitney Houston died, they still went ahead with their party downstairs. I was wondering, would you say this was a blood ritual and is it significant that the location of the celebration is also the location of the death? 3. How do you separate truth from horseshit? Obviously the internet is a cesspit of lies, how do you know what's right? 4. Around what age did you know you were to be of use to elite groups? Were you invited or just informed? Do you always work alone? 5. You seem to be an idealist and you also seem to care about the world. How does this fit in with the march towards chaos and doom this year? Are you 100% certain that in the end it is for the good of humanity? TDS. 1. Through chemtrails, vaccinations, food, water. 2. No clue. 3. I don't know how to explain this. It's a feeling. Usually if it's overly focused on aliens, ghosts, other dimensions, time travel then it's BS. Think of more earthly, human matters, means, and motives. 4. I always suspected it in back of my mind. Just informed. Yes, alone. 5. The world can't be in harmony with current religions, economies, governments, thoughts. It could be done through peaceful means and centuries of conditioning. Few have that patience. Q. Centuries of conditioning? Does this mean that the nwo will take place in hundred years or what? Or have we already the centuries of conditioning behind us? TDS. There's no set timetable for the NWO. I meant it would take centuries of conditioning to have a NWO through peace. The NWO won't happen slowly through peace. It will happen quickly through war. TDS. Until you end up like Somalia, Rebels haven't taken control. TDS. ...If you mean will I build a bridge between Elites and other people then yes that's my main goal. Q. I have certain questions I'd like to put to you, away from GLP, is that possible? TDS. Q. You said that 5k years ago people got out of the cave and started doing stuff. Before that time everyone were just monkey-stupid savages. In the territory of Russia tools

constantly are found that are dated from 15 000 years and more. Your response? TDS. There were pockets of developing human clans. The 5K ago I spoke of - Adam & Eve time - were the first to successfully start a non-segmented society carried on into today. Q. 1. Is there a memory back to your incarnations here on earth after you entered the true heaven? 2. Who are elite rebels. Which is there character/philosophy/personality? 3. Are there any famous Rebel elites we know under celebrities, politicians etc? 4. And why are they so evil? What do they practice? And what are their goals? TDS. 1. Yes, everything is remembered or imprinted upon the soul. 2. Elite rebels = anarchy. Immature to deal with adults issues. Look up Aristippus. 3. Kony. 4. They practice 'whatever gets me ahead first'. Ron Paul tards on steroids and other assorted drugs. No goals - just primal state. Q. 1: What is the author/mechanism? 2: How to connect to him/this? 3: Why Sankara, Buddha, Nagarjuna, Eckhart, and others don't tell the solution of this problem ? TDS. 1. I am guessing you speak of the false god. It will attempt to prevent you from assisting anyone with spiritual enlightenment. 2. Not sure how you can connect with the false god, but doing so results in a psychotic episode. 3. I don't know. TDS. Can't elaborate on programming through television/movies. Q. Looks like you have results manifesting now, Chris. *some link* TDS. Still not enough, has to be a great swelling & uprising - it's going the opposite direction. I think the stalling is because of internal issues b/t Globalist & Bohemian elites on which way to go w/ WW3. . . Bohemians want minimal damage done to nature. Globalists don't care - so we may have to sit back and wait for President Mittens. Q. Why exactly has the human population been allowed to increase so drastically? TDS. Because group mentality helps elites. TDS. The elite want to start handing over power, but that won't happen until one group controls a majority of all resources. They are building a bridge into retirement. Q. How white people in early history was the minority, how were they able to become top dog? TDS. White people - during the last Ice Age between Europe and Asia a group of humans were isolated by an inland sea. These people remained isolated for 1000s of years, and during this time a mutation in genes occurred. White became standard. These white people lived in close quarters with domesticated animals, and whites developed more immunity to viruses carried by animals. That was a great advantage for white people over others - immunity. Q. When will the giants return and are they your friend or foe are they the same bloodline as yours?

TDS. Yes, and they're in the same bloodline as yours probably. The lineage from Adam to Jesus was one of the few bloodlines to not mix w/ Nephilim. Not all of the offspring were giants - they're still alive. Today they're called "starchildren" or "starseeds". They're friends. Q. 1- What role does Cocaine have? Does it kill the soul? Devil's dust? 2- Everyone keeps talking about a 188 earthquake trend, the next which is supposed to happen on the 22nd of this month. Do you see this happening? 3- What role does Canada have towards the future? Can you say anything about Vancouver? Will Canada fall along with the US? 4- You mentioned at some point all electrical devices will short out. I was surprised nobody asked you to clarify more. Will this happen soon? What would be the cause? Will this be world-wide? 5- I am an Indigo. Can you tell me more about how Indigo's are to help change society? What's my role as an Indigo? I have a firm belief I was put here on Earth at this specific time for a reason, I'm on a mission, but unsure what that reason is. 6- Did the Earth God create the 10 commandments? Must we follow them to ascend to heaven or just to make him happy while we are here? 7- I'm interested in the Occult and magick but I've always stayed far away from it as I was raised Roman Catholic and was taught those forms are practised by "evil" people if you will. Would God look down on me or should I be practising magick? 8- What happens to those who sell their soul for fame? 9- How can I remember past lives? 10- The research I've done into Freemasonry has led me to believe they worship Lucifer, which is evil according to my Roman Catholic background. I was always interested in joining but didn't want to offend God. Is Freemasonry evil? Should I consider? TDS. 1. Do drugs kill a soul? Depends on what you're using drugs for. If you're using drugs to stay up and do more meals-on-wheels deliveries - then drugs don't kill the soul. If you do cocaine, smoke pot, lay like a potato in the ground - then yes they kill your soul. 2. I'm not very psychic. I can't forcibly peer into a certain date. Any premonitions given to me were not by my choice. I've never met anyone in real life who can predict things by dates. If a prediction comes w/ a date on it, be leery. 3. Not sure about Canada. 4. I'm not sure exactly when it happens. My guess was after 2023-2029, but like I said putting dates on predictions is bad. No clue if it's worldwide. I just have a reoccurring video in my head - daydreams and dreams. I'm driving down the interstate, car dies, I coast over, realize everyone else's car isn't working. I walk 30 miles back home. Months pass before electricity is restored. Once power is restored all governments are united due to this "great disaster". I have a feeling a solar storm does this. Remember the Earth won't be flooded again to renew it - trials by fire. 5. I wouldn't presume to know what your purpose in life is. Only you can answer that what will you leave for society? At your funeral how many tears will be shed because you helped so many? That's a good start for a measuring stick on your impact. 6. The Ten Commandments' intentions should be clear by the first commandment worship no other gods. Really? Had to put that before 'don't kill'? 7. You can practice it if you want, the true God doesn't view magick as evil just because it's magick. 8. You mean in this life or afterlife? 9. Hypnosis and that's just a maybe 10. Freemasonry isn't evil. I keep telling people if the powers that be were as foaming-atthe-mouth evil as portrayed - then 95% of the population would be dead tomorrow

through something like genetically-engineered airborne rabies. Q. Do you know of the technique of Transsurfing? What will happen if you will stop programming? TDS. Never heard of it. If elites stopped programming, then people would show symptoms of detox like coming off drugs. Q. What advice would you give someone sent by the one true God, and are they your greatest enemy? TDS. No, they would be a friend. Best advice I give is still... approach all things with faith in knowledge/wisdom to increase wealth for advancing self-improvement to gain authority over others in order to better grasp morality/spirituality for leaving a positive impact on society and plan for the future. Q. Earlier you mentioned ego annihilation and that this was a good thing but isn't the ego there to regulate the mind? if it was annihilated wouldn't the mind become unstable, possibly even psychotic? TDS. It's a situation you'd have to experience to know it's good. Q. Do Animals have Souls? TDS. Yes, animals 100% have souls. Q. I lost my Dog from cancer about 2-1/2 years ago. I have never had such a strong bond with anything else on Earth as I did with her. Will I have a chance see her again, and will I be cognitively aware that it is her? TDS. I can't answer if you'll see her again - don't wish to give you false hope. I'd guess she wants you to be happy. Dogs are like that moreso than any other animal - they want humans to be happy, and dogs express appreciation more than most animals. Help yourself and other dogs in her name. Q. 1. Can you tell something about the black nobility? Is the black nobility elite? 2. Was the black nobility involved in the "dutroux-affair"? And can you tell something about the "dutroux-affair" and who was really involved? 3. And can you tell us something about Helena Blavatsky? What was her task and role? TDS. 1. Black Nobility is elite - Global Elite. People confuse Rebel Elite w/ Globalist Elite and think Globalist Elite are evil. 2. Not sure if elites were involved w/ the Dutroux Affair but it sounds like just major blundering. Trust me - police can fuck up and be that corrupt. A methamphetamine lab was found IN our local jail 10 years ago. The prisoners broke into the evidence room to find the materials needed to make the drug and make it for an entire week in the jail before being noticed. This same jail's construction dates to 1860. 3.Helena Blavatsky was like Joan of Arc - they both picked up spiritual signals. In Helena's case she had problems w/ interpreting the signal - half of what she wrote/said is false. Q. Can you be more specific about what you believe is false in her work- 50% seem a lot? TDS. Her account of how advanced 'root races' were isn't correct. Q. 1. Why teaching the correct information to people wouldn't result in the same way you are expecting from deceiving and programming the masses? 2. You are rebuilding Salmons Temple from gold to resurect Jesus or lucifer or

whatevernot.. Then hide it from the public with false prophet despite the fact that you are presumably doing it for the greater cause. How is hiding the higher messenger is a good deed and why are you doing this? Why do you need to bring someone back from wherever you want to get him/her/it from? 3. What's the point of generating consumers from elite's POW? How are you planning to deal with this issue in NWO if NWO will happen? There will be many many unemployed people since average conscience will be raised and instead of constantly buying people will start to repair things, hence, reducing demand on new stuff etc.. 4. Why are you so desperately trying to destroy Russians? TDS. 1. Programming to masses is "religions are in conflict, kill each other". NWO programming will be nothing like this - unity will be stressed. 2. Rebuilding Solomon's Temple to weaken and distract the false god, allowing the true God's messenger to arrive. 3. Economics will be different, and the value of jobs will be determined by the educated. 4. I'm not. Russia has always done fine on its own. (Commentator: #4 if there is a program, there is a programmer.) Q. 4. Russians were slaughtered throughout the history with fire and sword because no other priority weapon worked on them and you should know it perfectly well. War is a 6th priority weapon, the fastest but the least sustainable one (when no other work). Global mafia (Judists and jewish people for most) is destroying them with alcohol like Indians were exterminated. All historians are screaming about the holocaust of the jewish people, but noone is talking about the holocaust of russians between 1921-1927 where 20-30mil Russians died (if we are talking about the most recent holocaust, which is just a droplet into an ocean among many other holocausts of Russians that happened in history). And you are claiming that you were not aware of it? TDS. This is why Russia does fine on its own - extreme adaptability & they mostly internalize national problems rather than using past disasters as an excuse for forced relocation. TDS. I termed them "Rebel Elites". You'll find their power concentrated in places like Belarus, Somalia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Haiti - and ppl under their influence sprinkled in every community across the world. If a member of the Royal family is connected w/ such things it's a fluke and not accepted by the family at large. TDS. The last step is foreknowledge or planning for the future. You shouldn't totally serve others - serve yourself and others in equal amounts. You're not a slave to humanity, rather a slave to the entire cycle of 7 steps. If you feel trapped on Earth as a prisoner, then remember - even prisoners cooperate to escape. Q. Who/what exactly are the "Bohemian Elites" you often allude to in these posts? How do they differ from the NWO/Globalists? What's their agenda? TDS. Their agenda is a Renaissance of Nature - reduction of human effects on nature. They hold the belief Earth/nature is sentient in some form and should be respected. Humans are viewed as an invasive skin cancer on the Earth. Globalists believe nature is far too vast and cyclic for humans to have a massive impact. TDS. Elites reincarnate into non-elites all the time and vice versa. TDS. If the elites of Western world are that evil, then Western countries would be in much worse shape. The level of evil ppl have Globalist pegged at... instead of GLP having pinned threads about "Obama born in Kenya" or "Obamacare unconstitutional"

we'd have pinned threads like "10,000 found in ANOTHER mass grave outside Detroit"... not to mention whoever spread the word about it would end up dead. TDS. Globalist don't actively seek population reduction; however that IS a side effect of certain plans. Bohemians want population reduction. TDS. People given large doses of DMT report seeing reptile-like beings or aliens or djinn - all the same thing. I admit they exist in another dimension. They are able to manifest here, but there's no point in worrying over or fighting them. Q. The cycle of 7 steps, who came up with that? TDS. I came up w/ that. TDS. Achieving high expectations requires leaving one's comfort zone. Fear wants us to stay in that comfort zone. Never listen to fear, be uncomfortable. TDS. Radical Zionists' task is the same as all other forms of extremists - eventual, mutual annihilation to serve as an example to walk the Middle Way. TDS. 2011 minimum - 2010-2012 Arab Spring - warm climate 2000 maximum - 2000 Miloević's overthrow Yugoslavia - cool/temperate climate 1996 minimum - 1996 Taliban Revolution Afghanistan - warm climate 1991 maximum - 1991 Dissolution of the Soviet Union - cool/temperate climate 1986 minimum - Philippine Revolution of 1986 - warm climate 1980 maximum - Gwangju Democratization Movement South Korea 1980 cool/temperate climate 1976 minimum - Cambodian Pol Pot Revolution of 1976 - warm climate 1969 maximum - Prague Spring - Czechoslovakia 1968 - cool/temperate climate 1964 minimum - October Revolution of Sudan 1964 - warm climate 1957 maximum - Hungarian Uprising of 1956 - cool/temperate climate 1954 minimum - 1954 Uprising against Chinese Rule in Hotan - warm climate 1947 maximum - Communist Takeover of Poland, 1947 - cool/temperate climate 1944 minimum - 1944 Guatemalan Revolution - warm climate 1937 maximum - Spanish Revolution of 1936 - cool/temperate climate 1933 minimum - 1933 Cuban Revolution - warm climate 1928 weak maximum - none - cool/temperate climate

1922 minimum - Ottoman Empire Sultanate Abolished 1922 - warm climate 1917 maximum - Russian Revolution of 1917 - cool/temperate climate 1912 minimum - Wuchang Uprising - warm climate Notice a pattern? Perhaps Sidis was right, and like William James Sidis I am NOT saying sunspots cause revolutions. With preexisting conditions for uprisings the sun's behavior may trigger uprisings. Social conditions are the gunpowder stuffed into bullets - solar conditions whisper in the ear,"Pull the trigger". Before W.J. Sidis, Druids and other elites knew this cycle. Scientists informing "expect a large solar maximum" means to some "if you live in a cool/temperate climate with escalating public tensions, then expect increased chance of violence." 2012-2014 is NASA's prediction for solar maximum so I'd look for revolution, revolt, uprising in temperate/cold climates during this time. TDS. I always keep an eye out for the 5th Trumpet. Here's a MAYBE - North Sea gas leak? Revelation 9, "Then the Fifth Trumpet angel sounded, and I saw a star having fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit." bottomless pit = ocean key to bottomless pit = natural gas rig smoke = natural gas leak That's the easy part; because such symbolism happens often. However is this happens. . . "Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree; but only those men who do not have the seal of God in their foreheads. And they were not authorized to kill them, but to torment them for five months: and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. In those days men will seek death, and will not find it; and they will desire to die, and death will flee from them." . . . then World War 3 isn't far behind. TDS. -You'll have to first see World War 3 b/t Arabs and Zionists. -The media make it out to be a religious war, though it's mostly politically motivated. -The war won't stop until both sides have lost the will to fight.

TDS. And marijuana is okay because to quote Jesus when asked about dietary laws. . . "What does into the body doesn't defile it, rather, what comes out of the body defiles it." Meaning what you intake (food, drugs, sights, sounds) won't defile your spirit, but what comes OUT of the body (words, actions) can defile it. So if drugs are making you overly lazy or angry then, yes, they're bad for you. If not then it's fine. TDS. If I ever have moments of doubt I'm quickly corrected by a higher power, so yes doubt occurs at times but never lasts long. Q. Hey Chris, so here is my understanding of a basic breakdown of the Global Elite structure and various sub-factions based on many of your previous posts. Feel free to correct any inaccuracies you see. 1. Globalists/NWO A.Khazarian/Zionist Bankster Mafia, the Western Euro side of the NWO, led by Rothschilds and their banks and perhaps a handful of lesser-known families; Operatives include people like George Soros, Zbignew Brezinski, Nick Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, Israel's Likud Party, Tony Blair and various other political pawns. In addition to dominating Western Europe, this faction has considerable pull in the US as well and practically "shares" the Federal Reserve with the group I outline below. B. Industrialist Brahmins: The US corporate side of the NWO, led by the Rockefeller, Bush and Clinton families, along with others like the DuPonts and other old-money Eastern Establishment families they aren't so much in the public spotlight much more these days. "New Money" like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates likely make useful accessories to this clan. This is a particularly nasty faction with considerable control of the Military-Industrial complex, Big oil and Big pharma with some banking thrown in as these guys have some degree of ownership over the FED. C. Gnostic Illuminati: Elites of European aristocratic bloodlines who carry esoteric secrets passed down each generation. They're more of an esoteric power than a corporate/banking/industrial concern and wield their power primarily through covert social networking rather than money manipulation. I'm guessing the English Royal family (along with the Dutch and Scandinavians) are obvious members of this group even though they've been in close cahoots with the Khazarians and Black Nobility for quite some time. This is the group I presume you are affiliated with. Most members trace descent from a combination of Dark Age Frankish chieftains and Viking warlords, with perhaps some traces of royal lines from antiquity. I'm guessing this is the group that initially created Freemasonry in the 1600s as a counter-measure to the popular uprisings against hereditary rule/ Ancien Regime's absolute control and perhaps as a challenge to the dark forced behind the Vatican...only to see Freemasonry eventually infiltrated by those very groups. See below for more on that. It seems that your (presumable) faction has been long subverted by the Black Nobility but there are people within your group trying to assert their own agenda and break free from the nastier elements (maybe this is who the Bohemains are??). D. Black Nobility: The oldest and most insidious of the bunch. Many members of this faction trace some of their lineage all the way back to the Imperial Roman Aristocracy who fled to the Eastern/Byzantine Empire (Greece) when the West started falling apart and becoming swarmed with Germanic invaders. They stuck around in the East until they had a falling out (schism) with the Orthodox Church as the true believers won out, meaning the Black Nobility Gnostics failed take control of Christianity so they became wealthy merchants, moved back West to Northern Italy, intermarried with the Germanic

Nobility residing there and settled in places like Venice, Genoa, Florence and other important city states that would come to play a key role in the Renaissance. In the high Middle Ages they became infamous oligarch merchant families like the DiMedicis and had some degree of control over parts of the Vatican. Remember the Guelph-Ghibelline factional wars? That plays straight into the Black Nobility's (Guelph's) attempts at controlling Europe's destiny. In modern times the BN's primary power organ is the P2 Freemason lodge which itself serves as one of several controlling elements of the Illuminati. Through P2, they have exerted strong control over the Italian government, the Vatican, the Italian Mafia and elements of governments in a several Latin American countries like Argentina and Uruguay. Seems like as of late (really recent) there may have been a major falling out with the Khazarians. (See: JP Morgan dumping the Vatican) 2. Muslim Elites: I'm pretty murky on this and it seems you don't know a whole lot about them yourself (or are being intentionally vague). I'm guessing these elites are either one of the following two things: A. Sufi Mystics/Dervishes: This would be the obvious Esoteric choice but seeing the geopolitical situation today in the Middle East I don't really see them in charge of much anymore, they seemed to have faded into obscurity after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Perhaps they still have a good degree of covert influence but their Sufi beliefs seem to clash with the absolutist dogma of the Wahabbists whom I talk about below that wield a lot of power via oil wealth. B. Gulf Oil Sheiks: These are the absolute bloodline royalty people that controls countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and other oil-drenched kingdoms. This group clearly has the most pull today outside direct control of of the Arab states that are obvious US/Western puppets. The Sheik faction seems to be pretty staunch allies of the US/Nato/West and very covert friends of Israel. Their prime enemies are the Shiite clerics who control Iran and exert a lot of influence over Syria, Lebanon, Shiite Iraq and minority populations within the aforementioned oil Sheik kingdoms. Would these Shiite clerics qualify as "rebel elites?" or are they somehow tied in with the Sufi Mystics? 3. Communist/Chinese Elites: Pretty obvious and self-explanatory. Though supersecretive, their primary agenda seems to be countering the hegemonic power of the Western Globalist elite factions. Seems like Russia falls in as a staunch ally of the Chinese elites, in addition to the emerging Non-Aligned-Nation block that includes countries like India, Brazil, a number of African countries, and several other Latin American nations that have gone Leftward (like Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador) in recent times. There seems to be a major behind-the-scenes battle going on between the Chinese and the West over Pacific supremacy and global trade. If Japan, S. Korea, the Phillipines and Taiwan were to drift into the Chinese sphere this would be a MAJOR defeat for the Western Globalists. 4. Bohemians - I'm still very murky and unclear on whether or not this is really a distinct faction. From what you've said it seems like the Bohemians are merely powerful individuals belonging to the mainline NWO who happen to hold staunch Malthusian views. Is this just people like Prince Charles and Al Gore or are we talking an actual clique of very powerful behind the scenes people?? Again, this is still really confusing to me. Can you name any specific names? Which organizations or corporations to they control??

5. Indian Elites --- very unclear on this. There does seem to be a good degree of independent control of Indian power but not sure really who their elites are besides the obvious, i.e. their rich upper class. I know India is a hotbed of mysticism and esoteric practices but I haven't seen how this relates to their political system. 6. Buddhist Elites-- i.e. Spiritual sorcerers hiding out in the Himalayas... You alluded to this somewhere in your previous posts but I'm not quite sure. Perhaps you could elaborate more on this. Or does this fall under Rebel Elites?? 7. Rebel Elites-- From what I gathered this is not one faction but rather many tiny little elite personalities scattered around the globe who control ragtag rebel armies, militias, and paramilitary insurgencies. You mentioned Kony but I think he's a non-issue now as him and the LRA hasn't been operating in Uganda since 2006, they got chased out by the US-backed Ugandan army and if Kony is still alive he's hiding out in the jungles of either South Sudan or the Congo. The most plausible rebel elite you mentioned was in Somalia. The Al Shaabab insurgents clearly don't answer to any large elite group and are a sharp thorn in the side of the Western powers who have been (unsuccessfully) trying to control Somalia and her precious coastline for many decades. What I'm curious to know is who really runs Al Shaabab, maybe some rebel Sufi Mystics or just a crazed Jihadist leadership group?? Another possible "rebel elite" is whomever is behind the FARC insurgent guerrillas operating in Colombia. They're clearly anti-imperialist and don't take marching orders from anyone. TDS. This all seems very accurate, and yes FARC are rebel elite run. Q. Whats your take on aspartame? TDS. Aspartame is helping to sedating the hippie generation, and ensure the elderly don't pass 100. Q. Why choose to remain in a prison? What do you think is outside the prison? TDS. The prison of Earth and our bodies? We don't choose to stay, we want out, but you have to be patient, man. Affairs on Earth must be corrected before we start projecting ourselves into space - self-improvement before authority over others. TDS. I am a cog like everyone else. I don't know everything - who does? I'm biased. Everyone is biased and should embrace it but not abuse it. If the 'wizards of oz' & accompanying deeds were revealed, the entire system would break down - anarchy. TDS. I can't constantly give long answers, otherwise I'd be here 24/7. I stay somewhat busy. Q. I heard that Hitler may well a Rothschild? TDS. No. Q. Was Titanic an inside job? TDS. Yes. It was planned to kill a few people aboard. TDS. You never get people's complete cooperation in any matter. You must trick them into it.

TDS. Not worried about anyone killing me anymore. Q. antifalse prophet? TDS. Such people exist in Asia. Q. What if the sheeple finally wake up and discover that we are all the Good God, Christ and buddha all in one? Therefore, the Second coming w/o the physical Christ return. TDS. That's kinda the point. Q. 1. Can you tell us more about chemtrails? 2. Is the Illuminati a sub-group of elites? How do they fit into the picture? 3. If I was to become a Christian and go to church, would I be praying to Yaldabaoth? 4. You've probably already covered this so sorry but is Bush Bohemian elite? Or is that just the name of the Grove? TDS. 1. Chemtrails - not every plume of exhaust you see is a chemtrail. In fact you can't see most chemtrails at all . . . I'd guess in large cities out of every 10,000 suspected chemtrail releases only 1 is real. They started in the 1960s. Not sure about 9/11. Chemtrails are only used when a large percent of a population needs to quickly think a certain way. Think of it this way - if TPTB used mind-altering chemicals in anything else it wouldn't affect a large enough % of population to matter. If they put chemicals in the local water, then only say 50% would be affected. Chemtrails ensure maximum % affected. The only widespread use of them I know of is to alter thinking in populations to gain favor for an idea (like Arab Spring and discontent-causing chemtrails in Arab nations) or for a certain leader (if you live in an American city in a state about to vote in Republican primary - you'll probably get chemtrails used on you the night before the election). And chemtrails may rarely be used specifically to cause cancer in heavy concentrations of people who voted against a certain agenda - or heavy concentrations of people who take more than give to society (see Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill). 2. Illuminati are near the top of Globalist elites. 3. You probably would be. As long as you're sitting in a pew listening to a sermon and NOT helping your community then you've made Yaldabaoth happy. False god demands worship, while the true God you worship through good actions and not words. 4. Bohemian Grove is connected to Bohemian Elites, but Bush Jr. was Globalist Elite. Globalist Elites go to the Bohemian Grove as an act of friendship w/ Bohemians. TDS. I lack easy access to public & private records. Q. 1. Is it possible to leave the body by your own will? i.e. meditate yourself "to death" ? And, if yes, is it possible to get back into your body afterwards after the "no pulse" state? 2. Will the big "elite" that owns the businesses and banks will simply step down (will they still rule behind the scene in NWO creating the same illusion with politicians like now?) 2.1. Why are you so sure that your way will change the world? It will change the majority, but the cancer cells will still be the cancer cells. Those, who are programmed by you to believe that money = the meaning of life, the big wealthy businessmen will never give up their rights for what they have, since too much is never enough. How are you planning to change that? 3. What will you do with the Jewish people and judists? They are made "immoral freaks" in the first days of their lives by circumcision. How are you planning to change their consciousness to be human again? 3.1. Why do you, "elites", care so much about world domination? What was wrong with

the time "before you arrived" or whatever? What will be better after you have everything, you have all the power, everyone is under control, you can annihilate anyone who will decide to even have a different thought to that of your programming, you have all this materialistic pleasure and this world power. No one is able to speak against you. You have resurrected all the Jesuses and Mosuses and what not and crucified them for whatever Kabalistic reason you are after. You have explored all the depths of space and know every single advancement in technology and the absolute knowledge is reached and now you are gods. What's then? What's the point? 4. You've said that "elites" are there to give us a lesson. Who entitled them to be our teachers? Was there a world scale vote on question: do you want to be ruled like a cattle and struggle throughout your life with no real chance to consciously prosper by people who will destroy your future generations through convincing them that the whole situation created by the rulers is the fault of those who are ruled over? 5. What's with the crop circles in the fields? 6. Do you truly believe that we are born here to prosper in torture? What would go wrong if we would prosper in mutual respect and prosperity? i.e. What if you would start programming the other way around? TDS. 1. Yes - and for after death I'm not sure. 2. Simply step down? No. They serve a purpose, but since the shift will (one day) be from free market to meritocracy economy - those who are just "in it for the money" will have to go. 2.1. Wealth tax will be enforced. 3. Jewish people serve a purpose don't bash them - everyone has a purpose. 3.1. What's the point? That's like asking what's the point of NOT point a gun to the head, pulling trigger, blowing brains out. Existential nihilism is what I call this question. 4. Why compare yourself to cattle? They lack society, opposable thumbs, you have everything - you just don't see it. 5. Can't tell you. 6. Tried it - humans don't prosper from being spoonfed. Q. 1. Why is the white race being exterminated? 2. What's with the indigo people? True story or what? TDS. 1. The white race isn't being exterminated. Whites are doing fine on their own overthrowing Muslim governments. I'm not overly concerned w/ overpopulation - it will self-correct. 2. True story. Programmed to be first major followers of the one world religion. Q. 1. Is reincarnation true? If yes, then how does this work. Are some souls always reincarnating as elites? Or is this your only life as an elite, and you were a sheep in your past lives and will be one of us in your next? 2. Are you just a bunch of selfish bastards or are you actually wise and knowing and do what you do for a purpose? 3. Are all souls equal? Is there different kinds of souls? 4. Should I trust your words? TDS. 1. After leaving the body, the soul enters an attractive vessel. Attractive is based on what you went for in last life. Overly sociable - probably reincarnate into an ant; lazy sloth; angry hermit - honey badger. You don't always reincarnate into an animal - could be a variety of things. 2. If elites were selfish bastard, we'd all still be slaves. 3. All souls are unique. 4. Yes. Because it won't impact anything important.

Q. Is there any purpose to this Q&A? TDS. Think of it as a confessional booth. TDS. The 99.9% could take power back from the elites within years if they properly organized. If a group doesn't have elite agendas, elites mostly use the following to dismantle the group: 1. propaganda against the group 2. distract the group leaders w/ drugs, sex, money, other popular distractions 3. threats, violence, murder 4. mind-altering tactics or substances 5. "tainting-the-well" propaganda - sending in ppl on elite-controlled payroll to pose as members of the group and muck up things by discrediting the group. I've probably given the example of how the CIA discredited the Black Panthers by using this. The CIA sent out colouring books to children w/ scenes of rape and police brutality in the children's books. The CIA made it look like Black Panthers were distributing this material so ppl would shy away from joining the group. 6. If none of the above works then usually the group is outlawed or government generally turned against the group - as well as mainstream religious groups used to blacklist the group. And yes knowledge is the greatest weapon. It's very easy to use force to kill a group, but nearly impossible to use physical means to kill an idea. USA seems to easily forget that lesson, as it couldn't kill the ideas of Communism or jihad through military force. Q. The info is enlightening as ever Chris. You should do a podcast, seriously! TDS. I'm more of a written-word person than spoken-word. When you're doing something live or visual - like news anchors - you can't go back and edit, rethink, factcheck things compared to written word like newspapers, magazines. Also the very act of reading - moving the eyes back and forth - increases intelligence. Staring straight ahead at a TV or computer monitor doesn't increase intelligence as much. When I watch a movie I always turn on the captions. Q. Can a human be born without a soul? If not, then no human can be created in a tube? TDS. I regret saying yes; because it's misleading. It's POSSIBLE but happens so rarely it's of no worry. A Native American tribe accurately calls the soul "a wind animating the body". W/o the soul, you couldn't move - no movement of lungs, heart, brain. This could be compensated w/ technology, but the soul wouldn't be there. TDS. - Knowledge is doubling by the decade. - Wealth grows by the generations. - We have access to more self-improvement methods than our combined ancestor's access. - Believe it or not, systems of government improve over long spans. Anarchy, monarchy, junta, theocracy to federal republics. - SO. . . why shouldn't religion change? The guiding compass of life and society is just as important. THIS is why society is constantly in the shitter - religion doesn't change. It's meant to change! A living religion - adapt w/ the times, technology, circumstances, moods, not sit, stale, collect mould over 400 years, 2000 yrs, 4000 years. Q. 1. What's with the eugenics? A failed attempt or a nightmare for humanity or...?

2. You talk a lot about what's going to happen in nearest future. Does your holy book of references have anything on after 2020-2030 ? 3. Why did elites create a religion in the first place if you want to get rid of it now? TDS. 1. Eugenics can work if assisted w/ technology, but it got a bad reputation after WW2. 2. I think a world-changing event happens b/t 2023-2027, but I stress I'm no psychic. I also stress pinning dates to predictions is probably not a great idea and comes from often-deceitful spiritual sources. 3. Religion glues people together, forming a society. No glue lasts forever. TDS. Starting now please excuse me if I skip your question. Knowledge/wisdom is slow moving here. I wish to dispense better knowledge to you, but cannot do Q&A, magick, farming, brainstorming at the same time. It's a weakness of mine - ability to only do one thing at a time - do it well, yes, but a singular event. I'll attempt responses to pertinent questions regrading current events, since things get shaky starting May. TDS. She(Commentator: the first insider?) was dickin' you around! There is no one single messiah for humanity. It depends on your background. Buddha helped Asians, Hermes helped the Egyptians, Mohammed helped Arabs. People want absolutes and singulars in religion, but it's like science & society - doesn't work that way. We can look at it this way. . . take your notion of the one, single messiah and hack it into 3 pieces. 1. You are your saviour. Nobody can 'save' you except you. Yes, what a God-awful thought, and that's why Sartre called the acceptance of this fact "the nausea". 2. Outside sources - Jesus, Druids, Krishna, Nature - the best of the external world. The volcanic eruption of Toba 73,000 years ago nearly wiped out our species. From a literal point of view, the few thousand breeding pairs are the physical saviours of humans. 3. This third part smacks you for looking to a human as messiah. Worship ideas, not people. Religion has been elevating humans to deity levels since prehistory, and look at the current state of religion. Sad, isn't it? TDS. Atlantis was said to have mines of beautiful red, yellow, blue rocks, and the rocks are still at Thera. The Temple of Poseidon was located nearly in the center of the island and almost over the top of the volcano. Atlantis didn't have nuclear technology or anything that advanced as some claim. It did have equal rights for women and indoor hot water faucets (remember this was before 1600BC so of course ppl thought Atlantis was inhabited by divinity and embellishments came w/ time). Notice the website mentions Egypt has no records of the tsunami - Egypt was busy since the eruption caused the biblical plagues. Twin-pipe systems have been uncovered - this was hot and cold water. Hot water from geothermal pools (this was a volcanic island). Atlantis was not a continent and did not sink in 9600BC. TDS. I think. . . Expand your willpower. 'Good' is an action achieving equal positive outcome for you and others. Restricting a person's 'good' willpower is evil. Neutral is never hampering another's ability to exercise will. Fight evil in five ways: in yourself; written word; spoken word; civil disobedience; violence.

Use violence only in self-defence from immediate harm of yourself or the innocent. Realize the mind gives us direction. The mind is stationary. The heart is what moves us. Mind is the compass, and heart is the ship. Earth is full of problems and solutions. Solutions CAN be in front of us. Other times solutions to one group's problems may be found with another group. From this inconvenience we keep an open mind of others. Humans must cooperate and compete in healthy doses. Total cooperation - communism - a mindset for ants. Total competition - free market - a mindset for vultures. Golden path - meritocratic economy. Earn wealth based on job/action/career benefiting yourself and others in equal amounts. The educated decide the value of a job/action/career. Hold knowledge and wisdom above all else. Wealth invested to build more wealth ad infinitum is a Snake eating its tail to quell an appetite. Wisley invest wealth to better yourself. Counterbalance material possessions (house, car) with abstract possessions (skill, health). Extending human willpower is the prime purpose of technology, and a by-product is increasing corporate bottom line. *NOT VICE VERSA* People less fortunate frequently become leaders So enhance their childhood - it may save your adulthood. Early as possible know yourself and what you excel in then develop it. PS: If nobody revises to improve this, then I have failed. Exercise these things, and you'll be halfway to enlightenment. Q. 1) Explain in depth what your connection is with the reptilian (alien) agenda. 2) Why do you have a need to rule the world (or control it in some way)? When you know well that everything is connected in this universe. I.e. everything is simply a projection of us. 3)You also know well that only the physical body dies, the spirit eternal, so what's the point when all you are doing is imprisoning your projection of humanity in this this 3D world to something of much lower resonance? TDS. 1. What do you believe about the 'reptilians'? They're not like some ppl believe they're not of this plane of existence and were on Earth before humans. 2. That's like asking someone why they want to climb a mountain - cause it's there. =P 3. for the sake of speeding up evolution. "Use violence only in self-defence from immediate harm of yourself or the innocent." What makes you think you & society isn't in "immediate harm" from elites? Or that my

plans don't have the ultimate goal of removing elites in general from their influence? We are evolving barely enough to keep from total self-annihilation. Not fast enough evolution in my eyes. If you understand the bigger picture so clearly why are you so preoccupied with how fast we evolve, surely we are going at the pace we need to and your desire to speed it up is infringing on our free will, what is your hurry? Surely creating the violence of the destructive plans you have is against what you yourself said below?? Just curious : D "Expand your willpower. 'Good' is an action achieving equal positive outcome for you and others. Restricting a person's 'good' willpower is evil. Neutral is never hampering another's ability to exercise will. Fight evil in five ways: in yourself; written word; spoken word; civil disobedience; violence. Use violence only in self-defence from immediate harm of yourself or the innocent." TDS. The US military has a drug that does the same as Krokodil only this drug is timereleased. It MUST be injected though, and you'd never know it from heroin or any other drug. Once in the body, this drug can remain dormant from a few hrs to months. A rare chemical triggers the dormant active ingredient in the drug, and once activated your body starts to quickly rot. So imagine this drug is given to people in another country through vaccinations. Say this country pisses off USA and through releasing chemtrails over the country about 50,000 start to rot - it can all be blamed on an outbreak of flesh eating bacteria, and American military remains blameless. Like most experimental military drugs, this one is currently being tested by a military-funded Central for Disease control group outside Atlanta, Georgia. If you search for 'flesh eating bacteria Georgia' you'll find 3 recent cases in Georgia and one in South Carolina. Q. How will the NWC cope with the massive cultural differences of the planet? TDS. Cultural differences won't matter much, but if they do then how tptb deals w/ most things - by the talking God Box (television/media) telling ppl to act in accordance w/ the agenda. You'd be surprised what ppl will do if TV tells em. lol - I read a good question on this website once - the person asks "If every animal started suddenly migrating north would you follow them?" Then I thought "If the media and 'experts' said remain in your homes, nothing to worry about - how many would follow the animals and how many would follow society?" Think about it. TDS. I had one near-death experience on Christmas Eve of 2006. Actually I guess you could say I was dead for 30 seconds - my heart flat-lined. In my case death was like this. .. - The brightness, vibes, and colours faded away and everything took on a feeling and color of white, black, and grey. - I could feel my spirit struggling to stay in my body. - I kept seeing a black figure out of the corner of my eyes. I can only describe the figure as what looked like an 8-ft tall person wrapped in a black garbage bag. lol - the creepy thing was I never got a direct look at it. It always appeared right outta the corner of my vision and in everything - direct vision, side-view mirrors on the car I was in, even saw a glimpse of it from the reflection in my soft drink plastic bottle. - It felt like nothingness compounded by nothingness to die. . . I managed to drive (somehow) to a nearby Mennonite community and they called the ambulance. The paramedics used the electric paddles on me after my heart stopped, and that saved me.

- You won't like this but I saw nothing - no tunnel, no light - nothing - total emptiness. I won't say that proves there is no heaven/hell/afterlife - maybe I was entering the afterlife's waiting room? Maybe was going to hell? lol Personally I do believe in an afterlife, but I think 99% of what you hear people describe in afterlife is hallucinations. When we die the brain releases massive amounts of DMT. Science and user are well aware DMT causes hallucinations galore. I will say one thing - once that feeling and knowing "I'm about to die" sets in people (me included) really start trying to cut deals w/ God like never before (oh God let me live I'll do whatever you want!). Comedian Richard Pryor said it best, "When you're dying suddenly you put in an emergency call to God - 'Can I please speak to God please it's an emergency!' and some angel is always like, 'Well I'll have to put you on hold.'" TDS. Showing dead children does nothing to pull my heart strings in a society openly frolicking w/ abortion and unlimited "baby's daddies" who would soon as thrown kids to the wolves before being inconvenienced by their own blood. Society has brought this upon itself and must be stopped. Agree? TDS. Americans want a 'fix' now now NOW. Yes, Americans vote for whoever Media God tells them, and this will be another lesson learned. So many upcoming lessons for society to learn. To quote Oscar Wilde, "This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last." TDS. Soft upbringing breeds soft people. Simple as that. Real movers of the world those who possess Uranian qualities (for you astrologers) - see things for how they should be, not how they are. Of course a rich person views the world as perfect - they're rich. Same w/ beautiful ppl - "beauty is a short-lived tyranny". You have to heat metal to insane temps in order to bend it a proper way; likewise w/ ppl. Make sense? Not to totally bash the rich - some rich are born genetically disposed to be revolutionaries. The rich upbringing doesn't help though. It's why my "type" are never allowed material wealth. Too much taints the spirit, cancer, eating, rotting, festering. When one person has the wealth of 100 ppl, 99 go without, and with this situation the Divine find no favor. Diets make a world of difference, but I still say Jesus was right - what goes into the body (food, sounds, sights) doesn't defile it - what comes out of the body (actions, words, thoughts) these things can defile it. Dietary issues makes a huge difference, and ph is critical even tho medical establishment will tell us otherwise. The more acidic one's body the more of a money maker said person is for the medical community. Of course that's food - basic, prehistoric, things we knew deep inside before even having a language to convey these thoughts. TDS. Of course they're (elites) bullies. That's why I hate them. It is natural law. Natural law also involves eating your own shit, yet elites refuse to do this. I say act like an animal - be treated as an animal. That's why I'm here. To make elites eat shit. Q. Will the hologram technology be used to "trick" the masses soon? TDS. Holograms aren't needed when the masses make up so many delusions on their own. TDS. Vatican is totally separate from me, and lifetime chastity is what perverts some spiritual men. There's a rabbi sex scandal, but it's not as publicized for obvious reasons.

Christianity wants to rant & rave homosexuality is unnatural then has celibate priests. Great fuck up that is. Celibacy was NEVER meant to be permanent - only temporary. Q. Do people routinely sell their soul to the devil for some fame? Do blood sacrifices happen in Hollywood? TDS. You can't sell your soul to the devil. I'm sure they do, and I'm sure they fuck em up. TDS. Fukushima was supposed to come down in May, but "Fuk us" it went. BUDDHISTS MONKS SUCK! >=O But you ppl owe them a thanks - several thanks throughout history. Q. Can you share the information you know about Delphic Oracle? TDS. Oracles huffed gases causing temporary ego annihilation. TDS. Society has always had a choice b/t good & evil. It always picks evil. Just as much good out there to have - evil just presents itself better. TDS. Adults often neglect what children say. Children say there's a monster in my closet. Feng shui - closet is a magnifier. Whatever state the closet is in - it shows up in that person's public life. In astrological terms think of the closet as Pluto. My grandmother is a hoarder. Her closet was so crammed full of clothes a hand could barely wiggle b/t 2 shirts. I organized the closet and she went from watching TV all day and depression to having a good 3-4 hrs of productivity during the day. Children are universally afraid of things under the bed. Why not something else? Because clutter under the bed has an effect on whoever sleeps on the bed. Children are like dogs in the spiritual respect. A dog can sense drugs meters away. Children can do the same w/ spiritual energy. TDS. Galileo - the same reason Jesus was crucified. "And they lived happily ever after" brings worse ratings than turmoil, struggle, defiance. It's human nature to admire this. Plans are adaptable w/ random times. Failure isn't an option. TDS. I answer to none. Not under pressure. I don't know exactly what's going on. TDS. 1970 - he's just a hyper kid, let him go outside and play 2012 - he's got adhd, drug the hell out of him! Humans have a fascination w/ over-categorizing. Simply b/c we give something a name doesn't mean we have mastery, control, and understanding over it. Why haven't inventions boomed like the early half of 20th century? Because society has drugged and distracted the innovation out of people. Pretend everyone in the world becomes the definition of 'normal' in psychiatry. There go all your great artists, since art and suffering go hand-in-hand. Let's drug the schizophrenia out of Joan of Arc, and there goes your country of France. Conflict, struggle, chaos - from these come progress. SURE drugs take away the 'bad', but bad is good. Bad makes us leave our comfort zone. Why, God, oh why do you send us mentally handicapped? So researchers will study their brains and learn more about the brain in general. Humans closely study phenomena. If all the disease and disorders in the world were gone, then no need to understand the genome.

Then all present and future progress from that would be erased. Q. Would you call your elite party a well-functioning group? Are there clashes of egos and jealous bloody crimes committed within the firm? TDS. Plenty of ego clashing and power struggles within every group. TDS. Explain to people the movie's plot, then I'll explain my side. Q. A couple gets a hold of a box with a button on it. They are told when the button is pushed they will receive a million dollars, but as a result of pushing this button someone will die. TDS. Exactly! Now you Americans have a box and button to push. With similar choices. This November you will step into an election box and push a button for Romney or Obama. If you choose Obama your economy will continue to slide, yet you will have less warfare. If you choose Romney, then your economy will prosper, but someone you don't know will die. War/Money or Peace/Broke Which is it, America? The fate of the country depends on the answer. Q. What about just not pushing the button and giving the box back. Just don't play the game. TDS. In the movie the man would skip you and go to the next person. Every country is being tested this way. Iceland is a good example of a country that refused to push the button. Many countries pushed the button already though. America's time is November. TDS. The game continues on to the next person, and "it will be someone you don't know." Meaning if that person picks the money then YOU die if you picked money also. Then if the short-term wants of humans (money) can't override their long-term needs (life) then "the employers" will expedite the extinction of the human race. TDS. Iceland chose to help its own people - uphold life over wealth. Therefore Iceland won't be touched by the coming destruction. Other countries however. . . Q. I am also in contact with another, related order who have seen their monasteries blown up in recent years. Which group is blowing them up? I have known that creating darkness is supposed to spur enlightenment, but why blow up the places where people are actually fast-tracking enlightenment in 4 years or so. Are these low-level governments on power trips, or does the order go higher? TDS. Globalists are blowing them up. Monks are preventing so much progress. Monks enjoy things "the way they are". They can't stand to allow something bad to happen in order something good to follow. It's that whole 2 steps back, 3 steps forward deal. Since the monks are so stubborn about it, the ones possessing real power to screw up rituals have been marked for death. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed. . . -2 Thessalonians 2 Secret power of lawlessness are the Globalist elites. "the one who now holds it back" are certain monks. They must be "taken out of the way" - not all monks, just certain ones. TDS. Some of you ask me things requiring too much back and forth. Add me on Facebook for that.

Q. Any light on I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant video? TDS. -The goat is average person boxed in many times over, hypnotized and controlled
-That's the Devil's hands controlling the puppets. First is George Bush Jr being all charismatic & dumb, then there's Obama being charming & intelligent. Even though they APPEAR to be opposites, the same hands control them. It's just a distraction used to make ppl believe they have a choice in things, but the choice is really the same. Think "divide and conquer". -The blonde girl decides she doesn't want the apple, same apple Adam & Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge in Eden. So she gives up the apple. She woke up and realizes there's no such thing as pure evil or pure good - and that scares the puppets. -Then there's the World Trade Center collapse which you can tell is rigged to fall anyway because of the controlled demolition explosions coming from it. The person falling into the ocean is sadness and outrage over 9/11. Then you see Osama tied in w/ that. -Fetus in womb being studied by Evil - represents how even before birth we're subjected to drugs, chemicals, negativity from the outside world. -Then there's Christ riding in an Anubis boat (Anubis is Egyptian god of funerals meaning Christ is dead, dead but aware of what goes on). You can interpret this as literal Christ as a person or Christ as a movement in society - up to you. -Television snake is antichrist. It feeds off the boy who is human potential. It does this w/ constant bombardment of lies, drugs, negative news. Beat that potential into submission. - Scene of a mosque bombing. Dead boy - innocence murdered. Freaky robot holding the gun - World War 3. Notice the ribbon being pulled - WW3 is a "gift" for elites. - Sinking hispanic in toxic waste = destruction of rain forests, natural resources. Girl holding back tanks = reference to Tiananmen Square. The Chinese demand more rights. The skeleton party figure represents how the Chinese gov responds to these demands, with death or abuse (skeleton) and slight economic improvement (party theme) to distract the Chinese. - Blue dancer around the fire = Shiva, the destroyer & transformer. Comes in many forms such as Odin, false prophet. - Fish jumping into the boat = martyrs; old lady = sexual urges hiding from the light - Approach of Christ, destroying many millions; potential (boy) realized and becomes ecstatic whirling dervish - Return of Christ, notice the thorns leave his head and the pyramid is finally completed - like the unfinished pyramid on the $1 bill; old order of things (ice church) melts and is destroyed. Literal flooding may also occur.

TDS. Can anyone tell me what the oldest, intact, practiced religion is? *** Yep - Voodoo. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS.


3. MAGICK SECTION. TDS. So who knows something about magick? Q. There are different types of magick. Depending on the result you are looking for. TDS. Yes, magick of every colour - black, white, green, red, violet, blue, orange, yellow, purple Q. I have dabbled in palm reading - would love to know if you have any resources for improving my skills. TDS. For palmistry you'll simply have to read everything you can and PRACTICE. Kundalini Yoga is awesome. Magick is simply manipulation of spiritual energies, nothing more or less. Q. How does one's palm print determine one's destiny? TDS. A palm's marking don't determine who you are, who you are determines a palm's markings. Q. How does palmistry work? Why do palm lines structured according to the constitution of a person? What is the force behind it? What's your opinion? TDS. Even most elites except the Indian Group are unsure of exactly why palmistry works. We know the 'whats' and hows' but not the 'whys'. Q. So magick energy is a good thing to absorb? And why spell it magick? TDS. Some magick energy is good to absorb - some bad. It's spelled 'magick' to distinguish the real thing from stage performances of 'magic'. TDS. I'll give an example of how magick works. I need someone to tell me their astrology sign. And what magick would you most likely do? Black (harmful), Red (love, sex, passion), Purple (power-enhancing), White (healing), Green (wealth), (these are by far not all the types of magick, just the most popular). Q. Pisces - White TDS. Pisces, white magick. First you would have to detox your body then go on a vision quest and research symbols personally important for a Pisces using white magick. Through meditation and relearning your chakras would be balanced and magnified for white magick. Then through a long, complicated process you would harvest elm wood for a wooden wand. You would fashion this wand, carve the symbols from research into the wand, use a sapphire rock tip, and place a swan's feather into the center of the wand. Before all this you would have to decide if you wish to spend hundreds or thousands of meditation hours practicing to achieve ego annihilation (mind-body separation) or use drugs as a shortcut to achieve this. You would also have to practice being coherent during mind-body separation. During a white magick ritual your wand would be used with a few other magick devices and after entering mind-body separation (the stronger the separation the more powerful the ritual) you would proceed with the ritual. TDS. The answer I gave to the Pisces doing white magick would apply the same to other people but the materials to make their wand would differ For Aquarius-dominated people it would be buckthorn tree wood, a crystal tip, and peacock feather centre.

Aries-dominated: olive tree wood, sardonyx tip, owl feather centre. Cancer-dominated: hazel wood tree, chalcedony tip, and ibis feather tip Capricorn-dominated: pine tree wood, chrisophrase tip, heron feather centre Gemini-dominated: laurel tree wood, topaz tip, and rooster feather centre Leo-dominated: chestnut tree wood, jasper tip, eagle feather centre Libra-dominated: box tree wood, beryl tip, goose feather centre Pisces-dominated: elm tree wood, sapphire tip, swan feather centre Sagittarius-dominated: palm tree wood, jacinth tip, crow feather centre Scorpio-dominated: dogwood tree wood, amethyst tip, woodpecker feather centre Taurus-dominated: myrtle tree wood, sard tip, dove feather centre Virgo-dominated: pear tree wood, emerald tip, sparrow feather centre ---This is just for novice wands and staffs. The above mentioned recipes are for training in magick. It doesn't exactly matter what sign you were born under. A palm reading reveals your true dominate planet. For example, the False Prophet is a Leo but dominated in reality by Capricorn, evidenced by his large Mount of Saturn and Saturn traits.--Certain rituals call for different wood. The Staff of Moses was made from almond tree wood, and the real Mt Sinai's name translates to "mountain of almond trees", as almond trees are associated with wisdom in magick. Q. What was the reason for asking of signs and what colour? TDS. Because colour and astrological sign influence are both important in magick. Q. If I understand correctly does not the wand function as a sort of crutch for focusing energy? TDS. Your body is the receiving satellite dish for spirit energy, but most people are 'broken' and can't receive. This is where the chakras, purifying, meditation, knowledge/wisdom comes in. Your hands are the transmitting satellite dish for spirit energy, but they're usually 'broken' too. The wand is a fix. TDS. I'll have to get back to you on truthful public sources of this info. If a palm-reader ONLY tells you good things, then they're blowing smoke - same with astrologers. If they get too specific, then they're blowing smoke (like saying your husband is cheating on you with a blonde-haired woman - palmistry can NOT be this specific). TDS. Harry Potter was simply meant to renew genuine interest in magick. Perhaps some of the future leaked into the story. Q. What are some of the most profound magickal abilities ever demonstrated? TDS. You know who a powerful controller of magick was - Jesus. All those things you listed could happen if thousands of people participated in the same ritual. Here's the best way I can define magick. You have this realm and other realms. Magick is about convincing beings or energies of other realms to enter this realm. The entrance comes via gateway - usually the magick circle drawn out. Q. Some books with info regarding the Magick you practice? TDS. I tell people to start with The Secret Teaching of All Ages - read it all the way through.

Q. Are you familiar with Energy wands as simple as a coat hanger? TDS. The coat-hanger thing works somewhat like an Ouija board. It's YOU doing it, it's subliminal, and a way to test your subconscious. Q. I've been able to do "magick" as you call it, without wands and props; I just had to focus on things. Why do you need a wand at all? TDS. Most people need a wand; because it helps direct and redirect spiritual energy. TDS. Magick is about creating a gateway from this world to the supernatural world. Rituals are ways of convincing spirits to enter this world. Can bad spirits pass through with the good? Of course. It depends on the soul of the performer. People forget to do so much during magick though - for example, music is a MUST, at least a drum beat to give the ritual a heartbeat. Q. What else are some common mistakes, or omissions, from modern magick practising? 2. What does the drum and/or music help to do? TDS. One major thing people leave out is use of 'magic squares'. I'll think of a list and post later. Music is hard to explain in relation to magick without an essay. Music is a mover of spirit energy, and the lack of music results in lack of potent spirit energy. Native Americans ALWAYS have a drum beat accompanying their rituals. TDS. Someone on here complained you don't HAVE to do drugs to do magick. True monks get in the same state of mind through hundreds or thousands of meditation hours. Globalist elites - esp Tribe of Dan descendants - lack that sort of patience. Druids did enough drugs to kill elephants. TDS. If anyone is into dreams, then make a wooden willow wand and put it under your pillow. Start keeping a dream journal. It'll be worth it after a while. Q. What would be the "right" drugs for magick? TDS. The "right" drugs have an active ingredient - some of them are sold over the counter and have 666 printed right on the box - clear sight, plain view, everyone to see. TDS. That 'rule of three', that magick is redirected back multiplied is a lie and misinfo. Before the 1930s, nobody in magick had ever heard of this multiplying lie. TDS. The Book Of The Black Serpent - mostly accurate book on magick The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes | by C. de Saint-Germain - great palm-reading book Accurate info on magick wands Great acupressure point info Q. Who has the most powerful magick at the moment? TDS. Groups of isolated monks in Asian mountains are the most mastered at magick. As for any certain one person, I have no idea. Q. Can you tell us anything about the Bilderberg agenda?

TDS. In magick... Continue massive money transfer from USA to China (this is part of a bribe to China, the more money we give them, the more monks they will kill, monks preventing plans of the elite, these monks have set back plans by decades. If not for certain monks California would've had a +9.0 earthquake in 1989. Magick influence also prevented 9/11 from being bigger than what it was because British Parliament and US Capitol were to be attacked with planes). Q. Chris, will you recommend a good book about palmistry? TDS. The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes | by C. de Saint-Germain Q. Can you aware me on who invented magic and why? TDS. Most current magick involves language. Magick is older than language. Before language entered magick it was magick by using blood, semen, body parts, plants, etc. Magick is older than humans because animals can do magick. If you mean which human first discovered magick - it wasn't one certain person. It was many people, but we call them prehistoric shamans. All religions can be traced back to Shamanism. TDS. You have to have a certain animal and plant with you in some rituals. Animals though like dogs - drug-sniffing dogs; bomb-sniffing dogs; CANCER-sniffing dogs; dogs sense earthquakes beforehand; having a pets adds a few years on your life. Call me a romantic, but this is magic! Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS.

4. MEANING OF LIFE SECTION. Q. What is the point of being here on this planet? TDS. Following this path is the point of being here: You gain knowledge to gather wealth to improve yourself to gain authority over others and learn from that to add to morals and spirituality to benefit society and all culminate to point to foreknowledge. That's not in order of importance but it is in the order you must do them - every day and during your entire life and for every problem and task. Q. If we are to gain knowledge, wealth, and power over others, is this so we will learn to be responsible with the knowledge, wealth and power? Learn balance of all things, so to

speak? TDS. Focus on knowledge & wisdom to gain wealth; you gain wealth to spend improving yourself and others in equal amounts; you do this so you can gain authority over others; you do this so you can add to current morals and laws; you do this to benefit society; you do this so you can gain foreknowledge and plan for the future; then you start all over again; it's a never-ending spiral. TDS. Apply it to the smallest of things! Let's say you want to improve your physical health: Knowledge: leaning the best exercises to target and build your muscles Wealth: buy 5lb, 10lb, 15 lb dumbbells, and resistance cords Self-Improvement: exercise your muscles 4 days a week and cardio 3 days/week Authroity over others: people are attracted to you, you show them how to do it Spirituality: use this new-found energy for helping others Society: use this to mark society - plant trees, help build a home, help the elderly exercise Foreknowledge: use whatever you've gained to guide and plan the future, especially in regards to the original seed - improving physical health. It works for any minute goal. TDS. You must have wealth in order to self-improve. Wealth doesn't mean hordes of money. In a simple example: 1. Knowledge/wisdom - knowing where/when/how to plant a seed, how to adjust soil pH, how to fertilize 2. Wealth - obtaining the seed and planting it 3. Self-improvement - eating whatever you planted rather than store-bought food - this improves your body via better nutrients 4. Authority over others - giving others tips on how to grow this veggie better 5. Spirituality - recognizing the importance of your garden, respecting nature 6. Society - giving free food or reduce-cost healthy food to others 7. Foreknowledge - learning from any mistake to plan for the next garden Q. Can you elaborate more on this? TDS. 1. Approach goals IN THIS ORDER: knowledge/wisdom, wealth, selfimprovement, authority over others, spirituality, society, forethought. This is "The Path of Humanity". Example: you want a better body -knowledge: learn best exercises, understand how to target muscles, know your body, and maximize diet | wisdom: exercise to feel better, not to impress -wealth: weights, resistance bands, gym membership -self-improvement: months of exercise, your energy increases, look & feel great -authority over others: receive more attention -spirituality: use this attention to equally benefit yourself and others, inspiration emerges -society: stronger body - volunteer time cleaning up a local disaster

-forethought: avoid body building extremes, the body you've formed must be maintained 2. Apply this process to short and long term goals. Make it a habit. !REMEMBER! No order of importance is listed one step holds no greater importance than the next. Trace any mistakes' cause, and we find a step was taken out of order or a step was not reached. *Knowledge/Wisdom* 3. KNOWLEDGE answers 'what?' - what happened when, where, and to whom. Knowing results in average intelligence. UNDERSTANDING answers 'how' and bears excellent intelligence. Sensing patterns and relationships occurs from understanding. WISDOM answers 'why' wrapping the mind around principals and results in ultimate intelligence. 4. Knowledge is stationary in the mind, but wisdom pushes knowledge into the real world. Knowledge is universal - wisdom uniquely applies to a person. Example: tell five people $700 is buried in a location, and they have knowledge. Observe how this knowledge is used (#1 doesn't believe you; #2 gives it to charity; #3 goes on a drug bender killing three people ; #4 invests the money; #5 pays overdue bills). 5. Knowledge/wisdom occurs before wealth in successful plans. Why? KNOWLEDGE/WISDOM POINTS the proper direction, and WEALTH MOVES in that direction. Wealth is to the unwise as sand is to the fork. Knowledgeable, wise investors diversify wealth among multiple promising opportunities. If one opportunity fails, another venture may bring profit. Trusting life savings with a criminal, thousands of investors lost billions to Bernie Madoff, a painful example of wealth before knowledge/wisdom. 6. Self-improvement attempted before knowledge is dangerous. Lacking proper training, self-proclaimed 'improvement guru', James Arthur Ray, conducts a sweat-lodge ritual resulting in three deaths. Sweat-lodges are self-improving experiences; however Ray packs a dangerous amount of people into a sweat lodge built from non-breathing material knowledge before self-improving! 7. 'Authority over people' preceding knowledge/wisdom equals governments headed by cold-hearted dictators. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe several college degrees and countless books doesn't instil proper leadership wisdom in this man. Mugabe rises to power in 1980, and since then plots the murder and torture of any political opposition (kill opposition, kill ideas, kill improvement). In 2011 the average Zimbabwean earns $500/yr, unemployment tops 70%, and the nation depends on foreign aid to feed millions. 8. Spirituality before knowledge example: Love at first sight and two months later, a girl marries her Prince Charming. Blinded by love, she neglects researching his past of abusing women. Knowledge could have prevented her two hospital trips and bitter divorce. 9. Society before knowledge: Raised in groups after age seven, ancient Spartans are hardwired to value their society above all, even family. Spartans raise children, work, play, and fight all as a group. Sparta conquerors Athens (which holds knowledge/wisdom in the highest regards), yet today Western society uses Spartan military tactics . . . for defending Athenian ideas of government and philosophy. Over 2000 years since its defeat, Athens' legacy trumps Sparta. 10. Forethought before knowledge: Obsessed with international news, a woman worries over and plans the world's future, a future she cannot affect, meanwhile her personal life spirals downward. *Types of Intelligence* 11. Nine types of general intelligences exist. Determine and develop your strongest intelligence early as possible. 12. One type of intelligence is "linguistic intelligence", ability to use written or spoken language. key words associated with linguistic intelligence: reading; writing; debating;

crossword puzzles; story-telling; writers; lawyers; public speakers; poets; Shakespeare; Goethe; Mark Twain 13. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence: working with numbers and reasoning. Keywords: arithmetic; algebra; certain aspects of geometry and trigonometry; calculus; solving mysteries; recognizing patterns and relationships; strategy; computer programming; Einstein; Newton; Galileo 14. Spatial Intelligence: ability to 'think in pictures' or mentally visualize an image and recreate that image in the real world. keywords: painters; sculptors; architects; auto mechanics; inventors; jigsaw puzzles; maps; navigators; certain engineers; da Vinci; Edison; Frank Lloyd Wright 15. Musical Intelligence: capacity to work with sounds. keywords: pitch; rhythm; tone; timbre; singers; composers; instrument players; Mozart; Beatles; Prince 16. Kinesthetic Intelligence: ability to use the body in a skilled way. keywords: sports; athletes; dancers; actors; acrobats; Michael Jordan; Fred Astaire; Katharine Hepburn 17. Interpersonal Intelligence: 'social skills', ability to understand and interact with other people. keywords: psychology; politicians; propaganda; advertising; marketing; public relations; salespeople; con artists; Adolf Hitler; Carl Jung 18. Intrapersonal Intelligence: ability to understand yourself. keywords: knowing one's limits; setting and achieving goals; emotional stability; self-motivation; "know thyself"; introspection; willpower; Helen Keller; Anne Frank; George Patton 19. Naturalistic Intelligence: ability to work well in nature, recognizing patterns in nature, 'outdoor skills'. keywords: hunting; botany; zoology; outdoor survivalist; Charles Darwin; John James Audubon; Lewis and Clark 20. Existential Intelligence: ability to tackle deep, philosophical questions. keywords: abstract thinking; meaning of life; philosophy; Jean-Paul Sartre; Buddha; Jesus *Wealth* 21. 'Wealth' in this context is anything providing benefit in the material world money, family, car, house, investments. 22. Self-improvement before wealth rarely meets with success. Wealth is a foundation for self-improvement. Example of placing self-improvement before wealth: imagine a government attempting self-improvement by removing corrupt politicians. This selfimprovement requires lawyers (representing wealth); without lawyers the plan fails. 23. "Wealth" before "authority over others" is essential. With no stable government, Somalia is a modern anarchy. Lacking an equipped military (wealth) is a major reason this anarchy (lack of authority over others) exists. 24. "Spirituality" is useless without "wealth". What is a set of morals with no outside world to carry out these morals? Revising and improving forms of leadership ("spirituality" in this example) constantly occupies government; however this revision comes from years of learning from mistakes mistakes made in the real, concrete world. 25. Wealth occurs before contributing to society, otherwise this contribution cannot exist. All benefits to society community centers, books, homeless shelters are forms of "wealth". 26. Take these six steps before "forethought" or planning the future. Learning from mistakes, a result of this process, is a powerful tool in foreknowledge. *Self-Improvement* 27. Self-improvement: raising the quality of one's body, mind, or spirit through one's own actions. 28. Only YOU can self-improve. Nobody can save you. Money, sports, drugs, sex, charity, Jesus, God, Buddha, religion NOTHING can save the reader of this except the reader. "Jesus saves!", shouted more times than the number of waves hitting a beach, is misleading. YOU save yourself the words of Jesus help realize the

difference. 29. Self-improvement grows into 'authority over people'. Lacking combat experience in Asia (self-improvement), US President Lyndon Johnson escalates the Vietnam War. Johnson attempts personally micromanaging this war a war resulting in over 2 million deaths. 30. Spirituality before self-improvement results in hypocrisy. Pope Alexander VI never self-improves for his upcoming spiritual authority. The result? This Pope arranges murders, bribery, fathers an illegitimate child, oversees orgies, and commits every sin he preaches against. 31. Society before self-improvement example: An outraged, racist small-business owner prays the American economy continues to decline under biracial President Obama. Racism underscores this businessman's way of life his mindset his society. Race, race, race, black, black, black is all he sees. Improving his business and community is delayed, as this man refuses to generate happiness under a black leader. Racism outweighs patriotism in his case. His racist society outweighs his need to self-improve in the name of patriotism. 32. Forethought before self-improvement: Again mistakes MUST be made through self-improvement. Without learning from our mistakes or mistakes of others, forethought is impossible. *Authority Over Others* 33. "Authority over others" in this context means 'the power to influence thoughts and actions of other living beings.' Government isn't the sole authority teachers and parents exert authority over children, friends giving advice have some measure of authority over the listener, an owner has authority over a pet. Authority surrounds us. 34. "Spirituality" prior to authority example: Governments controlled by religious leaders theocracies sending Europe spiraling into the Dark Ages. 35. "Society" before authority example: Horrible role models, popular only from a last name or because television insists they be popular. 36. Forethought before authority is useless. Authority gives influence. Influence directs the future. The future is tied to forethought. *Spirituality* 37. "Spirituality" is the new lesson and feeling we experience everyday from the Path of Humanity. Spirituality isn't all about religion. Even atheists are spiritual; because spirituality answers 'why am I doing this?' and reflects on mistakes. Spirituality keeps us going it is love, compassion, harmony, responsibility. Think of spirituality as 'wealth in the nonmaterial world'. Again even atheists, agnostics, and nonreligious have this 'spirituality' many call it "good for goodness' sake". 38. Society or forethought before spirituality results in depraved cultures. Imagine a society with no feelings or compassion or understanding, only self-interest envision the worst prison population. Envision Hell. *Society* 39. In the Path of Humanity, "society" means contributions to the world around us. Balance is emphasized here! Avoid lopsided contributions benefitting mostly yourself or mostly others strive for a 50/50 balance. *Forethought* 40. Final step is "forethought" or learning from mistakes for planning the future. "Forethought" wasn't noted in previous writings because it's RARELY accomplished. #1 mistake is trying to do these steps out of order. What's wealth without knowledge? How may one lead others if not self-improved? Look at governments enforced by

spirituality - unhappy citizens. Barbarism springs forth from society placed before knowledge. #2 mistake people make is focusing on one step and not the process itself. Out of knowledge, wealth, self-improvement, authority over others, spirituality, society, and foreknowledge people tend to get 'stuck' on just one step their entire lives. 5. PROPHECY/SCRIPTURE/ASTROLOGY/OTHER UNSORTED INFO SECTION TDS. Noah 1. Noah's sons were Japheth, Shem, Ham, and one whose name is lost in history. 2. Yaldabaoth attempted once again to limit humanity, this time with a flood. Yaldabaoth especially wanted to destroy the Untainted Generation; because it had the Divine Light and was close to Pistis, Sophia, and Sabaoth. Yaldabaoth also wanted to destroy the inhabitants of the area Noah lived in; because some were tainted by Satan's angels to be Nephilim. 3. Noah preached to humanity about the Divine Light for decades yet gained less than 100 believers. The people told Noah that if God wanted to send a message then he should do so with angels like he did with previous generations. 4. The inhabitants around an area of the Black Sea had grown incredibly wicked because of over-influence in Nephilim ways. These people didn't progress in Faith or in Wisdom. They practiced human sacrifice, rape of their own children, murdering of neighbours, and all forms of sin. 5. Sabaoth knew of Yaldabaoth's plan to destroy Noah and warned him of the coming flood. Why aren't humans warned now? 6. In the ancient days, civilization was fragile and not completely settled. Now that civilization is self-sufficient the warnings of disaster aren't as great, but they're still there such as the behaviour of animals before earthquakes and tsunamis. The Flood and Afterward 7. Sabaoth told Noah to gather pairs of as many animals as possible and to build an ark. He told Noah this because when the flood was over Noah's first task would be survival. The animals were for food and to help cultivate the land. The ark's purpose, aside from protection from the flood, was to have a source of wood for fire and for housing. 8. So Sabaoth told Noah to build an ark out of gopher wood. The ark was to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. 9. Noah did as instructed and built and entered the ark with his family. The unknown son stayed behind and died. 10. Water poured forth for 40 days, and the water was over 20 feet deep above the ground. 11. The water remained for 150 days then started to recede. After 7 months and 17 days, the ark came to a stop on Mt. Ararat in modern-day Turkey. 12. The flood didn't cover the entire Earth, only Noah's area. This is still important and not relevant to faith because this was the cradle of civilization at the time. 13. Noah finally left the ark 370 days after entering it. He built an altar to Sabaoth. Sabaoth was stirred by this display and told Noah that he would never again allow Yaldabaoth to destroy civilization through a flood. 14. Sabaoth told Noah to rebuild civilization. He also told Noah to eat the meat of every living animal but not the blood (for sanitary reasons). Sabaoth told Noah this because now Noah was in survival mode. Sabaoth also instructed Noah and his family to not murder.

15. Naturally, Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard from which he made wine. He lay drunken and naked in his tent one night and his son Ham saw Noah naked and defiled his father. Ham then suggested to his brothers, Shem and Japheth, that they do the same. Shem and Japheth entered Noah's tent and covered up his nakedness. Noah knew what Ham had done to him when he awoke and was angered with his son. Noah cursed Ham's son Canaan to be a servant. 16. Noah lived 350 years after the flood and died at the age of 950. Noah's Descendants: Japheth 17. Noah's son, Japheth, fathered the notable figures Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. 18. Gomer settled not far from Mt Ararat in Turkey. 19. Magog settled in northern Turkey then moved to settle in Ukraine near the Sea of Azov. 20. Madai settled in Iran. 21. Javan settled in Greece. 22. Tubal settled in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia. 23. Mesheck also settled in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia. 24. Tiras settled in Greece. Ham 25. Noah's son Ham fathered the notable figures Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. 26. Cush settled in Sudan. 27. Mizraim settled in central Egypt. 28. Phut settled in Libya. 29. Canaan settled in Israel. Shem 30. Noah's son Shem fathered the notable figures Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. 31. Elam settled in Iran. 32. Asshur settled in Iraq. 33. Arphaxad settled in Iraq. 34. Lud settled in Turkey near the Aegean Sea. 35. Aram settled in Syria. Results of Migration 36. Noah's descendants weren't the first people in the area they settled. Humans existed before these immigrants. These descendants enlightened humanity in many aspects. 37. Because Noah's offspring possessed much knowledge, secrets, and especially because of their extremely long life spans (+300 years), they were often worshiped as gods. This caused the spread of local mythologies in many places. Q. Why did only Noah's progeny live so long? TDS. Compared to everyone at that time, Noah's descendants had blood less tainted by Nephilim. As time went on this blood became less pure and this family line had shorter lives. TDS. Elenin, Y2K, all started by elites to feed demons. People get excited over this 'doom', and when it fails - utter disappointment. Oh, how demons love the taste of bitter disappointment. The CaseY AnthonY trial was a feeding frenzy. TDS. Astrological Ages 1. The Earth wobbles on its axis over a period of around 26,000 years. Astrologers have noted this 26,000-year period, divided into the twelve signs of the zodiac, reveals

different ages and moods in human history. The Age of Leo 2. The Age of Leo lasted approximately from 10,000 BC to 8000BC. The ruling celestial object of Leo is the Sun, and during this time Earth experienced a warming period ending the last glacial age which allowed humans to thrive. Sun worship is noted during the Age of Leo. 3. The main body part associated with Leo is the heart, as this shows the passionate nature of humans during this period. Humans were ruled by the heart, not the mind, during this time. 4. Leo is the lion, who is a nomadic hunter, the same as humans were during this time. The Age of Cancer 5. The Age of Cancer ran from 8000 BC to 6000 BC. The nature of Cancer the crab is rather hermetic, and during this time humanity ceased being too nomadic and settled into cities. 6. Cancer is a nurturing sign, and humans began to use agriculture as a means of survival. The Age of Gemini 7. The Age of Gemini lasted around 6000 BC to 4000 BC. Gemini is represented by a pair of twins, and many stories of couples who started or spread civilization, such as Adam/Eve, Osiris/Isis, Fu Xi/Nuwa, were based on events occurring during this time. 8. The body parts associated with Gemini are arms and hands. Humans developed writing during this period and began using many tools with their hands. The Age of Taurus 9. The Age of Taurus lasted from around 4000 BC to 2000 BC. A characteristic of Taurus is materialism, and this age is full with examples of architectural projects well ahead of their time (pyramids, ziggurats, and temples). People became more materialistic in general during this time. The Age of Aries 10. The Age of Aries ran from around 2000 BC till 1AD. The main body part associated with Aries is the head, and during this time we find the birth of philosophy and more serious scientific inquiry took place. The Age of Pisces 11. The Age of Pisces lasted from around 1AD until 2000. The dual nature of Pisces is prominent during this time (science meet with religion, religion meet with war, half of humanity lived in luxury, while the other half in squalor). 12. The foot is the body part associated with Pisces, and during this age humanity began to travel and inhabit every part of Earth. 13. Each main age can be divided up into twelve sub-ages. The Age of Pisces, which we're in right now, can be divided into its twelve sub-ages. The Age of Pisces actually began around 137 BC. 14. The first sub-age of Pisces is Pisces itself. This ran from 137 BC till 43 AD. Traits associated with Pisces are compassion, selflessness, and sensitivity. Jesus lived during this sub-age and embodied these traits. The negative traits are fickleness, weak-willed, and lying. Julius Ceasar and other leaders and figures during this time embodied these traits. The dual nature of Pisces can be seen during this time - the wealth gap between

parts of the Roman Empire were massive, half lived in luxury beyond reason, and the other half usually died from lack of essentials. 15. The sub-age of Aquarius (44 AD till 223) witnessed the spread of Christianity, which stresses oneness with others and a sense of community. This is consistent with Aquarius. Rebellion is a trait of Aquarius as well, and Christianity was a major rebellion against the mainstream religion of this time. The Yellow Turban Rebellion of China occurred in this time. 16. The sub-age of Capricorn ran from 223 till 403. Traits associated with Capricorn are organization, practicality, stubbornness, and overbearingness. In this sub-age the Roman Empire became better organized and more efficient. The Han Dynasty of China collapsed; because the Chinese left the sub-age of Aquarius with its sense of community, and the Chinese do poorly when they lack unity. 17. The sub-age of Sagittarius lasted from 403 till 583, and within it the fall of Rome occurred. Attila the Hun was the main character of this time, as Sagittarius and Attila were both roaming hunters. Fanaticism is a trait of Sagittarius, and this was prevalent throughout this time. Christianity and Buddhism spread at a rapid pace. The Zoroastrians became very fanatic. In Central America the Mayan and Incans flourished. The Incans and Mayans had every trait of Sagittarius: freedom-loving, careless, fanatic, and restless. Humanity in general was restless during this time. 18. The sub-age of Scorpio ran from 583 till 763. Traits of Scorpio are passion, loyality, suspicion, intuition, and resourcefulness. Mohammed was the main character of this time, and he incorporated all these traits to form Islam. Those who value loyality and control thrived during this time. For example, the Chinese rose in prominence under the T'ang Empire. In Central America loyality-minded civilizations grew during this sub-age. The body part associated with Scorpio is the reproductive organs. The Tantric sect, focusing on sex, came to be during this time. 19. The sub-age of Libra ran from 763 till 943. Libra's triats are sociable, diplomatic, impartial, undecided, brings a sense of balance. During this sub-age feudalism developed in Europe as a primitive means of balancing power. The Ghana Kingdom in Africa came about. China broke up once again; because China tends to be isolated, and this doesn't bode well with Libra's sociability. 20. The sub-age of Virgo ran from 943 till 1123. Characteristics of Virgo: attention to details, conservative, at times overcritical, and modest. Virgo tends to focus on what's at hand rather than spread out. During the sub-age of Virgo the Crusades took place between the Muslim and Christian worlds. China entered an unmatched age of prosperity having iron and steel industries well ahead of their time. 21. The sub-age of Leo ran from 1123 till 1303. Some traits of Leo are outgoing, prideful, organized, passionate, roaming. The body part of Leo is the heart. Many men of heart (passion) lived during this sub-age such as Genghis Khan and St. Thomas Aquinas. Some notable people lived in both the sub-ages of Leo and Cancer and tended to have qualities of both such as Marco Polo his Leo quality was a roaming tendency and his Cancer quality drew him to the sea. Dante Alighieri also lived in both ages. Minstrels came in as a fad during this time, and Leo promotes lavish living. The Persians became especially prideful and passionate during this time, before being cut down by Genghis Khan. 22. The sub-age of Cancer ran from 1303 till 1483. Cancer is nurturing, protective, defensive, moody, and shrewd. Consistent with Cancer, much exploration and discovery by sea occurred during this time. Prosperity near the sea came about during this time as the Renaissance started in Florence. Cancer tends not to spread out and stays near home. Russia entered a phase of isolation and autocratic rule during this time. 23. The sub-age of Gemini (1483 till 1663) witnessed an unprecedented flurry of activity

in communication and trade. The major figure who lived in both the sub-age of Cancer and Gemini was Leonardo da Vinci, whose Gemini elements consisted of communicating ideas and Cancer elements caused a fascination with the sea. During the sub-age of Gemini, communication and trade were increased especially through the proliferation of the printing press, which is the most important invention to communication. Thomas Hobbes, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Jakob Boehme, Galileo, Francis Bacon, Philipp Melanchthon, Antoine Arnauld, Rene Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, Paolo Sarpi, Hugo Grotius, and William Shakespeare all lived during this time and, consistent with Gemini, their abilities for communication was unmatched. The European Renaissance exploded during this time. Gemini is represented by a pair of twins, and during this sub-age the Eastern Hemisphere was introduced to the Western Hemisphere (Native Americans). In a way the Eastern world had found its long-lost twin. Huge libraries were amassed in China in the sub-age of Gemini. Gemini may appear peaceful on the surface, but is usually tense underneath. The Thirty Years War occurred during this time. The Dutch did astoundingly well; because they cherish communication and commerce. 24. The sub-age of Taurus ran from 1663 till 1843. Taurus is stubborn, materialistic, warm-hearted, independent, jealous, and focuses more on the here-and-now. Focus on materialism, worldly things, and man-made things were rampant during this time. Japan switched to a monetary system. The slave trade exploded (nothing is more materialistic than treating humans as property). India doesn't deal well with materialism and many other traits of Taurus, and it entered a period of anarchy during this time. Davie Crockett, Napoleon Bonaparte, Frederic Chopin, Michael Faraday, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Bach, Edgar Poe, Charles Darwin, Washington Irving, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Immanuel Kant, Wolfgang Mozart, Voltaire, Pitt the Younger, Isaac Newton, George Berkeley, Emanuel Swedenborg, Leibnitz, and Goethe all lived during this age. Music, focus on nature (the material world), and philosophy as it relates to humans were held in high regard during this time. Cities exploded in growth as well. The population of China doubled. The French and American revolutions occurred during this time (independence and stubbornness.) 25. The sub-age of Aries started in 1843 and will continue until 2023. Aries the ram is related with war and fire. Traits of Aries include a pioneering spirit, selfish, impulsive, very independent, and liberating. This time witnessed World War I and II and the creation and spread of nuclear weapons. Aries corresponds with the head, and during this time we saw the spread of invention and new ideas more so than every other subage combined. Since the main Age is Pisces (feet) and the sub-age is Aries (head), many inventions of this time have and will continue to focus on transportation (the airplane, the automobile, the submarine, the space craft). Andy Warhol, Amelia Earhart, Adolf Hitler, Ernest Hemingway, Emily Dickinson, Henry Ford, William Faulkner, Mark Twain, Claude Monet, Marie Curie, Bill Gates, Neils Bohr, Karl Marx, Walt Disney, Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Einstein, Picasso, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Edison, Jean Paul Sartre, Stephen Hawking, Friedrich Nietzsche, George Bernard Shaw, John Stuart Mill, and William James Sidis all lived during this sub-age. The main focus of this time will be transportation, war, and thought until 2023. Much of the literature during this time focused on travel. Aries is highly independent, and many independence movements occurred in this time (African independence, Women's Liberation, Free Speech Movement). The number of independent states expanded. The impulsiveness of this age has and will lead to economic downturns. The Age of Aquarius 26. The Age of Aquarius will last from 2023 till around 4000. Traits of Aquarius:

unemotional, unattached yet friendly on the surface, original, other-worldly, imaginative, honest, and a sense of community. 27. All the ages are ushered in by a forerunner and leader, such as the Age of Pisces being brought in by Jesus. The leader of the Age of Aquarius will come to prominence around 2023. The Age of Aquarius will focus on lofty ideas, entertainment, and technology. Philosophy will be of special importance during this time. This is sorely needed as both philosophy and law are far behind technology. 28. Self-expression, imagination, and art will especially explode from 2023 till 2203. Space travel will increase; because Aquarius focuses on other-worldly things and lacks a great attachment to home. 29. The Age of Pisces and sub-age of Aries won't leave quietly. Pisces divides, and Aries wars. A horrible war will occur around 2023. The leader who will usher in the Age of Aquarius will be a person filled with the Divine Light. Christians and Muslims know this leader as Jesus in his second coming. 30. Aries is a fire sign, and the final time will bring forth a warming of the Earth (global warming). Aquarius, being the water-bearer, will bring forth flooding upon the Earth. 31. Nuclear weapons may be used in the coming war. "By these three was the third of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths." Revelation 9:18 The fire is the initial blast and the smoke and brimstone are the fallout. After this war and the coming leader, people will be more introspective during the Age of Aquarius. 32. If the Age of Aquarius sounds like paradise, then remember sacrifice of luxury will come with it. The quality of life enjoyed by Europe, United States, Japan, and other such places will cease to exist. The wealth of nations will be more equally divided. 33. The Age of Aquarius will see the rise of a unified government in the world and a unified religion. Just as the Age of Pisces divided, the Age of Aquarius will combine. 34. The last leader of the Age of Pisces will symbolize everything negative with the Age of Pisces, as Pisces is associated with secrets and lying the last leader of this age is known as the Antichrist by Christians and more accurately as the Dajjal (the liar) by Muslims. Q. Who is Lucifer? TDS. Lucifer 13. Yaldabaoth created Lucifer (which means Light-bearer) with the most capable mind of any of its creations. Yaldabaoth did this in order for Lucifer to understand the nature of Pistis and Sophia, the Divine Light. 14. Lucifer eventually understood the Light and was prideful of his accomplishment. The Conflict With Lucifer 15. Yaldabaoth's other creation, Sabaoth also understood the Light, but not by analysis and understanding like Lucifer - rather by faith. 16. Lucifer became full of rage and envy and turned against Pistis and Sophia because They had picked Sabaoth over Lucifer. Lucifer turned against Yaldabaoth because of its ignorance of the Light. Lucifer especially turned against Sabaoth because Sabaoth had reached the 8th Heaven and understood the Light through faith. 17. Using his knowledge of all things, Lucifer tore his name from the Book of Dead so that he may never die, but only be bound up. He then persuaded Yao and a third of Yaldabaoth's creations to join him. 18. Lucifer waged war against Sabaoth to rule the 8th Heaven which this rebel had been denied. Sophia then cast him down into the 7th Heaven where he battled Yaldabaoth and was then cast down by Michael into the 6th Heaven where Death could not defeat him. There Lucifer persuaded Death's creations (the 7 Deadly Sins) to join him. He was

then cast down into the 5th Heaven which is still his residence today. 19. He was then called Satanail or Satan (adversary) since he was opposed to all. 20. Satan swore to destroy all creations. He caused his angels to breed with humans to create Nephilim, which in exchange for doing so humanity gained advanced knowledge designed to destroy them, but humans also used this knowledge to improve their quality of life. Lucifer made Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge to spite Yaldabaoth, which only relieved humanity's ignorance and served Pistis and Sophia. When Lucifer entered upon Earth he appeared like lightning which caused a fire. This was seen by humans before Adam and they learned to create fire from this. 21. In being opposed to all, Lucifer's actions will always have a negative and positive impact. Thus is the nature of evil evil's downfall will always come from evil itself. 22. Possessing knowledge of many secrets, Lucifer can make sin appear beautiful to humans. 23. To create good is like planting a delicate seed. It requires patience, hard work, and attendance. To create evil (to sin) is like plucking a dandelion weed and blowing the seeds into the wind for your own amusement. This has no lasting benefit, and the purpose of doing so is for instantaneous pleasure, and the end result is the sowing of more weeds (sin leads to more sin). That is the nature of evil and is why Satan's beginning was already his own end, and he will forever be opposed to Pistis (Faith), Sophia (Wisdom), Yaldabaoth (humans, earth, and the visible), and especially to Sabaoth (the path to Heaven). TDS. Feng Shui 1. Feng Shui is the art of arranging our surroundings to enhance every aspect of life. 2. Chi is a vital concept in Feng Shui. Chi is electromagnetic energy radiating from all things, comparable to prana in India and the spirit or aura in Western cultures. 3. Electronics produce artificial chi, harmfully affecting people. 4. Messy rooms and dark corners produce slow-moving chi. Long hallways and straight paths produce quick-moving chi. Sharp corners cut chi in a negative manner. 5. We have personal chi, divided into seven chakras: crown (top of head); third eye (between and above the eyes); throat; heart; stomach (solar plexus); navel; and reproductive organs. 6. Yin and yang factor into feng shui. Yin (inward, receptive energy) is most active at midnight, mid-winter, and on new moons. Tall, thin, and narrow buildings, like the United Nations HQ, are high in yin energy. Round, smooth shapes; blue, green, and grey are associated with yin. Yang (active energy) peaks during midday, mid-summer, and on full moons. Low, compact structures, like the Pentagon, are yang. Compact, straight, angular, circular shapes; red, yellow, orange, and bright colours are linked with yang energy. 7. Five elements relate to the suns movement - tree energy during the sun rising in the east; fire energy when the sun is highest; soil energy, a few hours before sunset; metal energy, during sunset in the west; and water energy from the north during night. 8. Eight directions with eight corresponding types of chi energies are a main component in feng shui. 9. North represents water, off-white, night, midwinter, isolation, spirituality, and inspiration. 10. Northeast corresponds to soil, mountain, brilliant white, early dawn, morning, transition of winter to spring, stubbornness, strength, and harshness. 11. East relates to tree, thunder, green, morning, sunrise, spring, ambition, and focused attitude.

12. Southeast connects with tree, wind, dark green, blue, mid-morning, transition of spring to summer, progress, and established attitude. 13. South symbolizes fire, purple, midday, midsummer, passion, and excitement. 14. Southwest denotes soil, earth, black, afternoon, transition of summer to autumn, nurturing, and supportiveness. 15. West refers to metal, lake, red, sunset, autumn, harvest, and contentment. 16. Northwest signifies metal, heaven, silver white, dusk, transition of autumn to winter, wisdom, leadership, and respect. 17. Apply feng shui by determining where magnetic north is in relation to your house, make a to-scale drawing of the floor plans, add to-scale drawings of all fixed and moveable items, find the centre of every room, and mark off the eight directions on the floor plan. Colors 18. Use black and blue in northern areas; yellow and brown for northeast; green in east and southeast; red/pink and orange for south; red, yellow, and brown in southwest; white, silver, grey, copper, and gold for west and northwest. Living Room 19. Vertical patterns create an illusion of height. Patterned walls are good for pacifying moods. Allow sunshine in by opening curtains during the day, and if privacy is needed, then use thin curtains. 20. Tall plants enhance chi energy of a living room and round, short plants for a small room. 21. A fixed carpet is not recommended. Wood floors enhance tree chi energy in a living room. 22. Southeast is the ideal location for a living room. South, southwest, and west are good places. 23. Northern living rooms can be enhanced with blue and black. Use yellow and brown to calm northeast living rooms. The northwest can be boosted with white and metallic colours, east improved with greens. Southern living rooms promote social activity. Southwest is relaxed. West is pleasure-oriented. 24. The living rooms entrance must not face the back of a seat; because this causes ones energy to bounce off the seat, and the person will feel an uncomfortable, nonsocial environment. Place seats facing together and toward the rooms centre. Seats facing sharp corners cut energy. Cover sharp corners with the overdrapping of a plant or material. 25. Use shaded lighting. Bare light bulbs interfere with energy. Televisions also hinder energy and should not be faced directly toward a seating area. Candles in dark corners cut back on passive energy. Dining Room 26. East is preferred for dining rooms and is complimented by green. West also works, and is set off by dark reds. Wood furniture performs best in the dining area. Wood or hard floors dont stagnate energy as opposed to carpets. 27. Lights with a dimmer are perfect for dining areas. Window blinds allow better control of light and wont slow energy like curtains. 28. For dinner plate, utensil, and accessory colours: white brings security, light orange conveys warmth, green for vitality, orange for romance, purple represents passion, blue for communication, gray is formality, and black for security. 29. In considering a tables shape, remember rounded shapes encourage passive energy and square shapes, sharp corners work for active energy. Kitchen 30. Southeast and east are best for kitchens. Fresh foods and real flowers add to

energy. Stainless steel encourages dynamic energy. Too many appliances sitting in view hinders energy. 31. In northern-facing kitchens use stainless steel and red; for south, red and orange for west, use plants and flowers. 32. The stove should never be adjacent to the sink. Bathroom 33. Bathrooms are best located in the east or southeast. Bathrooms should have windows to allow outdoor air to flow and decrease humidity. This room should have the most lighting. Blinds operate best here. 34. White, green, and dark blue works superbly in bathrooms. 35. Ventilation is essential for bathrooms. Avoid bathrooms attached to a bedroom. 36. Plants absorb excess humidity. Dont over decorate a bathroom, as this dampens energy. In a small bathroom use mirrors; because they create the illusion of more space and speed up energy. 37. Place the toilet as far away from the door as possible. If the room is large enough, then conceal the toilet behind a half-way. Keep the lid closed as much as possible, and close the lid when flushing. Work Space 38. An ovular or circular desk is better for working long hours. Glass may be fashionable, but woods (especially softwoods) are better. Never keep the desk cluttered, and have a plant on the desk. Bedroom 39. North is ideal for bedrooms. 40. Avoid spiky plants, sharp corners, glass, and metal in the bedroom. Especially avoid mirrors in the bedroom, as mirrors reflect back energy and make it difficult to change moods. 41. Pastel colours are best for bedrooms. Curtains slow energy to help with a good nights sleep. Carpets are good for relaxation. 42. Find your personal kua number (search on Internet). This informs within which direction is best to live and sleep. 43. Never have a bare light bulb in the bedroom. 44. Place spiky plants outside windows to obstruct burglars. Btw, your home haunted? Feng shui solves it. Bad feng shui is a magnet for negative spirit energy. Follow the above guide. TDS. This is how to somewhat open each chakra, your body's energy points. I should point out this doesn't FULLY open your chakras. There's spiritual energy shaped like a snake and coiled up at the base of your spine. The REAL goal of every religion is to activate this snake, unwind it, and raise it all the way to the crown (top) chakra. How you activate your spiritual energy differs for everyone. Some ppl off-and-on meditate in isolation over a period of years (white path); some get that 'high' by helping and giving to others (blue path); some use certain drugs to separate mind & body (orange path); some become self-improved (purple path); some have children, pets, or bring other life into this world or go out and make alot of money or add other material wealth to their lives or the world (green path); some focus on knowledge/wisdom (yellow path); some have to be evil and sin their asses off (or be a victim of it) before appreciating what is good (black path); some must find love (red path); some dwell deep into religion, philosophy, spirituality (indigo path); some have to do a little of everything (rainbow path); some never walk a path.

After activating your spirit energy, raising it can be scary. After the energy passes your first and second chakras, sex is viewed differently; after passing the navel chakra many ppl become nauseated, vomit, change eating habits; after passing the heart chakra the pulse is rapid and you feel hot; after passing the throat chakra you'll wanna express spiritual curiosity and thoughts more; after passing the third eye chakra most ppl suffer a psychotic break and have to confront their real inner self and may have psychic feelings; at the crown chakra a sense of clarity, enlightenment, and 'oneness' overcomes a person. TDS. Open up the root chakra - located b/t anus and genitals Stand up straight, relaxed. Put feet shoulder width apart. Slightly bend knees. Put pelvis somewhat forward. Keep your body balanced, so that your weight is evenly distributed over the soles of your feet. Sink your weight downward. Touch index finger to thumb like I'm doing here - on both hands. Close your eyes Chant the sound LAM - seven times. - found at this website, it's the first chant %20-%20VAM-%20128%20mp3.mp3 Each time you say LAM contract the muscle between your anus and genitals. Open up sacral chakra Sit down in upright position (posture is important here!) Place hands in lap like this. Make sure left hand is on bottom and left palm is being touched by right-hand fingers. Touch thumb ends together. Close your eyes Focus on sacral area Chant this sound 7 times - VAM (use this website, it's the second chant) %20-%20VAM-%20128%20mp3.mp3 Open up third chakra Step 1 If you smoke, do a lot of drugs (prescription counts too!), drink sodas, have a natural red tint to your face, get angry a lot, or eat acidic foods - if any of these apply to you then first you need to take a teaspoon of baking soda, mix it in a cup of warm to hot water (enough for about 2 or 3 sips) and drink it, wait 5 minutes then go to step 2 Step1B If you live healthy; refrain from sodas, coffee, caffeine, drugs, smoking; exercise; eat alkaline foods - any of these apply to you then drink an energy drink high in B12 and Niacin - they sell these as 'energy shots' at many stores - drink half of it if you never have before then wait 5 minutes and go to step 2 Step2 Hold your hands in this position - fingers STRAIGHT and pointed away from you, thumbs crossed, now place this on your belly about halfway b/t the belly button and sternum. Step3 Concentrate on the area of your spine that's in line with where your hands are now at Step4 Close your eyes and chant the sound RAM 7 times (use this website to know the sound, it's the third sound -

%20Chakra%20Tune%20Up%20-%20VAM-%20128%20mp3.mp3 Open up fourth chakra >Run in place or do jumping jacks for a few minutes - anything to raise your heart rate by at LEAST 10 beats per minute >Sit down, cross your legs, place left hand on left knee >right hand - touch thumb and index finger together like in first exercise - now place this in line with your heart but centred on the breast bone, make sure the thumb and finger are pointed toward you. >Close your eyes, focus on the spine in line with your right hand and chant YAM 7 times (use this website %20Tune%20Up%20-%20VAM-%20128%20mp3.mp3 - it's the 4th chant. Open up fifth chakra Step 1 Exercise your vocal cords by reciting "Ding-dong, king-kong, bing-bong" Saying these words clearly and slowly, in your natural voice, hold on to 'ng' at the end of 'bong' as long as you possibly can. Now do this again but deepen your voice when you do it. (If you want a deeper voice - do this exercise 3 reps 3 times a day for a week; after a week start to do it while staring up at the ceiling (stretches the vocal cords)). Step 2 Cross fingers on the inside of the hands like a bowl - let the thumbs touch at the top - slightly point fingers up - bring this up to throat area. Step 3 Close eyes, chant HAM 7 times %20-%20VAM-%20128%20mp3.mp3 use this website, it's the 5th chant. Open up sixth chakra Now it gets complicated and separates the dabblers from the serious. The next chakra to open is the third eye. **The following you must do once a day for 6 days** If you're an Aries - eat potassium phosphate - you can find it at a vitamin shop, if you find it in pill form, then crush up 2 pills and sprinkle it on your meals - the body will receive more of the active ingredients this way Taurus - Sodium Sulfate Gemini - Potassium Chloride Cancer - Calcium Floride Leo - Magnesium Phosphate Virgo - Potassium Sulfate Libra - Sodium Phosphate Scorpio - Calcium Sulfate Sagittarius - Silicon Dioxide Capricorn - Calcium Phosphate Aquarius - Sodium Chloride Pisces - Iron Phosphate Feel the indention in the area up and between your eyes (the spot where Hindus place a dot). This is your third eye area (the spiritual eye). Remember this spot! 2 hours after taking your personal mineral salts place your fingers in the shown position. Middle fingers pointed up and touching, all other fingers bent downward and touching on the top two phalanges, thumbs must meet at tops. (It may be hard to get the top two

phalanges to touch. Follow my example, and use a rubber band or twisty-tie to meet the fingers together.) Place this configuration at the lower part of the breast. (Holding your hands in this position may hurt, but you'll soon adjust). Close your eyes and move both eyes to focus as hard as you can at the third eye spot. Concentrate on this spot and chant the sound OM or AUM. Chant this as much as you want. %20-%20VAM-%20128%20mp3.mp3 - 6th chant. Open up seventh chakra Take something you personally made - a box, food, toy, anything (the more time you put into it the better). Match your zodiac sign with the following trees. Find said tree (not a dead one!, tall enough to sit under, and during the tree's growing season). Take your personally-made object, hold it b/t your hands, verbally offer the gift to the tree in exchange for enlightenment. Bury the gift near one of the roots. Sit (with legs crossed) under the tree with your back completely against the tree. Imagine your spine pressed up against the tree is one with the tree. Close your eyes. Place your hands in the pictured configuration (pinkie fingers touching, other fingers interlocked and make sure left thumb is under right thumb). Focus on the crown of your head. Say the word "bong" and hold on to the 'ng' sound as long as possible. Repeat the 'ng' sound as long as possible %20-%20VAM-%20128%20mp3.mp3 it's the 7th and final chant on this website. Stay under the tree for at least 49 minutes (you don't have to do the chant or have eyes closed the entire time, but you do have to have your back against the tree). Aries: Olive tree Taurus: Myrtle tree Gemini: Laurel tree Cancer: Hazel tree Leo: Chestnut tree Virgo: Pear tree Libra: Box tree Scorpio: Dogwood tree Sagittarius: Palm tree Capricorn: Pine tree Aquarius: Buckthorn tree Pisces: Elm tree TDS. Ancient Muslim End-Time Signs Among the youth, men will look like women and vice versa, androgyny 2. Muslims and Christians will war 3. Euphrates River will disclose a mountain of gold, of every 100 men who attempt to get this gold - 99 will die 4. Arabs will raise tall buildings into the clouds 5. Every home will have a musical instrument. 6. Knowledge will be widespread yet religious knowledge will be rare. 7. Rampant intoxication & sex 8. You'll be able to witness people having sex without actually being there.

9. Rain will be acidic. 10. People will travel like birds. 11. Arabs will be ruled by corrupt men but will rise up in fitnahs (upheavals) against them. 12. Earthquakes will increase. 13. MASSIVE earthquake 14. The sun -or something like it- will rise from the west (think about what could cause this). 15. A cold wind will kill millions of Muslims. 16. The Dajjal (Antichrist, beast out of the sea) will appear as a great leader/warrior, none will stand before his armies and charm, near-global political empire established. 17. The beast out of earth appears with the Staff of Moses and Seal of Solomon, nearglobal religion established Q. #3- Has this been attempted? What could this mean? #5- Why is this wrong? #16- How do YOU see this playing out? #17- Is this good or bad? Who do you see being the key players of #'s 16 & 17? TDS. #3 - Either means real gold or symbolic of oil #5 - Because so much of today's music attracts negative spiritual energy. #16 & #17 - who knows, depends on who the candidates for those people are at the time #13 #14 #15 - Those three are related events. TDS. This may help some of you survive the Darkness. . . The Art of War 1. War is the last resort in disagreements. A just nation or person must never strike first. As the sun will rise tomorrow, evil will seek to destroy what is good. Sun Tzus The Art of War is a simple, basic guide for warfare. The following is critical advice from The Art of War. 2. The art of war is governed by five constant factors: moral law, heaven, earth, the commander, method and discipline. Moral law causes people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger. Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons. Earth comprises distances, great and small, danger and security, open ground and narrow passes, the chances of life and . The commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage, and strictness. Method and discipline is marshalling the army into proper subdivisions, graduations of rank among officers, maintenance of roads so supplies reach the army, and control of military spending. 3. With seven factors I can forecast victory or defeat. Which of the two sovereigns possess the moral law? Which of the two generals has the most ability? With whom lie the advantages of heaven and earth? On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced? Which army is stronger? On which side are officers and men more highly trained? In which army is there greater consistency in reward and punishment? 4. All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, seem unable. When using forces, we must seem inactive. When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far. 5. There is no instance of a country benefiting from prolonged warfare.

6. In war let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns. 7. The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept. Kindly treating prisoners of war destroy the evil image enemy propaganda paints. 8. In the practical art of war, the best thing is taking the enemys country whole and intact, not to shatter and destroy it. It is better to capture an army than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment, a company than to destroy it. Hence, to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme intelligence; supreme intelligence consists in breaking the enemys resistance without fighting. In Operation Desert Storm, American planes heavily ed the Iraqis, took aerial photos of the destruction, and dropped copies of the pictures on the enemy. Many Iraqi soldiers surrendered when what they were up against became clear. This psychological tactic saved many lives. 9. It is the rule of war: if our forces are ten to the enemys one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two; if equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferiors in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him. 10. There are three ways a ruler can bring misfortune upon his army. By commanding the army to advance or retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot obey, this is called hobbling the army. By attempting to govern an army the same way he administers a kingdom, being ignorant of the conditions in an army, this causes restlessness in the soldiers mind. By employing the officers of his army without discrimination, through ignorance of the military principal of adaptation to circumstances, this shakes the confidence of the soldiers. made many mistakes listed. He staged a lengthy war, ruled his army like his country, d prisoners, and caused destruction. This resulted in Germanys social, economic, political, historical, and intellectual ruin. 11. Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted. Germany drove deep into Russia, reaching Stalingrad, but crossing the massive area took its toll on German troops, who would lose over three hundred thousand men in the Battle of Stalingrad. 12. We can form a single united body, while the enemy must split into factions. Hence there will be a whole pitted against separate parts of a whole, making us many to the enemys few. 13. Rouse him, and learn the principals of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so as to find his vulnerable spots. 14. Military tactics are like water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So in war the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak. 15. We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the country its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps. We shall be unable to use the environment as an advantage unless we make use of local guides.

16. Now a soldiers spirit is keenest in the morning; by noonday it has begun to flag; and in the evening his mind is bent only on returning to camp. A clever general avoids an army when its spirit is keen, but attacks it when it is sluggish and inclined to return. This is the art of studying moods. 17. It is a military axiom not to advance uphill against the enemy, nor to oppose him when he comes downhill. 18. Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home. 19. When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard. 20. There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general: recklessness, which leads to destruction; cowardice, which leads to capture; a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults; a delicacy of honour, which is sensitive to shame; over concern for his men, which exposes him to worry and trouble. 21. Camp in high places, facing the sun. Do not climb heights in order to fight. 22. After crossing a river, get far away from it. When an invading force marches across a river, do not advance to meet it in mid-stream. It will be best to let half the army cross, and then deliver your attack. 23. If forced to fight in a salt marsh, you should have water and grass near you, and get your back to a clump of trees. In dry, level country, take up an easily accessible position with rising ground to your right and rear so the danger may be in front and safety lie behind. If you are careful of your men and camp on hard ground, the army will be free from disease of every kind, and this will spell victory. 24. If his place of encampment is of easy access, he is tendering bait. 25. The rising of birds in their flight is the sign of an ambush. Startled beasts indicate a sudden attack is coming. 26. When some are seen advancing and some retreating, it is a lure. If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst. If birds gather on any spot, it is unoccupied. Clamor by night betokens nervousness. 27. We may distinguish six kinds of terrain: accessible ground, entangling ground, temporizing ground, narrow passes, precipitous heights, and positions at a great distance from the enemy. 28. Ground which can be freely traversed by both sides is called accessible. With regard to this ground, be before the enemy in occupying sunny spots, and carefully guard your line of supplies. 29. Ground which can be abandoned but is hard to reoccupy is called entangling. For this ground if the enemy is unprepared you may go forth and defeat him. But if the enemy is prepared for your coming, and you fail to defeat him, then, return being

impossible, disaster will ensue. 30. When the position is such that neither side will gain by making the first move, it is called temporizing ground. In this position even though the enemy should offer us an attractive bait, it will be advisable not to stir forth, but rather to retreat, thus enticing the enemy in his turn; then, when part of his army has come out, we may deliver our attack with advantage. 31. With regard to narrow passes, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and await the advent of the enemy. 32. With regard to precipitous heights, if you are beforehand with your adversary, you should occupy the raised and sunny spots, and there wait for him to come up. If the enemy has occupied them before you, do not follow him, but retreat and try to entice him away. 33. If you are situated at a great distance from the enemy and the strength of the two armies is equal, it is not easy to provoke a battle, and fighting will be to your disadvantage. 34. An army is exposed to six calamities, not arising from natural causes, but from faults for which the general is responsible. These are flight, insubordination, collapse, ruin, disorganization, and rout. 35. When the common soldiers are too strong and their officers too weak, the result is insubordination. When the officers are too strong and the common soldiers too weak, the result is collapse. When the higher officers are angry and insubordinate and the enemy gives battle, before the commander-in-chief can determine if he is in a position to fight, the result is ruin. When the general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct; when there are no fixed duties assigned to officers and men; and the ranks are formed in a slovenly manner, the result is utter disorganization. When a general is unable to estimate the enemys strength, allows an inferior force to engage a larger one, or hurls a weak detachment against a powerful one and neglects to place picked soldiers in the front rank, the result is rout. 36. The art of war recognizes nine varieties of ground: dispersive ground, facile ground, contentious ground, open ground, ground of intersecting highways, serious ground, difficult ground, hemmed-in ground, and desperate ground. 37. When a chieftain is fighting in his own territory, it is dispersive ground. On dispersive ground I would inspire my men with unity of purpose. 38. When he has penetrated into hostile territory, but to no great distance, it is facile ground. On facile ground halt not, and see that there is close connection between all parts of the army. 39. Ground the possession of which imports great advantage to either side, is contentious ground. On this ground attack not and hurry up the rear. 40. Ground on which each side has liberty of movement is open ground. On this ground do not try to block the enemys way, and keep a vigilant eye on defences.

41. Ground which forms the key to three contiguous states, so that he who occupies it first has most of the empire at his command, is a ground of intersecting highways. On this ground I would consolidate my alliances. 42. When an army has penetrated into the heart of a hostile country, leaving a number of fortified cities in its rear, it is serious ground. On this ground gather plunder, and ensure a continuous stream of supplies. 43. Mountain forests, rugged steeps, marshes, and fens all country that is hard to traverse: this is difficult ground. On this ground keep steady to the march and keep pushing along the road. 44. Ground which is reached through narrow gorges, and from which we can only retire by tortuous paths, so that a small number of the enemy would suffice to crush a large body of our men: this is hemmed in ground. On this ground resort to strategy, and block any way of retreat. 45. Ground, on which we can only be saved from destruction by fighting without delay, is desperate ground. On this ground fight and proclaim to your soldiers the hopelessness of saving their lives. For it is the soldiers disposition to offer an obstinate resistance when surrounded, to fight hard when he cannot help himself, and to obey promptly when he has fallen into danger. 46. Skilful leaders know how to drive a wedge between the enemys front and rear; to prevent cooperation between his large and small divisions; to hinder the good troops from rescuing the bad; the officers from rallying their men. 47. There are five ways of attacking with fire: to burn soldiers in their camp, to burn stores, to burn supply trains, to burn arsenals, and to hurl dropping fire against the enemy. The materials for raising fire should always be kept in readiness. In attacking with fire, be ready for five scenarios: when a fire breaks out in an enemys camp, respond at once with an attack outside the camp; if there is an outbreak of fire, but the enemy remains quiet, bide your time and do not attack; when the force of the flames has reached its height, follow it up with an attack if practicable; if you can attack with fire from outside the enemy camp then do so and not wait for it to break out within; when you start a fire, be windward of it. 48. None should be more generously rewarded than spies. The five types of spies: local spies (inhabitants of a district), inward spies (officials of the enemy), converted spies (getting hold of enemy spies and using them for our purposes), doomed spies (spies we report to the enemy), and surviving spies (spies who bring back news from the enemys camp). If a secret piece of news is divulged by a spy before the time is ripe, he must be put to. 49. Never be the aggressor. Use war when all other options to subvert have been used. America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colours and usurp the

standards of freedom. John Quincy Adams TDS. Native Americans 1. The Silver Rule Fully exercise the will, but never encroach upon the will of others. Breaking this rule leads to the horrifying example of our oft-forgotten brothers and sister, the Native Americans. Considering willpower the most prized gift to humanity, bear in mind the Path of Humanity. Knowledge, the first step, is the most objective and pure in truth. Wealth becomes more subjective the value of an item differs according to its possessor. Furthering subjectivity is self-improvement a fix for one person may not work for everyone. Government becomes more subjective and flexible as time progresses, as does religion. Dependent on current issues, many religious beliefs are very subjective to a culture. Judaism and Islam forbid consuming pork. Keeping pigs cool requires more water than most domesticated animals; because swine have few sweat glands. Islam and Judaism originate in a desert, so consuming pork wastes the most precious resource, water. Society (way of life and habits) is the ever-changing model. Each step reveals universal truths (contemplation benefits self-improvement or freedom lends to creativity) and subjective ideas (Communism is better than Capitalism or New Testament is more applicable to modern life than Old Testament). Each step springs forth through exercising will. Present the results of free will (such as technology, religion, form of government), but never force the results upon others. Sharing their knowledge, the Native Americans find their wisdom used against them by Europeans; their wealth is robbed; ability to self-improve destroyed; ability to govern subdued; religion squelched; and their entire society decimated. Hampering anothers free will is the greatest insult to God, and remembers this in recalling how many tears fell on American soil. *General Concepts and Some Dances* 2. Native Americans develop traditions held in common with foreign religions including a generally monotheistic (belief in one god) religion and they did so with no outside influence. 3. One God is above all spirits, has no gender, and mostly leaves earthly affairs to humans. Some tribes believe in twin deities: one destroys to avoid too much, and one creates to avoid too little. 4. Without fasting (refraining from food/beverage except water) at some point, one fails to truly experience Native American tradition. Fasting produces spiritual enlightenment/insight and exercises the muscle of willpower by denying the bodys needs. Squeeze the body to expand the spirit. Fasting for an extended period, an Islamic tradition should be universally practiced. In addition to stabilizing blood pressure, heart functioning, and boosting the immune system, fasting also rids the body of one-tenth to one-third of toxins obtained from breathing and eating. Jesus in the desert, Buddha under a tree, and Mohammed continually all fasted. Deny the inner-self and become more aware of the outer self. 5. Humour is held in the highest regards, and clowns are found throughout many tribes. The Cheyenne clowns ride horses backwards, walk on hands, and perform many tasks contrary to normal. Many believe clowns cure some illnesses. The benefits of humour and laughter are numerous: laughing works abdominal muscles, lowers blood pressure in the long term, sends more oxygen through the body, decreases stress hormones, boosts the immune system, improves memory, and attracts friends. In finding a mate,

men and women rank a good sense of humour in the top ten sought-after traits. Humour unites people during distress. Babies exhibit laughter as one of the first personality traits, and humour pervades every society. Developing humour means smiling more often, but more importantly associate with others possessing a sense of humour, and spends time with people who make you happy (how rarely some do this). 6. Celibacy (abstaining from sex) is purifying and enlightening; however Native Americans practice temporary celibacy rather than permanent. Temporary celibacy leads to spiritual insights by freeing one from the worldly want of sex, but permanent celibacy leads to depression, irritability, insomnia, and physical ailments (like increased prostate problems in men). 7. Sweat lodges purify the body and spirit. Usually sweat lodges are dome-shaped huts with steam created by pouring water on fire-heated stones. Studies show sweat lodges detoxify the body by speeding up removal of toxins in our largest organ - the skin -; removing harmful mercury, lead, and zinc; promotes scar healing; breaks down calcium deposits in the blood; and removes toxins stored in fat. Countries valuing sweat lodges or saunas are among the most progressive (Finland, Sweden, South Korea, Germany, United States). Native Americans spend much time in a sweat lodge then quickly immerse themselves in snow or cold water for a short time. Often neglected in modern practice by non-Natives, hot/cold contrast is crucial in detoxifying the body. 8. In solitude and a natural setting, vision quests are performed. Confined to a small area, one must fast for days, only being allowed water. People in a state of severe crisis seek answers within using a vision quest this being the goal of a vision quest seeking an answer from within. Remember the continuing notion, Society can only instruct. Inspiration springs forth from solitude. Abandoning the outer world to retreat within is the best way to find the truth when truth is scare. Not always will a vision quest result in a vision if this be the case, seek outside help. In the desert Jesus experienced a vision quest, and under a Bodhi tree did Buddha have his. 9. Dreams reveal inner wishes, and certain people have talent in interpreting dreams. Rarer dreams have a visiting entity, revealing plans to carry out Gods will, which brings physical or mental illness to those who do not fulfil the plans. Seldom dreams contain prophecy of future events. 10. Resulting from an imbalance between a human and the environment, an illness may be cured through changing behaviour. 11. Upon reaching puberty a guardian spirit is sought through fasting, self-sacrifice, bathing, and self-purification. The purpose of a guardian spirit is to deal with a task or issue. After experiencing a spirit - a dress, dance, song, or ritual is given in order for the spirit to remain. 12. In a form of wealth redistribution, material possessions are given away to guests during a potlatch ceremony. 13. The spiritually-inclined tribe Hopi makes a series of predictions, all of which seemingly come true. We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana. Men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies

with thunder. (This is the coming of white people. Thunder refers to gunshots.) Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. (wagon trains) A strange beast like a buffalo, but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. (long-horn cattle) The land will be crossed by snakes of iron. (railroad) The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spiders web. (power/telephone lines) The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun. (roads and mirages) You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. (oil spills) You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom. (hippies) You will hear of a dwellingplace in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease. (possibly Skylab, Mir, or a future even in space) 14. Before, during, and after events, a sacred pipe is used by all ceremonial participants. The bowl represents women and earth, sustainers of life. The pipes stem symbolizes men and growth builders of life. Only a joined bowl and stem are spiritually active. Tobacco or any herb is smoked through the pipe. 15. Affecting weather, growth, and fertility, Kachina is a term for spirits of the dead taking form of plants and animals. Inappropriate human behaviour causes the kachinas to bring bad happenings such as inclement weather and infertility. The San Francisco Peaks are believed to be the home of kachinas. 16. Used by the Iroquois and other tribes for social and religious gatherings, a longhouse contains fire at both ends while people sitting on benches watch a dance or ritual performed in the buildings centre. 17. After a bad omen, people form a circle around a leader, confessing their sins publicly during the Confession Dance. 18. Wrapped up or worn around the waist, a medicine bundle is a collection of sacred objects important for religious practices. 19. Upon reaching her first menstrual period, a woman is isolated from the rest of the tribe since she has power over others. She is told of her responsibilities and duties as a woman and taught to lead by example. 20. The Navajo believe in a holy wind directing and animating the body. The wind gives us thought, is the soul, and upon death this wind leaves the body. 21. Considered a protector, a totem is an animal, plant, or naturally-occurring thing functioning like a crest of symbol for a clan. 22. Sand paintings depict celestial objects or a design given during a vision and are used for religious ceremonies. 23. Shamans are men or women close to the spirit world. 24. The Hopi believe Masauu the ruler of the underworld, war, fire, and creation comparable to Yaldabaoth.

25. Pollen sanctifies and renews things. 26. Prayersticks, elaborately-carved sticks, appeal to the spirit for good fortune. 27. Peyote, a plant producing psychedelic visions, is used in religion with the visions giving one spiritual insights. 28. Bringing people together and celebrating life, the Sun Dance is initiated at sunrise when participates carve a tree to connect earth to the heavens. The eagle plays an important role in this ceremony, and is considered sacred, as the eagle flies higher and sees better (can identity a rabbit moving a mile away) than other birds. The eagle is a messenger from God. 29. The Cherokee Reconciliation Festival includes cleaning the council house (to prevent disease), hunting, dancing, music, starting of new fires, forgiving old conflicts, and starting anew. 30. The Prophet Dance beings with foretelling future events followed by a dance. 31. Gifts are given to the poor during the Grass Dance, a social ceremony, in which abstention from sex is practiced, and participants refusing to dance are whipped. 32. The Iroquois Code of Handsome Lake calls for abstaining from alcohol, abortion, divorce, and deserting children; people (especially witches) must confess sins to God; people must help each other; and Thanksgiving must be practiced. 33. The drum represents the heartbeat of a nation or tribe. 34. In the Nootka tribe, a seriously ill person is made well again by having his/her material possession given away, as owning fewer material possessions improve spiritual health. Material things make excellent servants but poor masters. 35. The Apache believe in spiritual energy used for good or evil. Channeled through a helper (animal, plant, or something manmade), the power is transferred to a person for a number of purposes. Prayers or chants control this energy. 36. Used determining an illness, a hand trembler is selected by a patients family, and upon singing the tremblers arms and hands shake, which is studied to determine the cause of the illness. 37. A berdache, an individual dressing or behaving like a member of the opposite sex, are considered spiritual leaders and counsellors between men and women. Berdaches are also called two-spirits; because they simultaneously exist in two worlds. *Native American Rights* 38. The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 protects all Native American artefacts from excavation without permission given by appropriate Native American(s). For qualification an artefact must be older than 99 years. 39. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1992 is used by the US government to protect an area proven to be culturally significant to Native Americans.

40. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1994 legalizes peyote use in Native American ceremonies. TDS. Plato 1. Born 428 BC in Greece, Plato is among the Ranks of the Righteous for his ideas presented in The Dialogues, a series of books impersonating philosophical debate. The following is key points made in The Dialogues. 2. Caring for the self is the primary concern, yet what is the self? Deep consideration brings us to the conclusion the self is the soul. Therefore, caring for our soul is top priority. Authority over others follows authority over our souls. Nourishing the soul is found in the virtuous, the ideal leaders. (Self-improvement before authority in government and spirituality) 3. Morally, better to be a victim than a perpetrator, as an ill done is worse than an ill received. Accepting just punishment is more beneficial than evading punishment, as this reprimand is more a reward by curing the sin. 4. Living on the glory of ancestors holds no prize in the present. Fame must be rooted in deeds we commit within our own time. 5. A tour guide is trusted to know the right path. This guide teaches the path to an amateur, who knows the truth, but lacks knowledge and experience of the path. In this case truth is equally useful as knowledge, but over time second-hand knowledge can be forgotten and distorted - the amateur may lead others astray. In this parable the tour guide represents God, the path symbolizes the correct way to live, and the amateur is ordinary people (who cant possibly know the correct path without traveling it unlike God who leads us down this path while following others can lead us astray). 6. Trapped within our bodies is the soul - like a horse confined in a barn. The soul should not escape the body through suicide, just as the horse should not flee the barn on its own. The farmer owns the horse while God owns the soul. 7. Living in the invisible world, a thinker neglects the body for the sake of the mind. After death he happily enters this invisible realm; however those overly-concerned with the material world (money, possessions, others, the body) reincarnate due to this fixation. Behaving as an animal, the soul often reincarnates as one the gluttonous become pigs, the violent wolves, the overly sociable - ants. 8. Some desire offspring to continue a legacy through children. Others leave ideas or a good reputation. Whatever the case, the aim is immortality. 9. Ever-growing luxury in a society leads to war, as demand for resources rise. War requires a military and society fostering militaristic values. To realize this society: people believe in a balanced and fair afterlife, accomplished by censoring literature; citizens obey authority; self-control is taught; professional theatre is suppressed (people may believe they can switch roles in life, as actors do); music bolsters courage and aggression; dieting guidelines for an ideal body are followed; and invalids are allowed peace through death. In Platos ideal society, tests involving physical and mental

manipulation and torture weed out the weak, leaving the strong to be appointed Guardians of the city. Auxiliaries are appointed to assist the Guardians. This is a form of meritocracy (status based on merit) rather than democracy (status based on popularity), aristocracy (based on wealth), or monarchy (based on ancestry). Workers wages are monitored, going not too high or low, resulting in a minimum and maximum wage, safeguarding society from excessive wealth or poverty. Internal dissent is stirred in neighbouring states, ensuring they pose no threat. Discourage innovation and individuality in education, as this breaks apart the tight-knit society. Everyone pursues natural talents. 10. Plato compares his society to a soul (composing appetite, reason, and anger). Appetite corresponds to the working class with unrefined passions. Reason symbolizes Guardians, the best-educated. Anger represents Auxiliaries, as anger/emotions fuel reasoning. Guardians ruling, Auxiliaries assisting, and the working class supplying necessities completes our soul/society. Plato assumes appetite (working class) rebels at times, and anger (Auxiliaries) reminds appetite its a subject not a ruler. A ruling appetite results in a life of gluttony, drunkenness, and lust. Dominate anger leads to a life devoted to a raging vendetta. The uniqueness of reason lies in its self-restraint, yet a life of pure reason and absent emotion is unrewarding, so reason leaves room for appetite and emotion/anger (Platos anger is the motivating spirit driving good and bad actions). 11. Keeping focus on a job promotes self-discipline. Courage results from anger carrying out commands of reason. Wisdom exists from a ruling reason. Injustice occurs from conflicting reason, anger, and appetite. 12. Practicing gender equality is important in Platos model society. Cohabiting men and women inevitably results in sexual attraction, and an annual rigged lottery determines mating pairs (those with the most desirable qualities are matched together). Infants are took from parents and raised by the state; however new-borns with birth defects are executed. Detachment of children from parents results in treating every child as personal offspring. Intercourse is allowed past prime mating age (25-40) but only with contraceptives, and unwanted pregnancies terminate in abortion. 13. Philosophers rule this society. From childhood to age 17, Guardian candidates study literature, music, and athletics. 17 to 20 year-olds focus on military training. Upon age 20 mathematics are learned for a 10-year span, then a 5-year research into dialect. Candidates resume military service while their character is examined, resuming dialect studies until reaching a pure idea of good. After this extensive training, candidates organize the state and lives of citizens. Ruling for a short time, these philosophers step aside allowing rotation in leadership. Temporary leadership is important in ensuring new, fresh ideas and visions. 14. Plato figured this society would fall victim to greed, and a timocracy (honour is the guiding idea) develops. Eventually, oligarchy (rule by rich or dominate) forms, and economic classes divide, inciting internal warfare. A divide between rich and poor expands until the numerous poor overthrow the few rich. A democracy unfolds to ensure equality. Individuality expands until every imaginable lifestyle flourishes, and discipline ceases to exist. Fads come and go with the choice of any lifestyle. Living in the hereand-now, in the present, is viewed as happiness. In time arises a tyrant demanding absolute power, giving relief to those in debt and redistributing land. Citizens protest,

and the dictator plunges the state into war, ensuring the citizens feel a need for their leader. The tyrant executes all opposition. Eventually, only slaves are left, as a dictator frees himself but enslaves the people. 15. Imagine prisoners deep inside a cave, chained to the wall by feet and neck. Darkness is all they see, except moving shadows of cutout animals and other objects traveling in front of an unseen fire. The prisoners interpret this as reality, naming the shadows. One day a prisoner is released from his chains and shown the fire and cutouts. Recoiling in horror he begs to be placed back in bondage. Guards tell him the fire and cave is part of an even larger illusion. Dragging the prisoner outside, he views the sun and landscape for the first time. Pulled back into the cave the prison is chained to the wall. He tells the story to other prisoners who all believe him to be insane. The prisoners believe anyone to become unchained to the wall will suffer permanent insanity. The cave represents our everyday vision hazy and confusing. Outside the cave represents the world of ideas. Experiencing the world of ideas, a prisoner can never go back into the caves bondage. This reveals why spiritual leaders warn against excessive concern for the material world (money, clothes) and teach focus on the world of ideas. 16. Nobody is born virtuous. Yielding appetites and anger to reason creates virtue. Reason is free of masters and travels anywhere. Staying attached to the material world, reason creates a clever criminal. Ascending to the world of ideas, reason produces a scientist of philosopher. 17. Plato describes a Heaven and Hell, detailed by a soldier experiencing a near-death experience (this story probably resulted from the teachings of Zoroaster. Good souls enter Heaven, while bad souls enter Hell. After years of torture or reward, souls choose which life to next lead. A guardian spirit accompanies souls in their reincarnated life. TDS. These rituals make me connect with spirits showing me glimpses of the future. I keep seeing autumn-turned leaves on a tree, it's mild outside, everything is eerily quiet because this is in a large city, the landscaping and mini cars suggest it is Europe. Fire mixed with wind blows at such a rate these Euro cars go flying across the air like a child's thrown toys. I see me secretly telling the hate groups, Muslims, and all of Israel's enemies to just go along with that I say, and when the time comes we'll attack Israel from land, sea, air, from every direction, from even under the ground beneath them. I hate doing this. It opens me up to ALL the spirit energy and I can feel Americans are on edge right now. It imposes their group feelings onto me, and I can't stop it. I can't even be in a large city more than a few hours without it seriously getting to me. I have to practice controlling this. It takes 100% of willpower to not throw up while connecting to extreme spirit energy. I see myself in a half-destroyed football stadium. People are there to receive a 'healing' from me, but it's really just extreme, perfected airborne drugs (the same used in chemtrails) that makes them better, but they think it's me. I created a wooden staff years ago from a tree. To this tree a mother would chain her son and beat/molest him. Today even if a mother or soon-to-be mother touches this tree, they either miscarry or have horrible mishaps. When I took a part of this wood to the appropriate spot to carve it into a staff, every time I carved the wood, birds dropped dead from the sky. I tried to spiritually deactivate this staff, but I failed. Whatever I released is still out there. It's connected to Scorpio, and the reason bees are dying and mass animal deaths occur. It's still connected to me.

Q. Mass bird deaths in Arkansas? TDS. The mass deaths are somewhat amusing and caused by the US Postal Service. Places I mailed the staff - along those routes you had mass deaths like the ones in Arkansas. TDS. Whatever I released has these attributes: 1. It reveals secret information to the public. 2. It kills and repels bees. 3. It kills groups of animals as a sacrifice so it may empower and enlighten groups of humans. 4. It never stops moving. TDS. This is where being Elite is no fun - a friend of mine leaned on this tree. I didn't know she was pregnant; else I would have never taken her within 10 miles of the tree. Passing within 50 feet of the tree, THREE of my tires popped - hateful energy directed at my pregnant friend. She leaned up against the tree just for spite after what I told her, because she's a sceptic. She miscarried that next, miscarried twice after that, her children hate her and try to kill her. Q. Whoa? You just got mad I think. That was hardcore. TDS. I do get mad with them; because Elites at the highest levels are SO disconnected from society. How can they kill something of which they know so little? Upper Elites think by merely creating a thing, the thing has constant output with no required maintenance. It's just 'take, take, take, take, take' on their part. That's what happens when you're raised as they were. This is why I was raised a little normal - basic social skills. Q. It "feels" like youre becoming human... TDS. I'm very human, but it is clothes like Christ wore Jesus; Odin' spirit wears me. TDS. Sounds weird in today's world, but I want to HELP - nothing more. You see 'let me help' in my eyes. Years from a now a cult will become popular. They will do good deeds in secret let that sink in A GROUP OF PEOPLE WILL DO GOOD DEEDS IN SECRET. Like KKK-clan only these people better the community. That's when you'll know it has started. TDS. In modern terms Odin is the entity who comes along every now and again to kick humanity in the ass and get them moving. TDS. How did the Bible get the birth of Jesus so wrong? I mean how Jesus was born. Muslims got it right; Christians got it wrong - ironic. The Muslim story of Jesus' birth mostly got it right. Mary told Joseph about her pregnancy, and he never believed it was Divine. She was cast out of her community and disowned by her husband. Mary had to live outside society. Labour pains caused her to settle into a road-side ditch. She cried out in pain and a tree bent down to give her water collected in its palms and feed her the date fruits. Just a few minutes after Jesus was born, he began speaking. Mary brought Jesus back to the community, and the birth was recognized as Divine. The Magi were not present for the birth, they arrived a bit later. On a weird note, Mary was inspected and remained a virgin even after this birth as she still had a hymen. Q. You mean, born as a prophet and not as son of god? TDS. That too. Q. Wasn't it based of Zoroastrian legend? TDS. No, it was real.

Q. Do you know Jesus Christ's birthday? TDS. March 15th, 5BC 3:17AM local time. Q. What makes John the Baptist special to the Knights Templar? TDS. Because John the Baptist was a member of the same sect of Jesus, the Essenes. His martyrdom was heroic to the Knights Templar. TDS. (These are best guesses historians offer. +- refers to possible range of years.) 1. 1900BCE-1800BCE (+-200 years): archaeological evidence of Hebrews (modern-day Israelis, Lebanese, and citizens of West Bank and Gaza Strip) settling in Egypt 2. mid 1800sBCE (+-200 yrs): Joseph (Hebrew) gains favor with Egyptian Pharaoh by correctly predicting famine, after Josephs death the Hebrews lose favor with Pharaoh and suffer mistreatment 3. 1800BCE-1000BCE: Book of Job authored. 4. 1600sBCE (+-200yrs): Moses (Hebrew) demands release of Hebrews; Pharaoh refuses; Moses foretells plagues on Egypt; plagues occur (possibly caused by supercolossal volcanic eruption of Thera) Moses leads Hebrews out of Egypt; many people join this roaming tribe in search of a better life; they walk through the Sinai desert; Divinely-sent phenomena parts the Red Sea (probably Gulf of Aqaba) Moses/Hebrews cross the parted Gulf of Aqaba at Newabaa beach (Egypt); while pursuing the Hebrews an Egyptian army is destroyed by Gulf of Aqaba enclosing upon them; Hebrews settle for a time near Mt. Sinai (in modernday northwest Saudi Arabia best guess is mountain Jabal al-Lawz); Moses receives Ten Commandments on this mountain; Hebrews wander the desert 40 years to purify and strengthen the tribe (many die in order for a new generation, not hardened by bondage in Egypt, to lead); Ark of Covenant built; strict laws are set in place to offset undisciplined attitude of Hebrews; Moses dies as Hebrews near Canaan 5. Mid 1500s BCE (+-200 years): Joshua leads conquests of Canaan; the Hebrews settle the area and divide into 12 tribes, people of the 12 sons of Jacob, Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Ephraim, Judah, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun. Levi receives no land, but Joseph receives two land areas breaking down into Manasseh and Ephraim. 6. 1500sBCE-1000sBCE (+-100 years): the era of Judges (religious warriors); Israel has no centralized leadership; famous judges include Deborah, Samson, Gideon, and Samuel 7. 1450BCE-500BCE (+-100 years): The books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy authored and compiled. 8. 1400BCE-500BCE: Book of Joshua authored. 9. 1050BCE-1000BCE: Book of Judges authored. 10. 1020BCE (+-100 years): Saul rules a united Israel. He dies in a battle with Philistines. 11. 1000BCE (+-50 years): David rules Israel, death of David 12. 1000BCE-600BCE: Book of Proverbs authored and compiled. 13. 1000sBCE-500sBCE: The Book of Psalms (spiritual poems set to music) is authored and compiled. (Psalms 90 may originate with Moses at an earlier date) 14. 971BCE-539BCE: Books of Kings authored and compiled. 15. 970BCE (+-50 years): Solomon, Davids son, rules Israel 16. 970BCE-950BCE: Song of Solomon authored. 17. 970BCE-900BCE: Book of Ecclesiastes authored and compiled. 18. 960BCE (+-50 years): Solomons Temple (First Temple) completed 19. 930BCE (+-50 years): Solomon dies, and his son, Rehoboam ascends the throne.

Rehoboams labour mismanagement leads to 9 northern tribes (Dan, Manasseh, Ephraim, Asher, Gad, Reuben, Issachar, Zebulun, Naphtali, and some members of Levi) breaking away to form a new, northern Israel with Samaria as the capital and Jeroboam as the first leader. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin remain loyal to Rehoboam and form southern Judah with Jerusalem as the capital. (All following events are less than +- 10 years) 20. 930BCE-914BCE: Rehoboam rules Judah. Egypt attacks and subdues Judah. 21. 930BCE-910BCE: Jeroboam I rules Israel. Disputes between Israel and Judea continue. 22. 930BCE-700BCE: Books of Samuel authored. 23. 914BCE-912BCE: Abijah rules Judah and continues war with Israel. 24. 911BCE-871BCE: Asa rules Judah and defeats Egyptian/Ethiopian invaders. 25. 910BCE-909BCE: Nadab rules Israel and is assassinated by Baasha, a member of Nadabs military. 26. 909BCE-886BCE: Baasha rules Israel and continues war with Judea. Israel and Syria ally against Judea, but Syria later allies with Judea against Israel. 27. 900BCE-500BCE: Book of Ruth authored. 28. 885BCE: Elah rules Israel and is murdered by Zimri, an Israeli military member. 29. 885BCE: Zimri rules Israel for seven days until Israeli army elects Omri as leader. 30. 885BCE-874BCE: Omri rules Israel. Peace occurs between Israel and Judea. 31. 873BCE-853BCE: Ahab rules Israel and gains allies to battle and weaken Assyria. 32. 871BCE-848BCE: Jehoshaphat rules Judah and allies with Israel to overcome the Moabites. 33. 853BCE-852BCE: Ahaziah rules Israel and allies with Judah. 34. 852BCE-841BCE: Jehoram rules Israel. 35. 848BCE-841BCE: Jehoram (no relation to Jehoram of Israel) rules Judah. 36. 842BCE-813BCE: Jehu rules Israel. 37. 841BCE: Ahaziah (no relation to Ahaziah of Israel) rules Judah. 38. 840BCE-835BCE: Athaliah rules Judah. 39. 840BCE-600BCE: Book of Joel authored. Book of Obadiah authored. 40. 835BCE-796BCE: Joash rules Judah. 41. 813BCE-797BCE: Jehoahaz rules Israel. 42. 797BCE-782BCE: Jehoash rules Israel. 43. 796BCE-767BCE: Amaziah rules Judah. War continues with Israel. 44. 786BCE-400BCE: Book of Jonah authored. 45. 782BCE-747BCE: Jeroboam II rules Israel and subdues Syria. 46. 767BCE-739BCE: Uzziah rules Judah. 47. 760BCE-720BCE: Book of Hosea authored. Book of Amos authored. 48. 747BCE: Zechariah rules Israel. 49. 747BCE: Shallum rules Israel. 50. 747BCE-742BCE: Menahem rules Israel. 51. 742BCE-740BCE: Pekahiah rules Israel. 52. 740BCE-700NCE: Book of Micah authored. 53. 739BCE-734BCE: Jotham rules Judah. 54. 734BCE-728BCE: Ahaz rules Judah. 55. 731BCE-722BCE: Hoshea rules Israel. 56. 728BCE-699BCE: Hezekiah rules Judah. 57. 722BCE-705BCE: Israel conquered by the Assyrian kings of Tiglath-Pileser III, Sargon II, and Shalmaneser V. The tribes of Dan, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Issachar, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben, and Naphtali are taken into Assyrian captivity and disappear from biblical history.

58. 700BCE-515BCE: Book of Isaiah authored and compiled. Book of Zephaniah authored. 59. 699BCE-643BCE: Manasseh rules Judah. 60. 670BCE-610BCE: Book of Nahum authored. 61. 650BCE-610BCE: Book of Habakkuk authored. 62. 642BCE-640BCE: Amon rules Judah. 63. 640BCE-609BCE: Josiah rules Judah. 64. 630BCE-570BCE: Book of Jeremiah authored. 65. 609BCE: Jehoahaz (no relation to Israeli king) rules Judah. 66. 609BCE-598BCE: Jehoiakim rules Judah. 67. 597BCE: Jehoiachin rules Judah. Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon invades Judah, and Jerusalem is captured. Jehoiachin removed as king and replaced by Zedekiah through Nebuchadnezzar II. Many Jews took prisoner to Babylon. 68. 597BCE-587BCE: Zebekiah rules Judah and allies with Egypt to rebel against Babylon. 69. 587BCE: Judea captured by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. Zebekiah taken prisoner. Much of Jerusalem destroyed including Solomons Temple. Most remaining Jews deported as prisoners to Babylon. 70. 587BCE-570BCE: Book of Lamentations authored. Book of Ezekiel authored. 71. 539BCE-536BCE: Darius the Mede and Cyrus of Persia conquers Babylon and frees the Jews. Many Jews return to Jerusalem. 72. 536BCE: Construction begins on Second Temple in Jerusalem. 73. 530BCE-510BCE: Book of Haggai authored. 74. 520BCE: Zechariah and Haggai begin to prophesy. 75. 520BCE-500BCE: Book of Zechariah authored. 76. 516BCE: Second Temple completed. 77. 500BCE-250BCE: Books of Chronicles authored and compiled. 78. 478BCE: Esther saves Jews from persecution. 79. 460BCE-350BCE: Book of Esther authored. 80. 458BCE: Ezra leads group of Jews to Palestine. 81. 458BCE-430BCE: Book of Ezra authored. 82. 450BCE-400BCE: Book of Nehemiah authored. Book of Malachi authored. 83. 445BCE: Nehemiah leads group of Jews to Palestine. 84. 436BCE: Malachi begins to prophesy. 85. 332BCE: Alexander the Great invades and rules Palestine. 86. 320BCE: Ptolemy I rules Palestine. 87. 300BCE-50BCE: Book of Wisdom authored. 88. 200BCE-170BCE: Book of Tobit authored. 89. 200BCE-100BCE: Book of Judith authored. Book of Baruch authored. 90. 190BCE-160BCE: Book of Sirach authored. 91. 170BCE-160BCE: Book of Daniel authored. 92. 169BCE: Antiochus Epiphanes rules Jerusalem. 93. 168BCE: Antiochus outlaws Judaism. 94. 166BCE: Matthias leads Jews to revolt against Antiochus. 95. 150BCE-25BCE: Books of Maccabees authored and compiled. 96. 64BCE: Pompey rules Jerusalem. 97. 37BCE: Herod rules Jerusalem. 98. 19BCE: Herod begins rebuilding and expanding Second Temple. 99. 4BCE: Jesus is born in Bethlehem (Judea area). TDS. Who knows what happened to Jesus before he was 30?

Q. He went to India and Nepal places and was kicked out. Then he went to Iran - kicked out. Egypt - kicked out. TDS. Monks were the only ones with enough patience to raise Jesus and bring him into adulthood. Jesus tended to be insufferable and not at ALL humble in his youth. TDS. Yaldabaoth is not omnipresent, that's why it asked Adam "Where are you?" in the Garden of Eden, and why it had to send angels to Sodom as scouts. It's a limited god. The untrue god, Yaldabaoth, was created to rule over the material world, but this god was created in error. The true God allows Yaldabaoth continued existence for a few reasons: 1. To kill Yaldabaoth would mean God kills - and contrary to some religions, the true God never kills. 2. Yaldabaoth serves to strengthen the spirits of humans through providing a common enemy. 3. The true God is mostly detached from the material world, and truthfully doesn't USUALLY care about human matters. It's not up to the true God to come to humans, it's up to humans to come to the true God. Yaldabaoth doesn't understand the Light, it never has, never will. That's why Yaldabaoth created Lucifer - to understand the Light. TDS. Let's talk about the 'Tower of Babel' story in Genesis 11. The Tower of Babel wasn't seen as 'bad' due to its size, rather it was the negative energy the tower would've created. You know how Solomon's Temple was like a 'telephone' between this world and God? Think of the Tower of Babel as the same telephone only between this world and Satan. Elites don't know the specific layout of the tower, that's been lost in history, but they know this was the purpose of its attempted construction. TDS. Lucifer & Satan are hard to explain. Imagine if someone with a split personality actually split in two different ppl, but relied on the same brain to function. That's how Lucifer/Satan works - best I can explain in short time. Eye-for-eye justice probably does decrease crime, but it makes for a pretty cold, harsh society. I remember the quote "An eye for an eye leaves the world blind" and I believe this. Q. Who killed Jesus and why? If the coming of the messiah is true, will he/she be killed? Does the 7 groups not want the messiah? Who are you looking for on this forum? And why? TDS. Jesus never died, it only appeared that way. Only major religious text getting that right is the Quran - "That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them. . ." -Quran 4:157 It was still the jewish people & Romans who thought they killed him. However, Judas didn't betray Jesus - Jesus asked Judas to turn him over. That's a long-known fact that just recently is being accepted by scholars. Judas was actually Jesus' favourite student, the reason Jesus asked Judas to 'betray' him. So why would Jesus & God go through all that trouble? Because Jesus had to be a martyr - it was the only way to leave the best, lasting impression - go out on a high note.

Elites know Jesus will return, but only if humans force his return. This is a main goal of what my group will do. You won't have elites to deal with when Jesus returns, he'll kill & dismantle every elite group. Prophecy says it will take Jesus 2 weeks to restore order to Jerusalem & 7 yrs to fix the world, then years later Jesus will die a natural death. I'm looking specifically for a psychic on this forum; because I've never had one as a friend. Q. Darkness I was taught hidden knowledge from a different group and I am wondering if there is any truth to it. There is a Creator that is separate from the "God" of the old testament. His manifestation on earth was Jeshua but he has since returned to earth many times. Hell isn't a place it was added to the bible by your order when it was translated from Hebrew to the Greeks as Hades was added. "Hell" is actually Earth since Baal reigns on this planet and all planets currently. He was created by the old testament "God" like you said to help him understand the world but he turned against him. Jeshua was created from the original creator so that it could understand the creation it had failed to grasp for so long. Your path worships Baal as a savior because he is trying to liberate the world from the old testament creator (but he wants to do it with chaos). My path believe Jeshua is the savior of mankind because only the original creator can save us from destruction. TDS. The only way to make Jeshua appear is through a great amount of chaos (and a comparatively small amount of chi manipulation). I want him back as much as you do. Q. But why do you want him back if he is against you, if the original creator is against you? TDS. Think of "good intentions met through bad deeds". Q. Christopher, you say that Jesus was born in 5 B.C. March 15 3:17, then later the document says 4 B.C. Which is the true year? TDS. I was trying to peg a date, because I'm unsure of Jesus' b-day. TDS. Young Jesus also had a problem misusing those powers with which he was born. TDS. This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes about God: "Companions, the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks -- those who write new values on new tablets. Companions, the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. ... Fellow creators, Zarathustra seeks, fellow harvesters and fellow celebrants: what are herds and shepherds and corpses to him?" -Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra Even though the creator god is a false, evil god - the true God - the God who breathed the Divine Spark into humans. . . this God wants companions. Why would God breathe Divinity into humans for us just to be bumbling, worshipping idiots? If you had children would you want them to remain dependent on you their entire lives? Would you want them to make a life of their own? Which of those 2 outcomes would make you more happy and proud for your offspring? More importantly, what makes a parents most happy? Becoming a grandparent! You want to see that which you gave life to also create life. I'll tell you God most wants humans to create life of their own. Artificial intelligence, genetically-altered humans - whatever the case may be - it's the event which God will find most favour w/ in human history.

TDS. You have to remember when prophets who lived over 1000 years ago had a basic vocabulary and almost no science of which to speak. So if a prophet living in 700AD saw a vision of an atomic bomb going off - he's not gonna say "An atomic bomb goes off" or even "A bright light flashes". For a simple prophet living in 700AD, he COULD compare an atomic blast light to "the sun rising from where it sets". He states after the sun rises from where it sets a 'cold wind' kills millions of Muslims. That could be an atomic blast from nuclear war then resulting nuclear winter. I'm not saying this is what the prophecy means, but we have to consider prophecy TOTALLY from the point of view of who said it. Remember a single elementary school textbook has more accurate knowledge in it a person living 1000 years ago was exposed to in their ENTIRE life. TDS. To open third eye the fast, easy way w/ minimum effort and around 70% success rate. . . WARNING: Do not do this if you have heart troubles; difficulty breathing; are pregnant; have blood pressure irregularities; prone to panic attacks; - honestly, you probably shouldn't do this unless experienced drug (ab)user or adrenaline junkie. If you MUST do this, then it's best to do it w/ someone else if possible. It's not something to do for shits & giggles. 1. In a place you're comfortable with, ingest at least 250mg of dextromethorphan. This drug promotes mind/body separation and rising kundalini. If you frequently done/do this drug in larger amounts then take more, and if you no longer feel the below symptoms then drink 1 or 2 glasses of grapefruit juice beforehand. Grapefruit juice inhibits an enzyme in the stomach which breaks down the drug, and with grapefruit juice you can make the drug pass into the blood easier. 2. Wait anywhere from 1 to 2 hrs until you experience some of these symptoms: vomiting; muscle twitches; hypersensitivity (hearing, smelling better); warm or cold feeling; substantially elevated or decreased sexual urges; racing heartbeat; hearing an inner sound; emotional outbursts; severe confusion; tingling or opening sensation on top of head; deeper understanding of surroundings. Yes, you have to be trippin. 3. Take a large container ideal for soaking your feet (nothing too big or small, it's going to have to come above the ankles). Put water between 105-130 degrees into the container. Mix in 3-5lbs of Epsom salt. Put your feet in this and wait 3-5mins. (Remember I told you the adult human body is like a broken antenna for spirit energy? The hands best transmit signals - the feet (Pisces) best absorb signals. This foot soak is going to make you better absorb spirit energy) 4. You need a light around you but not too blaring. Close your eyes and wave your arms in front of your face. You should still be able to see your arms despite having closed eyes. It will be like a vague hint of your arms - they may appear like two red sticks waving around. Now you're ready. 5. Interlock your fingers together. Which thumb normally ends up on top? That is your dominant hand. Take your dominant hand, bring it around to the backside of your head, rub only the middle finger's top segment onto your third eye area on your forehead. The third eye area is just between and above your eyes on the forehead - it feels like an indention. Rub the top part of middle finger on that spot.

6. Now close your eyes. Wave your free arm around to make sure you can still "see" the image of it. Now with eyes still closed bring your eyes to see the spot you're rubbing. Wait for it. You'll see a closed eye. This is your third eye. Whatever color it is - that's the colour your aura is. The eye will appear extremely clenched & tightly closed. 7. At this point you can focus on the eye and you'll see images. What those images are is totally different for everyone. If you want the eye to open you MUST clear your mind. No thoughts. Just go blank in the mind, and the eye will open. I'll stop here. If you actually manage to open the eye - that's another story so ask me if you do and want to do more. PS: This may read simple now, but for most people it will be mentally demanding when in an altered state. The straight-edge, natural way to do this requires thousands of hours of meditation exercises. Do NOT even try that if you're on psych medication or mood stabilizing medicines. It will probably cause serotonin syndrome - in other words heart go explode/pop/boom, and you could stop breathing. Q. 1) Assuming success in opening the third eye using your method, will the third eye 'stay' open? Or is it only a temporary opening that will need cough syrup each time? 2) About the images that are being seen if third eye gets opened...are these of any significance to the individual... In comparison to images seen with third eye that is opened without using this drug method? 3) Will pain medications interfere or cause harm with this method? 4) Is there a time allotment of this process in which some success should be expected? Like, if after an hour, nothing happens, should one quit or keep trying? 5) Is this how you opened your third eye for the first time? And if so, do you still use this method? TDS. 1. It will not stay open. It will need . . . syrup? Ew. If you don't have access to pure dextromethorphan then take something in pill form. More of the active ingredient will make it to the blood this way. 2. Images are of significance to the individual. It could be what happened in a past life, what's happening now only through spiritual lenses. . . different for everyone. 3. Probably? - I'm not a medical expert. I'd suggest researching that one. 4. If you don't see the eye within 10 minutes - give up, not for you. 5. No, my third eye was forced open, but I've found this is a fast way to open it. You have to have some purpose though. Something. This isn't for shits & giggles. Have a question of goal in mind. TDS. I don't think you realize what happens if the third eye opens forever. You won't be able to function in society. You'll be locked away in the nuthouse w/ a few others who maybe opened third eye too long. Many can't handle it, and it's diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia. You would see/hear/sense what people term 'shadow people' and other spirits all the time. Excess third eye chakra is akin to dreaming while awake. Q. So...your third eye was forced open. You see dead people all the time?! TDS. Nope, only for a few hours. Q. Why do you people want to open your third eye? TDS. Most people think it would be interesting. It is. It's just somewhat of a let down since it always closes back.

TDS. Here's the secret about religion: Religion is a way of tricking people to exceed their limitations, for better or worse. Religion can make a perfectly normal person mutilate their own children to death, and religion can make the alcoholic stop the addiction. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. Q. TDS. 6. POLITICS(USA) TDS. I tried my hand at the political realm in 2007-2008. Many of my ideas were used like the following Iraq 1. Adopt a phased transition of power with dates for withdrawals as a framework for guiding political-military planning. This will first show the world that the Untied States doesnt plan on having a permanent presence in Iraq. A timetable could then be used as a premise in negotiations and more local groups would be willing to join negotiations. A timetable would speed up Iraqi politicians in their reconciliation. A timetable would show that were withdrawing on our own schedule and not by how and when terrorists want us to. Finally, it would set a fixed date which would allow Iraqi citizens to move away if they would feel unsafe in an area which would no longer be patrolled by the United States. 2. Begin a reduction of US forces down to 60,000 troops and 20,000 advisors within 2 years time. That approximates to removing about 4,000 troops, or a brigade, per month. 3. Change the goals for Iraq to more realistic ones: preventing terrorist safe havens, preventing regional war, preventing genocide, preventing an extremist government from forming, and protecting civilian Americans. Scrap the benchmarks Congress has put forth such as the transparent benchmark of privatizing Iraqi oil. 4. Tie financial assistance to political stability. 5. The key to stability in Iraq is training its security forces. So the United States must increase its capacity to mentor, train, equip, and support Iraqi forces. 6. As it stands there are only 6,000 security advisors in Iraq. That number must increase

to at least 20,000. Only 15% of local Iraqi police stations have advisors. We must increase this to at least 60% for local police and 80% for the Iraqi Army. This would be done by removing the funding restraints on hiring private security advisors, asking for volunteers out of our own military, and as a last resort involuntary selection. 7. During the 2 years of troop reductions a Quick Reaction Team (QRT) must be formed to target areas such as Baghdad, Anwar, and Kurdistan. 8. After the 2 years of troop reduction, begin to pull out troops at a slower rate of 2,000 per month, until the level of troops is at the requirement to protect the American embassy in Iraq. 9. Move advisors as the particular forces theyre embedded with become independent, and locate them with the units in which they are needed most. 10. Negotiate for a long-term presence of United States troops in a nearby friendly country. 11. Have plans ready at all times for an emergency evacuation of the Americanembassy in Iraq and for civilian Americans. 12. Provide Iraq with long-term air and naval support from the said American presence in a nearby country. 13. Create an International Support Group of Iraqs neighbours and at all times keep diplomacy as a means to prevent war. This is exactly what the US government did. I posted this on April 2nd, 2008 on MySpace, before Obama was even President. It's still there if you're sceptical. I actually wrote it in November 2007. Labor 1. Fix the minimum wage at $8.50/hour, and write into law that it must be adjusted for inflation every year to be equal to 8.50 in constant 2007 dollars. 2. Force employers to recognize all unions based on cards signed. 3. Allow sympathy strikes. 4. Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. 5. Immediately outlaw all right-to-work laws. 6. Enact laws requiring same benefits for part-time workers as full-time workers. Benefits would be proportional to average hours worked. 7. Enact laws requiring SOME paid vacation from work, after 6 months of employment. ** I change my mind on #4 Marijuana 1. Legalize possession of marijuana. 2. One must be at least 18 to buy marijuana. The states will determine any age limit beyond 18. 3. Pardon all criminals for convictions resulting solely from marijuana possession or distribution, expunge convictions from their record, and destroy all evidence from said convictions. Nearly 13% of prisoners are serving time because of marijuana. Legalization of marijuana would free up desperately needed space in jails and prisons for violent criminals. 4. One may not use marijuana in any public place. It may only be used in a private residence. 5. One may not drive while under the influence of marijuana. 6. Individuals may not grow marijuana unless they have a government permit to do so. 7. Advertising or promotion of marijuana in any way will be illegal. 8. Legalize industrial and commercial hemp.

TDS. How dare they ban my IP. Now I'm pissed. Q. When did that happen? TDS. 10 minutes ago. It's probably government not wanting me to give you people these ideas lol. If they keep it up I'll doom DC's ass off. TDS. Military 1. The United States military must give military assistance to enforce United Nations Security Council resolutions. 2. It must be written into law that the US will never again use nuclear weaponry first and never use it on non-nuclear countries. 3. We must stop pursuing a missile defense system. Even with a missile defense system theres the likelihood that another country would strike the US from within rather than outside. Missile defense system does not protect against terrorist attacks from within. 4. The US must end research into advancing nuclear weaponry, as we spend billions per year on this. As it stands there is enough nuclear weaponry in the world to eliminate the entire population of Earth several times over. Once over isnt enough? 5. Greatly reduce number of foreign military bases. There are over 700 US military bases in more than 40 countries. 6. Ban all arms sales to any foreign country. Over 21 billion in the fiscal 06 year was made from foreign arms sales. Too many times Americas own weapons have been used against her. 7. Never allow a reduction of military pay in combat areas. 8. Withdraw most forces from Iraq. 9. Divert troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. This being to find Osama bin Laden. 10. End the occupation of Cuban province of Guantanamo Bay. 11. Stop military aid to countries such as Colombia. 12. Increase investment into cleaning up the impacts of foreign and domestic American military bases. 13. Greatly reduce military spending. The United States is spending money than any time since World War II on defence, despite the fact that theres no major threatening superpower. The DOD skews the statistics on spending by not showing military spending in inflation-adjusted dollars. 14. Withdraw troops from Western Europe and other countries more than capable of defending themselves. 15. Temporarily shift money from military research to maintenance in order to replace equipment lost or damaged by the War on Terror. 16. Dispel the myth that military spending is the best way to boost the economy. One billion dollars spent on defence creates about 25,000 jobs, while spending the same amount on other programs would create more jobs than if it were invested in defence (30,000 in mass transit, 36,000 in housing, 41,000 in education, 47,000 in health care.) Political Corruption 1. Increase limits on any concrete (money, gifts) or abstract (favors, votes) rewards given to politicians while in office. 2. Prohibit elected officials from lobbying for 2 years before and 7 years after holding office. 3. Require all bills to address one issue at a time. 4. 75% of all funds raised for an election candidate must be collected from people who can vote for said candidate. 5. All political entities must disclose the source of contributions within two weeks in a manner easily accessible to the public. 6. All forums receiving government funding which host candidates from both the

Republican and Democratic parties must also host any candidate(s) whose party received 5% or more of the popular votes in the last election year. 7. Any candidate may only use $50,000 of their own money on political advertising. 8. Ban leadership PACs (Political Action Committees); because they create a loophole around the maximum contribution by a single person. They also create distance between the elected official and constituents while in office. 9. Hold state-by-state votes to let people decide if term limits should be imposed on all elected officials. 10. Increase the members in the House of Representatives. Sex Education 1. On average there are 850,000 teenage pregnancies each year in the United States. Youth under the age of 25 contract 9.1 million STDs every year. Comprehensive sex education must be a goal for our children. 2. The public must educate children about sexual activity and contraceptives. Government funding must be made available for educating children on contraceptive use. As it stands right now, federal funding goes to abstinence-only programs. 3. Evaluations of the effectiveness of state funded abstinence-only programs found no delay in first sex. In fact three found no changes in behaviour, two found increased sexual activity, and one showed mixed results. (Hauser D., Five Years of AbstinenceOnly-Until-Marriage Education: Assessing the Impact) A Special Investigations Division in the US House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform found that over 80% of information in sex education programs contained false, misleading, or distorted information about reproductive health. They conveyed false information about the effectiveness of contraceptives, false information about the risks of abortion, religious beliefs as scientific fact, and medical and scientific errors of fact. So the government must stop funding abstinence-only programs and begin to fund realistic programs which have comprehensive sex education, which includes abstinence AND contraceptive information. 4. Effective sex education programs must offer age- and culturally-appropriate sexual health information; assist youth to develop skills in communication, refusal, and negotiation; provide medically accurate information about both abstinence and contraceptives; have clear goals for preventing STDs and teen pregnancy; and respect community values. Statehood for D.C. 1. Over 500,000 live in Washington, D.C. The current way our government is organized has Washington, D.C. as an entity separate from any other state. The American Congress makes most of the important decisions for D.C., yet those same decisionmakers dont have to live with the results of their actions. 2. Residents of Washington DC couldnt even vote for President until 1961. The US is the only country in the world which does not include the citizens of its own capital in the rights of everyone else in the country. One-fifth of D.C. citizens live in poverty. The voters of the District of Columbia should be allowed to hold a referendum to decide what to do about the issue of statehood. D.C., our nations capital, is run more like a colony than a capital. Taxes *income taxes* 1. The income tax system was started at a time when the governments budget demands were easily meet by an income tax. Now that more is demanded of the government, to reach a balanced budget, an unbearably high income tax would have to be enacted. The current American tax system encourages people to consume rather than invest wisely. For most people, to tax income, is to tax their productivity. The American income tax

system has also become the most complex in the world, and the cost to maintain it is great. With all this being fact, we should abolish the income tax system, except for the 2% income tax mentioned under healthcare to fund a universal healthcare program. *corporate taxes* 2. The United States tries to tax its companies more than most developed nations. The current corporate tax rate is around 33% of all business profit. The US government pulls in a little over 200 billion per year from corporate taxes. This is a tax on profits. Its again, a tax on productivity. Trillions of dollars in American investments have gone to countries with lower corporate tax rates, and it has severely depressed the economic future of America. When you take the amount of money that a company spends to comply with or maneuver around corporate taxes, and compare it with the revenue that it actually generates, youd realize that the current corporate tax system harms the American economy. Some states which dont have corporate taxes, such as Delaware, have a disproportionate amount of companies headquartered in them. This takes away from states which impose corporate taxes. The current corporate tax structure favors businesses to operate in debt rather than profit. The single most powerful action which could be taken to renew our economy would be to end the corporate tax. 3. After abolishing the income and corporate tax, a flood of economic activity would surge through every American street. *value-added tax* 4. The government maintains most of its revenue through the income and corporate taxes. So that lost revenue would be replaced with a value-added tax (VAT), similar to the one found in the European Union. Over 120 countries use a VAT system, and it is successful in every country. 5. A VAT is a tax applied to the added value of a product through every stage of production it goes through. To explain how the VAT system works, Ill use an example found online. Lets say that the VAT rate is 20% and were applying it to a canvas cloth. First the farmer sells the manufacturer the raw material (cotton) for $50. 20% of $50 is $10, which the manufacturer pays to the farmer who then gives that money to the government. Now the manufacturer uses the cotton to produce the canvas cloth and sells it to a wholesaler for $100. The manufacturer has added a $50 value to the cloth. So the tax on the value added is another $10, which the manufacturer would then give to the government. That wholesaler then sells the canvas cloth to a retailer at a price of $200. So the wholesaler has added a value of $100. 20% of $100 is $20, which the wholesaler gives to the government. That retailer then sells the canvas cloth to you, the customer, for $400. The retailer has added a value of $200, 20% of which is $40 that you pay to the retailer who then gives that money to the government. When we add up the total amount of money collected from the VAT ($10+$10+$20+$40) we see the VAT has raised $80 profit for the government. Thats an example of how a value-added tax (VAT) works. 6. To meet government funding needs a multi-stage VAT rate of 18% to 25% would be put in place in the United States. Certain goods would be exempt from the VAT such as food given to employees, food produced on farms, standard-issue clothing given for military, used home purchases, domestic services, and physician services. 7. Again, the VAT would replace all federal and state income, corporate, and sales tax. Governments favour VATs because its difficult to evade taxes under a VAT because the paperwork follows materials used. A 2% income tax would remain in effect for funding the cost of universal healthcare. *payroll taxes* 8. Payroll taxes would be fixed at 7% for the cost of universal healthcare. This payroll tax, coupled with a mere 2% income tax, would replace all costs of doctor visits, hospital

care, prescriptions, mental health services, rehab, home care, vision care, and dental care. *Social Security tax* 9. Money you pay into Social Security isnt held for you in any special way for retirement. That money which you pay in right now goes to pay for current beneficiaries. Because the average age of the population is increasing, around the year 2020 the Social Security Fund will be paying out more money than its taking in. As of right now, Social Security is receiving more money than its paying out, but the government dips or borrows into that money for spending and writes the Social Security Fund an IOU in the form of a special-issue government bond. 10. To fix this the amount of your paycheck which goes toward Social Security would be retained (about 6%) and your employer would still match that amount and that money would be placed into a Social Security private retirement account (PRA), which you would manage. Preferably, you would have a professional manage your PRA. You would have a broad range of options to choose from stock, commodities, any investment so long as its been approved by the government. 11. The estimated cost to transition Social Security to this form of investment would be about 1.5 trillion dollars. However, if Social Security isnt fixed, and fixed soon, by the year 2050 there would be a deficit of about 10 to 20 trillion dollars in Social Security because of baby boomers reaching retirement age. *wealth tax* 12. By 2001 numbers the 1% of the richest Americans owned 33.4% of all wealth in this country. The bottom 80% of American own only 16% of wealth. Economists everywhere, including Alan Greenspan, have called on our government to address the massive richpoor divide in America. The United States actually has one of the largest wealth divides among any developed country. Our Founding Fathers feared an economic elite class which would be continued through inheritance, rather than through work, merit, and ambition. 13. So a Constitutional amendment for a wealth tax should be set into action. Current estate, inheritance, gift, and property taxes while they should remain in place do not prove effective at reducing extreme concentrations of wealth. 14. Homes, real estate, liquid assets (cash, deposits, insurance, pension plans), investments in unincorporated businesses, stocks, securities, trusts, everything would be counted and from that total debt would be subtracted to determine the amount of wealth of a family. Many opponents say that a wealth tax would cause consumption and fewer savings. However the average savings rate in countries with a wealth tax is 7.8%, while its 9.6% in countries without a wealth tax. So thats a negligible percent. 15. Under a favoured wealth tax plan, only families with a net worth over $100,000 would be subject to the tax. The graduated rates would go $100,000 to $200,000: 0.1% $200,001 to $350,000: 0.2% $350,001 to $500,000: 0.3% $500,001 to $750,000: 0.4% $750,000 to $1,000,000: 0.5% over $1,000,000 the rate would be 0.6% This would generate an estimated 85 billion dollars per year for the government. *excise taxes* 16. Excise taxes would remain at their current levels. However a $1 per cigarette excise tax would be placed on legalized marijuana. *tax havens* 17. We should work to reduce the amount of tax haven countries and shun businesses

which seek to make a profit in America while being headquartered in a tax haven. Sovereignties such as the Bahamas, Isle of Man, Mauritius, Vanuatu, and many others would have economic pressure placed on them to stop American companies seeking tax shelters from entering. *estate tax* 18. Estate tax should be at the level it was in 2000. The White House is attempting to curb, and maybe eventually remove, the estate tax. *So in conclusion:* 19. Abolish all current state and federal income, corporate, and sales taxes, except for a 2% income tax for universal health coverage. 20. Replace these with a multi-level VAT of 18% to 25%. 21. 7% payroll tax for funding universal healthcare. This would replace every medical cost you pay right now. 22. Keep the 6% payroll tax for Social Security, but put it into a PRA. 23. A wealth tax of 0.1% to 0.6% if wealth is over $100,000. 24. Keep all current inheritance and gift taxes. 25. Keep the estate tax and exemptions at pre-2000 levels. 26. This proposed tax system would keep the United States from being a debtor nation to countries such as China. The US borrows money from other countries, money thats desperately needed by third world nations. This tax system would be able to raise the amount of money needed for the government programs currently in place and for the proposed government programs I have mentioned (or will mention). It is VERY conducive to economic growth in America. Local and state revenues would not suffer. It will help to bring back American assets which relocated overseas because of high corporate taxes. It will save billions in not having to prepare taxes. It helps narrow the great American rich-poor divide. It will result in less tax evasion and fraud. It favors saving over consumption so America and Americans wont be in debt. 27. Because of the business boom from this proposed plan, the tax structure would probably generate a government surplus of about 150 billion dollars per year. 28. This surplus money would go toward paying off the national debt over a period of 50 to 75 years. Terrorism 1. Terrorism should not be used to further the political agendas of fundamentalists, the United States, or any other group. 2. In 2001 the worst mass casualty occurred on American soil since the Civil War. Some people skew statistics to show how the tobacco companies "kill" enough people every two days to equal a 9/11 disaster. Those people choose to smoke, but the 9/11 victims didnt choose to be at risk or were not made aware they were at risk. To skew these statistics and undermine the seriousness of terrorism is highly irresponsible. Theres also no evidence to suggest that 9/11 was a conspiracy by our government. Sometimes its difficult for people to accept that a few people can affect the lives of millions, so they made up a fantasy plot with thousands of actors. 3. Osama bin Ladens goal of 9/11 was to create such an American backlash that we would leave the Arab governments levelled, and he would pick up the pieces. Fundamentalists in Asia and other parts of the world have used this same plan and tactics against their own governments many times. The worst thing we could and in fact have done would be to buy into Osamas plan. The term "War on Terror" should be changed to "The Hunt for Terrorists"; because to declare war on something as abstract as terror is to set unrealistic expectations of the outcome of such a war. 4. The fundamentalists want to engage the Western world in a Holy War, and were also playing into that. The government should stop its officials from using the term "Islamic

terrorists". It is at a point now that this is the normal way we refer to extremists. By using the term "Islamic terrorists", you imply to some that all terrorists are Islamic. Making the terms Islamic and terrorists interchangeable will only add to the problem. 9/11 happened for political reasons, not religious reasons. After the Waco tragedy, we didnt go on the hunt for "Christian terrorists". Using that term would simply serve to alienate all Christians and cause some of them to turn to extremists views. The term Christian terrorist is as much an oxymoron as the term Islamic terrorist. Instead say "extremists" or just "terrorists". 5. The core leadership of Al Qaeda is in Afghanistan. On that most would agree. The invasion in Iraq has only increased the number of terrorists and anti-American sentiment across the world. To attack Iraq and lessen focus on Afghanistan makes as much sense as if America has attacked the Chinese because the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour. 6. A feasible, competent plan to leave Iraq in a responsible manner can be found under "Iraq" within this platform. 7. The troops which would leave Iraq would first recuperate while the military replaced lost equipment, then they would be sent to Afghanistan to break up the terrorists core there. NATO has said time and time again that theres simply not enough ground troops in Afghanistan. 8. The pressure we would put on extremists in Afghanistan would result in the destruction of their leadership. These people live on hero worship. To take away their hero, would strike a fatal blow to extremists morale. 9. Simply put we should stop letting these extremists dictate terms and shift focus from Iraq to Afghanistan. 10. What is the real threat from terrorists to America? Politicians have used scare tactics on the American people so much, and finally Americans are starting to stop listening. Never forget that a government which cannot be ruled by the will of the people must be ruled by fear. I cant stress enough how true this is and how many times history has taught us this important lesson. 11. Some make the case that by leaving Iraq the terrorists would "follow us back to America." What these politicians dont mention is that if terrorists want to make a maximum impact, then they would kill more American civilians. One of the most terrorists-ridden countries in the world, Israel, suffers civilian casualties from terrorists on almost a daily basis. This killing of civilians is something you dont see in America lately; because we have effectively eliminated the ability for terrorists to carry out attacks against America. The idea that by leaving Iraq the terrorists would follow us over here, well whats stopping those terrorists from coming over here now? America is a fortress with many bubbles of protection around her. The thought that terrorists will be easily able to evade first the intelligence of the CIA, FBI, and NSA then slip past the eyes of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines to make it to America, then sneak past the Coast Guard of Border Security, then set up a terrorist cell under the eagle-eyed watch of Homeland Security, state and local law enforcement, and average citizens is highly unlikely. Im not undermining the threat of terrorism, but the constant use of fear has placed a horrible scare on the psyche of the United States. 12. The current way America finds and brings terrorists to justice has proven effective and should continue, with the exception of leaving Iraq to focus on Afghanistan and other terrorist networks. 13. The Department of State must work closer with the military in terms of intelligence on terrorists. The US must become more open in communicating its intentions and goals to foreign citizens. The US must also focus more on the two-fold approach of using nonmilitary measures as much as military measures in curbing extremists thinking and terrorists actions.

Energy *General* 1. Our civilization is more dependent on energy than ever, and its a trend thats sure to continue. Lets look at energy trends in the United States. When our country was founded almost all of our energy needs were meet by biomass fuels (aka: burning things like wood). We were then energy independent. Then Americans shifted from rural to urban living and with the spread of the railroad after the Civil War we used coal more. Coal is readily available in the United States so we remained energy independent. Now enter the modern era of 1950 to 2008 and the widespread use of the automobile and plastics, and America started to use petroleum. The big change here is that we must import petroleum into this country and now for the first time in history our countrys economic heartbeat is totally dependent on the whims of foreign nations, ones not so fond of us. 2. Right now heres where our energy comes from. 40% from petroleum, 23% from coal, 23% from natural gas, and 14% from nuclear, hydro, and other sources. As far as solely electrical production, its 49.2% coal, 19.4% nuclear, 16.3% natural gas, 7% hydroelectric, 3.6% combustion turbine, 1.3% biomass, 1.1% petroleum coke boilers, 0.7% wind power, 0.3% geothermal, 0.3% diesel generators, 0.3% incinerators, 0.2% fuel oil, 0.2% oil fired boiler, and 0.1% solar energy. 3. Now that we know where our energy comes from heres what it goes toward. By Dept. of Energy numbers Americas energy goes toward 33% industrial, 28% transportation, 21% residential, and 17% commercial. To break it down even more, for major industrial energy expenditure its 22% for chemical production, 16% petroleum refining, and 14% for metal smelting and refining. For energy spent on transportation its 61% gasoline fuel, 21% diesel fuel, and 12% on aviation. For residential its 32% to space heating, 13% water heating, 12% for lighting, 11% air conditioning, 8% refrigeration, 5% electronic, and 5% for washers/dryers. For commercial its 25% lighting, 13% heating, 11% cooling, 6% refrigeration, 6% water heating, 6% ventilation, and 6% on electronics. 4. Ive given you all this data because its important to use for future reference. Its also important so youre aware of your own consumption. The United States is coming upon an energy crisis like the one in the 1970s. This will continue to happen as long as were dependent upon foreign energy. *Reduce Consumption and Change Habits* 5. As you can read under "Environment", Ive adopted the Green Partys stance on eco reform, but I tweaked the numbers slightly to make them more realistic. Under this plan energy consumption would fall enough for America to maintain energy prices while investing in better technologies. A higher mandate on MGP for autos would wean America off foreign oil and shift the supply to our own oil supplies, thus creating more American jobs. Americans have a hard time reducing consumption if it takes inconvenience so energy-efficient appliances should also be mandated to be used in all new construction. Also with Americans moving from the Northern US to the Southern and Western states, space heating consumption will fall. The reduced amount of toxins in the plan would cut back on that 22% energy use in the industrial sector which goes to chemical production. That would be temporarily offset though by increased petroleum refining due to drilling for American oil and increased refinery capacity in the US. The use of our own oil is only a band-aid to keep gas from going above a ridiculous $5 or $6 per gallon and allow America to better dictate terms to other nations. Right now America

has enough oil in its supplies to last only 30 days if we were cut off by all other nations. Scary, isnt it? 6. While we would shift to using our own oil we would invest in a more diversified mix of technologies to power America. The key to having cheap energy, eco-friendly energy, and to create new jobs and scientific growth is to invest in energy which makes the most geological and economic sense locally. For example, solar power may be a great way to go in sunny Arizona, but it wouldnt make much use in cloudy Seattle. 7. Yes, going as local as possible is the best way to fix our energy crisis. The government must step up efforts to modernize this countrys energy infrastructure and to help communities decide what forms of energy would be best for them. Now well examine the different sources of energy. *Petroleum* 8. At what point will the price of gas being to greatly affect Americas driving and consumption habits? Most economists believe at $4/gallon, which well probably see in the next two years. The price of oil per barrel has gone from $10/barrel in 1999 to $100/barrel in 2008. Around 1980 the world began using more oil than it was finding, and this has continued every year since. The main reason for high oil prices is because developing nations such as China are using more oil, and thats not going to end anytime soon. 9. When will the world run out of oil? Theres about 1.1 trillion barrels of oil in supplies. A barrel has 42 gallons. The world uses about 29 billion barrels of oil every year. So thats enough oil for another 38 years, or around the year 2046. More oil is sure to be found so we probably wont run out until at least 2060. Thats still within many Americans lifetime. Right now with our technology when oil is found we can only get at most 40% of that oil out. So we need to invest in better oil extraction technology. If we could get 80% out, then we wouldnt run out until after 2100. Under "Environment" I call for a drastic increase in MPG of automobiles. If we followed that guideline, then America would only use half of the oil it does now. 97% of the fuel used is from petroleum. 10. Who controls oil supplies? Saudi Arabia has 24% of the worlds oil, Iraq has 11%, Iran has 10%, Kuwait has 9%, United Arab Emirates (UAE) has 9%, Qatar has 1%, Venezuela has 7%, Africa has 9%, Europe has 8%, Asia has 4%, and the United States only has 2%. Who uses all this oil? The United States uses 25% of all petroleum produced. So were very much dependent on foreign oil. Even is only Iran stopped shipping, gas prices would go up to $6 per gallon. Under "Gas Prices" Ive shown how America needs to drill for more oil actually in our own country and improve refining capacity. It would take at the very least 10-15 years to see a different in gas prices though. It would create many jobs though. This would only be a very temporary solution to the energy issue. It would simply serve to provide America with a cushion while we searched for better forms of energy. 11. Under "Military" Ive called for a reduction is US military use. This would help oil usage. A single aircraft carrier uses 100,000 gallons of oil every day. Thats equal to what a medium-sized city uses. The impact on the environment hasnt even been touched on, but we all know its great. Thats why increased oil production and use must be as temporary as possible.

*Oil Shale* 12. Oil shale can be harvested from shale which hasnt has enough time, heat, and pressure to produce petroleum. The good thing about oil shale is that the United States has 60% of the global supply. In fact we have enough to make 2.5 trillion barrels of oil! That would mean the United States could meet its oil demands all on its own until the year 2200. Also we could make trillions of dollars exporting it. So in a way America has the greatest supply of oil. 13. The US started its current oil shale program in 2005. So why dont we use it more? Well, the technology to get the petroleum out of the shale isnt completely developed, we have to mine the shale, and it requires temperatures of nearly 1,000 degrees to yield to oil. Use of oil shale could drive oil back down to $30/barrel. In other words about $1.25 per gallon of gas at the pump! Remember though its still bad for the environment, actually worse for the American environment as wed have to mine more. *Coal* 14. The great thing about coal is that the United States has 25% of the worlds supply of it. However coal will run out before 2100. Coal is also very harmful to the environment. A coal power plant emits more radiation than a nuclear power plant. Some states are completely dependent on coal. Kentucky uses coal for 97% of its electricity. 15. Coal can be so much cleaner than it is right now if we develop better coal gasification techniques. Coal gasification removes most of the pollutants out of coal. In gasification coal is converted to syngas, which is mostly hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The waste from the process can also be reused. Coal gasification is expensive right now and cant be done economically on a large scale. So the government and businesses must increase research into this. Among the over 400 coal power plants in America they produce 42% of all toxins which the US puts off. Half of Americans live within 30 miles of a coal power plant so you can see the need to make it cleaner. 16. Clean coal should also be a temporary fix for our energy addiction. The shift off coal wont affect the US economy too much; because developing nations like China and India have a huge demand for coal which will only increase with time. So instead of spending our own money on coal we could sell it by exporting with huge profits. Selling the clean coal technology would also bring profit while helping the environment. *Natural Gas* 17. The great thing about natural gas is that, like coal, the US has plenty of it. It too keeps our dependence on foreign energy small. It doesnt pollute as much as petroleum or coal. However the demand for natural has is higher than the supply of it, and thats caused the price to triple over the past decade. Also you have to compress and liquefy it if its to be used far away from its source. America has about 3% of the worlds natural gas supply. Only the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, and Russia have more. Russia has almost a third of the worlds supply. 18. US companies still need to build more pipelines for natural gas use and more homes should use it as the biggest energy user for our homes is space heating. Because transport of natural gas hurts the environment and makes it more expensive to use, natural has should mostly be used by people to a natural gas source or people in cold areas such as Alaska and the North Central part of the US. Many Americans are moving from the Northern US to the South and West. This should be encouraged as it brings the

demand down for natural gas. *Nuclear Power* 19. A single nuclear power plant, for its size, can create more energy than any other source. The costs for nuclear power are low. The bad side is that building the actual plant costs billions of dollars and takes 15-20 years to do. Nuclear power doesnt hurt the environment anywhere near what the petroleum and coal does. Coal burning kills about 40,000 Americans every year while nuclear power kills enough to count on your fingers. 20. Because of its ability to generate so much energy, nuclear power is ideal to meet energy demands of large cities, but they shouldnt be located very close to those cities as they make excellent targets for terrorists. Current nuclear power reactors can only use 1% of the uranium in the world. U238 cannot be used by nuclear plants, and U238 makes up 99% of our uranium supplies. The uranium used now will only last for another 50 years. 21. Researchers are working on something called fast neutron nuclear power which would be able to use that other 99% of uranium. More spending and manpower should go into this as it could last America past the year 2150. The cost of fast neutron nuclear power would be the same as regular nuclear power, but the supply will last longer. 22. The waste from nuclear power is small in comparison to coal and other sources. The waste does last for over 1,000 years though. Nuclear producers must dispose of all their harmful waste while petroleum and coal producers do not. This creates an uneven playing field. If petro and coal consumers and producers have to safely dispose of their waste by-products, then it would raise the price of petrol & coal, thus causing less consumption of it, which would help the environment more than any single action we could take. *Biofuels (ethanol and such)* 23. Theres been much talk lately about biofuels. Biofuels are much better for the environment than regular gas, and they can be produced in the US. However they have several downsides. Biofuels like ethanol would cost just as much as normal gas, they drive up the price of food, and they also lead to deforestation from the cutting of trees to make room for crops. You also get a lower MPG than gas, so wed need more of the fuel than normal gas. 24. So the first generation of biofuels can only provide us with less than 20% of our needs, and more research is needed to improve their efficiency. More study is needed on how biofuels will affect agriculture. Biodiesel turns bad in cold temperatures so more research into that is needed as well. 25. Biofuels which use waste, such as in landfills, help to make use of the massive amount of garbage we store. One landfill power plant could power 2,000 homes. 26. We should focus more on second generation biofuels than first generation. This would include Bio-DME, Biomethanol (which can be mixed 15% with gas), HTU diesel, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, biohydrogen, and mixed alcohols. Most of these use renewable resources from the environment and can be mixed with gas for an easy transition from using pure gasoline. Most of these biofuels are too expensive to use on a large scale

and research must increase into lower their cost. *Hydro Power* 27. Hydro power can create huge amounts of energy in just a small space. It doesnt pollute, and it keeps us off foreign power. It cant be used everywhere though; because it changes a river valley which are usually the most populated areas. The building of it causes damage to the local ecosystem too. Washington, Oregon, California, New York, and Tennessee are states where hydro power is most used and be can be expanded. 28. Micro hydro plants should be used more. There are plenty of areas in the US which use pollution-generating power sources which should switch to hydro power. *Biomass Energy* 29. Biomass is the burning of things such as wood for power. Biomass will be closely related to biofuels in the future. Some research is being done for alternative biomass fuels such as switchgrass, which grows quickly. Biomass pollutes and using it uses up resources, but nowhere near what petroleum and coal does. 30. Burning your garbage produces more toxins than a modern incinerator. Actually just one family burning their waste produces more toxins than a modern-day incinerator! Because of that the burning of personal waste should be banned in places which has access to landfills, unless its for a poverty-stricken family which has no other way to heat their home or transport their waste. *Wind Power* 31. Wind power is nonpolluting and sustainable. It can be used only on a wide scale among individual homes and not for large cities. Wind turbine manufactures recommend having at least one acre of land for private use. Its not windy enough everywhere either and you have to have a good wind measurement over a years time to know if you can use one. Average winds of 10 MPH are needed for a wind turbine to work. The government should be more helpful with assisting people in wind measurements. 32. In ideal windy areas, wind power could produce 15% of all energy demands. Denmark uses wind power for 20% of its energy use! High elevations and areas near a large body of water are perfect for wind power, areas such as Florida, California, the Great Lakes area, and Texas. 33. Offshore wind turbines are excellent because of the constant wind flow and people dont have 100-ft windmills on their land. The water must be relatively shallow though which makes Florida, Texas, and the Great Lakes even more ideal. 34. The cost of a wind turbine and installation for the average home is about $15,000. Homes with one have an electric bill of only about $15 per month. So it takes about 8 to 12 years to actually pay for itself. It also comes with an 80-ft tall tower, which not everyone wants on their property. Residential construction companies should build more wind turbines into homes and let the total price of the house absorb the wind turbine costs. Over its lifetime just one wind turbine for a single home saves 200 tons of greenhouse gases. 35. The government should give tax breaks to help with the cost of private wind power, and then more people would be willing to buy them. They only make as much noise as a

washing machine, but youll rarely hear that from within your home. Federal, state, and local zoning laws should permit wind turbines to be installed anywhere. *Solar Power* 36. Solar power hasnt gotten nearly enough attention since the 1970s. In fact when Reagan became President he immediately removed the solar panels on the White House installed by Carter. Solar power is completely clean, sustainable, and can store power so its better than wind power in that aspect. Solar power needs large collectors though. In fact in order for the US to meet its energy demands completely with solar power, a collector 100 miles by 100 miles, or 10,000 square miles, would have to be built. Thats about the size of Massachusetts, Vermont, or Hawaii! 37. Solar relies on noncloudy days too so areas such as Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, and Texas would be perfect. A solar panel can pay for itself in only 3 years. All zoning laws should be changed to allow for solar panel use anywhere and paperwork should be easier for it. 38. Between government and businesses, only $200 million per year gets invested in solar. That will have to go up before solar power is taken seriously. 39. Technology in solar is promising. Recently a spray-on material was invented which is sprayed onto many materials, instead of building a panel, and it can be up to 5 times as efficient as normal solar collectors. *Incinerators* 40. Incinerators burn waste to produce power. The government has put strict pollution controls on them so theyre cleaner than coal plants. They still harm the environment though and should be phased out in favor of recycling, reducing, and reusing. *Geothermal* 41. Geothermal energy uses Earths heat for power. Current geothermal technology allows for use of it in very few places. The government and industry should shift resources away from current geothermal for more advanced techniques such as. . . *Hot Dry Rock Energy (bore holes)* 42. Hot dry rock energy can be done by drilling a few miles into the Earths crust and water is poured into these bore holes, which creates steam to turn turbines, and produces electricity. The good thing is that this form of power could last for hundreds of years, and it doesnt pollute. The bad news is that the technology in unproven and attempting it can cause an earthquake. In fact in Switzerland it did. *Wave Power* 43. Wave power uses the waves from an ocean to create energy. Its non-polluting but installation can disrupt ocean life. Its limited to where it may be used. Hawaii could use it for most of its power demands though. About 10,000 sites in America could use it. *Hydrogen Power* 44. When hydrogen is used in fuel cells its only by-products are heat and water. Itll be another few decades before hydrogen technology is developed enough for wide scale use, but its probably one of the more promising clean energies.

*Fusion Power* 45. Current nuclear power uses fission which creates energy from splitting atoms. Fusion power creates energy by combining atoms. A fusion power plant could produce 2 to 4 times as much energy as a current nuclear power plant could. It would produce no radiation like nuclear power. It has few harmful by-products. Its also very safe; because an explosion would just be that an explosion with no radiation disaster. Its still about 30 to 60 years away from being in widespread use as a practical fusion reactor has yet to be invented. Government and business investment must increase and working with other nations is important to offset the great costs of this. 46. In 2006 several nations starting funding a program named ITER. The cost of it is nearly $15 billion. So you can see thats why cooperation with other nations is essential. *Nanotechnology Power* 47. Nanotechnology is machinery built at microscopic sizes. The implications of it in energy, military, factories, medicine, and every aspect of human life are beyond imagination. The technology is still at least 50 years away as far as it being able to generate power. Our government spent about $1.5 billion in 2007 on nanotechnology, and every other developed nation is doubling or even tripling research into it. When nanotechnology comes onto the market, it will be nothing short of a miracle and will change the world in such a way that we wouldnt recognize the technology if we were to see it. *Other Energies* 48. Many other exotic, miracle energy sources are being researched. The greatest money and time investment on the governments part comes with education. Doubling education spending and modernizing teaching methods will, after 10 to 30 years, cure our energy crisis. Well start producing more engineers and theorists. *Conclusion* 49. So to sum it all up: -reduce American energy use with higher auto MPG, more efficient appliances, recycling, and mass transit -use petroleum only as a current to 20 year fix, drill for more domestic oil, and increase how much oil can be extracted, make it a goal to not be using anymore foreign oil in 20 years -increase shale oil technology and mining, and be completely off oil in the next 70 years -use coal only as a current to 30 year fix, use "clean" coal methods, with a goal to stop using coal completely in the next 40 years -use natural gas for home heating for a current to 25 year fix -use nuclear for large cities and invest more in fast neutron technology, 30% of our energy should come from nuclear power in the next 60 years -use biofuels like ethanol more, but realize it has drawbacks and is only a temporary solution -keep hydro power to replace polluting methods -use more wind power for private use, make it a goal to for wind power to supply US with 5% of its energy in the next 60 years -help create more private solar power use make it a goal for solar power to provide US with 15% of its energy in the next 40 years -stop individuals from burning waste -develop & experiment with hot dry rock energy and make it a goal to use it for 10% of

our energy demands in the next 70 years -use wave power for seaside areas and make it a goal for it to provide 2% of Americas power in the next 40 years -develop fusion and nanotechnology and make it a goal to for this to be the most used power sources by the year 2100 - implement everything under "Education" which will spark innovation in energy technology -these are all very reasonable long-term goals, and while the percentages for production dont equal 100%; nuclear, fusion, and nano power would make up the difference Food 1. The American food industry produces enough food to satisfy every Americans caloric intake twice over. With this abundance of food, the industry wouldnt suffer, but Americans would greatly benefit, if business standards increased the transparency of food marketing. Take the organic food trend for example. Im located in Tennessee, and most organic food available to me comes from California. Marketing for organic food portrays it to be good for the environment and good for your body. However if it must be shipped from California to Tennessee, then the carbon emissions from shipping alone negate the environmental benefits. Then theres the fact that the days it took to ship here drained many of the nutrients out of the food which would have benefited me. The better alternative? Buy local food. It not only would help the entire environment, but help my local economy. This is just one example of how business practices in the food marketing sector could improve. 2. It must be written into law that on every shift in any establishment serving food, whether mobile or fixed, at least one person, preferably the manager if one exists, be ServSafe certified. 3. ServSafe testing should be broken up into several sections. A person working at a Taco Bell for example needs to know very little about seafood, yet in order to be ServSafe certified, a great deal of the test goes forth into seafood. Or a person working the concession stand at a movie theatre needs to know mostly about hot dogs, popcorn, drinks, and candy, yet ServSafe training donates little time to this. Each ServSafe section should follow along the type of food found in the relevant establishment. This way the food preparer knows more about the particular food he or she is working with. 4. Foods which are generally accepted as unhealthy should be taken out of schools. (Sodas, candy, and so on) Trans-fat should also be eliminated from schools. All marketing for unhealthy foods, particularly on the 12-minute news program many American students must watch at school every day, should be eliminated. 5. Universal healthcare should include nutrition plans customized to a persons unique needs and wants, with free recipes made available to them. 6. No special tax should incurred on unhealthy food unless the voters absolutely demand it. American businesses must be able to generate a profit, and its up to consumers to decide their own habits; however the information given to them should be as accurate as possible. 7. A few major urban areas are experimenting with saving the leftover food from restaurants. Food safety should always be top concern; however tons of perfectly good food are thrown away every hour in restaurants. It would only take two or three trucks to

meet the hunger needs of thousands of homeless Americans every day. This should be put into place starting with New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., Houston, and several small cities in order to be tinkered with and perfected before being put into operation on a larger level. 8. Nowhere near enough long-term research has been done in genetically-altered food. This causes consumers to be leery enough not to purchase it. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must push this forward. 9. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is incredibly underfunded, understaffed, and unorganized. The responsibilities which fall under the FDAs jurisdiction have piled up year after year while funding has remained flat. The retention rate of employees in the FDA is only half that of other government agencies. The FDA requested $2.1 billion for 2008. That fund should be placed at $20 billion for the first year in order to work out the huge demands placed upon the FDA. Look at nearly anything in the pharmacy aisle and youll see, "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA." Innovation in the food and drug industry cant move forward until were sure of certain claims, and a MASSIVE backlog of ideas is in need of evaluation by the FDA. The entire culture of the FDA must change. Corporate influence over the FDA must come to an end. Our society must catch up with our technology. Foreign Policy 1. Any international agreement entered into by the United States must not contradict any part of the United States Constitution. 2. Increase microcredit funding to poverty-stricken areas. 3. Cancel all Third World debt, and encourage other developed nations to do so. 4. Work to curb absolute veto powers of permanent United Nations Security Council members. 5. Negotiate free exchange of knowledge and technology between the United States and other countries. 6. End all embargoes on Cuba, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Liberia, Burma, Zimbabwe, Palestine, and any other countries with embargoes imposed on them. Embargos hurt the people, and rarely the government in oppressed countries. 7. Share all government-funded agriculture findings with every country. 8. Immediately withdraw from the WTO (World Trade Organization). The WTO has too much influence in domestic affairs, and it contributes to predatory corporations taking advantage of poor nations. All trade affairs with nations should be individually worked out. Gas Prices 1. Standardize gas. Right now there are 17 different types of gasoline. Standardizing them under one way would save about 5 cents per gallon and save distributors from headache. 2. Drill for American oil. That would certainly include drilling in Alaska. The environmental impact wont be as bad as some make it out to be. Over the long run it would lower gas prices and creates up to half a million jobs for Americans. 3. Mandate higher miles per gallon. Forcing car companies to produce more efficient automobiles wont help in the short term, but it would help in the long run. 4. Increase tax on gas, and invest that money into mass transit. While it will raise gas prices, in the long run the investment into a mass transit system, such as the one that crisscrosses Europe, will lower the impact gas has on Americans. As its often been said what happens in Europe is what will be happening in America soon, and with Americas exploding population, its time to play catch up with other countrys mass transit systems.

5. Theres really little the American government can do to immediately decrease gas prices UNLESS Americans want to force oil companies to operate on a balanced budget, with little to no profits. The government could collect that revenue in taxes each year and use that money to lower gas prices. 6. Uncap the existing wells in the National Petroleum Reserve to produce another one million barrels of oil per day. Gay Rights 1. Legalize same-sex civil unions, with all the rights and privileges enjoyed by marriage between a man and a woman. 2. Ban same-sex marriage. 3. End all military discrimination of gays. 4. Upgrade all less-than-honourable discharges to honourable which resulted purely because of sexual orientation. 5. End work, housing, and all other public restrictions and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Gun Control 1. The Second Amendment reads, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." 2. The wording of this Amendment has been scrutinized under a microscope by scholars, lawyers, and judges more than any other, except maybe the Fourth Amendment. The spirit of the Amendment is a reminder that the balance of power between a government and its people must be maintained. History has shown time and time again, especially in modern times that the citizens of a free nation must be able to create change within their own government through peaceful means, and as a last resort, through aggressive means. 3. For the US to create excessive control over ownership of guns, would give the government absolute power over Americans. We would be at the complete will of our own government when in fact the government is meant to be at the absolute will of its people. 4. Remember that the Founding Fathers were sceptical and leery of government. Some didnt expect the Constitution or the United States to last as long as it has. Thomas Jefferson believed that revolution within government was a natural and healthy thing for the well-being of any free nation to remain free. Note that Im not advocating any sort of rebellion against the government. In fact the United States government has never acted in a way which would warrant violent action against it. 5. Reasonable measures to keep weapons out of unsafe situations should of course exist in any civilized society. Safety locks, permits for ownership, waiting periods, and background checks should remain enacted at state levels. Guns should also remain banned on civilian government property such as colleges and schools, and for civilian possession in areas where it raises public safety issues, such as on commercial airplanes. People convicted of violent crimes, illegal aliens, and those found to be mentally unstable should not be allowed to carry or own guns. Handgun possession bans are unconstitutional. All of these guidelines are reasonable. 6. At the state and local levels of government, gun control should follow along community standards. Any weapons banned for private possession should also be considered for being banned for use by law enforcement and military use within the United States. This serves the important purpose of maintaining the balance of power between the American government and American citizens. 7. Many people raise the question of if the Constitutions authors intended the right to bear arms for individuals or just the militia. That argument coupled with the scrutiny of

the 2nd Amendment is a classic example of not seeing the forest for the trees. The obsession and debate for all things 2nd Amendment could be continued forever, but the fact remains that Americans have been blessed by our Founding Fathers, whether intentional or not, with the ability to maintain the balance of power between our government and its people, an ability which must be protected. Now this isnt to say that the original intention of the Founding Fathers isnt important, but times have changed since the birth of the Constitution, particularly the governments unprecedented control over a citizens life. Healthcare 1. Fully support the plan called Physicians for a National Health Program. It is a universal health care program. 2. The plan would cover every American. 3. This program would be financed by retaining all the money already funnelled to Medicare and Medicaid. The difference between current public funding and what we would need for universal coverage would be financed by a payroll tax on employers of about 7% and an income tax on individuals of about 2%. The payroll tax would replace all other employer expenses for coverage. The income tax would take the place of all current insurance premiums, co-pays, deductibles, and all other out of pocket expenses. 4. Over 31% of every health care dollar goes to paperwork, overhead, CEO salaries, profits, and other non-clinical costs. Under this plan the non-clinical cost would be greatly reduced. Medicare, a government program, rather than private program, operates with just 3% of non-clinical costs. 5. Because of the efficiency of this health coverage, there will be job cut backs on a massive scale in the insurance sector. Because of this there will be a transitional fund set up to help those people find and train for a new job. Other details of this plan can be found at Immigration 1. Mandate the use of ID cards for every legal American who wishes to work or seeks government assistance. Such cards would contain biometric information, as to make it difficult to forge. Hiring people with no ID card would constitute a felony. This would be the only wall we would need to keep undocumented people out of the country. There would be people who would still hire workers with no ID card, but if we actually enforced the law enough times that would come to an early end. 2. Hire more judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement for the sole purpose of prosecuting people who hire people with no work ID card. 3. Increase funding and manpower for the Border Patrol. As of 2007 the budget for it was 7.8 billion dollars. That number should be pushed up to 15 billion. 4. In order for illegal immigrants to become legal residents, they must pay all due back taxes, starting with Social Security. 5. Illegals already here would be on a path to citizenship, based on conditions to be a decided by a think tank of philosophers, scholars, and government officials. 6. Reinforce English as the official language of the United States. Other countries such as Switzerland do have a multilingual society, but what works in Europe doesnt always work in America. If Americans refused to adopt the Metric System, then its unlikely theyd adopt another language. 7. Oppose the construction of any physical barrier between the United States and its neighbours. The United States does not need another Berlin Wall or Great Wall of America. The worst way to fix a 21st century problem is with a 13th century solution. Rather a virtual fence should be built along the American border. Much of this was done through the stimulus bill.

Infrastructure 1. We inherit a world not of our making. We came from a generation named the Builders (1900-1930s). Our American ancestors managed to develop an entire country in 200 years. They did what it takes other nations thousands of years do to. To put it mildly, most worked themselves to death. This all occurred over 60 years ago and what they built isnt going to last forever. Already much of it is falling apart and its our duty to maintain it. People who laid down plans for our infrastructure 100 years ago could not have come close to imagining what kind of world was over the horizon and what demands would be made. 2 trillion dollars spent over a 10 to 20 year period is needed to accomplish whats laid out here. This platform has drawn upon a study done by the American Society of Civil Engineers. 2. The FAA projects a 52% increase in demand for air travel between now and 2015. $9$15 billion is needed to enable airports to meet that demand. 3. 27% of the 590,750 bridges in America are structurally deficient, like the one that collapsed in Minnesota. It will take $9.4 billion a year over 20 years to upgrade our bridges. 4. Every year there are dam failures such as the Silver Lake Dam in Michigan which failed in 2003 and caused $100 million in property damage and economic loss. There are now over 10,000 dams in America which have high-hazard potential like this one. $10.1 billion is needed over 10 years to address all critical non-federal dams. 5. The EPA estimates that $161 billion must be invested over 20 years to upgrade our drinking water system. Every day 6 billion gallons of water is lost because of old, leaky pipes. Thats enough water to serve Californias needs. 6. The electric power grid must invest $50 billion over 5 years to ensure reliability of our energy delivery. The government should also look at burying power lines in wind and winter weather prone areas. The cost of burying power lines is about $1 million per mile so we cant afford to bury EVERY power line in America as that would cost over $2 trillion alone. 7. 350,000 chemically contaminated waste sites may need to be cleaned up over the next 30 years at a cost of $250 billion. 8. Congress needs to clear up the backlog of repairs and upgrades needed for our inland waterway locks. 9. Since this platform calls for using more rail over trucks for freight, more investment in railway maintenance is needed, around $200 billion over the next 20 years. 10. Nearly $140 billion each year is lost by motorists because of vehicle repairs, operating costs, wasted time in traffic, wasted fuel, and money lost because of wrecks caused by poor road maintenance. All the money that has or is going into highway widening should be put into repairing roads. As you can read under "Environment", this platform calls for a moratorium on highway widening. 11. The EPA estimates that $390 billion spent by 2020 is needed to fix the problem of the 850 billion gallons of raw sewage being dumped into our waters every year. Abortion 1. Abortion, as it may be viewed by many as religiously wrong, is still a political right. The government must uphold a womans right to choose, yet the government should not promote abortions. 2. Surgical abortion should not be covered under universal healthcare. In 2001 the average charge for a surgical abortion at 10-weeks gestation was $468. That cost must not be placed on taxpayers by any level of government. 74% of women pay for their own abortions. The only exception would be in cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment to the mother. 3. Dispel the myth that the "morning-after pill" is the same as the "abortion pill".

4. 24% of US pregnancies end in abortion. Contraceptive education and availability should be a priority in curbing the number of abortions. 5. As universal healthcare should not cover abortions, the government should not fund agencies which seek to sway a womans opinion away from abortions. Affirmative Action 1. Affirmative action must be a carefully-used tool to maintain diversity. It should not be used as a permanent solution for the problem of discrimination. 2. Some regions exist in the United States where affirmative action must remain in place in order to maintain equality. Other regions could achieve diversity without affirmative action laws. 3. To address this imbalance, a government committee as unbiased as possible created at the state level should be set up to investigate affirmative action needs, effectiveness, and to perform follow-ups on a district-by-district and company-by-company basis. 4. Affirmative action should not only be applied to race. It should be applied in a way which results in a proportional representation of gender, race, economic background, and any other clearly apparent factor which results in a disadvantage to any group of people. 5. Follow-ups where affirmative action has been taken out of play are essential. Studies show a tendency for such places to shift once again to a disproportionate workplace, student body, etc. 6. Affirmative action should remain temporary because long-term use of it leads to envy. It can actually place an accent on ones minority when what we strive to achieve a society with no barriers. Affirmative action is a societys way of being intentionally right after centuries of being intentionally wrong, and hopefully in a short amount of time that habit of being right will hold firm. Agriculture 1. When this country was formed agriculture was how nearly everyone made a living, and every Americans life depended upon agriculture. Over time Americas top-notch business efficiency became married with agriculture, and the result was the most effective farming country the world has ever seen. At the time of Americas inception, over 80% of Americans lived on a farm, in the 1930s it was 25%, and now in 2008 its only 2%. Because of this we dont hear much about agriculture in politics. That marriage of business and agriculture produced miraculous abundance, but with it came all the bad trappings of business which our government must address. 2. Our government provides tens of billions of dollars every year for farmers to grow certain crops. After adjusting for inflation, youll find that most crop prices have been in decline for many years. This isnt due entirely to government subsidies. Some people say that the government should completely phase out subsidies to agriculture. That would be a horrible move for two reasons. One: it would leave many small farmers bankrupt and large corporations would buy them out faster than the present rate. Two: it would cause the prices of meat, wheat, rice, corn, and most other foods to fluctuate worse than oil prices ever have; because those prices would be at the mercy of huge unknowns such as chaotic weather. 3. So agriculture subsidies arent a bad thing, but the way in which they are distributed is. The Dept. of Agriculture stated in 2003 that 30% of subsidies went to the largest 6% of growers. Subsidies help the farm OWNERS, but not always the actual farm workers themselves, the people who work the land and Ive done it it can be back-breaking work yet so satisfying. The large corporate agriculture businesses arent bad because they bring us food at low prices in a very efficient manner, but at times they can be seen as crowding out the small-time farmer. 4. Price supports by the government for agriculture should always remain strong and in

place, but the subsidies the government gives out to some large self-sufficient agricultural corporations could be trimmed back. Better supply management by businesses and better supply recommendations on the governments part should be enacted. 5. Withdrawing from NAFTA must be a priority; because Mexican farmers cant compete with cheap American government-funded corn and other products. This only makes Mexican local economies poorer and adds to Americas illegal immigration problem. Also withdrawing from the World Trade Organization (WTO) would end its meddling in domestic agriculture and help farmers in developing nations to better determine their futures. 6. Americans consume 200 pounds of meat per year. This must wind down. The entertainment industry should make vegetarianism trendier. You may have heard the report that the gas produced from animals causes more global warming than humans do, yet its still the actions of humans by over breeding animals for food which is causing increased climate change. This paradigm shift would save billions across the board. The rain forest is being cleared for animal domestication, and that should end too. 7. Agriculture training in schools should be increased, as you can read under "Education" naturalistic intelligence is an importunate factor. Children need to go outside and into nature more often to explore. This causes inspiration and creativity. The pioneer spirit in America is lost and MUST be rediscovered. Child Sex Abuse 1. In 2001 there were nearly 225,000 reported cases of child sexual abuse. Nearly 10% of all Americans were sexually abused as children. So we must work toward a goal of reducing child sex victims by means of prevention and for occurred cases: discovery of child sex victims, treatment of these victims, punishment of perpetrators, and treatment for the perpetrators. *Prevention* 2. Support the Education Begins at Home Act which would create the first federally funded program aimed at home visitation with parents and newborns. Education to the parents about child sex abuse could begin here. The program would be funded at 1 billion dollars every three years. 3. Begin school programs aimed at educating kids about sexual abuse. 4. An effective prevention program must include abuse-specific information, parental involvement, and a follow up. An effective program must also not just be a one-time class, rather multiple classes (2 or more per year). Less than a third of current prevention programs meet these requirements. 5. Funding for those school prevention programs may soon be less than 500 million dollars. Funding for this stage of prevention should be increased to 3-5 billion dollars. *Discovery of Child Sexual Abuse* 6. Most child sex crime goes unreported. With prevention programs children will be more likely to come forward. 7. The two main enforcers of child sex laws are Child Protective Services and local law enforcement. Funding with regard to child sex crimes to both of these agencies must be drastically increased. Current funding hovers around $1 billion. That has to increase to $7 billion. *Treatment for Victims* 8. Universal healthcare must include coverage of mental counselling for child sex abuse victims. In the long run this will reduce the number of child sex abuse victims themselves, as they are more likely to commit a sex crime after being abused, especially

if left untreated. A small percentage is actually treated. *Punishment and Treatment of Perpetrators* 9. For all sex offenders 17% repeat their crimes, with current treatment it drops to only 12%. Out of the ones who are child molesters, nearly all of them still harbour sexual desire for kids. An increase in pharmaceutical research for medicine which curbs sexual desire is needed. 10. Group counselling for child molesters does not work, it just networks them together. A one-on-one approach is needed as far as counselling goes. The government should cut all funding for group counselling child molesters and focus on one-on-one therapy. 11. Child molesters would have to take the aforementioned medication and report once a month for random testing to ensure they are continuing treatment. 12. Fully support the National Sex Offender Registry. 13. Fully support laws which prohibit child sex offenders from living in a close vicinity to areas which children frequent. However, if drug therapy proves effective then this law can be relaxed. 14. Investment in prevention, prosecution, enforcement, and treatment will save Americans billions of dollars in mental and physical health bills and improve our nations quality of life. This is something which has impacted nearly every American family, yet little is done about it. Contraceptives 1. For views on contraceptive education see "Sex Education". 2. Make contraceptives available to students in schools as they become sexually active. They should not be required to have parental permission in order to obtain contraceptives. Among teenagers whose parents are unaware of their contraceptive use, 25% say they would continue to have sex but would rely on withdrawal or not use birth control at all if the law required their parents to be notified. (Jones RK, Journal of the American Medical Association, 2005) 3. 54% of American women who had an abortion in 2000 were using a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant. Research into more effective contraceptives must be encouraged by the government. 4. Effective contraceptive measures must be made available under universal healthcare. 5. The United States should help to fund the unmet need for contraceptive services in developing countries. The cost to meet that need would be 3.9 billion dollars per year. It would help 201 million women to avert 52 million unintended pregnancies per year. (Singh, AGI & the United Nations Population Fund, 2003) This would raise the quality of life in every way around the globe. Corporate Corruption 1. No other country can compare to Americas corporations and competiveness. But our Founding Fathers and best Presidents such as Lincoln and Eisenhower were very concerned about the power of corporations getting out of hand. In fact it was an unnerving concern: unlimited corporate power will always lead to unlimited corporate corruption. 2. When our country was founded corporations were chartered for a limited time to serve for the good of the public. For example a corporation would be chartered for the task of building a road, then after a set amount of years it would turn ownership of the road over to the city or state in which it was built. 3. In the 1880s the Supreme Court gave the rights of an individual to corporations. Since then corporate lawyers have successfully claimed more and more rights for corporations. The Fourth Amendment right against search and seizure keeps corporations from revealing too much about their accounting practices which has lead to scandals such as

Enron. This keeps corporations and transparency separate. Federal agencies must also produce a warrant before they can inspect for environment or safety issues, which gives the companies time to cover their tracks. So to even begin to pull the plug on this cesspool of corruption, the first step would be to reverse the decision of allowing corporations the same rights as a human being. 4. The government should make it a point to document peoples hardship which resulted from any corporate corruption, put a face to that wrongdoing. This newfound corporate corruption would be exposed by greatly increasing the funding to the Justice Department corporate crime centre and to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 5. Whistle-blower protection much be strengthened. 6. Then a company must prove itself worthy of keeping a charter, rather than allowing it to have an unlimited lifespan. 7. American companies which relocate their headquarters to Bermuda, Isle of Man, or other tax havens, while still selling products in America should lose their right to sell goods in the US or at least have higher taxes and tariffs to make up the difference. Too many companies are squeezing money out of the US economy, taking it out of American circulation, only to put it into their own pockets. Also with my tax structure (see Taxes) corporations wont have the need to evade corporate taxes. 8. The countless ways to maneuver around the legal system such as companies picking and paying someone auditing them as a "consultant" on that same companys payroll, which is a jaw-dropping conflict of interest, must be addressed. 9. If all these ideas were written into policy on top of my education reforms to change our society and tax reforms to change our habits, then companies would actually once again serve the best interest of America rather than feeding the bottomless pit of greed. Drugs 1. Increase spending on medical treatment for addiction, and have treatment covered under universal health care. Only 20% of current addicts get treatment. 2. Convert surplus military bases into drug treatment centres. 3. Increase spending on addiction research and cures. 4. Increase spending on drug education to kids. Right now only half of schools have drug education. 5. Set up confidential state hotlines to report drug abuse information. 6. End guilt-by-association laws, release people in custody solely because of a guilt by association conviction, and expunge that conviction from their record. 7. End mandatory minimum sentencing for drugs. This, along with the aforementioned ideas, would be a shift in how we deal with drugs. Police enforcement should be on the edge of the War on Drugs and not its core. The core starts with education. 8. Increase funding to the law enforcement with regard to cracking down on drug hot spots throughout the country. Economy 1. First well examine the gross domestic product (GDP) of the United States. Im going to use 2003 information; because its the most detailed at this time, and little has changed since then. In 2003 the GDP for the US was $11,004,000,000,000 (about 11 trillion). 70% of our GDP came from personal consumption. Around 4% of Americas GDP went to all things automotive; 3% to furniture and household equipment; 9.7% to food; 2.8% to clothing and shoes; 2% to gasoline, oil, and other energy goods; 4.8% to education; 10.8% to housing; 3.9% to utilities; 0.07% to mass transit; 11.8% to healthcare; 2.9% to recreation; and 6.3% to the military. This doesnt equal out to 100%; because everything isnt listed here. The point is to show where American priorities are right now and to illustrate certain problems and solutions for the American economy. 2. The value of the dollar keeps hitting all-time records lows. There are several reasons

for this: the trade deficit, the national debt, foreign affairs, psychological factors, American habits, interest rates, and housing. 3. The trade gap between the United States and its partners, especially Asian markets, is unbelievably high. That means that America is exporting more than its importing, nearly 800 billion dollars more. The national debt is nearing 10 trillion dollars. Simply put the best way to increase the value of the dollar and produce domestic economic stability is to stop borrowing, stop consuming so much, and start saving and investing money. Right now for the average American family saving money is a joke. American businesses, the ones which havent left the country, operate in debt as opposed to profit; because it makes more sense to do so, what with the way productivity is taxed. 4. Americas standing in the global economy is still great. Weve gotten used to being the only superpower in the world, but now the European Union, China, and other strong economies threaten to take that title away from us. America has become too complacent with the status quo. If we continue on the current course, for the first time in history well produce a generation with a lower quality of life than their forbearers had. 5. Right now the short-term forecast for the American economy is much of the same that youre seeing right now. The main reason for the housing market dip is because too many people bought homes they couldnt afford. This isnt to say that its completely the average Americans fault; some of the blame goes to businesses which allowed unrealistic financing. That 10.8% of all of our money which went into housing was simply too much. We put too much of our money into one sector and now since that sector is taking a hit, it causes a bigger impact to the whole economy than what it should. 6. In order to fix the economy weve got to invest in people invest in talent, not blindly throw more and more money into outdated programs. Weve got to stop some bad habits. The three habits Americans must break are consumption, apathy, and elitist attitudes. 7. Its at a point now that the average American family cant save or invest, mostly because we feel unable to. The tax structure which I propose (see "Taxes") would reduce consumption. This will cause Americans to save and take a more introspective frame of mind. This would hurt the economies which supply us for only a short time. China would turn attention from America to other nations, particularly the developing world. America consumes so much, and is willing to pay so much for things, that many countries supply us too much when they should be helping the third world countries develop. This would close up the trade gap. The tax reform would also cause some American businesses to come back to the United States. Many people, especially Republicans, say that eliminating the corporate tax would bring back all American business. My tax structure would eliminate the corporate tax, which would bring back many American business, but to be realistic, many companies went overseas because of cheap labour. This tax structure could also generate the amount of revenue needed by the government and would close up the national debt we run every year, and over 50 to 75 years could erase the entire national debt, if we control spending. 8. As for apathy that may be eliminated through education funding increase. Education is the key to improving our economy over the long run. 9. Elitist attitudes, what I mean by that is how many of us feel compelled to spend money on only the best products. Its a known fact that, especially in America, we believe that the most expensive item must be better than the cheaper one. The whole "bigger-isbetter" attitude must come to an end. The keeping up with the Joneses attitude has been ingrained into American society for generations, and will be a hard habit to break, but I think through forcing a reduction in consumption and investing in education we can create a better culture. 10. The frame of mind I present is one in which our society plays catch up with our

technology. Weve invested so much into the minutia of our lives and not enough into philosophy or the way we behave. America used to be known for its innovation. After implementing these economic and social programs, America would produce generation after generation of gifted children, more than able to compete in this global economy. 11. To understand the economy, is to understand the behaviour of a generation. Those born between 1925 and 1945 are the "Silent Generation" or a common nickname "War Babies". They are cautious as consumers, as they should be and are mostly retired at this point and focus nearly all their time on family, friends, and socializing. They are somewhat cautious as consumers, as they can remember hard times, something we should learn from them. Investment in quality over quantity was important to them and now-a-days they are experts at consumer information. Healthcare affects them more than any other sector and remember how a society treats its elderly is usually indicative of its morals as a whole. 12. The Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1960) were raised to be independent. They were highly educated, compared to the rest of the world. Right now they hold the main power over the economy. They are idealists, strong in principals, and creative. The downside is that they started the mass-consumption America has seen. This is probably due to their greatly improved quality of life in upbringing. They passed this habit on to the next generation 13. Generation X (1961-1980), the product of a very different environment than its previous one. Generation X is very cynical and savvy, but the culture of it has led to a generation of apathy. 14. Generation Y (1981-2001) was and is being raised to consume like never before. This is due to several factors such as being brought up in a dual-income household and the media. The apathy is nowhere near Gen-X levels, but we dont see the amount of involvement in society like the Boomers had. The consuming though has doubled consumption up to the point that were now borrowing massive amounts of money from other countries. 15. My proposed economic and social reforms would break the habits of excessive consumption and borrowing and break the habit of apathy. These habits have to come to an end, and the sooner it happens, the less the repercussions will be. 16. If we implement my suggested programs, we would see massive shifts in employment. Layoffs would occur in health insurance, highway construction, defense, and other sectors. Hiring would occur in education, healthcare, and mass transit construction sectors though. To be honest the transition would be shaky. The government would have to retrain the displaced workers with a "G.I. Rights Bill"-style fund which would give these people training in another job or the option to seek higher education. 17. The 4.8% to 7% increase in education GDP spending would be the most noticeable to the average American. The United States used to have the best public education system in the world, but it remained stagnate over decades, and other nimble with-lessto-lose countries passed us up. 18. The domestic sectors and foreign markets would wildly fluctuate, but the American economy has shown itself to be remarkably resilient. The government would have to take measures to minimize the impact of a radical shift in spending and legislation. 19. A plan to enact within my generations lifetime should be researching, developing, testing, fine tuning, implementing, observing, and refining an industrial manufacturing process which is as fully automated as possible. This would give America the cushion it needs in the industrial sector and a new technology to sell, something weve been lacking lately. 20. Productivity would eventually soar after implementing these programs; because

workers would be happier. 21. The United States has pushed free trade agreements more than any other country, and some such as NAFTA havent delivered on promises made at all. The United States has also felt a dire urge to reach out and invest in foreign assets. We must reel in these lines which weve cast around the world. This would include withdrawing from NAFTA, and most free trade agreements and working out trade on a country-by-country basis. 22. After implementing my programs, the import-export gap would close up, the national debt would get paid down, behaviour would change, and most important innovation would occur. Innovation must remain at the forefront of the American economy. The pioneer spirit is Americas best asset, not consuming, were better than that. Innovation and pioneering is in our blood! Were a nation founding by people who sought change from their own way of life, who sought different thinking. Education *large-scale projects* 1. The government must adopt the theory of multiple intelligences. Each human has 9 distinct intelligences. Linguistic intelligence: the ability to use language, written and spoken, to express ideas and understand others. Logical/Mathematical intelligence: the ability to reason, calculate and recognize patterns. Spatial intelligence: the ability to represent the outside world in your mind and express yourself using your hands. Musical intelligence: the ability to think in music, to hear musical patterns, and manipulate sounds. Kinesthetic intelligence: the ability to use your whole body or parts of your body. Interpersonal intelligence: the ability to understand, relate to, communicate with, and convince other people. Intrapersonal intelligence: the ability to understand and control your thoughts, actions, and emotions, how well you know yourself. Naturalistic intelligence: the ability to work well in an outdoor environment. Existential intelligence: the ability to understand, ponder, and answer philosophical questions. 2. All tests and classes must be completely redesigned to assess and encourage a students ability in these areas. 3. The government must emphasize education above all other programs. The United States uses 4.8% of its GDP on education. That must increase to 7%. 4. The education system must relax state and local standards on what teachers must cover. The system should emphasize depth over breadth in educating students. It must focus on ideas and not just the history of the ideas or the people behind them. The system must modernize to catch up with real world situations. Every facet of American life has changed drastically over the last 100 years except for the way we educate our students. *education before age 2* 5. Support the Education Begins at Home Act, which will help parents learn how to teach their babies through in-home visits by professionals. 6. All government-funded studies which are generally agreed on by professionals on the development of children must be made available in a series of easy to read free books given to the parents of every newborn. Parents would receive a book for the birth to 2 year old stage, one for the 3-6 year old stage, one for the 7-12 year old stage, one for the 13-15 year old stage, and a final one for the 16-18 year old stage. 7. Make parents aware that so-called education videos such as Baby Einstein do not in any way improve a childs intelligence. In fact babies who watched these videos scored 10% lower on language skills than babies who did not watch the videos. 8. Parents must be protected by the government from education frauds like this one. American businesses are the best in the world for generating profit, but that ends when it comes at the expense of education.

*education at ages 2 to 6* 9. For every dollar invested in education at this point in a childs life, there is a return profit of 16%. This is because children educated at this age have higher literacy rates, graduation rates, employment rates, higher income, less need for welfare, committed less crime, and had lower teen pregnancy rates. (James Heckman, University of Chicago) 10. After a childs second or third birthday, they should be eligible to join a free public nursery school or preschool. This would consist of classes averaging about 4 hours per day with focus on development of all 9 intelligences. Any child could join as this would be universal daycare. 11. By the end of kindergarten, students must understand numbers, quantities, and shapes in their everyday environment. They should be able to count, compare, describe, sort objects and develop a sense of patterns. Students should also have reasonable drawing abilities. They should be able to conduct themselves well with other students, work well in a small group, set and achieve goals, and be inquisitive. *Grade School* 12. We must shift from using textbooks to having a laptop computer for every student. This way students would be able to learn at their own rate. Software must be developed which recognizes and helps students with their talents and deficiencies and is able to create a custom learning plan for each separate student. Children must be able to retain good handwriting skills though. This would simplify the headache of having to update textbooks. Homework would be twice as productive as well. Software would pick up a students deficiencies and talents and report that to the teacher for one-on-one help. The estimated cost for this assuming the laptop lasts for three years, teacher training, networking installation, and overhead would be about $600 per student. This should be done on a local level then expanded until every student in the country has a laptop. 13. Everything taught in school, not just the knowledge but the lesson plan in which it was presented, must be made available over the Internet to everyone free of charge. 14. Phase out lengthy summer vacations. For students who actually need it for farming or any other reason that can be approved by administrators, provided that the student writes a report of what he or she learned and the work experience would count as school credit. This would be a naturalistic intelligence improvement. 15. Set a minimum wage for teachers at $45,000 per year and adjust it every year to equal out with inflation. 16. English as a second language funding must be increased. 17. Grade school core curriculum standards must be set higher. Theres too much padding in the grades. 18. By the time a child graduates from elementary school, for linguistic intelligence they should have taken mandatory classes in reading, writing, all aspects of English (spelling, vocabulary, grammar, syntax), technical skills, speech and oratory class, and literature. 19. For logic/math intelligence they must be versed in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, basic logic, trigonometry, a refresher course, statistics & probability, and proofs. Students should learn the basic concepts of mathematics, but they should also be taught how to do simple math in their head, not just be bored to death with repetition. For example, a quick way to multiply any two-digit number by 11, say 63x11 is to add the 6 and 3 and place the sum between the two original letters or 693. There are shortcuts to every way to do this. Mathematics goals are far too low in American schools. Ive personally been able to teach algebra and advanced geometry to 2nd graders. 20. For spatial intelligence a student must have mandatory classes in handwriting,

drawing, computer skills, design, and art. 21. For kinesthetic intelligence physical education and anatomy must be brought back into the schools as mandatory. 22. For interpersonal intelligence geography, social skills class (something that students are never taught), history, civics, and psychology. 23. Basic orientation classes must be mandatory which teach students key concepts such as note taking, study skills, context clues, information management, and memory retention. 24. For intrapersonal intelligence mandatory classes in emotional intelligence and selfhelp. 25. For naturalistic intelligence mandatory biology, geology, and agriculture learning. 26. For existential intelligences mandatory learning in the history of thought, basic and intermediate science. 27. For musical intelligence a mandatory music appreciation class and for advanced students a band class. 28. A national computer/telephone hotline should be set up to help children with homework. 29. Aptitude testing done once a year, every year. 30. Recess should be phased out after third grade. All the activity a child needs would be done during physical education class. Also there will be more time for socializing after school, as homework would be done in less time with computers. 31. Government funding into learning methods must be increased. 32. Improve the nutritional value of food in our schools by enacting laws such as banning trans-fats in schools. 33. Have a national sales tax holiday one week out of the year for back-to-school items. *High school* 34. High school standards must be set much higher as well. 35. Upon entering high school, all students must declare a major. They will be able to change their major once per year if they wish. Knowledge is increasing at an exponential rate and jobs are becoming more and more specialized. This will cut back on the average number of times which a student changes his or her major during college years. 36. Upon graduating high school students must have taken classes in linguistic intelligence for advanced English, world literature, debate, language structures, and speed reading if its proven to be effective. 37. For logical/mathematical intelligences for advanced algebra, analytical geometry, calculus, and intermediate logic. It should not be left up to colleges to introduce children to basic calculus and logic. 38. For spatial intelligence vocational training in drivers education, drafting, or engineering. A student wouldnt necessarily have to take ALL these classes, just choose a certain path in this field. 39. For musical intelligence an optional advanced band class. 40. For kinesthetic intelligence mandatory physical education OR a student can skip mandatory physical education if they already excel at this with a sports team. If a student is on a sports team, their performance in that should be able to count as a grade, rather than the PE class. 41. For interpersonal intelligence intermediate psychology, management, sociology, communication (with would teach spoken communication and often-overlooked body language), and a group dynamics class. 42. Intrapersonal intelligence mandatory classes would teach students how to set and achieve goals; time management; memory retention by association; how to react to,

control, overcome, and redirect their emotions; how to choose a proper mate, strategic thinking, and problem solving. 43. For naturalistic intelligence a basic course in agriculture and advanced optional classes for animal domestication and farming. 44. For existential intelligence a mandatory philosophy class. 45. Students must also take a practical skills class which teaches them how to file taxes, register to vote, build credit, find a job, apply for government assistance, build a resume, buy a car, buy a house, sex education, and so on. 46. Funding for gifted students must at least triple. Societys main contributions come from less than 1% of our brightest minds, yet they get so little attention. Genius is the most untapped resource in the world. 47. School voucher programs for parents should be set in place. 48. Charter schools are a good idea in some instances. However for-profit charter schools should be avoided at all cost. *College and After* 48. During the pre-college years of a students academic life, they should focus their attention on ideas, rather than details. The "why" and the "how" behind learning, rather than just what they need to learn. 49. Funding for financial aid to colleges, universities, and trade schools must be at a point to where students may easily apply for and receive financial aid. Students should only have a reasonable amount of debt after college. The Fresh Start Program should be improved to where college drop-outs can easily re-join after so many years away from school, and the Fresh Start Program should be better advertised. 50. With an education program like this, after high school a college program would only need to spend one or two semesters on refresher courses. Then courses relating directly to your major would come into play. College-level classes must blend and combine academic disciplines, such as fusing math with art, philosophy with business, engineering with sociology etc. When this linking of academics occur it sparks new knowledge an innovation, something for which the United States used to be known. It would be nearly impossible to speculate how this education program would affect society and what sort of classes college-level education would entail. 51. Government funding for libraries, museums, and other places of learning for people out of school must be at least doubled. Election Reform 1. Voters may never obtain evidence of how they voted. This will cut back on buying votes. 2. After voting on any electronic device, a receipt must be printed showing how that person voted. The voter must verify the accuracy of the receipt then place it in the ballot box. The paper receipts will be the sole source of election results. The electronic results will be used simply to verify results. If the two results greatly disagree, then voting fraud may have occurred, and the courts must decide how to continue. 3. Illegal aliens may never vote until legal residents. Doing so would be a felony leading to permanent deportation. 4. A year after leaving prison, a convicted criminal will have his or her voting rights restored. 5. The polls on Election Day must be open from 7AM until midnight. 6. Exit polls and intermediate tallies may NOT be announced until final election results are announced. They cause low voter turnout by depressing hopes of late voters. 7. Ballot boxes must be see-through and in public view at all times. 8. Absentee ballots must also be see-through and videotaped at all times until being

delivered for counting. The taped surveillance must be made public on the Internet. 9. Election Day must be a national holiday. 10. Ban any form of alcoholic sales on Election Day. 11. Write everyone who voted a $50 check, which may be cashed in at any bank within 4 months. TDS. I know you're thinking "Oh dear God, so much text!" But the solution to something like education doesn't fit on a bumper sticker and sorry all of this doesn't sound nice and polished. I did it all within 3 week time in frenzy after a ritual for wisdom. TDS. Funny how "walls of text" used to called pamphlets. Even pamphlets were considered light reading. Now-a-days ask someone to read an essay they act like you're telling them to walk the desert. Asking one to read a book gets a look like you're shitting on the Pope. Q. How do you see things getting better? Manufacturing returning or just jobs being created? And why doesn't TPTB like Obama or was this just a set up from the beginning with Obama in complete agreement as to all that is going on? Or is this just to discredit a biracial person? Does it really matter who is elected since it looks like everything is run behind the scenes and the president is just a figure head with no real control? Are the elections just to give people an illusion of control? TDS. Money will just start circulating more. Obama is part of the environmentalist elites, the Bohemian Elites. The Globalist Elites control most of the world's currency, and the deal was Obama could be President as a concession between the Bohemian and Globalist elites, but the Bohemian Elites knew their economy would be in a sorry state of affairs during Obama's term. Bohemian elites control a small but powerful section of the USA and every so often the Globalists have to make compromises with them, Obama was one of those compromises. It was no big loss for the Globalists since they had nothing big on script during Obama's term, except matters in the Middle East, and Obama went along with what they wanted from him in these regards. Example: Obama SAYS he wants Palestinian statehood, yet is going to veto this - obviously the Globalists are controlling that aspect of him. (the goal here being to infuriate Arabs until war breaks out between Zionists vs. Muslims) Money will start circulating just like it stopped circulating; because elites say so. This recession was caused by elites having loans called back in, resulting in the mess you see. Elites enjoy causing economic 'bubbles' so they'll have something to pop later if needed.

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