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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree of



Submitted by: Student Name

(RTU Roll No.)

Submitted to:
Head, Department of____


Pg. No. CERTIFICATE ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF PHOTOGRAPS LIST OF TABLES Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Company Profile 1.2 Organisation and Hierarchy 1.3 Product info.(Raw material to Final Product*) Chapter 2* _______________________ 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Machines 2.3 Network 2.3.1 Security 2.3.2 Counter flows 2.3.3 2.8 Epilogue REFERENCES APPENDIX A A. Three-bus system 1 A. Six-bus system 2 iii iv v vi vii viii ix 1

9 9 10 12 17 17 18 25 127 147* 147* 147*

Fig. No. Fig. 2.1 Fig. 2.2 Fig. 3.1 Figure Description General framework of pricing network Broad classification Geographical spread

Pg. No. 15* 16* 29*

Fig. 4.1 Fig. 4.2 Fig. 4.3 Fig. 4.5

Power map Main stages of network Classification process Loading

49* 52* 54* 68*

Table No. Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table Description Indian power industry structure Status in major Indian states Data evaluation Load data Load of network Load of feeders Pg. No. 31* 32* 58* 59* 60* 60*

*(Example only)


1. GENERAL One copy of report is to be submitted to the Department Incharge plus one soft copy in CD, in PDF format. It should be spiral bounded in thick black paper cover page. In case the examiner suggests any changes in the report, those would have to be incorporated, and fresh copies be submitted. The marks would only be forwarded, when the changes are made and fresh copies submitted, to the satisfaction of the examiners. The size of Training Report should not exceed 150 Pages of typed matter reckoned from the first page of Chapter 1 to the last page of the Appendix. 2. ARRANGEMENT OF CONTENTS OF TRAINING REPORT: The sequence of the Training Report material should be as follows: 1. Cover Page 2. Title Page 3. Certificate 4. Abstract 5. Acknowledgement 6. Contents 7. List of Figures 8. List of Tables 9. Chapters I, II , ..

10. References 11. Appendices 3. PAGE DIMENSIONS AND MARGIN: Standard A4 size paper may be used. The Training Report should have the following page margins: Top edge : 1 inch Bottom edge : 0.5 inch Left side : 1.4 inch Right side : 0.7 inch Tables and figures should conform to the margin specifications. Large size figures should be photographically or otherwise reduced to the appropriate size before insertion. 4. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION: The headings of all items 5 to 15 listed in section 2 should be typed in capital letter without punctuation and centered. The text should commence 2 spaces below this heading. Here, space or spacing means the Line spacing which has options as single, one and half, double, exactly, at least, multiple, etc. 5. COVER PAGE & TITLE PAGE: A specimen copy of the Cover page for the Training Report are given. The Cover page is to be printed and put at front of the report, and aligned Center. The year of submission and the full name of the student should be printed in capitals font Style Times New Roman Font size 16, on the bounded side of the Training Report Cover page, for example, 2011 STUDENT NAME. 6. CERTIFICATE: As per the Company format. 7. ABSTRACT: Abstract should not exceed two pages outlining the research problem, the methodology used for tackling it and a summary of the findings, when typed one and half line spacing, font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 12. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: It should be brief and should not exceed one page, typed in one and half spacing. The students signature shall be made at the bottom end above his / her name typed in capitals. 9. CONTENTS: The table of contents should list all material starting from the Certificate page. The specimen copy of the Contents is given. 10. LIST OF TABLE: The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables in the text. Format is given. 11. LIST OF FIGURES: The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables in the text. Format is given. 12. APPENDICES: Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. Appendices, Tables and figures appearing in appendices should be numbered and referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters. Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall be made in the contents page also. The list of publications made by the student during the period of research shall be brought as Publications from the Candidates work and the same shall be reported in the contents. 13. REFERENCES: Any work of other researchers, if used either directly or indirectly, the origin of the material thus referred to at appropriate places in the Training Report should be indicated. The citation has to follow the same style as adopted in recent IEEE Systems. The listing should be typed 2 spaces below the heading REFERENCES in single spacing left-justified. The reference material should be listed as it appears in the running text. IEEE System Periodicals:

[1] [2] [3]

J. F. Fuller, E. F. Fuchs, and K. J. Roesler, "Influence of harmonics on power distribution system protection," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 3, pp. 549-557, Apr. 1988. E. H. Miller, "A note on reflector arrays," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., to be published. R. J. Vidmar. (1992, Aug.). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as electromagnetic reflectors. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online]. 21(3), pp. 876-880. Available:

Books: [4] E. Clarke, Circuit Analysis of AC Power Systems, vol. I. New York: Wiley, 1950, p. 81. [5] G. O. Young, "Synthetic structure of industrial plastics," in Plastics, 2nd ed., vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15-64. [6] J. Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks. (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available: Technical Reports: [7] E. E. Reber, R. L. Mitchell, and C. J. Carter, "Oxygen absorption in the Earth's atmosphere," Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, CA, Tech. Rep. TR-0200 (4230-46)-3, Nov. 1968. [8] S. L. Talleen. (1996, Apr.). The Intranet Architecture: Managing information in the new paradigm. Amdahl Corp., Sunnyvale, CA. [Online]. Available: infra/html Papers Presented at Conferences (Unpublished): [9] D. Ebehard and E. Voges, "Digital single sideband detection for interferometric sensors," presented at the 2nd Int. Conf. Optical Fiber Sensors, Stuttgart, Germany, 1984. [10] Process Corp., Framingham, MA. Intranets: Internet technologies deployed behind the firewall for corporate productivity. Presented at INET96 Annu. Meeting. [Online]. Available: Intranets/wp2.htp Papers from Conference Proceedings (Published): [11] J. L. Alqueres and J. C. Praca, "The Brazilian power system and the challenge of the Amazon transmission," in Proc. 1991 IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conf., pp. 315-320. Dessertation Reports: [12] S. Hwang, "Frequency domain system identification of helicopter rotor dynamics incorporating models with time periodic coefficients," Ph.D. Training Report, Dept. Aerosp. Eng., Univ. Maryland, College Park, 1997. Standards: IEEE Guide for Application of Power Apparatus Bushings, IEEE Standard C57.19.100-1995, Aug. 1995.


Patents: [14] G. Brandli and M. Dick, "Alternating current fed power supply," U.S. Patent 4 084 217, Nov. 4, 1978. Internet: [15] Full Link of website should be given i.e: Available: (year)

14. TABLES AND FIGURES: Tables and figures in a chapter should be typed single space. A table or figure including caption should be accommodated within the prescribed margin limits and appear on the page following the page or the same page where their first references is made. Table and figures on half or less in length may appear on the same page along with the text. However, they should be separated from the text both above and below by triple spacing. Figures should not be cut / paste from other sources. 15. CHAPTERS: The impression on the typed/ duplicated/ printed copies should be black in colour. Uniformly of the font shall be observed. Symbols and equations should be typed using MATHTYPE or the equation editor available in MS-WORD. Corrections, interlineations and crossing out of letters or words will not be permitted in any of the copies of the Training Report intended for submission. A sub-heading at the bottom of a page must have at least two full lines below it or else it should be carried over to the next page. The last word of any page should not be split using a hyphen. The general text shall be typed in One and a half spacing, font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 12. Single spacing should be used for typing: (i) Long Tables (ii) Long quotations (iii) Foot notes (iv) Multilane captions (v) References The font size used in the tables may be smaller than the ordinary text, but should not be less than 8 in any case. Orientation of the tables may be changed in case of large tables. The format for typing Chapter headings Divisions headings and sub-division headings are explained through the following illustrative examples. Chapter headings : CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Division heading : 1.1COMPANY PROFILE Sub-division heading : 1.1.2 ORGANISITION AND HIERARCHY. The font size of the chapter headings may be 16 BOLD, that of division heading be 14 BOLD and subdivision heading may be 12 BOLD. The word CHAPTER should be centered. Two spaces below, the title of the chapter should be typed centrally in capital letters. The text should commence 2 spaces below this title, the first letter of the text starting with an half inch tab, inside from the left hand margin. The division and sub-division captions along with their numberings should be leftjustified. The typed material directly below division or sub-division headings should commence 2 space below it and should have a tab of half inch from the left hand margin. Within a division or sub-division paragraphs are permitted. Even paragraph should commerce 3 space below the last line of the preceding paragraph, the first letter in each paragraph being offset from the left hand margin by half inch tab. 16. PAGE NUMBERING: The preliminary pages of the Training Report (starting from Certificate page, Acknowledgement, Table of Contents etc.) should be numbered in lower case Roman numerals. The title page will be numbered as (i) but this should not be typed. The Certificate page shall be numbered (iii) and it should appear at the foot note center, and thereafter continued. Pages of main text, starting with Chapter 1 should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals.

17. NUMBERING OF CHAPTERS, DIVISION AND SUB-DIVISIONS: The numbering of Chapters, division and sub-divisions should be done using Arabic numerals only and further decimal notation should be used for numbering the divisions and sub-divisions within a chapter. For examples sub-division 4 under division 3 belonging to chapter 2 should be numbered as 2.3.4. The caption for the sub-division should immediately follow the number assigned to it. Every chapter beginning with the first chapter should be serially numbered using Arabic numerals. Appendices should also be numbered in an identical manner starting with Appendix 1. All chapters should start from odd numbered pages. For this, a page may be left vacant, if required, at the end of preceding chapter. 18. NUMBERING OF TABLES AND FIGURES: Tables and figures appearing anywhere in the Training Report should bear appropriate numbers. The rule for assigning such numbers is illustrated through an example. If a figure in Chapter 3 happens to be the fourth figure, then assign 3.4 to that figure (Figure 3.4). Identical rules apply for tables except that the word figure is replaced by the word Table. If figures (or tables) appear in appendices then figure 3 in Appendix 2 will be designated as Figure A 2.3. If a table to be continued into the next page this may be done, but one line should be drawn underneath an unfinished table. The top line of table continued into the next page should, for example read Table 2.1 (continued) placed centrally and underlined. 19. NUMBERING OF EQUATIONS: Equations appearing in each Chapter or Appendix should be numbered serially, the numbering commencing afresh for each Chapter or Appendix. Thus for Example, an equation appearing in Chapter 2, if it happens to be the eighth equation in that Chapter should be numbered (2.8) thus:
Vc fc = k Vc + Vw +Va (4.4)

While referring to this equation in the body of the Training Report it should be referred to as Equation (4.4). For any queries regarding this, please contact the respectively Deptt. Head .

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