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Curriculum and Courseware Development


Effective learning is a teaching that allows students to gain the skills, knowledge and attitudes. Effective learning is learning that makes students feel comfortable in a learning process that allows students to absorb the learning materials. In applying effective learning, there are three stages to go through the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning. A. Planning of Effective Learning People who make the plan of effective learning consists of a number of integrated components, gives us a framework to provide effective learning for students. In making an advance planning, first we should establish a goal of learning which would eventually become the starting point and will lead to learning activities that we will get. Without educational purposes, we will only result in chaotic learning activities that may exist or have no benefit at all for students. The purpose of learning in school can be made in a variety of different ways. Some are mandated through legislation - an invitation and some are made by the accreditation agency, which is where it is meant or intended to allow students to have special abilities. Another major source of educational objectives of the textbook. By considering the role of textbooks in each curriculum. In setting goals then indirectly we also will determine the learning outcomes to be achieved. Learning outcomes which are a derivative of an end in itself we can see is classified into 4 types or domains are: y y Knowledge / science; a student's ability to recall specific information or specific. Intellectual knowledge; are the processes used by students in excess of pure memory and information into the real use of the information. y The ability to work (motor skills); physical activity that requires movement of all or some parts of the body is called motor skills. y Attitudes; feelings or beliefs resulting in a person's tendency to act in ways that specifically referred to the attitude. Once the goals set then the objective is written so that it becomes a guide in learning. Once the destination exists, then the next step in planning is to analyze the character or abilities of students. This is done as a basis to determine the level of student

understanding before providing learning because when students learn a concept which is basically his own material he did not know, then of course he would have trouble absorbing the lesson. It is then a pre-requisite in entering learning. In analyzing the student's ability, perhaps the most common method for assessing prerequisite skills and knowledge to do that is by giving a test to students. Based on the results of these tests then students are classified by level of ability. From this ability level then if the average students have little understanding of or even been steadily then made a re-write goal to match the objectives and the level of student ability. The last stage in planning an effective learning by performing the test development. This test is based on goals that have been made so that this test will be to test students if they had succeeded to reach the purpose or not. After creating a test designed for that purpose, students may be given specific feedback designed to help them master the skills that they failed to accomplish.

B. Implementation of Effective Learning In implementing effective learning must take a few text books to be able to help during the learning process. In the determination of this text there are several criteria that must be considered. These criteria form the content, presentation, instructional design, and its use in the classroom. Content refers to the ideas and specific information contained in the text. Here we consider the accuracy of the information and the extent to which the authors distinguish between fact and interpretation. The second aspect of the content inspection is to determine whether its contents up-to-date, that presents the events that occurred within the last five years, which describe or explain the latest technology, and culture reflect the current through the latest photos and illustrations. It should be noted that we can not only rely on the copyright date that appears at the front of the text as an indication of the content is up-to-date. Sometimes there are only a few changes and progress in a book with a new copyright date but its content is no longer valid.

The presentation is the second major category of criteria, refer to the actual display of the content on each page. We refer to both physical appearance and style of writing by the author. The third criterion is the instructional design criteria. This criterion focuses on the latest knowledge about the learning process and how this knowledge is incorporated into the text to help students learn the information presented. It is most important in the instructional design criteria is the alignment, or fit between the goals of the text, the content presented, and tests are given. The fourth criterion is the use in the classroom is a broad category refers, in general, against information about the use of materials in the classroom. After determining the learning textbooks in implementing an effective learning that needs to be done next is to develop learning activities. In learning activities, to keep in mind is member motivation to the students so they are more vibrant and more open in the start of learning. In addition to counts of motivation, we also need to tell them what the learning objectives to be achieved on learning that they will do. In the development of learning, the best way to introduce new material to students is to connect new material with old material they already know. At this stage the results of character analysis on students who have been done on planning stage can be used. In the implementation of learning, also required the selection of appropriate media, we must know what and when the media should be used. In selecting the media used, we must consider the practicality of the media used. Practicality of this medium should be able to consider: y y y Is the media the necessary hardware (equipment) available to you? If the hardware is available, is easy to use in a learning environment where you work? if the hardware is not available, If the required hardware is not available, whether there is time and cost to get the hardware, and is it possible leader in your school will approve those costs?

C. Evaluation / Revision Effective Learning

Systematic teaching model that does not end on the implementation of learning alone. Utilizing information from students can be used to revise or review the study for consideration so that learning will be more effective in the future. Let us examine the various revised in the learning process. First, we may find that some exam questions we have to be revised because the question does not measure our learning objectives. However, before we begin to revise our exam questions, it seems more prudent to revisit our goals. Now that the learning we have done and we have collected some data on the effectiveness of learning, whether we feel that our goals can be achieved by learners and whether that goal is right for them? If the answer to both questions is yes, then we must continue to refine exam questions and other components of our lesson plans. However, if the answer is no, then the first step is to re-examine their goals and eliminate or rewrite that goal at a higher level or lower, depending on the ability of learners. This situation makes us look back at the strategy that will be used to provide knowledge and test that knowledge. Finally, of concern is the improvement or remedial activities. If we use a mastery learning strategy, no doubt some of our students will need remedial work or repair task. Students who are part of this in the task of repair, can demonstrate mastery of learning objectives that are part of our lesson plans. Therefore, quality improvement activities we have a major impact on student learning outcomes. If we carefully examine the repair, we may be able to identify effective approaches, if changed, will allow most of our students to obtain our learning goals. Before concluding our discussion of the results of the revision of learning, there are two points to note relating to the use of students' abilities and mastery of learning data. First, with respect or respect for the ability of students with various approaches that can be used for all strengths and weaknesses. The most important points by using the reference test in accordance with the purpose of learning, so we have a proper guidance to students who can and who cannot afford. This information can be used to determine fair and reasonable assessment for each student.

In the end, we noted a possible relationship between mastery learning strategy or some sort of strategy and collection of data and information that is useful to review relearning. Exams are many times made to the students according to learning objectives needed to identify the problems in learning. This data is closely related to final exams, observations and discussions with students so that can know whether the learning should be revised and how to revise it.

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