Estimating Procedure

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Estimating Template Procedure

1. Step One - It is the Estimator's responsibility to read all the bidding documents and inform Marketing and Management of any documents required to accompany the bid proposal and estimate you are about to start on. This is your first step. 2. Step Two - The Estimator is to make sure that your is to make sure the RFE Page is filled out correctly. Complete the RFE page listing the Bidding documents that to be submitted.
RFE Page:
Fill out the Request for Estimate File the Template as "Save As" into the Estimator file set up by the plan clerk All descriptions will automatically be pasted into the various documents of the estimate

3. Step Three - Review Specs and Drawings and develop the list of trades required.
Trades to Bid:
Place an "X" in the box for the various trades that you must carry in the estimate. Add any trades or special items that are not in the template on the trades to bid sheet. Add these additional trades or special items into the "Summary Sheet", under the "Trade/Description" column at the bottom.

4. Step Four - The Estimator is required to mirror the "Bid Form" with the "Summary Sheet". If additional line breakdown items are required, it is the Estimator's responsibility to add them into the estimate and on the summary sheet.
Summary Sheet:
Modify the "Summary Sheet" to mirror the bid form, this is done by adding the trade to the estimate and copying the cell by right clicking the mouse from the estimate to the Summary Sheet using "Paste Special" without borders.

5. Step Five - Notes & Clarifications: 6. Step Six - Drawing Manifest:

Fill in the drawing manifest immediately so it can be modified as the Addendums come in.

Modify the page and add notes as the estimate and bidding documents require.

7. Step Seven- Estimate:

See below for detailed instructions.

8. Step Eight - General Conditions:

Develop a schedule on your own or get the construction department to give you one. Get the schedule duration and find out from the construction department the amount of time a Project Manager and Superintendent will be on the job. Time allotted can be dictated by the contract, read the contract documents to determine these conditions. General Conditions can also be represented as a percentage and will automatically be calculated from the RFE sheet.

ONE FLOOR ONLY Original estimate: On the "estimate" tab: 1 Use the "estimate" tab only. 2 Do not insert or delete lines. 3 For additional scopes of work, use the "miscellaneous" lines.
-Change the unit of measure as applicable. -Be sure to input unit prices.

On the "summary sheet" tab: To show SF data (if requested): 1 Highlight columns C thru G. 2 Place the arrow in the highlighted area & right mouse click. 3 Select "unhide".
-Enter the square foot value in cell D9. -Change "SF" to RSF, USF, CSF, etc. as applicable in cell D10. 4 Click on the " - " symbol above column G to hide the extra columns.

Move the blue page break line at the end of column G one column to the left. 6 Highlight cells G3 - G6 & drag into cells D3 - D6. 7 Adjust column width of column D.

On the "estimate" tab: 1 Click on the " 2 " symbol above the numbered columns to expand the

hidden revised columns. -To hide the revised columns, click on the " 1 " symbol. Note that the units of measure in column G are linked to the units of measure 2 in column line E. 3 Do not change the unit prices. If an unit price needs to be adjusted for the same scope of work, use a "miscellaneous" line for an "up charge" to that specific scope of work. 4 Type the word "PREVIOUS" in cells D8, I8 & K8.

On the "summary sheet" tab: 1 Click on the " + " symbol above column G to expand the hidden revised

column. -To hide the revised columns, click on the " - " symbol. Move the blue page break line two columns to the left in between columns E & 2 F. 3 In cell C10, change the word "estimate" to "PREVIOUS".

To show SF data (if requested): 1 Highlight columns C thru E. 2 Place the arrow in the highlighted area & right mouse click. 3 Select "unhide".
-Enter the square foot value in cell D9. -Change "SF" to RSF, USF, CSF, etc. as applicable in cell D10. 4 Move the blue page break line in between columns F & G.

Create additional tabs for the additional floors required (the template starts with two floors): 1 2 3 4
Click on the "2nd Floor" tab. Place the arrow on the tab & right mouse click. Select "move or copy..." In the "before sheet" box select "alternate prices" / check the box below "create a copy" / hit "OK". 5 Repeat steps 1 - 4 for as many floors as you require. **Note that all scopes of work, units of measure & unit prices are all linked to the "estimate" tab. This should be your master template for all floors.

Rename all your tabs including the original "estimate" tab (as they will appear as a footer on your take-offs). 6 Place the arrow on the tab & right mouse click. 7 Select "rename". 8 Type in the new name of the tab (keep it simple). Remember, it will appear at
the footer of your estimates (check your spelling!)

Unhide the data: 1 Highlight columns C thru S. 2 Place the arrow in the highlighted area & right mouse click. 3 Select "unhide". Create additional summary columns: 4 Highlight columns H thru K. 5 Place the arrow in the highlighted area & right mouse click. 6 Select "copy". 7 Highlight column L. 8 Place the arrow in the highlighted area & right mouse click. 9 Select "insert copied cells". 10 Repeat steps 4 - 9 for as many floors as you require.

Link the new summary columns: 11 Highlight cells L12 down to L90. 12 Go to the tool bar for "edit" & select "replace" 13 In the "find what:" box, type: 2nd Floor 14 In the "replace with:" box, type in the name of the new tab.
**Be sure you copy EXACTLY the name of your tabs with same spelling & the same amount of spaces. (for example: 3rd Floor OR Conference Center) 15 Select "replace all". **If you performed this operation properly, a message will pop up "Excel has completed its search and has made 57 replacements." **If you misspelled the tab name, another window will pop up named "Updated values: xxx". Just keep hitting "Cancel" repeatedly. Once Excel has completed its search, hit "OK". Notice there is an error in the formula. HIT UNDO.


Repeat steps 11 - 15 for the revised column (cells N12 down to N90). Or you can use the multiple "Ctrl" function when linking the first column in step 11. 17 Repeat steps 11 - 16 for as many new floors as you require. 18 Name all your columns for the appropriate floors. -In cell H8, type in "2nd Floor". -Copy cell H8 & paste in cell C8. Type in "1st floor". -Across row 8, name all the new column headers.

On each "estimate" tab: 1 Change the allowance equation at cells K1782 & L1782 on all your new floor
estimates to link to the correct new summary columns.

On the "summary sheet" tab: 2 You will need to rewrite the equations for the "overall total" & "overall revised"

columns for all the additional floors added. 3 You will need to rewrite the equations for the "square foot total" & "square foot total revised" columns for the additional floors added.

4 1 2

3 4 5 1

3 4 5

Enter the floor specific square foot values in their appropriate cells D9, I9, etc. Original estimate: Click on the " 1 " symbol above the numbered columns to hide the revised columns. Hide any unwanted or blank columns (such as columns D & G): -Highlight column D. -Place the arrow in the highlighted area & right mouse click. -Select "hide". -Repeat for column G. Delete or clean up the proposal #, date, revised date, estimator in rows 3 - 6 as necessary. Adjust the page break as required. If you require alternate pricing per floor, this must be entered in on the summary sheet manually. Remember to ADD mark-ups!!! -Revised side-by-side estimate: Hide any unwanted or blank columns (such as column G): -Multiple highlight columns by holding the "Ctrl" button on your keyboard while selecting. -Go to "Format" on the tool bar. -Select "Column". -Select "Hide". Delete or clean up the proposal #, date, revised date, estimator in rows 3 - 6 as necessary. Adjust the page break as required. If you require alternate pricing per floor, this must be entered in on the summary sheet manually. Remember to ADD mark-ups!!!

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