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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Labs

Course No CSE207P


Course Planner 13667 :: Neha Tewari

Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits 0 0 3 2

Text Book:

1 Neil Mathew & Richard Stones, Begining Linux Programming, Wrox Press .

Other Specific Book:

2 Carla Schroder, Linux Cookbook, o'Reilly Media 3 Richard Stevens, Advanced Programming in Unix Environment, Addison Wesley 4 John W Perry, Advanced C Programming by Example, PWS Publishing Company 5 Bhattacharya, Mauro, Mamone , Kapil Sharma , Thomas, Whiting, Gundavaram, Beginning Red Hat Linux', Wrox Press. 6 Peter Van Der Linden, Expert C Programming', Publisher - Prentice Hall, Also available through O'Reilly Media Press

Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)

Relevant Websites Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) 7 8 Salient Features linux tutorials linux brief reiview

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

*Each experiment of the lab will be evaluated using following relative scheme:
Component J/E WR VIVA % of Marks 50 20 30

List of experiments :Lecture Number individual 1 individual 2 Lecture Topic INSTALLATION OF LINUX Moving around the desktop KDE/GNOME Panel, Workspace, Main Menu, Running Applications etc, Moving around the desktop KDE/GNOME Panel, Workspace, Main Menu, Running Applications etc, Terminal emulator & running programs(/Commands) from terminal emulator, Using KDE/Gnome for copying, moving, creating directories/files. Terminal emulator & running programs(/Commands) from terminal emulator, Using KDE/Gnome for copying, moving, creating directories/files. Using shell commands like ls, touch, rm, mv, cp, mkdir, rmdir, pwd, ps, cat, fg, bg. Using grep, egrep, regular expressions & GUI for file & pattern searching. Pedagogical Tools Or Equipment Planned Installation CD Workstation with Linux setup including X windows lab Manual Not Applicable Not Applicable

individual 3

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

individual 4

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

individual 5

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

individual 6

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

individual 7

Using shell commands like ls, touch, rm, mv, cp, mkdir, rmdir, pwd, ps, cat, fg, bg. Using grep, egrep, regular expressions & GUI for file & pattern searching. Managing users & gripus through GUI & CLI . Understanding and changing the permissions with CLI & GUI. Setting the environment variables using CLI & GUI. Managing users & gripus through GUI & CLI . Understanding and changing the permissions with CLI & GUI. Setting the environment variables using CLI & GUI. Using shell programming to write simple programs, writing simple scripts & making it executable. Writing programs in C for File handling using low level access & standard I/O library. Writing programs in C for File handling using low level access & standard I/O library. Writing programs in C for Streams & File Descriptors. Writing programs in C for Streams & File Descriptors. Writing programs in C for Directory maintenance & scanning directories Writing programs in C for Directory maintenance & scanning directories Writing programs in C for command line arguments. Writing programs in C for command line arguments.

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

individual 8

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

individual 9

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

individual 10

Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows

Not Applicable

individual 11

Not Applicable

individual 12

Not Applicable

individual 13 individual 14 individual 15

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

individual 16

Not Applicable

individual 17 individual 18

Not Applicable Not Applicable

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Mid Term
individual 19 individual 20 individual 21 individual 22 individual 23 individual 24 individual 25 individual 26 individual 27 individual 28 Calculating the execution time of a program Program to get user, host & logging information. Program to get user, host & logging information. Programs on managing memory dynamically Programs for file locking & reading, writing with locks. Programs for file locking & reading, writing with locks. Using make & make file, using gdb for debugging. Using make & make file, using gdb for debugging. Writing manual pages Writing programs to implement all the commands of linux commands Time and date functions in LINUX Time and date functions in LINUX CVS RCS RCS Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Workstation with Linux setup including X windows Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

individual 29 individual 30 individual 31 individual 32 individual 33

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

Spill Over
individual 34 Not Applicable

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

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