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US Citizenship Test - Washington State Variable

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2 from each state. 2 years 3 4 years 6 years 9 10 13 18 27 44 49 50 98 100 435 1607 1787 1788 1889 A civil rights leader A member of congress Abraham Lincoln Alaska and Hawaii Amendments

How is the number of senators determined? What is the length of one term for an elected US house representative? How many branches are there in our government? What is the length of one presidential term?


appointed by the president


Who selects the supreme court justices? Who is the president of the USA today? Who are the independents in the US senate? What is the term used to describe a 2 house legislature? What supreme court case overturned "seperate but equal" policies? Which state has the most representation in congress? Who is the current governor of Washington (2012)? What were the 13 original states of the USA called? Who has the power to declare war? Name the thirteen original states. What are the 2 major political parties in the US today? Who is the most recent addition to the supreme court? From what country did the


Barack Obama


4. 5.


Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman

What is the length of one term for an elected senator? How many supreme court justices are there? How many years can a president serve? How many stripes are there in the flag? What is the minimum voting age in the USA? How many official changes have been made to the constitution? How many different presidencies have there been in the US? How many senate seats are there in the Washington state legislature? How many states are there in the USA? How many house seats are there in the Washington state legislature? How many senators are there in our federal government? How many representatives are there in our federal government? In what year was Jamestown Colony established? In what year was the constitution written? In what year was the constitution ratified? In what year did Washington become a state? Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?
35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Brown v. Topeka board of education



13. 14.



Christine Gregoire




18. 19. 20.




Who can introduce a law in congress? Who was the president during the civil war?


Connecticut, new hampshire, new york, new jersey, massachusetts, pennsylvania, delaware, virginia, north carolina, south carolina, georgia, rhode island, and maryland. Democratic and republican


What are the 49th and 50th states of the union? What do we call a change to the constitution? Elena Kagan





US get its independence?


Everyone (Citizens and non-citizens living in the US) Federalism

Whose rights are guaranteed by the constitution and the bill of rights? What is the term used for a system that divides power between a central government and several regional governments? Why did the pilgrims come to america? What country was our major ally in the revolutionary war? Who wrote the star-spangled banner? What did the emancipation proclamation do? Name one right guaranteed by the first amendment. Name 3 rights or freedoms guaranteed by the bill of rights? Who were our 5 most recent presidents before the current president?


John Roberts July 4, 1776 Legislative, executive and judiciary mayor

Who is the chief justice of the supreme court? When was the declaration of independence adopted? Name the branches of our federal government. What is the head executive of a city government called? According to the constitution, a person must meet certain requirements in order to be eligible to become president. Name these requirements: In what month do we vote for the president? Name one benefit of being a citizen of the US.





for religious freedom France Francis Scott Key Freed many slaves in confederate states. Freedom of speech freedom of speech, religion and press. George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter George Washington George Washington Germany, Italy and Japan Government receives power from people and governs only with their consent. governor Grover Cleveland Hilary Clinton James Madison January Jeff Jacobs Joe Biden John Bochner






Must be a natural born citizen of the US, must be at least 35 years old by the time he/she will serve, must have lived in the united states for at least 14 years. November Obtain federal government jobs, travel with a US passport, petition for close relatives to come to the US to live. Olympia Patrick Henry Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell Red and white Republican/Representative Democracy Speaker of the House of Representatives






67. 48.

Which president is called the "Father of our country"?


What is the capital city of Washington State? Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death"? Name the senators from Washington State (2012) What color are the stripes? What kind of government does the US have? Who becomes president of the USA if the president and the vice-president should die? What is the basic belief of the declaration of independence? Where does freedom of speech come from? What are the first 10 amendments to the constitution called? What does the legislature do? What special group advises the president? Who elects the president of the USA?


Who was the first president of the USA?



Which countries were our three main enemies during world war II? What is popular sovereignty?






What is the head executive of a state government called? Which president served 2 nonconsecutive terms? Who is the US secretary of state? Who was the major writer of the constitution? In what month is the new president inaugurated? Who is St. Louis Park's mayor? Who is the vice-president of the USA today? Who is the speaker of the house of representatives?
76. 74. 73.


That all men are created equal

54. 55.

The bill of rights the Bill of Rights



57. 58.

The branch that writes laws The cabinet The electoral college





The federalist The people The place where congress meets The Preamble The president The president The president, cabinet, and departments under the cabinet members The presidents official home The right to vote The senate and the house of representatives. The supreme court and lower federal courts The supreme law of the land There is no limit There is no limit They represent the original 13 states Thomas Jefferson Thurgood marshall to interpret laws To make laws Vice president Virginia

What is the name of the collection of essays written by alexander hamilton james madison and john jay who were supporters of the constitution? Who elects congress? What is the US capitol building? What is the introduction to the constitution called? Who signs bills into law? Who is the commander in chief of the US military? What is the executive branch of our government? What is the white house? What is the most important right granted to US citizens? What 2 bodies make up congress? What is the judiciary branch of our government? What is the constitution? How many times may a senator be re-elected? How many times may a congressman be re-elected? What do the stripes on the flag stand for? Who was the main writer of the declaration of independence? Who was the first black person on the US supreme court? What are the duties of the supreme court? What are the duties of congress? Who becomes president of the USA if the president should die? What colony had the highest population during the constitutional convention?

80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

86. 87. 88.


90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

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