Q-A - Sap Fico

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Q. What is SAP standard organisation structure?

SAP Standard organisation structure is based on client requirement it will change for example. Clent--->Operation Concern(Co-pa)--->Controlling area(1:N)---> Company Codes(1:N) Plant and Purchase organization,Sales Organization assing the the Company code as per client requirement. Q. What is the T Code for Uploading the Bulk Vendor master data ? Ans. one of the option is through LSMW,BDC Q. What do you mean by Goods Clearing ? What are the journal entries for Clearing of Goods ? Ans. Goods Clearing is related to Inventary Management. Whenever Goods received against purshage order throught MIGO T.code then GR/IR A/c Dr and Party A/c Cr. So Goods clearing account automatically clear. Q. What do you mean by cost carrier ? Ans. It mean which is the real cost posting that is cost carrier for example whenever create the Internal order as a real order then when we use this real order to book the general entry for expences side real cost posted to internal order and static post the cost center. And also using cost carying object for distribution and assessment purpose. Q. In APP If we want to Create cheques. One Standard variant name avaiable in SAP. What is Name? Ans. The Standard Print Variant in APP is RFFOUS Q. Where we have to define VAT Registration Number? Ans. In Vendor Master XK02 and FK02, in Vendor Control. That is in Tax Information area. Q. In Vendor Master XK02 and FK02, in Vendor Control. That is in Tax Information area. Ans. Normally, according to the Ranking it should pick the money from HDFC bank, but if you reallocate the House bank to ICICI in APP then the cheque gets generated through ICICI bank the system automatically picks according to the rank. Q. intigration between fi-mm, fi-sd Ans. fi-sd is in credit management, account determination, revenue account determination and Integration FI-MM 1. PO creating NO FI Integartion 2. When good receipt in terms of GR/IR (Good Receipt and invioce Receipt) Inventory Account Dr. GR/IR Account Cr. 3. GR/IR Account Dr. Vendors Account Cr. (AP) 4. Vendors Account Dr. Bank Account Cr. Integration FI-SD 1. Sales Order creating NO FI Inegartion 2. Check the avalibilty of Material co09 3. SD send request to MM for issue the material, thru PICKING, gentered the pick order 4. MM good issue & create the good issue document and Accounting document create in FI Cost of Goods sold Dr. Inventroy Account Cr. 5. Customer Account Dr. To Sales Revenue Account 6. Bank Account Customer Account Q. what is the impartence of secondary cost element in controling, if it is needed give reasons

Ans. Secondary cost element create for internal purpose of controlling area. This is for service provide to one cost center to others cost centers. Expamle:- In your office you make the CANTEEN is cost center. Canteen is provides the service to other cost centers like TEA, Coffee, etc. You allocated the TEA, Coffee Amount to others cost center that thru secondary cost element. Q. what is the intigration b/n fi-pp Ans. The point of integration between FI-PP is Work centre. The transaction code for the same is WRC1. Q. what u configure in accounts reeivable module Ans. Account Receivable (AR) Generaly is Customer Account We configure AR Three Type 1. General Data Segment-Details of Cusomters 2. Company Code Segment-Reconciliation 3. Sales Area Segment ---- another answer--In Account Receivable module, we configure the following: - Document number ranges (FBN1) - Define tolerance limit for customers - Create account group (e.g. domestic customer, foreign customer) - Create Sundry debtors/ Accounts Receivable account in FS00 - Maintain master records (details of customers) e.g. General Data Segment-Details of Cusomters, Company Code Segment-Reconciliation, Sales Area Segment After this, one can pass and billing entries, recevie amount and settle accounts of the customers. Q. how dunning procedure will updated in Customer Master. Ans. When dunning printout is completed throught f150 t.code then it will updated customer master record in which level,last dunning date. Q. what is the business process? Ans. Business process is a collection of related, structured activities--a chain of events--that produce a specific service or product for a particular customer or customers. A business process is a recipe for achieving a commercial result. Each business process has inputs, method and outputs. The inputs are a pre-requisite that must be in place before the method can be put into practice. When the method is applied to the inputs then certain outputs will be created. Q. How can be or in what way baseline date is important in Automatic Payment Program run? ANS. The Baseline date is used to calculate the due date by taking into account the payment terms. On the APP, the baseline date helps to pick the relevant invoices for payment. During the APP run when invoices are pulled into the run, the system checks the Next Payment Date before picking the invoices to be paid. Q. Please tell me the procurement cycle how it works? ANS. Procurement cycle a sales order is placed on a requirement made by a customer, after which it is passed on to create a purchase order (this could either happen based on the requirements on the SO, or a planned SO). the value flow gets passed on to FI at the time of goods movement. In the case of SD, the impact on FI happens only at the time of billing. Q. Difference between Depreciation ,Accumulated Depreciation and APC? What is APC? ANS. Depreciation a decrease in the value of an asset due to wear and tear Accumulated Depreciation the total amount of depreciation calculated on a particular asset. APC refers to Asset transactions other than depreciation Q. What is GR/IR?What journal entries we should pass for this? ANS. The GR/IR the goods receipt/Invoice Receipt account is used to post to whenever goods that are

not yet invoiced have been received or when invoices arrive b4 the the delivery of goods.During the time between the invoice being created and delivery of goods, there can be a timing difference, in order to accommodate this timing difference, a GR/IR account is maintained temporarily to record the flow . Q. What are the accounting entries take place in MM and SD? ANS. Value from MM to FI is defined in OBYC. on the material master the flow of values are assigned on the Costing, acctg, etc tabs where the system helps to post the necessary stock values into the appropriate GL accounts. helps to determine, the GL accounts updated when there is a movement of goods. SD-FI VKOA Q. Can we assign one Controlling area to two different Company Codes (but the company codes having different fiscal years/different currencies. ANS. Company code should have same financial year, may have different currencies. You can assign 2 or more company codes to one controlling area as long as the chart of accounts are same. Furthermore, if you have different fiscal year variant in the company code, then make sure that the number of period remain the same. Q. While posting transaction, can we give cost centre / production order at time. ANS. Yes it is posiiable , but in such situation cost centre will be real and production order is stastical. If you assign both cost center and Prd Order then since Prod. Order are real co object, Cost center entry would be statistical. Q. Which Master data uploads will be done? ANS. The question is not very clear. If you are talking about CO Master data. Then Cost center need to be uploaded. You can use Data Transfer Workbench or write abap for it. Q. Can we run Payment Programe giving ( Hdfc vendor detailes ) City bank in Payment run programe? ANS. Yes can be possible , this can resolved through ranking order and bank optimization in FBZP. You use use further selection in proposal paramater, if you would like to filter the open item based on the city Q. What does document header control? Field status. Q. After entering a document can you delete the entry? Can you change the document? ANS. Which fields can/not is changed? Document header cannont be changed, after posting the document you cannot change. only if you want to change the document the reseversal entry. Q. What is a special GL transaction? ANS. The transaction other than A/P and A/R is called the special g/l transaction for ex: Bills of exchange, Interest payable , aqusition. Q. How do you reverse cleared documents? By doing reversal posting. Q. What is base line date? Why is that used? Can this be changed? ANS. For paymentterms it is used. base line date is the due date. What is plant in an organisation? Steps in MM & FI integration. Plant is an organizational unit. If you see the organizational structure you will find that plant is attached to the company code. To define the plant follow the following path: img->enterprise structure->Definition->Logistics - General->Define, copy, delete, check plant->Define Plant To assign the plant with company code follow the following path: img->enterprise structure->Assignment->Logistics - General->Assign plant to company code You need to assign plant to company code through T.Code OX18. This will cover in FI and MM integration topics.

Plant is more related to MM & PP module. Though it is related, for integration portion of MM to FI sap would want you to know of the organization structure. Generally be prepared for MM & SD organization structure like, One plant is assigned to one company code only. One company code can have multiple Plant. Purchasing Area : purchase organisation+plant makes purchasing area. Sales Area : Sales Orgnization + Distribution Chanel + Division, I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE DIFFERENT TOOLS USED FOR RAISING A TICKET IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. SAP Tickets - What Is That? Handling tickets is called Issue Tracking system. The errors or bugs forwarded by the end user to the support team are prioritized under three seviority High, Medium and Low. Each and every seviority as got its time limits before that we have to fix the error. The main job of the supporting consultant is to provide assistance online to the customer or the organisation where SAP is already implemented for which the person should be very strong in the subject and the process which are implemented in SAP at the client side to understand,to analyse,to actuate and to give the right solution in right time.This is the job of the support consultant. The issues or the tickets(problems) which are arised is taken care of on priority basis by the support team consultants. The work process in support projects are given below for your reference. 1. The customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail (RADIX). 2. Each one of the support team is a part of support group. 3. Whenever a customer logs a call he /she has to mention to which work group (by name). 4. Once the calls came to the work group the support consultant or the team need to send an IR (Initial Response) to the user depending upon the priority of the calls. (Top,High,Med, Low,None) 5. Then the error is fixed, debugged by the support consultant or the team. Then after testing properly by generating TR(Transport Request through the basis admin) 6. Then it is informed to the end user/customer/ super user about the changes which have moved to the production server by CTS process. These are the process. In summary, what I understand is that if any configuration or customization is required to solve the issue, then the consultant have to work on DEV Client, then the end user will test it in the QA client and after approval the BASIS consultant has to transport it to the PRODUCTION client. An example: Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or the employee in the company face while working on R/3. Tickets usually occur during the implementation or after the implementation of the project. There can be numerous problem which can occur in the production support and a person who is working in the support has to resolve those tickets in the limited duration, every ticket has the particular deadline alert so your responsibility is to finish it before that deadline. To begin with , we should give "TICKET" to you for not knowing it. Here is an eg of a ticket raise: End user is not able to 1. Create Sales order for a customer from a New plant , since shipping point determination is not happened . ( Without Shipping point the document becomes INCOMPLETE and he will not be able to proceed further like DELIVERY, BILLING). He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below: 1. Low 2. Medium 3. High. Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem and identify that the SP configuration has to be done for the new plant. You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the change and Request one more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user will test the same by creating a sales order for the new plant and approve it. Finally, you request a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION. Once the change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed. What I have given is a small example. You would get some real issues with severity HIGH in your day-day support.

what is business mapping in SAP When you go for implementation, you have to find out their operation and map (configure) those function in SAP. There might be GAPs, which doesn't fit in SAP, then you need to find means to settle it. Customize it or suggest alternate functions to achieve it. 2) After execute APP then 2 list will be generated what are they ? 1.payment list (Term may be wrong ), exception list 3) what is client It is the highest level in the organization unit, company, company code all comes under it. User is created at client level. Some configuration changes are at client level. 4) what is business process after completing this function, then the other function has to be done. 5) what is GL A/c segments? Chart of Acct & Company code segment 6)what is validations and substitutions pls explain with some examples Validation : when you are keying in some value, you validate it and throw message. egs : when you have keyed in Pur.Grp :900, then you want the Cost center to be C900, if its not then you throw message. Different types of message, like warning, error are there. Substitutions: in the above example if the user, keys is C800, you replace it with C900, throw a information message and proceed. Can anyone brief me the various steps of Automatic Payment Program & how to configure it in the SAP system In FBZP Define the following steps. All Company Codes Paying Company code Payment Methods in Country Payment Methods in Company Codes House Banks what is the difference between assignment and distribuion. assessment is nothing but transfer primary & secondary cost postings r possible .But distribution is transfer primary cost postings r possible You probably mean 'Assessment' and not 'Assignment' . Both assessment and distribution are means of allocating costs. You can used distribution to allocate primary costs only, whereas both primary and secondary costs could be allocated using 'assessment' . Distribution is useful when you want to trace the source cost elements from the receivers. In assessment, you do not have information about the cost elements contained in the sending cost center. You may not be interested in the cost break-up in all cases, say in case of company canteen costs. On a receiving department, you may not be interested in breaking up the costs of the canteen. In these cases, assessment is useful. Distribution is more expensive in terms of system resources. Hope I'm clear. I have a doubt on OCA & GCA ( Group chart of Accounts , Operational ). Kindly tell the differences and uses , where we can use and how ? operating chart of a/cs using post day to day activities but GCA using consolidation purpose. If u have no of company codes having at that u r using GCA ex convayance a/c no one CO CD using g/l no 100000,another co using 200000 ,and another co using 300000 at that time we r using GCA. Can you guys please tell me how is accounts mapped for the transfer of data from legacy charts of accounts to SAP chart of accounts The alternative account number field in the company code area is freely definable. You could use it to enter: the account number from your legacy system or the account number from a country chart of accounts if your corporate group uses a standard chart of accounts.

The alternative account number is only issued in the financial statement if you explicitly assign it to the relevant items in the financial statement version. can anybody tell me how to allocate expenses in assessment method for primary cost centers. Operational chart of Accounts and Group Chart of Accounts and how it will help in the real time Operational chart of accounts is related to daily transaction. And the group chart of Accounts is related to company consolidation purpose. Can any body tell me what are the amajor activites in "BUSINESS BLUEPRINT & REALIZATION STAGE" of SAP Methodolgy. The ASAP methodology adheres to a specific road map that addresses the following five general phases: 1. Project Preparation, in which the project team is identified and mobilized, the project standards are defined, and the project work environment is set up; 2. Blueprint, in which the business processes are defined and the business blueprint document is designed; 3. Realization, in which the system is configured, knowledge transfer occurs, extensive unit testing is completed, and data mappings and data requirements for migration are defined; 4. Final Preparation, in which final integration testing, stress testing, and conversion testing are conducted, and all end users are trained; and 5. Go-Live and Support, in which the data is migrated from the legacy systems, the new system is activated, and post-implementation support is provided. The ASAP solution was developed to ensure the successful, on-time delivery of a project. SAP delivers the Accelerated SAP (ASAP) methodology for project management and system implementation. Developed by SAP to optimize the success of implementing the SAP Business Suite, ASAP streamlines the implementation by providing templates, methods, tools, and accelerators that have been built on the success of thousands of previous SAP implementations. The ASAP methodology adheres to a specific road map that addresses the following five general phases: 1. Project Preparation, in which the project team is identified and mobilized, the project standards are defined, and the project work environment is set up; 2. Blueprint, in which the business processes are defined and the business blueprint document is designed; 3. Realization, in which the system is configured, knowledge transfer occurs, extensive unit testing is completed, and data mappings and data requirements for migration are defined; 4. Final Preparation, in which final integration testing, stress testing, and conversion testing are conducted, and all end users are trained; and 5. Go-Live and Support, in which the data is migrated from the legacy systems, the new system is activated, and post-implementation support is provided. ASAP incorporates standard design templates and accelerators covering every functional area within the system, as well as supporting all implementation processes. Complementing the ASAP accelerators, the project manager can create a comprehensive project plan, covering the overall project, project staffing plan, and each sub-process such as system testing, communication and data migration. Milestones are set for every work path, and progress is carefully tracked by the project management team. Can anyone please give me idea on what is Profit Center Accounting(in CO) and send some documentation if available to understand better I'm doing some service for a company and for that i'm going to be paid some amt. What wld be the entry for that with service tax. Plz its very Urgent You have to raise on your service amount 12.36% of service tax.

Ex: Service charges 10,000.00 Service tax 12.36% 1,236.00 Total bill value 11,236.00 He is correct just to add, Dr. Customer 11,236 Cr. Service Charges 10,000 Cr. Service Tax Receivable 12.36% 1,236 Vise-a-versa with vendor Dr. Customer 10,000 Dr. Service Tax Payable 12.36% 1,236 Cr. Service Charges 10,000 Cr. Service Tax Receivable 12.36% 1,236 Reason: your method( customer Rs.11326) at the end customer balance shows excess Debit, Rs.1236 and also if you are create simultaneously create a ledger Service Tax Payabl 12.36%, you balance sheet does not shown any liability, At the time of payment of Service tax, journal, (Before due Date) Bank A/c Dr. Rs.1236 Service Tax Payable 12.36% Rs.1236 i will send the exact due date for service tax for every month / Quartly , Pay your service tax on/before every month of 5th. Please avoid fine, delay payment from service tax department , be aware Please make an adjustment entry, the debit and credit balance should be equal or the balance amount shoud Due to the Vendor, it shown in your curren tliabilities Accounts Payable, the balanc eRs. 10 inr discount or any other then we pass entry for the nature of, if discount entry should be, Vendor Account Rs.1000 Dr, Bank Account Rs. 990 Cr. Discount Received Rs. 10 Cr, How to configire validations and substituion what is the advantages? any one tell me clerly. Substitution nothing but selection, means for ex: if u want some dep key for some asset class, when ever u r using that asset class the pre defined depreciation key comes into the picture, if another dep dey assainged to theat asset master it will shows warning massages. valadation nothing to same process, ex: if u want selent p and mechnaty asset it belongs hyder business area, (when ever u select these two) automatically plant location Bnagalore come into picture. Validations -> you validate whether what is entered is correct. egs : If Pur.Grp is 400 then your cost centre has to be C400. You throw message information / warning / error. Substitution : when the user keys C400 for a field, you want the system to automatically change to (substitute with ) C401. Call points 1. doc.header 2.doc.line level 3. for the whole doc. for substitution : rules / set can be defined. Can we create our own Document type apart from DZ KZ DG KG DR KR AB and SA. ? 2. What is GL A/c master data 3. How are TAX code configured. 4. Why we need GR / IR A/c. 1. Yes we can create our own Document types but SAP suggest to use system defined one. If you want to

create go to T Code - OBA7 here you can copy the existing Document type and change the name and other options according to Client requirement or you can create your own by selecting th NEW ENTRIES button. 2. Definition: G/L account master records contain the data that is always needed by the General Ledger to determine the account's function. The G/L account master records control the posting of accounting transactions to G/L accounts and the processing of the posting data. Use: Before you can make postings to a G/L account, you have to create a master record in the system for the account. Structure: G/L account master records are divided into two areas so that company codes with the same chart of accounts can use the same G/L accounts. Chart of accounts area The chart of accounts area contains the data that is valid for all company codes, such as the account number. Company code specific area The company code specific area contains data that may vary from one company code to another, such as the currency in which the account may be posted. In GL account master we need to specify Chart of Account data & company code data details like Account Group, whether the same GL account is balance sheet item of P&L, field status Group, automatic posting or manual posting T Code to create GL Master FS00 Centrally. 3. TAX code configured. For output an input tax we can create or copy from existing Tax code thru T code FTXP and further create condition thru T code VK11. 4. Need of GL/IR account GR is stands for Goods Receipts and IR is Invoice Receipts-- GR IR is a interim account at the of GR the accounting entry will be passed Goods Receipts inventory DR To GR IR Invoice GR IR DR To Vendor Use: Quantity differences between goods receipt and invoice receipt for a purchase order result in a balance on the GR/IR clearing account. If the quantity invoiced is larger than the quantity received, the system then expects further goods receipts for this purchase order to clear the balance. If the quantity received is larger than the quantity invoiced, the system then expects further invoices for this purchase order to clear the balance. You can also clear differences for delivery costs. If no more goods or invoices are to be received, you must clear the balance manually. This can be done in different ways: You can return the extra goods to the vendor. You can cancel the invoice and post a corrected invoice or a credit memo for the surplus posted quantity. You can clear the GR/IR clearing account manually. if there is any variance in the GR/IR that means the document is incomplete. As in Legacy system we pass the payable (provision) entry whenever we receive material and not invoice. Give me some idea about cost element. 1. cost element is required r not in FI 2. what is the cost elements in FI

Gl account should be equal to cost element. So everytime u create a gl account..u have to create it in CO via KA01 as cost element. if u want it to post to cost center." 1. Without GL account u cannot create a Primary cost element. So the value will flow from FI to CO. 2. A Primary Cost element is used to transfer cost from FI to CO. It is the cost carrier from FI to CO. It has to have a corresponding Gl a/c in FI. Every cost related txn will be carried over to CO by Primary Cost element ONLY. A Primary cost elements can be directly posted and it is linked to a G/L account and must first be created in the FI Chart of Accounts. in the master data of the cost ele, there is a field "Cost element category". Here we enter the CEle cat, that determines which cost ele will be used for which transaction. The Prime Cost and the Revenue (having cost ele cat 01 and 11 respectively are the cost ele in FI). We can create cost element in fi level only p&l a/cs only here we select edit cost element give from & to date & save & CO level we can create TC:ka01 I was asked a question in interview. A company has decided to implement SAP. In asset accounting when tranfering data from legacy system to SAP, is accumulated depreciation transferred manually. What values of asset considered. Is it possible to do a automatic run of depreciation as of start date of SAP. Pl tell me asap. Accumulated depreciation yes - otherwise how would the year-end programs works. Monthly depreciations transactions we won't transfer from the legacy system. From the beginning of SAP. - you need to check with them on the question clearly. What do they mean by it? FI generally is implemented first, then the Asset leg implementation starts, Depreciation from Asset cut off to production onwards can be done. If you look at the previous answers, there is no data to calculate the depreciation, again asset can be implemented in a different FY. * This is the area I am not confident, Asset enter the original value and pass the manual depreciation. On this I am not sure whether there is provision to do till the previous year and for the current year till the cut-off date, so the for the year reports will be available. Or enter the depreciated value. Generally for Assets it is advisable to cut off from a new financial year. These questions are generally posed to check on whether you have done implementation really and check on your confidence level. Can anyone give me idea on what is Report Painter and how does it work. report painter is a tool provided by sap to create reports ecpecially for controllig. GRR1 is the tcode to create report. Every report should assign to on report group and one library. Sap provided predefined tables and libraries we can use it or we can create of our own. What is Routing? Plz explain me in detail n with an example? I am not sure whether you are asking about, workflow routing. There is also a whole lot of hardware/software- routers. Assume a Company has many departments and each department has got its own section. And the Company has policy, when anyone applies leave it has to be approved by the section-head (immediate supervisor), whereas when anyone does any claims it has to be approved by department-head. Workflow : When Employee-A working in Purchasing Dept. applies leave it has flow to Purchasing Officer, where-in when he has a medical claim it has to be approved by Purchasing Manager. Assuming when developing a software for it : Requirements : When electronically submitting the document the document has to flow to the appropriate person for approving based on leave or claim. When approved/rejected the document has flow back to originator with the status. The document flow in SAP is sometimes referred to as routing. SAP can be onfigured to route the

document. There are options available in SAP to manually route the documents to another person. Basically it goes into the inbox. Where-in Finance workflow comes into picture : When there are documents created from different department, it can be routed to different accountants based on the cost centre (department) for verification. Once verified it can be routed back to department head for approval. Assume when the accountant rejects it, the document can be routed the originator (who created), for changes and sends it for verification again(workflow starts from square one). Likewise the department head can reject it. In this scenario, you can see multi-level approval. can u explain about cross company transaction. when it's come to picture in real time.what are the configration steps.thank in advance. Cross Company Code transaction takes place when there are two or more company codes exists in a Group company. If one CC purchase/sales with other Cc with in the group then we need to configure Cross Company Code setting, for that we need to create a Reconcilation Account and couple of setting, for more details google the documentation For Cross Company FI Transactions please use the transaction code OBYA for the settings. the real posting and statistical posting in cost center is determined based on other cost objects assigned to it,if u already created a real order then statistical posting to cost center can happened,so look at the other assigned objects at the time of posting. Tickets are raised either by a direct call to the extension no. of the support team or through mail the road map of SAP implimentation is as follows. phase 1:project preparation pahse 2:business blueprint phase 3:realization phase 4:final preparation phase 5:GOLIVE&support. R/3: it means three layers are installed in different systems/server and they are connected with each other. 1:presentation server(where SAP GUI have) 2:application server(where SAP installed) 3:darabae server(where database installed) I have a little confusion on why people give prefared to profit center than business area. Can any body explaine me whats the main difference between profit center and business area. businees are is the segmet of the company where as the profit centre isthe part of customer/vendors/ by region wise/country/ customer product wise we can apply to the profit centre Can you explain me about the diff. b/w: Save and post park and post Operational, group and Countr specific COA? Save and Post are the same things. Parking means you can hold the document temporarily and later on you can make changes in it.Post means to save the document permanently in the system. If you park a document, one document no. has been allocated by SAP System from a no.range assigned to that company code and it will not be posted into your accounting books till you post & save. And about Operational COA it is must to every compnay code. It will be used for regular transactional postings.

Group COA will be used for consolidation of different company codes under one compnay. Conuntry specific will be used for Conuntry specific requirements like Specific financial reportings, Tax related country specific you can use this. Group COA will be used for consolidation of different company codes under one compnay. Conuntry specific will be used for Conuntry specific requirements like Specific Financial Reportings, Tax related country specific you can use this. Parking Document: In any organisation there are three levels of employees are there Top level,middle level,low level. when the subordinate not having authorisation to post any document he should made the approval from superiors.so that the subordinate parked the document to which is not having authorisation to post and he sent the message to approval. can u tell me in what way we have to prepare the interview can u tell the diff between scripts and smart forms wat is diff between the assessment and distribution what is diff between 4.7ee and 6.0 Basic difference between 4.7 & higher versions is that version 5.0 onwards, concept of New GL was introduced wherein we can maintain multiple ledgers (say main ledger for Indian GAAP & alternate ledger for US GAAP). All such ledgers may have independent currencies and its own accounting principles. Also, thru New GL, online splitting of entries is possible at line item level & therefore we can have balanced trial balance at Profit Centre Level in realtime. This saves a lot of resources requirement from client perspective as at the month end, we are no more reqd to run PCA reconciliation ledgers. Assesment:It is a cost allocation tool in controlling. It is used to allocate the cost of promary cost element as well as secondary cost element is also. While allocating the cost the sender side doesnot appear the receiver.viseversa. Distribution: It is a cost allocation tool in controlling. It is use to allocate the csot of primary cost element only. while allocating the cost the sender side appear the reciever.viseversa 1 what is meant by one full life cycle generally there are 5 stages of Implimentation, 1. Project Preparation, 2. Business Blueprint, 3. Reliazation 4. Final Preparations, 5. Golive and Support. Full life Cycle Means right from the Project Preparation to Golive.> 2 what is the size i.e in number of full cycle? it depends on size of the clients business, and the modules he is opting for. 3 what is the size of fico concultants? in normal implimentations the size will be 3 to 5 consultants 4 if any consultant is in support what does it mean. there are two type of projects 1. Implimentation 2. support project in support project, the role of consultant is to handle the day to day issues, where implimentatin is already done. and u have to resolve the end user issues. There are 3 types of projects. 1. Implementation 2. Supporting 3. Roll out Projects Now client is using SAP and he bought new organization( If they want to implement SAP in that company) or if the client wants some addition to the existing project. Then we will call it is as a Roll out project.

Now client is using SAP and he bought new organization( If they want to implement SAP in that company) or if the client wants some addition to the existing project. Then we will call it is as a Roll out project. Has anyone used the Cost Center Hierarchy to feed CO-PA in order to generate a Complete Customer P&L out of COPA instead of PCA? The chart of account is the list of all general ledger accounts T he definition of chart of accounts contains: a. Key b. Name c. Length of GL Account No. (Mas10 d. Block Indicator One chart of accounts can be assigned to several company codes A complete G/L account consist of 2 segments a. A chart of accounts segment b. At least one company code segment Chart of account segment of GL Account comprises of following a. Account Number b. Name of Account (short/long text) c. Control fields (GL Account Group, Balance sheet account / P&L) d. Consolidation fields The company code segment contains information that refers exclusively to the concerned company code. a. Currency b. Tax c. Reconciliation account e. Line Item Display f. Name of Account (short/long text) g. Sort Key h. Field Status Group If the company is using one retained earning, the the field of Proft & Loss statement account type is hidden The concept of GL account Group is to control. a.group of accounts of same type b. Number Ranges c. Field status The are to options to control field status a.Account group specific (at the time of creation) b.Transaction specific (display-change- create) Please answer the following interview related questions: 1. While executing one transaction through route path, one pop-box comes with a warning: The Company code is cross-client. What does it mean? 2. What is Geo Code in setting clause of IMG route path ? 3. How to perform Interest Calculation? 4. What is cross Company code transactions and how it is done? 5. What particulars are to be filled in T-code FBZP cash journal? 6. What is the difference between Save and Post ? It's may be for cross company code transaction. 3) in FBZP you have to config the automatic payment. 6) In SAP both are same. 5 )In FBZP, There are Six steps. All company codes Paying Company code

Payment method in country Payment method in company Housebank Bank determination In these steps, your define the company which is making payment, for which company(sister concrn in the group etc) it is paying, What is the minimum amount for receipts and payment, what is the bank balance available, what is the preferenc given between the banks for payment, etc. 6) If you want to enter the transaction in SAP FI but some details are pending(without which you can not enter the transaction) then you can save and park the document. after entering the required details you can post the transaction. Untill you post the transaction is in holding. If any one know that what is Enter Global Parameter could u plz explain me.. In entire global parameter u have to define all the variants about the company code. Global Parameters: You can make various global specifications for the company code. The global parameters consists of Chart of accounts Fiscal year Company code default. Entering Global parameters: Path: SPRO > IMG > Financial accounting> Financial global settings> Company code > Enter global parameters The following details can be selected: Negative Postings allowed Cash management activated Business area financial statements Propose fiscal year It aslo shows the details about : Company code, chart of accounts, currency, Financial management area, language, Fiscal year varienat etc Give me points if useful As per my knowledge whatever you create from the FI point of view it get automatically updated i.e. when you create Co Code, Chart of A/c etc and other things that are in Check box it has to chosen as per the requirement. So, after creating everything you can go to gobal parameter and check it for your knowledge The Below are new questions asked after 1 hour grilling in interview: 1> Basic Configuration to start posting entries in SAP. To give demo to the Client. 2> Accounting Entries in FI-SD process flow along with Tax entries, And CIN Tax entries if possible. 3> If we have given Advance Payment of 35 Rupees, and the total Invoice is 100 Rupees, Thru APP how we can clear the payments. What wuld be the posting entries and how much the APP will clear. 4> Is it possible to pay thru APP some payments by BANK and some Payments by Cheque. 5> Why sometimes SAP gives errors for some Document Number and very next Movement it can find the same document Number. Example. DocNumber1 is found. DocNumber2 is not Found. DocNumber3 is Found. And immediately we can find DocNumber2 also. Then why did sap gave error in finding DocNumber2 previously. As I know SAP does not archives single document. is this a database problem. 6> How are special GL A/c configured ?

how to integrate asset accounting with Fi Asset Accounting integration with Cost Accounting (CO) Postings to depreciation can be made through a cost object such as a cost center or internal order. Also, an asset can be assigned to a cost center, internal order, activity type, or a maintenance order

AA integration points and brief description of the information flow Materials Management - component directly to FI-AA Purchasing - an asset is purchased or produced in-house, directly post the invoice or goods receipt, or withdrawal from the warehouse, to assets Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) - pass on depreciation and interest directly from AA to these components Plant Maintenance - can settle maintenance activities that require capitalization to assets. Can you please explain me how the controlling module works, what is cost element and primary,secondary. how do we integrate with Controlling module? is for ur internal reporting. this is not a small topic. Controlling module having ur no of controlling elements like ur 1.Cost element accounting- Which explains about what types of cost ur company incurring. 2.Overhead Cost accounting- Which includes: (A) Cost center accounting. (B) Internal Order (C) Activity based accounting 3.Product costing 4.Profit center accounting. 5.Profitability analysis Cost element are carriers of cost. It is of 2types namely PRIMERY and SECONDARY. Primary cost element are those element which flows cost from FI to Co. And each PCE should have GL account in FI. Secondary cost elememt are responsible for cost flows within co. It does not need gl account. Integration within co occours when u post cost form FI to CO. 1) From the project preparation to the business blue print, realisation and go live you need to be there. that's called full life cycle. 2) the size of implementation. 3) How many FI/Co consultants involved in a project. 4) What is the responsibility of support consultants. 1) what is mean Functional specifications and can any body explain with some examples 2) what is cost element category 1. Functional Specifications are notthing but the specification by the client for Functionality in SAP, that means, client will specify how the process should be configured, say in APP functionality, client will specify which bank check to be paid, from which bank, and when the we have to opt for another bank etc., 2. cost Element categeory is same as Account Group in GL it has different specifications. couple of cost elements are grouped as a category. What are financial versions? financial versions are known as reporting tool. Financial versions are basically meant to represent & manifest the final account which includes:1)Profit & Loss 2)Balance Sheet 3)Trial Balance Financial versions help in extracting final accounts from the sap. financial versions is a reporting tool and can be used to depict the manner in which the final accounts like profit and loss a/c, b/s needs to be extracted from sap Please let me know, difference between, Configuration & customization. Configuration: we will configure the system to meet the needs of your business by using the existing data. Customizing: we will customise or adapt the system to your business requirement, which is the process of

mapping SAP to your business process. Realization phase, which the process of documentation of system and business requirements used for configuration. Could we pass this phase or go from blueprint to configuration without realization? Any clarification from Sap Guru? Why realization phase so important during implementation of a project? in Realization phase, actual customization is done, which can not be skipped. and ASAP methodology is designed in such a way to impliment a project smoothly and quickly. no phase can not be skipped. ASAP Methodology phases: 1. Project Preparation 2. Business Blueprint 3. Relization 4. Final Preparations 5. Go Live and Support Can someone tell me how to do the Business blueprinting in real. I know for this, we need the process scenario's, the process steps and we have to do the requirements gathering. But how do we actually do this requirements gathering and find the business process. From where do we know, what all questions to ask and what answers we need to prepare a blueprinting document. How to do the blueprinting practically and what all documents have to be prepared before doing the Configuration. ? There is a tool called QADB (Questions and Answers Database) u have to comple this before Blueprint. here u will get the answer about the client business process on this base we map these senarios to SAP and prepare the Blueprint, in this process GAP analisys has to done which take longer time Can anybody tell me about report writer/painter. ...?? it is a tool to create customized reports, maily these are used on the client/customers request for different purposes. what is the diff between the 4.7ee and 5.0 The following are new in 5.0 ECC New General Ledger with reduced total cost of ownership (Faster Close etc.) Profit Center Accounting is eliminated and is now part of New GL Cost of Sales accounting is now part of New GL Special Purpose Ledger is now part of New GL Reconciliation Ledger is eliminated and is now part of New GL Segment reporting What you like to know is if Assets could be posted to cost element? Fixed Asset itself is a separate module, were the cost of assets, accomulated depreciation and depreciation are seen against each of the assets classes. If you want to charge the depreciation to some cost center you could. This could be seen in the asset master record creation Tcode AS01. Asset class is linked to the Account determination which could be seen in the Chart of Accounts namely Assets GL and Accumulated GL and Expenses GL's. So Cost element in controlling has three levels of flow, Primary Cost element (GL from COA), Secondary Cost element Controlling to controlling) and Revenue cost element. I wanted to know, after configuration, how do u do the testing. What do we use to create the testing scenario's and what method we use to test each of the configuration done. Testing after configuration is typically can be classified into three. We do the configuration based on following the ASAP Methodology (steps in ASAP Methodology) . Testing is a part of the same. 1. Specific Module Wise testing - Say. FI Module and CO Module separately 2. Specific Transactional Scenario based testing. Eg: An employee is handling the Vendor accounts payable transactions. ..all end to end transactions will be tested like MIRO, Sending the material back to vendors, debit/credit notes, clearing advances etc.. A person handling bank transactions - creation of check lots using FCHI t.code, making advnace payments to vendors, accounting bank recpts..etc. 3. Integration Testing - This is the important aspect of configuration wherein cross functional team will be

doing the testing from all perspectives namely accounting, controlling, controls etc..and plugging the gaps if any. For Eg: Creation of PUrchase Order to Payment to vendor..which involves making GRN for the material recd - FI Entry will be passed. MIRO - FI entry will be passed Payments - FI entries will be passed..like this all scenarios will be tested thoroghly by consultants before it is offered I wanted to know, after configuration, how do u do the testing. What do we use to create the testing scenario's and what method we use to test each of the configuration done. Once the configuration is complete- 2 Types of testing are done. 1. Unit testing- Test scripts are prepared by consultants i.e Busines process>Tcode> Input Data>Output/ results> remarks. Once the results ok with out error, tetsing is considered passed. and if error exists testing RUN 02 will be conducted. 2. Module/Integration Testing. This test is conducted from SO > quotation>SO> DO>Billing> And payment & clearing. 1. what r the differences between 4.7ee and ecc 5.0? 2. Can we create Sub Groups in FI/CO Under Current Assets like salary advance, Advances for purchase of materials for staff if we can create how it is or is there other way to maintian sub groups? 3. what r the month end activites for a consultant which enduser cannot do? 4. what r the activites we have to do before just golive ? 5. what is a cenvat? can u explain abt it? Cenvat is a tax on manufacture. as soon as the goods are manufactured, the tax is leviedon the finished goods, and duty is charged therein in a register called Cenvat register.. Duty of cenvat has to be discharged through returns that have to be submitted each month. Duty thus discharged can be setoff against the input tax paid on inputs used for manufacture. Cenvat rules are guided by Cenvat Rules. 6. what is credit control management. how to do credit control how to evaluate foreign currency? 7. How to view trial balance how to prepare balance sheet how to carry forward balceces of G/L ACCOUNTS, VENDORS, CUSTOMERS AND FIXED ASSETS 8. what is the data associated while uploding data using lsmw? 9. what is withholding tax? when we use withholding tax? what are the procedure in steps for calculating tds.. 10. We had two controling areas with different Fiscal years. A year later we changed the FY so both Controlling areas now have same fiscal year. we want to get rid of one controlling area and bring all the company codes into one controlling area. What is the fastest and safest way to do it? 11. what is copa cycle ? For the periodic transfer of overhead to Profitability Analysis (CO-PA), start an assessment or an indirect activity allocation at the end of the month. This performs a Cycle or several cycles at once. These cycles contain the control information and can be maintained in Customizing in CO-PA. Cycles for period-based allocation are mainly used in overhead allocation (CO-OM) to allocate cost center costs to other cost centers or to other receiver objects in CO-OM. In the documentation for Cost Center Accounting (CO-OM-CCA), you can find detailed information about the scope of functions for using cycles. This section will concentrate on the special features for using cycles in CO-PA and includes references to the appropriate and more detailed sections in the CO-OM-CCA documentation 12. Wt is BDC..?? 13. With out invoice ceation can we delivery the stock to Customer. If Yes - How , What is the process. ( when the credit limit exceeds) 14. What is meant by Out Put Control? 15. How to run manual depreciation. .? 16. In APP, what is Evalute option? 17. What are the disadvantages of Business Area. 18. What is Born in sale?

Difference between ECC5.0 and ECC6.0 MEMORY------ ->in ECC5.0 we use only 100 to 110GB hard disk Space AND in case of ECC6.0 it occupies minimum 250GB space.(around 320GB include Dump)VERSION: ECC5.0------ ---->2004s ECC6.0------ ---->2005s DATABASE: ECC5.0 accept only Oracle 9i ECC6.0 accept Oracle 10g JAVA COMPONENTS: ECC5.0 has only one stack ECC6.0 we can install 4 EXPORT: ECC5.0 we can install only 8 stacks ECC6.0 we can install 12 stacks KNOWLEDGE: from ECC5.0 onwards we use Java stack that mean it is used as a NW version ECC6.0 also same. can any body tell me what is base line date and waht is the diff between baselinedate and due date BASELINE DATE: is the date use to determine the due date of the term. The base line date may be a posting date (or) document date (or) document entry date (or) number default date ( in case of number default date, you have to specify the base line date at the time of invoice posting) (or) fixed date in a month with some additional months. NET DUE DATE: is the date calculated by adding terms to the baseline date (Net due date = Baseline date + Terms). Base line date is the date from which terms and conditions of payment is applicable and due date depending on the terms of the payment Can any one help me, why we will enter Next payment date while executive Automatic Payment Program. This date is needed in order to check the due date of payables. If an item is already overdue on the date of the next payment run, or would lose cash discount, the system pays the item in this payment run. The general rule for receivables is that they cannot be paid until the baseline date for payment has been reached. Such items are paid on or after the baseline date for payment, regardless of when the next payment run is scheduled for. I am testing a Material Report in which the problem is as follows: Stock Report as per MC.9 tallies with the General Ledger, But I want to see the rate at which consumption is being booked. For that I am running the report-MB51 in which all the transactions with Qty and Value are coming, but the Quantity tallies with MC.9, but not the value. Is there such report in SAP which gives material account with the details like-Op stock, Receipts, Issues, Cl Stock, with both QTY and Value and this Qty and Value should tally with MC.9 which thereafter comes in General Ledger of that material. Also how to find out which GL Account for this materials consumption.

need to load GL Balances and Other Open Line Items. What are the best option I have and if you can show me steps to load data would be very helpful. Use LSMW and do recording for F-02. Also, if your company has some money you can try the WinShuttle product. Any documentation on how to develop business practices for SAP Payroll Module? Any documentation on how to develop business practices to reconcile postings to SAP FI MODULE.

What are the Daily/monthly checklists to be followed for postings reconciliation? What is the step by step for postings reconciliation? What are tools and reports used for posting reconciliation in SAPFICO? Plz provide suggestions for pre-audit business processes and sys checks to prevent incorrect postings? How I can transfer GL Accounts from Development to QA to Production? GL accounts can not be transported or transfered from one server to another, they have to be created in all the servers separately. or you can use LSMW for easy creation of GLs. configuration done for all modules and sd,mm,hr have uploaded data.. fico data to be uploaded so what steps should be prepared to see if all data uploaded correctly in their respective accounts, how to perform all transactions and check if accounts are in place when passing transactions and what all is required to check before going live ? Can anyone give an instance where you solved an issue through SAP OSS or by applying a patch from SAP? Could you pleas guide me where should I find this Q&Adb tool? In Implementations they are 3 types !) Solution Composer 2) Soplution Manager 3) ASAP Methodology SO now a days ASAP methodology, SOlution Manager using Blue Print involvement it is very critical role in ASAP methodology. U can analyze enter client business process and prepare one documentation. 2) That documentation once u discuss to client (senior persons) u tell to detail process to client. automaticaly client ask some questions. 3)Then ur team solve that questions. 4) It duration based on the client business process Can I know the implication of updating the rates using ksii on COPA reporting in the column of production CC which is a column in COPA P&L for our company. Try to release the SD billing documents to accounting using Tcode: VFX3. Please .. can anyone tell me which transaction update activity price by actual expenses in kp26 The transaction ksii allow us to update standard price activity with real price. I have to load master data for Customers and Vendors. What would be the best choice I should do and if you have any documentation, please let me know. can use lsmw for this . 1.U have to decide which t code u r using means fk01 & fd01 or xk01 or xd01. 2. First go to these tcode which u want to choose see what fields u want to enter . take those field in excel sheet with technical name add data for each field . 3. run lsmw while creating a billing document in VF01, the accounting document is not generating. I finished the settings for PCA and COPA. and also i gave the same sales account number in PCA. can you please clarrify urgently . Did u checked Account assignment ? 2.Did u checked Tax Condition types etc we have various acces sequence in taxprocedure like mwst/taxj, in these we have various tables, where we maintain these tables, i have checked it in m/04.v/04, its not there, any one having idea, pls reply.

What is the difference between customisation & configuration in SAP configuration : we will configure the system to meet the needs of your business by using the existing data. customisation : we will customize or adapt the system to your business requirements, which is the process of mapping SAP to your business process BUSINESS BLUPRINT (-) OPTION AVAILABLE IN SAP (=) GAP (IT IS CALLED GAP ANALYSIS) III VVV CUSTOMIZATION (=) CONFIGURATION (+) DEVELOPMET

Important FICO T code

Transaction Code SCC4 Define a currency at client level for Group Level Consolidation J1INPP Updation of Business Place and Section Code in Posted Invoices F-01 Enter Sample Document F-02 Enter G/L Account Posting F-03 Clear G/L Account F-04 Post with Clearing F-05 Post Foreign Currency Valuation F-06 Post Incoming Payments F-07 Post Outgoing Payments F-18 Payment with Printout F-19 Reverse Statistical Posting F-20 Reverse Bill Liability F-21 Enter Transfer Posting F-22 Enter Customer Invoice F-23 Return Bill of Exchange Pmt Request F-25 Reverse Check/Bill of Exch. F-26 Incoming Payments Fast Entry F-27 Enter Customer Credit Memo F-28 Post Incoming Payments F-29 Post Customer Down Payment F-30 Post with Clearing F-31 Post Outgoing Payments F-32 Clear Customer F-33 Post Bill of Exchange Usage F-34 Post Collection F-35 Post Forfaiting F-36 Bill of Exchange Payment F-37 Customer Down Payment Request F-38 Enter Statistical Posting F-39 Clear Customer Down Payment F-40 Bill of Exchange Payment F-41 Enter Vendor Credit Memo F-42 Enter Transfer Posting F-43 Enter Vendor Invoice F-44 Clear Vendor F-46 Reverse Refinancing Acceptance F-47 Down Payment Request F-48 Post Vendor Down Payment F-49 Customer Noted Item F-51 Post with Clearing F-52 Post Incoming Payments F-53 Post Outgoing Payments F-54 Clear Vendor Down Payment F-55 Enter Statistical Posting F-56 Reverse Statistical Posting F-57 Vendor Noted Item F-58 Payment with Printout F-59 Payment Request F-60 Maintain Table: Posting Periods

F-62 Maintain Table: Exchange Rates F-63 Park Vendor Invoice F-64 Park Customer Invoice F-65 Preliminary Posting F-66 Park Vendor Credit Memo F-67 Park Customer Credit Memo F-90 Acquisition from purchase w. vendor F-91 Asset acquis. to clearing account F-92 Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer F.01 ABAP/4 Report: Balance Sheet F.02 Compact Journal F.03 Reconciliation F.04 G/L: Create Foreign Trade Report F.05 Foreign Currency Val.: Open Items F.06 Foreign Currency Valuation:G/L Assts F.07 G/L: Balance Carried Forward F.08 G/L: Account Balances F.09 G/L: Account List F.0A G/L: FTR Report on Disk F.0B G/L: Create Z2 to Z4 F.10 G/L: Chart of Accounts F.11 G/L: General Ledger from Doc.File F.12 Advance Tax Return F.13 ABAP/4 Report: Automatic Clearing F.14 ABAP/4 Report: Recurring Entries F.15 ABAP/4 Report: List Recurr.Entries F.16 ABAP/4 Report: G/L Bal.Carried Fwd F.17 ABAP/4 Report: Cust.Bal.Confirmation F.18 ABAP/4 Report: Vend.Bal.Confirmation F.19 G/L: Goods/Invoice Received Clearing F.1A Customer/Vendor Statistics F.1B Head Office and Branch Index F.20 A/R: Account List F.21 A/R: Open Items F.22 A/R: Open Item Sorted List F.23 A/R: Account Balances F.24 A/R: Interest for Days Overdue F.25 Bill of Exchange List F.26 A/R: Balance Interest Calculation F.27 A/R: Periodic Account Statements F.28 Customers: Reset Credit Limit F.29 A/R: Set Up Info System 1 F.2A Calc.cust.int.on arr.: Post (w/o OI) F.2B Calc.cust.int.on arr.: Post(with OI) F.2C Calc.cust.int.on arr.: w/o postings F.2D Customrs: FI-SD mast.data comparison F.2E Reconciliation Btwn Affiliated Comps F.2F Management Acct Group Reconciliation F.2G Create Account Group Reconcil. G/L F.30 A/R: Evaluate Info System F.31 Credit Management - Overview F.32 Credit Management - Missing Data F.33 Credit Management - Brief Overview F.34 Credit Management - Mass Change F.35 Credit Master Sheet F.36 Adv.Ret.on Sls/Pur.Form Printout(DE) F.37 Adv.rept.tx sls/purch.form print (BE F.38 Transfer Posting of Deferred Tax F.39 C FI Maint. table T042Z (BillExcTyp) F.40 A/P: Account List F.41 A/P: Open Items F.42 A/P: Account Balances

F.44 A/P: Balance Interest Calculation F.45 A/P: Set Up Info System 1 F.46 A/P: Evaluate Info System F.47 Vendors: calc.of interest on arrears F.48 Vendors: FI-MM mast.data comparison F.4A Calc.vend.int.on arr.: Post (w/o OI) F.4B Calc.vend.int.on arr.: Post(with OI) F.4C Calc.vend.int.on arr.: w/o postings F.50 G/L: Profitability Segment Adjustmnt F.51 G/L: Open Items F.52 G/L: Acct Bal.Interest Calculation F.53 G/L: Account Assignment Manual F.54 G/L: Structured Account Balances F.56 Delete Recurring Document F.57 G/L: Delete Sample Documents F.58 OI Bal.Audit Trail: fr.Document File F.59 Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Create Extract F.5A Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Eval.Extract F.5B Accum.OI Aud.Trail: Create Extract F.5C Accum.OI Audit Trail: Display Extr. F.5D G/L: Update Bal. Sheet Adjustment F.5E G/L: Post Balance Sheet Adjustment F.5F G/L: Balance Sheet Adjustment Log F.5G G/L: Subseq.Adjustment(BA/PC) Sp.ErA F.5I G/L: Adv.Rep.f.Tx on Sls/Purch.w.Jur F.61 Correspondence: Print Requests F.62 Correspondence: Print Int.Documents F.63 Correspondence: Delete Requests F.64 Correspondence: Maintain Requests F.65 Correspondence: Print Letters (Cust) F.66 Correspondence: Print Letters (Vend) F.70 Bill/Exchange Pmnt Request Dunning F.71 DME with Disk: B/Excha. Presentation F.75 Extended Bill/Exchange Information F.77 C FI Maintain Table T045D F.78 C FI Maintain Table T045B F.79 C FI Maintain Table T045G F.80 Mass Reversal of Documents F.81 Reverse Posting for Accr./Defer.Docs F.90 C FI Maintain Table T045F F.91 C FI Maintain Table T045L F.92 C FI Maintain T012K (Bill/Exch.) F.93 Maintain Bill Liability and Rem.Risk F.97 General Ledger: Report Selection F.98 Vendors: Report Selection F.99 Customers: Report Selection F/LA Create Pricing Report F/LB Change pricing reports F/LC Display pricing reports F/LD Execute pricing reports F00 SAPoffice: Short Message F000 Accounting F010 ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change F01N Debit position RA single reversal F01O Vacancy RU single reversal F01P Accruals/deferrals single reversal F01Q Debit position MC single reversal F01R MC settlement single reversal F01S Reverse Periodic Posting F01T Reverse Acc./Def. General Contract F040 Reorganization F041 Bank Master Data Archiving

F042 G/L Accounts Archiving F043 Customer Archiving F044 Vendor Archiving F045 Document Archiving F046 Transaction Figures Archiving F101 ABAP/4 Reporting: Balance Sheet Adj. F103 ABAP/4 Reporting: Transfer Receivbls F104 ABAP/4 Reporting: Receivbls Provisn F107 FI Valuation Run F110 Parameters for Automatic Payment F111 Parameters for Payment of PRequest F13E ABAP/4 Report: Automatic Clearing F150 Dunning Run F48A Document Archiving F53A Archiving of G/L Accounts F53V Management of G/L Account Archives F56A Customer Archiving F58A Archiving of Vendors F61A Bank archiving F64A Transaction Figure Archiving F66A Archiving of Bank Data Storage F8+0 Display FI Main Role Definition F8+1 Maintain FI Main Role Definition F8+2 Display FI Amount Groups F8+3 Maintain FI Amount Groups F8B4 C FI Maintain Table TBKDC F8B6N C FI Maintain Table TBKPV F8BC C FI Maintain Table TBKFK F8BF C FI Maintain Table T042Y F8BG Maintain Global Data for F111 F8BH Inconsistencies T042I and T042Y F8BJ Maintain Clearing Accts (Rec.Bank) F8BK Maintain ALE-Compatible Pmnt Methods F8BM Maintain numb.range: Payment request F8BN Corr.Acctg Documents Payment Block F8BO Payment request archiving F8BR Levels for Payment Requests F8BS Detail display of payment requests F8BT Display Payment Requests F8BU Create payment runs automatically F8BV Reversal of Bank-to-Bank Transfers F8BW Reset Cleared Items: Payt Requests F8BZ F111 Customizing F8XX Payment Request No. Ranges KI3-F8BM FA39 Call up report with report variant FAKA Config.: Show Display Format FAKP Config.: Maintain Display Format FAR1 S FI-ARI Maint. table T061A FARA S FI-ARI Maint. table T061P/Q FARB C FI-ARI Maint. table T061R FARI AR Interface: Third-party applicatns FARY Table T061S FARZ Table T061V FAX1 BC sample SAP DE 2.1 FAX2 BC sample 2 SAP DE 2.1 FB00 Accounting Editing Options FB01 Post Document FB02 Change Document FB03 Display Document FB03Z Display Document/Payment Usage FB04 Document Changes FB05 Post with Clearing

FB05_OLD Post with clearing FB07 Control Totals FB08 Reverse Document FB09 Change Line Items FB10 Invoice/Credit Fast Entry FB11 Post Held Document FB12 Request from Correspondence FB13 Release for Payments FB1D Clear Customer FB1K Clear Vendor FB1S Clear G/L Account FB21 Enter Statistical Posting FB22 Reverse Statistical Posting FB31 Enter Noted Item FB41 Post Tax Payable FB50 G/L Acct Pstg: Single Screen Trans. FB60 Enter Incoming Invoices FB65 Enter Incoming Credit Memos FB70 Enter Outgoing Invoices FB75 Enter Outgoing Credit Memos FB99 Check if Documents can be Archived FBA1 Customer Down Payment Request FBA2 Post Customer Down Payment FBA3 Clear Customer Down Payment FBA6 Vendor Down Payment Request FBA7 Post Vendor Down Payment FBA7_OLD Post Vendor Down Payment FBA8 Clear Vendor Down Payment FBA8_OLD Clear Vendor Down Payment FBB1 Post Foreign Currency Valn FBBA Display Acct Determination Config. FBBP Maintain Acct Determination Config. FBCJ Cash Journal FBCJC0 C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_C_JOURNALS FBCJC1 Cash Journal Document Number Range FBCJC2 C FI Maint. Tables TCJ_TRANSACTIONS FBCJC3 C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_PRINT FBCOPY Copy Function Module FBD1 Enter Recurring Entry FBD2 Change Recurring Entry FBD3 Display Recurring Entry FBD4 Display Recurring Entry Changes FBD5 Realize Recurring Entry FBD9 Enter Recurring Entry FBDF Menu Banque de France FBE1 Create Payment Advice FBE2 Change Payment Advice FBE3 Display Payment Advice FBE6 Delete Payment Advice FBE7 Add to Payment Advice Account FBF1 C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind. FBF2 Financial Transactions FBF3 Control Report FBF4 Download Documents FBF5 Reports Minus Vendor Accounts FBF6 Document Changes FBF7 C80 Reports Minus Sp.G/L Ind. FBF8 C84 Reports FBFT Customizing BDF FBIPU Maintain bank chains for partner FBKA Display Accounting Configuration FBKF FBKP/Carry Out Function (Internal)

FBKP Maintain Accounting Configuration FBL1 Display Vendor Line Items FBL1N Vendor Line Items FBL2 Change Vendor Line Items FBL2N Vendor Line Items FBL3 Display G/L Account Line Items FBL3N G/L Account Line Items FBL4 Change G/L Account Line Items FBL4N G/L Account Line Items FBL5 Display Customer Line Items FBL5N Customer Line Items FBL6 Change Customer Line Items FBL6N Customer Line Items FBM1 Enter Sample Document FBM2 Change Sample Document FBM3 Display Sample Document FBM4 Display Sample Document Changes FBMA Display Dunning Procedure FBME Banks FBMP Maintain Dunning Procedure FBN1 Accounting Document Number Ranges FBN2 Number Range Maintenance: FI_PYORD FBP1 Enter Payment Request FBR1 Post with Reference Document FBR2 Post Document FBRA Reset Cleared Items FBRC Reset Cleared Items (Payment Cards) FBS1 Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc. FBTA Display Text Determin.Configuration FBTP Maintain Text Determin.Configuration FBU2 Change Intercompany Document FBU3 Display Intercompany Document FBU8 Reverse Cross-Company Code Document FBV0 Post Parked Document FBV1 Park Document FBV2 Change Parked Document FBV3 Display Parked Document FBV4 Change Parked Document (Header) FBV5 Document Changes of Parked Documents FBV6 Parked Document $ FBVB Post Parked Document FBW1 Enter Bill of Exchange Pmnt Request FBW2 Post Bill of Exch.acc.to Pmt Request FBW3 Post Bill of Exchange Usage FBW4 Reverse Bill Liability FBW5 Customer Check/Bill of Exchange FBW6 Vendor Check/Bill of Exchange FBW7 Bank file to file system (for FBWD) FBW8 File to Bank (for Transaction FBWD) FBW9 C FI Maintain Table T045DTA FBWA C FI Maintain Table T046a FBWD Returned Bills of Exchange Payable FBWD2 Parameter Transaction for FBWD FBWE Bill/Exch.Presentatn - International FBWQ C FI Maintain Table T045T FBWR C FI Maintain Table T045W FBWS C FI Maintain Table T046s FBZ0 Display/Edit Payment Proposal FBZ1 Post Incoming Payments FBZ2 Post Outgoing Payments FBZ3 Incoming Payments Fast Entry FBZ4 Payment with Printout

FBZ5 Print Check For Payment Document FBZ8 Display Payment Run FBZA Display Pmnt Program Configuration FBZG Failed Customer Payments FBZP Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration FC10 Financial Statements Comparison FC11 Data Extract for FI Transfer FC80 Document C80 FC82 Document C82 FCAA Check Archiving FCC1 Payment Cards: Settlement FCC2 Payment Cards: Repeat Settlement FCC3 Payment Cards: Delete Logs FCC4 Payment Cards: Display Logs FCCR Payment Card Evaluations FCH1 Display Check Information FCH2 Display Payment Document Checks FCH3 Void Checks FCH4 Renumber Checks FCH5 Create Check Information FCH6 Change Check Information/Cash Check FCH7 Reprint Check FCH8 Reverse Check Payment FCH9 Void Issued Check FCHA Check archiving FCHB Check retrieval FCHD Delete Payment Run Check Information FCHE Delete Voided Checks FCHF Delete Manual Checks FCHG Delete cashing/extract data FCHI Check Lots FCHK Check Tracing Initial Menu FCHN Check Register FCHR Online Cashed Checks FCHT Change check/payment allocation FCHU Create Reference for Check FCHV C FI Maintain Table TVOID FCHX Check Extract - Creation FCIWCU BW Customizing for CS FCIWD00 Download InfoObject text FCIWD10 Download InfoObject hierarchies FCKR International cashed checks FCMM C FI Preparations for consolidation FCMN FI Initial Consolidation Menu FCV1 Create A/R Summary FCV2 Delete A/R Summary FCV3 Early Warning List FC_BW_BEX Business Explorer Analyser FC_BW_RSA1 BW Administrator Workbench FC_BW_RSZDELETE Delete BW Query Objects FC_BW_RSZV Maintain BW Variables FD-1 Number range maintenance: FVVD_RANL FD01 Create Customer (Accounting) FD02 Change Customer (Accounting) FD02CORE Maintain customer FD03 Display Customer (Accounting) FD04 Customer Changes (Accounting) FD05 Block Customer (Accounting) FD06 Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng) FD08 Confirm Customer Individually(Actng) FD09 Confirm Customer List (Accounting) FD10 Customer Account Balance

FD10N Customer Balance Display FD10NA Customer Bal. Display with Worklist FD11 Customer Account Analysis FD15 Transfer customer changes: send FD16 Transfer customer changes: receive FD24 Credit Limit Changes FD32 Change Customer Credit Management FD33 Display Customer Credit Management FD37 Credit Management Mass Change FDCU Loans customizing menu FDFD Cash Management Implementation Tool FDI0 Execute Report FDI1 Create Report FDI2 Change Report FDI3 Display Report FDI4 Create Form FDI5 Change Form FDI6 Display Form FDIB Background Processing FDIC Maintain Currency Translation Type FDIK Maintain Key Figures FDIM Report Monitor FDIO Transport Reports FDIP Transport Forms FDIQ Import Reports from Client 000 FDIR Import Forms from Client 000 FDIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report FDIV Maintain Global Variable FDIX Reorganize Drilldown Reports FDIY Reorganize Report Data FDIZ Reorganize Forms FDK43 Credit Management - Master Data List FDMN FDOO Borrower's notes order overview FDTA TemSe/REGUT Data Administration FDTT Treasury Data Medium Administration FEBA Postprocess Electronic Bank Statmt FEBC Generate Multicash format FEBMSG Display Internet Messages FEBOAS Request Account Statement via OFX FEBOFX OFX Functions FEBP Post Electronic Bank Statement FEBSTS Search String Search Simulation FESR Importing of POR File (Switzerland) FEUB Adjust VIBEPP after EURO conversion FEUI Real Estate Implementation Guide FF$3 Send planning data to central system FF$4 Retrieve planning data FF$5 Retrieve transmission results FF$6 Check settings FF$7 Check all external systems FF$A Maintain TR-CM subsystems FF$B Convert Planning Group FF$C Convert planning level FF$D Convert business areas FF$L Display transmission information FF$S Display transmission information FF$X Configure the central TR-CM system FF-1 Outstanding Checks FF-2 Outstanding Bills of Exchange FF-3 Cash Management Summary Records FF-4 CMF Data In Accounting Documents

FF-5 CMF Records fr.Materials Management FF-6 CMF Records from Sales FF-7 Forecast Item Journal FF-8 Payment Advice Journal FF-9 Journal FF.1 Standard G/L Account Interest Scale FF.3 G/L Account Cashed Checks FF.4 Vendor Cashed Checks FF.5 Import Electronic Bank Statement FF.6 Display Electronic Bank Statement FF.7 Payment Advice Comparison FF.8 Print Payment Orders FF.9 Post Payment Orders FF.D Generate payt req. from advices FF/1 Compare Bank Terms FF/2 Compare value date FF/3 Archive advices from bank statements FF/4 Import electronic check deposit list FF/5 Post electronic check deposit list FF/6 Deposit/loan mgmt analysis/posting FF/7 Deposit/loan management int accruals FF/8 Import Bank Statement into Cash Mgmt FF/9 Compare Advices with Bank Statement FF63 Create Planning Memo Record FF65 List of Cash Management Memo Records FF67 Manual Bank Statement FF68 Manual Check Deposit Transaction FF6A Edit Cash Mgmt Pos Payment Advices FF6B Edit liquidity forecast planned item FF70 Cash Mgmt Posit./Liquidity Forecast FF71 Cash Position FF72 Liquidity forecast FF73 Cash Concentration FF74 Use Program to Access Cash Concntn FF7A Cash Position FF7B Liquidity forecast FF:1 Maintain exchange rates FFB4 Import electronic check deposit list FFB5 Post electronic check deposit list FFL_OLD Display Transmission Information FFS_OLD Display Transmission Information FFTL Telephone list FFW1 Wire Authorization FFWR Post Payment Requests from Advice FFWR_REQUESTS Create Payment Requests from Advice FF_1 Standard G/L Account Interest Scale FF_3 G/L Account Cashed Checks FF_4 Vendor Cashed Checks FF_5 Import Electronic Bank Statement FF_6 Display Electronic Bank Statement OY17 Check country fields EWCF Confirmation of Euro Currency Customizing OAAR Change the Closure of Depreciation Area for a Fiscal Year OAAQ Change/Remove Year End Closing for Company Code OBA7 Edit Document Type FAGLL03 Display of GL Line Items ABT1N Intercompany Asset Transfer AO75 Define FI-AA Transaction Types AO76 Define FI-AA Transaction Types ABUMN Transfer of Assets within Company Code ABAON Asset Sale without customer FTXP Maintainence of Tax Codes

AW01N Asset Explorer

Finance Transactions Master Data: G/L--01.1 Creating / maintain a G/L Account - FS01 Displaying a G/L Account - FS03 Mark a G/L Account for Deletion - FS06 General Ledger: Posting--01.2 Display G/L Account Balances - FS10 Display G/L Account Line Items - FBL3N Updating G/L Posting Periods - F-60 Posting to a G/L Account - F-02 Process recurring documents - F.14 Intercompany Process--01.3 Clearing Intercompany Receivables - FBZ1 Clearing Intercompany Payables - FBZ2 Month-End Close Activity--02.1 Month end accruals - FBS1 Creating Sample Document Transactions - FBR2 Preparing Data--02.3 Generating the Compact Journal Report - F.02 Posting/Reversing assesment - KSU5 Revaluing Open Items - F.05 Revaluing FC Managed Accounts - F.06 Maintaining Currency Rates - SM30 Finance Reporting/Verification--02.4 Reconciling FI-GLX - GCAC Working with the Income Statement - GR55 Working with the Balance Sheet - GR55 YEAR-END CLOSE Maintaining Fiscal Calendars - 0B29 Performing Asset Accounting Fiscal Year End Closing - AJAB Performing Asset Accounting Fiscal Year End Change - AJRW Carrying Forward Balances - F.07 Carrying Forward G/L Account Balances - F.16 Carrying Forward GLX Account Balances - FYTR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - 04 Pre-Close A/P--04.1 Generate AP report - F.41 Non-PO Related Invoice--04.2 Handling vendor inquiries - FK10 Processing an Invoice - F-43 Displaying check register report - FCHN Canceling Payment - FCH8 Processing a Credit Memo - F-41 Non-Inventory Procurement--04.3 Posting Manual Payments - FBZ2 Processing a Credit Memo - MRHG

Responding to Mail from Purchasing - S001 Releasing Blocked Invoices Automatically - MR02 ASSET MANAGEMENT--05 Master Data--05.1 Creating an Asset Master - AS01 Maintaining an Asset Master - AS02 Displaying an Asset Master - AS03 Creating the Distribution for Asset Settlement - AIAB Displaying Asset Values - AW01 Blocking or Deleting an Asset - AS05/AS06 Displaying Asset Master Changes - AS04 Capital Asset Retirement--05.2 ABA0 Acquire Fixed Asset--05.3 Acquisition Posting - ABZO Posting an Intercompany Asset Acquisition - AB01 Posting: Reversing Settlement of AUC - AIST Maintain Fixed Asset Control Data--05.4 Asset Transfer - ABUM Periodic Processing--05.5 Posting Depreciation - AFAB COST CENTER ACCOUNTING--07 Cost Centers: Master Data--07.1 Displaying Standard Hierarchy - OKEO Creating/Maintaining Cost Center Group - KSH1/KSH2 Displaying a Cost Center Group or Alternate Hierarchy - KSH3 Creating a Cost Center - KS01 Deleting a Cost Center - KS04 Creating/Maintaining Automatic Account Assignments - OKB9 Generating the Cost Center Master Data Report - OKW8 Cost Elements: Master Data--07.2 Create/ maintain cost elements - KA01 Creating/Maintaining Cost Element Groups - KAH1/KAH2 Cost Centers: Allocations--07.3 Create/Maintain an Assessment Cycle, Segment & Tracing Factor - KSU1 Cost Centers: Reporting--07.4 Displaying Cost Center Actual Line Items - KSB1 Displaying Cost Center Commitment Line Items - KSB2 Displaying CO Document: Single-Line Item - KSB5 Displaying CO Document: Selection - KALR INTERNAL ORDERS--08 Creating an Internal Order - K001 Creating Internal Order Groups - K0H1 Running a Report from Report Selec

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