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nussbaum: China, India, mexico, and Brazil embrace design Thinking

If youre a business or an NGO with an operation in Asia or Latin America, where do you go when you want some serious local design thinking? You might start by calling my colleague and friend Carlos Teixeira, a Brazilian-born assistant professor at the School of Design Strategies, in Parsons, the New School for Design. Carlos has a Ph.D in design from the Institute of Design at Illinois Institute of Technology, one of the leading intellectual centers for design thinking in the world. Carlos heads a research lab called the Design Knowledge Networks Lab and hes the only guy whos tracking the growing network of locally-owned innovation consultancies in emerging markets that do strategy using design thinking. If I were visualizing Carlos network, I would begin by putting Patrick Whitney, the extraordinary director of the Institute of Design, near the center. He created the first Ph.D in design program in the U.S. and Patricks students are populating corporations and innovation consultancies around the globe. Carlos knows many of them. They are direct founders and major players in Mexicos Insitum and Brazils GadInnovation. Insitums founder Luis Amal worked at the Doblin Group and E-Lab before setting up his own company in Mexico. Our approach to design has been to position it as a key business ingredient, not selling design per se, but selling it under other names, such as: innovation consulting; market strategy; user understanding/market research; strategic planning; forecasting, says Amal. Design thinking may have begun as a Western concept but a reverse flow of concepts is just a matter of time. Next to Patrick I would put Carlos himself because he is speeding the transfer of design thinking expertise by building his own network called NODES. U.S.-based innovation firms rarely talk to one another, much less exchange knowledge. Of course, theyre all competing in pretty much the same space. But Ive often wondered what brilliance might emerge from a dinner table that included Tim, Sohrab, Dev, Harry, Davin and Doreen, the heads of IDEO, ZIBA, JUMP, Continuum, Smart and Frog. While thats not going to happen here in the U.S., it is already happening in NODES. Carlos says that NODES is a network of design experts connecting global design expertise with local design needs. His goal is to disseminate global design best practice to local business leaders and design professionals. So far, NODES connects Parsons to Idiom Design and Consulting, a key design thinking-based consultancy in India. Idiom founder Sonia Manchanda is a close friend of Carlos and recently helped launch SPREAD to spread the word of design thinking in her country. Heres what the Idiom Web site says about it: SPREAD was hence born as the design outreach program of Idiom. Since its induction three years ago SPREAD has successfully worked with various institutions and business houses conducting workshops, seminar programs and lectures to make design a weapon to transform and grow our economy and to better plan our lives and environment. SPREAD makes design thinking, tools and processes accessible to design and business students, practitioners and even school children. Today, along the NODES network, one can see the thinking between the Parsons design knowledge network lab and Idioms SPREAD project. As NODES expands to other consultancies and schools, Carlos expects increasing knowledge to flow South to South among consultancies in Asia, Latin America and Africa as well as between South to North. Business is beginning to follow. European and U.S. cor-porations are increasingly using local innovation consultancies for their local business. And other emerging market countries are starting to hire consultancies schooled in design thinking. Idiom was recently hired by companies in Sri Lanka who have heard of its strategic design capabilities and Brazil- based Crama has new business in Angola for the same reason. Mexico-based Insitum has opened offices in the U.S., Brazil and Colombia, and works in Canada.

Creative businesses take centre stage

4 nOV, 2011 - THe eCOnOmIC TImeS
Indias creative industries, seen more as a symbolic representation of the countrys cultural identity and diversity, are fast emerging as potent contributors to business growth.

The industry, as a whole, hasnt gotten much attention from the venture capital players so far. But the creative industry has to play a more prominent role as well. We have to ensure greater awareness of disruptive new ideas and innovation, Idioms manchanda said.

The creative economy, which straddles a wide range of goods and services from arts and crafts to audio visuals, design, performing arts, is seeing huge growth in specific sectors such as media and entertainment, which is expected to reach Rs 738 billion in 2011, up from 652 billion in 2010, according to a FICCI-KPMG report released earlier this year. The textile and apparel industry, of which the countrys fashion industry is an integral part, is expected to contribute 5% to Indias GDP and 20% to the countrys total export earnings, according to data sourced from Technopak. The notion that creativity can have an absolute value is yet to be seriously considered in India. In fact, innovation has an impact on everything we do and on every industry, from automobiles to communications, said Sonia Manchanda, who leads one of Indias largest integrated design practices, Idiom Designs. As the entire focus in a creative venture is on the individuals creativity, the larger public tends to ignore the business side of the enterprise, said Rwituja Gomes Mookherjee, British Councils Head of Creative Economy for India and Sri Lanka. A business that can be easily translated into numbers and figures, which is not possible in a creative venture, is more easily understood by people, she added. As creative start-ups mushroom across Indias services sector, the country has an opportunity to improve its ranking of fifth among developing nations, in the export of visual arts, well below its Asian neighbours, China and Singapore, according to an UNCTAD report. However, creative entrepreneurs in India are yet to scale the heights of their western counterparts. Barring Idiom Designs, which has had Kishore Biyanis Future Group investing in it, and Foley Designs, in which Technopak pumped in money, few ventures in the creative segment have been able to raise risk capital, which, according to entrepreneurs, is a prerequisite for achieving scale. The industry, as a whole, hasnt gotten much attention from the venture capital players so far. But the creative industry has to play a more prominent role as well. We have to ensure greater awareness of disruptive new ideas and innovation, Idioms Manchanda said. India Emerging profiles upcoming entrepreneurs who are making a mark in some of the creative industries. Publishing Cinnamon Teal, a Goa-based venture that works with authors to self-publish their work, originated as an online bookstore for used books. Founded by Leonard Fernandes and his wife Queenie Fernandes, Cinnamon Teal was launched in August 2007, as they received a number of queries from wannabe authors. Cinnamon Teal offers end-to-end publishing services, including pre-publishing editing, proof reading, cover design and the actual printing. Leonard said authors opt to self-publish when they want complete control over the publishing process. The author has the final say and all rights rest with him, unlike in a normal publishing house where the rights are with the publisher, said Leonard. Cinnamon Teal charges a fixed fee per service provided, which can range from 85 per page edited to 5,000 for the cover design, and has published the works of almost 200 individual authors, many of them from abroad. They have also ventured out into publishing vernacular works and e-books. Leonard wants Cinnamon Teal to continue to be a boutique publishing house so he can take up interesting projects such as the one he did recently for Londons School of Oriental and African Studies, where he digitised a Portuguese text on Catholic Teachings that was published in Goa in the 1600s.

CHanGe WaS deSIGned

It was predicted that we, the people, could really move mountains in the year 2011. It was our year, when like-minded people could come together and accomplish great things... provided those who were willing to put in hard work and dedication. Mountains, we did move. As nations, networks and people we actively sought change, accomplished a lot... across the world. From unrest leading to the beginning of a new order in the Middle East, to confronting challenges posed by the Euro crisis. From the end of the Osama chapter to the beginning of the Occupy movements seen across the world. Closer home, the Jan Lok Pal and the various scams that rocked India, asked searching questions of the very establishments we were all part of creating. Yes! All of us were made to recognize that change at a deeper level was not only an imperative but a distinct possibility. At a microcosmic level, we at Idiom too were expected to become the change that we were seeking. The year began, ironically for us on 1/11/11, with flagging off the DREAM:IN initiative. An attempt to demonstrate that we do not necessarily have to make products smaller, when we can make aspirations larger. Needs need not be the starting point for innovation and creation. Why not begin with something larger, dreams for example? The idea resounded not only in India, but in various parts of the world. Leaving us no choice but to live up to the expectations we had created. One thing led to another: new projects, events, workshops, initiatives and new platforms for co-creation. So much so that, we would like to believe that actually the era of the creative economy and creative business began in the year 2011. Thanks to the support we got for our ideas, for our design practice, for the initiatives we launched, we found quite a few champions not only in India but across latitudes and longitudes. People who believe that design can be actively deployed to create new value and lasting change.

THe Year

So far, nOdeS connects Parsons to Idiom design and Consulting, a key design thinking-based consultancy in India. Idiom founder Sonia manchanda is a close friend of Carlos and recently helped launch SPread to spread the word of design thinking in her country. Heres what the Idiom Web site says about it: SPread was hence born as the design outreach program of Idiom. Since its induction three years ago SPread has successfully worked with various institutions and business houses conducting workshops, seminar programs and lectures to make design a weapon to transform and grow our economy and to better plan our lives and environment. SPread makes design thinking, tools and processes accessible to design and business students, practitioners and even school children.

The notion that creativity can have an absolute value is yet to be seriously considered in India. In fact, innovation has an impact on everything we do and on every industry, from automobiles to communications, said Sonia manchanda, who leads one of Indias largest integrated design practices, Idiom designs.

Idiom was recently hired by companies in Sri Lanka who have heard of its strategic design capabilities.

dO THe neW
A host of new challenges, projects across categories from our traditional believers, i.e. Future Group and Manipal, to many more entrepreneurs and businesses wanting to make a big difference

OPen IdIOm
It was also the year when Idiom opened its doors to doing its bit by giving space, resources besides actively participating in meaningful interventions anchored by other like-minded organizations.

We are PrIVILeGed IdIOm WOrLdWIde dream:In

We are indeed privileged that we got the opportunity to host many a dignitary, visionary, business and thought leader in the year. 2011 saw acceptance for our brand of thought design as the beginning of design actually becoming a potent, inclusive socio-economic force. An idea and a initiative incubated at Idiom, spreading across the world, which we hope will create a new wave of thought and action, a new stream of consciousness. dreamrun



dO THe

new challenges, new opportunities, new projects, new businesses, new clients...we found many believers in the idea that design can transform.

TVS: Idiom developed TVS motor companys new corporate identity, retail outlets and designed their stall at the 2010 and the 2012 Auto Expo.

Products by Idiom
The Indian market is flooded with home products that are designed for, and from the perspective of a western lifestyle. There are ways in which the lifestyle of a typical middle class Indian is worlds away from their counterparts in other countries. Habit is a brand that will encompass a line of products shaped by, and with the potential to re-shape the Indian habit.

HIFI: Healthy India. Fit India. Design of gyms for the young and emerging India. Rallying every Indian towards health and fitness, making it an integral part of their lives. It was designed not just as a brand, but as a movement to get India fit and healthy.



Head and HearT: Preparing an organization that is set to diversify and expand its horizons. An organization where logic and emotion,
science and art, head and heart are designed to blend effortlessly while creating living spaces, learning spaces and new age agri-ventures.

daLmIa: This 75 year old brand got a fresh new perspective, a fresh new look and a dynamic, youthful identity representative of new India.

OI: Design of a future ready play school where learning is interactive, instinctive and allows children to discover the real world as opposed to
instructive learning.

Because companies/brands are living organisms... are connections, relationships, beliefs, promises, cultures. LIVE BRANDSTM is our way of partnering with companies to create exponential growth paths for companies/ brands... a process that starts from WITHIN.
3m Car Care: Cars have become a big business in India... this is the first organized attempt at Car Care. Idiom helped 3M Car Care create a retail brand in this space.



The Future Group like always, kept innovating, kept creating, kept us designing, kept us really busy.

FuTure GrOuP OFFICe: Simplicity and disproportionate growth are realised at our stores, which to us are our temples, while consumer is our god. This thought was brought alive as ART in this 175,000 sft
Future Group office.

HOme TOWn: Home Town 2.0 was designed as a space that displayed, simulated, prototyped and brought alive the homemaking experience.

FaSHIOn @ BIG BaZaar: Conceptualized as a section within Big Bazaar, FBB is now a standalone concept offering affordable fashion to the youth of India.



FuTure LearnInG: Design for an organization that delivers organizational solutions, leadership training, skill training and higher education.

FuTure VenTureS: Birds fly together! So why are entrepreneurs expected to make that flight alone? The refreshed Future Ventures identity, positioning and communication design promised a lot more than capital to help realise the Great Indian Entrepreneurial Dream. It went on to vividly demonstrate how this group of people actually mentored entrepreneurs by designing an organization, a platform, processes and systems that helped catalyze business success.

KBS FaIr PrICe: Design to revive the idea of the fair price shop that reaches out to a larger India, the real India.

FuTure GrOuP annuaL rePOrT: Reflecting the spirit of the Youth of India. YouthInc the concept for this years FG annual report




education and healthcare have a bright future. One of our oldest clients and the pioneer of private education in India made us an integral part of their ambitious future.

manIPaL GLOBaL: Idiom helped Manipal Global to step into the future as Manipals national and international education service corporation.

manIPaL HOSPITaLS: Life is only a positive affirmation of societal well being. Designing the brand and creating its future road map.



marena: Through environmental graphics and visual merchandize Idiom helped create a landmark and one of Asias largest indoor sports complexes.

manIPaL unIVerSITY duBaI: Idiom used environmental graphics, signage and visual merchandising to blend into the local culture of Dubai...yet keeping its global spirit alive

m1: M1 is the first batch of students of Manipal University. Idiom helped them in branding and conducted M1s first launch communication in Jaipur.





Leaders Quest brought the senior team from Daimler AG down to India on an innovation quest. Their objective was to take away methodologies, examples & inspiration for innovation from India. They were hosted by DREAM:IN on their first day in India. The theme for the day was Mobility and the event was called Dreams in Motion. The leaders from Daimler went out DreamCatching on the Bangalore metro, presented the Dreams to the audience back at the DREAM:IN Center, learned about the DREAM:IN Methodology and even shared their own dreams. To learn more about Leaders Quest, log on to


An interaction was organised for members of ADI to interact with a team from Technical University Delft for inputs on INDEED, a report that TUDelft later presented to Sam Pitroda on perspectives for INdian DEsign EDucation.

OPen IdIOm

India@75, marico Foundation, Leaders Quest, alchemix amongst others chose to involve us in their initiatives, use our space... our resources. In the process they helped us to learn and contribute to meaningful interventions that lie outside our business.


marICO InnOVaTIOn FOundaTIOn

An interactive session with Dr Paul Polak - an expert on development issues, founder of International Development Enterprises, author of Out of Poverty, Curator of Design for the other 90% at the Cooper Hewitt Museum, and Chairman & CEO of Windhorse International which Idiom partners in Spring Health Water, a project recently launched in India.

On August 10, 2011 the Marico Innovation Foundation, along with Innovation Alchemy organised a series of Innovation Practitioner Sessions on, Innovation for India Challengers, Opportunities and Potential. The Bangalore session was co-hosted by Idiom / DREAM:IN and held in the DREAM:IN Center. This session brought together people such as Laura Parkin, CRO & Co-Founder of the National Entrepreneurship Network, K Ganesh, Founder of Tutor Vista, Rajendra Lagu, Intel Innovations Manager , Sonia Manchanda, Co-founder DREAM:IN and Idiom, and many more.


ranGaSHanKara WOrKSHOP

IdiomLive collaborated with Chaap and organised a Screen Printing Workshop at the Dream:In Center on 30th of July, 2011. Everyone tried their hands at drawing, exposing screens and experimenting with different printing methods on paper and cloth.

In June, Spread conducted a workshop for children between the ages of 6-11 in association with Rangashankara. The objective of the workshop was to work with children and develop / design communication material and a look for the upcoming Rangashankara Childrens summer workshop. More information on Ranga Shankara on their website



Inside Idiom...
Design is all about collaboration and co-creation. However it needs to transgress the boundaries of business and engage with the community at large. This is precisely what we did at Idiom this year when we opened our doors, our campus and expertise out to multiple organizations, institutions and individuals. We engaged with schools, screen printing, innovation foundations, scenario planners and other visionaries, held workshops, work sessions, dialogues and debates at the Idiom campus all through the year. This helped us actively practise the spirit of co-operation, collaboration, co-creation and design 2.0 to bring people together, set their sights higher, build scenarios and road maps for inclusive holistic growth and development. We learnt as much as we shared from all these initiatives so much so that we started using workshops as a method for creative development even with our clients.
Innovation Alchemy in association with DREAM:IN hosted three Alchemix sessions in the DREAM:IN Center in 2011. These Alchemix sessions, hosted by Parvathy Menon of Innovation Alchemy are a series of short curated discussions between Innovators, Investors, Entrepreneurs and ideas that are breaking ground and creating an impact. To learn more about Innovation Alchemy, log on to


When a set of young techno-preneurs set out to supplement conventional education, with a do feel know, hands on approach to education we held a workshop to envision a future where India can transform to being a country of creators, innovators and inventors... besides being hard workers.

IndIa @ 75

Idiom conducted a workshop for India@75 in the month of August. The aim of this workshop was to align the core team and the board of directors with the vision and ideas set down by Prof. C. K Prahlad. India@75 is a grassroots and path breaking initiative of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for realizing the dream of an inclusive, sustainable and developed India by the year 2022, when India completes 75 years of Independence. Currently led by Ms. Bhairavi Jani, the movement is gaining momentum and is working towards realising the goals that they have set for India. To know more about India@75, log on to




How do we use imagination and how do we reduce fear and learn about the dream:In project.

SHeKHar KaPur

Shekhar Kapur along with Poonacha Machaiah visited Idiom to disucuss possibilities of working together with the Manipal University and to learn about the DREAM:IN project.


anand SudarSHan


We are

They came, they listened to us, they talked to us, they shared their experience and left us a lot more determined... a lot more wiser.

Harnessing dreams and turning them into a model for growth, that is revolutionary. Harness the power of dreams!

BruCe nuSSBaum

K. raHman KHan

Mr. K. Rahman Khan, Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha, visited Idiom in August. He expressed his interest in taking the DREAM:IN project forward to bring a larger social impact.





SInGaPOre manaGemenT unIVerSITY

Singapore Management University (SMU): A large group of students from SMU visited Idiom to learn about some of our dreams and to share with us some of their dreams.

adeO visits Idiom

Research on Innovative Indian initiatives brought Shujan Haque from Adeo Services (France) to Idiom and DREAM:IN. He in turn, brought the group CEO of ADEO Mr. Damien Deleplanque to Bangalore to visit Idiom and learn about DREAM:IN.

LerOY merLIn



The Japanese Delegation from Mitsubishi, accompanied by Mr. Damodar Mall from the Future Group, visited Idiom to understand how Idiom and design thinking has played a major role in Future Group success.




Green dreamS arOund THe WOrLd. CurITIBa, BraZIL

DREAM:IN was invited to CICI 20111, the conference of Innovative Cities of the world, in Curitiba, Brazil. Where the methodology was referenced for a project called Meu Sonho Verde championed by Rosa Alegria and Rodrigo. In Sao Paulo, Claudia Davis and Tomas Cunzolo Jr created a rich gathering of minds at the iconic Octavio Caf and the idea of a Brazil chapter was conceived. Besides which, we also had the opportunity of sharing the project and our approach with a few great enterprise and policy leaders.


Parsons, The New School for Design, hosted its first annual fest between 7th and 28th May, 2011 in New York. An integral and important part of this festival was the DREAM:IN presentation that took place on 10th May, 2011. A team based out of Parsons, led by Carlos Teixeira worked in collaboration with the DREAM:IN team in Bangalore to make the event a grand success.


new York, Curitiba, Sao Paolo, amsterdam, Tokyo, Planning Commission and the World economic Forum in India, Idiom did make its presence felt outside the footprint that we are perceived to be operating in.


Mr. Arun Maira along with Bhairavi Jani and the India@75 team is leading a scenario planning and creation exercise for India. Anchored at the Planning Commission, the participating group includes leaders from various walks of life and professionals. Sonia Manchanda is one of the participants and we are looking forward to seeing the scenarios for India, in 2025 develop.


Sonia Manchanda, co-founder of Idiom Design, gave the keynote address at the PROUD kick-off conference - with what design can do on 28th October 2011, at Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Sonia was invited by Ingrid Van Der Wacht, project manager, Design Cooperation Brainport, for the PROUD kick off conference at the Dutch Design Week, a vibrant global conference attended in its 10th year by over 3000 global visitors.

JaCOB maTTHeW @ eCOnOmIC FOrum

Panel on Innovation Made In India moderated by Navi Radjou. Jacob spoke of Idiom using design to tackle wicked problems to create win-win situations and how design at Idiom has moved from problem solving to opportunity seeking and now to aspiration or dream fulfillment.


Designing for Billions is a series of lectures that focus on open innovation systems in India, China and Brazil, analyzing the convergence of design practise, entrepreneurship, activism, philanthropy and venture capital in these dynamic emerging economies, curated by Bruce Nussbaum and Prof. Carlos Teixeira and hosted by the School of Design Strategies at Parsons, The New School for Design in New York. Sonia Manchanda was joined by Joao Nato (Brazil) and Prof. Lou Yongqi (China) in speaking at this forum.

duTCH deSIGn WeeK- eIndHOVen, neTHerLandS

Sonia Manchanda, gave the keynote address at the PROUD kick-off conference with What Design Can Do on Friday, 28th October 2011, at Design Cooperation Brainport, Torenallee, the Netherlands.





The Global Natural Fibre Forum is a platform to share knowledge and best practices across its member nations in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. Jacob ran design based workshops for stakeholder groups in Zambia and Mozambique to inform the participants of the need to create a natural fibre enterprise eco-system and understand the dynamics of a running ecosystem.

KYOOrIuS deSIGn YaTra 2011

The design whizzes from Idiom participated in Kyoorius Design Yatra where design talent from India and across the globe huddled together to get an insight into the future of brand and visual communications.


Idiom conducted The Design for Impact design thinking workshop for NSEF Social Entrepreneur Meet in which groups of students from various universities came together to brainstorm and come up with solutions for various social impact projects.


Mumbai from 24th November to 26th November. The conference of the Swedish NCS colour system by Karl Bertillson. Idiom took part in Color India Conference 2011 that was held in B boosted the cross-industry group of designers with a presentation

The Indian Idiom of design

2011, was also the year when Idiom got an opportunity to spread the Indian Idiom of Design and Idioms brand of thought design across borders, across the world. Our co-founders Jacob Mathew and Sonia Manchanda found time to traverse across India and various parts of the globe as they represented Idiom and spoke on subjects extremely close to their hearts. Sonia spoke about design as philosophy embedded in social and economic systems that allows for conscious growth and development while she addressed seminars and conferences in New York, Curitiba, Sao Paolo, Eindhoven and Tokyo. Jacob on the other hand looked at design as a tool for innovation, for social change and impact at the World Economic Forum and on his visit to Africa. Besides, many other senior designers from Idiom participated in various seminars, conferences and expos in India and across the world. Yes! 2011 was truly a year which allowed us to look back with satisfaction, look ahead with optimism and to plan fresh initiatives for 2012.


Idiom Team travelled all the way to Germany, Dusseldorf, in Feb 2011 to attend Euroshop the global retail trade fair that happens once in four years.





A journey to unknown places in search of a meaning, going wide across a nation and a land, to meet, to know people and find out what they are dreaming about.

an idea and an initiative incubated at Idiom, spreading across the world, which we hope will create a new wave of thought and action, a new stream of consciousness.

dream:In (2011)
101 dreamCatchers 25,000 kms 50 Venture Ideas 3000 dreams 50+ dreamLeaders 500+ Believers 3 Chapters
The DREAM:IN project commenced on 8 January, when 101 students undertook the DREAM:IN Journey with the help of corporate/organisational sponsorship and covered more than 25,000 km across India, documenting the individual dreams of thousands of people in the field. The DREAM:IN Journey led to the DREAM:IN Conclave, a gathering of more than a 100 leaders and students in design, education, business and government. The DREAM:IN Conclave, in addition to showcasing the dreams of the Indian people with key decision makers, enabled the DreamLeaders and DreamScholars to develop networks to transform each dream into a reality. The DREAM:IN 1.0 platform was supported by Idiom Design and Consulting, Spread Education and Consulting, Future Group, Manipal University, Parsons, The New School for Design (USA), Nodes and Insituto Vivarta (Brazil). Since then, DREAM:IN has been presented and showcased across the world. Shocking as it may sound; we found that people were simply not dreaming! In order to facilitate dreaming, we launched an online portal, in September 2011, inviting people to upload and share their dreams (


The DREAM:IN Conclave is a patented methodology that involves DreamScaping, which is a design thinking tool, owned and developed by DREAM:IN to transform dreams in to reality in the form of Venture Ideas.




DREAM:IN CHAPTER LAUNCHES DREAM:IN Chapters were launched in Bangalore (September), Brazil (May) and in New York (October) by the DREAM:IN Team to take the project to these places. The Bangalore and Brazil Chapters are currently focusing on the next version of the DREAM:IN journey and are led by Sonia and Claudia respectively, while the New York Chapter, anchored by Natalie, is working on making the DREAM:IN Methodology a part of the curriculum at Parsons and global institutions and is being led by Natalie Wang and Carlos Teixeira.


neW YOrK

404 dreamCatchers 150 dreamLeaders Over 35,000 km 15,000 dreams

In this new edition, the DREAM:IN Journey, much larger than the one in 2011, will involve 404 volunteers and 35,000 kms with an ambitious goal of capturing close to 15,000 dreams of the Youth in Emerging India, followed by the DREAM:IN Conclave, an exercise in design thinking bringing together people from diverse walks of life, to extract ideas and solutions from the dreams. We also plan to have the DREAM:IN Experience, to sensitize participants to Indian culture, enterprise and innovation and the DREAM:IN Mela, which will be a thought market place, an expo of working ideas and dream projects that will be shared by their makers with the public. This will be the first of many journeys, across the world that we plan for 2012-2013 If you would like to know about the initiatives launched by DREAM:IN, mail us at: or Upload your dream on the DREAM:IN Website and read about the various activities on our blog




1. design for Social Change will play a big role in the meaningful confluence of thought design, business strategy and capital. To create massive socio-economic impact. The initiative will morph into a design fund. 2. Habit, a range of products designed for the unique Indian DNA will be launched. 3. Void will explode with new media explorations and interactive design through a series of partnerships with practitioners in the virtual space. 4. Idiom World Wide will become a reality as we create a tangible physical presence in Singapore and Sri Lanka. 5. Spread design as a way of thinking and doing things by demonstrating that it works through offering Idioms unique methodology as active consulting. For enterprises, corporates, not for profits. And as training programmes both internally and externally. 6. Idiom next, a formal programme will be launched to nurture and develop fresh design and thought design talent to create the next gen design professional. 7. dream:In will be active globally and pursue its goal of realizing dreams by creating a self-sustaining system to do so. 8. dreamCenter is now open as a shared innovation, design thinking facility to become Bangalores creative hub. 9. will be refreshed to provide besides a peek into Idioms unique portfolio, an immersion in its philosophy as well. 10. We will put down roots and identify the space and invest in it to start imagining and creating the Idiom campus. 11. As always IDIOM, is committed to add significant value to our clients, business and brands through a unique integration of business and design to unlock the potential of our clients businesses. 12. and its time to publish a book about our philosophy and practice.



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