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Module 1 Introduction to Parallel Processing

Mr. S.S. Sayyad Assistant Professor, ADCET Ashta

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Trends towards Parallel Processing

Data Processing Increasing Volumes of Raw Material to be processed Increasing Complexity and sophistication in processing Information Processing Knowledge Processing Intelligence Processing

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Trends Towards Parallel Processing

Data processing: data space is largest, including numeric number

in various format, character symbols, and multidimensional measure

Information processing: Collection of data objects that are

related by some syntactic structure or relation.

Knowledge processing: consist of information items plus some

semantic meanings.
Intelligence processing: is derived from a collection of

knowledge items.

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Trends towards Parallel Processing

From Operating Systems point of view, computer systems

are improved in four phases

Batch Programming Multiprogramming Time Sharing Multiprocessing

Parallel Processing is an efficient form of information

processing which emphasizes the exploitation of concurrent events in the computing process.

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Trends towards Parallel Processing

Parallel programming can be challenged in four

programmable levels
Job or Program Level Task or Procedure Level Inter instruction Level Intra instruction Level

Hardware Software Trade Offs Parallel and Distributed processing

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Parallel Computer Architectures

Pipeline Computers: A pipeline computer performs

overlapped computations to exploit temporal parallelism. Array Processors: An array processor uses multiple synchronized arithmetic logic units to achieve spatial parallelism Multiprocessor Systems: A multiprocessor system achieves asynchronous parallelism through a set of interactive processors with shared resources. Data Flow Computers

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Pipeline Computer

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Array Processor

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Multiprocessor Systems
Aimed at : Improving throughput, reliability, flexibility and

availability. Basic multiprocessor system contain two or more processor. All processor share access to common sets of memory module, I/O channels and peripheral devices. Most importantly, whole system is controlled by a single integrated operating system. Beside the shared memories and I/O devices, each processor has its own local memory and private devices. Inter processor communication can be done throw shared memory or throw interrupt network.

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Data Flow Computers

Programs for Data Driven Computation Calculation of z= (x+y)*2 Template Implementation

Basic Data Flow Mechanism

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Multiplicity of Instruction Data Streams

Single Instruction Stream- Single Data Stream Processing Units Control Units

Memory Modules

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Multiplicity of Instruction Data Streams

Single Instruction Stream- Multiple Data Stream

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Multiplicity of Instruction Data Streams

Multiple Instruction Stream- Single Data Stream

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Multiplicity of Instruction Data Streams

Multiple Instruction Stream- Multiple Data Stream

Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Serial v/s Parallel Processing Fengs Scheme

Use degree of parallelism to classify various computer

architectures. Maximum number of binary digits (bits) that can be processed within a unit by a computer system is called the maximum parallelism degree P. Average Parallelism Degree Equation: Processing Methods and their Examples (text) Word Serial Bit Serial Word Parallel Bit Serial Word Serial Bit Parallel Word Parallel Bit Serial
Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

Parallel Processing Applications

Predictive Modeling and Simulations
Numerical Weather Forecasting Oceanography and Astrophysics Socioeconomics and government use

Engineering Design and Automation

Finite Element Analysis Computational Aerodynamics Artificial Intelligence and Automation Remote Sensing Applications

Medical Military and Basic Research

Computer assisted tomography Genetic Engineering Weapon Research and Defense.
Department of CSE, ADCET, Ashta

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