Good Guys, Wiseguys, and Putting Up Buildings A Life in Construction

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thomas dunne books.

An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.

good guys, wiseguys, and putting up buildings. Copyright © 2012 by Samuel

C. Florman. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For
information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

In Chapter Two, the description of work performed by Japa nese personnel under
the supervision of Seabees on the atoll of Truk is adapted from “The Pacific Cam-
paign, Dam Division,” an op- ed article by Samuel C. Florman that appeared in
The New York Times, September 4, 2010.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Florman, Samuel C.
Good guys, wiseguys, and putting up buildings : a life in construction /
Samuel C. Florman.—1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978- 0-312- 64167-2 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1- 4299- 4108-2 (e-book)
1. Civil engineers—United States—Biography. 2. Contractors—United
States—Biography. 3. Construction industry—New York (State)—
New York—History. 4. New York (N.Y.)—Buildings, structures,
etc.—History. I. Title.
TH140.F59A3 2012
[B] 2011041332

First Edition: March 2012

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ONE I Can Have You Killed for Fifty

the crime took place in the Bronx on the northeast corner of

Claflin Avenue and 195th Street. The perpetrators stood on the side-
walk adjoining a nearly completed six-story apartment house that my
construction firm was building. When I arrived on the scene, three
men were engaged in animated conversation. The masonry subcon-
tractor, Lou, was pleading with a city inspector to grant him “just a
few more minutes,” and our construction superintendent, Norman,
was saying something like “jeez, give the guy a break.” I joined the
group just in time to see the inspector shake his head and then say
loudly, “No way, no how!” It seemed that a small forklift was being
used to transport concrete blocks from a parked truck into the build-
ing, and a problem had arisen when no updated building permit
could be produced. The discussion grew more and more heated, and
for a moment I thought that the mason and the inspector were going
to come to blows.
But suddenly the shouting stopped, and very quietly the inspec-
tor said, “OK.” Pause. “It’ll cost you a hundred bucks.” Norman and
I glanced at each other and cautiously backed away. But not before
we heard Lou say softly, “Oh yeah? A hundred bucks.” Then even
more softly, “You gotta be kidding.” Finally, almost in a whisper: “I
can have you killed for fifty.”
There was silence as the two men studied each other. After a

moment, the inspector turned around, walked swiftly to his car,
and drove away.

i refer to a crime, yet what had actually happened? On the face of it,
a bribe was solicited and murder threatened while two witnesses—
one of them me— stood by in stunned silence. But what if the verbal
exchange was not meant to be taken literally? What if it was merely
a ritualistic expression of intimidating bluster like two athletes talk-
ing trash on a basketball court? On the other hand, what if . . . ?
Clearly the inspector took Lou’s words seriously. Very seriously.
And as I recall the scene, the atmosphere was charged with menace.
Whenever I tell the story it gets a laugh, or at least a smile. Partly
this is because the tale contains a surprise punch line. But there is
something else that entertains my audience—the shiver of fear, to-
gether with the comfort of personal safety, the very same frisson that
makes it a special pleasure to view The Godfather or The Sopranos in
the comfort and security of a theater or one’s living room.

i start to write about my career as a builder and find myself leading

with murder and intimidation. A touch of swagger and bravado? I
suppose so. But not idle fantasy. In the words of the New York State
Organized Crime Task Force (1990): “Historical and contemporary
evidence, including our own criminal investigations, establish be-
yond any doubt that corruption and racketeering pervade New York
City’s construction industry.” And, further, bearing on the incident
just described: “The presence of so many known organized crime
figures in the industry makes the explicit threat of violence credible
and the implicit threat of violence sufficient.” The implicit threat of
violence was clearly enough to send one veteran building inspector
quickly on his way.
The Mafia and construction are joined in the public’s imagination—
and, as amply documented—literally in the real world. But estab-
lished criminal organizations have no monopoly on malfeasance in


the industry. Society is not that neatly orga nized, corruption not
so circumscribed. Wherever construction contracts are awarded and
buildings erected, skulduggery seems endemic—among contractors,
developers, tradesmen, politicians, purchasing agents, inspectors, and
union delegates. The media report almost daily on every conceiv-
able sort of misdeed—bribes, kickbacks, extortion, bid rigging, in-
flated claims, use of inferior materials, and more. Transparency
International, the global coalition founded in 1993 by an array of
highly respected individuals, cites construction as the single most cor-
rupt industry that exists on the face of the earth. The contract award
process appears to lend itself to underhanded dealings, stratagems
that even competitive bidding cannot eliminate. The very activity of
building is linked historically with cheating. Paradoxically, the many
layers of supervision intended to monitor construction projects
and guarantee propriety—the permits, change orders, regulations,
approvals—provide unique opportunities for wrongdoing.
Adding to these time-honored problems, we find violence on the
job sites, the belligerence of rugged men sometimes getting in one
another’s way, the perpetual conflict of union versus nonunion work-
ers, and occasionally one trade fighting for its very existence, such as
when, in the 1950s, drywall began to replace plaster. The Civil Rights
Movement saw minority workers battling for their rightful share of
employment and then, in some cities, falling prey to labor racketeers.
In New York in the 1980s aggressive gangs swept down on building
sites in yellow school buses, demanding jobs but seeking payoffs and
kickbacks, often two or more mobs competing, sometimes with gun-
play involved.

Beyond crime, corruption, and violent intimidation, building con-

struction, in its very nature, is rough and tough and turbulent. Visit
any job site. Motion and noise. Monstrous machines, enormous beams,
cables swaying, concrete hoisted aloft in buckets. The weather—
sometimes frigid, sometimes sweltering— adds to the feeling of ad-
venture. Observe the men, the hardhats: boisterous, seeming as strong
and hardy as the tools they wield; rugged, macho, toiling deep in the
earth and high into the sky, as much a part of American mythology

as the cowboys of earlier days. (There are a few women on the jobs,
but very few.)
In a busy city most citizens walk by construction sites with hardly
a glance. And even sidewalk superintendents may idle away the time
wrapped in their own thoughts. Yet alert observers cannot help but
feel the pulse-quickening excitement infused with a sense of danger.
And the danger is real, independent of crime and confl ict. In the
United States there are more workers killed in construction than in
any other single industry. The death rate per capita may be slightly
higher in a few other occupations—notably logging, ranching, fish-
ing, and mining—but the 1,000 to 1,300 annual construction fa-
talities is the largest number for any industry sector and represents
approximately one in every five recorded in the nation. As might be
expected, the number of nonfatal injuries is also extremely high. Nor
are the perils limited to workers on the job. Frequently a passerby— or
even a citizen hundreds of yards distant from a building site—is
injured or even killed in a freak accident.
After the construction process ends, the hazards associated with
man-made structures do not disappear. Buildings, new and old, shed
bricks and stone, sometimes with deadly consequence, or even col-
lapse, explode, or spew steam from broken pipes. Physical perils natu-
rally have financial consequence, as evidenced by the extremely high
insurance rates associated with the activity of building.

this litany of menace brings us inevitably to the phenomenon of

financial disaster. Physical mishap is only one of the many dangers
that confront the builder. Business risk has burrowed into the very
marrow of the construction industry, making it America’s most per-
ilous enterprise, except for restaurants, as a percentage of company
failures. In any given two-year period almost a quarter of the na-
tion’s non-single-family construction fi rms close their doors. Half
of new fi rms fail within four years, three-quarters within ten years.
Part of this stems from the ease with which the adventurous can en-
ter the field— all it takes is a few tools, a few dollars, and some guts.


But, while a large majority of the nation’s 7.2 million salaried con-
struction workers are employed by very small companies—five em-
ployees and fewer—financial ruin stalks firms of every size. The top
400 contractors—those whose annual volume runs from the $150
million range to several billion— do more than 20 percent of the na-
tion’s $1–1.25 trillion building and take a sizeable share of the fi-
nancial setbacks. Every year sees large, long- established fi rms
incur devastating losses.
According to a report prepared by FMI Corp., a top management
consultant, the typical contractor is “numb to risk,” exhibiting “a
heroic audacity.” There is probably some truth to this view, but I
think it underestimates the treacherous nature of the business and the
role of bad luck. Be this as it may, to quote an often heard maxim, in
the construction industry financial ruin is “just one bad job away.”

so, how did I get into this business? Quiet by nature; devoted to fam-
ily; a lover of books, opera, and the New York baseball Giants—I
was a high-achieving student who once thought of becoming a
mathematician or possibly a physicist. I never liked riding my bike
too fast, much less doing the reckless things that appeal to so many
thrill seekers. I don’t much care for heights or for gambling, even
when I win. Not that I’m totally immune to the attractions of risk.
None of us is. Scientists tell us we enjoy the charge of dopamine that
accompanies danger because taking chances helped early humans
find food and mates, hence the genes that favor daring are within us
all. It’s a question of degree, however, and, though I enjoy adventure

stories and cowboy movies, watching sports on TV, even—once upon

a time—playing a rugged game of soccer, I don’t fancy that my
quota of peril-loving genes is very high. Also, assuming that we are
shaped by nurture as well as nature, there was little about my child-
hood environment that would have contributed to making me a
daredevil. As a city kid I occasionally dashed between moving cars,
rode the subways alone, and even shared forbidden ventures into the
West Side railroad yards. But each time I left home, my parents’

parting admonition was, “Watch your crossings!” and to a certain
extent I always have.
As for corruption—jeepers! For twelve years, in the 1930s and
1940s, I attended the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in New York
City, taking an ethics class at least once a week. Not that a few hun-
dred ethics classes make for a good person; but the school was seri-
ous in its purpose and, in good measure I believe, effective. Also, like
many kids of my time and place, I was taught to “behave,” certainly
to respect authority and obey the law. Pranks and a few white lies—
well, that was to be expected; but criminal malfeasance, action that
might bring shame on the family—that was, and is, a horror beyond
And yet I’ve made my career in the construction industry, which
is renowned for crime, corruption, violence, physical danger, and
chronic risk of financial catastrophe.
I look back on this career with relish, not, I hasten to say, because
I engaged in crime, corruption, and the rest, but because of the chal-
lenges met, the rousing adventures encountered. Also there have been
satisfactions of a different sort: the enchantment of seeing architec-
ture made real; the pleasure of solving complex technical problems;
the pride of creating housing, hospitals, schools, places of worship—
shelter for the body and nourishment for the spirit. And wonderful
people met on the journey— along with a challenging assortment of


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