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In Winstons article, he brought in the concept of supervening social necessities, which are the accelerators pushing the development

of media and other technology. In this essay, I will attempt to talk about how environmental sustainability is a supervening social necessity in todays context. With increased natural disasters like tsunamis, we are actually experiencing the negative environmental impacts that we have brought upon ourselves because of

extensive industrialization and commercialization over the past few decades. On top of this, more awareness about our environment is being promoted via social media. For example, there is a trending topic about how people are going green on Twitter and how more bloggers are talking the importance of saving our environment and the ways to go about doing so. People are now more conscious of what we are doing to the environment and the repercussions of our selfish actions might bring. Many of us

are trying to save the earth as hence increase their turnover much as we can now and one of profits. the ways that we turn to is by Having said these, it is obvious cutting energy using technology. that the desire for increased Another reason would be to cut environmental sustainability is an down on the large amounts of accelerator for new technologies money spent on energy in contemporary context. Now, let consumption by companies. The us look at one of the technology need for more efficient energy hybrid cars. management is definitely motivating the invention many new We see that the demand for technologies today. Companies are environmental sustainability in spending much money on work with the invention of hybrid technologies that allow them to vehicles with low gas emissions so as to reduce greenhouse gases use energy more efficiently and like carbon dioxide in the air. The

greater the MPG, the lower the amount of CO2 produced when traveling a fixed number of miles. Hybrids also reduce air pollution by emitting much lower rates of smogproducing gases. The first hybrid car that was invented in 1989. It was the Audi Duo experimental vehicle, based on the Audi 100 Avant Quattro whose nickelcadmium battery supplied the energy.

competitive in the market. For example, Honda released the twodoor Insight, the first hybrid car to hit the mass market in the United States in 1999 and Toyota released the Toyota Prius, the first hybrid four-door sedan available in the United States in 2000. Gradually, Lexus is aiming for zero gas emissions today by using other sources of power like radio waves, electromagnetic fields, hydrogen and liquid nitrogen.

Since then, many car companies like Honda and Toyota have been Moving on, let us talk about the keeping up in order to remain concept of law of the suppression

of radical potential that Winston also talked about. They are the brakes of the development of technology. Using the same example of hybrid cars, the most concerned issue is the cost people have to pay for such cars. Hybrid versions of cars cost between US$5,000 and US $10,000 more than non-hybrids. Besides, hybrid engines and drive trains have more parts and are mechanically more complicated and hence, long-term maintenance costs will likely be higher. At the same time, disposal of the

nickel in spent hybrid batteries may be hazardous to the environment if not done properly. Pollution can result where nickel is mined or disposed of improperly, mainly because it can dissolve in water in some forms. Like what we have seen and what Winston has mentioned in his article, while there are noble drives for new technology inventions, there are also, at the same time, some hindrances impeding or slowing down the process of such inventions.

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