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Significance of strategic marketing in business At present all organization are trying to focus on developing, establishing and also adjusting

to the strategies made. The strategy based marketing is one of the method to focus into the resources of the organization. This all lead to the growth of organization and dominating the market. The product development in the organization, promotion of the product, distribution of the product, pricing given and the relating the managements are some of the element in the strategic marketing. The organization has many goals and they work hard for succeeding the goals within the time decided. The resources of the organization will be a complete waste if the proper strategic market planning is not been done. The strategic marketing planning is the basic building block for any of the organizations growth. The experts in the organization should be keeping an exact updates about the day to day statistics about the market condition. This is very important in making planning for the coming years. In this competitive market it is very important to keep an update strategy. . Speaks about SWOT Both the internal and external factors are understood by the expert team in the organization which is favorable to the activities. An organizations strengths, threats, weakness and other opportunities are evaluated in the planning stage itself. The maximum opportunity is provided by the stage for the organization. The all important datas are given by the evaluation of the market strategy. The information leads to the goals that the organization is expected in a particular time limit. .. From planning The reports made by the experts are used in many study purposes. The datas are used in evaluating the objective and other important matters. The comparisons are made with the datas collected and the plannings done by the organization. Some of the tools in the strategic planning like business portfolio analyzing are very effective in understanding the product or SBU is advantageous to the organization. The allocation of the resources makes the collected data more useful. While planning for the new product the market where it has to be launched should be fixed at the initial steps itself. The studys should be made according to the market there. The customers are

segmented into different conducted by the expert. . Introduction

sections and according to their choice the marketing

strategies are made. The actual potential of the market is found out by the studies

. The marketing plans should be used for improving their product sale and servicing. The plans made by the expert team of the organization will be in the form of a detailed report having all essential matters about the future developments that must be made etc. The plans must be implemented according to the instructions given. .. Process The studies have proved it that each market has some attractiveness to a particular product. The market penetration and the diversification all are done by the help of research done. It is very important in gathering information about the data at each step. . The organization can attain their targets only if the measures taken by them are implemented properly. Many marketing based program s are organized by the organization to increase the control of the product in the markets. Introduction of spd suchi For generating the real efficiency here the performance thus shown in the conduct of the business should be outstanding and the manager who is present to deal with the work needed to be excellent in managerial skill. Also the changes that needs to be implemented for the magerial skills also need to be handled well. He or she should be enough capable to handle any situation and any resources of the organisation whatever it may be. Especially the human resource are to be considered more important. Administration,manging power,experience in the field ,and knowledge about the entire firm and market is required for the managers. Any company will have its own policies. These has to be followed properly by all the workers. Here it is the duty of the manager to have a regular cheking of whether everything is going right. Strategically the firm has to shoe its development,and intiatives need to be taken on behalf of owners and also considering the respources and performance basis too. The various list of rules and regulations ,why they are to be implemented and where on which resource each should be implemented and also the programs planned in future. Also the mission of the company and its vision are given due importance. Stakeholders of Q R S

. The most important thing relate with planning of changes of organization should get convinsed the changes. Q R S group of marketing network management wants positive co - operation and best support. Every organization have two type of stake holders. They are 1. Key stakeholders and 2. Non key stakeholders . the stake holders of any organization includes distributers, employees, suppliers, clients and customers and departments of government etc. The success of the organization cant be successful by the avoiding workers. The workers of the organization is made of understand the changes that has to be made for the betterment of themselves. The QRS is having an excellent management team which deals with the marketing as well as other requirements of the workers. The employees in the QRS are given all basic facilities which usually workers dream about. The workers are given only that much work which he can do. The strain does not make any good for the company. Many programs for the workers are made by the organization. Financial Institutions: QRS is having a very good financial assistance for making changes in their shops. There are many organizations which has believes in the actual potential of the company. The funds are used for the training programs and for the purchase of the devices like touch screen machines which is for the convenience of the customers, and computers for the office work. The plans and estimates for the complete process were provided by the expert team of the company Weakness of toyota 4. the changing economic and political conditions all the time it is very important in making sales forecasting according to it. The production has been kept low because that. 5. the policies of the government always changes. This makes company difficult in making their strategies. So an adverse condition is created all together. Strenthgs of Toyota 6. Toyota automobile company makes their product in according to South Eastern countries environment. The Toyota has made several changes according to the market condition as for every part there would be some particular facilities needed. So because of this a small advantage always rest with the company.

7. The Toyota has many variants of colour according to the interest of the customers. The vehicles are made according to the South Eastern countries requirements. 8.Toyota company is very much proud with the efforts put by the workers and the company top officials. The training programs are provided to them by the company. This has made them well educated about the new technology. 9. Toyota has the most reputed and one of the biggest dealerships all over the world. The customers are very well treated by the company and their service is provided to them whenever needed. Significance of strategic marketing in business All organizations operate in a dynamic marketplace. Competition, consumers, technology and market forces constantly redefine the way organisations operate. Staying competitive means that organisations need to continuously adjust and adapt their customer approach to meet changing needs and expectations. In todays markets, it is imperative that organisations focus on establishing, developing and adjusting their strategic marketing plans if they are to remain competitive. Strategic marketing is a way of focusing an organisation's energies and resources on a course of action that can lead to increased sales and dominance of a targeted market. A strategic marketing strategy combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship management and other elements of marketing. It identifies an organisations strategic marketing goals, and explains how they will be achieved, ideally within a designated timeframe. Without a strategic marketing plan, organizations can waste resources, miss opportunities or, in a worse case scenario, threaten their own survival. Strategic marketing executives have up-to-date knowledge of competitive dynamics and know how to integrate marketing strategy into an overall business strategy. Strategic marketing management provides a comprehensive examination of all the major components of marketing strategies and their integration into organizations. It is the basis for continued success in highly competitive markets. .. Strategic marketing management by the Honda

I have being working for the Honda for a long time so i have being discussing mainly on the strategic planning. This analysis of strategic planning is mainly due to the Innovative Motor Car which is going to be launched. It is considered as one of the best and the new proposal by our company. It targets around the south east countries of asia.This include the singapore, malaysia and also Thailand. The company expects to launch during the year 2011 itself. 6. Honda manufacture its product according to the environment prevailing in the south east nations of asia. They would change each and every part of the car according to the situation demands. By this all small advantage always be with this company. 7. The company got various colours of the car. The customers could choose their car according to their wish.Thse cars have got specialities according to the south east countries of asia. 8.The honda feels very proud about their workers in doing such a fine job.The top officials has also contributed to this. Company provides many training programes which makes the workers to learn the new technology available today. 9. Most reputed and one of the biggest dealership around the world is being the speciality of this Honda. Customers get equal treatement and they would provide best of the services to their customers 4. Re-conditioned cars which were imported fouund to have issues in these part of the countries. 5. Hyundai along with Daewoo is giving many threats to Honda cars. This is being a major issue so far found .. As the shops of QRS are made so big, the customer always finds difficulty in finding the products. The most of time is spent in looking for the product needed. So the use of such devices makes the customer easy in finding things they want. The customers are given more options for selecting the products they need. More staffs are employed in the shops to make the customer easy in purchasing items.

The products from different parts are collected and made ready for selling at their shops. They not only expect tourist from abroad and but also tourist coming from many parts of the countries also. The service is very hard for the organization as they have to deliver the products to very remote places in the country. The number of staff was increased so that the on time delivery could be possible. As the transportation is a big issue for the cities. In order to make fast delivery the staffs with good driving skills were selected for this purpose. The home delivery was the most innovative idea made by the experts. When it was started they were not certain if it will run successfully. But after the success the QRS made big profit from the home delivery alone. The company made many promotional activities to encourage home based shopping.

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