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World Streets This Week 6 February 2012

New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

Progress report and work plan for 2012 For comment and finalization
by Eric Britton, editor
Dear Reader, We have our work cut out for us in 2012. Look at the numbers. Despite the great efforts of the best and the brightest in leading cities and programs worldwide, we are still losing the sustainability wars. And we are losing them badly, whether in terms of climate, environment, resources, social justice, quality [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 5 February 2012 at 17:07 | Categories: Peer review, Request comments, support | URL:

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Wor l d Str eets. Monday, 6 Febr uar y 2012

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World Streets This Week 6 February 2012

New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

Weekend leisure: Bollywood Bicycle Boogies back

by Eric Britton, editor
Take a break. It's the weekend. And even if you have seen some of these before, let's invite you to take your head out of that fat report and come with Navdeep Asija and me to the movies in India, the Bollywood Bicycle Boogie. The idea behind World Streets has from the beginning been to [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 4 February 2012 at 06:15 | Categories: film, India, media, YouTube | URL:

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New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

Network Media. (Do we know what we are doing?)

by Eric Britton, editor
If that's a question, then the answer is a resounding . . . kind of. The truth is that we are not embarrassed to say that when it comes to the new network media we are entirely improvising. On the net today there are no straight lines: everything changes so fast that what may look [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 3 February 2012 at 10:13 | Categories: Facebook, LinkedIn, management, social media, Twitter, YahooGroups | URL:

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World Streets This Week 6 February 2012

New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

Is World Streets doing its job? We asked 100 experts for their views and 101 responded.
by Eric Britton, editor
"World Streets needs to catch on before my feet get wet." The Netherlands The results are there for all to see and judge. And we now know that we are going to need a literal world wide web of inputs, collaboration and other forms of support if we are to continue this independent international sustainability [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 2 February 2012 at 18:10 | Categories: contributors, Peer review, users | URL:

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New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

From the editor: Safe Streets? Who cares?

by Eric Britton, editor
It is a truly dreadful thing for anyone, me for instance, to lay on you anything as hackneyed as: a picture is worth a thousand words. But let me run the risk and show you a couple of pictures and leave it to you to draw your own conclusions. The topic is the first round [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 1 February 2012 at 09:14 | Categories: Safe Streets, Safety | URL:

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Wor l d Str eets. Monday, 6 Febr uar y 2012

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World Streets This Week 6 February 2012

New post on World Streets : The New Mobility Agenda

Carlos Pardo: On Slow(er) transport?

by Eric Britton, editor
I was thinking that, since the concept of slow has been around for a while, but applied to concepts such as food and living in general, one could think of applying it to transport policies and projects that is, create the term slow transport or slower transport, but responsibly. Below are some notes that could [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 30 January 2012 at 08:54 | Categories: behavior, Safe Streets, Safety, Share/Transport, Speed | URL:

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World Streets This Week 6 February 2012

See, shape and interact with World Streets from different angles on . . .
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Facebook Focus Groups (You will need to be logged in to access)

1. Africa Streets Click here 2. Gatnet: Gender & transport Click here 3. Global South - Click here 4. India Streets - Click here 5. Journal of World Transport Policy and Practice - Click here 6. New Mobility Caf - Click here 7. New Mobility Kids Network - Click here 8. Nova Mobilidade (Portugal) - Click here 9. Nuova Mobilit (Italy) - Click here 10. World Carshare Consortium - Click here 11. World City Bike Forum - Click here 12. World Rideshare - Click here 13. World Rural Transport - Click here 14. World Streets Sentinels - Click here 15. World Telemobility - Click here 16. World xTransit - Click here

Hands-on collaboration: With you and your city?

How can World Streets help support sustainable transport initiatives in your neighborhood, city, country, agency, or public interest or user group? Through special issues or supporting articles? Collaboration in support of conferences, projects, workshops, master classes, city dialogues? Local or other media programs? Cooperative programs or events with universities, NGOs, consultancies and schools? This we will have to do together. So now all that remains to be done is to get you actively involved as a reader, subscriber, contributor, supporter and working partner so that in 2011 we can together go from strength to strength. Get in touch so that we can swap ideas concerning how to go about it.
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