Creativity Final

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Creativity Objective: Introduction and registration Draw what you see Approaches to creativity Originality, Flexibility and Fluency

(Fashion Show) Elaboration (doodles) Reading Material Homework 40 mins 15 mins 10 mins 10 mins -2 hours Standby activity Word grid 15 mins 30 mins 15 mins

WHAT IS CREATIVITY? Draw what you see: Time: 15 mins Material: paper, pens, pencils Procedure: the trainer holds the youngbuzz booklet in her hand and asks the participants to draw what they see. They cant ask any further question and just draw what they can see. Most of them would draw only the youngbuzz booklet, some might draw the trainer, and very few will draw the background including the trainer and the booklet. Debrief: how come it didnt occur to most of the trainees that what ever you see also includes the blackboard, the trainer and other background. Our restricted view acts like a boundary. But only when we start thinking out of the box or thinking differently we realize that we can come out with ideas, which are different. So Creativity is doing something different, novel, unusual, and unique which is useful.


Activity: ad making Time: 40 mins Materials: Chart paper, Newspapers, colours, pencils, glue, rulers, tag pins, scissors, stapler Activity: Each group is given material and they are suppose to make one child dress using their creativity. Each group then makes a presentation followed by a fashion show emphasizing which character hey have made. Debrief: This activity is done to help the students use techniques that will help them start the process of thinking differently, the first step towards creative problem solving. This will help lead to the approaches of creativity. Originality: It is the ability to come up with new and useful ideas or solutions that others have not thought of. E.g. How did it occur only to Newton that some force is working on the apple to get it on land? Others had also see the apple falling from trees, but only Newton was able to be flexible and come up with the law of gravitation. Thomas Edison- bulb Activity : 9 dot activity Time: 10 mins Flexibility is the ability to overcome restrictions of habit (mental set) i.e. thinking or seeing things in ways that are different than what you are used to. For e.g.: The ceiling is usually meant to protect or cover the room, but can we draw some pictures or write some important sayings to catch the attention of the people. Imagine your formulas for math, important dates are written on your classroom ceiling; it would help you remember them easily. Activity 3. : Prop Round Procedure for the props round: divide the participants into groups (10/12 people = 7 groups) and them ask one person from the group to select one prop and give as many different uses than the normally known for that object with the help of group (5 min). The team with the maximum different uses wins. Material: duster, pen, chalk, bag, paper, water bottle, compass box, book, safety pins, dupatta, hair clip. Fluency: It is the ability to come up with a large number of ideas, solutions and words for a given stimuli or problem. 4. ELABORATION: Activity: make a story

Time 15 min Material none Procedure: divide the students into groups and they are given 3 words- bicycle, magic, and joker. The students have to make a story based on these 3 words. It is the ability to develop the potential of an idea or the ability to spell out in detail an idea. Example: 1. Working with clay: different children will make different things from the clay, 2. I have to make a project on forestsome of us will think about he concept of deforestation that it happening and its effect on human life, some will think about the inhabitants of the forest, others will dwell upon the products or resources found in the forest, while a few will tell the whole story of the forest through pictures and photographs.

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