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How Reducing Stress Prevents Turnover and Keeps Employees Engaged

Jacqueline Ryan Brodnitzki 800-270-6722

Conscious Success LLC 2011. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Insidious Nature Of Stress

Rehashing the Past Thoughts: 80-90% Are Negative Anticipating the Future Carry Responsibilities in Pocket 24/7, Information Anytime

E-mail, Texts, IM, Phone Calls, Smart Phone/iPad

Constant Elevated Stress Level

Negative News

Limiting Thought Patterns: Anger, Sadness, Regret, Fear, Worry

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fight Or Flight Response Heightened, Distracted, Impatient, Errors, Customer Service Issues

How Organizations Elevate Stress:

Why Stress Is a Costly Issue

Finger Pointing & Blame Backstabbing Incivility

Common Stress Related Behaviors In A High Pressure Environment Attrition Absenteeism Disengagement Inefciency Lack of Innovation Drama Medical Costs Debilitating Stress Hypertension Heart Disease Panic Attacks Obesity Depression IBS
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Turf Protection

Survival Instincts

The Effect of Stress On Turnover

Fight Or Flight Response Heightened, Distracted, Impatient, Prone To Error, Customer Service Issues, Drama, Inefciency, Lack of Innovation

Service Climate of Your Company Declines

Employees/Customers Are Unhappy

Employees Leave 40% of Turnover Is Due To Stress

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Effect of Stress on Employee Engagement:

The Highly Engaged Organization

Engaged & Energized

Working Cohesively to meet & exceed mission and goals

Frustration Attrition Absenteeism Customer Dissatisfaction Me Mentality Errors Medical Plan Premium Costs

Highly Productive

Highly Engaged & Thriving Organization



Engagement Loyalty Self Motivation Creativity Productivity Goal Achievement Team Work Employees In The Flow Optimal Performance Prots

Increase protability by 10-20%

50-70% of employees perception of the organizations climate can be traced to the actions of the leaders. Climate can account for 20-30% of business performance--every 10% increase in service climate, can lead to a 20% increase in revenue.5
~ Hay Group Study 1995, Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations 2001 Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Effect of Stress on Employee Engagement:

How Organizational Stress Reduces Engagement

Engaged & Energized Working Cohesively to meet & exceed mission and goals

Culture Deteriorates, Company Appears Uncaring, & Prots Decrease

Highly Productive Even More Stress Stress & Pressure Builds

Engagement Plummets
Managers Push & Employees Resist, Trust Deteriorates Inclusive

Reduced Time For Communication, Strategy & Learning Creative

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How CaLLogix Reduced Attrition by 50% and Absenteeism by 80% With Their Wellness Initiative

Consciousness @ CaLLogix Wellness Program Goal: To help employees be healthier by stopping smoking, eating healthier and better manage the stress they face in their personal and professional lives. Employees are better able serve customers when they are healthier and their stress is in check. CaLLogix Results

Goal: to help employees and Supervisors reduce stress and

better manage both phone and internal interactions as part of overall Wellness Program

Program Components: Smoking Cessation Weight Loss Program Conscious Success Conscious Success For Leaders Healthy Eating Programs Healthy recipes Healthy Breakfast Day Happy Healthy Day on Valentines Day Theme Days Customer Service Week +500 Step Challenge Management team fully participates in programs and
encourages camaraderie

Results: The company noticed the following results of the Wellness

Initiative: 80% decrease in absenteeism 50% decrease in attrition 50% decrease in insurance premium increases Signicant reduction in call escalation to Supervisors

Program participants reported the following results: 17% decrease in stress level 37% increase in productivity 44% increase in focus 31% increase in how in control you feel 44% decrease in feelings of overwhelm

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Other Case Studies of How Companies Have Increased Employee Productivity and Effectiveness
Fortune 100 Computer Networking Company

Goal: to build success within the Services Marketing team by Results: 24% decrease in stress level 43% increase in productivity 44% increase in focus 39% increase in how in control you feel 34% decrease in feelings of overwhelm Team is more mature about their reactions to stressful

Fortune 50 Telecommunications Company

teaching them to better manage stress in order to stay calm and make the best decisions under pressure.

Background: After extensive downsizing, this team had high

stress and anxiety. Their workloads had tripled and jobs were on the line. The head of this team wanted to both help her staff to learn how to manage their stress and also increase productivity and effectiveness in order to decrease the potential for future downsizing.

Goal: to understand the underlying causes of stress within

the vendor relations team and teach them techniques for managing their stress and increasing productivity and effectiveness.

situations. They are better able to hear and act upon difcult feedback to improve their work. They are taking on larger and more complex projects.

Results: The team is now working better together and has a unied
focus. They are wowing colleagues and executives with their work. The team is accomplishing more with the same resources. They are more creative, are producing high quality of work, and are much more autonomous. The manager is more respected among peers and executives. The group has remained intact amidst additional downsizing efforts. The head of the group has been promoted to take on a much larger initiative in addition to retaining the vendor management function.

A Personal Story

Goal: to stop feeling like a failure as her marriage ended and to

manage the situation skillfully in order to reduce the negative impact on herself and her three children

Results: She realized she wasnt a failure and that relationships can
change Saved thousands of dollars with mediation She was able to be a great role model for her children and teach them a valuable lesson about managing changing relationships

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tools and Takeaways To Help You Reduce Stress In Your Organization

Determine high stress groups/teams in your organization and begin focus in these areas Educate executives and managers on effect of stress on productivity, engagement, employee health and profitability Short-Term Coping Mechanisms--Training/Coaching:

Encourage short breaks throughout the day to rejuvenate

Reserve conference rooms and play short meditations (audio recordings on Just A Moment software application to encourage the breaks and give exercises to increase productivity

Deep breathing is the most effective way to reduce stress in the nervous system Mindfulness, analyze thoughts, mental rehearsal

Long-Term Solution--Coaching:

Analyze underlying stress within a team or organization Rebuild communication, vision and focus Elevate trust, commitment and support employee progress in performing meaningful work

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Additional Tools and Information

Contact Information:

Special Report: Reducing The Cost Of Stress In Your Organization Blog: What Business Leaders Need Most Audio Resources:

Jacqueline Ryan Brodnitzki 1-800-270-6722

3 Minute Stress Reduction Meditation 2 Minute Meditation To Clear Your Mind 30 Minute Recordings:

How To Navigate Change Easily Creating Your Optimal Year Reducing Feelings of Overwhelm


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

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