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Creation of Internal Sales Orders 1) Login to Po Resp 2) Create Internal Req Navigation : Requisitions -> Requisitions

3) Enter the Item , Source and Destination Details

4) Save the Req ,It will generate Req number (5666) 5) After Saving we can see the Charge account Details

6) Approve the req We can it from Req Summary

7) Run the concurrent program to Create Internal Orders

7) Check for the Status of Concurrent Program , It has to be Completed

8) Switch to OM Resp

8) Change Organization to M2

9) Submit the concurrent program (Order Import) use default values

10) To view the Concurrent Request

11) concurrent Request has to be completed

12) use Control L and type Release Sales Order and click ok

13) To Release the sales order we require the order number which we have imported from M1 14) To find the order number we use the following query to fetch it.
select * from oe_order_headers_all where ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF =('5666') and org_id='204';

Note: here org_id is the value of Operating Unit

15) Pass the Order number (56712) to the filed Order Number

Provide M2 for Warehouse:

Auto Create Delivery should be Yes and Auto Pick Confirm should be Yes. Check the value for Ship From , it should be M2( Location)

Click on the Execute button

If we examine in inventory we find the following details:

16) Open the Shipping Transaction Form We use this form to enter shipping attributes and perform Ship Confirm.

Provide the Order number and click on Find button

We want to perform ship confirm in 2 parts 50 and 60 items each. Enter 50 for shipped quantity and 0 for backorder

Click on Delivery Tab

Ship Confirm the Delivery by clicking the Ship confirm button We have to Specify the Ship Confirm Rule , if no rule it will take default values

Here we change the value of Unspecified Quantities to be as Stage

Click Ok, it will pop up with some message, then click on ok. Query the shipping Transactions Form by pressing F11 and click on find, we can see two deliveries with qty 50 and 60.

We can see the deliveries as below:

Receiving Transactions for M1: 1) Change Resp to Inventory 2) Change Organization to M1 3) Navigation :

Provide the known values to the Form: Requisition number and line number or Shipment number(which is Delivery id of Internal Sales Order line for which we have done ship confirm in OM)

After clicking on find it will open as below:

Once we save the Form Receipt is generated and receipt number is populated as below:

To View the Transactions:

We provide the Receipt number to fetch the details of the receiving transactions.

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