Shutte Response LPS Joan Meyer Emails

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Sent: To:

M ichigan Attorney Generai Tuesday, January 17,20L2L2:57 PM

Dingee, Christine (AG)

Richards, Denise (AG)


FW:ATTN: FOIA Officer/Coordinator re: FOIA Request

From: Lisa E. lmailto:lisabep@gmail.comj Sent: Saturday, January 14,2012 8:56 PM To: Michigan Attorney General Subject: ATTN: FOIA Officer/Coordinator re: FOIA Request

DATE: Jan14.2012
TO: FOIA Coordinator at the Office of the MI Attorney General RE: FOIA request for all correspondence between Suzan Sanford, Michigan Assistant Attorney General and Joan Meyer.
Dear FOIA coordinator atthe Ofhce of the Michigan Attorney General:

Underpror.isions of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (MCLA 15.231et seq; MSA 4.1801 (1) et seq) I am requesting any and all correspondence, ietters and emails (including attachments) sent between Joan Meyer and Suzan Sanford. The time frame for this request covers the period from Jan I, 2011 through January 9,2012.

If you determine that some of the requested information is exempt from disclosure, please detail what is being
withheid and cite the exemption under FOIA.
Please provide ttus information on CD-ROM or by email in .pdf format. Where electronic records can not be provided, please provide records i.n paper format. If fees to comply with this request exceed $ 10, please contact me at 561.512.0912

As provided under FOLA, I worild anticipate a response to this request within five working days of receipt this letter. Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely, Lisa Epstein



P.O. Box 30213

LANSmG. iv{tcHlcax 48909

January 23,2012

Lisa EPstei"

Dear Ms. EPstein: (copy attached), submitted via eThis notice responds to your January 14,2012, requ_est (Department) on January 17 ' 2012' fot mail and received by the Department of Atiomey Generaf of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)' records and information falling under the provisions


15.231 et seq.

to a matter under investigation Your request is denied. The information you seek relates is presently exempt from public disclosure by the Department. Accordingly, the information MCLI5'243(1XbXi) and (1)' where the disclosure under section 13(1XbXi) and (,riof the FOIA, interfere with law enforcement proceedings, of the law enforcement investigative records would or procedures' and disclose law enforcement investigative techniqties
free from external The Department relies upon access to witnesses and information of prelimininary and pending interference that could occur from the public disclosure the matter is under investigation' would result investigations. Disclosure of these records, while undertake an acculate and thorough in an adverse impact on the Department's atility to

10 of the FOIA, MCL15'240'the As to the denial of your request, pursuant to section do the following: Department is obligated to inform you that you may

of Attorney 1) Appeal this decision in writing to the Attorney General, Department MI48909' The writing must specifically General, 525 W. Ottawa, P. O. Box loziz,Lansing,
state the word

,,appeal" and must identify the reason or reasons you believe the denial shouid be must respond to your appeal within 10 reversed. The head of the Department, or his designee, ih" time for response to your appeal may be days of its receipt. Under unusual circumstan""r, extended bY 10 business daYs'

Lisa Epstein
Page 2

January 23,2012

final 2) File an action in circuit court within 180 days after the date of the the court is to award reasonable attomey to deny the request. If you prevail in such an action, finds the denial to be arbitrary and fees, co5ts, and disburs"rrr"rrt*. Further, if the court
amount of $500'00' capricious, you may receive punitive damages in the



Christine S. Dingee, FOIA Coordinator Department of AttomeY General 5 17-335-0855


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