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t i o n , D e p e n d e n c i e s , C a p i t a l : , M o n e t a r y u n i t : , C h i e f e x p o r t s :

Rwanda's Genocide in 1994:
In the spring of 1994, during April and June 800 thousand Ruwandans were killed in only 1oo days. The majority of the victims were Tutsis and most of the perpetrators were Hutus. Ethnic tensions have always been a problem and there has always been tension. One problem was, that many Tutsis were landowners and therefore richer annd the Hutus were workers. The Tensions started to grow steadily since the colonial period. Belgium made Rwanda a colony in 1916, which was called the African Swizerland. To be able to control Rwanda effectively, they produced identity cards and decided that the Tutsis were superior. This made them have better jobs and there education was better as well. This worked out during the next 20 years but then the Hutus started to riot. During this rising 20 thousand Tutsis were killed and an even larger number fled the neighbouring countries. These are Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. In 1962 Rwanda became independent which did not relax the situation. The Hutus came to power and blamed the Tutsis for every problem they faced. Tutsi refugees as well as some Hutus in Uganda started to form the RPF(Rwanda Patriotic Front). Habyarimana who was at this time made advantage of their threat to over-through him. He accused all Tutsis living in Rwanda as being collaborators. On the 6th of April he was assassinated, and even though shortly before that a peace treaty had been signed, this was the trigger for the genocide. The presidential guard of Rwanda immediately found a campaign of revenge. He ordered to kill all political opponents and an army of recruits and civilians started the mass murder within hours. Organised gangs hunted down the Tutsis and the presidential guard and radio propaganda encouraged every Hutu to take part in this murder. Rwanda was left alone by the whole world. The UN withdrew it's troops after 10 soldiers had been killed. I July the RPF captured the capital Kigali and made the government collapse. After the RPF declared a ceasefire and approximately 2million Hutus fled to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The killing in Rwanda has stopped, but a group of militants formed in the Congo and the years of conflicts, which caused up to 5 million deaths and peace has not jet been established. Rwanda: Rwanda is the worlds 148 largest country and lies in central Africa and comparatively it has bout the same size as Maryland. Moreover it is a highland. It is bordered in the east by the Congo, in the north by Uganda. It's West borders on Tanzania and the south is bordered by Burundi. Rwanda's capital is called Kigali and lies in the centre of the country.


What was/could have been done against the genocide:

The UN would have been able to prevent the genocide, maybe even with out military action. But no country had any economical interest and therefore it was much easier to turn away from what was happening in Rwanda. The US not want to take action and not enough tried to imped on other countries to not take action either. Moreover countries like France and China even benefited, since they were supplying the government with arms. After the war France helped the Hutu Power regime to flee the country. This was only possible, because no other country took action. So in conclusion there were numerous possibilities to take action like military interference, economic sanctions and refusing arm's trade, but none of them were carried out. Anna Friedl 7M

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