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Q.1 Write a short note on the characteristics of management.

Management in all business areas and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources. Because organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to 'manage' oneself, a pre-requisite to attempting to manage others Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the act(s) of management.

Management is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. Management is needed to organize other factors of production such as capital, land, labour. Follet (1993) defined management as the art of getting things done through people. Management is a pipeline, the inputs are fed at the end and they are proceeded through management functions and ultimately we get the end results or inputs in the form of goods, services, productivity, information and satisfaction. Management is a comprehensive word which is used in different sciences in the modern business and industrial world. In the narrow sense, it signifies the technique of taking work from others. In this way a person who can take work from others is called manager. In the wide sense, the management is an art, as well as science, which is concerned with the different human efforts so as achieve the desired objective.

A central organ or agency is required to co-ordinate the activities and efforts of the various individual working together in an organisation so that they can work collectively as a team such an organ is called management. The term management conveys different meaning depending upon the contest in which it is used. Management is applicable everywhere and has become the key to success in the modern organisation. Every organisation requires making of decision, coordination of activities, handling of people and control of operation directed towards its objectives, management helps organisation in that activities. DEFINITION OF MANAGEMENT It is very difficult to give a precise definition of the term management. In the management literature, we find a large number of definitions given by different authors. However, the different view points may be classified in to the following categories, namely: 1. Management as an art of getting things done. 2. Management as a process. 3. Management as a group of managers. 4. Management as a discipline. MANAGEMENT AS AN ART OF GETTING THINGS DONE Mary Parker defines management as the art of getting thing done through others. This definition emphasizes that the manager achieve organisational objectives by getting work done through the workers. It represents the traditional view of management under which workers are treated as a factor of production only. This definition is incomplete in the present context; its deficiencies are as follows: 1. The definition is vague as it does not identify the functions which a manager has to perform to get result from others. 2. It gives the impression of the manipulative character of the practice of management. 3. The employees are merely treated as means for getting results. In other words, their position is like a cog in the wheel. This definition ignores the needs of the workers and does not offer them human treatments.

MANAGEMENT AS A PROCESS The process of management involves the determination of objectives and putting them into action. Henri Fayol viewed management as a process consisting of five functions which every organisation performs. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate, and to control. This definition clearly define the four functions of management. But the modern trend is to classify managerial functions in to five categories: 1. Planning 2. Organizing

3. Staffing 4. Directing 5. Controlling MANAGEMENT AS A GROUP OF MANAGERS The term management is frequently used to denote a group of managerial personnel. When one says that management of this company is very efficient it is implied that the persons who are looking after the affairs of the company are very efficient. Thus, management is the body or group of people which performs certain managerial functions for the accomplishment of predetermined goals. These people are individually known as managers. MANAGEMENT AS A DISCIPLINE Management has been widely recognized as a discipline or filed of study. It is taught as a specialized branch of knowledge in educational institute. As a field of study, the subject includes management subjects, principles, techniques and skills. Management is a multi-disciplinary discipline. It has drawn heavily from Anthropology, Psychology, sociology etc. after obtaining a diploma or degree in management, a person can try for a managerial job. CHARACTERISTICS Management is a distinct activity having the following salient features or characteristics. 1. ECONOMIC RESOURCE: Management is an important economic resource together with land, labour and capital. As industrialization grows, the need for mangers increases. Efficient management is the most critical input in the success of any organized group activity as it is the force which assembles and integrates other factors of production, namely, labour, capital and materials.

GOAL ORIENTED: Management is a purposeful activity. It coordinates the efforts of workers to achieve the goals of the organization. The success of management is measured by the extent to which the organizational goals are achieve. 3. DISTINCT PROCESS: Management is a distinct process consisting of such functions as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. These functions are so interwoven that it is not possible to lay down exactly the sequence of various functions or their relative significance. In essence, the process of management involves decision making and putting of decisions into practice. 4. INTEGRATIVE FORCE: The essence of management is integration of human and other resources to achieve the desired objectives. All these resources are made available to those who manage. Managers apply knowledge, experience and management principles for getting the results from the workers by the use of non human resources. Managers also seek to harmonize the individual goals with the organizational goals for the smooth working of the organization.

5. INTANGIBLE FORCE: Management has been called an unseen force. Its presence is evidenced by the result of its effortsorderliness, informed employees, buoyant spirit and adequate work output. Thus, feeling of management is result-oriented. 6. RESULT THOUGH OTHERS: The manager cannot do anything themselves. They must have the necessary ability and skills to get work accomplished through the efforts of others. They must motivate the subordinates for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to them. 7. A SCIENCE AND AN ART: Management has an organized body of knowledge consisting of well defined concepts, principles and techniques which have wide applications. So it is treated as science. The application of these concepts, principles and techniques requires specialized knowledge and skills on the part of the manager. Since the skills acquired by a manager are his personal possession, management is viewed as an art. 8. SYSTEM OF AUTHORITY: Management as a team of managers represents a system of authority or a hierarchy of command and control. Manager at different levels possess varying degrees of authority which gets gradually reduced as you go down in the hierarchy. 9. MULTIDISCIPLINARY SUBJECT: Management has grown as a field of study taking the help of so many other disciplines such as engineering, anthropology, sociology etc. much of the management literature is the result of the association of those discipline. UNIVERSAL APPLICATION: Management in universal in character. The principles and techniques of management are equally applicable in the field of business, education

GOAL ORIENTED: Management is a purposeful activity. It coordinates the efforts of workers to achieve the goals of the organization. The success of management is measured by the extent to which the organizational goals are achieve. 3. DISTINCT PROCESS: Management is a distinct process consisting of such functions as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. These functions are so interwoven that it is not possible to lay down exactly the sequence of various functions or their relative significance. In essence, the process of management involves decision making and putting of decisions into practice. 4. INTEGRATIVE FORCE: The essence of management is integration of human and other resources to achieve the desired objectives. All these resources are made available to those who manage. Managers apply knowledge, experience and management principles for getting the results from the workers by the use of non human resources. Managers also seek to harmonize the individual goals with the organizational goals for the smooth working of the organization. 5. INTANGIBLE FORCE: Management has been called an unseen force. Its presence is evidenced by the result of its effortsorderliness, informed employees, buoyant spirit and adequate work output. Thus, feeling of management is result-oriented.

6. RESULT THOUGH OTHERS: The manager cannot do anything themselves. They must have the necessary ability and skills to get work accomplished through the efforts of others. They must motivate the subordinates for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to them. 7. A SCIENCE AND AN ART: Management has an organized body of knowledge consisting of well defined concepts, principles and techniques which have wide applications. So it is treated as science. The application of these concepts, principles and techniques requires specialized knowledge and skills on the part of the manager. Since the skills acquired by a manager are his personal possession, management is viewed as an art. 8. SYSTEM OF AUTHORITY: Management as a team of managers represents a system of authority or a hierarchy of command and control. Manager at different levels possess varying degrees of authority which gets gradually reduced as you go down in the hierarchy. 9. MULTIDISCIPLINARY SUBJECT: Management has grown as a field of study taking the help of so many other disciplines such as engineering, anthropology, sociology etc. much of the management literature is the result of the association of those discipline. UNIVERSAL APPLICATION: Management in universal in character. The principles and techniques of management are equally applicable in the field of business, education

Q2 Discuss intellectual abilities in detail. Ability directly influences an employees level of performance and satisfaction through the ability-job fit. Given managements desire to get a compatible fit, what can be done? First, an effective selection process will improve the fit. A job analysis will provide information about jobs currently being done and the abilities that individuals need to perform the jobs adequately. Applicants can then be tested, interviewed, and evaluated on the degree to which they possess the necessary abilities. Second, promotion and transfer decisions affecting individuals already in the organizations employ should reflect the abilities of candidates. With new employees, care should be taken to assess critical abilities that incumbents will need in the job and to match those requirements with the organizations human resources. Third, the fit can be improved by fine-tuning the job to better match an incumbents abilities. Often modifications can be made in the job that, while not having a significant impact on the jobs basic activities, better adapts it to the specific talents of a given employee. Examples would be to change some of the equipment used or to reorganize tasks within a group of employees. A final alternative is to provide training for employees. This is applicable to both new workers and present job incumbents. Training can keep the abilities of incumbents current or provide new skills as times and conditions change. The following is a list of characteristics commonly displayed by person who are talented or gifted in Intellectual Abilities:

Understands complex concepts

Draws inferences between content areas

Sees beyond the obvious

Thrives on new or complex ideas

Enjoys hypothesizing

Intuitively knows before taught Uses an extensive vocabulary

Does in-depth investigations

Learns rapidly in comparison to peers

1 - 2 repetitions for mastery

Manipulates information Q3 Explain the classification of personality types given by Sheldon. INTRODUCTION Personality can be defined as a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely influences his or her cognitions, motivations, and behaviors in various situations. The word "personality" originates from the Latin persona, which means mask. Significantly, in the theatre of the ancient Latin-speaking world, the mask was not used as a plot device to disguise the identity of a character, but rather was a convention employed to represent or typify that character. DETERMINANTS OF PERSONALITY Personality is the outcome of a continuous personal quality development process. The role of personality becomes clear in a particular situation. Personality is recognized in a situation. It is the result of personal quality interaction in a particular condition. The major determinants of personality of an individual are given below: Biological Factors Cultural Factors Family Factors Social Factors Situational Factors Biological Factors Heredity: It refers to physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are considered to be inherent. It plays an important part in determining an individual's personality. Heredity approach argues that the ultimate explanation of an individual's personality is the

molecular structures of the genes, which are located in the chromosomes. Recent research studies shows that young children lend strong support to the power of heredity and finding shows that some personality traits may be built into the same genetic code that affects factors like height and hair color. Brain: Brain is the second biological approach to determine personality. It plays an important role in determining personality. Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB) and Split brain psychology results indicates that a better understanding of human personality and behavior might come from a closer study of the brain. The definite areas of the human brain are associated with pain and pleasure. Research study shows that these things are true. Biofeedback: It is third biological approach to determine personality. Physiologists and psychologists felt that biological functions like brainwave patterns, gastric and hormonal secretions, and fluctuations in blood pressure and skin temperature were beyond conscious control. Recent research shows that these functions can be consciously controlled through biofeedback techniques. For this purpose, individual can learns the internal rhythms of a particular body process through electronic signals that are feedback from equipment which is wired to body. In this process, the person can learn to control the body process through questions. It is one of the interesting topics to do future research work in personality. Physical Features: It is third biological approach to determine personality. It is vital ingredient of the personality, it focus an individual person's external appearance which also determined the personality. Physical features like tall or short, fat or skinny, black or white. These physical features will be influenced the personal effect on others and also affect self concept of individual. Recent research studies shows that definitely this features influence to individual personality in an organization. In totally, heredity would be fixed at birth and no amount of

experience can be altering them through creation of suitable environment. Apart from this, personality characteristics are not completely dictated by heredity. There are other factors also influenced to determining personality. Cultural Factors "Each culture expects, and trains, its members to behave in ways that are acceptable to the group. To a marked degree, the child's cultural group defines the range of experiences and situations he is likely to encounter and the values and personality characteristics that will reinforce and hence learned". -Paul H Mussen Cultural factors are also major factors which influence to determine individual personality

It refers to traditional practice, customs, procedure, norms and rules and regulation followed by the society. It significantly influence to individual behavior compare to biological factors. Cultural factors determine attitudes towards independence, aggression, competition, cooperation, positive thinking, team spirit, and a host of the human being and discharge his/her duties towards valuable responsibilities to society. Western culture influence to Indian society. It is best example of the cultural factors also determine the personality. Family Factors Family factors are also major factors which influence to determine individual personality. Family consists of husband and wife and their children's. Family role is very important for nurturing and personality development of their children. Family will be guided, supervised, take care of all family members, cooperation, 52 Organizational Behaviour coordination and cooperation in work and also explained the role and responsibilities towards the family, society and real life. Family either directly or indirectly influence to person for development of individual personality. Social Factors

Social factors are also major factors which influence to determine individual personality. It involves the reorganization of individual's in an organization or society. It refers to acquiring of wide range of personality by acquiring and absorbed by themselves in the society or an organization. Socialization process is starting from home and extending to work environment in an organization or society. It focuses on good relationships, cooperation, coordination and interaction among the members in the society or an organization or a family. In totally, environment factors consist of cultural factors, family factors, and social factors. Situational Factors Situational factors also influence to determine of personality. Situational factors are very important to change the individual behaviour in a different circumstance at different situations, it also influence to personality of individual person. In general term, personality is stable and consistent and it does change in different

situations. The Interaction of Personality and Situational Factors are outlined: Strong situational pressures Personality may not predict behaviour Example: enforcement of rules Weak Situational pressures Personality may predict behaviour Example: Customer sales representative A strong situation can overwhelm the effects of individual personalities by providing strong cues for appropriate behaviour. SHELDONS THEORY According to Sheldon there is a link between physiological traits and characteristics of an individual with his behaviour. There are basically three types. 1.Endomorphy - focused on the digestive system, particularly the stomach (endoderm); has the tendency toward plumpness, corresponds toVi scerotoni a temperament tolerant, love of comfort

and luxury, extravert Endomorphic Body Type:

soft body

underdeveloped muscles

round shaped

over-developed digestive system Associated personality traits:

love of food


evenness of emotions

love of comfort


good humored


need for affection

2.Mesophorphy- focused on musculature and the circulatory system (mesoderm), has the tendency towards muscularity, corresponds to theSomat ot oni a temperament courageous, energetic, active, dynamic, assertive, aggressive, risk taker Mesophorph Body Type:

hard, muscular body

overly mature appearance

rectangular shaped

thick skin

upright posture Associated personality traits:


desire for power and dominance


indifference to what others think or want

assertive, bold

zest for physical activity


love of risk and chance 3.Ectomorphy focused on the nervous system and the brain (ectoderm) - the tendency towards slightness, corresponds toCerebrotonia temperament artistic, sensitive, apprehensive, introvert Ectomorphic Body Type:

thin flat chest

delicate build

young appearance


lightly muscled


large brain Associated personality traits:


preference for privacy



socially anxious


mentally intense

emotionally restrained Q4 What are the different barriers to perception? Perception can be defined as a process by which individuals select, organize and interpret their sensory impressions, so as to give meaning to their environment. Perception is a complex cognitive process and differs from person to person. People's behavior is influenced by their perception of reality, rather than the actual reality. In comparison to sensation, perception is a much broader concept. Sensation involves simply receiving stimuli through sensory organs, whereas the process of perception involves receiving raw data from the senses and then filtering, modifying or transforming the data completely through the process of cognition. The processes of perception consist of various subprocesses such as confrontation, registration, interpretation and feedback. Though people are continuously exposed to numerous stimuli, they tend to select only a few of them. The principle of perceptual selectivity seeks to explain how, and why people select only a few stimuli out of the many stimuli they keep encountering at any given time. Perceptual selectivity is affected by various internal set factors and external attention factors. Some of the internal set factors are learning, motivation and personality. External attention factors include environmental influences like intensity, size, contrast, repetition, motion, novelty and familiarity.

Sometimes, different individuals may perceive the same thing differently. Differences may arise due to factors associated with the perceiver (attitudes, motives, expectations, etc.) or the situation (time, place, etc.) or the target (novelty, background, sounds, size, etc.). Perceptual organization focuses on the subsequent activities in the perceptual process after the information from the situation is received. The various principles of perceptual organization consist of figure-ground, perceptual grouping, perceptual constancy, perceptual context and perceptual defense. The principle of figure-ground states that perceived objects stand out from their general background. According to the principle of perceptual grouping, people tend to group several stimuli together into a recognizable pattern. People usually tend to group stimuli together on the basis of closure, continuity, proximity or similarity. Even if a person is not able to obtain sufficient information to arrive at a decision, he tries to close the gap by grouping the available information with the information from his past experience. This is called the principle of closure. Sometimes people tend to think only in a particular direction. This is called principle of continuity. It may also happen that people may group the stimuli based on their proximity and similarity. According to principle of perceptual constancy, there are some things which are perceived alike by all people, irrespective of the factors influencing perception. It provides a person a sense of stability in this changing world. Perceptual context provides meaning and value to stimuli with respect to a particular context. According to the principle of perceptual defense, people tend to resist information that is emotionally disturbing or clashes with their personal convictions or cultural values. Social perception is concerned with how individuals perceive one another. The primary factors that lead to social perception are the psychological processes that lead to attribution, stereotyping and halo effect. Attribution refers to the way in which people explain the cause of their own behavior or others' behavior. If a person's behavior can be attributed to internal factors such as personality traits, motivation or ability, then it is called dispositional attribution. If a person's behavior is attributed to external factors, such as a machine or being under the influence of others, then it is referred to as situational attribution. Stereotyping and the halo effect are common problems in social perception. When an individual is judged based on the perception about the group to which he belongs, it is termed as stereotyping. When people draw a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic, it is known as the halo effect. The process by which people try to manage or control the perceptions other people form of them is called impression management. It is used by employees in organizations to favorably impress their boss and move up the hierarchy.

Perceptions have a crucial role in individual decision-making in organizations, by affecting both the decisions as well as the quality of the decision. The decision taken by an individual is a complex process involving the intake of data, screening, processing, and interpreting and evaluating of data, based on the perception of the individual. Q5 Mr. Batra is the General Manager, HR of a leading Automobile company. He is having a meeting with Mr. Chandan, a leading HR consultant. Mr. Batra is concerned about creating an environment that helps in increasing job satisfaction among employees. Assume that you are Mr. Chandan, the HR consultant. What suggestions will you give to Mr. Batra, for creating an environment that increases job satisfaction? Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, e.g. the quality of one's relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.. Numerous research results show that there are many factors affecting the job satisfaction. There are particular demographic traits (age, education level, tenure, position, marital status, years in service, and hours worked per week) of employees that significantly affect their job satisfaction. Satisfying factors motivate workers while dissatisfying ones prevent. Motivating factors are achievement, recognition, the job conducted, responsibility, promotion and the factors related to the job itself for personal development. Motivating factors in the working environment result in the job satisfaction of the person while protective ones dissatisfy him/her. Maslow connects the creation of the existence of people's sense of satisfaction with the maintenance of the classified needs. These are: physiological needs (eating, drinking, resting, etc.), security needs (pension, health insurance, etc.), the need to love (good relations with the environment, friendship, fellowship, to love and to be loved), need to self- esteem (self-confidence, recognition, adoration, to be given importance, status, etc.) need of self-actualization (maximization of the latent[potential] power and capacity, development of abilities, etc.) . Insufficient education, inability to select qualified workers for the job, lack of communications, lack of job definitions, all affect job satisfaction negatively. It has been asserted that participating in the management, having the decision making power, independence on the job and the unit where the individual works, have positive impact upon the job satisfaction. The job itself (the work conducted), and achievement and recognition at work result in satisfaction while the management policy, relations with the managers and colleagues result in dissatisfaction. Factors related to the job itself such as using talents, creativity, responsibility, recognition have

influence on the job satisfaction. Age is one of the factors affecting job satisfaction. Studies conducted in five different

countries prove that the elder workers are more satisfied . Kose has also found a meaningful relation between the age and job satisfaction. There is a strong connection between feeling secure and saying one is satisfied with a job. People who state their job is secure have a much larger probability of reporting themselves happy with their work. Similarly, by some researchers, sex is also found to have an influence on job satisfaction. Besides, Wahba has found out that male librarians give more importance to personal development and free decision making in their jobs than the female librarians, and the female librarians are more dissatisfied than the male librarians. Job satisfaction and devotion to the job, affected each other reciprocally, and they have great impact upon performance. The most significant of the factors affecting performance are economical, technical, socio-political, cultural and demographical ones . However, most efforts to improve performance seem to center on improving the conditions surrounding the work. These are worthwhile efforts, but they usually result only in short-term improvements in attitudes and productivity, and the situation often returns quickly to normal . There is no strong acceptance among researchers, consultants, etc., that increased job satisfaction produces improve job performance -- in fact, improved job satisfaction can sometimes decrease job performance. For example, you could let workers sometime sit around all day and do nothing. That may make them more satisfied with their "work" in the short run, but their performance certainly doesn't improve. The individual's willingness to get a result, his/her endeavour and expectation of maintaining the result will push him/her to show the highest performance. Job satisfaction varies a lot. (Researches suggests, the higher the prestige of the job, the greater the job satisfaction). But, many workers are satisfied in even the least prestigious jobs. They simply like what they do. Most workers like their work if they have

little supervision. The least satisfied workers are those in service occupations and managers that work for others. Ethnic and religious orientation is associated to work attitudes, and job satisfaction is related to education. The difference between the results that the individual desire and those s/he maintained will affect his/her satisfaction . There is a consistent relationship between the professional status and the job satisfaction. High levels of job satisfaction are observed in those professions which are deemed of good standing in the society. The workers usually compare their working conditions with the conditions of the society, under the variable of social conditions. If the social conditions are worse than the individual's working conditions, then this will result in satisfaction of the individual, as the workers deem themselves relatively in good position

No meaningful relationship between the job satisfaction and age, professional experience, education level, level of wage, sex and professional group was found. On the contrary, professional experience has been claimed to increase job satisfaction. Q.6 Given below is the HR policy glimpse of iMagine, an advertising company 1. It offers cash rewards for staff members 2. It promotes the culture of employee referral and encourages people to refer people they know, maybe their friends, ex. colleagues, batch mates and relatives. 3. It recognizes good performances and gives fancy titles and jackets to the people who perform well and also felicitates them in the Annual Day of the company. What all aspects does it take care of, according to Maslows Need Hierarchy? Maslow is a humanistic psychologist. Humanists do not believe that human beings are pushed and pulled by mechanical forces, either of stimuli and reinforcements (behaviorism) or of unconscious instinctual impulses (psychoanalysis). Humanists focus upon potentials. They believe that humans strive for an upper level of capabilities. Humans seek the frontiers of creativity, the highest reaches of consciousness and wisdom. This has been labeled "fully functioning person", "healthy personality", or as Maslow calls this level, "self-actualizing person."

Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of needs. All of his basic needs are instinctoid, equivalent of instincts in animals. Humans start with a very weak disposition that is then fashioned fully as the person grows. If the environment is right, people will grow straight and beautiful, actualizing the potentials they have inherited. If the environment is not "right" (and mostly it is not) they will not grow tall and straight and beautiful. Maslow has set up a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs. Beyond these needs, higher levels of needs exist. These include needs for understanding, esthetic appreciation and purely spiritual needs. In the levels of the five basic needs, the person does not feel the second need until the demands of the first have been satisfied, nor the third until the second has been satisfied, and so on. Maslow's basic needs are as follows: Physiological Needs These are biological needs. They consist of needs for oxygen, food, water, and a relatively constant body temperature. They are the strongest needs because if a person were deprived of all needs, the physiological ones would come first in the person's search for satisfaction. Safety Needs

When all physiological needs are satisfied and are no longer controlling thoughts and behaviors, the needs for security can become active. Adults have little awareness of their security needs except in times of emergency or periods of disorganization in the social structure (such as widespread rioting). Children often display the signs of insecurity and the need to be safe. Needs of Love, Affection and Belongingness When the needs for safety and for physiological well-being are satisfied, the next class of needs for love, affection and belongingness can emerge. Maslow states that people seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. This involves both giving and receiving love, affection and the sense of belonging. Needs for Esteem When the first three classes of needs are satisfied, the needs for esteem can become dominant. These involve needs for both self-esteem and for the esteem a person gets from others. Humans have a need for a stable, firmly based, high level of selfrespect, and respect from others. When these needs are satisfied, the person feels self-confident and valuable as a person in the world. When these needs are frustrated, the person feels inferior, weak, helpless and worthless. Needs for Self-Actualization When all of the foregoing needs are satisfied, then and only then are the needs for self-actualization activated. Maslow describes self-actualization as a person's need to be and do that which the person was "born to do." "A musician must make music, an artist must paint, and a poet must write." These needs make themselves felt in signs of restlessness. The person feels on edge, tense, lacking something, in short, restless. If a person is hungry, unsafe, not loved or accepted, or lacking self-esteem, it is very

easy to know what the person is restless about. It is not always clear what a person wants when there is a need for selfactualization. The hierarchic theory is often represented as a pyramid, with the larger, lower levels representing the lower needs, and the upper point representing the need for self- actualization. Maslow believes that the only reason that people would not move well in direction of self-actualization is because of hindrances placed in their way by society. He states that education is one of these hindrances. He recommends ways education can switch from its usual person-stunting tactics to person-growing approaches. Maslow states that educators should respond to the potential an individual has for growing into a self- actualizing person of his/her own kind. Ten points that educators should address are listed: We should teach people to be authentic, to be aware of their inner selves and to hear their inner-feeling voices. 2.We should teach people to transcend their cultural conditioning and become world citizens. 3.We should help people discover their vocation in life, their calling, fate or destiny. This is especially focused on finding the right career and the right mate. 4.We should teach people that life is precious, that there is joy to be experienced in life, and if people are open to seeing the good and joyous in all kinds of situations, it makes life worth living. 5.We must accept the person as he or she is and help the person learn their inner nature. From real knowledge of aptitudes and limitations we can know what to build upon, what potentials are really there. 6.We must see that the person's basic needs are satisfied. This includes safety, belongingness, and esteem needs. 7.We should refreshen consciousness, teaching the person to appreciate beauty and the other good things in nature and in living. 8.We should teach people that controls are good, and complete abandon is bad. It takes control to improve the quality of life in all areas. 9.We should teach people to transcend the trifling problems and grapple with the serious problems in life. These include the problems of injustice, of pain, suffering, and death. 10.We must teach people to be good choosers. They must be given practice in making good choices.

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