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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A work is never a work of an individual.

We owe a sense of gratitude to theintelligence and co-operation of those people who had been so easy to let usunderstand what we needed from time to time for completion of this exclusiveproject.We want to express our gratitude towards Mrs. Susheela Chamoli, MarketingFaculty, IIPM Delhi for giving us an opportunity to do this project.Last but not the least, we would like to forward our gratitude to our friends &other faculty members who always endured us and stood by us and withoutwhom we could not have envisaged the completion of our project.

PREFACE To start any business the success entirely depends on the marketing researchdone about the particular and the consumer attitude towards the product.Marketing research plays a vital role in a business to make it success.We have tried to put our best effort to complete this task on the basis of skill thatwe have achieved during our studies in the institute.We have tried to put our maximum effort to get the accurate statistical data.However we would appreciate if any mistakes are brought to us by the reader.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A work is never a work of an individual. We owe a sense of gratitude to theintelligence and co-operation of those people who had been so easy to let usunderstand what we needed from time to time for completion of this exclusiveproject.We want to express our gratitude towards Mrs. Susheela Chamoli, MarketingFaculty, IIPM Delhi for giving us an opportunity to do this project.Last but not the least, we would like to forward our gratitude to our friends &other faculty members who always endured us and stood by us and withoutwhom we could not have envisaged the completion of our project.

PREFACE To start any business the success entirely depends on the marketing researchdone about the particular and the consumer attitude towards the product.Marketing research plays a vital role in a business to make it success.We have tried to put our best effort to complete this task on the basis of skill thatwe have achieved during our studies in the institute.We have tried to put our maximum effort to get the accurate statistical data.However we would appreciate if any mistakes are brought to us by the reader.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After going thick on the things, now time is to make a complete picture. Whilemaking a product a SKU (stock keeping unit) of the shop retailers think about theGMROI (gross margin return on investment) and they promote the brand whichprovides them highest. They expect return in the form of profit margin, companyschemes, window display and reference of the shop. Among these, companyschemes make the difference and are the highest sources of motivation after profit margin. Retailing demands a constant push from the company.Marketer needs to use advertising and brand building strategies to address thediscerning buyers and retail push to in different buyers. The manufacturer shouldunderstand consumer behavior because retailers cant help quality and price. It isonly up to manufacturers to deliver what consumer wants. I need to stress on itbecause 58% retailers said that it is demand why they sell Britannia. 61% agreethat at retail shop it is brand popularity, which determine the purchase of biscuit.There is a greater need to understand the retailer behavior. Considering them asa team, working for the company may help them to be attached to the company.There should be a feeling of belonging to the company in inner of the retailers.This can be done by setting values club for retailers so that they may exchangeviews with the company and help in understanding consumer behavior.

CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR Understanding the buying behavior of the target market is the essential task of marketing management under marketing concept. The consumer market consistsof all the individuals and households who buy or acquire good and services for personal consumptions. The buying behavior tries to find out the answers for thequestions, who buys? How do they buy? Where do they buy? Do they buy? (A)FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR There are four major factors that influence the buying behavior such as culturalfactors, social factors, personal factors, and psychological factors. i. CULTURAL FACTORS: Culture is the most fundamental determinant of aperson wants and behavior. Values, perceptions, preferences, andbehavior are the main variable under culture of an individual. Each culturecontains sub-culture like nationality, religious group, geographical area,and linguistic divisions etc. ii. SOCIAL FACTORS: A consumer behavior is also influenced by socialfactors such as the consumer reference group family and social roles andstatus. iii. PERSONAL FACTORS: A buyer decision is also influenced by his or personal characteristics, notably the buyers age, lifestyle, occupation,economic circumstances etc. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS: a person buying choice is also influenced by four major psychological factors such as motivation, perception, learning belief andattitudes.

(B) BUYING DECISION PROCESS It includes buying roles, types of buying and steps in buying process. I . B U Y I N G R O L E The buying role could be classified into four parts. These are initiator, influencer,decider and buyer. II. TYPES OF BUYING BEHAVIOR

Consumer decision taking varies with the type of buying decision. There are four types buying behavior such as Complex buying behavior, Habitual buyingbehavior, Variety seeking buying behavior. III. STAGES IN BUYING DECISION PROCESS Here are five stages in buying decision process namely problem recognitionsearch, evaluation of alternatives purchase decision and past purchase behavior. NEED RECOGNITION The buying process starts with the buyers recognition of a problem of need. Thebuyer senses a difference between his actual state and desired state. INFORMATION SEARCH There are different sources from where a consumer can gather information likepersonal sources commercial sources, experimental sources. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES After gathering information about different products the customer will be in a fussas to choose which product among the mainly alternatives consumer usuallyevaluate the alternatives on traditional basis, on the basis of utility function etc.from the many alternative consumers at last choose the best one for him.

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