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Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1

Course Syllabus
School of Business EM/585 Version 1 Marketing Energy 1/10/2012 2/20/2012
Copyright 2011by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Course Description This course prepares students to apply marketing concepts to affect public perception of energy alternatives. Students learn to solve marketing problems in a collaborative environment. Topics include market research, customer relationships, branding, market segmentation, product development, pricing, channels, communications, public relations, and policy formulation. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.

University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Grant, J. (2007).The green marketing manifesto. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons. Kotler, P. & Keller, K. L. (2007). A framework for marketing management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. & Keller, K. L. (2006). Marketing management (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Newsom, D., Turk, J. V., & Kruckeberg, D. (2004). This is PR: The realities of public relations (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson-Wadsworth. All electronic materials are available on the student website.

Week One: Understanding Marketing Management

Objectives 1.1 Identify fundamental marketing concepts, trends, and tasks. 1.2 Identify components of an effective marketing plan. 1.3 Apply the market research process in developing a business solution for an energy-focused organization.



Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1


Read Ch. 1 of Marketing Management. Read Ch. 2 of Marketing Management. Read Ch. 3 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Section II Overview of The Green Marketing Manifesto. Participate in class discussion. 4 out of 7 days Thurs. 01/12 Sat. 01/14 Mon. 01/16 1


Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions.

Learning Activity Energy Management Multimedia Interface

Read the information presented in Energy Management Multimedia Interface on your course materials page. Review the five energy scenarios located in the Economics tab of the multimedia interface. Choose one scenario and respond as a team to the questions presented in the following scenario introduction, as well as for the chosen energy scenario. Post your answers in the assignment area for your team. Introduction What are the factors that determine the price of electricity for the consumer? How do different sources of electricity, including coal, natural gas, renew ables, and nuclear energy interrelate in determining this price? This section is intended to provide you with a basic understanding of how various factors might interact to affect the supply, demand, and price of electricity. These factors might include natural and man-made disasters, government intervention, public perception, or other market determinants. Select an energy scenario by clicking on one of the scenario links on the left. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen or click on the corresponding submenu links that appear in the left pane to navigate through each scenario. Scenario 1: Discussion Questions What factors affect how quickly the other energy sourcesnatural gas, nuclear, and renewablewill be able to meet the increase in demand that results from a reduction in the production of coal? Which of these other energy sources do you think will be able to meet the increase in demand? Explain why. How do you believe the increase in the price of electricity will affect consumer behavior? How is your answer affected by the price elasticity of demand for electricity? Should the price elasticity of demand affect the decisions made by regulators related to prices and encourage the development of renewable energy sources?

Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1

Explain your answers. Who are the stakeholders affected by this scenario? What are the potential positive and negative implications for these stakeholders? How might the short-term implications differ from the long-term implications? Scenario 2: Discussion Questions What factors affect how quickly U.S. businesses will actually increase their consumption of renewable fuels versus other energy sources? What role do existing technologies, production processes, and the prices of factors of production play in this process of shifting to the use of renewable fuels? When the quantity of energy demanded by consumers decreases, energy suppliers might have a hard time covering their costs for producing energy. Because utilities must cover their costs and produce a return on investment to their shareholders, they may increase the price to the consumer. How would this price increase potentially affect the overall energy market in both the short and long term? Scenario 3: Discussion Questions What factors affect how quickly the other energy sourcesnatural gas, coal, and renewablewill be able to meet the increase in demand that results from a reduction in the production of nuclear energy? Which of these other energy sources do you think will be able to meet the increase in demand? Explain why. How do you believe the increase in the price of electricity will affect consumer behavior? How is your answer affected by the price elasticity of demand for electricity? Should this affect the decisions made by regulators related to prices and encourage the development of renewable energy sources? Explain your answers. What happened to the development and production of nuclear energy in the U.S following the Three Mile Island incident? What were the implications for the construction of new nuclear power plants? What new regulations governing the production of nuclear power were implemented? Were the regulations effective or ineffective? Explain why or why not. Scenario 4: Discussion Questions During an economic slowdown, the price of energy should decrease due to the decrease in demand leading to lower equilibrium price. Why or how might the price of energy not decline?

Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1

What happened to oil and gas prices during the recession of 2007 2011? What were the factors that led to these results? What do you expect the effect of this change in oil and gas prices to have been on the production and consumption of renewable energy sources? Scenario 5: Discussion Questions What factors do you believe are important determinants of the demand for solar panels? Of these, which is most important to you? Identify an example of a technological improvement that lead to increasing supply of a critical product, for example, a personal computer. What was the effect on the market price of this product? Over time, what happened to the demand for this product? How has its increasing use affected households and businesses? Individual Marketing in the Energy Industry Select an organization of interest to you facing an energy-related marketing challenge or opportunity. Write a paper of no more than 700 words explaining how some of the marketing concepts found in this weeks readings may be related to your chosen organization, specifically: What areas of the external environment, e.g. within the cultural, demographic, economic, natural, political and technological environments, your chosen organization must evaluate closely and why Market research topics of particular interest to your chosen organization and how your organization must consider conducting this research What components of the marketing plan are particularly relevant to your chosen organization? Mon. 01/16 5

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week Two: Buyer Behavior

Objectives 2.1 Analyze how organizations in the energy sector build strong customer relationships and customer value through marketing. 2.2 Explain the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions. 2.3 Analyze how markets are segmented to form target markets. 2.4 Explain the important decisions involved in developing branding strategies.



Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1


Read Ch. 4 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 5 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 6 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 7 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 8 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 9 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Section IIA of The Green Marketing Manifesto. Participate in class discussion. 4 out of 7 days Thurs. 01/19 Sat. 01/21 Mon. 01/23 2


Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions.

Learning Team Product Offering

You complete parts of the Product Offering assignment in the coming weeks; the full launch of the product or service is completed in Week Six. Once you have received your instructors approval for the product identified in this weeks assignment, continue to work on the product launch plan based on the outline given in Week Six. You must not wait until the final week to finish the full assignment. For this weeks assignment, you may keep your research brief. For the Week Six assignment, however, detailed research is expected. Resource: Ch. 2 of Marketing Management, this weeks readings, the Internet, or other resources Perform a product or service launch as a team. See Ch. 2 of Marketing Management for a sample plan. Select a home country other than the United States and choose an existing organization of interest to the team. Define an energyrelated product or service for this organization. Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words explaining the following: Market needs Market growth A brief SWOT Analysis Competition Product or service offering and definition Your products or services value proposition Analysis of how your energy sector organization may build strong customer relationships and customer value through


Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1

marketing Major market segments for your product or service Key aspects of the purchase decision process for the major market segments.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week Three: Product Development and Pricing Strategies

Objectives 3.1 Apply a product development decision process to the launch of a new energy-related product, service, or initiative. 3.2 Describe marketing strategies that increase service quality. 3.3 Evaluate pricing strategies and programs for setting and adapting the price of a new energy-related product, service, or initiative. Read Ch. 10 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 11 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 12 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Section IIB of The Green Marketing Manifesto Participate in class discussion. 4 out of 7 days Thurs. 01/26 Sat. 01/28 Mon. 01/30 1





Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions.

Learning Team Activity

Discuss problem solving models that can be used for the Individual assignment for the week. Post an outline example of a proposed problem-solving model to be used that you agree on as a group. Use a problem-solving model to address your chosen organizations marketing challenge or opportunity from Week 1. You must identify and define the challenge or opportunity and apply a robust problemsolving process. Consider the internal and external pressures contributing to your chosen organizations current challenge or opportunity, the objectives and obstacles of the marketing department, and the marketing resources available to develop the new product or service and launch it. Evaluate pricing strategies and programs for setting and adapting

Individual Marketing Solution for Your Selected Organization

Mon. 01/30

Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1

the price of your energy-related product, service, or initiative. Write a paper of no more than 3,500 words applying your chosen problem-solving process to your chosen organization and provide justification for your marketing strategies and programs, including key aspects of the marketing mix. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week Four: Channel Strategies and Foreign Markets

Objectives 4.1 Evaluate marketing channel strategies for a new energy-related product, service, or initiative. 4.2 Evaluate strategies for entering foreign markets with a new product, service or initiative. Read Ch. 13 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 14 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 21 of Marketing Management. Participate in class discussion. 4 out of 7 days Thurs. 02/02 Sat. 02/04 Mon. 02/06 1





Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions.

Learning Team Activity

Develop an outline of the final project, include which team member is responsible for which part and abbreviated descriptions of what concepts/ideas will be discussed for each objective of the assignment. Use the weeks metrics as a guide. Select a second country as the international market for your product or service for your Learning Team company. Your home country was selected in Week Two. Develop channel and pricing strategies for your product or service launch, including both your domestic and international markets. Write a paper of no more than 1,400 words explaining the following: A justification for your choice of international market Note. The justification must employ specific data from research conducted. The selection of an appropriate channel strategy for both your domestic and international markets and a justification for this

Individual Channel and Pricing Strategies

Mon. 02/06

Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1

selection Pricing strategies for entering both the domestic and international markets

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week Five: Communicating Value

Objectives 5.1 Evaluate factors involved in developing and managing an effective marketing communications plan for a new energyrelated product, service, or initiative. 5.2 Evaluate advertising and promotion programs for a new energyrelated product, service, or initiative. 5.3 Evaluate technology trends in marketing. Read Ch. 15 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 16 of A Framework for Marketing Management. Read Ch. 19 of Marketing Management. Read Ch. 20 of Marketing Management. Read Section IIC of The Green Marketing Manifesto. Participate in class discussion. 4 out of 7 days Thurs. 02/09 Sat. 02/11 Mon. 02/13 2





Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions.

Learning Team Communication Plan

Develop a communications plan for your product launch, including both your domestic and international markets. Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words addressing the following: Evaluate factors involved in developing and managing an effective marketing communications plan for the new product or service. Evaluate advertising and promotion programs for the new product or service. Evaluate the technology trends available to help you market the product or service. Compare and contrast the marketing communication strategies for both your domestic and international markets and explain the differences.


Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week Six: Public Relations and Ethics in Marketing

Objectives 6.1 Analyze the role of ethics and social responsibility in marketing. 6.2 Evaluate public relations strategies for a new energy-related product, service, or initiative. Read Ch. 11 of This is PR. Participate in class discussion for attendance purposes. 2 out of 7 days Mon. 02/20 2



Readings Participation/ Attendance Individual Final Exam

Resources: Final Exam & assigned readings from all weeks Select the link to the final exam on your student web page. The exam is available from the end of Week Five through the end of Week Six. Complete the final exam. Only one attempt is allowed, which is timed and must be completed in 3 hours. Results are auto-graded and sent to your instructor. Note. Final exam questions are adapted from Marketing Management and A Framework for Marketing Management.


Learning Team Product Launch Plan Paper

Develop a product launch plan for two markets: domestic and international. Write a paper of no more than 3,500 words explaining each of the following elements in your teams Product Launch Plan: Product or service description Product or service positioning Targeting Market needs, potential and growth Environmental scan and company SWOT analysisinclude analysis from both countries chosen The competition Marketing objectives and marketing strategy Pricing

Mon. 02/20


Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1


Key issues related to ethics and social responsibility for the new product or service Marketing communication, including public relations and how the organization must address the key issues identified as they relate to ethics and social responsibility for the new product or service Distribution strategy: domestic and international market entry Financial information: a budget showing product launch expenses and a unit forecast by quarter for three years Marketing research conducted for the plan

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Learning Team Product Launch Plan Presentation Resource: Product Launch Plan Paper Prepare a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides summarizing the key aspects of your Product Launch Plan with speakers notes. Mon. 02/20 10

Discussion Questions Week One Discussion Questions What are the key components of an effective marketing plan? Why is the marketing plan one of the most important elements of the marketing process in an energy organization? What are some market research topics that you believe energy-focused organizations must focus on today? Explain why.

Week Two Discussion Questions What are some ways markets in the energy sector may be segmented to form target markets? How might energy-related firms decide which market segments to target? Summarize a recent energy-related brand crisis with which you are familiar. Do you feel this crisis was managed effectively? Explain why or why not.

Week Three Discussion Questions What key factors must an energy-focused company consider when attempting to develop a new product or service? What are some new energy-related products that have failed? What do you believe caused this failure? How would you have handled the product or service launch differently? Provide an example in the energy sector where value pricing is an effective marketing strategy. Then provide a situation where penetration pricing makes the most marketing sense. Finally, provide an example where price skimming best fits the marketing situation. Justify each of your examples.

Week Four Discussion Questions

Course Syllabus EM/585 Version 1


Why are marketing channels and intermediaries necessary in the energy sector? What is the most important function carried out by intermediaries in the energy sector? Explain why. Why must channel arrangements sometimes be modified over time in the energy sector? What are some factors energy-focused companies must consider before attempting to enter foreign markets? Assuming you were setting up a market program for an energy-related product in a foreign country, what must you take into consideration? How might international marketing benefit a previously domestic energy-related organization?

Week Five Discussion Questions What are the most important things to consider in developing a communications plan for a new energyrelated product or service? Explain why. How might marketers best promote consumer adoption of a new energy-related product or service? What are the key challenges related to ethics and social responsibility faced by energy-focused organizations today? Explain why. Which companies do you feel are best at addressing these challenges? Explain why. Are there companies that you feel are doing an inadequate job of addressing ethical and social challenges? Explain why.

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