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Description of Position: As outlined by the Official Rules and Regulations of the Drake Student Senate, two Diversity Interest Senators and candidates for the Diversity Interest Senator-atLarge election must be selected by the Diversity Convention. Each organization attending the Convention completed an application and was approved by the Student Life Committee. The position encompasses your role of representing diversity as a whole in the Drake University community. If you are affiliated with any organizations on campus, you are expected to speak not in your interest or the interest of your organization alone, but in the interest of diversity as a whole at Drake University. This position represents many of the underrepresented groups on campus, including multicultural (race, ethnicity, national origin) and other underrepresented groups (sexual orientation, gender, disability) in the Student Body. This application allows you to choose whether or not you would like to be considered for the position of a Diversity Interest Senator-at-Large. The candidates for this election are chosen by the Diversity Interest Convention, but the candidates then campaign to and are elected by the entire Student Body. This election will coincide with the Student Senate Executive Election. Timeline: Friday, February 10th, 5:00 PM- Applications for DIS positions are due. Friday, February 17th, 2 PM - Applicants for the DIS election will meet with the Diversity Interest Convention. They will speak and the Convention will select a minimum of two (2) candidates for election by the Student Body. Paperwork will be distributed to selected candidates. Sunday, February 19th, midnight (12:01 AM)- Campaigning for the at-Large election begins. Sunday, February 26th, 1:00 PM-Mandatory Publicity Meeting to help inform the Student Body about elections Sunday, February 26th, 11:59 PM-Campaigning ends. Monday, February 27th, midnight (12:01 AM)-Diversity Interest Senator-at-Large Elections and Executive Student Senate elections Tuesday, February 28th, midnight (11:5 PM)-Election ends. Results of election announced a little after midnight and posted in SLC. The individual who wins will represent the diverse interest of Drakes Student Body for the remaining 2012 spring semester. **NOTE: Candidates must be available on Thursday evenings for Senate meetings**

Application for candidates:

(To receive an electronic copy, email Alex Hendzel at or you may recreate this form.)

Organization Name Representative Name

Phone Number


Please respond to each of the following questions in 250 words or less.

1. What is diversity to you? 2. What is your experience with diverse communities and organizations both on and off Drakes campus? 3. Why would you be a good representative of diversity (not limited to diverse organizations) on Drakes campus? 4. Name 3 goals not necessarily diversity oriented for the rest of the year on Senate?

**Return completed electronic application to Senator Hendzel at, no later than 5pm on Friday, February 10th, 2012. She will reply letting you know your application has been received.**

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