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Six Practices of Leadership is not something you do to people,

It’s something you do with people.
Exemplary Leadership
Ken Blanchard, Patricia Zigarmi,
and Drea Zigarmi
Leadership and the One Minute

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 1 Leadership 2

Six Practices Practices of Exemplary Leadership

1. Model the Way

2. Inspire a Shared Vision
3. Challenge the Process
4. Kindle the Heart
5. Enable Others to Act
6. YOU

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 3 Leadership 4

Model the Way Model the Way

♦ Leaders know that to gain commitment
and achieve high standards, they must ♦ Exemplary leaders go first – they set the
be MODELS of behavior they expect of example through daily actions that
others. demonstrate a deep commitment to
their beliefs.
♦ Leaders must be clear about their
guiding principles – this means talking
about your values.

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 5 Leadership 6

Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision
♦ Modeling the way is all about earning ü Leaders inspire a shared vision – they
the right and the respect to lead through have a desire to make something
direct individual involvement and action. happen, to change the way things are,
to create something that no one else
♦ People first follow the person, then the
has ever created before.

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 7 Leadership 8

Inspire a Shared Vision Inspire a Shared Vision

ü Leaders have visions and dreams of ü Leaders ignite the flame of passion in
what could be! others by expressing enthusiasm for the
vision of their group.
ü They have personal belief in their
dreams and are confident in their ability
to make extraordinary things happen.

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 9 Leadership 10

Challenge the Process Challenge the Process

v Leaders are pioneers – willing to step
out into the unknown.
v Leaders learn from their failures as well
as their successes. v Leaders are early adopters of

v Leaders know the door that unlocks

opportunity is learning.
Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary
Leadership 11 Leadership 12

Challenge the Process Kindle the Heart
♥ Leaders encourage the heart of
v Leadership involves challenge – an constituents to carry on when
innovative new product, a cutting-edge exhausted, frustrated and disenchanted.
service, a new piece of legislation, new
plant or business, etc.– a change from ♥ Leader’s show appreciation for people’s
the status quo. contributions and create a culture of
celebration – both individual recognition
and group celebration.

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 13 Leadership 14

Kindle the Heart Enable Others to Act

♥ Leaders visibly and behaviorally link Leadership is a TEAM effort.
rewards with performance.
Exemplary leaders enable others to
♥ Leaders know that celebrations and
act – they foster collaboration and build
rituals, when done with authenticity and
from the heart, build a strong sense of trust.
collective identify and community spirit
that can carry a group through tough Leaders make it possible for others to
times. do good work.
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Leadership 15 Leadership 16

Enable Others to Act Enable Others to Act

When leadership is built on trust and
Leaders enable others to act not by confidence, people take risks, make
hoarding power, but by giving it away. changes, keep organizational
movements alive.
The leader’s ability to enable others to

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 17 Leadership 18

YOU The Winner in YOU!

YOU were born to win, but to be a winner, you must

The sixth factor critical to leadership plan to win, prepare to win, then you can
success is having a healthy self-concept expect to win.
and a belief in your ability to be an
effective leader. You are what you are and where you are because of
what goes into your mind; you can change who you
are and where you are by changing what goes into
your mind.
Zig Zigler

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 19 Leadership 20

Blueprint for Achieving The Magic of Believing

Man often becomes what he believes
himself to be. If I keep on saying to
myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it
1. Define your PURPOSE in life. is possible that I may end by really
becoming incapable of doing it.

2. Define your VALUES. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I

can do it, I shall surely acquire the
capacity to do it even if I may not have it
3. Establish your GOALS. all at the beginning.

Mahatma Gandhi

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 21 Leadership 22

If it’s to be, it’s up to ME! Practices of Exemplary Leadership


Believe in YOURSELF!

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 23 Leadership 24

Characteristics of Admired
Leadership is a Relationship
In response to the question:

Leadership is a relationship “What values (personal traits &

between those who aspire to lead characteristics) do you look for
and those who choose to follow! and admire in your leader?

asked to over 75,000 people around the

world – results show………….
Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary
Leadership 25 Leadership 26

Characteristics of Admired Characteristics of Admired

Leaders Leaders

Of over 225 different values, traits and ♦ Honesty

characteristics identified, FOUR ♦ Forward-looking

continuously received over 50% of
the vote: ♦ Competent

♦ Inspiring

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 27 Leadership 28

Characteristics of Admired Characteristics of Admired

Leaders -Honesty Leaders –Forward Looking

Honesty is more often selected than any Forward-looking – more than 70%
other leadership characteristic - it is the of respondents selected the ability to
look ahead as one of their most
single most important ingredient in sought-after leadership traits.
the leader-constituent relationship

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 29 Leadership 30

Characteristics of Admired Characteristics of Admired
Leaders –Competent Leaders –Competent

Competent - competence refers to The most important competency a

the leader’s track record and ability to leader brings to their role is their
get things done.
ability to work well with others.

Relationship skills are what shape

Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary
Leadership 31 Leadership 32

Characteristics of Admired
Leaders –Inspiring

Inspiring – related to leaders People want leaders who are

enthusiasm, energy, positive outlook credible!
about the future.
CREDIBILITY – is the foundation
of leadership.

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Leadership 33 Leadership 34

Credibility Credibility
Above all else, individuals must be able to What is credibility?
believe in their leaders.
They must…….. ♦ Leaders practice what they
♦ believe that the leader’s word preach
can be TRUSTED,
♦ They walk the talk
♦ that they’ll DO WHAT THEY SAY,
♦ Their actions are consistent with
♦ that they’re personally EXCITED &
ENTHUSIASTIC about the direction in their words
which they are headed!
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Leadership 35 Leadership 36

Credibility Summary

What is credibility? Leadership is an observable,

learnable set of practices.
♦ They put their money where their
mouth is The self-confidence required to
lead comes from learning about
♦ They do what they say they will
ourselves—our skills, prejudices,
do talents, and shortcomings.

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Summary Summary

Those who become the best

leaders take advantage of
Self-confidence develops as we opportunities to try, to fail, to
build on our strengths and learn from their mistakes.
overcome our weaknesses.
Leaders develop best when they
are enthusiastic participants in
Six Practices of Exemplary Six Practices of Exemplary
Leadership 39 Leadership 40

10 Commitments of

See Handout

“The Five Practices of Exemplary

Leadership When Leaders Are
Their Best”

Six Practices of Exemplary

Leadership 41

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