Accepting The Way

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Accepting the Way

In prayer, in living, among the people. Why is it in the desire of man to overcome the world? What is gained from conquering others when they pose no threat? Where can man become the Mother's master When She is already perfect? The Wise Elder knows the true Way of Power. The Way of Power demands that he be first whole, unto himself. His heart has been filled because he has experienced true emptiness By Crying for a Vision and learning from the Elders. He is quiet because he has learned the solitude of the Mother. He is still like The Great Spirit Because he has known the path of activity. He has given up everything and has been given all he needs. He is able to follow in true happiness Because he is unmoved by leadership. The Wise Elder has long recognized one path on the Way of Power, By accepting himself for what he is. He no longer needs to try, so he accomplishes all that is necessary. (Excerpted from Quiet Heart by Sleeping Crow, a collection of Native spiritual teachings based upon life with a small, Pacific Northwest Native American nation.)

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