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Issue 2, Seventh Edition

In This Issue:
Greetings from News USG The Valiant Return of SOCHUM (Page 2) 2012 HSMUN Runway Looks (Pages 3 + 4) News In Brief (Pages 4+ 5) Dear Editor... (Page 5) Crossword (Page 6) Horoscopes (Page 7)

HSMUN Delegates...Prepare Yourselves!

By Fanny Kung, News USG

Delegates...ARE YOU READY?? The countdown has begun delegates! Mark your calendars, refresh your representative nations foreign policies, polish your dress shoes, and steam your formal attire! The 2012 Conference is now only a few weeks away, and the volunteers have been working hard to rehearse their roles as Dais Chairs and Intervention Staff; the Crisis Committee has undoubtedly cooked up another unsuspecting...crisis! The members of the Executive are tying up loose ends and preparing the delegate packages. As time winds down, this will be a kind reminder to submit your payments and registration paperwork, as well as to get your orders in for a T-shirt while you still can! There are quite a few areas I wanted to remind you to pay some extra attention to as final preparations are made! There have been several stories that have made

international headlines that are pertinent to much of the international political climate--make sure to adjust your represented nations stance on certain foreign issues if pertinent! Secondly, dont forget to brush up on some conference etiquettes so you can maximize your experience with us at HSMUN! Intervention slips are fun at first...but they shouldnt be completely brushed off! Notes passed between delegates however, ARE encouraged, and feel free to pass them along to the News Committee members flitting in and out of each Committee if youd like to expose a scandal in the next edition of the Daily Delegate! Lastly, remember that you take as much away from this conference as you want! All of the volunteers are here to make sure you have fun and enjoy your time on campus, feel free to ask us any questions you might have about campus life! Happy Preparing!

FASHIONMONTHLY February 4, 2012

The Valiant Return of SOCHUM By: Aseel Othman

SOCHUM has returned to HSMUN this year delegates! SOCHUM is the Social, Humanitarian Cultural affairs Committee. It discusses a range of human rights and social issues affecting populations around the globe. Also known as the third committee, SOCHUMs goal is to converse about the advancement of women, the protection of children, indigenous issues, the treatment of refugees, the promotion of fundamental freedoms through the elimination of racism and racial discrimination, the right to self-determination and social developmental issues as well1. This committee was part of HSMUN for many years. However, in 2011 the committee did not take part in the conference. The reason for this was that the executives wanted to try out a new committee in place of SOCHUM. The removal of SOCHUM came as a surprise, but it has returned this year because many participants wanted to be a part of it and were disappointed when it was removed. The topics that will be discussed include: dealing with women's rights violations and safeguarding human rights in prosecuting counterterrorism policies2. One only needs to realize the effects such issues have on local populations to be aware of the importance SOCHUM has to the United Nations. HSMUN is better represented by the addition of SOCHUM, and is glad to have the committee return.

SOCHUM focuses on often neglected but critical topics that affect people directly. The importance of such issues may be overlooked, to an extent, by larger more pressing issues such as politics or disaster. However, these social topics may affect communities more than political issues. The unfortunate reality is that human rights are violated all over the world unnecessarily. Children, women, and men have all suffered at the hands of those that violate such rights, and it is truly disheartening to know that it could have been prevented. SOCHUM attempts to ensure maintenance of humanitarian rights across the globe, and this is vital to the United Nations objective of improving peoples live in every possible way. Delegates who have previously been part of SOCHUM recall it as a great experience. Hopefully, all members of the SOCHUM committee enjoy themselves this year and learn the value of discussing social issues that may potentially change the lives of people around the world. References: 1. UN General Assembly. 2011. Accessible at: http:// Accessed on January 22, 2012. 2. HSMUN 2012. University of Alberta. 2012. Accessible at: who.html. Accessed on January 22, 2012.

What To Wear: The 2012 HSMUN Runway Looks By: Narisa Bandali
Your look at HSMUN is a big part of how other delegates will see you. Its the first thing theyll see and your wardrobe is a big part of the first impression you give. So consider the following as your guide on how to dress to impress. HSMUN encourages businesscasual outfits when in session. Jeans and T-shirts are strongly discouraged, as well as street-clothes (like your beatup sneakers, ball caps or hoodies). Should you wish to, feel free to dress in the traditional clothes of your country to bring more authenticity to the HSMUN experience. This doesnt mean you need to run out and completely update your closet, but if you feel up to the challenge, its not out of the question! For the rest of you delegates, here are a few tips: For the ladies: A cute blazer goes a long way, especially when paired with a belt. Underneath the blazer, you may find a comfortable, classy top or a blouse of a complementary colour. Feel free to wear skirts or pants, or even a dress. As for shoes, wear something comfortable. Flats are quite popular at HSMUN, because sometimes, while those high-heels may look great, they may not feel great after a few hours. At HSMUN, there are two rules we follow when it comes to determining if your outfit is appropriate. 1. The Hem-line Rule: If the space between your hem-line and your skirt/ pants is shorter than the tip of your middle finger

THE DAILY DELEGATE January 30, 2012

THE DAILY DELEGATE January 30, 2012

when you rest your arms straight down your sides, then its too short. 2. The Grandma Rule: If your grandma wouldnt approve, we wouldnt either. For the men: Guys have lots of options when it comes to business casual attire for HSMUN. A staple of your delegate look should be a collared shirt of any colour, one of the most diverse pieces of the male wardrobe. Pair it with a cardigan, a tie, or both, and some slacks. Another great look would be your collared shirt under a blazer. Its also a great time to pull out your dress shoes, boys; youll get lots of use out of them during HSMUN week.

Avoid pairing black with brown, and stripes with dots and youll look very professional. For the last night, weve prepared a banquet to encourage mingling with your fellow diplomats! Dont be afraid to cross enemy lines! Its also your chance to dust off your little black dresses and silk ties. Wear what you feel is dance party comfortable as youll be eating and dancing all night. At HSMUN, we cant allow bare feet on the dance floor, so ladies, if you insist on wearing those beautiful six-inch heels, please bring a backup pair of flats. Its your last chance to impress your fellow delegates, so bring your best and were sure youll look radiant and handsome that night.

Stay picture perfect delegates!

News In Brief By: Anas Wattar

US: Texas Governor Rick Perry has suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich. I know when its time to make a strategic retreat he told supporters in South Carolina, adding that there is no viable path forward for him in his campaign. Despite Governor Perrys endorsement of former House speaker Gingrich, Mr. Gingrich is taunted by his ex-wife claims that he wanted an open marriage. Newt is not perfect, but who among us is? said Mr. Perry, defending former House speaker Gingrich, who angrily denied his ex-wifes claims and strongly criticized the US media for even raising this issue. Governor Perrys decision leaves four contenders: Mr. Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Gingrich, a former House speaker, veteran Texas Congressman Ron Paul and a former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, who will compete in a primary election in South Carolina. Syria: The Arab League has outlined a series of reforms to be undertaken in Syria. These reforms include calling on President Bashar alAssad to hand over his power to his deputy and end the bloodshed. It also called for a one-month extension for the Arab monitors mission in the country. This follows a report monitors who have been in Syria for a rough month to observe the current violence. Their mission is to make sure that the Syrian government is implementing the Arab peace proposal, which states that the government should release prisoners, withdraw the army from the streets and negotiate with the opposition. Meanwhile, in a speech in Beirut, the UN Secretary-General urged president Assad to halt the crackdown. "Today, I say again to President Assad of Syria: stop the violence. Stop killing your people. The path of repression is a dead end," he said. For more than 10 months, the Syrian people have been striving to overthrow their government in hope of ending the forty-year-old

THE DAILY DELEGATE January 30, 2012

dictatorship, inspired by the Arab spring. However, president Assad has refused to resign and sent his army to the Syrian cities to quell the revolution. As a result, thousands of people have been killed and tens of thousands have been arrested and tortured since March 2011.

Dear Editor, I remember when...

Just last year I was a first time HSMUN participant with about a hundred questions on my mind en route to the opening ceremonies. How was this whole thing going to work? Would I be able to speak out and contribute my ideas during sessions? Would I even survive walking across campus in these heels when it was minus thirty degrees out? I settled into my seat in the giant auditorium, waiting to see what I had gotten myself into. The Dias staff had helpfully organized a mock debate, easing my worries of what to do. Entertainingly, the serious issue of tackling Bieber Fever was presented as the topic at hand. The Dias was helpful by explaining some of the vocabulary and procedure that we would be using in the next few days. It was also demonstrated that there are certain things you should probably not do during your committee session. Answering calls from your mom asking if you put on clean underwear was definitely one. A poker match followed by a celebratory rendition of Lady GaGas Poker Face in front of all the other delegates would also certainly end in ridicule, as the Dias showed us. After the opening ceremony had finished, we were escorted to our committees. I quickly became accustomed to the discussion and debate process, and picked up on the general rules and formalities. It was during the next day where everything really began to unfold. I found that one area of discussion moves to another very quickly, so if you want to put in your opinion there isnt much time to ponder over it. The thought of standing up and speaking in front of a regions/middle-east/120115/un-chief-ban-kimoon-syria-bashar-assad bunch of strangers made me uneasy at first, but remember that everyone else is probably feeling the same way! For me, it was a good feeling to be part of the process; participating is half the fun! While the point of HSMUN is to bring up real life issues and try to come up with draft resolutions, theres always room for fun. I vividly recall the Holy Sea being dragged out of the room by Sierra Leone and Serbia, never to be seen again. There was also a good old fashioned joke battle along with our entire committee breaking out into Dont Stop Believin by Journey. The banquet is the part of the conference that many look forward to most. It gives everyone a break from a long day of committee sessions and a chance to unleash their killer dance moves (so long as you dont bust out any choreography from the chicken dance, youll be good to go). Everyone dresses up in their best, delicious food is served and a distinguished guest speaker will capture your attention before hitting the dance floor. Impromptu break dance circles certainly kept things entertaining, with the fun lasting well into the night. HSMUN gave me many memories and taught me so much over just one weekend. I met great new people, stood up to the challenge of public speaking, and developed many skills on working with others. I also gained a lot of insight into how the same process might work in the UN. And of course I had so much fun! Dont take everything too seriously; making errors is all part of the learning process. Dont be afraid to ask questions and jump into discussion. If you keep all of this in mind, I can assure you that your first HSMUN experience will be just as amazing as mine was.

THE DAILY DELEGATE January 30, 2012

THE DAILY DELEGATE January 30, 2012

Horoscopes By: Joseph Siracky

Ares (March 21 April 19): On December 18, 2010 fellow Ares Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in protest of police corruption in Tunisia, thus ushering in the wave of unrest and revolution known as the Arab Spring. This week try rejuvenating your own life. But instead of civil war, violent revolution, or selfimmolation maybe try a new haircut.

and a buxom Ukrainian nurse will sanctions. See what Im getting at keep you cheerful. here? Leo (July 23 August 22) Beginning on July 29, 1914, the First World War is a Taurus! Whatever you do, stay away from visiting Austrian Archdukes this week. Seriously, dont even think about it. Virgo (August 21 September 22): This week youll realize that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is also a Virgo. Promptly, youll look for a new astrological sign so that people dont assume you two are friends or something. Thats how astrological signs work, right? Sagittarius (November 22 December 21): Fellow Sagittarius Josef Stalin had a penchant for growing robust moustaches and starving millions of Ukrainians to death. Resist the oftenuncontrollable urge to do either. This will be a week of selfcontrol. Capricorn (December 22 January 19): This week, Capricorns will feel upset about something, although theyll be unsure of exactly what that is or how they want to fix it. This week, pick something and occupy it. It doesnt matter what or where; its about the sentiment. Aquarius (January 20 February 18): This week youll develop anti-social tendencies, a totalitarian disposition, and crippling narcissism. Later, youll shoot three holes-in-one in a single round of golf and demand your closest friends refer to you as Supreme Leader. If anyone doesnt like it, threaten him with the nuclear weapons you may or may not have. Pisces (February 19 March 20): The Republic of Lithuania established independence from the USSR March 11, 1990, making it a proud Pisces. Lithuania has the highest suicide rate of any nation. They are somewhat less proud of that. This week, all pouty Pisces should think positive thoughts and just take life one day at a time. Deep breaths. Youre a unique

Taurus (April 20 May 20): Stephen Harper is a Taurus how disappointingly bland. This week, fashion your hair so that its indistinguishable from a toupee, Libra (September 23 October and propose massive crime bills to 22): Legal troubles are in your your friends and family. future. Was it tax fraud? Did someone see you bribe that judge? Gemini (May 21 June 20): You Are your mafia collusions too will be plagued with obvious? Are your ill-advised insurmountable debt problems for sexual liaisons finally catching up the foreseeable future. But heck, with you? Make like fellow Libra who isnt these days? It is in your Silvio Berlusconi and continue best interest to be especially nice like nothing happened. to Germany. Maybe start looking for things to pawn. Scorpio (October 23 Cancer (June 21 July 22) Sorry Cancers, but the upcoming week wont thrill you. If the fate of fellow Cancer Muammar Gaddafi is any example, youll soon experience a sudden and possibly fatal loss of status. Maybe your decades-long, totalitarian stranglehold will fall to violent revolution, ending, quite likely, in your own death. Or perhaps youll just lose all your Facebook friends. Gaudy, eccentric outfits November 21): On October 24, 1945 the United Nations charter was ratified by the five Security Council states, making the UN a Scorpio. This week, Scorpios may expect others to question their effectiveness and validity. Also, expect conflict, but dont rush to solve it. Boss being a jerk? Administer economic sanctions. Neighbors dog wont shut up? Economic sanctions. Greasy food stuck on your dishes? Pre-soak, and then more economic

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