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Allyson Lundell Dance 230 Ron Nuttall 25 January 2010 Mind Over Matter For quite sometime I have

seriously pondered the concept of mind over matter. I often wondered how much power the mind has over the body when it comes to physically extenuating circumstances. In Mackenzie Lobbys article, Mind Over Matter, this realm of exercise science is confronted and analyzed. While specifically focusing on the subject as it pertains to runners, I feel that the research found in this article can apply to any and all who pursue physically demanding activities i.e. dance, swimming, etc In my research, I have found that the brain has an immense effect on the body during exercise. As the central governor of the body, it is the brain that allows or limits endurance performance rather than the body (Lobby). This means that a majority of the determinant in deciding the pique of physical exhaustion is the brain more so than the body. Tim Noakes, M.D., explains, the brain is there to look after you and to make sure whatever you do, you do it safely. Noakes continues to dissect this concept by explaining how the brain holds us back from pushing past a certain point. Theres a control mechanism to make sure that you reach the finish line not in a completely, utterly wilted state, he claims. You always have a little reserve. Or as others like to put it, theres always enough to push a little harder. Lobby continues to discuss ways to trick the mind into allowing more for the body, as well as brain training. From research, it has been discovered that the brain is the boss. In other words, the brain tells the body what to do, and consequently the body

follows its orders. When the brain has decided exhaustion has been reached, it sends signals to the body to allow for exhaustion and begin to shut down, even if the physical body is far from its exhaustion point. When an individual finds a way to coax the brain out of cowering when confronted with stress, the body will subsequently follow (Lobby). In order to overcome this obstacle, the brain must be and can be trained to give the body more leeway. This is achieved by incrementally pushing past that perceived maximal level of exertion in training (Lobby). The same manner you use to train your body must also be used to train your mind. As you continue to do this, you will increase not only your bodys strength, but your body-mind connection as well. I strongly believe that our bodies and minds have a deep, spiritual connection and are performing at their highest level when they are working together towards one unified goal. Whether in an office, at home, or in a dance studio, this principle will hold true against the test of time.

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