Social Stidies 2-7-10-12

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Pre-K 5th Grade Social Studies 2011-2012 Week Of: MONDAY DIRECT INSTRUCTION

TEKS: 8.11 Geography, 1.4b geography

2-7-10-12 THURSDAY
Obj./game jeopardy TTW tell the students that they are going to review for tomorrows test. Ask the children if they have ever heard of the game jeopardy. Then tell them that they are going to review for the test by playing the game jeopardy

Obj./Activity: Explain to students what a continent is; Write continent on board or chart paper.

Obj./Activity: TTW show the students a picture of a bluebonnet, mockingbird, pecan tree, and monarch butterfly. TTW explain to the children that all of those things are symbols. TTW explain to students that symbols are things that represent the state of Texas. TTW show the students a power point about symbols. Materials: Pictures of symbols Power point White paper Crayons Markers pencils Activity: As a class they will make a graphic organizer with key words that describe Texas.


Obj./Activity: Weather day


Materials: map of Texas & US Globe

Materials: Power point to review before the game Texas banner Game card Rule sheet

Materials: test



Activity: TTW read story: From Here to There TTW read pg 84-93 (also available in boo book) TTW show the globe to students Show the seven continents (A2-A5) TTW will show North America. Explain that North America is one of the seven continents. Show map of US and point out where Texas is (A11). TTW then show the students a map of Texas and point out where Weslaco is.

Activity: Put the students in groups. Have the banner and the card ready on the board. Read the rules of the game to the children Start the game.

Activity: TSW take their test and continue to work on all projects they have not finished throughout the week






Method of Assessment:
_X__ Direct questioning _X__ Informal classroom observation _X__ Student interacting with one another X_ Students engaged in learning activities _X__ Observations of student performance or Process Other ______________________________

Special Projects:

Selected Response
____True/False Test _X_ Multiple-choice Test ___ Matching Test ___ Fill-in-the-blank Other ______________________________

Integrated Literature:

Constructive Response
____ Essays/Poems ___ Logs/Journals ____ Research Papers ____ Models/Visuals ____Stories/Plays ____ Portfolio ____ Art Exhibits ____ Rubric _X_ Visual Representation Other ___________________________

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